The passerine sorcerer Roseacrucis aims to destroy the connections between the Library’s lines of poetry. If he is not stopped, each line will face a lifetime adrift at sea, by itself and without any context.

Your task is to strengthen the network of invisible edges between each line of poetry. Traditionally, each line only connects to one predecessor and one successor, but circumstances require us to create additional edges, possibly backwards or even in cycles.

Luckily, you are not alone. Other Librarians are also hard at work building the collaborative graph of poetry we call the Spectral Renga. Will we succeed? Can we maximize the min-cut and minimize the max-flow? Or will Roseacrucis prevail, leaving us bereft of such joys as enjambment, caesura, and rhyme? There’s only one way to find out.

Join the public piazza, or create a private subgraph. ·