path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/
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Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/
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index 0000000..e29e265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/
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+# distutils/
+# Implements multiple version numbering conventions for the
+# Python Module Distribution Utilities.
+# $Id$
+"""Provides classes to represent module version numbers (one class for
+each style of version numbering). There are currently two such classes
+implemented: StrictVersion and LooseVersion.
+Every version number class implements the following interface:
+ * the 'parse' method takes a string and parses it to some internal
+ representation; if the string is an invalid version number,
+ 'parse' raises a ValueError exception
+ * the class constructor takes an optional string argument which,
+ if supplied, is passed to 'parse'
+ * __str__ reconstructs the string that was passed to 'parse' (or
+ an equivalent string -- ie. one that will generate an equivalent
+ version number instance)
+ * __repr__ generates Python code to recreate the version number instance
+ * _cmp compares the current instance with either another instance
+ of the same class or a string (which will be parsed to an instance
+ of the same class, thus must follow the same rules)
+import re
+import warnings
+import contextlib
+def suppress_known_deprecation():
+ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ctx:
+ warnings.filterwarnings(
+ action='default',
+ category=DeprecationWarning,
+ message="distutils Version classes are deprecated.",
+ )
+ yield ctx
+class Version:
+ """Abstract base class for version numbering classes. Just provides
+ constructor (__init__) and reproducer (__repr__), because those
+ seem to be the same for all version numbering classes; and route
+ rich comparisons to _cmp.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, vstring=None):
+ if vstring:
+ self.parse(vstring)
+ warnings.warn(
+ "distutils Version classes are deprecated. "
+ "Use packaging.version instead.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "{} ('{}')".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ c = self._cmp(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c
+ return c == 0
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ c = self._cmp(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c
+ return c < 0
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ c = self._cmp(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c
+ return c <= 0
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ c = self._cmp(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c
+ return c > 0
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ c = self._cmp(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c
+ return c >= 0
+# Interface for version-number classes -- must be implemented
+# by the following classes (the concrete ones -- Version should
+# be treated as an abstract class).
+# __init__ (string) - create and take same action as 'parse'
+# (string parameter is optional)
+# parse (string) - convert a string representation to whatever
+# internal representation is appropriate for
+# this style of version numbering
+# __str__ (self) - convert back to a string; should be very similar
+# (if not identical to) the string supplied to parse
+# __repr__ (self) - generate Python code to recreate
+# the instance
+# _cmp (self, other) - compare two version numbers ('other' may
+# be an unparsed version string, or another
+# instance of your version class)
+class StrictVersion(Version):
+ """Version numbering for anal retentives and software idealists.
+ Implements the standard interface for version number classes as
+ described above. A version number consists of two or three
+ dot-separated numeric components, with an optional "pre-release" tag
+ on the end. The pre-release tag consists of the letter 'a' or 'b'
+ followed by a number. If the numeric components of two version
+ numbers are equal, then one with a pre-release tag will always
+ be deemed earlier (lesser) than one without.
+ The following are valid version numbers (shown in the order that
+ would be obtained by sorting according to the supplied cmp function):
+ 0.4 0.4.0 (these two are equivalent)
+ 0.4.1
+ 0.5a1
+ 0.5b3
+ 0.5
+ 0.9.6
+ 1.0
+ 1.0.4a3
+ 1.0.4b1
+ 1.0.4
+ The following are examples of invalid version numbers:
+ 1
+ 1.3.a4
+ 1.3pl1
+ 1.3c4
+ The rationale for this version numbering system will be explained
+ in the distutils documentation.
+ """
+ version_re = re.compile(
+ r'^(\d+) \. (\d+) (\. (\d+))? ([ab](\d+))?$', re.VERBOSE | re.ASCII
+ )
+ def parse(self, vstring):
+ match = self.version_re.match(vstring)
+ if not match:
+ raise ValueError("invalid version number '%s'" % vstring)
+ (major, minor, patch, prerelease, prerelease_num) =, 2, 4, 5, 6)
+ if patch:
+ self.version = tuple(map(int, [major, minor, patch]))
+ else:
+ self.version = tuple(map(int, [major, minor])) + (0,)
+ if prerelease:
+ self.prerelease = (prerelease[0], int(prerelease_num))
+ else:
+ self.prerelease = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.version[2] == 0:
+ vstring = '.'.join(map(str, self.version[0:2]))
+ else:
+ vstring = '.'.join(map(str, self.version))
+ if self.prerelease:
+ vstring = vstring + self.prerelease[0] + str(self.prerelease[1])
+ return vstring
+ def _cmp(self, other): # noqa: C901
+ if isinstance(other, str):
+ with suppress_known_deprecation():
+ other = StrictVersion(other)
+ elif not isinstance(other, StrictVersion):
+ return NotImplemented
+ if self.version != other.version:
+ # numeric versions don't match
+ # prerelease stuff doesn't matter
+ if self.version < other.version:
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 1
+ # have to compare prerelease
+ # case 1: neither has prerelease; they're equal
+ # case 2: self has prerelease, other doesn't; other is greater
+ # case 3: self doesn't have prerelease, other does: self is greater
+ # case 4: both have prerelease: must compare them!
