path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/
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Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/
deleted file mode 100644
index b2f6220..0000000
--- a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
-import warnings
-from typing import Any, Generator, List, Optional, Sequence
-from .datastructures import Headers, MultipleValuesError
-from .exceptions import (
- InvalidHandshake,
- InvalidHeader,
- InvalidHeaderValue,
- InvalidStatus,
- InvalidUpgrade,
- NegotiationError,
-from .extensions import ClientExtensionFactory, Extension
-from .headers import (
- build_authorization_basic,
- build_extension,
- build_host,
- build_subprotocol,
- parse_connection,
- parse_extension,
- parse_subprotocol,
- parse_upgrade,
-from .http11 import Request, Response
-from .protocol import CLIENT, CONNECTING, OPEN, Protocol, State
-from .typing import (
- ConnectionOption,
- ExtensionHeader,
- LoggerLike,
- Origin,
- Subprotocol,
- UpgradeProtocol,
-from .uri import WebSocketURI
-from .utils import accept_key, generate_key
-# See #940 for why lazy_import isn't used here for backwards compatibility.
-# See #1400 for why listing compatibility imports in __all__ helps PyCharm.
-from .legacy.client import * # isort:skip # noqa: I001
-from .legacy.client import __all__ as legacy__all__
-__all__ = ["ClientProtocol"] + legacy__all__
-class ClientProtocol(Protocol):
- """
- Sans-I/O implementation of a WebSocket client connection.
- Args:
- wsuri: URI of the WebSocket server, parsed
- with :func:`~websockets.uri.parse_uri`.
- origin: value of the ``Origin`` header. This is useful when connecting
- to a server that validates the ``Origin`` header to defend against
- Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking attacks.
- extensions: list of supported extensions, in order in which they
- should be tried.
- subprotocols: list of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing
- preference.
- state: initial state of the WebSocket connection.
- max_size: maximum size of incoming messages in bytes;
- :obj:`None` disables the limit.
- logger: logger for this connection;
- defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.client")``;
- see the :doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- wsuri: WebSocketURI,
- *,
- origin: Optional[Origin] = None,
- extensions: Optional[Sequence[ClientExtensionFactory]] = None,
- subprotocols: Optional[Sequence[Subprotocol]] = None,
- state: State = CONNECTING,
- max_size: Optional[int] = 2**20,
- logger: Optional[LoggerLike] = None,
- ):
- super().__init__(
- side=CLIENT,
- state=state,
- max_size=max_size,
- logger=logger,
- )
- self.wsuri = wsuri
- self.origin = origin
- self.available_extensions = extensions
- self.available_subprotocols = subprotocols
- self.key = generate_key()
- def connect(self) -> Request:
- """
- Create a handshake request to open a connection.
- You must send the handshake request with :meth:`send_request`.
- You can modify it before sending it, for example to add HTTP headers.
- Returns:
- Request: WebSocket handshake request event to send to the server.
- """
- headers = Headers()
- headers["Host"] = build_host(
-, self.wsuri.port,
- )
- if self.wsuri.user_info:
- headers["Authorization"] = build_authorization_basic(*self.wsuri.user_info)
- if self.origin is not None:
- headers["Origin"] = self.origin
- headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket"
- headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade"
- headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] = self.key
- headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13"
- if self.available_extensions is not None:
- extensions_header = build_extension(
- [
- (, extension_factory.get_request_params())
- for extension_factory in self.available_extensions
- ]
- )
- headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = extensions_header
- if self.available_subprotocols is not None:
- protocol_header = build_subprotocol(self.available_subprotocols)
- headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = protocol_header
- return Request(self.wsuri.resource_name, headers)
- def process_response(self, response: Response) -> None:
- """
- Check a handshake response.
- Args:
- request: WebSocket handshake response received from the server.
- Raises:
- InvalidHandshake: if the handshake response is invalid.
- """
- if response.status_code != 101:
- raise InvalidStatus(response)
- headers = response.headers
- connection: List[ConnectionOption] = sum(
- [parse_connection(value) for value in headers.get_all("Connection")], []
- )
- if not any(value.lower() == "upgrade" for value in connection):
- raise InvalidUpgrade(
- "Connection", ", ".join(connection) if connection else None
- )
- upgrade: List[UpgradeProtocol] = sum(
- [parse_upgrade(value) for value in headers.get_all("Upgrade")], []
- )
- # For compatibility with non-strict implementations, ignore case when
- # checking the Upgrade header. It's supposed to be 'WebSocket'.
