path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles')
28 files changed, 4579 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/async_.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/async_.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f0d820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/async_.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cdef class UVAsync(UVHandle):
+ cdef:
+ method_t callback
+ object ctx
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, method_t callback, object ctx)
+ cdef send(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVAsync new(Loop loop, method_t callback, object ctx)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/async_.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/async_.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c740cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/async_.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+cdef class UVAsync(UVHandle):
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, method_t callback, object ctx):
+ cdef int err
+ self._start_init(loop)
+ self._handle = <uv.uv_handle_t*>PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(uv.uv_async_t))
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise MemoryError()
+ err = uv.uv_async_init(self._loop.uvloop,
+ <uv.uv_async_t*>self._handle,
+ __uvasync_callback)
+ if err < 0:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ self._finish_init()
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.ctx = ctx
+ cdef send(self):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_async_send(<uv.uv_async_t*>self._handle)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVAsync new(Loop loop, method_t callback, object ctx):
+ cdef UVAsync handle
+ handle = UVAsync.__new__(UVAsync)
+ handle._init(loop, callback, ctx)
+ return handle
+cdef void __uvasync_callback(
+ uv.uv_async_t* handle,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>handle, "UVAsync callback") == 0:
+ return
+ cdef:
+ UVAsync async_ = <UVAsync>
+ method_t cb = async_.callback
+ try:
+ cb(async_.ctx)
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ async_._error(ex, False)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/basetransport.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/basetransport.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba356a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/basetransport.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+cdef class UVBaseTransport(UVSocketHandle):
+ cdef:
+ readonly bint _closing
+ bint _protocol_connected
+ bint _protocol_paused
+ object _protocol_data_received
+ size_t _high_water
+ size_t _low_water
+ object _protocol
+ Server _server
+ object _waiter
+ dict _extra_info
+ uint32_t _conn_lost
+ object __weakref__
+ # All "inline" methods are final
+ cdef inline _maybe_pause_protocol(self)
+ cdef inline _maybe_resume_protocol(self)
+ cdef inline _schedule_call_connection_made(self)
+ cdef inline _schedule_call_connection_lost(self, exc)
+ cdef _wakeup_waiter(self)
+ cdef _call_connection_made(self)
+ cdef _call_connection_lost(self, exc)
+ # Overloads of UVHandle methods:
+ cdef _fatal_error(self, exc, throw, reason=?)
+ cdef _close(self)
+ cdef inline _set_server(self, Server server)
+ cdef inline _set_waiter(self, object waiter)
+ cdef _set_protocol(self, object protocol)
+ cdef _clear_protocol(self)
+ cdef inline _init_protocol(self)
+ cdef inline _add_extra_info(self, str name, object obj)
+ # === overloads ===
+ cdef _new_socket(self)
+ cdef size_t _get_write_buffer_size(self)
+ cdef bint _is_reading(self)
+ cdef _start_reading(self)
+ cdef _stop_reading(self)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/basetransport.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/basetransport.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b3079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/basetransport.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+cdef class UVBaseTransport(UVSocketHandle):
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ # Flow control
+ self._high_water = FLOW_CONTROL_HIGH_WATER * 1024
+ self._low_water = FLOW_CONTROL_HIGH_WATER // 4
+ self._protocol = None
+ self._protocol_connected = 0
+ self._protocol_paused = 0
+ self._protocol_data_received = None
+ self._server = None
+ self._waiter = None
+ self._extra_info = None
+ self._conn_lost = 0
+ self._closing = 0
+ cdef size_t _get_write_buffer_size(self):
+ return 0
+ cdef inline _schedule_call_connection_made(self):
+ self._loop._call_soon_handle(
+ new_MethodHandle(self._loop,
+ "UVTransport._call_connection_made",
+ <method_t>self._call_connection_made,
+ self.context,
+ self))
+ cdef inline _schedule_call_connection_lost(self, exc):
+ self._loop._call_soon_handle(
+ new_MethodHandle1(self._loop,
+ "UVTransport._call_connection_lost",
+ <method1_t>self._call_connection_lost,
+ self.context,
+ self, exc))
+ cdef _fatal_error(self, exc, throw, reason=None):
+ # Overload UVHandle._fatal_error
+ self._force_close(exc)
+ if not isinstance(exc, OSError):
+ if throw or self._loop is None:
+ raise exc
+ msg = f'Fatal error on transport {self.__class__.__name__}'
+ if reason is not None:
+ msg = f'{msg} ({reason})'
+ self._loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'message': msg,
+ 'exception': exc,
+ 'transport': self,
+ 'protocol': self._protocol,
+ })
+ cdef inline _maybe_pause_protocol(self):
+ cdef:
+ size_t size = self._get_write_buffer_size()
+ if size <= self._high_water:
+ return
+ if not self._protocol_paused:
+ self._protocol_paused = 1
+ try:
+ # _maybe_pause_protocol() is always triggered from user-calls,
+ # so we must copy the context to avoid entering context twice
+ run_in_context(
+ self.context.copy(), self._protocol.pause_writing,
+ )
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ raise
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ self._loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'message': 'protocol.pause_writing() failed',
+ 'exception': exc,
+ 'transport': self,
+ 'protocol': self._protocol,
+ })
+ cdef inline _maybe_resume_protocol(self):
+ cdef:
+ size_t size = self._get_write_buffer_size()
+ if self._protocol_paused and size <= self._low_water:
+ self._protocol_paused = 0
+ try:
+ # We're copying the context to avoid entering context twice,
+ # even though it's not always necessary to copy - it's easier
+ # to copy here than passing down a copied context.
+ run_in_context(
+ self.context.copy(), self._protocol.resume_writing,
+ )
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ raise
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ self._loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'message': 'protocol.resume_writing() failed',
+ 'exception': exc,
+ 'transport': self,
+ 'protocol': self._protocol,
+ })
+ cdef _wakeup_waiter(self):
+ if self._waiter is not None:
+ if not self._waiter.cancelled():
+ if not self._is_alive():
+ self._waiter.set_exception(
+ RuntimeError(
+ 'closed Transport handle and unset waiter'))
+ else:
+ self._waiter.set_result(True)
+ self._waiter = None
+ cdef _call_connection_made(self):
+ if self._protocol is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'protocol is not set, cannot call connection_made()')
+ # We use `_is_alive()` and not `_closing`, because we call
+ # `transport._close()` in `loop.create_connection()` if an
+ # exception happens during `await waiter`.
+ if not self._is_alive():
+ # A connection waiter can be cancelled between
+ # 'await loop.create_connection()' and
+ # `_schedule_call_connection_made` and
+ # the actual `_call_connection_made`.
+ self._wakeup_waiter()
+ return
+ # Set _protocol_connected to 1 before calling "connection_made":
+ # if transport is aborted or closed, "connection_lost" will
+ # still be scheduled.
+ self._protocol_connected = 1
+ try:
+ self._protocol.connection_made(self)
+ except BaseException:
+ self._wakeup_waiter()
+ raise
+ if not self._is_alive():
+ # This might happen when "transport.abort()" is called
+ # from "Protocol.connection_made".
+ self._wakeup_waiter()
+ return
+ self._start_reading()
+ self._wakeup_waiter()
+ cdef _call_connection_lost(self, exc):
+ if self._waiter is not None:
+ if not self._waiter.done():
+ self._waiter.set_exception(exc)
+ self._waiter = None
+ if self._closed:
+ # The handle is closed -- likely, _call_connection_lost
+ # was already called before.
+ return
+ try:
+ if self._protocol_connected:
+ self._protocol.connection_lost(exc)
+ finally:
+ self._clear_protocol()
+ self._close()
+ server = self._server
+ if server is not None:
+ (<Server>server)._detach()
+ self._server = None
+ cdef inline _set_server(self, Server server):
+ self._server = server
+ (<Server>server)._attach()
+ cdef inline _set_waiter(self, object waiter):
+ if waiter is not None and not isfuture(waiter):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f'invalid waiter object {waiter!r}, expected asyncio.Future')
+ self._waiter = waiter
+ cdef _set_protocol(self, object protocol):
+ self._protocol = protocol
+ # Store a reference to the bound method directly
+ try:
+ self._protocol_data_received = protocol.data_received
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ cdef _clear_protocol(self):
+ self._protocol = None
+ self._protocol_data_received = None
+ cdef inline _init_protocol(self):
+ self._loop._track_transport(self)
+ if self._protocol is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('invalid _init_protocol call')
+ self._schedule_call_connection_made()
+ cdef inline _add_extra_info(self, str name, object obj):
+ if self._extra_info is None:
+ self._extra_info = {}
+ self._extra_info[name] = obj
+ cdef bint _is_reading(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ cdef _start_reading(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ cdef _stop_reading(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # === Public API ===
+ property _paused:
+ # Used by SSLProto. Might be removed in the future.
+ def __get__(self):
+ return bool(not self._is_reading())
+ def get_protocol(self):
+ return self._protocol
+ def set_protocol(self, protocol):
+ self._set_protocol(protocol)
+ if self._is_reading():
+ self._stop_reading()
+ self._start_reading()
+ def _force_close(self, exc):
+ # Used by SSLProto. Might be removed in the future.
+ if self._conn_lost or self._closed:
+ return
+ if not self._closing:
+ self._closing = 1
+ self._stop_reading()
+ self._conn_lost += 1
+ self._schedule_call_connection_lost(exc)
+ def abort(self):
+ self._force_close(None)
+ def close(self):
+ if self._closing or self._closed:
+ return
+ self._closing = 1
+ self._stop_reading()
+ if not self._get_write_buffer_size():
+ # The write buffer is empty
+ self._conn_lost += 1
+ self._schedule_call_connection_lost(None)
+ def is_closing(self):
+ return self._closing
+ def get_write_buffer_size(self):
+ return self._get_write_buffer_size()
+ def set_write_buffer_limits(self, high=None, low=None):
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ self._high_water, self._low_water = add_flowcontrol_defaults(
+ self._maybe_pause_protocol()
+ def get_write_buffer_limits(self):
+ return (self._low_water, self._high_water)
+ def get_extra_info(self, name, default=None):
+ if self._extra_info is not None and name in self._extra_info:
+ return self._extra_info[name]
+ if name == 'socket':
+ return self._get_socket()
+ if name == 'sockname':
+ return self._get_socket().getsockname()
+ if name == 'peername':
+ try:
+ return self._get_socket().getpeername()
+ except socket_error:
+ return default
+ return default
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/check.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/check.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86cfd8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/check.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+cdef class UVCheck(UVHandle):
+ cdef:
+ Handle h
+ bint running
+ # All "inline" methods are final
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, Handle h)
+ cdef inline stop(self)
+ cdef inline start(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVCheck new(Loop loop, Handle h)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/check.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/check.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a61c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/check.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+cdef class UVCheck(UVHandle):
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, Handle h):
+ cdef int err
+ self._start_init(loop)
+ self._handle = <uv.uv_handle_t*>PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(uv.uv_check_t))
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise MemoryError()
+ err = uv.uv_check_init(self._loop.uvloop, <uv.uv_check_t*>self._handle)
+ if err < 0:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ self._finish_init()
+ self.h = h
+ self.running = 0
+ cdef inline stop(self):
+ cdef int err
+ if not self._is_alive():
+ self.running = 0
+ return
+ if self.running == 1:
+ err = uv.uv_check_stop(<uv.uv_check_t*>self._handle)
+ self.running = 0
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ cdef inline start(self):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ if self.running == 0:
+ err = uv.uv_check_start(<uv.uv_check_t*>self._handle,
+ cb_check_callback)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ self.running = 1
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVCheck new(Loop loop, Handle h):
+ cdef UVCheck handle
+ handle = UVCheck.__new__(UVCheck)
+ handle._init(loop, h)
+ return handle
+cdef void cb_check_callback(
+ uv.uv_check_t* handle,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>handle, "UVCheck callback") == 0:
+ return
+ cdef:
+ UVCheck check = <UVCheck>
+ Handle h = check.h
+ try:
+ h._run()
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ check._error(ex, False)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/fsevent.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/fsevent.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a32428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/fsevent.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+cdef class UVFSEvent(UVHandle):
+ cdef:
+ object callback
+ bint running
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, object callback, object context)
+ cdef _close(self)
+ cdef start(self, char* path, int flags)
+ cdef stop(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVFSEvent new(Loop loop, object callback, object context)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/fsevent.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/fsevent.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ed6433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/fsevent.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import enum
+class FileSystemEvent(enum.IntEnum):
+cdef class UVFSEvent(UVHandle):
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, object callback, object context):
+ cdef int err
+ self._start_init(loop)
+ self._handle = <uv.uv_handle_t*>PyMem_RawMalloc(
+ sizeof(uv.uv_fs_event_t)
+ )
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise MemoryError()
+ err = uv.uv_fs_event_init(
+ self._loop.uvloop, <uv.uv_fs_event_t*>self._handle
+ )
+ if err < 0:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ self._finish_init()
+ self.running = 0
+ self.callback = callback
+ if context is None:
+ context = Context_CopyCurrent()
+ self.context = context
+ cdef start(self, char* path, int flags):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ if self.running == 0:
+ err = uv.uv_fs_event_start(
+ <uv.uv_fs_event_t*>self._handle,
+ __uvfsevent_callback,
+ path,
+ flags,
+ )
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ self.running = 1
+ cdef stop(self):
+ cdef int err
+ if not self._is_alive():
+ self.running = 0
+ return
+ if self.running == 1:
+ err = uv.uv_fs_event_stop(<uv.uv_fs_event_t*>self._handle)
+ self.running = 0
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ cdef _close(self):
+ try:
+ self.stop()
+ finally:
+ UVHandle._close(<UVHandle>self)
+ def cancel(self):
+ self._close()
+ def cancelled(self):
+ return self.running == 0
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVFSEvent new(Loop loop, object callback, object context):
+ cdef UVFSEvent handle
+ handle = UVFSEvent.__new__(UVFSEvent)
+ handle._init(loop, callback, context)
+ return handle
+cdef void __uvfsevent_callback(
+ uv.uv_fs_event_t* handle,
+ const char *filename,
+ int events,
+ int status,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(
+ <uv.uv_handle_t*>handle, "UVFSEvent callback"
+ ) == 0:
+ return
+ cdef:
+ UVFSEvent fs_event = <UVFSEvent>
+ Handle h
+ try:
+ h = new_Handle(
+ fs_event._loop,
+ fs_event.callback,
+ (filename, FileSystemEvent(events)),
+ fs_event.context,
+ )
+ h._run()
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ fs_event._error(ex, False)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/handle.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/handle.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5af1c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/handle.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+cdef class UVHandle:
+ cdef:
+ uv.uv_handle_t *_handle
+ Loop _loop
+ readonly _source_traceback
+ bint _closed
+ bint _inited
+ object context
+ # Added to enable current UDPTransport implementation,
+ # which doesn't use libuv handles.
