path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/')
1 files changed, 662 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e969d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+"""Light wrapper around the Win32 Console API - this module should only be imported on Windows
+The API that this module wraps is documented at
+import ctypes
+import sys
+from typing import Any
+windll: Any = None
+if sys.platform == "win32":
+ windll = ctypes.LibraryLoader(ctypes.WinDLL)
+ raise ImportError(f"{__name__} can only be imported on Windows")
+import time
+from ctypes import Structure, byref, wintypes
+from typing import IO, NamedTuple, Type, cast
+from rich.color import ColorSystem
+from import Style
+STDOUT = -11
+COORD = wintypes._COORD
+class LegacyWindowsError(Exception):
+ pass
+class WindowsCoordinates(NamedTuple):
+ """Coordinates in the Windows Console API are (y, x), not (x, y).
+ This class is intended to prevent that confusion.
+ Rows and columns are indexed from 0.
+ This class can be used in place of wintypes._COORD in arguments and argtypes.
+ """
+ row: int
+ col: int
+ @classmethod
+ def from_param(cls, value: "WindowsCoordinates") -> COORD:
+ """Converts a WindowsCoordinates into a wintypes _COORD structure.
+ This classmethod is internally called by ctypes to perform the conversion.
+ Args:
+ value (WindowsCoordinates): The input coordinates to convert.
+ Returns:
+ wintypes._COORD: The converted coordinates struct.
+ """
+ return COORD(value.col, value.row)
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("dwSize", COORD),
+ ("dwCursorPosition", COORD),
+ ("wAttributes", wintypes.WORD),
+ ("srWindow", wintypes.SMALL_RECT),
+ ("dwMaximumWindowSize", COORD),
+ ]
+class CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO(ctypes.Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("dwSize", wintypes.DWORD), ("bVisible", wintypes.BOOL)]
+_GetStdHandle = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle
+_GetStdHandle.argtypes = [
+ wintypes.DWORD,
+_GetStdHandle.restype = wintypes.HANDLE
+def GetStdHandle(handle: int = STDOUT) -> wintypes.HANDLE:
+ """Retrieves a handle to the specified standard device (standard input, standard output, or standard error).
+ Args:
+ handle (int): Integer identifier for the handle. Defaults to -11 (stdout).
+ Returns:
+ wintypes.HANDLE: The handle
+ """
+ return cast(wintypes.HANDLE, _GetStdHandle(handle))
+_GetConsoleMode = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleMode
+_GetConsoleMode.argtypes = [wintypes.HANDLE, wintypes.LPDWORD]
+_GetConsoleMode.restype = wintypes.BOOL
+def GetConsoleMode(std_handle: wintypes.HANDLE) -> int:
+ """Retrieves the current input mode of a console's input buffer
+ or the current output mode of a console screen buffer.
+ Args:
+ std_handle (wintypes.HANDLE): A handle to the console input buffer or the console screen buffer.
+ Raises:
+ LegacyWindowsError: If any error occurs while calling the Windows console API.
+ Returns:
+ int: Value representing the current console mode as documented at
+ """
+ console_mode = wintypes.DWORD()
+ success = bool(_GetConsoleMode(std_handle, console_mode))
+ if not success:
+ raise LegacyWindowsError("Unable to get legacy Windows Console Mode")
+ return console_mode.value
+_FillConsoleOutputCharacterW = windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputCharacterW
+_FillConsoleOutputCharacterW.argtypes = [
+ wintypes.HANDLE,
+ ctypes.c_char,
+ wintypes.DWORD,
+ cast(Type[COORD], WindowsCoordinates),
+ ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.DWORD),
+_FillConsoleOutputCharacterW.restype = wintypes.BOOL
+def FillConsoleOutputCharacter(
+ std_handle: wintypes.HANDLE,
+ char: str,
+ length: int,
+ start: WindowsCoordinates,
+) -> int:
+ """Writes a character to the console screen buffer a specified number of times, beginning at the specified coordinates.
+ Args:
+ std_handle (wintypes.HANDLE): A handle to the console input buffer or the console screen buffer.
+ char (str): The character to write. Must be a string of length 1.
+ length (int): The number of times to write the character.
+ start (WindowsCoordinates): The coordinates to start writing at.
+ Returns:
+ int: The number of characters written.
