path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/')
1 files changed, 886 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/
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index 0000000..adee44a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/
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+# orm/
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
+# <see AUTHORS file>
+# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
+# the MIT License:
+"""MapperProperty implementations.
+This is a private module which defines the behavior of individual ORM-
+mapped attributes.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Any
+from typing import cast
+from typing import Dict
+from typing import List
+from typing import Optional
+from typing import Sequence
+from typing import Set
+from typing import Tuple
+from typing import Type
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import TypeVar
+from typing import Union
+from . import attributes
+from . import strategy_options
+from .base import _DeclarativeMapped
+from .base import class_mapper
+from .descriptor_props import CompositeProperty
+from .descriptor_props import ConcreteInheritedProperty
+from .descriptor_props import SynonymProperty
+from .interfaces import _AttributeOptions
+from .interfaces import _DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_OPTIONS
+from .interfaces import _IntrospectsAnnotations
+from .interfaces import _MapsColumns
+from .interfaces import MapperProperty
+from .interfaces import PropComparator
+from .interfaces import StrategizedProperty
+from .relationships import RelationshipProperty
+from .util import de_stringify_annotation
+from .util import de_stringify_union_elements
+from .. import exc as sa_exc
+from .. import ForeignKey
+from .. import log
+from .. import util
+from ..sql import coercions
+from ..sql import roles
+from ..sql.base import _NoArg
+from ..sql.schema import Column
+from ..sql.schema import SchemaConst
+from ..sql.type_api import TypeEngine
+from ..util.typing import de_optionalize_union_types
+from ..util.typing import is_fwd_ref
+from ..util.typing import is_optional_union
+from ..util.typing import is_pep593
+from ..util.typing import is_pep695
+from ..util.typing import is_union
+from ..util.typing import Self
+from ..util.typing import typing_get_args
+ from ._typing import _IdentityKeyType
+ from ._typing import _InstanceDict
+ from ._typing import _ORMColumnExprArgument
+ from ._typing import _RegistryType
+ from .base import Mapped
+ from .decl_base import _ClassScanMapperConfig
+ from .mapper import Mapper
+ from .session import Session
+ from .state import _InstallLoaderCallableProto
+ from .state import InstanceState
+ from ..sql._typing import _InfoType
+ from ..sql.elements import ColumnElement
+ from ..sql.elements import NamedColumn
+ from ..sql.operators import OperatorType
+ from ..util.typing import _AnnotationScanType
+ from ..util.typing import RODescriptorReference
+_T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Any)
+_PT = TypeVar("_PT", bound=Any)
+_NC = TypeVar("_NC", bound="NamedColumn[Any]")
+__all__ = [
+ "ColumnProperty",
+ "CompositeProperty",
+ "ConcreteInheritedProperty",
+ "RelationshipProperty",
+ "SynonymProperty",
+class ColumnProperty(
+ _MapsColumns[_T],
+ StrategizedProperty[_T],
+ _IntrospectsAnnotations,
+ log.Identified,
+ """Describes an object attribute that corresponds to a table column
+ or other column expression.
+ Public constructor is the :func:`_orm.column_property` function.