+ bint _has_handle
+ # All "inline" methods are final
+ cdef inline _start_init(self, Loop loop)
+ cdef inline _abort_init(self)
+ cdef inline _finish_init(self)
+ cdef inline bint _is_alive(self)
+ cdef inline _ensure_alive(self)
+ cdef _error(self, exc, throw)
+ cdef _fatal_error(self, exc, throw, reason=?)
+ cdef _warn_unclosed(self)
+ cdef _free(self)
+ cdef _close(self)
+cdef class UVSocketHandle(UVHandle):
+ cdef:
+ # Points to a Python file-object that should be closed
+ # when the transport is closing. Used by pipes. This
+ # should probably be refactored somehow.
+ object _fileobj
+ object __cached_socket
+ # All "inline" methods are final
+ cdef _fileno(self)
+ cdef _new_socket(self)
+ cdef inline _get_socket(self)
+ cdef inline _attach_fileobj(self, object file)
+ cdef _open(self, int sockfd)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/handle.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/handle.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6efe375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/handle.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+cdef class UVHandle:
+ """A base class for all libuv handles.
+ Automatically manages memory deallocation and closing.
+ Important:
+ 1. call "_ensure_alive()" before calling any libuv functions on
+ your handles.
+ 2. call "__ensure_handle_data" in *all* libuv handle callbacks.
+ """
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self._closed = 0
+ self._inited = 0
+ self._has_handle = 1
+ self._handle = NULL
+ self._loop = None
+ self._source_traceback = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ raise TypeError(
+ '{} is not supposed to be instantiated from Python'.format(
+ self.__class__.__name__))
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ if self._loop is not None:
+ if self._inited:
+ self._loop._debug_handles_current.subtract([
+ self.__class__.__name__])
+ else:
+ # No "@cython.no_gc_clear" decorator on this UVHandle
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{} without @no_gc_clear; loop was set to None by GC'
+ .format(self.__class__.__name__))
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ return
+ # -> When we're at this point, something is wrong <-
+ if self._handle.loop is NULL:
+ # The handle wasn't initialized with "uv_{handle}_init"
+ self._closed = 1
+ self._free()
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{} is open in __dealloc__ with loop set to NULL'
+ .format(self.__class__.__name__))
+ if self._closed:
+ # So _handle is not NULL and self._closed == 1?
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{}.__dealloc__: _handle is NULL, _closed == 1'.format(
+ self.__class__.__name__))
+ # The handle is dealloced while open. Let's try to close it.
+ # Situations when this is possible include unhandled exceptions,
+ # errors during Handle.__cinit__/__init__ etc.
+ if self._inited:
+ = NULL
+ uv.uv_close(self._handle, __uv_close_handle_cb) # void; no errors
+ self._handle = NULL
+ self._warn_unclosed()
+ else:
+ # The handle was allocated, but not initialized
+ self._closed = 1
+ self._free()
+ cdef _free(self):
+ if self._handle == NULL:
+ return
+ if UVLOOP_DEBUG and self._inited:
+ self._loop._debug_uv_handles_freed += 1
+ PyMem_RawFree(self._handle)
+ self._handle = NULL
+ cdef _warn_unclosed(self):
+ if self._source_traceback is not None:
+ try:
+ tb = ''.join(tb_format_list(self._source_traceback))
+ tb = 'object created at (most recent call last):\n{}'.format(
+ tb.rstrip())
+ except Exception as ex:
+ msg = (
+ 'unclosed resource {!r}; could not serialize '
+ 'debug traceback: {}: {}'
+ ).format(self, type(ex).__name__, ex)
+ else:
+ msg = 'unclosed resource {!r}; {}'.format(self, tb)
+ else:
+ msg = 'unclosed resource {!r}'.format(self)
+ warnings_warn(msg, ResourceWarning)
+ cdef inline _abort_init(self):
+ if self._handle is not NULL:
+ self._free()
+ try:
+ name = self.__class__.__name__
+ if self._inited:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '_abort_init: {}._inited is set'.format(name))
+ if self._closed:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '_abort_init: {}._closed is set'.format(name))
+ finally:
+ self._closed = 1
+ cdef inline _finish_init(self):
+ self._inited = 1
+ if self._has_handle == 1:
+ = <void*>self
+ if self._loop._debug:
+ self._source_traceback = extract_stack()
+ cls_name = self.__class__.__name__
+ self._loop._debug_uv_handles_total += 1
+ self._loop._debug_handles_total.update([cls_name])
+ self._loop._debug_handles_current.update([cls_name])
+ cdef inline _start_init(self, Loop loop):
+ if self._loop is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{}._start_init can only be called once'.format(
+ self.__class__.__name__))
+ self._loop = loop
+ cdef inline bint _is_alive(self):
+ cdef bint res
+ res = self._closed != 1 and self._inited == 1
+ if res and self._has_handle == 1:
+ name = self.__class__.__name__
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{} is alive, but _handle is NULL'.format(name))
+ if self._loop is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{} is alive, but _loop is None'.format(name))
+ if self._handle.loop is not self._loop.uvloop:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{} is alive, but _handle.loop is not '
+ 'initialized'.format(name))
+ if is not <void*>self:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{} is alive, but is not '
+ 'initialized'.format(name))
+ return res
+ cdef inline _ensure_alive(self):
+ if not self._is_alive():
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'unable to perform operation on {!r}; '
+ 'the handler is closed'.format(self))
+ cdef _fatal_error(self, exc, throw, reason=None):
+ # Fatal error means an error that was returned by the
+ # underlying libuv handle function. We usually can't
+ # recover from that, hence we just close the handle.
+ self._close()
+ if throw or self._loop is None:
+ raise exc
+ else:
+ self._loop._handle_exception(exc)
+ cdef _error(self, exc, throw):
+ # A non-fatal error is usually an error that was caught
+ # by the handler, but was originated in the client code
+ # (not in libuv). In this case we either want to simply
+ # raise or log it.
+ if throw or self._loop is None:
+ raise exc
+ else:
+ self._loop._handle_exception(exc)
+ cdef _close(self):
+ if self._closed == 1:
+ return
+ self._closed = 1
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ return
+ if is NULL:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{}._close: is NULL'.format(
+ self.__class__.__name__))
+ if <object> is not self:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{}._close: is not UVHandle/self'.format(
+ self.__class__.__name__))
+ if uv.uv_is_closing(self._handle):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '{}._close: uv_is_closing() is true'.format(
+ self.__class__.__name__))
+ # We want the handle wrapper (UVHandle) to stay alive until
+ # the closing callback fires.
+ Py_INCREF(self)
+ uv.uv_close(self._handle, __uv_close_handle_cb) # void; no errors
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<{} closed={} {:#x}>'.format(
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self._closed,
+ id(self))
+cdef class UVSocketHandle(UVHandle):
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self._fileobj = None
+ self.__cached_socket = None
+ cdef _fileno(self):
+ cdef:
+ int fd
+ int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_fileno(self._handle, <uv.uv_os_fd_t*>&fd)
+ if err < 0:
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ return fd
+ cdef _new_socket(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ cdef inline _get_socket(self):
+ if self.__cached_socket is not None:
+ return self.__cached_socket
+ if not self._is_alive():
+ return None
+ self.__cached_socket = self._new_socket()
+ # We don't "dup" for the "__cached_socket".
+ assert self.__cached_socket.fileno() == self._fileno()
+ return self.__cached_socket
+ cdef inline _attach_fileobj(self, object file):
+ # When we create a TCP/PIPE/etc connection/server based on
+ # a Python file object, we need to close the file object when
+ # the uv handle is closed.
+ socket_inc_io_ref(file)
+ self._fileobj = file
+ cdef _close(self):
+ if self.__cached_socket is not None:
+ (<PseudoSocket>self.__cached_socket)._fd = -1
+ UVHandle._close(self)
+ try:
+ # This code will only run for transports created from
+ # Python sockets, i.e. with `loop.create_server(sock=sock)` etc.
+ if self._fileobj is not None:
+ if isinstance(self._fileobj, socket_socket):
+ # Detaching the socket object is the ideal solution:
+ # * libuv will actually close the FD;
+ # * detach() call will reset FD for the Python socket
+ # object, which means that it won't be closed 2nd time
+ # when the socket object is GCed.
+ #
+ # No need to call `socket_dec_io_ref()`, as
+ # `socket.detach()` ignores `socket._io_refs`.
+ self._fileobj.detach()
+ else:
+ try:
+ # `socket.close()` will raise an EBADF because libuv
+ # has already closed the underlying FD.
+ self._fileobj.close()
+ except OSError as ex:
+ if ex.errno != errno_EBADF:
+ raise
+ except Exception as ex:
+ self._loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'exception': ex,
+ 'transport': self,
+ 'message': f'could not close attached file object '
+ f'{self._fileobj!r}',
+ })
+ finally:
+ self._fileobj = None
+ cdef _open(self, int sockfd):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+cdef inline bint __ensure_handle_data(uv.uv_handle_t* handle,
+ const char* handle_ctx):
+ cdef Loop loop
+ if handle.loop is NULL:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'handle.loop is NULL in __ensure_handle_data')
+ if is NULL:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ ' is NULL in __ensure_handle_data')
+ if is NULL:
+ loop = <Loop>
+ loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'message': '{} called with == NULL'.format(
+ handle_ctx.decode('latin-1'))
+ })
+ return 0
+ if is NULL:
+ # The underlying UVHandle object was GCed with an open uv_handle_t.
+ loop = <Loop>
+ loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'message': '{} called after destroying the UVHandle'.format(
+ handle_ctx.decode('latin-1'))
+ })
+ return 0
+ return 1
+cdef void __uv_close_handle_cb(uv.uv_handle_t* handle) noexcept with gil:
+ cdef UVHandle h
+ if is NULL:
+ # The original UVHandle is long dead. Just free the mem of
+ # the uv_handle_t* handler.
+ if handle.loop == NULL or == NULL:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '__uv_close_handle_cb: handle.loop is invalid')
+ (<Loop> += 1
+ PyMem_RawFree(handle)
+ else:
+ h = <UVHandle>
+ try:
+ if not h._has_handle:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'has_handle=0 in __uv_close_handle_cb')
+ h._loop._debug_handles_closed.update([
+ h.__class__.__name__])
+ h._free()
+ finally:
+ Py_DECREF(h) # Was INCREFed in UVHandle._close
+cdef void __close_all_handles(Loop loop):
+ uv.uv_walk(loop.uvloop,
+ __uv_walk_close_all_handles_cb,
+ <void*>loop) # void
+cdef void __uv_walk_close_all_handles_cb(
+ uv.uv_handle_t* handle,
+ void* arg,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ cdef:
+ Loop loop = <Loop>arg
+ UVHandle h
+ if uv.uv_is_closing(handle):
+ # The handle is closed or is closing.
+ return
+ if is NULL:
+ # This shouldn't happen. Ever.
+ loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'message': ' is NULL in __close_all_handles_cb'
+ })
+ return
+ h = <UVHandle>
+ if not h._closed:
+ h._warn_unclosed()
+ h._close()
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/idle.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/idle.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf7b19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/idle.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+cdef class UVIdle(UVHandle):
+ cdef:
+ Handle h
+ bint running
+ # All "inline" methods are final
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, Handle h)
+ cdef inline stop(self)
+ cdef inline start(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVIdle new(Loop loop, Handle h)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/idle.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/idle.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91c641f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/idle.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+cdef class UVIdle(UVHandle):
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, Handle h):
+ cdef int err
+ self._start_init(loop)
+ self._handle = <uv.uv_handle_t*>PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(uv.uv_idle_t))
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise MemoryError()
+ err = uv.uv_idle_init(self._loop.uvloop, <uv.uv_idle_t*>self._handle)
+ if err < 0:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ self._finish_init()
+ self.h = h
+ self.running = 0
+ cdef inline stop(self):
+ cdef int err
+ if not self._is_alive():
+ self.running = 0
+ return
+ if self.running == 1:
+ err = uv.uv_idle_stop(<uv.uv_idle_t*>self._handle)
+ self.running = 0
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ cdef inline start(self):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ if self.running == 0:
+ err = uv.uv_idle_start(<uv.uv_idle_t*>self._handle,
+ cb_idle_callback)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ self.running = 1
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVIdle new(Loop loop, Handle h):
+ cdef UVIdle handle
+ handle = UVIdle.__new__(UVIdle)
+ handle._init(loop, h)
+ return handle
+cdef void cb_idle_callback(
+ uv.uv_idle_t* handle,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>handle, "UVIdle callback") == 0:
+ return
+ cdef:
+ UVIdle idle = <UVIdle>
+ Handle h = idle.h
+ try:
+ h._run()
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ idle._error(ex, False)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/pipe.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/pipe.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56fc265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/pipe.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+cdef class UnixServer(UVStreamServer):
+ cdef bind(self, str path)
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UnixServer new(Loop loop, object protocol_factory, Server server,
+ object backlog,
+ object ssl,
+ object ssl_handshake_timeout,
+ object ssl_shutdown_timeout)
+cdef class UnixTransport(UVStream):
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UnixTransport new(Loop loop, object protocol, Server server,
+ object waiter, object context)
+ cdef connect(self, char* addr)
+cdef class ReadUnixTransport(UVStream):
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef ReadUnixTransport new(Loop loop, object protocol, Server server,
+ object waiter)
+cdef class WriteUnixTransport(UVStream):
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef WriteUnixTransport new(Loop loop, object protocol, Server server,
+ object waiter)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/pipe.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/pipe.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..195576c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/pipe.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+cdef __pipe_init_uv_handle(UVStream handle, Loop loop):
+ cdef int err
+ handle._handle = <uv.uv_handle_t*>PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(uv.uv_pipe_t))
+ if handle._handle is NULL:
+ handle._abort_init()
+ raise MemoryError()
+ # Initialize pipe handle with ipc=0.
+ # ipc=1 means that libuv will use recvmsg/sendmsg
+ # instead of recv/send.
