path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1782 deletions
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-# orm/
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
-# <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License:
-# mypy: ignore-errors
-"""private module containing functions used to emit INSERT, UPDATE
-and DELETE statements on behalf of a :class:`_orm.Mapper` and its descending
-The functions here are called only by the unit of work functions
-from __future__ import annotations
-from itertools import chain
-from itertools import groupby
-from itertools import zip_longest
-import operator
-from . import attributes
-from . import exc as orm_exc
-from . import loading
-from . import sync
-from .base import state_str
-from .. import exc as sa_exc
-from .. import future
-from .. import sql
-from .. import util
-from ..engine import cursor as _cursor
-from ..sql import operators
-from ..sql.elements import BooleanClauseList
-from ..sql.selectable import LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL
-def save_obj(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction, single=False):
- """Issue ``INSERT`` and/or ``UPDATE`` statements for a list
- of objects.
- This is called within the context of a UOWTransaction during a
- flush operation, given a list of states to be flushed. The
- base mapper in an inheritance hierarchy handles the inserts/
- updates for all descendant mappers.
- """
- # if batch=false, call _save_obj separately for each object
- if not single and not base_mapper.batch:
- for state in _sort_states(base_mapper, states):
- save_obj(base_mapper, [state], uowtransaction, single=True)
- return
- states_to_update = []
- states_to_insert = []
- for (
- state,
- dict_,
- mapper,
- connection,
- has_identity,
- row_switch,
- update_version_id,
- ) in _organize_states_for_save(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction):
- if has_identity or row_switch:
- states_to_update.append(
- (state, dict_, mapper, connection, update_version_id)
- )
- else:
- states_to_insert.append((state, dict_, mapper, connection))
- for table, mapper in base_mapper._sorted_tables.items():
- if table not in mapper._pks_by_table:
- continue
- insert = _collect_insert_commands(table, states_to_insert)
- update = _collect_update_commands(
- uowtransaction, table, states_to_update
- )
- _emit_update_statements(
- base_mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- mapper,
- table,
- update,
- )
- _emit_insert_statements(
- base_mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- mapper,
- table,
- insert,
- )
- _finalize_insert_update_commands(
- base_mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- chain(
- (
- (state, state_dict, mapper, connection, False)
- for (state, state_dict, mapper, connection) in states_to_insert
- ),
- (
- (state, state_dict, mapper, connection, True)
- for (
- state,
- state_dict,
- mapper,
- connection,
- update_version_id,
- ) in states_to_update
- ),
- ),
- )
-def post_update(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction, post_update_cols):
- """Issue UPDATE statements on behalf of a relationship() which
- specifies post_update.
- """
- states_to_update = list(
- _organize_states_for_post_update(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction)
- )
- for table, mapper in base_mapper._sorted_tables.items():
- if table not in mapper._pks_by_table:
- continue
- update = (
- (
- state,
- state_dict,
- sub_mapper,
- connection,
- (
- mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column(
- state, state_dict, mapper.version_id_col
- )
- if mapper.version_id_col is not None
- else None
- ),
- )
- for state, state_dict, sub_mapper, connection in states_to_update
- if table in sub_mapper._pks_by_table
- )
- update = _collect_post_update_commands(
- base_mapper, uowtransaction, table, update, post_update_cols
- )
- _emit_post_update_statements(
- base_mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- mapper,
- table,
- update,
- )
-def delete_obj(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction):
- """Issue ``DELETE`` statements for a list of objects.
- This is called within the context of a UOWTransaction during a
- flush operation.
- """
- states_to_delete = list(
- _organize_states_for_delete(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction)
- )
- table_to_mapper = base_mapper._sorted_tables
- for table in reversed(list(table_to_mapper.keys())):
- mapper = table_to_mapper[table]
- if table not in mapper._pks_by_table:
- continue
- elif mapper.inherits and mapper.passive_deletes:
- continue
- delete = _collect_delete_commands(
- base_mapper, uowtransaction, table, states_to_delete
- )
- _emit_delete_statements(
- base_mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- mapper,
- table,
- delete,
- )
- for (
- state,
- state_dict,
- mapper,
- connection,
- update_version_id,
- ) in states_to_delete:
- mapper.dispatch.after_delete(mapper, connection, state)
-def _organize_states_for_save(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction):
- """Make an initial pass across a set of states for INSERT or
- This includes splitting out into distinct lists for
- each, calling before_insert/before_update, obtaining
- key information for each state including its dictionary,
- mapper, the connection to use for the execution per state,
- and the identity flag.
- """
- for state, dict_, mapper, connection in _connections_for_states(
- base_mapper, uowtransaction, states
- ):
- has_identity = bool(state.key)
- instance_key = state.key or mapper._identity_key_from_state(state)
- row_switch = update_version_id = None
- # call before_XXX extensions
- if not has_identity:
- mapper.dispatch.before_insert(mapper, connection, state)
- else:
- mapper.dispatch.before_update(mapper, connection, state)
- if mapper._validate_polymorphic_identity:
- mapper._validate_polymorphic_identity(mapper, state, dict_)
- # detect if we have a "pending" instance (i.e. has
- # no instance_key attached to it), and another instance
- # with the same identity key already exists as persistent.
- # convert to an UPDATE if so.
