path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/
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+# sql/
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
+# <see AUTHORS file>
+# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
+# the MIT License:
+"""Visitor/traversal interface and library functions.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from collections import deque
+from enum import Enum
+import itertools
+import operator
+import typing
+from typing import Any
+from typing import Callable
+from typing import cast
+from typing import ClassVar
+from typing import Dict
+from typing import Iterable
+from typing import Iterator
+from typing import List
+from typing import Mapping
+from typing import Optional
+from typing import overload
+from typing import Tuple
+from typing import Type
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import TypeVar
+from typing import Union
+from .. import exc
+from .. import util
+from ..util import langhelpers
+from ..util._has_cy import HAS_CYEXTENSION
+from ..util.typing import Literal
+from ..util.typing import Protocol
+from ..util.typing import Self
+ from .annotation import _AnnotationDict
+ from .elements import ColumnElement
+ from ._py_util import prefix_anon_map as prefix_anon_map
+ from ._py_util import cache_anon_map as anon_map
+ from sqlalchemy.cyextension.util import ( # noqa: F401,E501
+ prefix_anon_map as prefix_anon_map,
+ )
+ from sqlalchemy.cyextension.util import ( # noqa: F401,E501
+ cache_anon_map as anon_map,
+ )
+__all__ = [
+ "iterate",
+ "traverse_using",
+ "traverse",
+ "cloned_traverse",
+ "replacement_traverse",
+ "Visitable",
+ "ExternalTraversal",
+ "InternalTraversal",
+ "anon_map",
+class _CompilerDispatchType(Protocol):
+ def __call__(_self, self: Visitable, visitor: Any, **kw: Any) -> Any: ...
+class Visitable:
+ """Base class for visitable objects.
+ :class:`.Visitable` is used to implement the SQL compiler dispatch
+ functions. Other forms of traversal such as for cache key generation
+ are implemented separately using the :class:`.HasTraverseInternals`
+ interface.
+ .. versionchanged:: 2.0 The :class:`.Visitable` class was named
+ :class:`.Traversible` in the 1.4 series; the name is changed back
+ to :class:`.Visitable` in 2.0 which is what it was prior to 1.4.
+ Both names remain importable in both 1.4 and 2.0 versions.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ()
+ __visit_name__: str
+ _original_compiler_dispatch: _CompilerDispatchType
+ if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
+ def _compiler_dispatch(self, visitor: Any, **kw: Any) -> str: ...
+ def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
+ if "__visit_name__" in cls.__dict__:
+ cls._generate_compiler_dispatch()
+ super().__init_subclass__()
+ @classmethod
+ def _generate_compiler_dispatch(cls) -> None:
+ visit_name = cls.__visit_name__
+ if "_compiler_dispatch" in cls.__dict__:
+ # class has a fixed _compiler_dispatch() method.
+ # copy it to "original" so that we can get it back if
+ # sqlalchemy.ext.compiles overrides it.
+ cls._original_compiler_dispatch = cls._compiler_dispatch
+ return
+ if not isinstance(visit_name, str):
+ raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
+ f"__visit_name__ on class {cls.__name__} must be a string "
+ "at the class level"
+ )
+ name = "visit_%s" % visit_name
+ getter = operator.attrgetter(name)
+ def _compiler_dispatch(
+ self: Visitable, visitor: Any, **kw: Any
+ ) -> str:
+ """Look for an attribute named "visit_<visit_name>" on the
+ visitor, and call it with the same kw params.
+ """
+ try:
+ meth = getter(visitor)
+ except AttributeError as err:
+ return visitor.visit_unsupported_compilation(self, err, **kw) # type: ignore # noqa: E501
+ else:
+ return meth(self, **kw) # type: ignore # noqa: E501
+ cls._compiler_dispatch = ( # type: ignore
+ cls._original_compiler_dispatch
+ ) = _compiler_dispatch
+ def __class_getitem__(cls, key: Any) -> Any:
+ # allow generic classes in py3.9+
+ return cls
+class InternalTraversal(Enum):
+ r"""Defines visitor symbols used for internal traversal.
