path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/')
1 files changed, 3128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f257d2f
--- /dev/null
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+# testing/suite/
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
+# <see AUTHORS file>
+# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
+# the MIT License:
+# mypy: ignore-errors
+import operator
+import re
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from .. import config
+from .. import engines
+from .. import eq_
+from .. import expect_raises
+from .. import expect_raises_message
+from .. import expect_warnings
+from .. import fixtures
+from .. import is_
+from ..provision import get_temp_table_name
+from ..provision import temp_table_keyword_args
+from ..schema import Column
+from ..schema import Table
+from ... import event
+from ... import ForeignKey
+from ... import func
+from ... import Identity
+from ... import inspect
+from ... import Integer
+from ... import MetaData
+from ... import String
+from ... import testing
+from ... import types as sql_types
+from ...engine import Inspector
+from ...engine import ObjectKind
+from ...engine import ObjectScope
+from ...exc import NoSuchTableError
+from ...exc import UnreflectableTableError
+from ...schema import DDL
+from ...schema import Index
+from ...sql.elements import quoted_name
+from ...sql.schema import BLANK_SCHEMA
+from ...testing import ComparesIndexes
+from ...testing import ComparesTables
+from ...testing import is_false
+from ...testing import is_true
+from ...testing import mock
+metadata, users = None, None
+class OneConnectionTablesTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
+ @classmethod
+ def setup_bind(cls):
+ # TODO: when temp tables are subject to server reset,
+ # this will also have to disable that server reset from
+ # happening
+ if config.requirements.independent_connections.enabled:
+ from sqlalchemy import pool
+ return engines.testing_engine(
+ options=dict(poolclass=pool.StaticPool, scope="class"),
+ )
+ else:
+ return config.db
+class HasTableTest(OneConnectionTablesTest):
+ __backend__ = True
+ @classmethod
+ def define_tables(cls, metadata):
+ Table(
+ "test_table",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ )
+ if testing.requires.schemas.enabled:
+ Table(
+ "test_table_s",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ schema=config.test_schema,
+ )
+ if testing.requires.view_reflection:
+ cls.define_views(metadata)
+ if testing.requires.has_temp_table.enabled:
+ cls.define_temp_tables(metadata)
+ @classmethod
+ def define_views(cls, metadata):
+ query = "CREATE VIEW vv AS SELECT id, data FROM test_table"
+ event.listen(metadata, "after_create", DDL(query))
+ event.listen(metadata, "before_drop", DDL("DROP VIEW vv"))
+ if testing.requires.schemas.enabled:
+ query = (
+ "CREATE VIEW %s.vv AS SELECT id, data FROM %s.test_table_s"
+ % (
+ config.test_schema,
+ config.test_schema,
+ )
+ )
+ event.listen(metadata, "after_create", DDL(query))
+ event.listen(
+ metadata,
+ "before_drop",
+ DDL("DROP VIEW %s.vv" % (config.test_schema)),
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def temp_table_name(cls):
+ return get_temp_table_name(
+ config, config.db, f"user_tmp_{config.ident}"
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def define_temp_tables(cls, metadata):
+ kw = temp_table_keyword_args(config, config.db)
+ table_name = cls.temp_table_name()
+ user_tmp = Table(
+ table_name,
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", sa.INT, primary_key=True),
+ Column("name", sa.VARCHAR(50)),
+ **kw,
+ )
+ if (
+ testing.requires.view_reflection.enabled
+ and testing.requires.temporary_views.enabled
+ ):
+ event.listen(
+ user_tmp,
+ "after_create",
+ DDL(
+ "create temporary view user_tmp_v as "
+ "select * from user_tmp_%s" % config.ident
+ ),
+ )
+ event.listen(user_tmp, "before_drop", DDL("drop view user_tmp_v"))
+ def test_has_table(self):
+ with config.db.begin() as conn:
+ is_true(config.db.dialect.has_table(conn, "test_table"))
+ is_false(config.db.dialect.has_table(conn, "test_table_s"))
+ is_false(config.db.dialect.has_table(conn, "nonexistent_table"))
+ def test_has_table_cache(self, metadata):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ is_true(insp.has_table("test_table"))
+ nt = Table("new_table", metadata, Column("col", Integer))
+ is_false(insp.has_table("new_table"))
+ nt.create(config.db)
+ try:
+ is_false(insp.has_table("new_table"))
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ is_true(insp.has_table("new_table"))
+ finally:
+ nt.drop(config.db)
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_has_table_schema(self):
+ with config.db.begin() as conn:
+ is_false(
+ config.db.dialect.has_table(
+ conn, "test_table", schema=config.test_schema
+ )
+ )
+ is_true(
+ config.db.dialect.has_table(
+ conn, "test_table_s", schema=config.test_schema
+ )
+ )
+ is_false(
+ config.db.dialect.has_table(
+ conn, "nonexistent_table", schema=config.test_schema
+ )
+ )
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_has_table_nonexistent_schema(self):
+ with config.db.begin() as conn:
+ is_false(
+ config.db.dialect.has_table(
+ conn, "test_table", schema="nonexistent_schema"
+ )
+ )
+ @testing.requires.views
+ def test_has_table_view(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ is_true(insp.has_table("vv"))
+ @testing.requires.has_temp_table
+ def test_has_table_temp_table(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ temp_table_name = self.temp_table_name()
+ is_true(insp.has_table(temp_table_name))
+ @testing.requires.has_temp_table
+ @testing.requires.view_reflection
+ @testing.requires.temporary_views
+ def test_has_table_temp_view(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ is_true(insp.has_table("user_tmp_v"))
+ @testing.requires.views
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_has_table_view_schema(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ is_true(insp.has_table("vv", config.test_schema))
+class HasIndexTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
+ __backend__ = True
+ @classmethod
+ def define_tables(cls, metadata):
+ tt = Table(
+ "test_table",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ Column("data2", String(50)),
+ )
+ Index("my_idx",
+ if testing.requires.schemas.enabled:
+ tt = Table(
+ "test_table",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ schema=config.test_schema,
+ )
+ Index("my_idx_s",
+ kind = testing.combinations("dialect", "inspector", argnames="kind")
+ def _has_index(self, kind, conn):
+ if kind == "dialect":
+ return lambda *a, **k: config.db.dialect.has_index(conn, *a, **k)
+ else:
+ return inspect(conn).has_index
+ @kind
+ def test_has_index(self, kind, connection, metadata):
+ meth = self._has_index(kind, connection)
+ assert meth("test_table", "my_idx")
+ assert not meth("test_table", "my_idx_s")
+ assert not meth("nonexistent_table", "my_idx")
+ assert not meth("test_table", "nonexistent_idx")
+ assert not meth("test_table", "my_idx_2")
+ assert not meth("test_table_2", "my_idx_3")
+ idx = Index("my_idx_2", self.tables.test_table.c.data2)
+ tbl = Table(
+ "test_table_2",
+ metadata,
+ Column("foo", Integer),
+ Index("my_idx_3", "foo"),
+ )
+ idx.create(connection)
+ tbl.create(connection)
+ try:
+ if kind == "inspector":
+ assert not meth("test_table", "my_idx_2")
+ assert not meth("test_table_2", "my_idx_3")
+ meth.__self__.clear_cache()
+ assert meth("test_table", "my_idx_2") is True
+ assert meth("test_table_2", "my_idx_3") is True
+ finally:
+ tbl.drop(connection)
+ idx.drop(connection)
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ @kind
+ def test_has_index_schema(self, kind, connection):
+ meth = self._has_index(kind, connection)
+ assert meth("test_table", "my_idx_s", schema=config.test_schema)
+ assert not meth("test_table", "my_idx", schema=config.test_schema)
+ assert not meth(
+ "nonexistent_table", "my_idx_s", schema=config.test_schema
+ )
+ assert not meth(
+ "test_table", "nonexistent_idx_s", schema=config.test_schema
+ )
+class BizarroCharacterFKResolutionTest(fixtures.TestBase):
+ """tests for #10275"""
+ __backend__ = True
+ @testing.combinations(
+ ("id",), ("(3)",), ("col%p",), ("[brack]",), argnames="columnname"
+ )
+ @testing.variation("use_composite", [True, False])
+ @testing.combinations(
+ ("plain",),
+ ("(2)",),
+ ("per % cent",),
+ ("[brackets]",),
+ argnames="tablename",
+ )
+ def test_fk_ref(
+ self, connection, metadata, use_composite, tablename, columnname
+ ):
+ tt = Table(
+ tablename,
+ metadata,
+ Column(columnname, Integer, key="id", primary_key=True),
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ if use_composite:
+ tt.append_column(Column("id2", Integer, primary_key=True))
+ if use_composite:
+ Table(
+ "other",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("ref", Integer),
+ Column("ref2", Integer),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(["ref", "ref2"], [, tt.c.id2]),
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ else:
+ Table(
+ "other",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("ref", ForeignKey(,
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ metadata.create_all(connection)
+ m2 = MetaData()
+ o2 = Table("other", m2, autoload_with=connection)
+ t1 = m2.tables[tablename]
+ assert o2.c.ref.references(t1.c[0])
+ if use_composite:
+ assert o2.c.ref2.references(t1.c[1])
+class QuotedNameArgumentTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
+ run_create_tables = "once"
+ __backend__ = True
+ @classmethod
+ def define_tables(cls, metadata):
+ Table(
+ "quote ' one",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer),
+ Column("name", String(50)),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ Column("related_id", Integer),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("id", name="pk quote ' one"),
+ sa.Index("ix quote ' one", "name"),
+ sa.UniqueConstraint(
+ "data",
+ name="uq quote' one",
+ ),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(
+ ["id"], [""], name="fk quote ' one"
+ ),
+ sa.CheckConstraint("name != 'foo'", name="ck quote ' one"),
+ comment=r"""quote ' one comment""",
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ if testing.requires.symbol_names_w_double_quote.enabled:
+ Table(
+ 'quote " two',
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer),
+ Column("name", String(50)),
+ Column("data", String(50)),
+ Column("related_id", Integer),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("id", name='pk quote " two'),
+ sa.Index('ix quote " two', "name"),
+ sa.UniqueConstraint(
+ "data",
+ name='uq quote" two',
+ ),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(
+ ["id"], [""], name='fk quote " two'
+ ),
+ sa.CheckConstraint("name != 'foo'", name='ck quote " two '),
+ comment=r"""quote " two comment""",
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ Table(
+ "related",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("related", Integer),
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ if testing.requires.view_column_reflection.enabled:
+ if testing.requires.symbol_names_w_double_quote.enabled:
+ names = [
+ "quote ' one",
+ 'quote " two',
+ ]
+ else:
+ names = [
+ "quote ' one",
+ ]
+ for name in names:
+ query = "CREATE VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %s" % (
+ config.db.dialect.identifier_preparer.quote(
+ "view %s" % name
+ ),
+ config.db.dialect.identifier_preparer.quote(name),
+ )
+ event.listen(metadata, "after_create", DDL(query))
+ event.listen(
+ metadata,
+ "before_drop",
+ DDL(
+ "DROP VIEW %s"
+ % config.db.dialect.identifier_preparer.quote(
+ "view %s" % name
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ def quote_fixtures(fn):
+ return testing.combinations(
+ ("quote ' one",),
+ ('quote " two', testing.requires.symbol_names_w_double_quote),
+ )(fn)
+ @quote_fixtures
+ def test_get_table_options(self, name):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ if testing.requires.reflect_table_options.enabled:
+ res = insp.get_table_options(name)
+ is_true(isinstance(res, dict))
+ else:
+ with expect_raises(NotImplementedError):
+ res = insp.get_table_options(name)
+ @quote_fixtures
+ @testing.requires.view_column_reflection
+ def test_get_view_definition(self, name):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ assert insp.get_view_definition("view %s" % name)
+ @quote_fixtures
+ def test_get_columns(self, name):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ assert insp.get_columns(name)
+ @quote_fixtures
+ def test_get_pk_constraint(self, name):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ assert insp.get_pk_constraint(name)
+ @quote_fixtures
+ def test_get_foreign_keys(self, name):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ assert insp.get_foreign_keys(name)
+ @quote_fixtures
+ def test_get_indexes(self, name):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ assert insp.get_indexes(name)
+ @quote_fixtures
+ @testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection
+ def test_get_unique_constraints(self, name):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ assert insp.get_unique_constraints(name)
+ @quote_fixtures
+ @testing.requires.comment_reflection
+ def test_get_table_comment(self, name):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ assert insp.get_table_comment(name)
+ @quote_fixtures
+ @testing.requires.check_constraint_reflection
+ def test_get_check_constraints(self, name):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ assert insp.get_check_constraints(name)
+def _multi_combination(fn):
+ schema = testing.combinations(
+ None,
+ (
+ lambda: config.test_schema,
+ testing.requires.schemas,
+ ),
+ argnames="schema",
+ )
+ scope = testing.combinations(
+ ObjectScope.DEFAULT,
+ ObjectScope.TEMPORARY,
+ ObjectScope.ANY,
+ argnames="scope",
+ )
+ kind = testing.combinations(
+ ObjectKind.TABLE,
+ ObjectKind.VIEW,
+ ObjectKind.ANY,
+ ObjectKind.ANY_VIEW,
+ ObjectKind.TABLE | ObjectKind.VIEW,
+ ObjectKind.TABLE | ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW,
+ argnames="kind",
+ )
+ filter_names = testing.combinations(True, False, argnames="use_filter")
+ return schema(scope(kind(filter_names(fn))))
+class ComponentReflectionTest(ComparesTables, OneConnectionTablesTest):
+ run_inserts = run_deletes = None
+ __backend__ = True
+ @classmethod
+ def define_tables(cls, metadata):
+ cls.define_reflected_tables(metadata, None)
+ if testing.requires.schemas.enabled:
+ cls.define_reflected_tables(metadata, testing.config.test_schema)
+ @classmethod
+ def define_reflected_tables(cls, metadata, schema):
+ if schema:
+ schema_prefix = schema + "."