- if (
- not has_identity
- and instance_key in uowtransaction.session.identity_map
- ):
- instance = uowtransaction.session.identity_map[instance_key]
- existing = attributes.instance_state(instance)
- if not uowtransaction.was_already_deleted(existing):
- if not uowtransaction.is_deleted(existing):
- util.warn(
- "New instance %s with identity key %s conflicts "
- "with persistent instance %s"
- % (state_str(state), instance_key, state_str(existing))
- )
- else:
- base_mapper._log_debug(
- "detected row switch for identity %s. "
- "will update %s, remove %s from "
- "transaction",
- instance_key,
- state_str(state),
- state_str(existing),
- )
- # remove the "delete" flag from the existing element
- uowtransaction.remove_state_actions(existing)
- row_switch = existing
- if (has_identity or row_switch) and mapper.version_id_col is not None:
- update_version_id = mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column(
- row_switch if row_switch else state,
- row_switch.dict if row_switch else dict_,
- mapper.version_id_col,
- )
- yield (
- state,
- dict_,
- mapper,
- connection,
- has_identity,
- row_switch,
- update_version_id,
- )
-def _organize_states_for_post_update(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction):
- """Make an initial pass across a set of states for UPDATE
- corresponding to post_update.
- This includes obtaining key information for each state
- including its dictionary, mapper, the connection to use for
- the execution per state.
- """
- return _connections_for_states(base_mapper, uowtransaction, states)
-def _organize_states_for_delete(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction):
- """Make an initial pass across a set of states for DELETE.
- This includes calling out before_delete and obtaining
- key information for each state including its dictionary,
- mapper, the connection to use for the execution per state.
- """
- for state, dict_, mapper, connection in _connections_for_states(
- base_mapper, uowtransaction, states
- ):
- mapper.dispatch.before_delete(mapper, connection, state)
- if mapper.version_id_col is not None:
- update_version_id = mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column(
- state, dict_, mapper.version_id_col
- )
- else:
- update_version_id = None
- yield (state, dict_, mapper, connection, update_version_id)
-def _collect_insert_commands(
- table,
- states_to_insert,
- *,
- bulk=False,
- return_defaults=False,
- render_nulls=False,
- include_bulk_keys=(),
- """Identify sets of values to use in INSERT statements for a
- list of states.
- """
- for state, state_dict, mapper, connection in states_to_insert:
- if table not in mapper._pks_by_table:
- continue
- params = {}
- value_params = {}
- propkey_to_col = mapper._propkey_to_col[table]
- eval_none = mapper._insert_cols_evaluating_none[table]
- for propkey in set(propkey_to_col).intersection(state_dict):
- value = state_dict[propkey]
- col = propkey_to_col[propkey]
- if value is None and col not in eval_none and not render_nulls:
- continue
- elif not bulk and (
- hasattr(value, "__clause_element__")
- or isinstance(value, sql.ClauseElement)
- ):
- value_params[col] = (
- value.__clause_element__()
- if hasattr(value, "__clause_element__")
- else value
- )
- else:
- params[col.key] = value
- if not bulk:
- # for all the columns that have no default and we don't have
- # a value and where "None" is not a special value, add
- # explicit None to the INSERT. This is a legacy behavior
- # which might be worth removing, as it should not be necessary
- # and also produces confusion, given that "missing" and None
- # now have distinct meanings
- for colkey in (
- mapper._insert_cols_as_none[table]
- .difference(params)
- .difference([c.key for c in value_params])
- ):
- params[colkey] = None
- if not bulk or return_defaults:
- # params are in terms of Column key objects, so
- # compare to pk_keys_by_table
- has_all_pks = mapper._pk_keys_by_table[table].issubset(params)
- if mapper.base_mapper._prefer_eager_defaults(
- connection.dialect, table
- ):
- has_all_defaults = mapper._server_default_col_keys[
- table
- ].issubset(params)
- else:
- has_all_defaults = True
- else:
- has_all_defaults = has_all_pks = True
- if (
- mapper.version_id_generator is not False
- and mapper.version_id_col is not None
- and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]
- ):
- params[mapper.version_id_col.key] = mapper.version_id_generator(
- None
- )
- if bulk:
- if mapper._set_polymorphic_identity:
- params.setdefault(
- mapper._polymorphic_attr_key, mapper.polymorphic_identity
- )
- if include_bulk_keys:
- params.update((k, state_dict[k]) for k in include_bulk_keys)
- yield (
- state,
- state_dict,
- params,
- mapper,
- connection,
- value_params,
- has_all_pks,
- has_all_defaults,
- )
-def _collect_update_commands(
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- states_to_update,
- *,
- bulk=False,
- use_orm_update_stmt=None,
- include_bulk_keys=(),
- """Identify sets of values to use in UPDATE statements for a
- list of states.
- This function works intricately with the history system
- to determine exactly what values should be updated
- as well as how the row should be matched within an UPDATE
- statement. Includes some tricky scenarios where the primary
- key of an object might have been changed.