+ """
+ strategy_wildcard_key = strategy_options._COLUMN_TOKEN
+ inherit_cache = True
+ """:meta private:"""
+ _links_to_entity = False
+ columns: List[NamedColumn[Any]]
+ _is_polymorphic_discriminator: bool
+ _mapped_by_synonym: Optional[str]
+ comparator_factory: Type[PropComparator[_T]]
+ __slots__ = (
+ "columns",
+ "group",
+ "deferred",
+ "instrument",
+ "comparator_factory",
+ "active_history",
+ "expire_on_flush",
+ "_creation_order",
+ "_is_polymorphic_discriminator",
+ "_mapped_by_synonym",
+ "_deferred_column_loader",
+ "_raise_column_loader",
+ "_renders_in_subqueries",
+ "raiseload",
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ column: _ORMColumnExprArgument[_T],
+ *additional_columns: _ORMColumnExprArgument[Any],
+ attribute_options: Optional[_AttributeOptions] = None,
+ group: Optional[str] = None,
+ deferred: bool = False,
+ raiseload: bool = False,
+ comparator_factory: Optional[Type[PropComparator[_T]]] = None,
+ active_history: bool = False,
+ expire_on_flush: bool = True,
+ info: Optional[_InfoType] = None,
+ doc: Optional[str] = None,
+ _instrument: bool = True,
+ _assume_readonly_dc_attributes: bool = False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__(
+ attribute_options=attribute_options,
+ _assume_readonly_dc_attributes=_assume_readonly_dc_attributes,
+ )
+ columns = (column,) + additional_columns
+ self.columns = [
+ coercions.expect(roles.LabeledColumnExprRole, c) for c in columns
+ ]
+ = group
+ self.deferred = deferred
+ self.raiseload = raiseload
+ self.instrument = _instrument
+ self.comparator_factory = (
+ comparator_factory
+ if comparator_factory is not None
+ else self.__class__.Comparator
+ )
+ self.active_history = active_history
+ self.expire_on_flush = expire_on_flush
+ if info is not None:
+ if doc is not None:
+ self.doc = doc
+ else:
+ for col in reversed(self.columns):
+ doc = getattr(col, "doc", None)
+ if doc is not None:
+ self.doc = doc
+ break
+ else:
+ self.doc = None
+ util.set_creation_order(self)
+ self.strategy_key = (
+ ("deferred", self.deferred),
+ ("instrument", self.instrument),
+ )
+ if self.raiseload:
+ self.strategy_key += (("raiseload", True),)
+ def declarative_scan(
+ self,
+ decl_scan: _ClassScanMapperConfig,
+ registry: _RegistryType,
+ cls: Type[Any],
+ originating_module: Optional[str],
+ key: str,
+ mapped_container: Optional[Type[Mapped[Any]]],
+ annotation: Optional[_AnnotationScanType],
+ extracted_mapped_annotation: Optional[_AnnotationScanType],
+ is_dataclass_field: bool,
+ ) -> None:
+ column = self.columns[0]
+ if column.key is None:
+ column.key = key
+ if is None:
+ = key
+ @property
+ def mapper_property_to_assign(self) -> Optional[MapperProperty[_T]]:
+ return self
+ @property
+ def columns_to_assign(self) -> List[Tuple[Column[Any], int]]:
+ # mypy doesn't care about the isinstance here
+ return [
+ (c, 0) # type: ignore
+ for c in self.columns
+ if isinstance(c, Column) and c.table is None
+ ]
+ def _memoized_attr__renders_in_subqueries(self) -> bool:
+ if ("query_expression", True) in self.strategy_key:
+ return self.strategy._have_default_expression # type: ignore
+ return ("deferred", True) not in self.strategy_key or (
+ self not in self.parent._readonly_props # type: ignore
+ )
+ @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.orm.state", "sqlalchemy.orm.strategies")
+ def _memoized_attr__deferred_column_loader(
+ self,
+ ) -> _InstallLoaderCallableProto[Any]:
+ state = util.preloaded.orm_state
+ strategies = util.preloaded.orm_strategies
+ return state.InstanceState._instance_level_callable_processor(
+ self.parent.class_manager,
+ strategies.LoadDeferredColumns(self.key),
+ self.key,
+ )
+ @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.orm.state", "sqlalchemy.orm.strategies")
+ def _memoized_attr__raise_column_loader(
+ self,
+ ) -> _InstallLoaderCallableProto[Any]:
+ state = util.preloaded.orm_state
+ strategies = util.preloaded.orm_strategies
+ return state.InstanceState._instance_level_callable_processor(
+ self.parent.class_manager,
+ strategies.LoadDeferredColumns(self.key, True),
+ self.key,
+ )
+ def __clause_element__(self) -> roles.ColumnsClauseRole:
+ """Allow the ColumnProperty to work in expression before it is turned
+ into an instrumented attribute.
+ """
+ return self.expression
+ @property
+ def expression(self) -> roles.ColumnsClauseRole:
+ """Return the primary column or expression for this ColumnProperty.
+ E.g.::
+ class File(Base):
+ # ...
+ name = Column(String(64))
+ extension = Column(String(8))
+ filename = column_property(name + '.' + extension)
+ path = column_property('C:/' + filename.expression)
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`mapper_column_property_sql_expressions_composed`
+ """
+ return self.columns[0]
+ def instrument_class(self, mapper: Mapper[Any]) -> None:
+ if not self.instrument:
+ return
+ attributes.register_descriptor(
+ mapper.class_,
+ self.key,
+ comparator=self.comparator_factory(self, mapper),
+ parententity=mapper,
+ doc=self.doc,
+ )
+ def do_init(self) -> None:
+ super().do_init()
+ if len(self.columns) > 1 and set(self.parent.primary_key).issuperset(
+ self.columns
+ ):
+ util.warn(
+ (
+ "On mapper %s, primary key column '%s' is being combined "
+ "with distinct primary key column '%s' in attribute '%s'. "
+ "Use explicit properties to give each column its own "
+ "mapped attribute name."