+ err = uv.uv_pipe_init(handle._loop.uvloop,
+ <uv.uv_pipe_t*>handle._handle,
+ 0)
+ # UV_HANDLE_READABLE allows calling uv_read_start() on this pipe
+ # even if it is O_WRONLY, see also #317, libuv/libuv#2058
+ handle._handle.flags |= uv.UV_INTERNAL_HANDLE_READABLE
+ if err < 0:
+ handle._abort_init()
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ handle._finish_init()
+cdef __pipe_open(UVStream handle, int fd):
+ cdef int err
+ err = uv.uv_pipe_open(<uv.uv_pipe_t *>handle._handle,
+ <uv.uv_file>fd)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ raise exc
+cdef __pipe_get_socket(UVSocketHandle handle):
+ fileno = handle._fileno()
+ return PseudoSocket(uv.AF_UNIX, uv.SOCK_STREAM, 0, fileno)
+cdef class UnixServer(UVStreamServer):
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UnixServer new(Loop loop, object protocol_factory, Server server,
+ object backlog,
+ object ssl,
+ object ssl_handshake_timeout,
+ object ssl_shutdown_timeout):
+ cdef UnixServer handle
+ handle = UnixServer.__new__(UnixServer)
+ handle._init(loop, protocol_factory, server, backlog,
+ ssl, ssl_handshake_timeout, ssl_shutdown_timeout)
+ __pipe_init_uv_handle(<UVStream>handle, loop)
+ return handle
+ cdef _new_socket(self):
+ return __pipe_get_socket(<UVSocketHandle>self)
+ cdef _open(self, int sockfd):
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ __pipe_open(<UVStream>self, sockfd)
+ self._mark_as_open()
+ cdef bind(self, str path):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_pipe_bind(<uv.uv_pipe_t *>self._handle,
+ path.encode())
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ self._mark_as_open()
+ cdef UVStream _make_new_transport(self, object protocol, object waiter,
+ object context):
+ cdef UnixTransport tr
+ tr =, protocol, self._server, waiter,
+ context)
+ return <UVStream>tr
+cdef class UnixTransport(UVStream):
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UnixTransport new(Loop loop, object protocol, Server server,
+ object waiter, object context):
+ cdef UnixTransport handle
+ handle = UnixTransport.__new__(UnixTransport)
+ handle._init(loop, protocol, server, waiter, context)
+ __pipe_init_uv_handle(<UVStream>handle, loop)
+ return handle
+ cdef _new_socket(self):
+ return __pipe_get_socket(<UVSocketHandle>self)
+ cdef _open(self, int sockfd):
+ __pipe_open(<UVStream>self, sockfd)
+ cdef connect(self, char* addr):
+ cdef _PipeConnectRequest req
+ req = _PipeConnectRequest(self._loop, self)
+ req.connect(addr)
+cdef class ReadUnixTransport(UVStream):
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef ReadUnixTransport new(Loop loop, object protocol, Server server,
+ object waiter):
+ cdef ReadUnixTransport handle
+ handle = ReadUnixTransport.__new__(ReadUnixTransport)
+ # This is only used in connect_read_pipe() and subprocess_shell/exec()
+ # directly, we could simply copy the current context.
+ handle._init(loop, protocol, server, waiter, Context_CopyCurrent())
+ __pipe_init_uv_handle(<UVStream>handle, loop)
+ return handle
+ cdef _new_socket(self):
+ return __pipe_get_socket(<UVSocketHandle>self)
+ cdef _open(self, int sockfd):
+ __pipe_open(<UVStream>self, sockfd)
+ def get_write_buffer_limits(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def set_write_buffer_limits(self, high=None, low=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_write_buffer_size(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def write(self, data):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def writelines(self, list_of_data):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def write_eof(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def can_write_eof(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def abort(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+cdef class WriteUnixTransport(UVStream):
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef WriteUnixTransport new(Loop loop, object protocol, Server server,
+ object waiter):
+ cdef WriteUnixTransport handle
+ handle = WriteUnixTransport.__new__(WriteUnixTransport)
+ # We listen for read events on write-end of the pipe. When
+ # the read-end is close, the callback will
+ # receive an error -- we want to silence that error, and just
+ # close the transport.
+ handle._close_on_read_error()
+ # This is only used in connect_write_pipe() and subprocess_shell/exec()
+ # directly, we could simply copy the current context.
+ handle._init(loop, protocol, server, waiter, Context_CopyCurrent())
+ __pipe_init_uv_handle(<UVStream>handle, loop)
+ return handle
+ cdef _new_socket(self):
+ return __pipe_get_socket(<UVSocketHandle>self)
+ cdef _open(self, int sockfd):
+ __pipe_open(<UVStream>self, sockfd)
+ def pause_reading(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def resume_reading(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+cdef class _PipeConnectRequest(UVRequest):
+ cdef:
+ UnixTransport transport
+ uv.uv_connect_t _req_data
+ def __cinit__(self, loop, transport):
+ self.request = <uv.uv_req_t*> &self._req_data
+ = <void*>self
+ self.transport = transport
+ cdef connect(self, char* addr):
+ # uv_pipe_connect returns void
+ uv.uv_pipe_connect(<uv.uv_connect_t*>self.request,
+ <uv.uv_pipe_t*>self.transport._handle,
+ addr,
+ __pipe_connect_callback)
+cdef void __pipe_connect_callback(
+ uv.uv_connect_t* req,
+ int status,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ cdef:
+ _PipeConnectRequest wrapper
+ UnixTransport transport
+ wrapper = <_PipeConnectRequest>
+ transport = wrapper.transport
+ if status < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(status)
+ else:
+ exc = None
+ try:
+ transport._on_connect(exc)
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ wrapper.transport._fatal_error(ex, False)
+ finally:
+ wrapper.on_done()
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/poll.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/poll.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d07030b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/poll.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+cdef class UVPoll(UVHandle):
+ cdef:
+ int fd
+ Handle reading_handle
+ Handle writing_handle
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, int fd)
+ cdef _close(self)
+ cdef inline _poll_start(self, int flags)
+ cdef inline _poll_stop(self)
+ cdef int is_active(self)
+ cdef is_reading(self)
+ cdef is_writing(self)
+ cdef start_reading(self, Handle callback)
+ cdef start_writing(self, Handle callback)
+ cdef stop_reading(self)
+ cdef stop_writing(self)
+ cdef stop(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVPoll new(Loop loop, int fd)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/poll.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/poll.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fca5981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/poll.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+cdef class UVPoll(UVHandle):
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, int fd):
+ cdef int err
+ self._start_init(loop)
+ self._handle = <uv.uv_handle_t*>PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(uv.uv_poll_t))
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise MemoryError()
+ err = uv.uv_poll_init(self._loop.uvloop,
+ <uv.uv_poll_t *>self._handle, fd)
+ if err < 0:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ self._finish_init()
+ self.fd = fd
+ self.reading_handle = None
+ self.writing_handle = None
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVPoll new(Loop loop, int fd):
+ cdef UVPoll handle
+ handle = UVPoll.__new__(UVPoll)
+ handle._init(loop, fd)
+ return handle
+ cdef int is_active(self):
+ return (self.reading_handle is not None or
+ self.writing_handle is not None)
+ cdef inline _poll_start(self, int flags):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_poll_start(
+ <uv.uv_poll_t*>self._handle,
+ flags,
+ __on_uvpoll_event)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ cdef inline _poll_stop(self):
+ cdef int err
+ if not self._is_alive():
+ return
+ err = uv.uv_poll_stop(<uv.uv_poll_t*>self._handle)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ cdef:
+ int backend_id
+ system.epoll_event dummy_event
+ if system.PLATFORM_IS_LINUX:
+ # libuv doesn't remove the FD from epoll immediately
+ # after uv_poll_stop or uv_poll_close, causing hard
+ # to debug issue with dup-ed file descriptors causing
+ # CPU burn in epoll/epoll_ctl:
+ #
+ #
+ # It's safe though to manually call epoll_ctl here,
+ # after calling uv_poll_stop.
+ backend_id = uv.uv_backend_fd(self._loop.uvloop)
+ if backend_id != -1:
+ memset(&dummy_event, 0, sizeof(dummy_event))
+ system.epoll_ctl(
+ backend_id,
+ system.EPOLL_CTL_DEL,
+ self.fd,
+ &dummy_event) # ignore errors
+ cdef is_reading(self):
+ return self._is_alive() and self.reading_handle is not None
+ cdef is_writing(self):
+ return self._is_alive() and self.writing_handle is not None
+ cdef start_reading(self, Handle callback):
+ cdef:
+ int mask = 0
+ if self.reading_handle is None:
+ # not reading right now, setup the handle
+ mask = uv.UV_READABLE
+ if self.writing_handle is not None:
+ # are we writing right now?
+ mask |= uv.UV_WRITABLE
+ self._poll_start(mask)
+ else:
+ self.reading_handle._cancel()
+ self.reading_handle = callback
+ cdef start_writing(self, Handle callback):
+ cdef:
+ int mask = 0
+ if self.writing_handle is None:
+ # not writing right now, setup the handle
+ mask = uv.UV_WRITABLE
+ if self.reading_handle is not None:
+ # are we reading right now?
+ mask |= uv.UV_READABLE
+ self._poll_start(mask)
+ else:
+ self.writing_handle._cancel()
+ self.writing_handle = callback
+ cdef stop_reading(self):
+ if self.reading_handle is None:
+ return False
+ self.reading_handle._cancel()
+ self.reading_handle = None
+ if self.writing_handle is None:
+ self.stop()
+ else:
+ self._poll_start(uv.UV_WRITABLE)
+ return True
+ cdef stop_writing(self):
+ if self.writing_handle is None:
+ return False
+ self.writing_handle._cancel()
+ self.writing_handle = None
+ if self.reading_handle is None:
+ self.stop()
+ else:
+ self._poll_start(uv.UV_READABLE)
+ return True
+ cdef stop(self):
+ if self.reading_handle is not None:
+ self.reading_handle._cancel()
+ self.reading_handle = None
+ if self.writing_handle is not None:
+ self.writing_handle._cancel()
+ self.writing_handle = None
+ self._poll_stop()
+ cdef _close(self):
+ if self.is_active():
+ self.stop()
+ UVHandle._close(<UVHandle>self)
+ cdef _fatal_error(self, exc, throw, reason=None):
+ try:
+ if self.reading_handle is not None:
+ try:
+ self.reading_handle._run()
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ self._loop._handle_exception(ex)
+ self.reading_handle = None
+ if self.writing_handle is not None:
+ try:
+ self.writing_handle._run()
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ self._loop._handle_exception(ex)
+ self.writing_handle = None
+ finally:
+ self._close()
+cdef void __on_uvpoll_event(
+ uv.uv_poll_t* handle,
+ int status,
+ int events,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>handle, "UVPoll callback") == 0:
+ return
+ cdef:
+ UVPoll poll = <UVPoll>
+ if status < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(status)
+ poll._fatal_error(exc, False)
+ return
+ if ((events & (uv.UV_READABLE | uv.UV_DISCONNECT)) and
+ poll.reading_handle is not None):
+ try:
+ poll._loop._poll_read_events_total += 1
+ poll.reading_handle._run()
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ poll._loop._poll_read_cb_errors_total += 1
+ poll._error(ex, False)
+ # continue code execution
+ if ((events & (uv.UV_WRITABLE | uv.UV_DISCONNECT)) and
+ poll.writing_handle is not None):
+ try:
+ poll._loop._poll_write_events_total += 1
+ poll.writing_handle._run()
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ poll._loop._poll_write_cb_errors_total += 1
+ poll._error(ex, False)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/process.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/process.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..970abcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/process.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+cdef class UVProcess(UVHandle):
+ cdef:
+ object _returncode
+ object _pid
+ object _errpipe_read
+ object _errpipe_write
+ object _preexec_fn
+ bint _restore_signals
+ list _fds_to_close
+ # Attributes used to compose uv_process_options_t:
+ uv.uv_process_options_t options
+ uv.uv_stdio_container_t[3] iocnt
+ list __env
+ char **uv_opt_env
+ list __args
+ char **uv_opt_args
+ char *uv_opt_file
+ bytes __cwd
+ cdef _close_process_handle(self)
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, list args, dict env, cwd,
+ start_new_session,
+ _stdin, _stdout, _stderr, pass_fds,
+ debug_flags, preexec_fn, restore_signals)
+ cdef _after_fork(self)
+ cdef char** __to_cstring_array(self, list arr)
+ cdef _init_args(self, list args)
+ cdef _init_env(self, dict env)
+ cdef _init_files(self, _stdin, _stdout, _stderr)
+ cdef _init_options(self, list args, dict env, cwd, start_new_session,
+ _stdin, _stdout, _stderr, bint force_fork)
+ cdef _close_after_spawn(self, int fd)
+ cdef _on_exit(self, int64_t exit_status, int term_signal)
+ cdef _kill(self, int signum)
+cdef class UVProcessTransport(UVProcess):
+ cdef:
+ list _exit_waiters
+ list _init_futs
+ bint _stdio_ready
+ list _pending_calls
+ object _protocol
+ bint _finished
+ WriteUnixTransport _stdin
+ ReadUnixTransport _stdout
+ ReadUnixTransport _stderr
+ object stdin_proto
+ object stdout_proto
+ object stderr_proto
+ cdef _file_redirect_stdio(self, int fd)
+ cdef _file_devnull(self)
+ cdef _file_inpipe(self)
+ cdef _file_outpipe(self)
+ cdef _check_proc(self)
+ cdef _pipe_connection_lost(self, int fd, exc)
+ cdef _pipe_data_received(self, int fd, data)
+ cdef _call_connection_made(self, waiter)
+ cdef _try_finish(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVProcessTransport new(Loop loop, protocol, args, env, cwd,
+ start_new_session,
+ _stdin, _stdout, _stderr, pass_fds,
+ waiter,
+ debug_flags,
+ preexec_fn, restore_signals)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/process.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/process.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63b982a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/process.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+cdef class UVProcess(UVHandle):
+ """Abstract class; wrapper over uv_process_t handle."""
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self.uv_opt_env = NULL
+ self.uv_opt_args = NULL
+ self._returncode = None
+ self._pid = None
+ self._fds_to_close = list()
+ self._preexec_fn = None
+ self._restore_signals = True
+ self.context = Context_CopyCurrent()
+ cdef _close_process_handle(self):
+ # XXX: This is a workaround for a libuv bug:
+ # -
+ # -
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ return
+ = NULL
+ uv.uv_close(self._handle, __uv_close_process_handle_cb)
+ self._handle = NULL # close callback will free() the memory
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, list args, dict env,
+ cwd, start_new_session,
+ _stdin, _stdout, _stderr, # std* can be defined as macros in C
+ pass_fds, debug_flags, preexec_fn, restore_signals):
+ global __forking
+ global __forking_loop
+ global __forkHandler
+ cdef int err
+ self._start_init(loop)
+ self._handle = <uv.uv_handle_t*>PyMem_RawMalloc(
+ sizeof(uv.uv_process_t))
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise MemoryError()
+ # Too early to call _finish_init, but still a lot of work to do.
+ # Let's set to NULL, so in case something goes wrong,
+ # callbacks have a chance to avoid casting *something* into UVHandle.
+ = NULL
+ force_fork = False
+ if system.PLATFORM_IS_APPLE and not (
+ preexec_fn is None
+ and not pass_fds
+ ):
+ # see _execute_child() in CPython/
+ force_fork = True
+ try:
+ self._init_options(args, env, cwd, start_new_session,
+ _stdin, _stdout, _stderr, force_fork)
+ restore_inheritable = set()
+ if pass_fds:
+ for fd in pass_fds:
+ if not os_get_inheritable(fd):
+ restore_inheritable.add(fd)
+ os_set_inheritable(fd, True)
+ except Exception:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise
+ if __forking or loop.active_process_handler is not None:
+ # Our pthread_atfork handlers won't work correctly when
+ # another loop is forking in another thread (even though
+ # GIL should help us to avoid that.)
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Racing with another loop to spawn a process.')