- """
- for (
- state,
- state_dict,
- mapper,
- connection,
- update_version_id,
- ) in states_to_update:
- if table not in mapper._pks_by_table:
- continue
- pks = mapper._pks_by_table[table]
- if use_orm_update_stmt is not None:
- # TODO: ordered values, etc
- value_params = use_orm_update_stmt._values
- else:
- value_params = {}
- propkey_to_col = mapper._propkey_to_col[table]
- if bulk:
- # keys here are mapped attribute keys, so
- # look at mapper attribute keys for pk
- params = {
- propkey_to_col[propkey].key: state_dict[propkey]
- for propkey in set(propkey_to_col)
- .intersection(state_dict)
- .difference(mapper._pk_attr_keys_by_table[table])
- }
- has_all_defaults = True
- else:
- params = {}
- for propkey in set(propkey_to_col).intersection(
- state.committed_state
- ):
- value = state_dict[propkey]
- col = propkey_to_col[propkey]
- if hasattr(value, "__clause_element__") or isinstance(
- value, sql.ClauseElement
- ):
- value_params[col] = (
- value.__clause_element__()
- if hasattr(value, "__clause_element__")
- else value
- )
- # guard against values that generate non-__nonzero__
- # objects for __eq__()
- elif (
- state.manager[propkey].impl.is_equal(
- value, state.committed_state[propkey]
- )
- is not True
- ):
- params[col.key] = value
- if mapper.base_mapper.eager_defaults is True:
- has_all_defaults = (
- mapper._server_onupdate_default_col_keys[table]
- ).issubset(params)
- else:
- has_all_defaults = True
- if (
- update_version_id is not None
- and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]
- ):
- if not bulk and not (params or value_params):
- # HACK: check for history in other tables, in case the
- # history is only in a different table than the one
- # where the version_id_col is. This logic was lost
- # from 0.9 -> 1.0.0 and restored in 1.0.6.
- for prop in mapper._columntoproperty.values():
- history = state.manager[prop.key].impl.get_history(
- state, state_dict, attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE
- )
- if history.added:
- break
- else:
- # no net change, break
- continue
- col = mapper.version_id_col
- no_params = not params and not value_params
- params[col._label] = update_version_id
- if (
- bulk or col.key not in params
- ) and mapper.version_id_generator is not False:
- val = mapper.version_id_generator(update_version_id)
- params[col.key] = val
- elif mapper.version_id_generator is False and no_params:
- # no version id generator, no values set on the table,
- # and version id wasn't manually incremented.
- # set version id to itself so we get an UPDATE
- # statement
- params[col.key] = update_version_id
- elif not (params or value_params):
- continue
- has_all_pks = True
- expect_pk_cascaded = False
- if bulk:
- # keys here are mapped attribute keys, so
- # look at mapper attribute keys for pk
- pk_params = {
- propkey_to_col[propkey]._label: state_dict.get(propkey)
- for propkey in set(propkey_to_col).intersection(
- mapper._pk_attr_keys_by_table[table]
- )
- }
- if util.NONE_SET.intersection(pk_params.values()):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- f"No primary key value supplied for column(s) "
- f"""{
- ', '.join(
- str(c) for c in pks if pk_params[c._label] is None
- )
- }; """
- "per-row ORM Bulk UPDATE by Primary Key requires that "
- "records contain primary key values",
- code="bupq",
- )
- else:
- pk_params = {}
- for col in pks:
- propkey = mapper._columntoproperty[col].key
- history = state.manager[propkey].impl.get_history(
- state, state_dict, attributes.PASSIVE_OFF
- )
- if history.added:
- if (
- not history.deleted
- or ("pk_cascaded", state, col)
- in uowtransaction.attributes
- ):
- expect_pk_cascaded = True
- pk_params[col._label] = history.added[0]
- params.pop(col.key, None)
- else:
- # else, use the old value to locate the row
- pk_params[col._label] = history.deleted[0]
- if col in value_params:
- has_all_pks = False
- else:
- pk_params[col._label] = history.unchanged[0]
- if pk_params[col._label] is None:
- raise orm_exc.FlushError(
- "Can't update table %s using NULL for primary "
- "key value on column %s" % (table, col)
- )
- if include_bulk_keys:
- params.update((k, state_dict[k]) for k in include_bulk_keys)
- if params or value_params:
- params.update(pk_params)
- yield (
- state,
- state_dict,
- params,
- mapper,
- connection,
- value_params,
- has_all_defaults,
- has_all_pks,
- )
- elif expect_pk_cascaded:
- # no UPDATE occurs on this table, but we expect that CASCADE rules
- # have changed the primary key of the row; propagate this event to
- # other columns that expect to have been modified. this normally
- # occurs after the UPDATE is emitted however we invoke it here
- # explicitly in the absence of our invoking an UPDATE
- for m, equated_pairs in mapper._table_to_equated[table]:
- sync.populate(
- state,
- m,
- state,
- m,
- equated_pairs,
- uowtransaction,
- mapper.passive_updates,
- )
-def _collect_post_update_commands(
- base_mapper, uowtransaction, table, states_to_update, post_update_cols
- """Identify sets of values to use in UPDATE statements for a
- list of states within a post_update operation.
- """
- for (
- state,
- state_dict,
- mapper,
- connection,
- update_version_id,
- ) in states_to_update:
- # assert table in mapper._pks_by_table
- pks = mapper._pks_by_table[table]
- params = {}
- hasdata = False
- for col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]:
- if col in pks:
- params[col._label] = mapper._get_state_attr_by_column(
- state, state_dict, col, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF
- )
- elif col in post_update_cols or col.onupdate is not None:
- prop = mapper._columntoproperty[col]
- history = state.manager[prop.key].impl.get_history(
- state, state_dict, attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE
- )
- if history.added:
- value = history.added[0]
- params[col.key] = value
- hasdata = True
- if hasdata:
- if (
- update_version_id is not None
- and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]
- ):
- col = mapper.version_id_col
- params[col._label] = update_version_id
- if (
- bool(state.key)
- and col.key not in params
- and mapper.version_id_generator is not False
- ):
- val = mapper.version_id_generator(update_version_id)
- params[col.key] = val
- yield state, state_dict, mapper, connection, params
-def _collect_delete_commands(
- base_mapper, uowtransaction, table, states_to_delete
- """Identify values to use in DELETE statements for a list of
- states to be deleted."""