+ The :class:`.InternalTraversal` class is used in two ways. One is that
+ it can serve as the superclass for an object that implements the
+ various visit methods of the class. The other is that the symbols
+ themselves of :class:`.InternalTraversal` are used within
+ the ``_traverse_internals`` collection. Such as, the :class:`.Case`
+ object defines ``_traverse_internals`` as ::
+ class Case(ColumnElement[_T]):
+ _traverse_internals = [
+ ("value", InternalTraversal.dp_clauseelement),
+ ("whens", InternalTraversal.dp_clauseelement_tuples),
+ ("else_", InternalTraversal.dp_clauseelement),
+ ]
+ Above, the :class:`.Case` class indicates its internal state as the
+ attributes named ``value``, ``whens``, and ``else_``. They each
+ link to an :class:`.InternalTraversal` method which indicates the type
+ of datastructure to which each attribute refers.
+ Using the ``_traverse_internals`` structure, objects of type
+ :class:`.InternalTraversible` will have the following methods automatically
+ implemented:
+ * :meth:`.HasTraverseInternals.get_children`
+ * :meth:`.HasTraverseInternals._copy_internals`
+ * :meth:`.HasCacheKey._gen_cache_key`
+ Subclasses can also implement these methods directly, particularly for the
+ :meth:`.HasTraverseInternals._copy_internals` method, when special steps
+ are needed.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4
+ """
+ dp_has_cache_key = "HC"
+ """Visit a :class:`.HasCacheKey` object."""
+ dp_has_cache_key_list = "HL"
+ """Visit a list of :class:`.HasCacheKey` objects."""
+ dp_clauseelement = "CE"
+ """Visit a :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` object."""
+ dp_fromclause_canonical_column_collection = "FC"
+ """Visit a :class:`_expression.FromClause` object in the context of the
+ ``columns`` attribute.
+ The column collection is "canonical", meaning it is the originally
+ defined location of the :class:`.ColumnClause` objects. Right now
+ this means that the object being visited is a
+ :class:`_expression.TableClause`
+ or :class:`_schema.Table` object only.
+ """
+ dp_clauseelement_tuples = "CTS"
+ """Visit a list of tuples which contain :class:`_expression.ClauseElement`
+ objects.
+ """
+ dp_clauseelement_list = "CL"
+ """Visit a list of :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` objects.
+ """
+ dp_clauseelement_tuple = "CT"
+ """Visit a tuple of :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` objects.
+ """
+ dp_executable_options = "EO"
+ dp_with_context_options = "WC"
+ dp_fromclause_ordered_set = "CO"
+ """Visit an ordered set of :class:`_expression.FromClause` objects. """
+ dp_string = "S"
+ """Visit a plain string value.
+ Examples include table and column names, bound parameter keys, special
+ keywords such as "UNION", "UNION ALL".
+ The string value is considered to be significant for cache key
+ generation.
+ """
+ dp_string_list = "SL"
+ """Visit a list of strings."""
+ dp_anon_name = "AN"
+ """Visit a potentially "anonymized" string value.
+ The string value is considered to be significant for cache key
+ generation.
+ """
+ dp_boolean = "B"
+ """Visit a boolean value.
+ The boolean value is considered to be significant for cache key
+ generation.
+ """
+ dp_operator = "O"
+ """Visit an operator.
+ The operator is a function from the :mod:`sqlalchemy.sql.operators`
+ module.
+ The operator value is considered to be significant for cache key
+ generation.
+ """
+ dp_type = "T"
+ """Visit a :class:`.TypeEngine` object
+ The type object is considered to be significant for cache key
+ generation.
+ """
+ dp_plain_dict = "PD"
+ """Visit a dictionary with string keys.
+ The keys of the dictionary should be strings, the values should
+ be immutable and hashable. The dictionary is considered to be
+ significant for cache key generation.
+ """
+ dp_dialect_options = "DO"
+ """Visit a dialect options structure."""
+ dp_string_clauseelement_dict = "CD"
+ """Visit a dictionary of string keys to :class:`_expression.ClauseElement`
+ objects.
+ """
+ dp_string_multi_dict = "MD"
+ """Visit a dictionary of string keys to values which may either be
+ plain immutable/hashable or :class:`.HasCacheKey` objects.