+ )
+ % (self.parent, self.columns[1], self.columns[0], self.key)
+ )
+ def copy(self) -> ColumnProperty[_T]:
+ return ColumnProperty(
+ *self.columns,
+ deferred=self.deferred,
+ active_history=self.active_history,
+ )
+ def merge(
+ self,
+ session: Session,
+ source_state: InstanceState[Any],
+ source_dict: _InstanceDict,
+ dest_state: InstanceState[Any],
+ dest_dict: _InstanceDict,
+ load: bool,
+ _recursive: Dict[Any, object],
+ _resolve_conflict_map: Dict[_IdentityKeyType[Any], object],
+ ) -> None:
+ if not self.instrument:
+ return
+ elif self.key in source_dict:
+ value = source_dict[self.key]
+ if not load:
+ dest_dict[self.key] = value
+ else:
+ impl = dest_state.get_impl(self.key)
+ impl.set(dest_state, dest_dict, value, None)
+ elif dest_state.has_identity and self.key not in dest_dict:
+ dest_state._expire_attributes(
+ dest_dict, [self.key], no_loader=True
+ )
+ class Comparator(util.MemoizedSlots, PropComparator[_PT]):
+ """Produce boolean, comparison, and other operators for
+ :class:`.ColumnProperty` attributes.
+ See the documentation for :class:`.PropComparator` for a brief
+ overview.
+ .. seealso::
+ :class:`.PropComparator`
+ :class:`.ColumnOperators`
+ :ref:`types_operators`
+ :attr:`.TypeEngine.comparator_factory`
+ """
+ # prevent pylance from being clever about slots
+ __slots__ = "__clause_element__", "info", "expressions"
+ prop: RODescriptorReference[ColumnProperty[_PT]]
+ expressions: Sequence[NamedColumn[Any]]
+ """The full sequence of columns referenced by this
+ attribute, adjusted for any aliasing in progress.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.3.17
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`maptojoin` - usage example
+ """
+ def _orm_annotate_column(self, column: _NC) -> _NC:
+ """annotate and possibly adapt a column to be returned
+ as the mapped-attribute exposed version of the column.
+ The column in this context needs to act as much like the
+ column in an ORM mapped context as possible, so includes
+ annotations to give hints to various ORM functions as to
+ the source entity of this column. It also adapts it
+ to the mapper's with_polymorphic selectable if one is
+ present.
+ """
+ pe = self._parententity
+ annotations: Dict[str, Any] = {
+ "entity_namespace": pe,
+ "parententity": pe,
+ "parentmapper": pe,
+ "proxy_key": self.prop.key,
+ }
+ col = column
+ # for a mapper with polymorphic_on and an adapter, return
+ # the column against the polymorphic selectable.
+ # see also orm.util._orm_downgrade_polymorphic_columns
+ # for the reverse operation.
+ if self._parentmapper._polymorphic_adapter:
+ mapper_local_col = col
+ col = self._parentmapper._polymorphic_adapter.traverse(col)
+ # this is a clue to the ORM Query etc. that this column
+ # was adapted to the mapper's polymorphic_adapter. the
+ # ORM uses this hint to know which column its adapting.
+ annotations["adapt_column"] = mapper_local_col
+ return col._annotate(annotations)._set_propagate_attrs(
+ {"compile_state_plugin": "orm", "plugin_subject": pe}
+ )
+ def __clause_element__(self) -> NamedColumn[_PT]: ...
+ def _memoized_method___clause_element__(
+ self,
+ ) -> NamedColumn[_PT]:
+ if self.adapter:
+ return self.adapter(self.prop.columns[0], self.prop.key)
+ else:
+ return self._orm_annotate_column(self.prop.columns[0])
+ def _memoized_attr_info(self) -> _InfoType:
+ """The .info dictionary for this attribute."""