+ else:
+ schema_prefix = ""
+ if testing.requires.self_referential_foreign_keys.enabled:
+ parent_id_args = (
+ ForeignKey(
+ "%susers.user_id" % schema_prefix, name="user_id_fk"
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ parent_id_args = ()
+ users = Table(
+ "users",
+ metadata,
+ Column("user_id", sa.INT, primary_key=True),
+ Column("test1", sa.CHAR(5), nullable=False),
+ Column("test2", sa.Float(), nullable=False),
+ Column("parent_user_id", sa.Integer, *parent_id_args),
+ sa.CheckConstraint(
+ "test2 > 0",
+ name="zz_test2_gt_zero",
+ comment="users check constraint",
+ ),
+ sa.CheckConstraint("test2 <= 1000"),
+ schema=schema,
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ Table(
+ "dingalings",
+ metadata,
+ Column("dingaling_id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column(
+ "address_id",
+ sa.Integer,
+ ForeignKey(
+ "%semail_addresses.address_id" % schema_prefix,
+ name="zz_email_add_id_fg",
+ comment="di fk comment",
+ ),
+ ),
+ Column(
+ "id_user",
+ sa.Integer,
+ ForeignKey("%susers.user_id" % schema_prefix),
+ ),
+ Column("data", sa.String(30), unique=True),
+ sa.CheckConstraint(
+ "address_id > 0 AND address_id < 1000",
+ name="address_id_gt_zero",
+ ),
+ sa.UniqueConstraint(
+ "address_id",
+ "dingaling_id",
+ name="zz_dingalings_multiple",
+ comment="di unique comment",
+ ),
+ schema=schema,
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ Table(
+ "email_addresses",
+ metadata,
+ Column("address_id", sa.Integer),
+ Column("remote_user_id", sa.Integer, ForeignKey(users.c.user_id)),
+ Column("email_address", sa.String(20), index=True),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint(
+ "address_id", name="email_ad_pk", comment="ea pk comment"
+ ),
+ schema=schema,
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ Table(
+ "comment_test",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True, comment="id comment"),
+ Column("data", sa.String(20), comment="data % comment"),
+ Column(
+ "d2",
+ sa.String(20),
+ comment=r"""Comment types type speedily ' " \ '' Fun!""",
+ ),
+ Column("d3", sa.String(42), comment="Comment\nwith\rescapes"),
+ schema=schema,
+ comment=r"""the test % ' " \ table comment""",
+ )
+ Table(
+ "no_constraints",
+ metadata,
+ Column("data", sa.String(20)),
+ schema=schema,
+ comment="no\nconstraints\rhas\fescaped\vcomment",
+ )
+ if testing.requires.cross_schema_fk_reflection.enabled:
+ if schema is None:
+ Table(
+ "local_table",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("data", sa.String(20)),
+ Column(
+ "remote_id",
+ ForeignKey(
+ "" % testing.config.test_schema
+ ),
+ ),
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ schema=config.db.dialect.default_schema_name,
+ )
+ else:
+ Table(
+ "remote_table",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column(
+ "local_id",
+ ForeignKey(
+ ""
+ % config.db.dialect.default_schema_name
+ ),
+ ),
+ Column("data", sa.String(20)),
+ schema=schema,
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ Table(
+ "remote_table_2",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("data", sa.String(20)),
+ schema=schema,
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ if testing.requires.index_reflection.enabled:
+ Index("users_t_idx", users.c.test1, users.c.test2, unique=True)
+ Index(
+ "users_all_idx", users.c.user_id, users.c.test2, users.c.test1
+ )
+ if not schema:
+ # test_needs_fk is at the moment to force MySQL InnoDB
+ noncol_idx_test_nopk = Table(
+ "noncol_idx_test_nopk",
+ metadata,
+ Column("q", sa.String(5)),
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ noncol_idx_test_pk = Table(
+ "noncol_idx_test_pk",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("q", sa.String(5)),
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ if (
+ testing.requires.indexes_with_ascdesc.enabled
+ and testing.requires.reflect_indexes_with_ascdesc.enabled
+ ):
+ Index("noncol_idx_nopk", noncol_idx_test_nopk.c.q.desc())
+ Index("noncol_idx_pk", noncol_idx_test_pk.c.q.desc())
+ if testing.requires.view_column_reflection.enabled:
+ cls.define_views(metadata, schema)
+ if not schema and testing.requires.temp_table_reflection.enabled:
+ cls.define_temp_tables(metadata)
+ @classmethod
+ def temp_table_name(cls):
+ return get_temp_table_name(
+ config, config.db, f"user_tmp_{config.ident}"
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def define_temp_tables(cls, metadata):
+ kw = temp_table_keyword_args(config, config.db)
+ table_name = cls.temp_table_name()
+ user_tmp = Table(
+ table_name,
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", sa.INT, primary_key=True),
+ Column("name", sa.VARCHAR(50)),
+ Column("foo", sa.INT),
+ # disambiguate temp table unique constraint names. this is
+ # pretty arbitrary for a generic dialect however we are doing
+ # it to suit SQL Server which will produce name conflicts for
+ # unique constraints created against temp tables in different
+ # databases.
+ #
+ sa.UniqueConstraint("name", name=f"user_tmp_uq_{config.ident}"),
+ sa.Index("user_tmp_ix", "foo"),
+ **kw,
+ )
+ if (
+ testing.requires.view_reflection.enabled
+ and testing.requires.temporary_views.enabled
+ ):
+ event.listen(
+ user_tmp,
+ "after_create",
+ DDL(
+ "create temporary view user_tmp_v as "
+ "select * from user_tmp_%s" % config.ident
+ ),
+ )
+ event.listen(user_tmp, "before_drop", DDL("drop view user_tmp_v"))
+ @classmethod
+ def define_views(cls, metadata, schema):
+ if testing.requires.materialized_views.enabled:
+ materialized = {"dingalings"}
+ else:
+ materialized = set()
+ for table_name in ("users", "email_addresses", "dingalings"):
+ fullname = table_name
+ if schema:
+ fullname = f"{schema}.{table_name}"
+ view_name = fullname + "_v"
+ prefix = "MATERIALIZED " if table_name in materialized else ""
+ query = (
+ f"CREATE {prefix}VIEW {view_name} AS SELECT * FROM {fullname}"
+ )
+ event.listen(metadata, "after_create", DDL(query))
+ if table_name in materialized:
+ index_name = "mat_index"
+ if schema and testing.against("oracle"):
+ index_name = f"{schema}.{index_name}"
+ idx = f"CREATE INDEX {index_name} ON {view_name}(data)"
+ event.listen(metadata, "after_create", DDL(idx))
+ event.listen(
+ metadata, "before_drop", DDL(f"DROP {prefix}VIEW {view_name}")
+ )
+ def _resolve_kind(self, kind, tables, views, materialized):
+ res = {}
+ if ObjectKind.TABLE in kind:
+ res.update(tables)
+ if ObjectKind.VIEW in kind:
+ res.update(views)
+ if ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW in kind:
+ res.update(materialized)
+ return res
+ def _resolve_views(self, views, materialized):
+ if not testing.requires.view_column_reflection.enabled:
+ materialized.clear()
+ views.clear()
+ elif not testing.requires.materialized_views.enabled:
+ views.update(materialized)
+ materialized.clear()
+ def _resolve_names(self, schema, scope, filter_names, values):
+ scope_filter = lambda _: True # noqa: E731
+ if scope is ObjectScope.DEFAULT:
+ scope_filter = lambda k: "tmp" not in k[1] # noqa: E731
+ if scope is ObjectScope.TEMPORARY:
+ scope_filter = lambda k: "tmp" in k[1] # noqa: E731
+ removed = {
+ None: {"remote_table", "remote_table_2"},
+ testing.config.test_schema: {
+ "local_table",
+ "noncol_idx_test_nopk",
+ "noncol_idx_test_pk",
+ "user_tmp_v",
+ self.temp_table_name(),
+ },
+ }
+ if not testing.requires.cross_schema_fk_reflection.enabled:
+ removed[None].add("local_table")
+ removed[testing.config.test_schema].update(
+ ["remote_table", "remote_table_2"]
+ )
+ if not testing.requires.index_reflection.enabled:
+ removed[None].update(
+ ["noncol_idx_test_nopk", "noncol_idx_test_pk"]
+ )
+ if (
+ not testing.requires.temp_table_reflection.enabled
+ or not testing.requires.temp_table_names.enabled
+ ):
+ removed[None].update(["user_tmp_v", self.temp_table_name()])
+ if not testing.requires.temporary_views.enabled:
+ removed[None].update(["user_tmp_v"])
+ res = {
+ k: v
+ for k, v in values.items()
+ if scope_filter(k)
+ and k[1] not in removed[schema]
+ and (not filter_names or k[1] in filter_names)
+ }
+ return res
+ def exp_options(
+ self,
+ schema=None,
+ scope=ObjectScope.ANY,
+ kind=ObjectKind.ANY,
+ filter_names=None,
+ ):
+ materialized = {(schema, "dingalings_v"): mock.ANY}
+ views = {
+ (schema, "email_addresses_v"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "users_v"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "user_tmp_v"): mock.ANY,
+ }
+ self._resolve_views(views, materialized)
+ tables = {
+ (schema, "users"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "dingalings"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "email_addresses"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "comment_test"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "no_constraints"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "local_table"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "remote_table"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "remote_table_2"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_nopk"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_pk"): mock.ANY,
+ (schema, self.temp_table_name()): mock.ANY,
+ }
+ res = self._resolve_kind(kind, tables, views, materialized)
+ res = self._resolve_names(schema, scope, filter_names, res)
+ return res
+ def exp_comments(
+ self,
+ schema=None,
+ scope=ObjectScope.ANY,
+ kind=ObjectKind.ANY,
+ filter_names=None,
+ ):
+ empty = {"text": None}
+ materialized = {(schema, "dingalings_v"): empty}
+ views = {
+ (schema, "email_addresses_v"): empty,
+ (schema, "users_v"): empty,
+ (schema, "user_tmp_v"): empty,
+ }
+ self._resolve_views(views, materialized)
+ tables = {
+ (schema, "users"): empty,
+ (schema, "dingalings"): empty,
+ (schema, "email_addresses"): empty,