+ """
+ dp_annotations_key = "AK"
+ """Visit the _annotations_cache_key element.
+ This is a dictionary of additional information about a ClauseElement
+ that modifies its role. It should be included when comparing or caching
+ objects, however generating this key is relatively expensive. Visitors
+ should check the "_annotations" dict for non-None first before creating
+ this key.
+ """
+ dp_plain_obj = "PO"
+ """Visit a plain python object.
+ The value should be immutable and hashable, such as an integer.
+ The value is considered to be significant for cache key generation.
+ """
+ dp_named_ddl_element = "DD"
+ """Visit a simple named DDL element.
+ The current object used by this method is the :class:`.Sequence`.
+ The object is only considered to be important for cache key generation
+ as far as its name, but not any other aspects of it.
+ """
+ dp_prefix_sequence = "PS"
+ """Visit the sequence represented by :class:`_expression.HasPrefixes`
+ or :class:`_expression.HasSuffixes`.
+ """
+ dp_table_hint_list = "TH"
+ """Visit the ``_hints`` collection of a :class:`_expression.Select`
+ object.
+ """
+ dp_setup_join_tuple = "SJ"
+ dp_memoized_select_entities = "ME"
+ dp_statement_hint_list = "SH"
+ """Visit the ``_statement_hints`` collection of a
+ :class:`_expression.Select`
+ object.
+ """
+ dp_unknown_structure = "UK"
+ """Visit an unknown structure.
+ """
+ dp_dml_ordered_values = "DML_OV"
+ """Visit the values() ordered tuple list of an
+ :class:`_expression.Update` object."""
+ dp_dml_values = "DML_V"
+ """Visit the values() dictionary of a :class:`.ValuesBase`
+ (e.g. Insert or Update) object.
+ """
+ dp_dml_multi_values = "DML_MV"
+ """Visit the values() multi-valued list of dictionaries of an
+ :class:`_expression.Insert` object.
+ """
+ dp_propagate_attrs = "PA"
+ """Visit the propagate attrs dict. This hardcodes to the particular
+ elements we care about right now."""
+ """Symbols that follow are additional symbols that are useful in
+ caching applications.
+ Traversals for :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` objects only need to use
+ those symbols present in :class:`.InternalTraversal`. However, for
+ additional caching use cases within the ORM, symbols dealing with the
+ :class:`.HasCacheKey` class are added here.
+ """
+ dp_ignore = "IG"
+ """Specify an object that should be ignored entirely.
+ This currently applies function call argument caching where some
+ arguments should not be considered to be part of a cache key.
+ """
+ dp_inspectable = "IS"
+ """Visit an inspectable object where the return value is a
+ :class:`.HasCacheKey` object."""
+ dp_multi = "M"
+ """Visit an object that may be a :class:`.HasCacheKey` or may be a
+ plain hashable object."""
+ dp_multi_list = "MT"
+ """Visit a tuple containing elements that may be :class:`.HasCacheKey` or
+ may be a plain hashable object."""
+ dp_has_cache_key_tuples = "HT"
+ """Visit a list of tuples which contain :class:`.HasCacheKey`
+ objects.
+ """
+ dp_inspectable_list = "IL"
+ """Visit a list of inspectable objects which upon inspection are
+ HasCacheKey objects."""
+_TraverseInternalsType = List[Tuple[str, InternalTraversal]]
+"""a structure that defines how a HasTraverseInternals should be
+This structure consists of a list of (attributename, internaltraversal)
+tuples, where the "attributename" refers to the name of an attribute on an
+instance of the HasTraverseInternals object, and "internaltraversal" refers
+to an :class:`.InternalTraversal` enumeration symbol defining what kind
+of data this attribute stores, which indicates to the traverser how it should
+be handled.
+class HasTraverseInternals:
+ """base for classes that have a "traverse internals" element,
+ which defines all kinds of ways of traversing the elements of an object.