- for (
- state,
- state_dict,
- mapper,
- connection,
- update_version_id,
- ) in states_to_delete:
- if table not in mapper._pks_by_table:
- continue
- params = {}
- for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]:
- params[col.key] = value = (
- mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column(
- state, state_dict, col
- )
- )
- if value is None:
- raise orm_exc.FlushError(
- "Can't delete from table %s "
- "using NULL for primary "
- "key value on column %s" % (table, col)
- )
- if (
- update_version_id is not None
- and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]
- ):
- params[mapper.version_id_col.key] = update_version_id
- yield params, connection
-def _emit_update_statements(
- base_mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- mapper,
- table,
- update,
- *,
- bookkeeping=True,
- use_orm_update_stmt=None,
- enable_check_rowcount=True,
- """Emit UPDATE statements corresponding to value lists collected
- by _collect_update_commands()."""
- needs_version_id = (
- mapper.version_id_col is not None
- and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]
- )
- execution_options = {"compiled_cache": base_mapper._compiled_cache}
- def update_stmt(existing_stmt=None):
- clauses = BooleanClauseList._construct_raw(operators.and_)
- for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]:
- clauses._append_inplace(
- col == sql.bindparam(col._label, type_=col.type)
- )
- if needs_version_id:
- clauses._append_inplace(
- mapper.version_id_col
- == sql.bindparam(
- mapper.version_id_col._label,
- type_=mapper.version_id_col.type,
- )
- )
- if existing_stmt is not None:
- stmt = existing_stmt.where(clauses)
- else:
- stmt = table.update().where(clauses)
- return stmt
- if use_orm_update_stmt is not None:
- cached_stmt = update_stmt(use_orm_update_stmt)
- else:
- cached_stmt = base_mapper._memo(("update", table), update_stmt)
- for (
- (connection, paramkeys, hasvalue, has_all_defaults, has_all_pks),
- records,
- ) in groupby(
- update,
- lambda rec: (
- rec[4], # connection
- set(rec[2]), # set of parameter keys
- bool(rec[5]), # whether or not we have "value" parameters
- rec[6], # has_all_defaults
- rec[7], # has all pks
- ),
- ):
- rows = 0
- records = list(records)
- statement = cached_stmt
- if use_orm_update_stmt is not None:
- statement = statement._annotate(
- {
- "_emit_update_table": table,
- "_emit_update_mapper": mapper,
- }
- )
- return_defaults = False
- if not has_all_pks:
- statement = statement.return_defaults(*mapper._pks_by_table[table])
- return_defaults = True
- if (
- bookkeeping
- and not has_all_defaults
- and mapper.base_mapper.eager_defaults is True
- # change as of #8889 - if RETURNING is not going to be used anyway,
- # (applies to MySQL, MariaDB which lack UPDATE RETURNING) ensure
- # we can do an executemany UPDATE which is more efficient
- and table.implicit_returning
- and connection.dialect.update_returning
- ):
- statement = statement.return_defaults(
- *mapper._server_onupdate_default_cols[table]
- )
- return_defaults = True
- if mapper._version_id_has_server_side_value:
- statement = statement.return_defaults(mapper.version_id_col)
- return_defaults = True
- assert_singlerow = connection.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount
- assert_multirow = (
- assert_singlerow
- and connection.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount
- )
- # change as of #8889 - if RETURNING is not going to be used anyway,
- # (applies to MySQL, MariaDB which lack UPDATE RETURNING) ensure
- # we can do an executemany UPDATE which is more efficient
- allow_executemany = not return_defaults and not needs_version_id
- if hasvalue:
- for (
- state,
- state_dict,
- params,
- mapper,
- connection,
- value_params,
- has_all_defaults,
- has_all_pks,
- ) in records:
- c = connection.execute(
- statement.values(value_params),
- params,
- execution_options=execution_options,
- )
- if bookkeeping:
- _postfetch(
- mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- c,
- c.context.compiled_parameters[0],
- value_params,
- True,
- c.returned_defaults,
- )
- rows += c.rowcount
- check_rowcount = enable_check_rowcount and assert_singlerow
- else:
- if not allow_executemany:
- check_rowcount = enable_check_rowcount and assert_singlerow
- for (
- state,
- state_dict,
- params,
- mapper,
- connection,
- value_params,
- has_all_defaults,
- has_all_pks,
- ) in records:
- c = connection.execute(
- statement, params, execution_options=execution_options
- )
- # TODO: why with bookkeeping=False?