+ self._errpipe_read, self._errpipe_write = os_pipe()
+ fds_to_close = self._fds_to_close
+ self._fds_to_close = None
+ fds_to_close.append(self._errpipe_read)
+ # add the write pipe last so we can close it early
+ fds_to_close.append(self._errpipe_write)
+ try:
+ os_set_inheritable(self._errpipe_write, True)
+ self._preexec_fn = preexec_fn
+ self._restore_signals = restore_signals
+ loop.active_process_handler = self
+ __forking = 1
+ __forking_loop = loop
+ system.setForkHandler(<system.OnForkHandler>&__get_fork_handler)
+ PyOS_BeforeFork()
+ err = uv.uv_spawn(loop.uvloop,
+ <uv.uv_process_t*>self._handle,
+ &self.options)
+ __forking = 0
+ __forking_loop = None
+ system.resetForkHandler()
+ loop.active_process_handler = None
+ PyOS_AfterFork_Parent()
+ if err < 0:
+ self._close_process_handle()
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ self._finish_init()
+ # close the write pipe early
+ os_close(fds_to_close.pop())
+ if preexec_fn is not None:
+ errpipe_data = bytearray()
+ while True:
+ # XXX: This is a blocking code that has to be
+ # rewritten (using loop.connect_read_pipe() or
+ # otherwise.)
+ part = os_read(self._errpipe_read, 50000)
+ errpipe_data += part
+ if not part or len(errpipe_data) > 50000:
+ break
+ finally:
+ while fds_to_close:
+ os_close(fds_to_close.pop())
+ for fd in restore_inheritable:
+ os_set_inheritable(fd, False)
+ # asyncio caches the PID in BaseSubprocessTransport,
+ # so that the transport knows what the PID was even
+ # after the process is finished.
+ self._pid = (<uv.uv_process_t*>self._handle).pid
+ # Track the process handle (create a strong ref to it)
+ # to guarantee that __dealloc__ doesn't happen in an
+ # uncontrolled fashion. We want to wait until the process
+ # exits and libuv calls __uvprocess_on_exit_callback,
+ # which will call `UVProcess._close()`, which will, in turn,
+ # untrack this handle.
+ self._loop._track_process(self)
+ if debug_flags & __PROCESS_DEBUG_SLEEP_AFTER_FORK:
+ time_sleep(1)
+ if preexec_fn is not None and errpipe_data:
+ # preexec_fn has raised an exception. The child
+ # process must be dead now.
+ try:
+ exc_name, exc_msg = errpipe_data.split(b':', 1)
+ exc_name = exc_name.decode()
+ exc_msg = exc_msg.decode()
+ except Exception:
+ self._close()
+ raise subprocess_SubprocessError(
+ 'Bad exception data from child: {!r}'.format(
+ errpipe_data))
+ exc_cls = getattr(__builtins__, exc_name,
+ subprocess_SubprocessError)
+ exc = subprocess_SubprocessError(
+ 'Exception occurred in preexec_fn.')
+ exc.__cause__ = exc_cls(exc_msg)
+ self._close()
+ raise exc
+ cdef _after_fork(self):
+ # See CPython/_posixsubprocess.c for details
+ cdef int err
+ if self._restore_signals:
+ _Py_RestoreSignals()
+ PyOS_AfterFork_Child()
+ err = uv.uv_loop_fork(self._loop.uvloop)
+ if err < 0:
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ if self._preexec_fn is not None:
+ try:
+ gc_disable()
+ self._preexec_fn()
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ try:
+ with open(self._errpipe_write, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(str(ex.__class__.__name__).encode())
+ f.write(b':')
+ f.write(str(ex.args[0]).encode())
+ finally:
+ system._exit(255)
+ return
+ else:
+ os_close(self._errpipe_write)
+ else:
+ os_close(self._errpipe_write)
+ cdef _close_after_spawn(self, int fd):
+ if self._fds_to_close is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'UVProcess._close_after_spawn called after uv_spawn')
+ self._fds_to_close.append(fd)
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ if self.uv_opt_env is not NULL:
+ PyMem_RawFree(self.uv_opt_env)
+ self.uv_opt_env = NULL
+ if self.uv_opt_args is not NULL:
+ PyMem_RawFree(self.uv_opt_args)
+ self.uv_opt_args = NULL
+ cdef char** __to_cstring_array(self, list arr):
+ cdef:
+ int i
+ ssize_t arr_len = len(arr)
+ bytes el
+ char **ret
+ ret = <char **>PyMem_RawMalloc((arr_len + 1) * sizeof(char *))
+ if ret is NULL:
+ raise MemoryError()
+ for i in range(arr_len):
+ el = arr[i]
+ # NB: PyBytes_AsString doesn't copy the data;
+ # we have to be careful when the "arr" is GCed,
+ # and it shouldn't be ever mutated.
+ ret[i] = PyBytes_AsString(el)
+ ret[arr_len] = NULL
+ return ret
+ cdef _init_options(self, list args, dict env, cwd, start_new_session,
+ _stdin, _stdout, _stderr, bint force_fork):
+ memset(&self.options, 0, sizeof(uv.uv_process_options_t))
+ self._init_env(env)
+ self.options.env = self.uv_opt_env
+ self._init_args(args)
+ self.options.file = self.uv_opt_file
+ self.options.args = self.uv_opt_args
+ if start_new_session:
+ self.options.flags |= uv.UV_PROCESS_DETACHED
+ if force_fork:
+ # This is a hack to work around the change in libuv 1.44:
+ # > macos: use posix_spawn instead of fork
+ # where Python subprocess options like preexec_fn are
+ # crippled. CPython only uses posix_spawn under a pretty
+ # strict list of conditions (see, and falls
+ # back to using fork() otherwise. We'd like to simulate such
+ # behavior with libuv, but unfortunately libuv doesn't
+ # provide explicit API to choose such implementation detail.
+ # Based on current (libuv 1.46) behavior, setting
+ # UV_PROCESS_SETUID or UV_PROCESS_SETGID would reliably make
+ # libuv fallback to use fork, so let's just use it for now.
+ self.options.flags |= uv.UV_PROCESS_SETUID
+ self.options.uid = uv.getuid()
+ if cwd is not None:
+ cwd = os_fspath(cwd)
+ if isinstance(cwd, str):
+ cwd = PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(cwd)
+ if not isinstance(cwd, bytes):
+ raise ValueError('cwd must be a str or bytes object')
+ self.__cwd = cwd
+ self.options.cwd = PyBytes_AsString(self.__cwd)
+ self.options.exit_cb = &__uvprocess_on_exit_callback
+ self._init_files(_stdin, _stdout, _stderr)
+ cdef _init_args(self, list args):
+ cdef:
+ bytes path
+ int an = len(args)
+ if an < 1:
+ raise ValueError('cannot spawn a process: args are empty')
+ self.__args = args.copy()
+ for i in range(an):
+ arg = os_fspath(args[i])
+ if isinstance(arg, str):
+ self.__args[i] = PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(arg)
+ elif not isinstance(arg, bytes):
+ raise TypeError('all args must be str or bytes')
+ path = self.__args[0]
+ self.uv_opt_file = PyBytes_AsString(path)
+ self.uv_opt_args = self.__to_cstring_array(self.__args)
+ cdef _init_env(self, dict env):
+ if env is not None:
+ self.__env = list()
+ for key in env:
+ val = env[key]
+ if isinstance(key, str):
+ key = PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(key)
+ elif not isinstance(key, bytes):
+ raise TypeError(
+ 'all environment vars must be bytes or str')
+ if isinstance(val, str):
+ val = PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(val)
+ elif not isinstance(val, bytes):
+ raise TypeError(
+ 'all environment values must be bytes or str')
+ self.__env.append(key + b'=' + val)
+ self.uv_opt_env = self.__to_cstring_array(self.__env)
+ else:
+ self.__env = None
+ cdef _init_files(self, _stdin, _stdout, _stderr):
+ self.options.stdio_count = 0
+ cdef _kill(self, int signum):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_process_kill(<uv.uv_process_t*>self._handle, signum)
+ if err < 0:
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ cdef _on_exit(self, int64_t exit_status, int term_signal):
+ if term_signal:
+ # From Python docs:
+ # A negative value -N indicates that the child was
+ # terminated by signal N (POSIX only).
+ self._returncode = -term_signal
+ else:
+ self._returncode = exit_status
+ self._close()
+ cdef _close(self):
+ try:
+ if self._loop is not None:
+ self._loop._untrack_process(self)
+ finally:
+ UVHandle._close(self)
+cdef class UVProcessTransport(UVProcess):
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self._exit_waiters = []
+ self._protocol = None
+ self._init_futs = []
+ self._pending_calls = []
+ self._stdio_ready = 0
+ self._stdin = self._stdout = self._stderr = None
+ self.stdin_proto = self.stdout_proto = self.stderr_proto = None
+ self._finished = 0
+ cdef _on_exit(self, int64_t exit_status, int term_signal):
+ UVProcess._on_exit(self, exit_status, term_signal)
+ if self._stdio_ready:
+ self._loop.call_soon(self._protocol.process_exited,
+ context=self.context)
+ else:
+ self._pending_calls.append((_CALL_PROCESS_EXITED, None, None))
+ self._try_finish()
+ for waiter in self._exit_waiters:
+ if not waiter.cancelled():
+ waiter.set_result(self._returncode)
+ self._exit_waiters.clear()
+ self._close()
+ cdef _check_proc(self):
+ if not self._is_alive() or self._returncode is not None:
+ raise ProcessLookupError()
+ cdef _pipe_connection_lost(self, int fd, exc):
+ if self._stdio_ready:
+ self._loop.call_soon(self._protocol.pipe_connection_lost, fd, exc,
+ context=self.context)
+ self._try_finish()
+ else:
+ self._pending_calls.append((_CALL_PIPE_CONNECTION_LOST, fd, exc))
+ cdef _pipe_data_received(self, int fd, data):
+ if self._stdio_ready:
+ self._loop.call_soon(self._protocol.pipe_data_received, fd, data,
+ context=self.context)
+ else:
+ self._pending_calls.append((_CALL_PIPE_DATA_RECEIVED, fd, data))
+ cdef _file_redirect_stdio(self, int fd):
+ fd = os_dup(fd)
+ os_set_inheritable(fd, True)
+ self._close_after_spawn(fd)
+ return fd
+ cdef _file_devnull(self):
+ dn = os_open(os_devnull, os_O_RDWR)
+ os_set_inheritable(dn, True)
+ self._close_after_spawn(dn)
+ return dn
+ cdef _file_outpipe(self):
+ r, w = __socketpair()
+ os_set_inheritable(w, True)
+ self._close_after_spawn(w)
+ return r, w
+ cdef _file_inpipe(self):
+ r, w = __socketpair()
+ os_set_inheritable(r, True)
+ self._close_after_spawn(r)
+ return r, w
+ cdef _init_files(self, _stdin, _stdout, _stderr):
+ cdef uv.uv_stdio_container_t *iocnt
+ UVProcess._init_files(self, _stdin, _stdout, _stderr)
+ io = [None, None, None]
+ self.options.stdio_count = 3
+ self.options.stdio = self.iocnt
+ if _stdin is not None:
+ if _stdin == subprocess_PIPE:
+ r, w = self._file_inpipe()
+ io[0] = r
+ self.stdin_proto = WriteSubprocessPipeProto(self, 0)
+ waiter = self._loop._new_future()
+ self._stdin =
+ self._loop, self.stdin_proto, None, waiter)
+ self._init_futs.append(waiter)
+ self._stdin._open(w)
+ self._stdin._init_protocol()
+ elif _stdin == subprocess_DEVNULL:
+ io[0] = self._file_devnull()
+ elif _stdout == subprocess_STDOUT:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'subprocess.STDOUT is supported only by stderr parameter')
+ else:
+ io[0] = self._file_redirect_stdio(_stdin)
+ else:
+ io[0] = self._file_redirect_stdio(0)
+ if _stdout is not None:
+ if _stdout == subprocess_PIPE:
+ # We can't use UV_CREATE_PIPE here, since 'stderr' might be
+ # set to 'subprocess.STDOUT', and there is no way to
+ # emulate that functionality with libuv high-level
+ # streams API. Therefore, we create pipes for stdout and
+ # stderr manually.