+ Compared to :class:`.Visitable`, which relies upon an external visitor to
+ define how the object is travered (i.e. the :class:`.SQLCompiler`), the
+ :class:`.HasTraverseInternals` interface allows classes to define their own
+ traversal, that is, what attributes are accessed and in what order.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ()
+ _traverse_internals: _TraverseInternalsType
+ _is_immutable: bool = False
+ @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.sql.traversals")
+ def get_children(
+ self, *, omit_attrs: Tuple[str, ...] = (), **kw: Any
+ ) -> Iterable[HasTraverseInternals]:
+ r"""Return immediate child :class:`.visitors.HasTraverseInternals`
+ elements of this :class:`.visitors.HasTraverseInternals`.
+ This is used for visit traversal.
+ \**kw may contain flags that change the collection that is
+ returned, for example to return a subset of items in order to
+ cut down on larger traversals, or to return child items from a
+ different context (such as schema-level collections instead of
+ clause-level).
+ """
+ traversals = util.preloaded.sql_traversals
+ try:
+ traverse_internals = self._traverse_internals
+ except AttributeError:
+ # user-defined classes may not have a _traverse_internals
+ return []
+ dispatch = traversals._get_children.run_generated_dispatch
+ return itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ meth(obj, **kw)
+ for attrname, obj, meth in dispatch(
+ self, traverse_internals, "_generated_get_children_traversal"
+ )
+ if attrname not in omit_attrs and obj is not None
+ )
+class _InternalTraversalDispatchType(Protocol):
+ def __call__(s, self: object, visitor: HasTraversalDispatch) -> Any: ...
+class HasTraversalDispatch:
+ r"""Define infrastructure for classes that perform internal traversals
+ .. versionadded:: 2.0
+ """
+ __slots__ = ()
+ _dispatch_lookup: ClassVar[Dict[Union[InternalTraversal, str], str]] = {}
+ def dispatch(self, visit_symbol: InternalTraversal) -> Callable[..., Any]:
+ """Given a method from :class:`.HasTraversalDispatch`, return the
+ corresponding method on a subclass.
+ """
+ name = _dispatch_lookup[visit_symbol]
+ return getattr(self, name, None) # type: ignore
+ def run_generated_dispatch(
+ self,
+ target: object,
+ internal_dispatch: _TraverseInternalsType,
+ generate_dispatcher_name: str,
+ ) -> Any:
+ dispatcher: _InternalTraversalDispatchType
+ try:
+ dispatcher = target.__class__.__dict__[generate_dispatcher_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ # -> _preconfigure_traversals()
+ # may be used to run these ahead of time, but
+ # is not enabled right now.
+ # this block will generate any remaining dispatchers.
+ dispatcher = self.generate_dispatch(
+ target.__class__, internal_dispatch, generate_dispatcher_name
+ )
+ return dispatcher(target, self)
+ def generate_dispatch(
+ self,
+ target_cls: Type[object],
+ internal_dispatch: _TraverseInternalsType,
+ generate_dispatcher_name: str,
+ ) -> _InternalTraversalDispatchType:
+ dispatcher = self._generate_dispatcher(
+ internal_dispatch, generate_dispatcher_name
+ )
+ # assert isinstance(target_cls, type)
+ setattr(target_cls, generate_dispatcher_name, dispatcher)
+ return dispatcher
+ def _generate_dispatcher(
+ self, internal_dispatch: _TraverseInternalsType, method_name: str
+ ) -> _InternalTraversalDispatchType:
+ names = []
+ for attrname, visit_sym in internal_dispatch:
+ meth = self.dispatch(visit_sym)
+ if meth is not None:
+ visit_name = _dispatch_lookup[visit_sym]
+ names.append((attrname, visit_name))
+ code = (
+ (" return [\n")
+ + (
+ ", \n".join(
+ " (%r, self.%s, visitor.%s)"
+ % (attrname, attrname, visit_name)
+ for attrname, visit_name in names
+ )
+ )
+ + ("\n ]\n")
+ )
+ meth_text = ("def %s(self, visitor):\n" % method_name) + code + "\n"
+ return cast(
+ _InternalTraversalDispatchType,
+ langhelpers._exec_code_in_env(meth_text, {}, method_name),
+ )
+ExtendedInternalTraversal = InternalTraversal
+def _generate_traversal_dispatch() -> None:
+ lookup = _dispatch_lookup
+ for sym in InternalTraversal:
+ key =
+ if key.startswith("dp_"):
+ visit_key = key.replace("dp_", "visit_")
+ sym_name = sym.value
+ assert sym_name not in lookup, sym_name
+ lookup[sym] = lookup[sym_name] = visit_key
+_dispatch_lookup = HasTraversalDispatch._dispatch_lookup
+class ExternallyTraversible(HasTraverseInternals, Visitable):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ _annotations: Mapping[Any, Any] = util.EMPTY_DICT
+ if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
+ def _annotate(self, values: _AnnotationDict) -> Self: ...