+ """
+ character = ctypes.c_char(char.encode())
+ num_characters = wintypes.DWORD(length)
+ num_written = wintypes.DWORD(0)
+ _FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(
+ std_handle,
+ character,
+ num_characters,
+ start,
+ byref(num_written),
+ )
+ return num_written.value
+_FillConsoleOutputAttribute = windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute
+_FillConsoleOutputAttribute.argtypes = [
+ wintypes.HANDLE,
+ wintypes.WORD,
+ wintypes.DWORD,
+ cast(Type[COORD], WindowsCoordinates),
+ ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.DWORD),
+_FillConsoleOutputAttribute.restype = wintypes.BOOL
+def FillConsoleOutputAttribute(
+ std_handle: wintypes.HANDLE,
+ attributes: int,
+ length: int,
+ start: WindowsCoordinates,
+) -> int:
+ """Sets the character attributes for a specified number of character cells,
+ beginning at the specified coordinates in a screen buffer.
+ Args:
+ std_handle (wintypes.HANDLE): A handle to the console input buffer or the console screen buffer.
+ attributes (int): Integer value representing the foreground and background colours of the cells.
+ length (int): The number of cells to set the output attribute of.
+ start (WindowsCoordinates): The coordinates of the first cell whose attributes are to be set.
+ Returns:
+ int: The number of cells whose attributes were actually set.
+ """
+ num_cells = wintypes.DWORD(length)
+ style_attrs = wintypes.WORD(attributes)
+ num_written = wintypes.DWORD(0)
+ _FillConsoleOutputAttribute(
+ std_handle, style_attrs, num_cells, start, byref(num_written)
+ )
+ return num_written.value
+_SetConsoleTextAttribute = windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute
+_SetConsoleTextAttribute.argtypes = [
+ wintypes.HANDLE,
+ wintypes.WORD,
+_SetConsoleTextAttribute.restype = wintypes.BOOL
+def SetConsoleTextAttribute(
+ std_handle: wintypes.HANDLE, attributes: wintypes.WORD
+) -> bool:
+ """Set the colour attributes for all text written after this function is called.
+ Args:
+ std_handle (wintypes.HANDLE): A handle to the console input buffer or the console screen buffer.
+ attributes (int): Integer value representing the foreground and background colours.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if the attribute was set successfully, otherwise False.
+ """
+ return bool(_SetConsoleTextAttribute(std_handle, attributes))
+_GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
+_GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.argtypes = [
+ wintypes.HANDLE,
+_GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.restype = wintypes.BOOL
+def GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(
+ std_handle: wintypes.HANDLE,
+ """Retrieves information about the specified console screen buffer.
+ Args:
+ std_handle (wintypes.HANDLE): A handle to the console input buffer or the console screen buffer.
+ Returns:
+ CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO: A CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO ctype struct contain information about
+ screen size, cursor position, colour attributes, and more."""
+ console_screen_buffer_info = CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO()
+ _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(std_handle, byref(console_screen_buffer_info))
+ return console_screen_buffer_info
+_SetConsoleCursorPosition = windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition
+_SetConsoleCursorPosition.argtypes = [
+ wintypes.HANDLE,
+ cast(Type[COORD], WindowsCoordinates),
+_SetConsoleCursorPosition.restype = wintypes.BOOL
+def SetConsoleCursorPosition(
+ std_handle: wintypes.HANDLE, coords: WindowsCoordinates
+) -> bool:
+ """Set the position of the cursor in the console screen
+ Args:
+ std_handle (wintypes.HANDLE): A handle to the console input buffer or the console screen buffer.
+ coords (WindowsCoordinates): The coordinates to move the cursor to.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if the function succeeds, otherwise False.
+ """
+ return bool(_SetConsoleCursorPosition(std_handle, coords))
+_GetConsoleCursorInfo = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleCursorInfo
+_GetConsoleCursorInfo.argtypes = [
+ wintypes.HANDLE,
+_GetConsoleCursorInfo.restype = wintypes.BOOL
+def GetConsoleCursorInfo(
+ std_handle: wintypes.HANDLE, cursor_info: CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO
+) -> bool:
+ """Get the cursor info - used to get cursor visibility and width
+ Args:
+ std_handle (wintypes.HANDLE): A handle to the console input buffer or the console screen buffer.
+ cursor_info (CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO): CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO ctype struct that receives information
+ about the console's cursor.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if the function succeeds, otherwise False.
+ """
+ return bool(_GetConsoleCursorInfo(std_handle, byref(cursor_info)))
+_SetConsoleCursorInfo = windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorInfo
+_SetConsoleCursorInfo.argtypes = [
+ wintypes.HANDLE,
+_SetConsoleCursorInfo.restype = wintypes.BOOL
+def SetConsoleCursorInfo(
+ std_handle: wintypes.HANDLE, cursor_info: CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO
+) -> bool:
+ """Set the cursor info - used for adjusting cursor visibility and width
+ Args:
+ std_handle (wintypes.HANDLE): A handle to the console input buffer or the console screen buffer.
