path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/
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Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 740 deletions
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-# testing/suite/
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
-# <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License:
-# mypy: ignore-errors
-import importlib
-from . import testing
-from .. import assert_raises
-from .. import config
-from .. import engines
-from .. import eq_
-from .. import fixtures
-from .. import is_not_none
-from .. import is_true
-from .. import ne_
-from .. import provide_metadata
-from ..assertions import expect_raises
-from ..assertions import expect_raises_message
-from ..config import requirements
-from ..provision import set_default_schema_on_connection
-from ..schema import Column
-from ..schema import Table
-from ... import bindparam
-from ... import dialects
-from ... import event
-from ... import exc
-from ... import Integer
-from ... import literal_column
-from ... import select
-from ... import String
-from ...sql.compiler import Compiled
-from ...util import inspect_getfullargspec
-class PingTest(fixtures.TestBase):
- __backend__ = True
- def test_do_ping(self):
- with testing.db.connect() as conn:
- is_true(
- testing.db.dialect.do_ping(conn.connection.dbapi_connection)
- )
-class ArgSignatureTest(fixtures.TestBase):
- """test that all visit_XYZ() in :class:`_sql.Compiler` subclasses have
- ``**kw``, for #8988.
- This test uses runtime code inspection. Does not need to be a
- ``__backend__`` test as it only needs to run once provided all target
- dialects have been imported.
- For third party dialects, the suite would be run with that third
- party as a "--dburi", which means its compiler classes will have been
- imported by the time this test runs.
- """
- def _all_subclasses(): # type: ignore # noqa
- for d in dialects.__all__:
- if not d.startswith("_"):
- importlib.import_module("sqlalchemy.dialects.%s" % d)
- stack = [Compiled]
- while stack:
- cls = stack.pop(0)
- stack.extend(cls.__subclasses__())
- yield cls
- @testing.fixture(params=list(_all_subclasses()))
- def all_subclasses(self, request):
- yield request.param
- def test_all_visit_methods_accept_kw(self, all_subclasses):
- cls = all_subclasses
- for k in cls.__dict__:
- if k.startswith("visit_"):
- meth = getattr(cls, k)
- insp = inspect_getfullargspec(meth)
- is_not_none(
- insp.varkw,
- f"Compiler visit method {cls.__name__}.{k}() does "
- "not accommodate for **kw in its argument signature",
- )
-class ExceptionTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
- """Test basic exception wrapping.
- DBAPIs vary a lot in exception behavior so to actually anticipate
- specific exceptions from real round trips, we need to be conservative.
- """
- run_deletes = "each"
- __backend__ = True
- @classmethod
- def define_tables(cls, metadata):
- Table(
- "manual_pk",
- metadata,
- Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
- Column("data", String(50)),
- )
- @requirements.duplicate_key_raises_integrity_error
- def test_integrity_error(self):
- with config.db.connect() as conn:
- trans = conn.begin()
- conn.execute(
- self.tables.manual_pk.insert(), {"id": 1, "data": "d1"}
- )
- assert_raises(
- exc.IntegrityError,
- conn.execute,
- self.tables.manual_pk.insert(),
- {"id": 1, "data": "d1"},
- )
- trans.rollback()
- def test_exception_with_non_ascii(self):
- with config.db.connect() as conn:
- try:
- # try to create an error message that likely has non-ascii
- # characters in the DBAPI's message string. unfortunately
- # there's no way to make this happen with some drivers like
- # mysqlclient, pymysql. this at least does produce a non-
- # ascii error message for cx_oracle, psycopg2
- conn.execute(select(literal_column("méil")))
- assert False
- except exc.DBAPIError as err:
- err_str = str(err)
- assert str(err.orig) in str(err)
- assert isinstance(err_str, str)
-class IsolationLevelTest(fixtures.TestBase):
- __backend__ = True
- __requires__ = ("isolation_level",)
- def _get_non_default_isolation_level(self):
- levels = requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)
- default = levels["default"]
- supported = levels["supported"]
- s = set(supported).difference(["AUTOCOMMIT", default])
- if s:
- return s.pop()
- else:
- config.skip_test("no non-default isolation level available")
- def test_default_isolation_level(self):
- eq_(
- config.db.dialect.default_isolation_level,
- requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)["default"],
- )
- def test_non_default_isolation_level(self):
- non_default = self._get_non_default_isolation_level()
- with config.db.connect() as conn:
- existing = conn.get_isolation_level()
- ne_(existing, non_default)
- conn.execution_options(isolation_level=non_default)
- eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), non_default)
- conn.dialect.reset_isolation_level(
- conn.connection.dbapi_connection
- )
- eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), existing)
- def test_all_levels(self):
- levels = requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)
- all_levels = levels["supported"]
- for level in set(all_levels).difference(["AUTOCOMMIT"]):
- with config.db.connect() as conn:
- conn.execution_options(isolation_level=level)
- eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), level)
- trans = conn.begin()
- trans.rollback()
- eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), level)
- with config.db.connect() as conn:
- eq_(
- conn.get_isolation_level(),
- levels["default"],
- )
- @testing.requires.get_isolation_level_values
- def test_invalid_level_execution_option(self, connection_no_trans):
- """test for the new get_isolation_level_values() method"""
- connection = connection_no_trans
- with expect_raises_message(
- exc.ArgumentError,
- "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. "
- "Valid isolation levels for '%s' are %s"
- % (
- "FOO",
- ", ".join(
- requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)["supported"]
- ),
- ),
- ):
- connection.execution_options(isolation_level="FOO")
- @testing.requires.get_isolation_level_values
- @testing.requires.dialect_level_isolation_level_param
- def test_invalid_level_engine_param(self, testing_engine):
- """test for the new get_isolation_level_values() method
- and support for the dialect-level 'isolation_level' parameter.