+ def get_children(
+ self, *, omit_attrs: Tuple[str, ...] = (), **kw: Any
+ ) -> Iterable[ExternallyTraversible]: ...
+ def _clone(self, **kw: Any) -> Self:
+ """clone this element"""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def _copy_internals(
+ self, *, omit_attrs: Tuple[str, ...] = (), **kw: Any
+ ) -> None:
+ """Reassign internal elements to be clones of themselves.
+ Called during a copy-and-traverse operation on newly
+ shallow-copied elements to create a deep copy.
+ The given clone function should be used, which may be applying
+ additional transformations to the element (i.e. replacement
+ traversal, cloned traversal, annotations).
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+_ET = TypeVar("_ET", bound=ExternallyTraversible)
+_CE = TypeVar("_CE", bound="ColumnElement[Any]")
+_TraverseCallableType = Callable[[_ET], None]
+class _CloneCallableType(Protocol):
+ def __call__(self, element: _ET, **kw: Any) -> _ET: ...
+class _TraverseTransformCallableType(Protocol[_ET]):
+ def __call__(self, element: _ET, **kw: Any) -> Optional[_ET]: ...
+_ExtT = TypeVar("_ExtT", bound="ExternalTraversal")
+class ExternalTraversal(util.MemoizedSlots):
+ """Base class for visitor objects which can traverse externally using
+ the :func:`.visitors.traverse` function.
+ Direct usage of the :func:`.visitors.traverse` function is usually
+ preferred.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ("_visitor_dict", "_next")
+ __traverse_options__: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+ _next: Optional[ExternalTraversal]
+ def traverse_single(self, obj: Visitable, **kw: Any) -> Any:
+ for v in self.visitor_iterator:
+ meth = getattr(v, "visit_%s" % obj.__visit_name__, None)
+ if meth:
+ return meth(obj, **kw)
+ def iterate(
+ self, obj: Optional[ExternallyTraversible]
+ ) -> Iterator[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ """Traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator
+ of all elements.
+ """
+ return iterate(obj, self.__traverse_options__)
+ @overload
+ def traverse(self, obj: Literal[None]) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def traverse(
+ self, obj: ExternallyTraversible
+ ) -> ExternallyTraversible: ...
+ def traverse(
+ self, obj: Optional[ExternallyTraversible]
+ ) -> Optional[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ """Traverse and visit the given expression structure."""
+ return traverse(obj, self.__traverse_options__, self._visitor_dict)
+ def _memoized_attr__visitor_dict(
+ self,
+ ) -> Dict[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]]:
+ visitors = {}
+ for name in dir(self):
+ if name.startswith("visit_"):
+ visitors[name[6:]] = getattr(self, name)
+ return visitors
+ @property
+ def visitor_iterator(self) -> Iterator[ExternalTraversal]:
+ """Iterate through this visitor and each 'chained' visitor."""
+ v: Optional[ExternalTraversal] = self
+ while v:
+ yield v
+ v = getattr(v, "_next", None)
+ def chain(self: _ExtT, visitor: ExternalTraversal) -> _ExtT:
+ """'Chain' an additional ExternalTraversal onto this ExternalTraversal
+ The chained visitor will receive all visit events after this one.
+ """
+ tail = list(self.visitor_iterator)[-1]
+ tail._next = visitor
+ return self
+class CloningExternalTraversal(ExternalTraversal):
+ """Base class for visitor objects which can traverse using
+ the :func:`.visitors.cloned_traverse` function.
+ Direct usage of the :func:`.visitors.cloned_traverse` function is usually
+ preferred.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def copy_and_process(
+ self, list_: List[ExternallyTraversible]
+ ) -> List[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ """Apply cloned traversal to the given list of elements, and return
+ the new list.