+ ce = self.__clause_element__()
+ try:
+ return # type: ignore
+ except AttributeError:
+ return
+ def _memoized_attr_expressions(self) -> Sequence[NamedColumn[Any]]:
+ """The full sequence of columns referenced by this
+ attribute, adjusted for any aliasing in progress.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.3.17
+ """
+ if self.adapter:
+ return [
+ self.adapter(col, self.prop.key)
+ for col in self.prop.columns
+ ]
+ else:
+ return [
+ self._orm_annotate_column(col) for col in self.prop.columns
+ ]
+ def _fallback_getattr(self, key: str) -> Any:
+ """proxy attribute access down to the mapped column.
+ this allows user-defined comparison methods to be accessed.
+ """
+ return getattr(self.__clause_element__(), key)
+ def operate(
+ self, op: OperatorType, *other: Any, **kwargs: Any
+ ) -> ColumnElement[Any]:
+ return op(self.__clause_element__(), *other, **kwargs) # type: ignore[no-any-return] # noqa: E501
+ def reverse_operate(
+ self, op: OperatorType, other: Any, **kwargs: Any
+ ) -> ColumnElement[Any]:
+ col = self.__clause_element__()
+ return op(col._bind_param(op, other), col, **kwargs) # type: ignore[no-any-return] # noqa: E501
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ if not self.parent or not self.key:
+ return object.__repr__(self)
+ return str(self.parent.class_.__name__) + "." + self.key
+class MappedSQLExpression(ColumnProperty[_T], _DeclarativeMapped[_T]):
+ """Declarative front-end for the :class:`.ColumnProperty` class.
+ Public constructor is the :func:`_orm.column_property` function.
+ .. versionchanged:: 2.0 Added :class:`_orm.MappedSQLExpression` as
+ a Declarative compatible subclass for :class:`_orm.ColumnProperty`.
+ .. seealso::
+ :class:`.MappedColumn`
+ """
+ inherit_cache = True
+ """:meta private:"""
+class MappedColumn(
+ _IntrospectsAnnotations,
+ _MapsColumns[_T],
+ _DeclarativeMapped[_T],
+ """Maps a single :class:`_schema.Column` on a class.
+ :class:`_orm.MappedColumn` is a specialization of the
+ :class:`_orm.ColumnProperty` class and is oriented towards declarative
+ configuration.
+ To construct :class:`_orm.MappedColumn` objects, use the
+ :func:`_orm.mapped_column` constructor function.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.0
+ """
+ __slots__ = (
+ "column",
+ "_creation_order",
+ "_sort_order",
+ "foreign_keys",
+ "_has_nullable",
+ "_has_insert_default",
+ "deferred",
+ "deferred_group",
+ "deferred_raiseload",
+ "active_history",
+ "_attribute_options",
+ "_has_dataclass_arguments",
+ "_use_existing_column",
+ )
+ deferred: Union[_NoArg, bool]
+ deferred_raiseload: bool
+ deferred_group: Optional[str]
+ column: Column[_T]
+ foreign_keys: Optional[Set[ForeignKey]]
+ _attribute_options: _AttributeOptions
+ def __init__(self, *arg: Any, **kw: Any):
+ self._attribute_options = attr_opts = kw.pop(
+ "attribute_options", _DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_OPTIONS
+ )
+ self._use_existing_column = kw.pop("use_existing_column", False)
+ self._has_dataclass_arguments = (
+ attr_opts is not None
+ and any(
+ attr_opts[i] is not _NoArg.NO_ARG
+ for i, attr in enumerate(attr_opts._fields)
+ if attr != "dataclasses_default"
+ )
+ )
+ insert_default = kw.pop("insert_default", _NoArg.NO_ARG)
+ self._has_insert_default = insert_default is not _NoArg.NO_ARG
+ if self._has_insert_default:
+ kw["default"] = insert_default
+ elif attr_opts.dataclasses_default is not _NoArg.NO_ARG:
+ kw["default"] = attr_opts.dataclasses_default
+ self.deferred_group = kw.pop("deferred_group", None)
+ self.deferred_raiseload = kw.pop("deferred_raiseload", None)
+ self.deferred = kw.pop("deferred", _NoArg.NO_ARG)
+ self.active_history = kw.pop("active_history", False)
+ self._sort_order = kw.pop("sort_order", _NoArg.NO_ARG)
+ self.column = cast("Column[_T]", Column(*arg, **kw))
+ self.foreign_keys = self.column.foreign_keys