+ r, w = self._file_outpipe()
+ io[1] = w
+ self.stdout_proto = ReadSubprocessPipeProto(self, 1)
+ waiter = self._loop._new_future()
+ self._stdout =
+ self._loop, self.stdout_proto, None, waiter)
+ self._init_futs.append(waiter)
+ self._stdout._open(r)
+ self._stdout._init_protocol()
+ elif _stdout == subprocess_DEVNULL:
+ io[1] = self._file_devnull()
+ elif _stdout == subprocess_STDOUT:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'subprocess.STDOUT is supported only by stderr parameter')
+ else:
+ io[1] = self._file_redirect_stdio(_stdout)
+ else:
+ io[1] = self._file_redirect_stdio(1)
+ if _stderr is not None:
+ if _stderr == subprocess_PIPE:
+ r, w = self._file_outpipe()
+ io[2] = w
+ self.stderr_proto = ReadSubprocessPipeProto(self, 2)
+ waiter = self._loop._new_future()
+ self._stderr =
+ self._loop, self.stderr_proto, None, waiter)
+ self._init_futs.append(waiter)
+ self._stderr._open(r)
+ self._stderr._init_protocol()
+ elif _stderr == subprocess_STDOUT:
+ if io[1] is None:
+ # shouldn't ever happen
+ raise RuntimeError('cannot apply subprocess.STDOUT')
+ io[2] = self._file_redirect_stdio(io[1])
+ elif _stderr == subprocess_DEVNULL:
+ io[2] = self._file_devnull()
+ else:
+ io[2] = self._file_redirect_stdio(_stderr)
+ else:
+ io[2] = self._file_redirect_stdio(2)
+ assert len(io) == 3
+ for idx in range(3):
+ iocnt = &self.iocnt[idx]
+ if io[idx] is not None:
+ iocnt.flags = uv.UV_INHERIT_FD
+ = io[idx]
+ else:
+ iocnt.flags = uv.UV_IGNORE
+ cdef _call_connection_made(self, waiter):
+ try:
+ # we're always called in the right context, so just call the user's
+ self._protocol.connection_made(self)
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ raise
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ if waiter is not None and not waiter.cancelled():
+ waiter.set_exception(ex)
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ if waiter is not None and not waiter.cancelled():
+ waiter.set_result(True)
+ self._stdio_ready = 1
+ if self._pending_calls:
+ pending_calls = self._pending_calls.copy()
+ self._pending_calls.clear()
+ for (type, fd, arg) in pending_calls:
+ self._pipe_connection_lost(fd, arg)
+ elif type == _CALL_PIPE_DATA_RECEIVED:
+ self._pipe_data_received(fd, arg)
+ elif type == _CALL_PROCESS_EXITED:
+ self._loop.call_soon(self._protocol.process_exited)
+ elif type == _CALL_CONNECTION_LOST:
+ self._loop.call_soon(self._protocol.connection_lost, None)
+ cdef _try_finish(self):
+ if self._returncode is None or self._finished:
+ return
+ if ((self.stdin_proto is None or self.stdin_proto.disconnected) and
+ (self.stdout_proto is None or
+ self.stdout_proto.disconnected) and
+ (self.stderr_proto is None or
+ self.stderr_proto.disconnected)):
+ self._finished = 1
+ if self._stdio_ready:
+ # copy self.context for simplicity
+ self._loop.call_soon(self._protocol.connection_lost, None,
+ context=self.context)
+ else:
+ self._pending_calls.append((_CALL_CONNECTION_LOST, None, None))
+ def __stdio_inited(self, waiter, stdio_fut):
+ exc = stdio_fut.exception()
+ if exc is not None:
+ if waiter is None:
+ raise exc
+ else:
+ waiter.set_exception(exc)
+ else:
+ self._loop._call_soon_handle(
+ new_MethodHandle1(self._loop,
+ "UVProcessTransport._call_connection_made",
+ <method1_t>self._call_connection_made,
+ None, # means to copy the current context
+ self, waiter))
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVProcessTransport new(Loop loop, protocol, args, env,
+ cwd, start_new_session,
+ _stdin, _stdout, _stderr, pass_fds,
+ waiter,
+ debug_flags,
+ preexec_fn,
+ restore_signals):
+ cdef UVProcessTransport handle
+ handle = UVProcessTransport.__new__(UVProcessTransport)
+ handle._protocol = protocol
+ handle._init(loop, args, env, cwd, start_new_session,
+ __process_convert_fileno(_stdin),
+ __process_convert_fileno(_stdout),
+ __process_convert_fileno(_stderr),
+ pass_fds,
+ debug_flags,
+ preexec_fn,
+ restore_signals)
+ if handle._init_futs:
+ handle._stdio_ready = 0
+ init_fut = aio_gather(*handle._init_futs)
+ # add_done_callback will copy the current context and run the
+ # callback within the context
+ init_fut.add_done_callback(
+ ft_partial(handle.__stdio_inited, waiter))
+ else:
+ handle._stdio_ready = 1
+ loop._call_soon_handle(
+ new_MethodHandle1(loop,
+ "UVProcessTransport._call_connection_made",
+ <method1_t>handle._call_connection_made,
+ None, # means to copy the current context
+ handle, waiter))
+ return handle
+ def get_protocol(self):
+ return self._protocol
+ def set_protocol(self, protocol):
+ self._protocol = protocol
+ def get_pid(self):
+ return self._pid
+ def get_returncode(self):
+ return self._returncode
+ def get_pipe_transport(self, fd):
+ if fd == 0:
+ return self._stdin
+ elif fd == 1:
+ return self._stdout
+ elif fd == 2:
+ return self._stderr
+ def terminate(self):
+ self._check_proc()
+ self._kill(uv.SIGTERM)
+ def kill(self):
+ self._check_proc()
+ self._kill(uv.SIGKILL)
+ def send_signal(self, int signal):
+ self._check_proc()
+ self._kill(signal)
+ def is_closing(self):
+ return self._closed
+ def close(self):
+ if self._returncode is None:
+ self._kill(uv.SIGKILL)
+ if self._stdin is not None:
+ self._stdin.close()
+ if self._stdout is not None:
+ self._stdout.close()
+ if self._stderr is not None:
+ self._stderr.close()
+ if self._returncode is not None:
+ # The process is dead, just close the UV handle.
+ #
+ # (If "self._returncode is None", the process should have been
+ # killed already and we're just waiting for a SIGCHLD; after
+ # which the transport will be GC'ed and the uvhandle will be
+ # closed in UVHandle.__dealloc__.)
+ self._close()
+ def get_extra_info(self, name, default=None):
+ return default
+ def _wait(self):
+ fut = self._loop._new_future()
+ if self._returncode is not None:
+ fut.set_result(self._returncode)
+ return fut
+ self._exit_waiters.append(fut)
+ return fut
+class WriteSubprocessPipeProto(aio_BaseProtocol):
+ def __init__(self, proc, fd):
+ if type(proc) is not UVProcessTransport:
+ raise TypeError
+ if not isinstance(fd, int):
+ raise TypeError
+ self.proc = proc
+ self.fd = fd
+ self.pipe = None
+ self.disconnected = False
+ def connection_made(self, transport):
+ self.pipe = transport
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return ('<%s fd=%s pipe=%r>'
+ % (self.__class__.__name__, self.fd, self.pipe))
+ def connection_lost(self, exc):
+ self.disconnected = True
+ (<UVProcessTransport>self.proc)._pipe_connection_lost(self.fd, exc)
+ self.proc = None
+ def pause_writing(self):
+ (<UVProcessTransport>self.proc)._protocol.pause_writing()
+ def resume_writing(self):
+ (<UVProcessTransport>self.proc)._protocol.resume_writing()
+class ReadSubprocessPipeProto(WriteSubprocessPipeProto,
+ aio_Protocol):
+ def data_received(self, data):
+ (<UVProcessTransport>self.proc)._pipe_data_received(self.fd, data)
+cdef __process_convert_fileno(object obj):
+ if obj is None or isinstance(obj, int):
+ return obj
+ fileno = obj.fileno()
+ if not isinstance(fileno, int):
+ raise TypeError(
+ '{!r}.fileno() returned non-integer'.format(obj))
+ return fileno
+cdef void __uvprocess_on_exit_callback(
+ uv.uv_process_t *handle,
+ int64_t exit_status,
+ int term_signal,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>handle,
+ "UVProcess exit callback") == 0:
+ return
+ cdef UVProcess proc = <UVProcess>
+ try:
+ proc._on_exit(exit_status, term_signal)
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ proc._error(ex, False)
+cdef __socketpair():
+ cdef:
+ int fds[2]
+ int err
+ err = system.socketpair(uv.AF_UNIX, uv.SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds)
+ if err:
+ exc = convert_error(-err)
+ raise exc
+ os_set_inheritable(fds[0], False)
+ os_set_inheritable(fds[1], False)
+ return fds[0], fds[1]
+cdef void __uv_close_process_handle_cb(
+ uv.uv_handle_t* handle
+) noexcept with gil:
+ PyMem_RawFree(handle)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/stream.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/stream.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ca8743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/stream.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+cdef class UVStream(UVBaseTransport):
+ cdef:
+ uv.uv_shutdown_t _shutdown_req
+ bint __shutting_down
+ bint __reading
+ bint __read_error_close
+ bint __buffered
+ object _protocol_get_buffer
+ object _protocol_buffer_updated
+ bint _eof
+ list _buffer
+ size_t _buffer_size
+ Py_buffer _read_pybuf
+ bint _read_pybuf_acquired
+ # All "inline" methods are final
+ cdef inline _init(self, Loop loop, object protocol, Server server,
+ object waiter, object context)
+ cdef inline _shutdown(self)
+ cdef inline _accept(self, UVStream server)
+ cdef inline _close_on_read_error(self)
+ cdef inline __reading_started(self)
+ cdef inline __reading_stopped(self)
+ # The user API write() and writelines() firstly call _buffer_write() to
+ # buffer up user data chunks, potentially multiple times in writelines(),
+ # and then call _initiate_write() to start writing either immediately or in
+ # the next iteration (loop._queue_write()).
+ cdef inline _buffer_write(self, object data)
+ cdef inline _initiate_write(self)
+ # _exec_write() is the method that does the actual send, and _try_write()
+ # is a fast-path used in _exec_write() to send a single chunk.
+ cdef inline _exec_write(self)
+ cdef inline _try_write(self, object data)
+ cdef _close(self)
+ cdef inline _on_accept(self)
+ cdef inline _on_eof(self)
+ cdef inline _on_write(self)
+ cdef inline _on_connect(self, object exc)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/stream.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/stream.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4e02e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/stream.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@
+cdef class _StreamWriteContext:
+ # used to hold additional write request information for uv_write
+ cdef:
+ uv.uv_write_t req
+ list buffers
+ uv.uv_buf_t uv_bufs_sml[__PREALLOCED_BUFS]
+ Py_buffer py_bufs_sml[__PREALLOCED_BUFS]
+ bint py_bufs_sml_inuse
+ uv.uv_buf_t* uv_bufs
+ Py_buffer* py_bufs
+ size_t py_bufs_len
+ uv.uv_buf_t* uv_bufs_start
+ size_t uv_bufs_len
+ UVStream stream
+ bint closed
+ cdef free_bufs(self):
+ cdef size_t i
+ if self.uv_bufs is not NULL:
+ PyMem_RawFree(self.uv_bufs)
+ self.uv_bufs = NULL
+ if self.py_bufs_sml_inuse:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '_StreamWriteContext.close: uv_bufs != NULL and '
+ 'py_bufs_sml_inuse is True')
+ if self.py_bufs is not NULL:
+ for i from 0 <= i < self.py_bufs_len:
+ PyBuffer_Release(&self.py_bufs[i])
+ PyMem_RawFree(self.py_bufs)
+ self.py_bufs = NULL
+ if self.py_bufs_sml_inuse:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '_StreamWriteContext.close: py_bufs != NULL and '
+ 'py_bufs_sml_inuse is True')
+ if self.py_bufs_sml_inuse:
+ for i from 0 <= i < self.py_bufs_len:
+ PyBuffer_Release(&self.py_bufs_sml[i])
+ self.py_bufs_sml_inuse = 0
+ self.py_bufs_len = 0
+ self.buffers = None
+ cdef close(self):
+ if self.closed:
+ return
+ self.closed = 1
+ self.free_bufs()
+ Py_DECREF(self)
+ cdef advance_uv_buf(self, size_t sent):
+ # Advance the pointer to first uv_buf and the
+ # pointer to first byte in that buffer.
+ #
+ # We do this after a "uv_try_write" call, which
+ # sometimes sends only a portion of data.
+ # We then call "advance_uv_buf" on the write
+ # context, and reuse it in a "uv_write" call.
+ cdef:
+ uv.uv_buf_t* buf
+ size_t idx
+ for idx from 0 <= idx < self.uv_bufs_len:
+ buf = &self.uv_bufs_start[idx]
+ if buf.len > sent:
+ buf.len -= sent
+ buf.base = buf.base + sent
+ self.uv_bufs_start = buf
+ self.uv_bufs_len -= idx
+ return
+ else:
+ sent -= self.uv_bufs_start[idx].len
+ if sent < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('fatal: sent < 0 in advance_uv_buf')
+ raise RuntimeError('fatal: Could not advance _StreamWriteContext')
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef _StreamWriteContext new(UVStream stream, list buffers):
+ cdef:
+ _StreamWriteContext ctx
+ int uv_bufs_idx = 0
+ size_t py_bufs_len = 0
+ int i
+ Py_buffer* p_pybufs
+ uv.uv_buf_t* p_uvbufs
+ ctx = _StreamWriteContext.__new__(_StreamWriteContext)
+ = None
+ ctx.closed = 1
+ ctx.py_bufs_len = 0
+ ctx.py_bufs_sml_inuse = 0
+ ctx.uv_bufs = NULL
+ ctx.py_bufs = NULL
+ ctx.buffers = buffers
+ = stream
+ if len(buffers) <= __PREALLOCED_BUFS:
+ # We've got a small number of buffers to write, don't
+ # need to use malloc.
+ ctx.py_bufs_sml_inuse = 1
+ p_pybufs = <Py_buffer*>&ctx.py_bufs_sml
+ p_uvbufs = <uv.uv_buf_t*>&ctx.uv_bufs_sml
+ else:
+ for buf in buffers:
+ if not isinstance(buf, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'invalid data in writebuf: an instance of '
+ 'bytes, bytearray or memoryview was expected, '
+ 'got {}'.format(type(buf)))
+ if not PyBytes_CheckExact(buf):
+ py_bufs_len += 1
+ if py_bufs_len > 0:
+ ctx.py_bufs = <Py_buffer*>PyMem_RawMalloc(
+ py_bufs_len * sizeof(Py_buffer))
+ if ctx.py_bufs is NULL:
+ raise MemoryError()
+ ctx.uv_bufs = <uv.uv_buf_t*>PyMem_RawMalloc(
+ len(buffers) * sizeof(uv.uv_buf_t))
+ if ctx.uv_bufs is NULL:
+ raise MemoryError()
+ p_pybufs = ctx.py_bufs
+ p_uvbufs = ctx.uv_bufs
+ py_bufs_len = 0
+ for buf in buffers:
+ if PyBytes_CheckExact(buf):
+ # We can only use this hack for bytes since it's
+ # immutable. For everything else it is only safe to
+ # use buffer protocol.
+ p_uvbufs[uv_bufs_idx].base = PyBytes_AS_STRING(buf)
+ p_uvbufs[uv_bufs_idx].len = Py_SIZE(buf)
+ else:
+ try:
+ PyObject_GetBuffer(
+ buf, &p_pybufs[py_bufs_len], PyBUF_SIMPLE)
+ except Exception:
+ # This shouldn't ever happen, as `UVStream._buffer_write`
+ # casts non-bytes objects to `memoryviews`.
+ ctx.py_bufs_len = py_bufs_len
+ ctx.free_bufs()
+ raise
+ p_uvbufs[uv_bufs_idx].base = <char*>p_pybufs[py_bufs_len].buf
+ p_uvbufs[uv_bufs_idx].len = p_pybufs[py_bufs_len].len
+ py_bufs_len += 1
+ uv_bufs_idx += 1
+ ctx.uv_bufs_start = p_uvbufs
+ ctx.uv_bufs_len = uv_bufs_idx
+ ctx.py_bufs_len = py_bufs_len
+ = <void*> ctx
+ stream._loop._debug_stream_write_ctx_total += 1
+ stream._loop._debug_stream_write_ctx_cnt += 1
+ # Do incref after everything else is done.
+ # Under no circumstances we want `ctx` to be GCed while
+ # libuv is still working with `ctx.uv_bufs`.