- if bookkeeping:
- _postfetch(
- mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- c,
- c.context.compiled_parameters[0],
- value_params,
- True,
- c.returned_defaults,
- )
- rows += c.rowcount
- else:
- multiparams = [rec[2] for rec in records]
- check_rowcount = enable_check_rowcount and (
- assert_multirow
- or (assert_singlerow and len(multiparams) == 1)
- )
- c = connection.execute(
- statement, multiparams, execution_options=execution_options
- )
- rows += c.rowcount
- for (
- state,
- state_dict,
- params,
- mapper,
- connection,
- value_params,
- has_all_defaults,
- has_all_pks,
- ) in records:
- if bookkeeping:
- _postfetch(
- mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- c,
- c.context.compiled_parameters[0],
- value_params,
- True,
- (
- c.returned_defaults
- if not c.context.executemany
- else None
- ),
- )
- if check_rowcount:
- if rows != len(records):
- raise orm_exc.StaleDataError(
- "UPDATE statement on table '%s' expected to "
- "update %d row(s); %d were matched."
- % (table.description, len(records), rows)
- )
- elif needs_version_id:
- util.warn(
- "Dialect %s does not support updated rowcount "
- "- versioning cannot be verified."
- % c.dialect.dialect_description
- )
-def _emit_insert_statements(
- base_mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- mapper,
- table,
- insert,
- *,
- bookkeeping=True,
- use_orm_insert_stmt=None,
- execution_options=None,
- """Emit INSERT statements corresponding to value lists collected
- by _collect_insert_commands()."""
- if use_orm_insert_stmt is not None:
- cached_stmt = use_orm_insert_stmt
- exec_opt = util.EMPTY_DICT
- # if a user query with RETURNING was passed, we definitely need
- # to use RETURNING.
- returning_is_required_anyway = bool(use_orm_insert_stmt._returning)
- deterministic_results_reqd = (
- returning_is_required_anyway
- and use_orm_insert_stmt._sort_by_parameter_order
- ) or bookkeeping
- else:
- returning_is_required_anyway = False
- deterministic_results_reqd = bookkeeping
- cached_stmt = base_mapper._memo(("insert", table), table.insert)
- exec_opt = {"compiled_cache": base_mapper._compiled_cache}
- if execution_options:
- execution_options = util.EMPTY_DICT.merge_with(
- exec_opt, execution_options
- )
- else:
- execution_options = exec_opt
- return_result = None
- for (
- (connection, _, hasvalue, has_all_pks, has_all_defaults),
- records,
- ) in groupby(
- insert,
- lambda rec: (
- rec[4], # connection
- set(rec[2]), # parameter keys
- bool(rec[5]), # whether we have "value" parameters
- rec[6],
- rec[7],
- ),
- ):
- statement = cached_stmt
- if use_orm_insert_stmt is not None:
- statement = statement._annotate(
- {
- "_emit_insert_table": table,
- "_emit_insert_mapper": mapper,
- }
- )
- if (
- (
- not bookkeeping
- or (
- has_all_defaults
- or not base_mapper._prefer_eager_defaults(
- connection.dialect, table
- )
- or not table.implicit_returning
- or not connection.dialect.insert_returning
- )
- )
- and not returning_is_required_anyway
- and has_all_pks
- and not hasvalue
- ):
- # the "we don't need newly generated values back" section.
- # here we have all the PKs, all the defaults or we don't want
- # to fetch them, or the dialect doesn't support RETURNING at all
- # so we have to post-fetch / use lastrowid anyway.
- records = list(records)
- multiparams = [rec[2] for rec in records]
- result = connection.execute(
- statement, multiparams, execution_options=execution_options
- )
- if bookkeeping:
- for (
- (
- state,
- state_dict,
- params,
- mapper_rec,
- conn,
- value_params,
- has_all_pks,
- has_all_defaults,
- ),
- last_inserted_params,
- ) in zip(records, result.context.compiled_parameters):
- if state:
- _postfetch(
- mapper_rec,
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- result,
- last_inserted_params,
- value_params,
- False,
- (
- result.returned_defaults
- if not result.context.executemany
- else None
- ),
- )
- else:
- _postfetch_bulk_save(mapper_rec, state_dict, table)
- else:
- # here, we need defaults and/or pk values back or we otherwise
- # know that we are using RETURNING in any case
- records = list(records)
- if returning_is_required_anyway or (
- table.implicit_returning and not hasvalue and len(records) > 1
- ):
- if (
- deterministic_results_reqd
- and connection.dialect.insert_executemany_returning_sort_by_parameter_order # noqa: E501
- ) or (
- not deterministic_results_reqd
- and connection.dialect.insert_executemany_returning
- ):
- do_executemany = True
- elif returning_is_required_anyway:
- if deterministic_results_reqd:
- dt = " with RETURNING and sort by parameter order"
- else:
- dt = " with RETURNING"
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- f"Can't use explicit RETURNING for bulk INSERT "
- f"operation with "
- f"{connection.dialect.dialect_description} backend; "
- f"executemany{dt} is not enabled for this dialect."