- if not (len(upgrade) == 1 and upgrade[0].lower() == "websocket"):
- raise InvalidUpgrade("Upgrade", ", ".join(upgrade) if upgrade else None)
- try:
- s_w_accept = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"]
- except KeyError as exc:
- raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Accept") from exc
- except MultipleValuesError as exc:
- raise InvalidHeader(
- "Sec-WebSocket-Accept",
- "more than one Sec-WebSocket-Accept header found",
- ) from exc
- if s_w_accept != accept_key(self.key):
- raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", s_w_accept)
- self.extensions = self.process_extensions(headers)
- self.subprotocol = self.process_subprotocol(headers)
- def process_extensions(self, headers: Headers) -> List[Extension]:
- """
- Handle the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions HTTP response header.
- Check that each extension is supported, as well as its parameters.
- :rfc:`6455` leaves the rules up to the specification of each
- extension.
- To provide this level of flexibility, for each extension accepted by
- the server, we check for a match with each extension available in the
- client configuration. If no match is found, an exception is raised.
- If several variants of the same extension are accepted by the server,
- it may be configured several times, which won't make sense in general.
- Extensions must implement their own requirements. For this purpose,
- the list of previously accepted extensions is provided.
- Other requirements, for example related to mandatory extensions or the
- order of extensions, may be implemented by overriding this method.
- Args:
- headers: WebSocket handshake response headers.
- Returns:
- List[Extension]: List of accepted extensions.
- Raises:
- InvalidHandshake: to abort the handshake.
- """
- accepted_extensions: List[Extension] = []
- extensions = headers.get_all("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions")
- if extensions:
- if self.available_extensions is None:
- raise InvalidHandshake("no extensions supported")
- parsed_extensions: List[ExtensionHeader] = sum(
- [parse_extension(header_value) for header_value in extensions], []
- )
- for name, response_params in parsed_extensions:
- for extension_factory in self.available_extensions:
- # Skip non-matching extensions based on their name.
- if != name:
- continue
- # Skip non-matching extensions based on their params.
- try:
- extension = extension_factory.process_response_params(
- response_params, accepted_extensions
- )
- except NegotiationError:
- continue
- # Add matching extension to the final list.
- accepted_extensions.append(extension)
- # Break out of the loop once we have a match.
- break
- # If we didn't break from the loop, no extension in our list
- # matched what the server sent. Fail the connection.
- else:
- raise NegotiationError(
- f"Unsupported extension: "
- f"name = {name}, params = {response_params}"
- )
- return accepted_extensions
- def process_subprotocol(self, headers: Headers) -> Optional[Subprotocol]:
- """
- Handle the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol HTTP response header.
- If provided, check that it contains exactly one supported subprotocol.
- Args:
- headers: WebSocket handshake response headers.
- Returns:
- Optional[Subprotocol]: Subprotocol, if one was selected.
- """
- subprotocol: Optional[Subprotocol] = None
- subprotocols = headers.get_all("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
- if subprotocols:
- if self.available_subprotocols is None:
- raise InvalidHandshake("no subprotocols supported")
- parsed_subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] = sum(
- [parse_subprotocol(header_value) for header_value in subprotocols], []
- )
- if len(parsed_subprotocols) > 1:
- subprotocols_display = ", ".join(parsed_subprotocols)
- raise InvalidHandshake(f"multiple subprotocols: {subprotocols_display}")
- subprotocol = parsed_subprotocols[0]
- if subprotocol not in self.available_subprotocols:
- raise NegotiationError(f"unsupported subprotocol: {subprotocol}")
- return subprotocol
- def send_request(self, request: Request) -> None:
- """
- Send a handshake request to the server.
- Args:
- request: WebSocket handshake request event.
- """
- if self.debug:
- self.logger.debug("> GET %s HTTP/1.1", request.path)
- for key, value in request.headers.raw_items():
- self.logger.debug("> %s: %s", key, value)
- self.writes.append(request.serialize())
- def parse(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
- if self.state is CONNECTING:
- try:
- response = yield from Response.parse(
- self.reader.read_line,
- self.reader.read_exact,
- self.reader.read_to_eof,
- )
- except Exception as exc:
- self.handshake_exc = exc
- self.parser = self.discard()
- next(self.parser) # start coroutine
- yield
- if self.debug:
- code, phrase = response.status_code, response.reason_phrase
- self.logger.debug("< HTTP/1.1 %d %s", code, phrase)
- for key, value in response.headers.raw_items():
- self.logger.debug("< %s: %s", key, value)
- if response.body is not None:
- self.logger.debug("< [body] (%d bytes)", len(response.body))
- try:
- self.process_response(response)
- except InvalidHandshake as exc:
- response._exception = exc
- self.handshake_exc = exc
- self.parser = self.discard()
- next(self.parser) # start coroutine
- yield
- assert self.state is CONNECTING
- self.state = OPEN
- yield from super().parse()
-class ClientConnection(ClientProtocol):
- def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
- warnings.warn(
- "ClientConnection was renamed to ClientProtocol",
- DeprecationWarning,
- )
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)