+ """
+ return [self.traverse(x) for x in list_]
+ @overload
+ def traverse(self, obj: Literal[None]) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def traverse(
+ self, obj: ExternallyTraversible
+ ) -> ExternallyTraversible: ...
+ def traverse(
+ self, obj: Optional[ExternallyTraversible]
+ ) -> Optional[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ """Traverse and visit the given expression structure."""
+ return cloned_traverse(
+ obj, self.__traverse_options__, self._visitor_dict
+ )
+class ReplacingExternalTraversal(CloningExternalTraversal):
+ """Base class for visitor objects which can traverse using
+ the :func:`.visitors.replacement_traverse` function.
+ Direct usage of the :func:`.visitors.replacement_traverse` function is
+ usually preferred.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def replace(
+ self, elem: ExternallyTraversible
+ ) -> Optional[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ """Receive pre-copied elements during a cloning traversal.
+ If the method returns a new element, the element is used
+ instead of creating a simple copy of the element. Traversal
+ will halt on the newly returned element if it is re-encountered.
+ """
+ return None
+ @overload
+ def traverse(self, obj: Literal[None]) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def traverse(
+ self, obj: ExternallyTraversible
+ ) -> ExternallyTraversible: ...
+ def traverse(
+ self, obj: Optional[ExternallyTraversible]
+ ) -> Optional[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ """Traverse and visit the given expression structure."""
+ def replace(
+ element: ExternallyTraversible,
+ **kw: Any,
+ ) -> Optional[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ for v in self.visitor_iterator:
+ e = cast(ReplacingExternalTraversal, v).replace(element)
+ if e is not None:
+ return e
+ return None
+ return replacement_traverse(obj, self.__traverse_options__, replace)
+# backwards compatibility
+Traversible = Visitable
+ClauseVisitor = ExternalTraversal
+CloningVisitor = CloningExternalTraversal
+ReplacingCloningVisitor = ReplacingExternalTraversal
+def iterate(
+ obj: Optional[ExternallyTraversible],
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any] = util.EMPTY_DICT,
+) -> Iterator[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ r"""Traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator.
+ Traversal is configured to be breadth-first.
+ The central API feature used by the :func:`.visitors.iterate`
+ function is the
+ :meth:`_expression.ClauseElement.get_children` method of
+ :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` objects. This method should return all
+ the :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` objects which are associated with a
+ particular :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` object. For example, a
+ :class:`.Case` structure will refer to a series of
+ :class:`_expression.ColumnElement` objects within its "whens" and "else\_"
+ member variables.
+ :param obj: :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` structure to be traversed
+ :param opts: dictionary of iteration options. This dictionary is usually
+ empty in modern usage.
+ """
+ if obj is None:
+ return
+ yield obj
+ children = obj.get_children(**opts)
+ if not children:
+ return
+ stack = deque([children])
+ while stack:
+ t_iterator = stack.popleft()
+ for t in t_iterator:
+ yield t
+ stack.append(t.get_children(**opts))
+def traverse_using(
+ iterator: Iterable[ExternallyTraversible],
+ obj: Literal[None],
+ visitors: Mapping[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]],
+) -> None: ...
+def traverse_using(
+ iterator: Iterable[ExternallyTraversible],
+ obj: ExternallyTraversible,
+ visitors: Mapping[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]],
+) -> ExternallyTraversible: ...
+def traverse_using(
+ iterator: Iterable[ExternallyTraversible],
+ obj: Optional[ExternallyTraversible],
+ visitors: Mapping[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]],
+) -> Optional[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ """Visit the given expression structure using the given iterator of
+ objects.
+ :func:`.visitors.traverse_using` is usually called internally as the result
+ of the :func:`.visitors.traverse` function.
+ :param iterator: an iterable or sequence which will yield
+ :class:`_expression.ClauseElement`
+ structures; the iterator is assumed to be the
+ product of the :func:`.visitors.iterate` function.
+ :param obj: the :class:`_expression.ClauseElement`
+ that was used as the target of the
+ :func:`.iterate` function.
+ :param visitors: dictionary of visit functions. See :func:`.traverse`
+ for details on this dictionary.