- )
- else:
- do_executemany = False
- else:
- do_executemany = False
- if use_orm_insert_stmt is None:
- if (
- not has_all_defaults
- and base_mapper._prefer_eager_defaults(
- connection.dialect, table
- )
- ):
- statement = statement.return_defaults(
- *mapper._server_default_cols[table],
- sort_by_parameter_order=bookkeeping,
- )
- if mapper.version_id_col is not None:
- statement = statement.return_defaults(
- mapper.version_id_col,
- sort_by_parameter_order=bookkeeping,
- )
- elif do_executemany:
- statement = statement.return_defaults(
- *table.primary_key, sort_by_parameter_order=bookkeeping
- )
- if do_executemany:
- multiparams = [rec[2] for rec in records]
- result = connection.execute(
- statement, multiparams, execution_options=execution_options
- )
- if use_orm_insert_stmt is not None:
- if return_result is None:
- return_result = result
- else:
- return_result = return_result.splice_vertically(result)
- if bookkeeping:
- for (
- (
- state,
- state_dict,
- params,
- mapper_rec,
- conn,
- value_params,
- has_all_pks,
- has_all_defaults,
- ),
- last_inserted_params,
- inserted_primary_key,
- returned_defaults,
- ) in zip_longest(
- records,
- result.context.compiled_parameters,
- result.inserted_primary_key_rows,
- result.returned_defaults_rows or (),
- ):
- if inserted_primary_key is None:
- # this is a real problem and means that we didn't
- # get back as many PK rows. we can't continue
- # since this indicates PK rows were missing, which
- # means we likely mis-populated records starting
- # at that point with incorrectly matched PK
- # values.
- raise orm_exc.FlushError(
- "Multi-row INSERT statement for %s did not "
- "produce "
- "the correct number of INSERTed rows for "
- "RETURNING. Ensure there are no triggers or "
- "special driver issues preventing INSERT from "
- "functioning properly." % mapper_rec
- )
- for pk, col in zip(
- inserted_primary_key,
- mapper._pks_by_table[table],
- ):
- prop = mapper_rec._columntoproperty[col]
- if state_dict.get(prop.key) is None:
- state_dict[prop.key] = pk
- if state:
- _postfetch(
- mapper_rec,
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- result,
- last_inserted_params,
- value_params,
- False,
- returned_defaults,
- )
- else:
- _postfetch_bulk_save(mapper_rec, state_dict, table)
- else:
- assert not returning_is_required_anyway
- for (
- state,
- state_dict,
- params,
- mapper_rec,
- connection,
- value_params,
- has_all_pks,
- has_all_defaults,
- ) in records:
- if value_params:
- result = connection.execute(
- statement.values(value_params),
- params,
- execution_options=execution_options,
- )
- else:
- result = connection.execute(
- statement,
- params,
- execution_options=execution_options,
- )
- primary_key = result.inserted_primary_key
- if primary_key is None:
- raise orm_exc.FlushError(
- "Single-row INSERT statement for %s "
- "did not produce a "
- "new primary key result "
- "being invoked. Ensure there are no triggers or "
- "special driver issues preventing INSERT from "
- "functioning properly." % (mapper_rec,)
- )
- for pk, col in zip(
- primary_key, mapper._pks_by_table[table]
- ):
- prop = mapper_rec._columntoproperty[col]
- if (
- col in value_params
- or state_dict.get(prop.key) is None
- ):
- state_dict[prop.key] = pk
- if bookkeeping:
- if state:
- _postfetch(
- mapper_rec,
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- result,
- result.context.compiled_parameters[0],
- value_params,
- False,
- (
- result.returned_defaults
- if not result.context.executemany
- else None
- ),
- )
- else:
- _postfetch_bulk_save(mapper_rec, state_dict, table)
- if use_orm_insert_stmt is not None:
- if return_result is None:
- return _cursor.null_dml_result()
- else:
- return return_result
-def _emit_post_update_statements(
- base_mapper, uowtransaction, mapper, table, update
- """Emit UPDATE statements corresponding to value lists collected
- by _collect_post_update_commands()."""
- execution_options = {"compiled_cache": base_mapper._compiled_cache}
- needs_version_id = (
- mapper.version_id_col is not None
- and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]
- )
- def update_stmt():
- clauses = BooleanClauseList._construct_raw(operators.and_)
- for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]:
- clauses._append_inplace(
- col == sql.bindparam(col._label, type_=col.type)
- )
- if needs_version_id:
- clauses._append_inplace(
- mapper.version_id_col
- == sql.bindparam(
- mapper.version_id_col._label,
- type_=mapper.version_id_col.type,
- )
- )
- stmt = table.update().where(clauses)
- return stmt
- statement = base_mapper._memo(("post_update", table), update_stmt)
- if mapper._version_id_has_server_side_value:
- statement = statement.return_defaults(mapper.version_id_col)
- # execute each UPDATE in the order according to the original
- # list of states to guarantee row access order, but
- # also group them into common (connection, cols) sets
- # to support executemany().
- for key, records in groupby(
- update,
- lambda rec: (rec[3], set(rec[4])), # connection # parameter keys
- ):
- rows = 0
- records = list(records)
- connection = key[0]
- assert_singlerow = connection.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount
- assert_multirow = (
- assert_singlerow
- and connection.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount
- )
- allow_executemany = not needs_version_id or assert_multirow
- if not allow_executemany:
- check_rowcount = assert_singlerow
- for state, state_dict, mapper_rec, connection, params in records:
- c = connection.execute(
- statement, params, execution_options=execution_options
- )
- _postfetch_post_update(
- mapper_rec,
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- c,
- c.context.compiled_parameters[0],
- )
- rows += c.rowcount
- else:
- multiparams = [
- params
- for state, state_dict, mapper_rec, conn, params in records
- ]
- check_rowcount = assert_multirow or (
- assert_singlerow and len(multiparams) == 1
- )
- c = connection.execute(
- statement, multiparams, execution_options=execution_options
- )
- rows += c.rowcount
- for state, state_dict, mapper_rec, connection, params in records:
- _postfetch_post_update(
- mapper_rec,
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- c,
- c.context.compiled_parameters[0],
- )
- if check_rowcount:
- if rows != len(records):
- raise orm_exc.StaleDataError(
- "UPDATE statement on table '%s' expected to "
- "update %d row(s); %d were matched."