+ (schema, "comment_test"): {
+ "text": r"""the test % ' " \ table comment"""
+ },
+ (schema, "no_constraints"): {
+ "text": "no\nconstraints\rhas\fescaped\vcomment"
+ },
+ (schema, "local_table"): empty,
+ (schema, "remote_table"): empty,
+ (schema, "remote_table_2"): empty,
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_nopk"): empty,
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_pk"): empty,
+ (schema, self.temp_table_name()): empty,
+ }
+ res = self._resolve_kind(kind, tables, views, materialized)
+ res = self._resolve_names(schema, scope, filter_names, res)
+ return res
+ def exp_columns(
+ self,
+ schema=None,
+ scope=ObjectScope.ANY,
+ kind=ObjectKind.ANY,
+ filter_names=None,
+ ):
+ def col(
+ name, auto=False, default=mock.ANY, comment=None, nullable=True
+ ):
+ res = {
+ "name": name,
+ "autoincrement": auto,
+ "type": mock.ANY,
+ "default": default,
+ "comment": comment,
+ "nullable": nullable,
+ }
+ if auto == "omit":
+ res.pop("autoincrement")
+ return res
+ def pk(name, **kw):
+ kw = {"auto": True, "default": mock.ANY, "nullable": False, **kw}
+ return col(name, **kw)
+ materialized = {
+ (schema, "dingalings_v"): [
+ col("dingaling_id", auto="omit", nullable=mock.ANY),
+ col("address_id"),
+ col("id_user"),
+ col("data"),
+ ]
+ }
+ views = {
+ (schema, "email_addresses_v"): [
+ col("address_id", auto="omit", nullable=mock.ANY),
+ col("remote_user_id"),
+ col("email_address"),
+ ],
+ (schema, "users_v"): [
+ col("user_id", auto="omit", nullable=mock.ANY),
+ col("test1", nullable=mock.ANY),
+ col("test2", nullable=mock.ANY),
+ col("parent_user_id"),
+ ],
+ (schema, "user_tmp_v"): [
+ col("id", auto="omit", nullable=mock.ANY),
+ col("name"),
+ col("foo"),
+ ],
+ }
+ self._resolve_views(views, materialized)
+ tables = {
+ (schema, "users"): [
+ pk("user_id"),
+ col("test1", nullable=False),
+ col("test2", nullable=False),
+ col("parent_user_id"),
+ ],
+ (schema, "dingalings"): [
+ pk("dingaling_id"),
+ col("address_id"),
+ col("id_user"),
+ col("data"),
+ ],
+ (schema, "email_addresses"): [
+ pk("address_id"),
+ col("remote_user_id"),
+ col("email_address"),
+ ],
+ (schema, "comment_test"): [
+ pk("id", comment="id comment"),
+ col("data", comment="data % comment"),
+ col(
+ "d2",
+ comment=r"""Comment types type speedily ' " \ '' Fun!""",
+ ),
+ col("d3", comment="Comment\nwith\rescapes"),
+ ],
+ (schema, "no_constraints"): [col("data")],
+ (schema, "local_table"): [pk("id"), col("data"), col("remote_id")],
+ (schema, "remote_table"): [pk("id"), col("local_id"), col("data")],
+ (schema, "remote_table_2"): [pk("id"), col("data")],
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_nopk"): [col("q")],
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_pk"): [pk("id"), col("q")],
+ (schema, self.temp_table_name()): [
+ pk("id"),
+ col("name"),
+ col("foo"),
+ ],
+ }
+ res = self._resolve_kind(kind, tables, views, materialized)
+ res = self._resolve_names(schema, scope, filter_names, res)
+ return res
+ @property
+ def _required_column_keys(self):
+ return {"name", "type", "nullable", "default"}
+ def exp_pks(
+ self,
+ schema=None,
+ scope=ObjectScope.ANY,
+ kind=ObjectKind.ANY,
+ filter_names=None,
+ ):
+ def pk(*cols, name=mock.ANY, comment=None):
+ return {
+ "constrained_columns": list(cols),
+ "name": name,
+ "comment": comment,
+ }
+ empty = pk(name=None)
+ if testing.requires.materialized_views_reflect_pk.enabled:
+ materialized = {(schema, "dingalings_v"): pk("dingaling_id")}
+ else:
+ materialized = {(schema, "dingalings_v"): empty}
+ views = {
+ (schema, "email_addresses_v"): empty,
+ (schema, "users_v"): empty,
+ (schema, "user_tmp_v"): empty,
+ }
+ self._resolve_views(views, materialized)
+ tables = {
+ (schema, "users"): pk("user_id"),
+ (schema, "dingalings"): pk("dingaling_id"),
+ (schema, "email_addresses"): pk(
+ "address_id", name="email_ad_pk", comment="ea pk comment"
+ ),
+ (schema, "comment_test"): pk("id"),
+ (schema, "no_constraints"): empty,
+ (schema, "local_table"): pk("id"),
+ (schema, "remote_table"): pk("id"),
+ (schema, "remote_table_2"): pk("id"),
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_nopk"): empty,
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_pk"): pk("id"),
+ (schema, self.temp_table_name()): pk("id"),
+ }
+ if not testing.requires.reflects_pk_names.enabled:
+ for val in tables.values():
+ if val["name"] is not None:
+ val["name"] = mock.ANY
+ res = self._resolve_kind(kind, tables, views, materialized)
+ res = self._resolve_names(schema, scope, filter_names, res)
+ return res
+ @property
+ def _required_pk_keys(self):
+ return {"name", "constrained_columns"}
+ def exp_fks(
+ self,
+ schema=None,
+ scope=ObjectScope.ANY,
+ kind=ObjectKind.ANY,
+ filter_names=None,
+ ):
+ class tt:
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (
+ other is None
+ or config.db.dialect.default_schema_name == other
+ )
+ def fk(
+ cols,
+ ref_col,
+ ref_table,
+ ref_schema=schema,
+ name=mock.ANY,
+ comment=None,
+ ):
+ return {
+ "constrained_columns": cols,
+ "referred_columns": ref_col,
+ "name": name,
+ "options": mock.ANY,
+ "referred_schema": (
+ ref_schema if ref_schema is not None else tt()
+ ),
+ "referred_table": ref_table,
+ "comment": comment,
+ }
+ materialized = {(schema, "dingalings_v"): []}
+ views = {
+ (schema, "email_addresses_v"): [],
+ (schema, "users_v"): [],
+ (schema, "user_tmp_v"): [],
+ }
+ self._resolve_views(views, materialized)
+ tables = {
+ (schema, "users"): [
+ fk(["parent_user_id"], ["user_id"], "users", name="user_id_fk")
+ ],
+ (schema, "dingalings"): [
+ fk(["id_user"], ["user_id"], "users"),
+ fk(
+ ["address_id"],
+ ["address_id"],
+ "email_addresses",
+ name="zz_email_add_id_fg",
+ comment="di fk comment",
+ ),
+ ],
+ (schema, "email_addresses"): [
+ fk(["remote_user_id"], ["user_id"], "users")
+ ],
+ (schema, "comment_test"): [],
+ (schema, "no_constraints"): [],
+ (schema, "local_table"): [
+ fk(
+ ["remote_id"],
+ ["id"],
+ "remote_table_2",
+ ref_schema=config.test_schema,
+ )
+ ],
+ (schema, "remote_table"): [
+ fk(["local_id"], ["id"], "local_table", ref_schema=None)
+ ],
+ (schema, "remote_table_2"): [],
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_nopk"): [],
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_pk"): [],
+ (schema, self.temp_table_name()): [],
+ }
+ if not testing.requires.self_referential_foreign_keys.enabled:
+ tables[(schema, "users")].clear()
+ if not testing.requires.named_constraints.enabled:
+ for vals in tables.values():
+ for val in vals:
+ if val["name"] is not mock.ANY:
+ val["name"] = mock.ANY
+ res = self._resolve_kind(kind, tables, views, materialized)
+ res = self._resolve_names(schema, scope, filter_names, res)
+ return res
+ @property
+ def _required_fk_keys(self):
+ return {
+ "name",
+ "constrained_columns",
+ "referred_schema",
+ "referred_table",
+ "referred_columns",
+ }
+ def exp_indexes(
+ self,
+ schema=None,
+ scope=ObjectScope.ANY,
+ kind=ObjectKind.ANY,
+ filter_names=None,
+ ):
+ def idx(
+ *cols,
+ name,
+ unique=False,
+ column_sorting=None,
+ duplicates=False,
+ fk=False,
+ ):
+ fk_req = testing.requires.foreign_keys_reflect_as_index
+ dup_req = testing.requires.unique_constraints_reflect_as_index
+ sorting_expression = (
+ testing.requires.reflect_indexes_with_ascdesc_as_expression
+ )
+ if (fk and not fk_req.enabled) or (
+ duplicates and not dup_req.enabled
+ ):
+ return ()
+ res = {
+ "unique": unique,
+ "column_names": list(cols),
+ "name": name,
+ "dialect_options": mock.ANY,
+ "include_columns": [],
+ }
+ if column_sorting:
+ res["column_sorting"] = column_sorting
+ if sorting_expression.enabled:
+ res["expressions"] = orig = res["column_names"]
+ res["column_names"] = [
+ None if c in column_sorting else c for c in orig
+ ]
+ if duplicates:
+ res["duplicates_constraint"] = name
+ return [res]
+ materialized = {(schema, "dingalings_v"): []}
+ views = {
+ (schema, "email_addresses_v"): [],
+ (schema, "users_v"): [],
+ (schema, "user_tmp_v"): [],
+ }
+ self._resolve_views(views, materialized)
+ if materialized:
+ materialized[(schema, "dingalings_v")].extend(
+ idx("data", name="mat_index")
+ )
+ tables = {
+ (schema, "users"): [
+ *idx("parent_user_id", name="user_id_fk", fk=True),
+ *idx("user_id", "test2", "test1", name="users_all_idx"),
+ *idx("test1", "test2", name="users_t_idx", unique=True),
+ ],
+ (schema, "dingalings"): [
+ *idx("data", name=mock.ANY, unique=True, duplicates=True),
+ *idx("id_user", name=mock.ANY, fk=True),
+ *idx(
+ "address_id",
+ "dingaling_id",
+ name="zz_dingalings_multiple",
+ unique=True,
+ duplicates=True,
+ ),
+ ],
+ (schema, "email_addresses"): [
+ *idx("email_address", name=mock.ANY),
+ *idx("remote_user_id", name=mock.ANY, fk=True),
+ ],
+ (schema, "comment_test"): [],
+ (schema, "no_constraints"): [],
+ (schema, "local_table"): [
+ *idx("remote_id", name=mock.ANY, fk=True)
+ ],
+ (schema, "remote_table"): [
+ *idx("local_id", name=mock.ANY, fk=True)
+ ],
+ (schema, "remote_table_2"): [],
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_nopk"): [
+ *idx(
+ "q",
+ name="noncol_idx_nopk",
+ column_sorting={"q": ("desc",)},
+ )
+ ],
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_pk"): [
+ *idx(
+ "q", name="noncol_idx_pk", column_sorting={"q": ("desc",)}
+ )
+ ],
+ (schema, self.temp_table_name()): [
+ *idx("foo", name="user_tmp_ix"),
+ *idx(
+ "name",
+ name=f"user_tmp_uq_{config.ident}",
+ duplicates=True,
+ unique=True,
+ ),
+ ],
+ }
+ if (
+ not testing.requires.indexes_with_ascdesc.enabled
+ or not testing.requires.reflect_indexes_with_ascdesc.enabled
+ ):
+ tables[(schema, "noncol_idx_test_nopk")].clear()
+ tables[(schema, "noncol_idx_test_pk")].clear()
+ res = self._resolve_kind(kind, tables, views, materialized)