+ Py_INCREF(ctx)
+ ctx.closed = 0
+ return ctx
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ if not self.closed:
+ # Because we do an INCREF in,
+ # __dealloc__ shouldn't ever happen with `self.closed == 1`
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'open _StreamWriteContext is being deallocated')
+ if is not None:
+ -= 1
+ = None
+cdef class UVStream(UVBaseTransport):
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self.__shutting_down = 0
+ self.__reading = 0
+ self.__read_error_close = 0
+ self.__buffered = 0
+ self._eof = 0
+ self._buffer = []
+ self._buffer_size = 0
+ self._protocol_get_buffer = None
+ self._protocol_buffer_updated = None
+ self._read_pybuf_acquired = False
+ cdef _set_protocol(self, object protocol):
+ if protocol is None:
+ raise TypeError('protocol is required')
+ UVBaseTransport._set_protocol(self, protocol)
+ if (hasattr(protocol, 'get_buffer') and
+ not isinstance(protocol, aio_Protocol)):
+ try:
+ self._protocol_get_buffer = protocol.get_buffer
+ self._protocol_buffer_updated = protocol.buffer_updated
+ self.__buffered = 1
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.__buffered = 0
+ cdef _clear_protocol(self):
+ UVBaseTransport._clear_protocol(self)
+ self._protocol_get_buffer = None
+ self._protocol_buffer_updated = None
+ self.__buffered = 0
+ cdef inline _shutdown(self):
+ cdef int err
+ if self.__shutting_down:
+ return
+ self.__shutting_down = 1
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ = <void*> self
+ err = uv.uv_shutdown(&self._shutdown_req,
+ <uv.uv_stream_t*> self._handle,
+ __uv_stream_on_shutdown)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ cdef inline _accept(self, UVStream server):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_accept(<uv.uv_stream_t*>server._handle,
+ <uv.uv_stream_t*>self._handle)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ self._on_accept()
+ cdef inline _close_on_read_error(self):
+ self.__read_error_close = 1
+ cdef bint _is_reading(self):
+ return self.__reading
+ cdef _start_reading(self):
+ cdef int err
+ if self._closing:
+ return
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ if self.__reading:
+ return
+ if self.__buffered:
+ err = uv.uv_read_start(<uv.uv_stream_t*>self._handle,
+ __uv_stream_buffered_alloc,
+ __uv_stream_buffered_on_read)
+ else:
+ err = uv.uv_read_start(<uv.uv_stream_t*>self._handle,
+ __loop_alloc_buffer,
+ __uv_stream_on_read)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ else:
+ # UVStream must live until the read callback is called
+ self.__reading_started()
+ cdef inline __reading_started(self):
+ if self.__reading:
+ return
+ self.__reading = 1
+ Py_INCREF(self)
+ cdef inline __reading_stopped(self):
+ if not self.__reading:
+ return
+ self.__reading = 0
+ Py_DECREF(self)
+ cdef _stop_reading(self):
+ cdef int err
+ if not self.__reading:
+ return
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ # From libuv docs:
+ # This function is idempotent and may be safely
+ # called on a stopped stream.
+ err = uv.uv_read_stop(<uv.uv_stream_t*>self._handle)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ else:
+ self.__reading_stopped()
+ cdef inline _try_write(self, object data):
+ cdef:
+ ssize_t written
+ bint used_buf = 0
+ Py_buffer py_buf
+ void* buf
+ size_t blen
+ int saved_errno
+ int fd
+ if (<uv.uv_stream_t*>self._handle).write_queue_size != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'UVStream._try_write called with data in uv buffers')
+ if PyBytes_CheckExact(data):
+ # We can only use this hack for bytes since it's
+ # immutable. For everything else it is only safe to
+ # use buffer protocol.
+ buf = <void*>PyBytes_AS_STRING(data)
+ blen = Py_SIZE(data)
+ else:
+ PyObject_GetBuffer(data, &py_buf, PyBUF_SIMPLE)
+ used_buf = 1
+ buf = py_buf.buf
+ blen = py_buf.len
+ if blen == 0:
+ # Empty data, do nothing.
+ return 0
+ fd = self._fileno()
+ # Use `unistd.h/write` directly, it's faster than
+ # uv_try_write -- less layers of code. The error
+ # checking logic is copied from libuv.
+ written = system.write(fd, buf, blen)
+ while written == -1 and (
+ errno.errno == errno.EINTR or
+ (system.PLATFORM_IS_APPLE and
+ errno.errno == errno.EPROTOTYPE)):
+ # From libuv code (unix/stream.c):
+ # Due to a possible kernel bug at least in OS X 10.10 "Yosemite",
+ # EPROTOTYPE can be returned while trying to write to a socket
+ # that is shutting down. If we retry the write, we should get
+ # the expected EPIPE instead.
+ written = system.write(fd, buf, blen)
+ saved_errno = errno.errno
+ if used_buf:
+ PyBuffer_Release(&py_buf)
+ if written < 0:
+ if saved_errno == errno.EAGAIN or \
+ saved_errno == system.EWOULDBLOCK:
+ return -1
+ else:
+ exc = convert_error(-saved_errno)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ self._loop._debug_stream_write_tries += 1
+ if <size_t>written == blen:
+ return 0
+ return written
+ cdef inline _buffer_write(self, object data):
+ cdef int dlen
+ if not PyBytes_CheckExact(data):
+ data = memoryview(data).cast('b')
+ dlen = len(data)
+ if not dlen:
+ return
+ self._buffer_size += dlen
+ self._buffer.append(data)
+ cdef inline _initiate_write(self):
+ if (not self._protocol_paused and
+ (<uv.uv_stream_t*>self._handle).write_queue_size == 0 and
+ self._buffer_size > self._high_water):
+ # Fast-path. If:
+ # - the protocol isn't yet paused,
+ # - there is no data in libuv buffers for this stream,
+ # - the protocol will be paused if we continue to buffer data
+ #
+ # Then:
+ # - Try to write all buffered data right now.
+ all_sent = self._exec_write()
+ if self._buffer_size != 0 or self._buffer != []:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '_buffer_size is not 0 after a successful _exec_write')
+ # There is no need to call `_queue_write` anymore,
+ # as `uv_write` should be called already.
+ if not all_sent:
+ # If not all of the data was sent successfully,
+ # we might need to pause the protocol.
+ self._maybe_pause_protocol()
+ elif self._buffer_size > 0:
+ self._maybe_pause_protocol()
+ self._loop._queue_write(self)
+ cdef inline _exec_write(self):
+ cdef:
+ int err
+ int buf_len
+ _StreamWriteContext ctx = None
+ if self._closed:
+ # If the handle is closed, just return, it's too
+ # late to do anything.
+ return
+ buf_len = len(self._buffer)
+ if not buf_len:
+ return
+ if (<uv.uv_stream_t*>self._handle).write_queue_size == 0:
+ # libuv internal write buffers for this stream are empty.
+ if buf_len == 1:
+ # If we only have one piece of data to send, let's
+ # use our fast implementation of try_write.
+ data = self._buffer[0]
+ sent = self._try_write(data)
+ if sent is None:
+ # A `self._fatal_error` was called.
+ # It might not raise an exception under some
+ # conditions.
+ self._buffer_size = 0
+ self._buffer.clear()
+ if not self._closing:
+ # This should never happen.
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'stream is open after UVStream._try_write '
+ 'returned None')
+ return
+ if sent == 0:
+ # All data was successfully written.
+ self._buffer_size = 0
+ self._buffer.clear()
+ # on_write will call "maybe_resume_protocol".
+ self._on_write()
+ return True
+ if sent > 0:
+ if sent == len(data):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '_try_write sent all data and returned '
+ 'non-zero')
+ if PyBytes_CheckExact(data):
+ # Cast bytes to memoryview to avoid copying
+ # data that wasn't sent.
+ data = memoryview(data)
+ data = data[sent:]
+ self._buffer_size -= sent
+ self._buffer[0] = data
+ # At this point it's either data was sent partially,
+ # or an EAGAIN has happened.
+ else:
+ ctx =, self._buffer)
+ err = uv.uv_try_write(<uv.uv_stream_t*>self._handle,
+ ctx.uv_bufs_start,
+ ctx.uv_bufs_len)
+ if err > 0:
+ # Some data was successfully sent.
+ if <size_t>err == self._buffer_size:
+ # Everything was sent.
+ ctx.close()
+ self._buffer.clear()
+ self._buffer_size = 0
+ # on_write will call "maybe_resume_protocol".
+ self._on_write()
+ return True
+ try:
+ # Advance pointers to uv_bufs in `ctx`,
+ # we will reuse it soon for a uv_write
+ # call.
+ ctx.advance_uv_buf(<ssize_t>err)
+ except Exception as ex: # This should never happen.
+ # Let's try to close the `ctx` anyways.
+ ctx.close()
+ self._fatal_error(ex, True)
+ self._buffer.clear()
+ self._buffer_size = 0
+ return
+ elif err != uv.UV_EAGAIN:
+ ctx.close()
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ self._buffer.clear()
+ self._buffer_size = 0
+ return
+ # fall through
+ if ctx is None:
+ ctx =, self._buffer)
+ err = uv.uv_write(&ctx.req,
+ <uv.uv_stream_t*>self._handle,
+ ctx.uv_bufs_start,
+ ctx.uv_bufs_len,
+ __uv_stream_on_write)
+ self._buffer_size = 0
+ # Can't use `_buffer.clear()` here: `ctx` holds a reference to
+ # the `_buffer`.
+ self._buffer = []
+ if err < 0:
+ # close write context
+ ctx.close()
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ self._maybe_resume_protocol()
+ cdef size_t _get_write_buffer_size(self):
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ return 0
+ return ((<uv.uv_stream_t*>self._handle).write_queue_size +
+ self._buffer_size)
+ cdef _close(self):
+ try:
+ if self._read_pybuf_acquired:
+ # Should never happen. libuv always calls uv_alloc/uv_read
+ # in pairs.
+ self._loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'transport': self,
+ 'message': 'XXX: an allocated buffer in transport._close()'
+ })
+ self._read_pybuf_acquired = 0
+ PyBuffer_Release(&self._read_pybuf)
+ self._stop_reading()
+ finally:
+ UVSocketHandle._close(<UVHandle>self)
+ cdef inline _on_accept(self):
+ # Ultimately called by __uv_stream_on_listen.
+ self._init_protocol()
+ cdef inline _on_eof(self):
+ # Any exception raised here will be caught in
+ # __uv_stream_on_read.
+ try:
+ meth = self._protocol.eof_received
+ except AttributeError:
+ keep_open = False
+ else:
+ keep_open = run_in_context(self.context, meth)
+ if keep_open:
+ # We're keeping the connection open so the
+ # protocol can write more, but we still can't
+ # receive more, so remove the reader callback.
+ self._stop_reading()
+ else:
+ self.close()
+ cdef inline _on_write(self):
+ self._maybe_resume_protocol()
+ if not self._get_write_buffer_size():
+ if self._closing:
+ self._schedule_call_connection_lost(None)
+ elif self._eof:
+ self._shutdown()
+ cdef inline _init(self, Loop loop, object protocol, Server server,
+ object waiter, object context):
+ self.context = context
+ self._set_protocol(protocol)
+ self._start_init(loop)
+ if server is not None:
+ self._set_server(server)
+ if waiter is not None:
+ self._set_waiter(waiter)
+ cdef inline _on_connect(self, object exc):
+ # Called from __tcp_connect_callback (tcp.pyx) and
+ # __pipe_connect_callback (pipe.pyx).
+ if exc is None:
+ self._init_protocol()
+ else:
+ if self._waiter is None:
+ self._fatal_error(exc, False, "connect failed")
+ elif self._waiter.cancelled():
+ # Connect call was cancelled; just close the transport
+ # silently.
+ self._close()
+ elif self._waiter.done():
+ self._fatal_error(exc, False, "connect failed")
+ else:
+ self._waiter.set_exception(exc)
+ self._close()
+ # === Public API ===
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<{} closed={} reading={} {:#x}>'.format(
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self._closed,
+ self.__reading,
+ id(self))
+ def write(self, object buf):
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ if self._eof:
+ raise RuntimeError('Cannot call write() after write_eof()')
+ if not buf:
+ return
+ if self._conn_lost:
+ self._conn_lost += 1
+ return
+ self._buffer_write(buf)
+ self._initiate_write()
+ def writelines(self, bufs):
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ if self._eof:
+ raise RuntimeError('Cannot call writelines() after write_eof()')
+ if self._conn_lost:
+ self._conn_lost += 1
+ return
+ for buf in bufs:
+ self._buffer_write(buf)
+ self._initiate_write()
+ def write_eof(self):
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ if self._eof:
+ return
+ self._eof = 1
+ if not self._get_write_buffer_size():
+ self._shutdown()
+ def can_write_eof(self):
+ return True
+ def is_reading(self):
+ return self._is_reading()
+ def pause_reading(self):
+ if self._closing or not self._is_reading():
+ return
+ self._stop_reading()
+ def resume_reading(self):
+ if self._is_reading() or self._closing:
+ return
+ self._start_reading()
+cdef void __uv_stream_on_shutdown(uv.uv_shutdown_t* req,
+ int status) noexcept with gil:
+ # callback for uv_shutdown
+ if is NULL:
+ aio_logger.error(
+ 'UVStream.shutdown callback called with NULL, status=%r',
+ status)
+ return
+ cdef UVStream stream = <UVStream>
+ if status < 0 and status != uv.UV_ECANCELED:
+ # From libuv source code:
+ # The ECANCELED error code is a lie, the shutdown(2) syscall is a
+ # fait accompli at this point. Maybe we should revisit this in
+ # v0.11. A possible reason for leaving it unchanged is that it
+ # informs the callee that the handle has been destroyed.
+ stream._loop._debug_stream_shutdown_errors_total += 1
+ exc = convert_error(status)
+ stream._fatal_error(
+ exc, False, "error status in uv_stream_t.shutdown callback")
+ return
+cdef inline bint __uv_stream_on_read_common(
+ UVStream sc,
+ Loop loop,
+ ssize_t nread,
+ if sc._closed:
+ # The stream was closed, there is no reason to
+ # do any work now.
+ sc.__reading_stopped() # Just in case.
+ return True
+ if nread == uv.UV_EOF:
+ # From libuv docs:
+ # The callee is responsible for stopping closing the stream
+ # when an error happens by calling uv_read_stop() or uv_close().
+ # Trying to read from the stream again is undefined.
+ try:
+ loop._debug_stream_read_eof_total += 1
+ sc._stop_reading()
+ sc._on_eof()
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ loop._debug_stream_read_eof_cb_errors_total += 1
+ sc._fatal_error(ex, False)
+ finally:
+ return True
+ if nread == 0:
+ # From libuv docs:
+ # nread might be 0, which does not indicate an error or EOF.
+ # This is equivalent to EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK under read(2).
+ return True
+ if nread < 0:
+ # From libuv docs:
+ # The callee is responsible for stopping closing the stream
+ # when an error happens by calling uv_read_stop() or uv_close().
+ # Trying to read from the stream again is undefined.
+ #
+ # Therefore, we're closing the stream. Since "UVHandle._close()"
+ # doesn't raise exceptions unless uvloop is built with DEBUG=1,
+ # we don't need try...finally here.
+ loop._debug_stream_read_errors_total += 1
+ if sc.__read_error_close:
+ # Used for getting notified when a pipe is closed.
+ # See WriteUnixTransport for the explanation.
+ sc._on_eof()
+ return True
+ exc = convert_error(nread)
+ sc._fatal_error(
+ exc, False, "error status in callback")
+ return True
+ return False
+cdef inline void __uv_stream_on_read_impl(
+ uv.uv_stream_t* stream,
+ ssize_t nread,
+ const uv.uv_buf_t* buf,
+ cdef:
+ UVStream sc = <UVStream>
+ Loop loop = sc._loop
+ # It's OK to free the buffer early, since nothing will
+ # be able to touch it until this method is done.