+ if not self.prerelease and not other.prerelease:
+ return 0
+ elif self.prerelease and not other.prerelease:
+ return -1
+ elif not self.prerelease and other.prerelease:
+ return 1
+ elif self.prerelease and other.prerelease:
+ if self.prerelease == other.prerelease:
+ return 0
+ elif self.prerelease < other.prerelease:
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ assert False, "never get here"
+# end class StrictVersion
+# The rules according to Greg Stein:
+# 1) a version number has 1 or more numbers separated by a period or by
+# sequences of letters. If only periods, then these are compared
+# left-to-right to determine an ordering.
+# 2) sequences of letters are part of the tuple for comparison and are
+# compared lexicographically
+# 3) recognize the numeric components may have leading zeroes
+# The LooseVersion class below implements these rules: a version number
+# string is split up into a tuple of integer and string components, and
+# comparison is a simple tuple comparison. This means that version
+# numbers behave in a predictable and obvious way, but a way that might
+# not necessarily be how people *want* version numbers to behave. There
+# wouldn't be a problem if people could stick to purely numeric version
+# numbers: just split on period and compare the numbers as tuples.
+# However, people insist on putting letters into their version numbers;
+# the most common purpose seems to be:
+# - indicating a "pre-release" version
+# ('alpha', 'beta', 'a', 'b', 'pre', 'p')
+# - indicating a post-release patch ('p', 'pl', 'patch')
+# but of course this can't cover all version number schemes, and there's
+# no way to know what a programmer means without asking him.
+# The problem is what to do with letters (and other non-numeric
+# characters) in a version number. The current implementation does the
+# obvious and predictable thing: keep them as strings and compare
+# lexically within a tuple comparison. This has the desired effect if
+# an appended letter sequence implies something "post-release":
+# eg. "0.99" < "0.99pl14" < "1.0", and "5.001" < "5.001m" < "5.002".
+# However, if letters in a version number imply a pre-release version,
+# the "obvious" thing isn't correct. Eg. you would expect that
+# "1.5.1" < "1.5.2a2" < "1.5.2", but under the tuple/lexical comparison
+# implemented here, this just isn't so.
+# Two possible solutions come to mind. The first is to tie the
+# comparison algorithm to a particular set of semantic rules, as has
+# been done in the StrictVersion class above. This works great as long
+# as everyone can go along with bondage and discipline. Hopefully a
+# (large) subset of Python module programmers will agree that the
+# particular flavour of bondage and discipline provided by StrictVersion
+# provides enough benefit to be worth using, and will submit their
+# version numbering scheme to its domination. The free-thinking
+# anarchists in the lot will never give in, though, and something needs
+# to be done to accommodate them.
+# Perhaps a "moderately strict" version class could be implemented that
+# lets almost anything slide (syntactically), and makes some heuristic
+# assumptions about non-digits in version number strings. This could
+# sink into special-case-hell, though; if I was as talented and
+# idiosyncratic as Larry Wall, I'd go ahead and implement a class that
+# somehow knows that "1.2.1" < "1.2.2a2" < "1.2.2" < "1.2.2pl3", and is
+# just as happy dealing with things like "2g6" and "1.13++". I don't
+# think I'm smart enough to do it right though.
+# In any case, I've coded the test suite for this module (see
+# ../test/ specifically to fail on things like comparing
+# "1.2a2" and "1.2". That's not because the *code* is doing anything
+# wrong, it's because the simple, obvious design doesn't match my
+# complicated, hairy expectations for real-world version numbers. It
+# would be a snap to fix the test suite to say, "Yep, LooseVersion does
+# the Right Thing" (ie. the code matches the conception). But I'd rather
+# have a conception that matches common notions about version numbers.
+class LooseVersion(Version):
+ """Version numbering for anarchists and software realists.
+ Implements the standard interface for version number classes as
+ described above. A version number consists of a series of numbers,
+ separated by either periods or strings of letters. When comparing
+ version numbers, the numeric components will be compared
+ numerically, and the alphabetic components lexically. The following
+ are all valid version numbers, in no particular order:
+ 1.5.1
+ 1.5.2b2
+ 161
+ 3.10a
+ 8.02
+ 3.4j
+ 1996.07.12
+ 3.2.pl0
+ 2g6
+ 11g
+ 0.960923
+ 2.2beta29
+ 1.13++
+ 2.0b1pl0
+ In fact, there is no such thing as an invalid version number under
+ this scheme; the rules for comparison are simple and predictable,
+ but may not always give the results you want (for some definition
+ of "want").
+ """
+ component_re = re.compile(r'(\d+ | [a-z]+ | \.)', re.VERBOSE)
+ def parse(self, vstring):
+ # I've given up on thinking I can reconstruct the version string
+ # from the parsed tuple -- so I just store the string here for
+ # use by __str__
+ self.vstring = vstring
+ components = [x for x in self.component_re.split(vstring) if x and x != '.']
+ for i, obj in enumerate(components):
+ try:
+ components[i] = int(obj)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ self.version = components
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.vstring
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "LooseVersion ('%s')" % str(self)
+ def _cmp(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, str):
+ other = LooseVersion(other)
+ elif not isinstance(other, LooseVersion):
+ return NotImplemented
+ if self.version == other.version:
+ return 0
+ if self.version < other.version:
+ return -1
+ if self.version > other.version:
+ return 1
+# end class LooseVersion