+ res = self._resolve_names(schema, scope, filter_names, res)
+ return res
+ @property
+ def _required_index_keys(self):
+ return {"name", "column_names", "unique"}
+ def exp_ucs(
+ self,
+ schema=None,
+ scope=ObjectScope.ANY,
+ kind=ObjectKind.ANY,
+ filter_names=None,
+ all_=False,
+ ):
+ def uc(
+ *cols, name, duplicates_index=None, is_index=False, comment=None
+ ):
+ req = testing.requires.unique_index_reflect_as_unique_constraints
+ if is_index and not req.enabled:
+ return ()
+ res = {
+ "column_names": list(cols),
+ "name": name,
+ "comment": comment,
+ }
+ if duplicates_index:
+ res["duplicates_index"] = duplicates_index
+ return [res]
+ materialized = {(schema, "dingalings_v"): []}
+ views = {
+ (schema, "email_addresses_v"): [],
+ (schema, "users_v"): [],
+ (schema, "user_tmp_v"): [],
+ }
+ self._resolve_views(views, materialized)
+ tables = {
+ (schema, "users"): [
+ *uc(
+ "test1",
+ "test2",
+ name="users_t_idx",
+ duplicates_index="users_t_idx",
+ is_index=True,
+ )
+ ],
+ (schema, "dingalings"): [
+ *uc("data", name=mock.ANY, duplicates_index=mock.ANY),
+ *uc(
+ "address_id",
+ "dingaling_id",
+ name="zz_dingalings_multiple",
+ duplicates_index="zz_dingalings_multiple",
+ comment="di unique comment",
+ ),
+ ],
+ (schema, "email_addresses"): [],
+ (schema, "comment_test"): [],
+ (schema, "no_constraints"): [],
+ (schema, "local_table"): [],
+ (schema, "remote_table"): [],
+ (schema, "remote_table_2"): [],
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_nopk"): [],
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_pk"): [],
+ (schema, self.temp_table_name()): [
+ *uc("name", name=f"user_tmp_uq_{config.ident}")
+ ],
+ }
+ if all_:
+ return {**materialized, **views, **tables}
+ else:
+ res = self._resolve_kind(kind, tables, views, materialized)
+ res = self._resolve_names(schema, scope, filter_names, res)
+ return res
+ @property
+ def _required_unique_cst_keys(self):
+ return {"name", "column_names"}
+ def exp_ccs(
+ self,
+ schema=None,
+ scope=ObjectScope.ANY,
+ kind=ObjectKind.ANY,
+ filter_names=None,
+ ):
+ class tt(str):
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ res = (
+ other.lower()
+ .replace("(", "")
+ .replace(")", "")
+ .replace("`", "")
+ )
+ return self in res
+ def cc(text, name, comment=None):
+ return {"sqltext": tt(text), "name": name, "comment": comment}
+ # print({1: "test2 > (0)::double precision"} == {1: tt("test2 > 0")})
+ # assert 0
+ materialized = {(schema, "dingalings_v"): []}
+ views = {
+ (schema, "email_addresses_v"): [],
+ (schema, "users_v"): [],
+ (schema, "user_tmp_v"): [],
+ }
+ self._resolve_views(views, materialized)
+ tables = {
+ (schema, "users"): [
+ cc("test2 <= 1000", mock.ANY),
+ cc(
+ "test2 > 0",
+ "zz_test2_gt_zero",
+ comment="users check constraint",
+ ),
+ ],
+ (schema, "dingalings"): [
+ cc(
+ "address_id > 0 and address_id < 1000",
+ name="address_id_gt_zero",
+ ),
+ ],
+ (schema, "email_addresses"): [],
+ (schema, "comment_test"): [],
+ (schema, "no_constraints"): [],
+ (schema, "local_table"): [],
+ (schema, "remote_table"): [],
+ (schema, "remote_table_2"): [],
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_nopk"): [],
+ (schema, "noncol_idx_test_pk"): [],
+ (schema, self.temp_table_name()): [],
+ }
+ res = self._resolve_kind(kind, tables, views, materialized)
+ res = self._resolve_names(schema, scope, filter_names, res)
+ return res
+ @property
+ def _required_cc_keys(self):
+ return {"name", "sqltext"}
+ @testing.requires.schema_reflection
+ def test_get_schema_names(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ is_true(testing.config.test_schema in insp.get_schema_names())
+ @testing.requires.schema_reflection
+ def test_has_schema(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ is_true(insp.has_schema(testing.config.test_schema))
+ is_false(insp.has_schema("sa_fake_schema_foo"))
+ @testing.requires.schema_reflection
+ def test_get_schema_names_w_translate_map(self, connection):
+ """test #7300"""
+ connection = connection.execution_options(
+ schema_translate_map={
+ "foo": "bar",
+ BLANK_SCHEMA: testing.config.test_schema,
+ }
+ )
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ is_true(testing.config.test_schema in insp.get_schema_names())
+ @testing.requires.schema_reflection
+ def test_has_schema_w_translate_map(self, connection):
+ connection = connection.execution_options(
+ schema_translate_map={
+ "foo": "bar",
+ BLANK_SCHEMA: testing.config.test_schema,
+ }
+ )
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ is_true(insp.has_schema(testing.config.test_schema))
+ is_false(insp.has_schema("sa_fake_schema_foo"))
+ @testing.requires.schema_reflection
+ @testing.requires.schema_create_delete
+ def test_schema_cache(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ is_false("foo_bar" in insp.get_schema_names())
+ is_false(insp.has_schema("foo_bar"))
+ connection.execute(DDL("CREATE SCHEMA foo_bar"))
+ try:
+ is_false("foo_bar" in insp.get_schema_names())
+ is_false(insp.has_schema("foo_bar"))
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ is_true("foo_bar" in insp.get_schema_names())
+ is_true(insp.has_schema("foo_bar"))
+ finally:
+ connection.execute(DDL("DROP SCHEMA foo_bar"))
+ @testing.requires.schema_reflection
+ def test_dialect_initialize(self):
+ engine = engines.testing_engine()
+ inspect(engine)
+ assert hasattr(engine.dialect, "default_schema_name")
+ @testing.requires.schema_reflection
+ def test_get_default_schema_name(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ eq_(insp.default_schema_name, connection.dialect.default_schema_name)
+ @testing.combinations(
+ None,
+ ("foreign_key", testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection),
+ argnames="order_by",
+ )
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (True, testing.requires.schemas), False, argnames="use_schema"
+ )
+ def test_get_table_names(self, connection, order_by, use_schema):
+ if use_schema:
+ schema = config.test_schema
+ else:
+ schema = None
+ _ignore_tables = {
+ "comment_test",
+ "noncol_idx_test_pk",
+ "noncol_idx_test_nopk",
+ "local_table",
+ "remote_table",
+ "remote_table_2",
+ "no_constraints",
+ }
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ if order_by:
+ tables = [
+ rec[0]
+ for rec in insp.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names(schema)
+ if rec[0]
+ ]
+ else:
+ tables = insp.get_table_names(schema)
+ table_names = [t for t in tables if t not in _ignore_tables]
+ if order_by == "foreign_key":
+ answer = ["users", "email_addresses", "dingalings"]
+ eq_(table_names, answer)
+ else:
+ answer = ["dingalings", "email_addresses", "users"]
+ eq_(sorted(table_names), answer)
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (True, testing.requires.schemas), False, argnames="use_schema"
+ )
+ def test_get_view_names(self, connection, use_schema):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ if use_schema:
+ schema = config.test_schema
+ else:
+ schema = None
+ table_names = insp.get_view_names(schema)
+ if testing.requires.materialized_views.enabled:
+ eq_(sorted(table_names), ["email_addresses_v", "users_v"])
+ eq_(insp.get_materialized_view_names(schema), ["dingalings_v"])
+ else:
+ answer = ["dingalings_v", "email_addresses_v", "users_v"]
+ eq_(sorted(table_names), answer)
+ @testing.requires.temp_table_names
+ def test_get_temp_table_names(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ temp_table_names = insp.get_temp_table_names()
+ eq_(sorted(temp_table_names), [f"user_tmp_{config.ident}"])
+ @testing.requires.view_reflection
+ @testing.requires.temporary_views
+ def test_get_temp_view_names(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ temp_table_names = insp.get_temp_view_names()
+ eq_(sorted(temp_table_names), ["user_tmp_v"])
+ @testing.requires.comment_reflection
+ def test_get_comments(self, connection):
+ self._test_get_comments(connection)
+ @testing.requires.comment_reflection
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_get_comments_with_schema(self, connection):
+ self._test_get_comments(connection, testing.config.test_schema)
+ def _test_get_comments(self, connection, schema=None):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ exp = self.exp_comments(schema=schema)
+ eq_(
+ insp.get_table_comment("comment_test", schema=schema),
+ exp[(schema, "comment_test")],
+ )
+ eq_(
+ insp.get_table_comment("users", schema=schema),
+ exp[(schema, "users")],
+ )
+ eq_(
+ insp.get_table_comment("comment_test", schema=schema),
+ exp[(schema, "comment_test")],
+ )
+ no_cst =
+ eq_(
+ insp.get_table_comment(no_cst, schema=schema),
+ exp[(schema, no_cst)],
+ )
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (False, False),
+ (False, True, testing.requires.schemas),
+ (True, False, testing.requires.view_reflection),
+ (
+ True,
+ True,
+ testing.requires.schemas + testing.requires.view_reflection,
+ ),
+ argnames="use_views,use_schema",
+ )
+ def test_get_columns(self, connection, use_views, use_schema):
+ if use_schema:
+ schema = config.test_schema
+ else:
+ schema = None
+ users, addresses = (self.tables.users, self.tables.email_addresses)
+ if use_views:
+ table_names = ["users_v", "email_addresses_v", "dingalings_v"]
+ else:
+ table_names = ["users", "email_addresses"]
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ for table_name, table in zip(table_names, (users, addresses)):
+ schema_name = schema
+ cols = insp.get_columns(table_name, schema=schema_name)
+ is_true(len(cols) > 0, len(cols))
+ # should be in order
+ for i, col in enumerate(table.columns):
+ eq_(, cols[i]["name"])
+ ctype = cols[i]["type"].__class__
+ ctype_def = col.type
+ if isinstance(ctype_def, sa.types.TypeEngine):
+ ctype_def = ctype_def.__class__
+ # Oracle returns Date for DateTime.