- % (table.description, len(records), rows)
- )
- elif needs_version_id:
- util.warn(
- "Dialect %s does not support updated rowcount "
- "- versioning cannot be verified."
- % c.dialect.dialect_description
- )
-def _emit_delete_statements(
- base_mapper, uowtransaction, mapper, table, delete
- """Emit DELETE statements corresponding to value lists collected
- by _collect_delete_commands()."""
- need_version_id = (
- mapper.version_id_col is not None
- and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]
- )
- def delete_stmt():
- clauses = BooleanClauseList._construct_raw(operators.and_)
- for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]:
- clauses._append_inplace(
- col == sql.bindparam(col.key, type_=col.type)
- )
- if need_version_id:
- clauses._append_inplace(
- mapper.version_id_col
- == sql.bindparam(
- mapper.version_id_col.key, type_=mapper.version_id_col.type
- )
- )
- return table.delete().where(clauses)
- statement = base_mapper._memo(("delete", table), delete_stmt)
- for connection, recs in groupby(delete, lambda rec: rec[1]): # connection
- del_objects = [params for params, connection in recs]
- execution_options = {"compiled_cache": base_mapper._compiled_cache}
- expected = len(del_objects)
- rows_matched = -1
- only_warn = False
- if (
- need_version_id
- and not connection.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount
- ):
- if connection.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount:
- rows_matched = 0
- # execute deletes individually so that versioned
- # rows can be verified
- for params in del_objects:
- c = connection.execute(
- statement, params, execution_options=execution_options
- )
- rows_matched += c.rowcount
- else:
- util.warn(
- "Dialect %s does not support deleted rowcount "
- "- versioning cannot be verified."
- % connection.dialect.dialect_description
- )
- connection.execute(
- statement, del_objects, execution_options=execution_options
- )
- else:
- c = connection.execute(
- statement, del_objects, execution_options=execution_options
- )
- if not need_version_id:
- only_warn = True
- rows_matched = c.rowcount
- if (
- base_mapper.confirm_deleted_rows
- and rows_matched > -1
- and expected != rows_matched
- and (
- connection.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount
- or len(del_objects) == 1
- )
- ):
- # TODO: why does this "only warn" if versioning is turned off,
- # whereas the UPDATE raises?
- if only_warn:
- util.warn(
- "DELETE statement on table '%s' expected to "
- "delete %d row(s); %d were matched. Please set "
- "confirm_deleted_rows=False within the mapper "
- "configuration to prevent this warning."
- % (table.description, expected, rows_matched)
- )
- else:
- raise orm_exc.StaleDataError(
- "DELETE statement on table '%s' expected to "
- "delete %d row(s); %d were matched. Please set "
- "confirm_deleted_rows=False within the mapper "
- "configuration to prevent this warning."
- % (table.description, expected, rows_matched)
- )
-def _finalize_insert_update_commands(base_mapper, uowtransaction, states):
- """finalize state on states that have been inserted or updated,
- including calling after_insert/after_update events.
- """
- for state, state_dict, mapper, connection, has_identity in states:
- if mapper._readonly_props:
- readonly = state.unmodified_intersection(
- [
- p.key
- for p in mapper._readonly_props
- if (
- p.expire_on_flush
- and (not p.deferred or p.key in state.dict)
- )
- or (
- not p.expire_on_flush
- and not p.deferred
- and p.key not in state.dict
- )
- ]
- )
- if readonly:
- state._expire_attributes(state.dict, readonly)
- # if eager_defaults option is enabled, load
- # all expired cols. Else if we have a version_id_col, make sure
- # it isn't expired.
- toload_now = []
- # this is specifically to emit a second SELECT for eager_defaults,
- # so only if it's set to True, not "auto"
- if base_mapper.eager_defaults is True:
- toload_now.extend(
- state._unloaded_non_object.intersection(
- mapper._server_default_plus_onupdate_propkeys
- )
- )
- if (
- mapper.version_id_col is not None
- and mapper.version_id_generator is False
- ):
- if mapper._version_id_prop.key in state.unloaded:
- toload_now.extend([mapper._version_id_prop.key])
- if toload_now:
- state.key = base_mapper._identity_key_from_state(state)
- stmt =
- )
- loading.load_on_ident(
- uowtransaction.session,
- stmt,
- state.key,
- refresh_state=state,
- only_load_props=toload_now,
- )
- # call after_XXX extensions
- if not has_identity:
- mapper.dispatch.after_insert(mapper, connection, state)
- else:
- mapper.dispatch.after_update(mapper, connection, state)
- if (
- mapper.version_id_generator is False
- and mapper.version_id_col is not None
- ):
- if state_dict[mapper._version_id_prop.key] is None:
- raise orm_exc.FlushError(
- "Instance does not contain a non-NULL version value"
- )
-def _postfetch_post_update(
- mapper, uowtransaction, table, state, dict_, result, params
- needs_version_id = (
- mapper.version_id_col is not None
- and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]
- )
- if not uowtransaction.is_deleted(state):
- # post updating after a regular INSERT or UPDATE, do a full postfetch
- prefetch_cols = result.context.compiled.prefetch
- postfetch_cols = result.context.compiled.postfetch
- elif needs_version_id:
- # post updating before a DELETE with a version_id_col, need to
- # postfetch just version_id_col
- prefetch_cols = postfetch_cols = ()
- else:
- # post updating before a DELETE without a version_id_col,
- # don't need to postfetch
- return
- if needs_version_id:
- prefetch_cols = list(prefetch_cols) + [mapper.version_id_col]
- refresh_flush = bool(mapper.class_manager.dispatch.refresh_flush)
- if refresh_flush:
- load_evt_attrs = []
- for c in prefetch_cols:
- if c.key in params and c in mapper._columntoproperty:
- dict_[mapper._columntoproperty[c].key] = params[c.key]
- if refresh_flush:
- load_evt_attrs.append(mapper._columntoproperty[c].key)
- if refresh_flush and load_evt_attrs:
- mapper.class_manager.dispatch.refresh_flush(
- state, uowtransaction, load_evt_attrs
- )
- if postfetch_cols:
- state._expire_attributes(
- state.dict,
- [
- mapper._columntoproperty[c].key
- for c in postfetch_cols
- if c in mapper._columntoproperty
- ],
- )
-def _postfetch(
- mapper,
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- dict_,
- result,
- params,
- value_params,
- isupdate,
- returned_defaults,
- """Expire attributes in need of newly persisted database state,
- after an INSERT or UPDATE statement has proceeded for that
- state."""