+ self._has_nullable = "nullable" in kw and kw.get("nullable") not in (
+ None,
+ )
+ util.set_creation_order(self)
+ def _copy(self, **kw: Any) -> Self:
+ new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
+ new.column = self.column._copy(**kw)
+ new.deferred = self.deferred
+ new.deferred_group = self.deferred_group
+ new.deferred_raiseload = self.deferred_raiseload
+ new.foreign_keys = new.column.foreign_keys
+ new.active_history = self.active_history
+ new._has_nullable = self._has_nullable
+ new._attribute_options = self._attribute_options
+ new._has_insert_default = self._has_insert_default
+ new._has_dataclass_arguments = self._has_dataclass_arguments
+ new._use_existing_column = self._use_existing_column
+ new._sort_order = self._sort_order
+ util.set_creation_order(new)
+ return new
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return
+ @property
+ def mapper_property_to_assign(self) -> Optional[MapperProperty[_T]]:
+ effective_deferred = self.deferred
+ if effective_deferred is _NoArg.NO_ARG:
+ effective_deferred = bool(
+ self.deferred_group or self.deferred_raiseload
+ )
+ if effective_deferred or self.active_history:
+ return ColumnProperty(
+ self.column,
+ deferred=effective_deferred,
+ group=self.deferred_group,
+ raiseload=self.deferred_raiseload,
+ attribute_options=self._attribute_options,
+ active_history=self.active_history,
+ )
+ else:
+ return None
+ @property
+ def columns_to_assign(self) -> List[Tuple[Column[Any], int]]:
+ return [
+ (
+ self.column,
+ (
+ self._sort_order
+ if self._sort_order is not _NoArg.NO_ARG
+ else 0
+ ),
+ )
+ ]
+ def __clause_element__(self) -> Column[_T]:
+ return self.column
+ def operate(
+ self, op: OperatorType, *other: Any, **kwargs: Any
+ ) -> ColumnElement[Any]:
+ return op(self.__clause_element__(), *other, **kwargs) # type: ignore[no-any-return] # noqa: E501
+ def reverse_operate(
+ self, op: OperatorType, other: Any, **kwargs: Any
+ ) -> ColumnElement[Any]:
+ col = self.__clause_element__()
+ return op(col._bind_param(op, other), col, **kwargs) # type: ignore[no-any-return] # noqa: E501
+ def found_in_pep593_annotated(self) -> Any:
+ # return a blank mapped_column(). This mapped_column()'s
+ # Column will be merged into it in _init_column_for_annotation().
+ return MappedColumn()
+ def declarative_scan(
+ self,
+ decl_scan: _ClassScanMapperConfig,
+ registry: _RegistryType,
+ cls: Type[Any],
+ originating_module: Optional[str],
+ key: str,
+ mapped_container: Optional[Type[Mapped[Any]]],
+ annotation: Optional[_AnnotationScanType],
+ extracted_mapped_annotation: Optional[_AnnotationScanType],
+ is_dataclass_field: bool,
+ ) -> None:
+ column = self.column
+ if (
+ self._use_existing_column
+ and decl_scan.inherits
+ and decl_scan.single
+ ):
+ if decl_scan.is_deferred:
+ raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
+ "Can't use use_existing_column with deferred mappers"
+ )
+ supercls_mapper = class_mapper(decl_scan.inherits, False)
+ colname = if is not None else key
+ column = self.column = supercls_mapper.local_table.c.get( # type: ignore # noqa: E501
+ colname, column
+ )
+ if column.key is None:
+ column.key = key
+ if is None:
+ = key
+ sqltype = column.type
+ if extracted_mapped_annotation is None:
+ if sqltype._isnull and not self.column.foreign_keys:
+ self._raise_for_required(key, cls)
+ else:
+ return
+ self._init_column_for_annotation(
+ cls,
+ registry,
+ extracted_mapped_annotation,
+ originating_module,
+ )
+ @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.orm.decl_base")
+ def declarative_scan_for_composite(
+ self,
+ registry: _RegistryType,
+ cls: Type[Any],
+ originating_module: Optional[str],
+ key: str,
+ param_name: str,
+ param_annotation: _AnnotationScanType,
+ ) -> None:
+ decl_base = util.preloaded.orm_decl_base
+ decl_base._undefer_column_name(param_name, self.column)
+ self._init_column_for_annotation(
+ cls, registry, param_annotation, originating_module