+ if testing.against("oracle") and ctype_def in (
+ sql_types.Date,
+ sql_types.DateTime,
+ ):
+ ctype_def = sql_types.Date
+ # assert that the desired type and return type share
+ # a base within one of the generic types.
+ is_true(
+ len(
+ set(ctype.__mro__)
+ .intersection(ctype_def.__mro__)
+ .intersection(
+ [
+ sql_types.Integer,
+ sql_types.Numeric,
+ sql_types.DateTime,
+ sql_types.Date,
+ sql_types.Time,
+ sql_types.String,
+ sql_types._Binary,
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ > 0,
+ "%s(%s), %s(%s)"
+ % (, col.type, cols[i]["name"], ctype),
+ )
+ if not col.primary_key:
+ assert cols[i]["default"] is None
+ # The case of a table with no column
+ # is tested below in TableNoColumnsTest
+ @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection
+ def test_reflect_table_temp_table(self, connection):
+ table_name = self.temp_table_name()
+ user_tmp = self.tables[table_name]
+ reflected_user_tmp = Table(
+ table_name, MetaData(), autoload_with=connection
+ )
+ self.assert_tables_equal(
+ user_tmp, reflected_user_tmp, strict_constraints=False
+ )
+ @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection
+ def test_get_temp_table_columns(self, connection):
+ table_name = self.temp_table_name()
+ user_tmp = self.tables[table_name]
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ cols = insp.get_columns(table_name)
+ is_true(len(cols) > 0, len(cols))
+ for i, col in enumerate(user_tmp.columns):
+ eq_(, cols[i]["name"])
+ @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection
+ @testing.requires.view_column_reflection
+ @testing.requires.temporary_views
+ def test_get_temp_view_columns(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ cols = insp.get_columns("user_tmp_v")
+ eq_([col["name"] for col in cols], ["id", "name", "foo"])
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (False,), (True, testing.requires.schemas), argnames="use_schema"
+ )
+ @testing.requires.primary_key_constraint_reflection
+ def test_get_pk_constraint(self, connection, use_schema):
+ if use_schema:
+ schema = testing.config.test_schema
+ else:
+ schema = None
+ users, addresses = self.tables.users, self.tables.email_addresses
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ exp = self.exp_pks(schema=schema)
+ users_cons = insp.get_pk_constraint(, schema=schema)
+ self._check_list(
+ [users_cons], [exp[(schema,]], self._required_pk_keys
+ )
+ addr_cons = insp.get_pk_constraint(, schema=schema)
+ exp_cols = exp[(schema,]["constrained_columns"]
+ eq_(addr_cons["constrained_columns"], exp_cols)
+ with testing.requires.reflects_pk_names.fail_if():
+ eq_(addr_cons["name"], "email_ad_pk")
+ no_cst =
+ self._check_list(
+ [insp.get_pk_constraint(no_cst, schema=schema)],
+ [exp[(schema, no_cst)]],
+ self._required_pk_keys,
+ )
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (False,), (True, testing.requires.schemas), argnames="use_schema"
+ )
+ @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection
+ def test_get_foreign_keys(self, connection, use_schema):
+ if use_schema:
+ schema = config.test_schema
+ else:
+ schema = None
+ users, addresses = (self.tables.users, self.tables.email_addresses)
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ expected_schema = schema
+ # users
+ if testing.requires.self_referential_foreign_keys.enabled:
+ users_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys(, schema=schema)
+ fkey1 = users_fkeys[0]
+ with testing.requires.named_constraints.fail_if():
+ eq_(fkey1["name"], "user_id_fk")
+ eq_(fkey1["referred_schema"], expected_schema)
+ eq_(fkey1["referred_table"],
+ eq_(fkey1["referred_columns"], ["user_id"])
+ eq_(fkey1["constrained_columns"], ["parent_user_id"])
+ # addresses
+ addr_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys(, schema=schema)
+ fkey1 = addr_fkeys[0]
+ with testing.requires.implicitly_named_constraints.fail_if():
+ is_true(fkey1["name"] is not None)
+ eq_(fkey1["referred_schema"], expected_schema)
+ eq_(fkey1["referred_table"],
+ eq_(fkey1["referred_columns"], ["user_id"])
+ eq_(fkey1["constrained_columns"], ["remote_user_id"])
+ no_cst =
+ eq_(insp.get_foreign_keys(no_cst, schema=schema), [])
+ @testing.requires.cross_schema_fk_reflection
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_get_inter_schema_foreign_keys(self, connection):
+ local_table, remote_table, remote_table_2 = self.tables(
+ "%s.local_table" % connection.dialect.default_schema_name,
+ "%s.remote_table" % testing.config.test_schema,
+ "%s.remote_table_2" % testing.config.test_schema,
+ )
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ local_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys(
+ eq_(len(local_fkeys), 1)
+ fkey1 = local_fkeys[0]
+ eq_(fkey1["referred_schema"], testing.config.test_schema)
+ eq_(fkey1["referred_table"],
+ eq_(fkey1["referred_columns"], ["id"])
+ eq_(fkey1["constrained_columns"], ["remote_id"])
+ remote_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys(
+, schema=testing.config.test_schema
+ )
+ eq_(len(remote_fkeys), 1)
+ fkey2 = remote_fkeys[0]
+ is_true(
+ fkey2["referred_schema"]
+ in (
+ None,
+ connection.dialect.default_schema_name,
+ )
+ )
+ eq_(fkey2["referred_table"],
+ eq_(fkey2["referred_columns"], ["id"])
+ eq_(fkey2["constrained_columns"], ["local_id"])
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (False,), (True, testing.requires.schemas), argnames="use_schema"
+ )
+ @testing.requires.index_reflection
+ def test_get_indexes(self, connection, use_schema):
+ if use_schema:
+ schema = config.test_schema
+ else:
+ schema = None
+ # The database may decide to create indexes for foreign keys, etc.
+ # so there may be more indexes than expected.
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ indexes = insp.get_indexes("users", schema=schema)
+ exp = self.exp_indexes(schema=schema)
+ self._check_list(
+ indexes, exp[(schema, "users")], self._required_index_keys
+ )
+ no_cst =
+ self._check_list(
+ insp.get_indexes(no_cst, schema=schema),
+ exp[(schema, no_cst)],
+ self._required_index_keys,
+ )
+ @testing.combinations(
+ ("noncol_idx_test_nopk", "noncol_idx_nopk"),
+ ("noncol_idx_test_pk", "noncol_idx_pk"),
+ argnames="tname,ixname",
+ )
+ @testing.requires.index_reflection
+ @testing.requires.indexes_with_ascdesc
+ @testing.requires.reflect_indexes_with_ascdesc
+ def test_get_noncol_index(self, connection, tname, ixname):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ indexes = insp.get_indexes(tname)
+ # reflecting an index that has "x DESC" in it as the column.
+ # the DB may or may not give us "x", but make sure we get the index
+ # back, it has a name, it's connected to the table.
+ expected_indexes = self.exp_indexes()[(None, tname)]
+ self._check_list(indexes, expected_indexes, self._required_index_keys)
+ t = Table(tname, MetaData(), autoload_with=connection)
+ eq_(len(t.indexes), 1)
+ is_(list(t.indexes)[0].table, t)
+ eq_(list(t.indexes)[0].name, ixname)
+ @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection
+ @testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection
+ def test_get_temp_table_unique_constraints(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ name = self.temp_table_name()
+ reflected = insp.get_unique_constraints(name)
+ exp = self.exp_ucs(all_=True)[(None, name)]
+ self._check_list(reflected, exp, self._required_index_keys)
+ @testing.requires.temp_table_reflect_indexes
+ def test_get_temp_table_indexes(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ table_name = self.temp_table_name()
+ indexes = insp.get_indexes(table_name)
+ for ind in indexes:
+ ind.pop("dialect_options", None)
+ expected = [
+ {"unique": False, "column_names": ["foo"], "name": "user_tmp_ix"}
+ ]
+ if testing.requires.index_reflects_included_columns.enabled:
+ expected[0]["include_columns"] = []
+ eq_(
+ [idx for idx in indexes if idx["name"] == "user_tmp_ix"],
+ expected,
+ )
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (True, testing.requires.schemas), (False,), argnames="use_schema"
+ )
+ @testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection
+ def test_get_unique_constraints(self, metadata, connection, use_schema):
+ # SQLite dialect needs to parse the names of the constraints
+ # separately from what it gets from PRAGMA index_list(), and
+ # then matches them up. so same set of column_names in two
+ # constraints will confuse it. Perhaps we should no longer
+ # bother with index_list() here since we have the whole
+ if use_schema:
+ schema = config.test_schema
+ else:
+ schema = None
+ uniques = sorted(
+ [
+ {"name": "unique_a", "column_names": ["a"]},
+ {"name": "unique_a_b_c", "column_names": ["a", "b", "c"]},
+ {"name": "unique_c_a_b", "column_names": ["c", "a", "b"]},
+ {"name": "unique_asc_key", "column_names": ["asc", "key"]},
+ {"name": "i.have.dots", "column_names": ["b"]},
+ {"name": "i have spaces", "column_names": ["c"]},
+ ],
+ key=operator.itemgetter("name"),
+ )
+ table = Table(
+ "testtbl",
+ metadata,
+ Column("a", sa.String(20)),
+ Column("b", sa.String(30)),
+ Column("c", sa.Integer),
+ # reserved identifiers
+ Column("asc", sa.String(30)),
+ Column("key", sa.String(30)),
+ schema=schema,
+ )
+ for uc in uniques:
+ table.append_constraint(
+ sa.UniqueConstraint(*uc["column_names"], name=uc["name"])
+ )
+ table.create(connection)
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ reflected = sorted(
+ insp.get_unique_constraints("testtbl", schema=schema),
+ key=operator.itemgetter("name"),
+ )
+ names_that_duplicate_index = set()
+ eq_(len(uniques), len(reflected))
+ for orig, refl in zip(uniques, reflected):
+ # Different dialects handle duplicate index and constraints
+ # differently, so ignore this flag
+ dupe = refl.pop("duplicates_index", None)
+ if dupe:
+ names_that_duplicate_index.add(dupe)
+ eq_(refl.pop("comment", None), None)
+ eq_(orig, refl)
+ reflected_metadata = MetaData()
+ reflected = Table(
+ "testtbl",
+ reflected_metadata,
+ autoload_with=connection,
+ schema=schema,
+ )
+ # test "deduplicates for index" logic. MySQL and Oracle
+ # "unique constraints" are actually unique indexes (with possible
+ # exception of a unique that is a dupe of another one in the case
+ # of Oracle). make sure # they aren't duplicated.