- """
- eng = testing_engine(options=dict(isolation_level="FOO"))
- with expect_raises_message(
- exc.ArgumentError,
- "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. "
- "Valid isolation levels for '%s' are %s"
- % (
- "FOO",
- ", ".join(
- requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)["supported"]
- ),
- ),
- ):
- eng.connect()
- @testing.requires.independent_readonly_connections
- def test_dialect_user_setting_is_restored(self, testing_engine):
- levels = requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)
- default = levels["default"]
- supported = (
- sorted(
- set(levels["supported"]).difference([default, "AUTOCOMMIT"])
- )
- )[0]
- e = testing_engine(options={"isolation_level": supported})
- with e.connect() as conn:
- eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), supported)
- with e.connect() as conn:
- conn.execution_options(isolation_level=default)
- eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), default)
- with e.connect() as conn:
- eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), supported)
-class AutocommitIsolationTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
- run_deletes = "each"
- __requires__ = ("autocommit",)
- __backend__ = True
- @classmethod
- def define_tables(cls, metadata):
- Table(
- "some_table",
- metadata,
- Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
- Column("data", String(50)),
- test_needs_acid=True,
- )
- def _test_conn_autocommits(self, conn, autocommit):
- trans = conn.begin()
- conn.execute(
- self.tables.some_table.insert(), {"id": 1, "data": "some data"}
- )
- trans.rollback()
- eq_(
- conn.scalar(select(,
- 1 if autocommit else None,
- )
- conn.rollback()
- with conn.begin():
- conn.execute(self.tables.some_table.delete())
- def test_autocommit_on(self, connection_no_trans):
- conn = connection_no_trans
- c2 = conn.execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT")
- self._test_conn_autocommits(c2, True)
- c2.dialect.reset_isolation_level(c2.connection.dbapi_connection)
- self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, False)
- def test_autocommit_off(self, connection_no_trans):
- conn = connection_no_trans
- self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, False)
- def test_turn_autocommit_off_via_default_iso_level(
- self, connection_no_trans
- ):
- conn = connection_no_trans
- conn = conn.execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT")
- self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, True)
- conn.execution_options(
- isolation_level=requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)[
- "default"
- ]
- )
- self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, False)
- @testing.requires.independent_readonly_connections
- @testing.variation("use_dialect_setting", [True, False])
- def test_dialect_autocommit_is_restored(
- self, testing_engine, use_dialect_setting
- ):
- """test #10147"""
- if use_dialect_setting:
- e = testing_engine(options={"isolation_level": "AUTOCOMMIT"})
- else:
- e = testing_engine().execution_options(
- isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT"
- )
- levels = requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)
- default = levels["default"]
- with e.connect() as conn:
- self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, True)
- with e.connect() as conn:
- conn.execution_options(isolation_level=default)
- self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, False)
- with e.connect() as conn:
- self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, True)
-class EscapingTest(fixtures.TestBase):
- @provide_metadata
- def test_percent_sign_round_trip(self):
- """test that the DBAPI accommodates for escaped / nonescaped
- percent signs in a way that matches the compiler
- """
- m = self.metadata
- t = Table("t", m, Column("data", String(50)))
- t.create(config.db)
- with config.db.begin() as conn:
- conn.execute(t.insert(), dict(data="some % value"))
- conn.execute(t.insert(), dict(data="some %% other value"))
- eq_(
- conn.scalar(
- select(
