path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..138616f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/
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+# testing/suite/
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
+# <see AUTHORS file>
+# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
+# the MIT License:
+# mypy: ignore-errors
+from .. import config
+from .. import fixtures
+from ..assertions import eq_
+from ..assertions import is_true
+from ..config import requirements
+from ..provision import normalize_sequence
+from ..schema import Column
+from ..schema import Table
+from ... import inspect
+from ... import Integer
+from ... import MetaData
+from ... import Sequence
+from ... import String
+from ... import testing
+class SequenceTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
+ __requires__ = ("sequences",)
+ __backend__ = True
+ run_create_tables = "each"
+ @classmethod
+ def define_tables(cls, metadata):
+ Table(
+ "seq_pk",
+ metadata,
+ Column(
+ "id",
+ Integer,
+ normalize_sequence(config, Sequence("tab_id_seq")),
+ primary_key=True,
+ ),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ )
+ Table(
+ "seq_opt_pk",
+ metadata,
+ Column(
+ "id",
+ Integer,
+ normalize_sequence(
+ config,
+ Sequence("tab_id_seq", data_type=Integer, optional=True),
+ ),
+ primary_key=True,
+ ),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ )
+ Table(
+ "seq_no_returning",
+ metadata,
+ Column(
+ "id",
+ Integer,
+ normalize_sequence(config, Sequence("noret_id_seq")),
+ primary_key=True,
+ ),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ implicit_returning=False,
+ )
+ if testing.requires.schemas.enabled:
+ Table(
+ "seq_no_returning_sch",
+ metadata,
+ Column(
+ "id",
+ Integer,
+ normalize_sequence(
+ config,
+ Sequence(
+ "noret_sch_id_seq", schema=config.test_schema
+ ),
+ ),
+ primary_key=True,
+ ),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ implicit_returning=False,
+ schema=config.test_schema,
+ )
+ def test_insert_roundtrip(self, connection):
+ connection.execute(self.tables.seq_pk.insert(), dict(data="some data"))
+ self._assert_round_trip(self.tables.seq_pk, connection)
+ def test_insert_lastrowid(self, connection):
+ r = connection.execute(
+ self.tables.seq_pk.insert(), dict(data="some data")
+ )
+ eq_(
+ r.inserted_primary_key, (testing.db.dialect.default_sequence_base,)
+ )
+ def test_nextval_direct(self, connection):
+ r = connection.scalar(
+ eq_(r, testing.db.dialect.default_sequence_base)
+ @requirements.sequences_optional
+ def test_optional_seq(self, connection):
+ r = connection.execute(
+ self.tables.seq_opt_pk.insert(), dict(data="some data")
+ )
+ eq_(r.inserted_primary_key, (1,))
+ def _assert_round_trip(self, table, conn):
+ row = conn.execute(
+ eq_(row, (testing.db.dialect.default_sequence_base, "some data"))
+ def test_insert_roundtrip_no_implicit_returning(self, connection):
+ connection.execute(
+ self.tables.seq_no_returning.insert(), dict(data="some data")
+ )
+ self._assert_round_trip(self.tables.seq_no_returning, connection)
+ @testing.combinations((True,), (False,), argnames="implicit_returning")
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_insert_roundtrip_translate(self, connection, implicit_returning):
+ seq_no_returning = Table(
+ "seq_no_returning_sch",
+ MetaData(),
+ Column(
+ "id",
+ Integer,
+ normalize_sequence(
+ config, Sequence("noret_sch_id_seq", schema="alt_schema")
+ ),
+ primary_key=True,
+ ),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ implicit_returning=implicit_returning,
+ schema="alt_schema",
+ )
+ connection = connection.execution_options(
+ schema_translate_map={"alt_schema": config.test_schema}
+ )
+ connection.execute(seq_no_returning.insert(), dict(data="some data"))
+ self._assert_round_trip(seq_no_returning, connection)
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_nextval_direct_schema_translate(self, connection):
+ seq = normalize_sequence(
+ config, Sequence("noret_sch_id_seq", schema="alt_schema")
+ )
+ connection = connection.execution_options(