+ idx_names = { for idx in reflected.indexes}
+ uq_names = {
+ for uq in reflected.constraints
+ if isinstance(uq, sa.UniqueConstraint)
+ }.difference(["unique_c_a_b"])
+ assert not idx_names.intersection(uq_names)
+ if names_that_duplicate_index:
+ eq_(names_that_duplicate_index, idx_names)
+ eq_(uq_names, set())
+ no_cst =
+ eq_(insp.get_unique_constraints(no_cst, schema=schema), [])
+ @testing.requires.view_reflection
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (False,), (True, testing.requires.schemas), argnames="use_schema"
+ )
+ def test_get_view_definition(self, connection, use_schema):
+ if use_schema:
+ schema = config.test_schema
+ else:
+ schema = None
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ for view in ["users_v", "email_addresses_v", "dingalings_v"]:
+ v = insp.get_view_definition(view, schema=schema)
+ is_true(bool(v))
+ @testing.requires.view_reflection
+ def test_get_view_definition_does_not_exist(self, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ with expect_raises(NoSuchTableError):
+ insp.get_view_definition("view_does_not_exist")
+ with expect_raises(NoSuchTableError):
+ insp.get_view_definition("users") # a table
+ @testing.requires.table_reflection
+ def test_autoincrement_col(self, connection):
+ """test that 'autoincrement' is reflected according to sqla's policy.
+ Don't mark this test as unsupported for any backend !
+ (technically it fails with MySQL InnoDB since "id" comes before "id2")
+ A backend is better off not returning "autoincrement" at all,
+ instead of potentially returning "False" for an auto-incrementing
+ primary key column.
+ """
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ for tname, cname in [
+ ("users", "user_id"),
+ ("email_addresses", "address_id"),
+ ("dingalings", "dingaling_id"),
+ ]:
+ cols = insp.get_columns(tname)
+ id_ = {c["name"]: c for c in cols}[cname]
+ assert id_.get("autoincrement", True)
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (True, testing.requires.schemas), (False,), argnames="use_schema"
+ )
+ def test_get_table_options(self, use_schema):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ schema = config.test_schema if use_schema else None
+ if testing.requires.reflect_table_options.enabled:
+ res = insp.get_table_options("users", schema=schema)
+ is_true(isinstance(res, dict))
+ # NOTE: can't really create a table with no option
+ res = insp.get_table_options("no_constraints", schema=schema)
+ is_true(isinstance(res, dict))
+ else:
+ with expect_raises(NotImplementedError):
+ res = insp.get_table_options("users", schema=schema)
+ @testing.combinations((True, testing.requires.schemas), False)
+ def test_multi_get_table_options(self, use_schema):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ if testing.requires.reflect_table_options.enabled:
+ schema = config.test_schema if use_schema else None
+ res = insp.get_multi_table_options(schema=schema)
+ exp = {
+ (schema, table): insp.get_table_options(table, schema=schema)
+ for table in insp.get_table_names(schema=schema)
+ }
+ eq_(res, exp)
+ else:
+ with expect_raises(NotImplementedError):
+ res = insp.get_multi_table_options()
+ @testing.fixture
+ def get_multi_exp(self, connection):
+ def provide_fixture(
+ schema, scope, kind, use_filter, single_reflect_fn, exp_method
+ ):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ # call the reflection function at least once to avoid
+ # "Unexpected success" errors if the result is actually empty
+ # and NotImplementedError is not raised
+ single_reflect_fn(insp, "email_addresses")
+ kw = {"scope": scope, "kind": kind}
+ if schema:
+ schema = schema()
+ filter_names = []
+ if ObjectKind.TABLE in kind:
+ filter_names.extend(
+ ["comment_test", "users", "does-not-exist"]
+ )
+ if ObjectKind.VIEW in kind:
+ filter_names.extend(["email_addresses_v", "does-not-exist"])
+ if ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW in kind:
+ filter_names.extend(["dingalings_v", "does-not-exist"])
+ if schema:
+ kw["schema"] = schema
+ if use_filter:
+ kw["filter_names"] = filter_names
+ exp = exp_method(
+ schema=schema,
+ scope=scope,
+ kind=kind,
+ filter_names=kw.get("filter_names"),
+ )
+ kws = [kw]
+ if scope == ObjectScope.DEFAULT:
+ nkw = kw.copy()
+ nkw.pop("scope")
+ kws.append(nkw)
+ if kind == ObjectKind.TABLE:
+ nkw = kw.copy()
+ nkw.pop("kind")
+ kws.append(nkw)
+ return inspect(connection), kws, exp
+ return provide_fixture
+ @testing.requires.reflect_table_options
+ @_multi_combination
+ def test_multi_get_table_options_tables(
+ self, get_multi_exp, schema, scope, kind, use_filter
+ ):
+ insp, kws, exp = get_multi_exp(
+ schema,
+ scope,
+ kind,
+ use_filter,
+ Inspector.get_table_options,
+ self.exp_options,
+ )
+ for kw in kws:
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ result = insp.get_multi_table_options(**kw)
+ eq_(result, exp)
+ @testing.requires.comment_reflection
+ @_multi_combination
+ def test_get_multi_table_comment(
+ self, get_multi_exp, schema, scope, kind, use_filter
+ ):
+ insp, kws, exp = get_multi_exp(
+ schema,
+ scope,
+ kind,
+ use_filter,
+ Inspector.get_table_comment,
+ self.exp_comments,
+ )
+ for kw in kws:
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ eq_(insp.get_multi_table_comment(**kw), exp)
+ def _check_expressions(self, result, exp, err_msg):
+ def _clean(text: str):
+ return re.sub(r"['\" ]", "", text).lower()
+ if isinstance(exp, dict):
+ eq_({_clean(e): v for e, v in result.items()}, exp, err_msg)
+ else:
+ eq_([_clean(e) for e in result], exp, err_msg)
+ def _check_list(self, result, exp, req_keys=None, msg=None):
+ if req_keys is None:
+ eq_(result, exp, msg)
+ else:
+ eq_(len(result), len(exp), msg)
+ for r, e in zip(result, exp):
+ for k in set(r) | set(e):
+ if k in req_keys or (k in r and k in e):
+ err_msg = f"{msg} - {k} - {r}"
+ if k in ("expressions", "column_sorting"):
+ self._check_expressions(r[k], e[k], err_msg)
+ else:
+ eq_(r[k], e[k], err_msg)
+ def _check_table_dict(self, result, exp, req_keys=None, make_lists=False):
+ eq_(set(result.keys()), set(exp.keys()))
+ for k in result:
+ r, e = result[k], exp[k]
+ if make_lists:
+ r, e = [r], [e]
+ self._check_list(r, e, req_keys, k)
+ @_multi_combination
+ def test_get_multi_columns(
+ self, get_multi_exp, schema, scope, kind, use_filter
+ ):
+ insp, kws, exp = get_multi_exp(
+ schema,
+ scope,
+ kind,
+ use_filter,
+ Inspector.get_columns,
+ self.exp_columns,
+ )
+ for kw in kws:
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ result = insp.get_multi_columns(**kw)
+ self._check_table_dict(result, exp, self._required_column_keys)
+ @testing.requires.primary_key_constraint_reflection
+ @_multi_combination
+ def test_get_multi_pk_constraint(
+ self, get_multi_exp, schema, scope, kind, use_filter
+ ):
+ insp, kws, exp = get_multi_exp(
+ schema,
+ scope,
+ kind,
+ use_filter,
+ Inspector.get_pk_constraint,
+ self.exp_pks,
+ )
+ for kw in kws:
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ result = insp.get_multi_pk_constraint(**kw)
+ self._check_table_dict(
+ result, exp, self._required_pk_keys, make_lists=True
+ )
+ def _adjust_sort(self, result, expected, key):
+ if not testing.requires.implicitly_named_constraints.enabled:
+ for obj in [result, expected]:
+ for val in obj.values():
+ if len(val) > 1 and any(
+ v.get("name") in (None, mock.ANY) for v in val
+ ):
+ val.sort(key=key)
+ @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection
+ @_multi_combination
+ def test_get_multi_foreign_keys(
+ self, get_multi_exp, schema, scope, kind, use_filter
+ ):
+ insp, kws, exp = get_multi_exp(
+ schema,
+ scope,
+ kind,
+ use_filter,
+ Inspector.get_foreign_keys,
+ self.exp_fks,
+ )
+ for kw in kws:
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ result = insp.get_multi_foreign_keys(**kw)
+ self._adjust_sort(
+ result, exp, lambda d: tuple(d["constrained_columns"])
+ )
+ self._check_table_dict(result, exp, self._required_fk_keys)
+ @testing.requires.index_reflection
+ @_multi_combination
+ def test_get_multi_indexes(
+ self, get_multi_exp, schema, scope, kind, use_filter
+ ):
+ insp, kws, exp = get_multi_exp(
+ schema,
+ scope,
+ kind,
+ use_filter,
+ Inspector.get_indexes,
+ self.exp_indexes,
+ )
+ for kw in kws:
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ result = insp.get_multi_indexes(**kw)
+ self._check_table_dict(result, exp, self._required_index_keys)
+ @testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection
+ @_multi_combination
+ def test_get_multi_unique_constraints(
+ self, get_multi_exp, schema, scope, kind, use_filter
+ ):
+ insp, kws, exp = get_multi_exp(
+ schema,
+ scope,
+ kind,
+ use_filter,
+ Inspector.get_unique_constraints,
+ self.exp_ucs,
+ )
+ for kw in kws:
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ result = insp.get_multi_unique_constraints(**kw)
+ self._adjust_sort(result, exp, lambda d: tuple(d["column_names"]))
+ self._check_table_dict(result, exp, self._required_unique_cst_keys)
+ @testing.requires.check_constraint_reflection
+ @_multi_combination
+ def test_get_multi_check_constraints(
+ self, get_multi_exp, schema, scope, kind, use_filter
+ ):
+ insp, kws, exp = get_multi_exp(
+ schema,
+ scope,
+ kind,
+ use_filter,
+ Inspector.get_check_constraints,
+ self.exp_ccs,
+ )
+ for kw in kws:
+ insp.clear_cache()
+ result = insp.get_multi_check_constraints(**kw)
+ self._adjust_sort(result, exp, lambda d: tuple(d["sqltext"]))
+ self._check_table_dict(result, exp, self._required_cc_keys)
+ @testing.combinations(
+ ("get_table_options", testing.requires.reflect_table_options),
+ "get_columns",
+ (
+ "get_pk_constraint",
+ testing.requires.primary_key_constraint_reflection,
+ ),
+ (
+ "get_foreign_keys",
+ testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection,
+ ),
+ ("get_indexes", testing.requires.index_reflection),
+ (
+ "get_unique_constraints",
+ testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection,
+ ),
+ (
+ "get_check_constraints",
+ testing.requires.check_constraint_reflection,
+ ),
+ ("get_table_comment", testing.requires.comment_reflection),
+ argnames="method",
+ )