- == literal_column("'some % value'")
- )
- ),
- "some % value",
- )
- eq_(
- conn.scalar(
- select(
- == literal_column("'some %% other value'")
- )
- ),
- "some %% other value",
- )
-class WeCanSetDefaultSchemaWEventsTest(fixtures.TestBase):
- __backend__ = True
- __requires__ = ("default_schema_name_switch",)
- def test_control_case(self):
- default_schema_name = config.db.dialect.default_schema_name
- eng = engines.testing_engine()
- with eng.connect():
- pass
- eq_(eng.dialect.default_schema_name, default_schema_name)
- def test_wont_work_wo_insert(self):
- default_schema_name = config.db.dialect.default_schema_name
- eng = engines.testing_engine()
- @event.listens_for(eng, "connect")
- def on_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
- set_default_schema_on_connection(
- config, dbapi_connection, config.test_schema
- )
- with eng.connect() as conn:
- what_it_should_be = eng.dialect._get_default_schema_name(conn)
- eq_(what_it_should_be, config.test_schema)
- eq_(eng.dialect.default_schema_name, default_schema_name)
- def test_schema_change_on_connect(self):
- eng = engines.testing_engine()
- @event.listens_for(eng, "connect", insert=True)
- def on_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
- set_default_schema_on_connection(
- config, dbapi_connection, config.test_schema
- )
- with eng.connect() as conn:
- what_it_should_be = eng.dialect._get_default_schema_name(conn)
- eq_(what_it_should_be, config.test_schema)
- eq_(eng.dialect.default_schema_name, config.test_schema)
- def test_schema_change_works_w_transactions(self):
- eng = engines.testing_engine()
- @event.listens_for(eng, "connect", insert=True)
- def on_connect(dbapi_connection, *arg):
- set_default_schema_on_connection(
- config, dbapi_connection, config.test_schema
- )
- with eng.connect() as conn:
- trans = conn.begin()
- what_it_should_be = eng.dialect._get_default_schema_name(conn)
- eq_(what_it_should_be, config.test_schema)
- trans.rollback()
- what_it_should_be = eng.dialect._get_default_schema_name(conn)
- eq_(what_it_should_be, config.test_schema)
- eq_(eng.dialect.default_schema_name, config.test_schema)
-class FutureWeCanSetDefaultSchemaWEventsTest(
- fixtures.FutureEngineMixin, WeCanSetDefaultSchemaWEventsTest
- pass
-class DifficultParametersTest(fixtures.TestBase):
- __backend__ = True
- tough_parameters = testing.combinations(
- ("boring",),
- ("per cent",),
- ("per % cent",),
- ("%percent",),
- ("par(ens)",),
- ("percent%(ens)yah",),
- ("col:ons",),
- ("_starts_with_underscore",),
- ("dot.s",),
- ("more :: %colons%",),
- ("_name",),
- ("___name",),
- ("[BracketsAndCase]",),
- ("42numbers",),
- ("percent%signs",),
- ("has spaces",),
- ("/slashes/",),
- ("more/slashes",),
- ("q?marks",),
- ("1param",),
- ("1col:on",),
- argnames="paramname",
- )
- @tough_parameters
- @config.requirements.unusual_column_name_characters
- def test_round_trip_same_named_column(
- self, paramname, connection, metadata
- ):
- name = paramname
- t = Table(
- "t",
- metadata,
- Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
- Column(name, String(50), nullable=False),
- )
- # table is created
- t.create(connection)
- # automatic param generated by insert
- connection.execute(t.insert().values({"id": 1, name: "some name"}))
- # automatic param generated by criteria, plus selecting the column
- stmt = select(t.c[name]).where(t.c[name] == "some name")
- eq_(connection.scalar(stmt), "some name")
- # use the name in a param explicitly
- stmt = select(t.c[name]).where(t.c[name] == bindparam(name))
- row = connection.execute(stmt, {name: "some name"}).first()
- # name works as the key from cursor.description
- eq_(row._mapping[name], "some name")
- # use expanding IN
- stmt = select(t.c[name]).where(
- t.c[name].in_(["some name", "some other_name"])
- )
- row = connection.execute(stmt).first()
- @testing.fixture
- def multirow_fixture(self, metadata, connection):
- mytable = Table(
- "mytable",
- metadata,
- Column("myid", Integer),
- Column("name", String(50)),
- Column("desc", String(50)),
- )
- mytable.create(connection)