+ )
+ def _init_column_for_annotation(
+ self,
+ cls: Type[Any],
+ registry: _RegistryType,
+ argument: _AnnotationScanType,
+ originating_module: Optional[str],
+ ) -> None:
+ sqltype = self.column.type
+ if isinstance(argument, str) or is_fwd_ref(
+ argument, check_generic=True
+ ):
+ assert originating_module is not None
+ argument = de_stringify_annotation(
+ cls, argument, originating_module, include_generic=True
+ )
+ if is_union(argument):
+ assert originating_module is not None
+ argument = de_stringify_union_elements(
+ cls, argument, originating_module
+ )
+ nullable = is_optional_union(argument)
+ if not self._has_nullable:
+ self.column.nullable = nullable
+ our_type = de_optionalize_union_types(argument)
+ use_args_from = None
+ our_original_type = our_type
+ if is_pep695(our_type):
+ our_type = our_type.__value__
+ if is_pep593(our_type):
+ our_type_is_pep593 = True
+ pep_593_components = typing_get_args(our_type)
+ raw_pep_593_type = pep_593_components[0]
+ if is_optional_union(raw_pep_593_type):
+ raw_pep_593_type = de_optionalize_union_types(raw_pep_593_type)
+ nullable = True
+ if not self._has_nullable:
+ self.column.nullable = nullable
+ for elem in pep_593_components[1:]:
+ if isinstance(elem, MappedColumn):
+ use_args_from = elem
+ break
+ else:
+ our_type_is_pep593 = False
+ raw_pep_593_type = None
+ if use_args_from is not None:
+ if (
+ not self._has_insert_default
+ and use_args_from.column.default is not None
+ ):
+ self.column.default = None
+ use_args_from.column._merge(self.column)
+ sqltype = self.column.type
+ if (
+ use_args_from.deferred is not _NoArg.NO_ARG
+ and self.deferred is _NoArg.NO_ARG
+ ):
+ self.deferred = use_args_from.deferred
+ if (
+ use_args_from.deferred_group is not None
+ and self.deferred_group is None
+ ):
+ self.deferred_group = use_args_from.deferred_group
+ if (
+ use_args_from.deferred_raiseload is not None
+ and self.deferred_raiseload is None
+ ):
+ self.deferred_raiseload = use_args_from.deferred_raiseload
+ if (
+ use_args_from._use_existing_column
+ and not self._use_existing_column
+ ):
+ self._use_existing_column = True
+ if use_args_from.active_history:
+ self.active_history = use_args_from.active_history
+ if (
+ use_args_from._sort_order is not None
+ and self._sort_order is _NoArg.NO_ARG
+ ):
+ self._sort_order = use_args_from._sort_order
+ if (
+ use_args_from.column.key is not None
+ or is not None
+ ):
+ util.warn_deprecated(
+ "Can't use the 'key' or 'name' arguments in "
+ "Annotated with mapped_column(); this will be ignored",
+ "2.0.22",
+ )
+ if use_args_from._has_dataclass_arguments:
+ for idx, arg in enumerate(
+ use_args_from._attribute_options._fields
+ ):
+ if (
+ use_args_from._attribute_options[idx]
+ is not _NoArg.NO_ARG
+ ):
+ arg = arg.replace("dataclasses_", "")
+ util.warn_deprecated(
+ f"Argument '{arg}' is a dataclass argument and "
+ "cannot be specified within a mapped_column() "
+ "bundled inside of an Annotated object",
+ "2.0.22",
+ )
+ if sqltype._isnull and not self.column.foreign_keys:
+ new_sqltype = None
+ if our_type_is_pep593:
+ checks = [our_original_type, raw_pep_593_type]
+ else:
+ checks = [our_original_type]
+ for check_type in checks:
+ new_sqltype = registry._resolve_type(check_type)
+ if new_sqltype is not None:
+ break
+ else:
+ if isinstance(our_type, TypeEngine) or (
+ isinstance(our_type, type)
+ and issubclass(our_type, TypeEngine)
+ ):
+ raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
+ f"The type provided inside the {self.column.key!r} "
+ "attribute Mapped annotation is the SQLAlchemy type "
+ f"{our_type}. Expected a Python type instead"
+ )
+ else:
+ raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
+ "Could not locate SQLAlchemy Core type for Python "
+ f"type {our_type} inside the {self.column.key!r} "
+ "attribute Mapped annotation"
+ )
+ self.column._set_type(new_sqltype)