+ def test_not_existing_table(self, method, connection):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ meth = getattr(insp, method)
+ with expect_raises(NoSuchTableError):
+ meth("table_does_not_exists")
+ def test_unreflectable(self, connection):
+ mc = Inspector.get_multi_columns
+ def patched(*a, **k):
+ ur = k.setdefault("unreflectable", {})
+ ur[(None, "some_table")] = UnreflectableTableError("err")
+ return mc(*a, **k)
+ with mock.patch.object(Inspector, "get_multi_columns", patched):
+ with expect_raises_message(UnreflectableTableError, "err"):
+ inspect(connection).reflect_table(
+ Table("some_table", MetaData()), None
+ )
+ @testing.combinations(True, False, argnames="use_schema")
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (True, testing.requires.views), False, argnames="views"
+ )
+ def test_metadata(self, connection, use_schema, views):
+ m = MetaData()
+ schema = config.test_schema if use_schema else None
+ m.reflect(connection, schema=schema, views=views, resolve_fks=False)
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ tables = insp.get_table_names(schema)
+ if views:
+ tables += insp.get_view_names(schema)
+ try:
+ tables += insp.get_materialized_view_names(schema)
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ pass
+ if schema:
+ tables = [f"{schema}.{t}" for t in tables]
+ eq_(sorted(m.tables), sorted(tables))
+ @testing.requires.comment_reflection
+ def test_comments_unicode(self, connection, metadata):
+ Table(
+ "unicode_comments",
+ metadata,
+ Column("unicode", Integer, comment="é試蛇ẟΩ"),
+ Column("emoji", Integer, comment="☁️✨"),
+ comment="試蛇ẟΩ✨",
+ )
+ metadata.create_all(connection)
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ tc = insp.get_table_comment("unicode_comments")
+ eq_(tc, {"text": "試蛇ẟΩ✨"})
+ cols = insp.get_columns("unicode_comments")
+ value = {c["name"]: c["comment"] for c in cols}
+ exp = {"unicode": "é試蛇ẟΩ", "emoji": "☁️✨"}
+ eq_(value, exp)
+ @testing.requires.comment_reflection_full_unicode
+ def test_comments_unicode_full(self, connection, metadata):
+ Table(
+ "unicode_comments",
+ metadata,
+ Column("emoji", Integer, comment="🐍🧙🝝🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️"),
+ comment="🎩🁰🝑🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️",
+ )
+ metadata.create_all(connection)
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ tc = insp.get_table_comment("unicode_comments")
+ eq_(tc, {"text": "🎩🁰🝑🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️"})
+ c = insp.get_columns("unicode_comments")[0]
+ eq_({c["name"]: c["comment"]}, {"emoji": "🐍🧙🝝🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️"})
+class TableNoColumnsTest(fixtures.TestBase):
+ __requires__ = ("reflect_tables_no_columns",)
+ __backend__ = True
+ @testing.fixture
+ def table_no_columns(self, connection, metadata):
+ Table("empty", metadata)
+ metadata.create_all(connection)
+ @testing.fixture
+ def view_no_columns(self, connection, metadata):
+ Table("empty", metadata)
+ event.listen(
+ metadata,
+ "after_create",
+ DDL("CREATE VIEW empty_v AS SELECT * FROM empty"),
+ )
+ # for transactional DDL the transaction is rolled back before this
+ # drop statement is invoked
+ event.listen(
+ metadata, "before_drop", DDL("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS empty_v")
+ )
+ metadata.create_all(connection)
+ def test_reflect_table_no_columns(self, connection, table_no_columns):
+ t2 = Table("empty", MetaData(), autoload_with=connection)
+ eq_(list(t2.c), [])
+ def test_get_columns_table_no_columns(self, connection, table_no_columns):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ eq_(insp.get_columns("empty"), [])
+ multi = insp.get_multi_columns()
+ eq_(multi, {(None, "empty"): []})
+ def test_reflect_incl_table_no_columns(self, connection, table_no_columns):
+ m = MetaData()
+ m.reflect(connection)
+ assert set(m.tables).intersection(["empty"])
+ @testing.requires.views
+ def test_reflect_view_no_columns(self, connection, view_no_columns):
+ t2 = Table("empty_v", MetaData(), autoload_with=connection)
+ eq_(list(t2.c), [])
+ @testing.requires.views
+ def test_get_columns_view_no_columns(self, connection, view_no_columns):
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ eq_(insp.get_columns("empty_v"), [])
+ multi = insp.get_multi_columns(kind=ObjectKind.VIEW)
+ eq_(multi, {(None, "empty_v"): []})
+class ComponentReflectionTestExtra(ComparesIndexes, fixtures.TestBase):
+ __backend__ = True
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (True, testing.requires.schemas), (False,), argnames="use_schema"
+ )
+ @testing.requires.check_constraint_reflection
+ def test_get_check_constraints(self, metadata, connection, use_schema):
+ if use_schema:
+ schema = config.test_schema
+ else:
+ schema = None
+ Table(
+ "sa_cc",
+ metadata,
+ Column("a", Integer()),
+ sa.CheckConstraint("a > 1 AND a < 5", name="cc1"),
+ sa.CheckConstraint(
+ "a = 1 OR (a > 2 AND a < 5)", name="UsesCasing"
+ ),
+ schema=schema,
+ )
+ Table(
+ "no_constraints",
+ metadata,
+ Column("data", sa.String(20)),
+ schema=schema,
+ )
+ metadata.create_all(connection)
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ reflected = sorted(
+ insp.get_check_constraints("sa_cc", schema=schema),
+ key=operator.itemgetter("name"),
+ )
+ # trying to minimize effect of quoting, parenthesis, etc.
+ # may need to add more to this as new dialects get CHECK
+ # constraint reflection support
+ def normalize(sqltext):
+ return " ".join(
+ re.findall(r"and|\d|=|a|or|<|>", sqltext.lower(), re.I)
+ )
+ reflected = [
+ {"name": item["name"], "sqltext": normalize(item["sqltext"])}
+ for item in reflected
+ ]
+ eq_(
+ reflected,
+ [
+ {"name": "UsesCasing", "sqltext": "a = 1 or a > 2 and a < 5"},
+ {"name": "cc1", "sqltext": "a > 1 and a < 5"},
+ ],
+ )
+ no_cst = "no_constraints"
+ eq_(insp.get_check_constraints(no_cst, schema=schema), [])
+ @testing.requires.indexes_with_expressions
+ def test_reflect_expression_based_indexes(self, metadata, connection):
+ t = Table(
+ "t",
+ metadata,
+ Column("x", String(30)),
+ Column("y", String(30)),
+ Column("z", String(30)),
+ )
+ Index("t_idx", func.lower(t.c.x), t.c.z, func.lower(t.c.y))
+ long_str = "long string " * 100
+ Index("t_idx_long", func.coalesce(t.c.x, long_str))
+ Index("t_idx_2", t.c.x)
+ metadata.create_all(connection)
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ expected = [
+ {
+ "name": "t_idx_2",
+ "column_names": ["x"],
+ "unique": False,
+ "dialect_options": {},
+ }
+ ]
+ def completeIndex(entry):
+ if testing.requires.index_reflects_included_columns.enabled:
+ entry["include_columns"] = []
+ entry["dialect_options"] = {
+ f"{}_include": []
+ }
+ else:
+ entry.setdefault("dialect_options", {})
+ completeIndex(expected[0])
+ class lower_index_str(str):
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ ol = other.lower()
+ # test that lower and x or y are in the string
+ return "lower" in ol and ("x" in ol or "y" in ol)
+ class coalesce_index_str(str):
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ # test that coalesce and the string is in other
+ return "coalesce" in other.lower() and long_str in other
+ if testing.requires.reflect_indexes_with_expressions.enabled:
+ expr_index = {
+ "name": "t_idx",
+ "column_names": [None, "z", None],
+ "expressions": [
+ lower_index_str("lower(x)"),
+ "z",
+ lower_index_str("lower(y)"),
+ ],
+ "unique": False,
+ }
+ completeIndex(expr_index)
+ expected.insert(0, expr_index)
+ expr_index_long = {
+ "name": "t_idx_long",
+ "column_names": [None],
+ "expressions": [
+ coalesce_index_str(f"coalesce(x, '{long_str}')")
+ ],
+ "unique": False,
+ }
+ completeIndex(expr_index_long)
+ expected.append(expr_index_long)
+ eq_(insp.get_indexes("t"), expected)
+ m2 = MetaData()
+ t2 = Table("t", m2, autoload_with=connection)
+ else:
+ with expect_warnings(
+ "Skipped unsupported reflection of expression-based "
+ "index t_idx"
+ ):
+ eq_(insp.get_indexes("t"), expected)
+ m2 = MetaData()
+ t2 = Table("t", m2, autoload_with=connection)
+ self.compare_table_index_with_expected(
+ t2, expected,
+ )
+ @testing.requires.index_reflects_included_columns
+ def test_reflect_covering_index(self, metadata, connection):
+ t = Table(
+ "t",
+ metadata,
+ Column("x", String(30)),
+ Column("y", String(30)),
+ )
+ idx = Index("t_idx", t.c.x)
+ idx.dialect_options[]["include"] = ["y"]
+ metadata.create_all(connection)
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ get_indexes = insp.get_indexes("t")
+ eq_(
+ get_indexes,
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "t_idx",
+ "column_names": ["x"],
+ "include_columns": ["y"],
+ "unique": False,
+ "dialect_options": mock.ANY,
+ }
+ ],
+ )
+ eq_(
+ get_indexes[0]["dialect_options"][
+ "%s_include" %
+ ],
+ ["y"],
+ )
+ t2 = Table("t", MetaData(), autoload_with=connection)
+ eq_(
+ list(t2.indexes)[0].dialect_options[][
+ "include"
+ ],
+ ["y"],
+ )
+ def _type_round_trip(self, connection, metadata, *types):
+ t = Table(
+ "t",
+ metadata,
+ *[Column("t%d" % i, type_) for i, type_ in enumerate(types)],
+ )
+ t.create(connection)
+ return [c["type"] for c in inspect(connection).get_columns("t")]
+ @testing.requires.table_reflection
+ def test_numeric_reflection(self, connection, metadata):
+ for typ in self._type_round_trip(
+ connection, metadata, sql_types.Numeric(18, 5)
+ ):
+ assert isinstance(typ, sql_types.Numeric)
+ eq_(typ.precision, 18)
+ eq_(typ.scale, 5)
+ @testing.requires.table_reflection
+ def test_varchar_reflection(self, connection, metadata):
+ typ = self._type_round_trip(
+ connection, metadata, sql_types.String(52)
+ )[0]
+ assert isinstance(typ, sql_types.String)
+ eq_(typ.length, 52)
+ @testing.requires.table_reflection
+ def test_nullable_reflection(self, connection, metadata):
+ t = Table(
+ "t",
+ metadata,
+ Column("a", Integer, nullable=True),
+ Column("b", Integer, nullable=False),
+ )
+ t.create(connection)
+ eq_(
+ {
+ col["name"]: col["nullable"]
+ for col in inspect(connection).get_columns("t")
+ },
+ {"a": True, "b": False},
+ )
+ @testing.combinations(
+ (
+ None,
+ None,
+ testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_option_reflection_ondelete,