+ .. seealso::
+ :func:`.traverse`
+ """
+ for target in iterator:
+ meth = visitors.get(target.__visit_name__, None)
+ if meth:
+ meth(target)
+ return obj
+def traverse(
+ obj: Literal[None],
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any],
+ visitors: Mapping[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]],
+) -> None: ...
+def traverse(
+ obj: ExternallyTraversible,
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any],
+ visitors: Mapping[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]],
+) -> ExternallyTraversible: ...
+def traverse(
+ obj: Optional[ExternallyTraversible],
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any],
+ visitors: Mapping[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]],
+) -> Optional[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ """Traverse and visit the given expression structure using the default
+ iterator.
+ e.g.::
+ from sqlalchemy.sql import visitors
+ stmt = select(some_table).where( == 'bar')
+ def visit_bindparam(bind_param):
+ print("found bound value: %s" % bind_param.value)
+ visitors.traverse(stmt, {}, {"bindparam": visit_bindparam})
+ The iteration of objects uses the :func:`.visitors.iterate` function,
+ which does a breadth-first traversal using a stack.
+ :param obj: :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` structure to be traversed
+ :param opts: dictionary of iteration options. This dictionary is usually
+ empty in modern usage.
+ :param visitors: dictionary of visit functions. The dictionary should
+ have strings as keys, each of which would correspond to the
+ ``__visit_name__`` of a particular kind of SQL expression object, and
+ callable functions as values, each of which represents a visitor function
+ for that kind of object.
+ """
+ return traverse_using(iterate(obj, opts), obj, visitors)
+def cloned_traverse(
+ obj: Literal[None],
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any],
+ visitors: Mapping[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]],
+) -> None: ...
+# a bit of controversy here, as the clone of the lead element
+# *could* in theory replace with an entirely different kind of element.
+# however this is really not how cloned_traverse is ever used internally
+# at least.
+def cloned_traverse(
+ obj: _ET,
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any],
+ visitors: Mapping[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]],
+) -> _ET: ...
+def cloned_traverse(
+ obj: Optional[ExternallyTraversible],
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any],
+ visitors: Mapping[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]],
+) -> Optional[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ """Clone the given expression structure, allowing modifications by
+ visitors for mutable objects.
+ Traversal usage is the same as that of :func:`.visitors.traverse`.
+ The visitor functions present in the ``visitors`` dictionary may also
+ modify the internals of the given structure as the traversal proceeds.
+ The :func:`.cloned_traverse` function does **not** provide objects that are
+ part of the :class:`.Immutable` interface to the visit methods (this
+ primarily includes :class:`.ColumnClause`, :class:`.Column`,
+ :class:`.TableClause` and :class:`.Table` objects). As this traversal is
+ only intended to allow in-place mutation of objects, :class:`.Immutable`
+ objects are skipped. The :meth:`.Immutable._clone` method is still called
+ on each object to allow for objects to replace themselves with a different
+ object based on a clone of their sub-internals (e.g. a
+ :class:`.ColumnClause` that clones its subquery to return a new
+ :class:`.ColumnClause`).
+ .. versionchanged:: 2.0 The :func:`.cloned_traverse` function omits
+ objects that are part of the :class:`.Immutable` interface.
+ The central API feature used by the :func:`.visitors.cloned_traverse`
+ and :func:`.visitors.replacement_traverse` functions, in addition to the
+ :meth:`_expression.ClauseElement.get_children`
+ function that is used to achieve
+ the iteration, is the :meth:`_expression.ClauseElement._copy_internals`
+ method.
+ For a :class:`_expression.ClauseElement`
+ structure to support cloning and replacement
+ traversals correctly, it needs to be able to pass a cloning function into
+ its internal members in order to make copies of them.
+ .. seealso::
+ :func:`.visitors.traverse`
+ :func:`.visitors.replacement_traverse`
+ """
+ cloned: Dict[int, ExternallyTraversible] = {}
+ stop_on = set(opts.get("stop_on", []))
+ def deferred_copy_internals(
+ obj: ExternallyTraversible,
+ ) -> ExternallyTraversible:
+ return cloned_traverse(obj, opts, visitors)
+ def clone(elem: ExternallyTraversible, **kw: Any) -> ExternallyTraversible:
+ if elem in stop_on:
+ return elem
+ else:
+ if id(elem) not in cloned:
+ if "replace" in kw:
+ newelem = cast(
+ Optional[ExternallyTraversible], kw["replace"](elem)
+ )
+ if newelem is not None:
+ cloned[id(elem)] = newelem
+ return newelem
+ # the _clone method for immutable normally returns "self".