+ __loop_free_buffer(loop)
+ if __uv_stream_on_read_common(sc, loop, nread):
+ return
+ try:
+ loop._debug_stream_read_cb_total += 1
+ run_in_context1(
+ sc.context,
+ sc._protocol_data_received,
+ loop._recv_buffer[:nread],
+ )
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ loop._debug_stream_read_cb_errors_total += 1
+ sc._fatal_error(exc, False)
+cdef inline void __uv_stream_on_write_impl(
+ uv.uv_write_t* req,
+ int status,
+ cdef:
+ _StreamWriteContext ctx = <_StreamWriteContext>
+ UVStream stream = <UVStream>
+ ctx.close()
+ if stream._closed:
+ # The stream was closed, there is nothing to do.
+ # Even if there is an error, like EPIPE, there
+ # is no reason to report it.
+ return
+ if status < 0:
+ stream._loop._debug_stream_write_errors_total += 1
+ exc = convert_error(status)
+ stream._fatal_error(
+ exc, False, "error status in uv_stream_t.write callback")
+ return
+ try:
+ stream._on_write()
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ stream._loop._debug_stream_write_cb_errors_total += 1
+ stream._fatal_error(exc, False)
+cdef void __uv_stream_on_read(
+ uv.uv_stream_t* stream,
+ ssize_t nread,
+ const uv.uv_buf_t* buf,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>stream,
+ "UVStream read callback") == 0:
+ return
+ # Don't need try-finally, __uv_stream_on_read_impl is void
+ __uv_stream_on_read_impl(stream, nread, buf)
+cdef void __uv_stream_on_write(
+ uv.uv_write_t* req,
+ int status,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if is NULL:
+ aio_logger.error(
+ 'UVStream.write callback called with NULL, status=%r',
+ status)
+ return
+ # Don't need try-finally, __uv_stream_on_write_impl is void
+ __uv_stream_on_write_impl(req, status)
+cdef void __uv_stream_buffered_alloc(
+ uv.uv_handle_t* stream,
+ size_t suggested_size,
+ uv.uv_buf_t* uvbuf,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>stream,
+ "UVStream alloc buffer callback") == 0:
+ return
+ cdef:
+ UVStream sc = <UVStream>
+ Loop loop = sc._loop
+ Py_buffer* pybuf = &sc._read_pybuf
+ int got_buf = 0
+ if sc._read_pybuf_acquired:
+ uvbuf.len = 0
+ uvbuf.base = NULL
+ return
+ sc._read_pybuf_acquired = 0
+ try:
+ buf = run_in_context1(
+ sc.context,
+ sc._protocol_get_buffer,
+ suggested_size,
+ )
+ PyObject_GetBuffer(buf, pybuf, PyBUF_WRITABLE)
+ got_buf = 1
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ # Can't call 'sc._fatal_error' or 'sc._close', libuv will SF.
+ # We'll do it later in __uv_stream_buffered_on_read when we
+ # receive UV_ENOBUFS.
+ uvbuf.len = 0
+ uvbuf.base = NULL
+ return
+ if not pybuf.len:
+ uvbuf.len = 0
+ uvbuf.base = NULL
+ if got_buf:
+ PyBuffer_Release(pybuf)
+ return
+ sc._read_pybuf_acquired = 1
+ uvbuf.base = <char*>pybuf.buf
+ uvbuf.len = pybuf.len
+cdef void __uv_stream_buffered_on_read(
+ uv.uv_stream_t* stream,
+ ssize_t nread,
+ const uv.uv_buf_t* buf,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>stream,
+ "UVStream buffered read callback") == 0:
+ return
+ cdef:
+ UVStream sc = <UVStream>
+ Loop loop = sc._loop
+ Py_buffer* pybuf = &sc._read_pybuf
+ if nread == uv.UV_ENOBUFS:
+ sc._fatal_error(
+ RuntimeError(
+ 'unhandled error (or an empty buffer) in get_buffer()'),
+ False)
+ return
+ try:
+ if nread > 0 and not sc._read_pybuf_acquired:
+ # From libuv docs:
+ # nread is > 0 if there is data available or < 0 on error. When
+ # we’ve reached EOF, nread will be set to UV_EOF. When
+ # nread < 0, the buf parameter might not point to a valid
+ # buffer; in that case buf.len and buf.base are both set to 0.
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f'no python buffer is allocated in on_read; nread={nread}')
+ if nread == 0:
+ # From libuv docs:
+ # nread might be 0, which does not indicate an error or EOF.
+ # This is equivalent to EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK under read(2).
+ return
+ if __uv_stream_on_read_common(sc, loop, nread):
+ return
+ loop._debug_stream_read_cb_total += 1
+ run_in_context1(sc.context, sc._protocol_buffer_updated, nread)
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ loop._debug_stream_read_cb_errors_total += 1
+ sc._fatal_error(exc, False)
+ finally:
+ sc._read_pybuf_acquired = 0
+ PyBuffer_Release(pybuf)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/streamserver.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/streamserver.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a004efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/streamserver.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+cdef class UVStreamServer(UVSocketHandle):
+ cdef:
+ int backlog
+ object ssl
+ object ssl_handshake_timeout
+ object ssl_shutdown_timeout
+ object protocol_factory
+ bint opened
+ Server _server
+ # All "inline" methods are final
+ cdef inline _init(self, Loop loop, object protocol_factory,
+ Server server,
+ object backlog,
+ object ssl,
+ object ssl_handshake_timeout,
+ object ssl_shutdown_timeout)
+ cdef inline _mark_as_open(self)
+ cdef inline listen(self)
+ cdef inline _on_listen(self)
+ cdef UVStream _make_new_transport(self, object protocol, object waiter,
+ object context)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/streamserver.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/streamserver.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9993317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/streamserver.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+cdef class UVStreamServer(UVSocketHandle):
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self.opened = 0
+ self._server = None
+ self.ssl = None
+ self.ssl_handshake_timeout = None
+ self.ssl_shutdown_timeout = None
+ self.protocol_factory = None
+ cdef inline _init(self, Loop loop, object protocol_factory,
+ Server server,
+ object backlog,
+ object ssl,
+ object ssl_handshake_timeout,
+ object ssl_shutdown_timeout):
+ if not isinstance(backlog, int):
+ # Don't allow floats
+ raise TypeError('integer argument expected, got {}'.format(
+ type(backlog).__name__))
+ if ssl is not None:
+ if not isinstance(ssl, ssl_SSLContext):
+ raise TypeError(
+ 'ssl is expected to be None or an instance of '
+ 'ssl.SSLContext, got {!r}'.format(ssl))
+ else:
+ if ssl_handshake_timeout is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'ssl_handshake_timeout is only meaningful with ssl')
+ if ssl_shutdown_timeout is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'ssl_shutdown_timeout is only meaningful with ssl')
+ self.backlog = backlog
+ self.ssl = ssl
+ self.ssl_handshake_timeout = ssl_handshake_timeout
+ self.ssl_shutdown_timeout = ssl_shutdown_timeout
+ self._start_init(loop)
+ self.protocol_factory = protocol_factory
+ self._server = server
+ cdef inline listen(self):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ if self.protocol_factory is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('unable to listen(); no protocol_factory')
+ if self.opened != 1:
+ raise RuntimeError('unopened TCPServer')
+ self.context = Context_CopyCurrent()
+ err = uv.uv_listen(<uv.uv_stream_t*> self._handle,
+ self.backlog,
+ __uv_streamserver_on_listen)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ cdef inline _on_listen(self):
+ cdef UVStream client
+ protocol = run_in_context(self.context, self.protocol_factory)
+ if self.ssl is None:
+ client = self._make_new_transport(protocol, None, self.context)
+ else:
+ waiter = self._loop._new_future()
+ ssl_protocol = SSLProtocol(
+ self._loop, protocol, self.ssl,
+ waiter,
+ server_side=True,
+ server_hostname=None,
+ ssl_handshake_timeout=self.ssl_handshake_timeout,
+ ssl_shutdown_timeout=self.ssl_shutdown_timeout)
+ client = self._make_new_transport(ssl_protocol, None, self.context)
+ waiter.add_done_callback(
+ ft_partial(self.__on_ssl_connected, client))
+ client._accept(<UVStream>self)
+ cdef _fatal_error(self, exc, throw, reason=None):
+ # Overload UVHandle._fatal_error
+ self._close()
+ if not isinstance(exc, OSError):
+ if throw or self._loop is None:
+ raise exc
+ msg = f'Fatal error on server {self.__class__.__name__}'
+ if reason is not None:
+ msg = f'{msg} ({reason})'
+ self._loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'message': msg,
+ 'exception': exc,
+ })
+ cdef inline _mark_as_open(self):
+ self.opened = 1
+ cdef UVStream _make_new_transport(self, object protocol, object waiter,
+ object context):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def __on_ssl_connected(self, transport, fut):
+ exc = fut.exception()
+ if exc is not None:
+ transport._force_close(exc)
+cdef void __uv_streamserver_on_listen(
+ uv.uv_stream_t* handle,
+ int status,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ # callback for uv_listen
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>handle,
+ "UVStream listen callback") == 0:
+ return
+ cdef:
+ UVStreamServer stream = <UVStreamServer>
+ if status < 0:
+ stream._loop._debug_stream_listen_errors_total += 1
+ exc = convert_error(status)
+ stream._fatal_error(
+ exc, False, "error status in uv_stream_t.listen callback")
+ return
+ try:
+ stream._on_listen()
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ stream._error(exc, False)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/tcp.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/tcp.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d388ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/tcp.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+cdef class TCPServer(UVStreamServer):
+ cdef bind(self, system.sockaddr* addr, unsigned int flags=*)
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef TCPServer new(Loop loop, object protocol_factory, Server server,
+ unsigned int flags,
+ object backlog,
+ object ssl,
+ object ssl_handshake_timeout,
+ object ssl_shutdown_timeout)
+cdef class TCPTransport(UVStream):
+ cdef:
+ bint __peername_set
+ bint __sockname_set
+ system.sockaddr_storage __peername
+ system.sockaddr_storage __sockname
+ cdef bind(self, system.sockaddr* addr, unsigned int flags=*)
+ cdef connect(self, system.sockaddr* addr)
+ cdef _set_nodelay(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef TCPTransport new(Loop loop, object protocol, Server server,
+ object waiter, object context)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/tcp.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/tcp.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5fe827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/tcp.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+cdef __tcp_init_uv_handle(UVStream handle, Loop loop, unsigned int flags):
+ cdef int err
+ handle._handle = <uv.uv_handle_t*>PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(uv.uv_tcp_t))
+ if handle._handle is NULL:
+ handle._abort_init()
+ raise MemoryError()
+ err = uv.uv_tcp_init_ex(handle._loop.uvloop,
+ <uv.uv_tcp_t*>handle._handle,
+ flags)
+ if err < 0:
+ handle._abort_init()
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ handle._finish_init()
+cdef __tcp_bind(UVStream handle, system.sockaddr* addr, unsigned int flags):
+ cdef int err
+ err = uv.uv_tcp_bind(<uv.uv_tcp_t *>handle._handle,
+ addr, flags)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ raise exc
+cdef __tcp_open(UVStream handle, int sockfd):
+ cdef int err
+ err = uv.uv_tcp_open(<uv.uv_tcp_t *>handle._handle,
+ <uv.uv_os_sock_t>sockfd)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ raise exc
+cdef __tcp_get_socket(UVSocketHandle handle):
+ cdef:
+ int buf_len = sizeof(system.sockaddr_storage)
+ int fileno
+ int err
+ system.sockaddr_storage buf
+ fileno = handle._fileno()
+ err = uv.uv_tcp_getsockname(<uv.uv_tcp_t*>handle._handle,
+ <system.sockaddr*>&buf,
+ &buf_len)
+ if err < 0:
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ return PseudoSocket(buf.ss_family, uv.SOCK_STREAM, 0, fileno)
+cdef class TCPServer(UVStreamServer):
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef TCPServer new(Loop loop, object protocol_factory, Server server,
+ unsigned int flags,
+ object backlog,
+ object ssl,
+ object ssl_handshake_timeout,
+ object ssl_shutdown_timeout):
+ cdef TCPServer handle
+ handle = TCPServer.__new__(TCPServer)
+ handle._init(loop, protocol_factory, server, backlog,
+ ssl, ssl_handshake_timeout, ssl_shutdown_timeout)
+ __tcp_init_uv_handle(<UVStream>handle, loop, flags)
+ return handle
+ cdef _new_socket(self):
+ return __tcp_get_socket(<UVSocketHandle>self)
+ cdef _open(self, int sockfd):
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ try:
+ __tcp_open(<UVStream>self, sockfd)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ else:
+ self._mark_as_open()
+ cdef bind(self, system.sockaddr* addr, unsigned int flags=0):
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ try:
+ __tcp_bind(<UVStream>self, addr, flags)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ else:
+ self._mark_as_open()
+ cdef UVStream _make_new_transport(self, object protocol, object waiter,
+ object context):
+ cdef TCPTransport tr
+ tr =, protocol, self._server, waiter,
+ context)
+ return <UVStream>tr
+cdef class TCPTransport(UVStream):
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef TCPTransport new(Loop loop, object protocol, Server server,
+ object waiter, object context):
+ cdef TCPTransport handle
+ handle = TCPTransport.__new__(TCPTransport)
+ handle._init(loop, protocol, server, waiter, context)
+ __tcp_init_uv_handle(<UVStream>handle, loop, uv.AF_UNSPEC)
+ handle.__peername_set = 0
+ handle.__sockname_set = 0
+ handle._set_nodelay()
+ return handle
+ cdef _set_nodelay(self):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_tcp_nodelay(<uv.uv_tcp_t*>self._handle, 1)
+ if err < 0:
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ cdef _call_connection_made(self):
+ # asyncio saves peername & sockname when transports are instantiated,
+ # so that they're accessible even after the transport is closed.
+ # We are doing the same thing here, except that we create Python
+ # objects lazily, on request in get_extra_info()
+ cdef:
+ int err
+ int buf_len
+ buf_len = sizeof(system.sockaddr_storage)
+ err = uv.uv_tcp_getsockname(<uv.uv_tcp_t*>self._handle,
+ <system.sockaddr*>&self.__sockname,
+ &buf_len)
+ if err >= 0:
+ # Ignore errors, this is an optional thing.
+ # If something serious is going on, the transport
+ # will crash later (in roughly the same way how
+ # an asyncio transport would.)
+ self.__sockname_set = 1
+ buf_len = sizeof(system.sockaddr_storage)
+ err = uv.uv_tcp_getpeername(<uv.uv_tcp_t*>self._handle,
+ <system.sockaddr*>&self.__peername,
+ &buf_len)
+ if err >= 0:
+ # Same as few lines above -- we don't really care
+ # about error case here.