- prefetch_cols = result.context.compiled.prefetch
- postfetch_cols = result.context.compiled.postfetch
- returning_cols = result.context.compiled.effective_returning
- if (
- mapper.version_id_col is not None
- and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]
- ):
- prefetch_cols = list(prefetch_cols) + [mapper.version_id_col]
- refresh_flush = bool(mapper.class_manager.dispatch.refresh_flush)
- if refresh_flush:
- load_evt_attrs = []
- if returning_cols:
- row = returned_defaults
- if row is not None:
- for row_value, col in zip(row, returning_cols):
- # pk cols returned from insert are handled
- # distinctly, don't step on the values here
- if col.primary_key and result.context.isinsert:
- continue
- # note that columns can be in the "return defaults" that are
- # not mapped to this mapper, typically because they are
- # "excluded", which can be specified directly or also occurs
- # when using declarative w/ single table inheritance
- prop = mapper._columntoproperty.get(col)
- if prop:
- dict_[prop.key] = row_value
- if refresh_flush:
- load_evt_attrs.append(prop.key)
- for c in prefetch_cols:
- if c.key in params and c in mapper._columntoproperty:
- pkey = mapper._columntoproperty[c].key
- # set prefetched value in dict and also pop from committed_state,
- # since this is new database state that replaces whatever might
- # have previously been fetched (see #10800). this is essentially a
- # shorthand version of set_committed_value(), which could also be
- # used here directly (with more overhead)
- dict_[pkey] = params[c.key]
- state.committed_state.pop(pkey, None)
- if refresh_flush:
- load_evt_attrs.append(pkey)
- if refresh_flush and load_evt_attrs:
- mapper.class_manager.dispatch.refresh_flush(
- state, uowtransaction, load_evt_attrs
- )
- if isupdate and value_params:
- # explicitly suit the use case specified by
- # [ticket:3801], PK SQL expressions for UPDATE on non-RETURNING
- # database which are set to themselves in order to do a version bump.
- postfetch_cols.extend(
- [
- col
- for col in value_params
- if col.primary_key and col not in returning_cols
- ]
- )
- if postfetch_cols:
- state._expire_attributes(
- state.dict,
- [
- mapper._columntoproperty[c].key
- for c in postfetch_cols
- if c in mapper._columntoproperty
- ],
- )
- # synchronize newly inserted ids from one table to the next
- # TODO: this still goes a little too often. would be nice to
- # have definitive list of "columns that changed" here
- for m, equated_pairs in mapper._table_to_equated[table]:
- sync.populate(
- state,
- m,
- state,
- m,
- equated_pairs,
- uowtransaction,
- mapper.passive_updates,
- )
-def _postfetch_bulk_save(mapper, dict_, table):
- for m, equated_pairs in mapper._table_to_equated[table]:
- sync.bulk_populate_inherit_keys(dict_, m, equated_pairs)
-def _connections_for_states(base_mapper, uowtransaction, states):
- """Return an iterator of (state, state.dict, mapper, connection).
- The states are sorted according to _sort_states, then paired
- with the connection they should be using for the given
- unit of work transaction.
- """
- # if session has a connection callable,
- # organize individual states with the connection
- # to use for update
- if uowtransaction.session.connection_callable:
- connection_callable = uowtransaction.session.connection_callable
- else:
- connection = uowtransaction.transaction.connection(base_mapper)
- connection_callable = None
- for state in _sort_states(base_mapper, states):
- if connection_callable:
- connection = connection_callable(base_mapper, state.obj())
- mapper = state.manager.mapper
- yield state, state.dict, mapper, connection
-def _sort_states(mapper, states):
- pending = set(states)
- persistent = {s for s in pending if s.key is not None}
- pending.difference_update(persistent)
- try:
- persistent_sorted = sorted(
- persistent, key=mapper._persistent_sortkey_fn
- )
- except TypeError as err:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Could not sort objects by primary key; primary key "
- "values must be sortable in Python (was: %s)" % err
- ) from err
- return (
- sorted(pending, key=operator.attrgetter("insert_order"))
- + persistent_sorted
- )