+ # however, the method is still allowed to return a
+ # different object altogether; ColumnClause._clone() will
+ # based on options clone the subquery to which it is associated
+ # and return the new corresponding column.
+ cloned[id(elem)] = newelem = elem._clone(clone=clone, **kw)
+ newelem._copy_internals(clone=clone, **kw)
+ # however, visit methods which are tasked with in-place
+ # mutation of the object should not get access to the immutable
+ # object.
+ if not elem._is_immutable:
+ meth = visitors.get(newelem.__visit_name__, None)
+ if meth:
+ meth(newelem)
+ return cloned[id(elem)]
+ if obj is not None:
+ obj = clone(
+ obj, deferred_copy_internals=deferred_copy_internals, **opts
+ )
+ clone = None # type: ignore[assignment] # remove gc cycles
+ return obj
+def replacement_traverse(
+ obj: Literal[None],
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any],
+ replace: _TraverseTransformCallableType[Any],
+) -> None: ...
+def replacement_traverse(
+ obj: _CE,
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any],
+ replace: _TraverseTransformCallableType[Any],
+) -> _CE: ...
+def replacement_traverse(
+ obj: ExternallyTraversible,
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any],
+ replace: _TraverseTransformCallableType[Any],
+) -> ExternallyTraversible: ...
+def replacement_traverse(
+ obj: Optional[ExternallyTraversible],
+ opts: Mapping[str, Any],
+ replace: _TraverseTransformCallableType[Any],
+) -> Optional[ExternallyTraversible]:
+ """Clone the given expression structure, allowing element
+ replacement by a given replacement function.
+ This function is very similar to the :func:`.visitors.cloned_traverse`
+ function, except instead of being passed a dictionary of visitors, all
+ elements are unconditionally passed into the given replace function.
+ The replace function then has the option to return an entirely new object
+ which will replace the one given. If it returns ``None``, then the object
+ is kept in place.
+ The difference in usage between :func:`.visitors.cloned_traverse` and
+ :func:`.visitors.replacement_traverse` is that in the former case, an
+ already-cloned object is passed to the visitor function, and the visitor
+ function can then manipulate the internal state of the object.
+ In the case of the latter, the visitor function should only return an
+ entirely different object, or do nothing.
+ The use case for :func:`.visitors.replacement_traverse` is that of
+ replacing a FROM clause inside of a SQL structure with a different one,
+ as is a common use case within the ORM.
+ """
+ cloned = {}
+ stop_on = {id(x) for x in opts.get("stop_on", [])}
+ def deferred_copy_internals(
+ obj: ExternallyTraversible,
+ ) -> ExternallyTraversible:
+ return replacement_traverse(obj, opts, replace)
+ def clone(elem: ExternallyTraversible, **kw: Any) -> ExternallyTraversible:
+ if (
+ id(elem) in stop_on
+ or "no_replacement_traverse" in elem._annotations
+ ):
+ return elem
+ else:
+ newelem = replace(elem)
+ if newelem is not None:
+ stop_on.add(id(newelem))
+ return newelem # type: ignore
+ else:
+ # base "already seen" on id(), not hash, so that we don't
+ # replace an Annotated element with its non-annotated one, and
+ # vice versa
+ id_elem = id(elem)
+ if id_elem not in cloned:
+ if "replace" in kw:
+ newelem = kw["replace"](elem)
+ if newelem is not None:
+ cloned[id_elem] = newelem
+ return newelem # type: ignore
+ cloned[id_elem] = newelem = elem._clone(**kw)
+ newelem._copy_internals(clone=clone, **kw)
+ return cloned[id_elem] # type: ignore
+ if obj is not None:
+ obj = clone(
+ obj, deferred_copy_internals=deferred_copy_internals, **opts
+ )
+ clone = None # type: ignore[assignment] # remove gc cycles
+ return obj