+ self.__peername_set = 1
+ UVBaseTransport._call_connection_made(self)
+ def get_extra_info(self, name, default=None):
+ if name == 'sockname':
+ if self.__sockname_set:
+ return __convert_sockaddr_to_pyaddr(
+ <system.sockaddr*>&self.__sockname)
+ elif name == 'peername':
+ if self.__peername_set:
+ return __convert_sockaddr_to_pyaddr(
+ <system.sockaddr*>&self.__peername)
+ return super().get_extra_info(name, default)
+ cdef _new_socket(self):
+ return __tcp_get_socket(<UVSocketHandle>self)
+ cdef bind(self, system.sockaddr* addr, unsigned int flags=0):
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ __tcp_bind(<UVStream>self, addr, flags)
+ cdef _open(self, int sockfd):
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ __tcp_open(<UVStream>self, sockfd)
+ cdef connect(self, system.sockaddr* addr):
+ cdef _TCPConnectRequest req
+ req = _TCPConnectRequest(self._loop, self)
+ req.connect(addr)
+cdef class _TCPConnectRequest(UVRequest):
+ cdef:
+ TCPTransport transport
+ uv.uv_connect_t _req_data
+ def __cinit__(self, loop, transport):
+ self.request = <uv.uv_req_t*>&self._req_data
+ = <void*>self
+ self.transport = transport
+ cdef connect(self, system.sockaddr* addr):
+ cdef int err
+ err = uv.uv_tcp_connect(<uv.uv_connect_t*>self.request,
+ <uv.uv_tcp_t*>self.transport._handle,
+ addr,
+ __tcp_connect_callback)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self.on_done()
+ raise exc
+cdef void __tcp_connect_callback(
+ uv.uv_connect_t* req,
+ int status,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ cdef:
+ _TCPConnectRequest wrapper
+ TCPTransport transport
+ wrapper = <_TCPConnectRequest>
+ transport = wrapper.transport
+ if status < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(status)
+ else:
+ exc = None
+ try:
+ transport._on_connect(exc)
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ wrapper.transport._fatal_error(ex, False)
+ finally:
+ wrapper.on_done()
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/timer.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/timer.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fda23b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/timer.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+cdef class UVTimer(UVHandle):
+ cdef:
+ method_t callback
+ object ctx
+ bint running
+ uint64_t timeout
+ uint64_t start_t
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, method_t callback, object ctx,
+ uint64_t timeout)
+ cdef stop(self)
+ cdef start(self)
+ cdef get_when(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVTimer new(Loop loop, method_t callback, object ctx,
+ uint64_t timeout)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/timer.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/timer.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86d46ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/timer.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+cdef class UVTimer(UVHandle):
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, method_t callback, object ctx,
+ uint64_t timeout):
+ cdef int err
+ self._start_init(loop)
+ self._handle = <uv.uv_handle_t*> PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(uv.uv_timer_t))
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise MemoryError()
+ err = uv.uv_timer_init(self._loop.uvloop, <uv.uv_timer_t*>self._handle)
+ if err < 0:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ self._finish_init()
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.ctx = ctx
+ self.running = 0
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ self.start_t = 0
+ cdef stop(self):
+ cdef int err
+ if not self._is_alive():
+ self.running = 0
+ return
+ if self.running == 1:
+ err = uv.uv_timer_stop(<uv.uv_timer_t*>self._handle)
+ self.running = 0
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ cdef start(self):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ if self.running == 0:
+ # Update libuv internal time.
+ uv.uv_update_time(self._loop.uvloop) # void
+ self.start_t = uv.uv_now(self._loop.uvloop)
+ err = uv.uv_timer_start(<uv.uv_timer_t*>self._handle,
+ __uvtimer_callback,
+ self.timeout, 0)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ self.running = 1
+ cdef get_when(self):
+ return self.start_t + self.timeout
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef UVTimer new(Loop loop, method_t callback, object ctx,
+ uint64_t timeout):
+ cdef UVTimer handle
+ handle = UVTimer.__new__(UVTimer)
+ handle._init(loop, callback, ctx, timeout)
+ return handle
+cdef void __uvtimer_callback(
+ uv.uv_timer_t* handle,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>handle, "UVTimer callback") == 0:
+ return
+ cdef:
+ UVTimer timer = <UVTimer>
+ method_t cb = timer.callback
+ timer.running = 0
+ try:
+ cb(timer.ctx)
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ timer._error(ex, False)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/udp.pxd b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/udp.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daa9a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/udp.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+cdef class UDPTransport(UVBaseTransport):
+ cdef:
+ bint __receiving
+ int _family
+ object _address
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, unsigned int family)
+ cdef _set_address(self, system.addrinfo *addr)
+ cdef _connect(self, system.sockaddr* addr, size_t addr_len)
+ cdef _bind(self, system.sockaddr* addr)
+ cdef open(self, int family, int sockfd)
+ cdef _set_broadcast(self, bint on)
+ cdef inline __receiving_started(self)
+ cdef inline __receiving_stopped(self)
+ cdef _send(self, object data, object addr)
+ cdef _on_receive(self, bytes data, object exc, object addr)
+ cdef _on_sent(self, object exc, object context=*)
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/udp.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/udp.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe60d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/handles/udp.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+cdef class _UDPSendContext:
+ # used to hold additional write request information for uv_write
+ cdef:
+ uv.uv_udp_send_t req
+ uv.uv_buf_t uv_buf
+ Py_buffer py_buf
+ UDPTransport udp
+ bint closed
+ cdef close(self):
+ if self.closed:
+ return
+ self.closed = 1
+ PyBuffer_Release(&self.py_buf) # void
+ = NULL
+ self.uv_buf.base = NULL
+ Py_DECREF(self)
+ self.udp = None
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef _UDPSendContext new(UDPTransport udp, object data):
+ cdef _UDPSendContext ctx
+ ctx = _UDPSendContext.__new__(_UDPSendContext)
+ ctx.udp = None
+ ctx.closed = 1
+ = <void*> ctx
+ Py_INCREF(ctx)
+ PyObject_GetBuffer(data, &ctx.py_buf, PyBUF_SIMPLE)
+ ctx.uv_buf.base = <char*>ctx.py_buf.buf
+ ctx.uv_buf.len = ctx.py_buf.len
+ ctx.udp = udp
+ ctx.closed = 0
+ return ctx
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ if not self.closed:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'open _UDPSendContext is being deallocated')
+ self.udp = None
+cdef class UDPTransport(UVBaseTransport):
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self._family = uv.AF_UNSPEC
+ self.__receiving = 0
+ self._address = None
+ self.context = Context_CopyCurrent()
+ cdef _init(self, Loop loop, unsigned int family):
+ cdef int err
+ self._start_init(loop)
+ self._handle = <uv.uv_handle_t*>PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(uv.uv_udp_t))
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise MemoryError()
+ err = uv.uv_udp_init_ex(loop.uvloop,
+ <uv.uv_udp_t*>self._handle,
+ family)
+ if err < 0:
+ self._abort_init()
+ raise convert_error(err)
+ if family in (uv.AF_INET, uv.AF_INET6):
+ self._family = family
+ self._finish_init()
+ cdef _set_address(self, system.addrinfo *addr):
+ self._address = __convert_sockaddr_to_pyaddr(addr.ai_addr)
+ cdef _connect(self, system.sockaddr* addr, size_t addr_len):
+ cdef int err
+ err = uv.uv_udp_connect(<uv.uv_udp_t*>self._handle, addr)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ raise exc
+ cdef open(self, int family, int sockfd):
+ if family in (uv.AF_INET, uv.AF_INET6, uv.AF_UNIX):
+ self._family = family
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'cannot open a UDP handle, invalid family {}'.format(family))
+ cdef int err
+ err = uv.uv_udp_open(<uv.uv_udp_t*>self._handle,
+ <uv.uv_os_sock_t>sockfd)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ raise exc
+ cdef _bind(self, system.sockaddr* addr):
+ cdef:
+ int err
+ int flags = 0
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_udp_bind(<uv.uv_udp_t*>self._handle, addr, flags)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ raise exc
+ cdef _set_broadcast(self, bint on):
+ cdef int err
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_udp_set_broadcast(<uv.uv_udp_t*>self._handle, on)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ raise exc
+ cdef size_t _get_write_buffer_size(self):
+ if self._handle is NULL:
+ return 0
+ return (<uv.uv_udp_t*>self._handle).send_queue_size
+ cdef bint _is_reading(self):
+ return self.__receiving
+ cdef _start_reading(self):
+ cdef int err
+ if self.__receiving:
+ return
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_udp_recv_start(<uv.uv_udp_t*>self._handle,
+ __loop_alloc_buffer,
+ __uv_udp_on_receive)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ else:
+ # UDPTransport must live until the read callback is called
+ self.__receiving_started()
+ cdef _stop_reading(self):
+ cdef int err
+ if not self.__receiving:
+ return
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ err = uv.uv_udp_recv_stop(<uv.uv_udp_t*>self._handle)
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ return
+ else:
+ self.__receiving_stopped()
+ cdef inline __receiving_started(self):
+ if self.__receiving:
+ return
+ self.__receiving = 1
+ Py_INCREF(self)
+ cdef inline __receiving_stopped(self):
+ if not self.__receiving:
+ return
+ self.__receiving = 0
+ Py_DECREF(self)
+ cdef _new_socket(self):
+ if self._family not in (uv.AF_INET, uv.AF_INET6, uv.AF_UNIX):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ ' is undefined; '
+ 'cannot create python socket')
+ fileno = self._fileno()
+ return PseudoSocket(self._family, uv.SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fileno)
+ cdef _send(self, object data, object addr):
+ cdef:
+ _UDPSendContext ctx
+ system.sockaddr_storage saddr_st
+ system.sockaddr *saddr
+ Py_buffer try_pybuf
+ uv.uv_buf_t try_uvbuf
+ self._ensure_alive()
+ if self._family not in (uv.AF_INET, uv.AF_INET6, uv.AF_UNIX):
+ raise RuntimeError(' is undefined; cannot send')
+ if addr is None:
+ saddr = NULL
+ else:
+ try:
+ __convert_pyaddr_to_sockaddr(self._family, addr,
+ <system.sockaddr*>&saddr_st)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ raise
+ except Exception:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'{addr!r}: socket family mismatch or '
+ f'a DNS lookup is required')
+ saddr = <system.sockaddr*>(&saddr_st)
+ if self._get_write_buffer_size() == 0:
+ PyObject_GetBuffer(data, &try_pybuf, PyBUF_SIMPLE)
+ try_uvbuf.base = <char*>try_pybuf.buf
+ try_uvbuf.len = try_pybuf.len
+ err = uv.uv_udp_try_send(<uv.uv_udp_t*>self._handle,
+ &try_uvbuf,
+ 1,
+ saddr)
+ PyBuffer_Release(&try_pybuf)
+ else:
+ err = uv.UV_EAGAIN
+ if err == uv.UV_EAGAIN:
+ ctx =, data)
+ err = uv.uv_udp_send(&ctx.req,
+ <uv.uv_udp_t*>self._handle,
+ &ctx.uv_buf,
+ 1,
+ saddr,
+ __uv_udp_on_send)
+ if err < 0:
+ ctx.close()
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ else:
+ self._maybe_pause_protocol()
+ else:
+ if err < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(err)
+ self._fatal_error(exc, True)
+ else:
+ self._on_sent(None, self.context.copy())
+ cdef _on_receive(self, bytes data, object exc, object addr):
+ if exc is None:
+ run_in_context2(
+ self.context, self._protocol.datagram_received, data, addr,
+ )
+ else:
+ run_in_context1(self.context, self._protocol.error_received, exc)
+ cdef _on_sent(self, object exc, object context=None):
+ if exc is not None:
+ if isinstance(exc, OSError):
+ if context is None:
+ context = self.context
+ run_in_context1(context, self._protocol.error_received, exc)
+ else:
+ self._fatal_error(
+ exc, False, 'Fatal write error on datagram transport')
+ self._maybe_resume_protocol()
+ if not self._get_write_buffer_size():
+ if self._closing:
+ self._schedule_call_connection_lost(None)
+ # === Public API ===
+ def sendto(self, data, addr=None):
+ if not data:
+ # Replicating asyncio logic here.
+ return
+ if self._address:
+ if addr not in (None, self._address):
+ # Replicating asyncio logic here.
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Invalid address: must be None or %s' % (self._address,))
+ # Instead of setting addr to self._address below like what asyncio
+ # does, we depend on previous uv_udp_connect() to set the address
+ addr = None
+ if self._conn_lost:
+ # Replicating asyncio logic here.
+ if self._conn_lost >= LOG_THRESHOLD_FOR_CONNLOST_WRITES:
+ aio_logger.warning('socket.send() raised exception.')
+ self._conn_lost += 1
+ return
+ self._send(data, addr)
+cdef void __uv_udp_on_receive(
+ uv.uv_udp_t* handle,
+ ssize_t nread,
+ const uv.uv_buf_t* buf,
+ const system.sockaddr* addr,
+ unsigned flags
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if __ensure_handle_data(<uv.uv_handle_t*>handle,
+ "UDPTransport receive callback") == 0:
+ return
+ cdef:
+ UDPTransport udp = <UDPTransport>
+ Loop loop = udp._loop
+ bytes data
+ object pyaddr
+ # It's OK to free the buffer early, since nothing will
+ # be able to touch it until this method is done.
+ __loop_free_buffer(loop)
+ if udp._closed:
+ # The handle was closed, there is no reason to
+ # do any work now.
+ udp.__receiving_stopped() # Just in case.
+ return
+ if addr is NULL and nread == 0:
+ # From libuv docs:
+ # addr: struct sockaddr* containing the address
+ # of the sender. Can be NULL. Valid for the duration
+ # of the callback only.
+ # [...]
+ # The receive callback will be called with
+ # nread == 0 and addr == NULL when there is
+ # nothing to read, and with nread == 0 and
+ # addr != NULL when an empty UDP packet is
+ # received.
+ return
+ if addr is NULL:
+ pyaddr = None
+ elif addr.sa_family == uv.AF_UNSPEC:
+ #
+ if system.PLATFORM_IS_LINUX:
+ pyaddr = None
+ else:
+ pyaddr = ''
+ else:
+ try:
+ pyaddr = __convert_sockaddr_to_pyaddr(addr)
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ udp._error(exc, False)
+ return
+ if nread < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(nread)
+ udp._on_receive(None, exc, pyaddr)
+ return
+ if nread == 0:
+ data = b''
+ else:
+ data = loop._recv_buffer[:nread]
+ try:
+ udp._on_receive(data, None, pyaddr)
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ udp._error(exc, False)
+cdef void __uv_udp_on_send(
+ uv.uv_udp_send_t* req,
+ int status,
+) noexcept with gil:
+ if is NULL:
+ # Shouldn't happen as:
+ # - _UDPSendContext does an extra INCREF in its 'init()'
+ # - _UDPSendContext holds a ref to the relevant UDPTransport
+ aio_logger.error(
+ 'UVStream.write callback called with NULL, status=%r',
+ status)
+ return
+ cdef:
+ _UDPSendContext ctx = <_UDPSendContext>
+ UDPTransport udp = <UDPTransport>ctx.udp
+ ctx.close()
+ if status < 0:
+ exc = convert_error(status)
+ print(exc)
+ else:
+ exc = None
+ try:
+ udp._on_sent(exc)
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ udp._error(exc, False)