- connection.execute(
- mytable.insert(),
- [
- {"myid": 1, "name": "a", "desc": "a_desc"},
- {"myid": 2, "name": "b", "desc": "b_desc"},
- {"myid": 3, "name": "c", "desc": "c_desc"},
- {"myid": 4, "name": "d", "desc": "d_desc"},
- ],
- )
- yield mytable
- @tough_parameters
- def test_standalone_bindparam_escape(
- self, paramname, connection, multirow_fixture
- ):
- tbl1 = multirow_fixture
- stmt = select(tbl1.c.myid).where(
- == bindparam(paramname, value="x")
- )
- res = connection.scalar(stmt, {paramname: "c"})
- eq_(res, 3)
- @tough_parameters
- def test_standalone_bindparam_escape_expanding(
- self, paramname, connection, multirow_fixture
- ):
- tbl1 = multirow_fixture
- stmt = (
- select(tbl1.c.myid)
- .where(, value=["a", "b"])))
- .order_by(tbl1.c.myid)
- )
- res = connection.scalars(stmt, {paramname: ["d", "a"]}).all()
- eq_(res, [1, 4])
-class ReturningGuardsTest(fixtures.TablesTest):
- """test that the various 'returning' flags are set appropriately"""
- __backend__ = True
- @classmethod
- def define_tables(cls, metadata):
- Table(
- "t",
- metadata,
- Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
- Column("data", String(50)),
- )
- @testing.fixture
- def run_stmt(self, connection):
- t = self.tables.t
- def go(stmt, executemany, id_param_name, expect_success):
- stmt = stmt.returning(
- if executemany:
- if not expect_success:
- # for RETURNING executemany(), we raise our own
- # error as this is independent of general RETURNING
- # support
- with expect_raises_message(
- exc.StatementError,
- rf"Dialect {}\+"
- f"{connection.dialect.driver} with "
- f"current server capabilities does not support "
- f".*RETURNING when executemany is used",
- ):
- result = connection.execute(
- stmt,
- [
- {id_param_name: 1, "data": "d1"},
- {id_param_name: 2, "data": "d2"},
- {id_param_name: 3, "data": "d3"},
- ],
- )
- else:
- result = connection.execute(
- stmt,
- [
- {id_param_name: 1, "data": "d1"},
- {id_param_name: 2, "data": "d2"},
- {id_param_name: 3, "data": "d3"},
- ],
- )
- eq_(result.all(), [(1,), (2,), (3,)])
- else:
- if not expect_success:
- # for RETURNING execute(), we pass all the way to the DB
- # and let it fail
- with expect_raises(exc.DBAPIError):
- connection.execute(
- stmt, {id_param_name: 1, "data": "d1"}
- )
- else:
- result = connection.execute(
- stmt, {id_param_name: 1, "data": "d1"}
- )
- eq_(result.all(), [(1,)])
- return go
- def test_insert_single(self, connection, run_stmt):
- t = self.tables.t
- stmt = t.insert()
- run_stmt(stmt, False, "id", connection.dialect.insert_returning)
- def test_insert_many(self, connection, run_stmt):
- t = self.tables.t
- stmt = t.insert()
- run_stmt(
- stmt, True, "id", connection.dialect.insert_executemany_returning
- )
- def test_update_single(self, connection, run_stmt):
- t = self.tables.t
- connection.execute(
- t.insert(),
- [
- {"id": 1, "data": "d1"},
- {"id": 2, "data": "d2"},
- {"id": 3, "data": "d3"},
- ],
- )
- stmt = t.update().where( == bindparam("b_id"))
- run_stmt(stmt, False, "b_id", connection.dialect.update_returning)
- def test_update_many(self, connection, run_stmt):
- t = self.tables.t
- connection.execute(
- t.insert(),
- [
- {"id": 1, "data": "d1"},
- {"id": 2, "data": "d2"},
- {"id": 3, "data": "d3"},
- ],
- )
- stmt = t.update().where( == bindparam("b_id"))
- run_stmt(
- stmt, True, "b_id", connection.dialect.update_executemany_returning
- )
- def test_delete_single(self, connection, run_stmt):
- t = self.tables.t
- connection.execute(
- t.insert(),
- [
- {"id": 1, "data": "d1"},
- {"id": 2, "data": "d2"},
- {"id": 3, "data": "d3"},
- ],
- )
- stmt = t.delete().where( == bindparam("b_id"))
- run_stmt(stmt, False, "b_id", connection.dialect.delete_returning)
- def test_delete_many(self, connection, run_stmt):
- t = self.tables.t
- connection.execute(
- t.insert(),
- [
- {"id": 1, "data": "d1"},
- {"id": 2, "data": "d2"},
- {"id": 3, "data": "d3"},
- ],
- )
- stmt = t.delete().where( == bindparam("b_id"))
- run_stmt(
- stmt, True, "b_id", connection.dialect.delete_executemany_returning
- )