+ schema_translate_map={"alt_schema": config.test_schema}
+ )
+ r = connection.scalar(seq)
+ eq_(r, testing.db.dialect.default_sequence_base)
+class SequenceCompilerTest(testing.AssertsCompiledSQL, fixtures.TestBase):
+ __requires__ = ("sequences",)
+ __backend__ = True
+ def test_literal_binds_inline_compile(self, connection):
+ table = Table(
+ "x",
+ MetaData(),
+ Column(
+ "y", Integer, normalize_sequence(config, Sequence("y_seq"))
+ ),
+ Column("q", Integer),
+ )
+ stmt = table.insert().values(q=5)
+ seq_nextval = connection.dialect.statement_compiler(
+ statement=None, dialect=connection.dialect
+ ).visit_sequence(normalize_sequence(config, Sequence("y_seq")))
+ self.assert_compile(
+ stmt,
+ "INSERT INTO x (y, q) VALUES (%s, 5)" % (seq_nextval,),
+ literal_binds=True,
+ dialect=connection.dialect,
+ )
+class HasSequenceTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
+ run_deletes = None
+ __requires__ = ("sequences",)
+ __backend__ = True
+ @classmethod
+ def define_tables(cls, metadata):
+ normalize_sequence(config, Sequence("user_id_seq", metadata=metadata))
+ normalize_sequence(
+ config,
+ Sequence(
+ "other_seq",
+ metadata=metadata,
+ nomaxvalue=True,
+ nominvalue=True,
+ ),
+ )
+ if testing.requires.schemas.enabled:
+ normalize_sequence(
+ config,
+ Sequence(
+ "user_id_seq", schema=config.test_schema, metadata=metadata
+ ),
+ )
+ normalize_sequence(
+ config,
+ Sequence(
+ "schema_seq", schema=config.test_schema, metadata=metadata
+ ),
+ )
+ Table(
+ "user_id_table",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ )
+ def test_has_sequence(self, connection):
+ eq_(inspect(connection).has_sequence("user_id_seq"), True)
+ def test_has_sequence_cache(self, connection, metadata):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ eq_(insp.has_sequence("user_id_seq"), True)
+ ss = normalize_sequence(config, Sequence("new_seq", metadata=metadata))
+ eq_(insp.has_sequence("new_seq"), False)
+ ss.create(connection)
+ try:
+ eq_(insp.has_sequence("new_seq"), False)
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ eq_(insp.has_sequence("new_seq"), True)
+ finally:
+ ss.drop(connection)
+ def test_has_sequence_other_object(self, connection):
+ eq_(inspect(connection).has_sequence("user_id_table"), False)
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_has_sequence_schema(self, connection):
+ eq_(
+ inspect(connection).has_sequence(
+ "user_id_seq", schema=config.test_schema
+ ),
+ True,
+ )
+ def test_has_sequence_neg(self, connection):
+ eq_(inspect(connection).has_sequence("some_sequence"), False)
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_has_sequence_schemas_neg(self, connection):
+ eq_(
+ inspect(connection).has_sequence(
+ "some_sequence", schema=config.test_schema
+ ),
+ False,
+ )
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_has_sequence_default_not_in_remote(self, connection):
+ eq_(
+ inspect(connection).has_sequence(
+ "other_sequence", schema=config.test_schema
+ ),
+ False,
+ )
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_has_sequence_remote_not_in_default(self, connection):
+ eq_(inspect(connection).has_sequence("schema_seq"), False)
+ def test_get_sequence_names(self, connection):
+ exp = {"other_seq", "user_id_seq"}
+ res = set(inspect(connection).get_sequence_names())
+ is_true(res.intersection(exp) == exp)
+ is_true("schema_seq" not in res)
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_get_sequence_names_no_sequence_schema(self, connection):
+ eq_(
+ inspect(connection).get_sequence_names(
+ schema=config.test_schema_2
+ ),
+ [],
+ )
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_get_sequence_names_sequences_schema(self, connection):
+ eq_(
+ sorted(
+ inspect(connection).get_sequence_names(
+ schema=config.test_schema
+ )
+ ),
+ ["schema_seq", "user_id_seq"],
+ )
+class HasSequenceTestEmpty(fixtures.TestBase):
+ __requires__ = ("sequences",)
+ __backend__ = True
+ def test_get_sequence_names_no_sequence(self, connection):
+ eq_(
+ inspect(connection).get_sequence_names(),
+ [],
+ )