+ ),
+ (
+ None,
+ None,
+ testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_option_reflection_onupdate,
+ ),
+ (
+ {},
+ None,
+ testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_option_reflection_onupdate,
+ ),
+ (
+ {},
+ None,
+ testing.requires.fk_constraint_option_reflection_ondelete_noaction,
+ ),
+ (
+ None,
+ None,
+ testing.requires.fk_constraint_option_reflection_onupdate_restrict,
+ ),
+ (
+ None,
+ None,
+ testing.requires.fk_constraint_option_reflection_ondelete_restrict,
+ ),
+ argnames="expected,ondelete,onupdate",
+ )
+ def test_get_foreign_key_options(
+ self, connection, metadata, expected, ondelete, onupdate
+ ):
+ options = {}
+ if ondelete:
+ options["ondelete"] = ondelete
+ if onupdate:
+ options["onupdate"] = onupdate
+ if expected is None:
+ expected = options
+ Table(
+ "x",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ Table(
+ "table",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("x_id", Integer, ForeignKey("", name="xid")),
+ Column("test", String(10)),
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ Table(
+ "user",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("name", String(50), nullable=False),
+ Column("tid", Integer),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(
+ ["tid"], [""], name="myfk", **options
+ ),
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ metadata.create_all(connection)
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ # test 'options' is always present for a backend
+ # that can reflect these, since alembic looks for this
+ opts = insp.get_foreign_keys("table")[0]["options"]
+ eq_({k: opts[k] for k in opts if opts[k]}, {})
+ opts = insp.get_foreign_keys("user")[0]["options"]
+ eq_(opts, expected)
+ # eq_(dict((k, opts[k]) for k in opts if opts[k]), expected)
+class NormalizedNameTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
+ __requires__ = ("denormalized_names",)
+ __backend__ = True
+ @classmethod
+ def define_tables(cls, metadata):
+ Table(
+ quoted_name("t1", quote=True),
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ )
+ Table(
+ quoted_name("t2", quote=True),
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("t1id", ForeignKey("")),
+ )
+ def test_reflect_lowercase_forced_tables(self):
+ m2 = MetaData()
+ t2_ref = Table(
+ quoted_name("t2", quote=True), m2, autoload_with=config.db
+ )
+ t1_ref = m2.tables["t1"]
+ assert t2_ref.c.t1id.references(
+ m3 = MetaData()
+ m3.reflect(
+ config.db, only=lambda name, m: name.lower() in ("t1", "t2")
+ )
+ assert m3.tables["t2"].c.t1id.references(m3.tables["t1"]
+ def test_get_table_names(self):
+ tablenames = [
+ t
+ for t in inspect(config.db).get_table_names()
+ if t.lower() in ("t1", "t2")
+ ]
+ eq_(tablenames[0].upper(), tablenames[0].lower())
+ eq_(tablenames[1].upper(), tablenames[1].lower())
+class ComputedReflectionTest(fixtures.ComputedReflectionFixtureTest):
+ def test_computed_col_default_not_set(self):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ cols = insp.get_columns("computed_default_table")
+ col_data = {c["name"]: c for c in cols}
+ is_true("42" in col_data["with_default"]["default"])
+ is_(col_data["normal"]["default"], None)
+ is_(col_data["computed_col"]["default"], None)
+ def test_get_column_returns_computed(self):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ cols = insp.get_columns("computed_default_table")
+ data = {c["name"]: c for c in cols}
+ for key in ("id", "normal", "with_default"):
+ is_true("computed" not in data[key])
+ compData = data["computed_col"]
+ is_true("computed" in compData)
+ is_true("sqltext" in compData["computed"])
+ eq_(self.normalize(compData["computed"]["sqltext"]), "normal+42")
+ eq_(
+ "persisted" in compData["computed"],
+ testing.requires.computed_columns_reflect_persisted.enabled,
+ )
+ if testing.requires.computed_columns_reflect_persisted.enabled:
+ eq_(
+ compData["computed"]["persisted"],
+ testing.requires.computed_columns_default_persisted.enabled,
+ )
+ def check_column(self, data, column, sqltext, persisted):
+ is_true("computed" in data[column])
+ compData = data[column]["computed"]
+ eq_(self.normalize(compData["sqltext"]), sqltext)
+ if testing.requires.computed_columns_reflect_persisted.enabled:
+ is_true("persisted" in compData)
+ is_(compData["persisted"], persisted)
+ def test_get_column_returns_persisted(self):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ cols = insp.get_columns("computed_column_table")
+ data = {c["name"]: c for c in cols}
+ self.check_column(
+ data,
+ "computed_no_flag",
+ "normal+42",
+ testing.requires.computed_columns_default_persisted.enabled,
+ )
+ if testing.requires.computed_columns_virtual.enabled:
+ self.check_column(
+ data,
+ "computed_virtual",
+ "normal+2",
+ False,
+ )
+ if testing.requires.computed_columns_stored.enabled:
+ self.check_column(
+ data,
+ "computed_stored",
+ "normal-42",
+ True,
+ )
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_get_column_returns_persisted_with_schema(self):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ cols = insp.get_columns(
+ "computed_column_table", schema=config.test_schema
+ )
+ data = {c["name"]: c for c in cols}
+ self.check_column(
+ data,
+ "computed_no_flag",
+ "normal/42",
+ testing.requires.computed_columns_default_persisted.enabled,
+ )
+ if testing.requires.computed_columns_virtual.enabled:
+ self.check_column(
+ data,
+ "computed_virtual",
+ "normal/2",
+ False,
+ )
+ if testing.requires.computed_columns_stored.enabled:
+ self.check_column(
+ data,
+ "computed_stored",
+ "normal*42",
+ True,
+ )
+class IdentityReflectionTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
+ run_inserts = run_deletes = None
+ __backend__ = True
+ __requires__ = ("identity_columns", "table_reflection")
+ @classmethod
+ def define_tables(cls, metadata):
+ Table(
+ "t1",
+ metadata,
+ Column("normal", Integer),
+ Column("id1", Integer, Identity()),
+ )
+ Table(
+ "t2",
+ metadata,
+ Column(
+ "id2",
+ Integer,
+ Identity(
+ always=True,
+ start=2,
+ increment=3,
+ minvalue=-2,
+ maxvalue=42,
+ cycle=True,
+ cache=4,
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ if testing.requires.schemas.enabled:
+ Table(
+ "t1",
+ metadata,
+ Column("normal", Integer),
+ Column("id1", Integer, Identity(always=True, start=20)),
+ schema=config.test_schema,
+ )
+ def check(self, value, exp, approx):
+ if testing.requires.identity_columns_standard.enabled:
+ common_keys = (
+ "always",
+ "start",
+ "increment",
+ "minvalue",
+ "maxvalue",
+ "cycle",
+ "cache",
+ )
+ for k in list(value):
+ if k not in common_keys:
+ value.pop(k)
+ if approx:
+ eq_(len(value), len(exp))
+ for k in value:
+ if k == "minvalue":
+ is_true(value[k] <= exp[k])
+ elif k in {"maxvalue", "cache"}:
+ is_true(value[k] >= exp[k])
+ else:
+ eq_(value[k], exp[k], k)
+ else:
+ eq_(value, exp)
+ else:
+ eq_(value["start"], exp["start"])
+ eq_(value["increment"], exp["increment"])
+ def test_reflect_identity(self):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ cols = insp.get_columns("t1") + insp.get_columns("t2")
+ for col in cols:
+ if col["name"] == "normal":
+ is_false("identity" in col)
+ elif col["name"] == "id1":
+ if "autoincrement" in col:
+ is_true(col["autoincrement"])
+ eq_(col["default"], None)
+ is_true("identity" in col)
+ self.check(
+ col["identity"],
+ dict(
+ always=False,
+ start=1,
+ increment=1,
+ minvalue=1,
+ maxvalue=2147483647,
+ cycle=False,
+ cache=1,
+ ),
+ approx=True,
+ )
+ elif col["name"] == "id2":
+ if "autoincrement" in col:
+ is_true(col["autoincrement"])
+ eq_(col["default"], None)
+ is_true("identity" in col)
+ self.check(
+ col["identity"],
+ dict(
+ always=True,
+ start=2,
+ increment=3,
+ minvalue=-2,
+ maxvalue=42,
+ cycle=True,
+ cache=4,
+ ),
+ approx=False,
+ )
+ @testing.requires.schemas
+ def test_reflect_identity_schema(self):
+ insp = inspect(config.db)
+ cols = insp.get_columns("t1", schema=config.test_schema)
+ for col in cols:
+ if col["name"] == "normal":
+ is_false("identity" in col)
+ elif col["name"] == "id1":
+ if "autoincrement" in col:
+ is_true(col["autoincrement"])
+ eq_(col["default"], None)
+ is_true("identity" in col)
+ self.check(
+ col["identity"],
+ dict(
+ always=True,
+ start=20,
+ increment=1,
+ minvalue=1,
+ maxvalue=2147483647,
+ cycle=False,
+ cache=1,
+ ),
+ approx=True,
+ )
+class CompositeKeyReflectionTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
+ __backend__ = True
+ @classmethod
+ def define_tables(cls, metadata):
+ tb1 = Table(
+ "tb1",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer),
+ Column("attr", Integer),
+ Column("name", sql_types.VARCHAR(20)),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("name", "id", "attr", name="pk_tb1"),
+ schema=None,
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ Table(
+ "tb2",
+ metadata,
+ Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column("pid", Integer),
+ Column("pattr", Integer),
+ Column("pname", sql_types.VARCHAR(20)),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(
+ ["pname", "pid", "pattr"],
+ [,, tb1.c.attr],
+ name="fk_tb1_name_id_attr",
+ ),
+ schema=None,
+ test_needs_fk=True,
+ )
+ @testing.requires.primary_key_constraint_reflection
+ def test_pk_column_order(self, connection):
+ # test for issue #5661
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ primary_key = insp.get_pk_constraint(
+ eq_(primary_key.get("constrained_columns"), ["name", "id", "attr"])
+ @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection
+ def test_fk_column_order(self, connection):
+ # test for issue #5661
+ insp = inspect(connection)
+ foreign_keys = insp.get_foreign_keys(
+ eq_(len(foreign_keys), 1)
+ fkey1 = foreign_keys[0]
+ eq_(fkey1.get("referred_columns"), ["name", "id", "attr"])
+ eq_(fkey1.get("constrained_columns"), ["pname", "pid", "pattr"])
+__all__ = (
+ "ComponentReflectionTest",
+ "ComponentReflectionTestExtra",
+ "TableNoColumnsTest",
+ "QuotedNameArgumentTest",
+ "BizarroCharacterFKResolutionTest",
+ "HasTableTest",
+ "HasIndexTest",
+ "NormalizedNameTest",
+ "ComputedReflectionTest",
+ "IdentityReflectionTest",
+ "CompositeKeyReflectionTest",