+ cursor_info (CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO): CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO ctype struct containing the new cursor info.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if the function succeeds, otherwise False.
+ """
+ return bool(_SetConsoleCursorInfo(std_handle, byref(cursor_info)))
+_SetConsoleTitle = windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW
+_SetConsoleTitle.argtypes = [wintypes.LPCWSTR]
+_SetConsoleTitle.restype = wintypes.BOOL
+def SetConsoleTitle(title: str) -> bool:
+ """Sets the title of the current console window
+ Args:
+ title (str): The new title of the console window.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if the function succeeds, otherwise False.
+ """
+ return bool(_SetConsoleTitle(title))
+class LegacyWindowsTerm:
+ """This class allows interaction with the legacy Windows Console API. It should only be used in the context
+ of environments where virtual terminal processing is not available. However, if it is used in a Windows environment,
+ the entire API should work.
+ Args:
+ file (IO[str]): The file which the Windows Console API HANDLE is retrieved from, defaults to sys.stdout.
+ """
+ # Indices are ANSI color numbers, values are the corresponding Windows Console API color numbers
+ 0, # black The Windows colours are defined in wincon.h as follows:
+ 4, # red define FOREGROUND_BLUE 0x0001 -- 0000 0001
+ 2, # green define FOREGROUND_GREEN 0x0002 -- 0000 0010
+ 6, # yellow define FOREGROUND_RED 0x0004 -- 0000 0100
+ 1, # blue define FOREGROUND_INTENSITY 0x0008 -- 0000 1000
+ 5, # magenta define BACKGROUND_BLUE 0x0010 -- 0001 0000
+ 3, # cyan define BACKGROUND_GREEN 0x0020 -- 0010 0000
+ 7, # white define BACKGROUND_RED 0x0040 -- 0100 0000
+ 8, # bright black (grey) define BACKGROUND_INTENSITY 0x0080 -- 1000 0000
+ 12, # bright red
+ 10, # bright green
+ 14, # bright yellow
+ 9, # bright blue
+ 13, # bright magenta
+ 11, # bright cyan
+ 15, # bright white
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, file: "IO[str]") -> None:
+ handle = GetStdHandle(STDOUT)
+ self._handle = handle
+ default_text = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle).wAttributes
+ self._default_text = default_text
+ self._default_fore = default_text & 7
+ self._default_back = (default_text >> 4) & 7
+ self._default_attrs = self._default_fore | (self._default_back << 4)
+ self._file = file
+ self.write = file.write
+ self.flush = file.flush
+ @property
+ def cursor_position(self) -> WindowsCoordinates:
+ """Returns the current position of the cursor (0-based)
+ Returns:
+ WindowsCoordinates: The current cursor position.
+ """
+ coord: COORD = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self._handle).dwCursorPosition
+ return WindowsCoordinates(row=cast(int, coord.Y), col=cast(int, coord.X))
+ @property
+ def screen_size(self) -> WindowsCoordinates:
+ """Returns the current size of the console screen buffer, in character columns and rows
+ Returns:
+ WindowsCoordinates: The width and height of the screen as WindowsCoordinates.
+ """
+ screen_size: COORD = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self._handle).dwSize
+ return WindowsCoordinates(
+ row=cast(int, screen_size.Y), col=cast(int, screen_size.X)
+ )
+ def write_text(self, text: str) -> None:
+ """Write text directly to the terminal without any modification of styles
+ Args:
+ text (str): The text to write to the console
+ """
+ self.write(text)
+ self.flush()
+ def write_styled(self, text: str, style: Style) -> None:
+ """Write styled text to the terminal.
+ Args:
+ text (str): The text to write
+ style (Style): The style of the text
+ """
+ color = style.color
+ bgcolor = style.bgcolor
+ if style.reverse:
+ color, bgcolor = bgcolor, color
+ if color:
+ fore = color.downgrade(ColorSystem.WINDOWS).number
+ fore = fore if fore is not None else 7 # Default to ANSI 7: White
+ if style.bold:
+ fore = fore | self.BRIGHT_BIT
+ if style.dim:
+ fore = fore & ~self.BRIGHT_BIT
+ fore = self.ANSI_TO_WINDOWS[fore]
+ else:
+ fore = self._default_fore
+ if bgcolor:
+ back = bgcolor.downgrade(ColorSystem.WINDOWS).number
+ back = back if back is not None else 0 # Default to ANSI 0: Black
+ back = self.ANSI_TO_WINDOWS[back]
+ else:
+ back = self._default_back
+ assert fore is not None
+ assert back is not None
+ SetConsoleTextAttribute(
+ self._handle, attributes=ctypes.c_ushort(fore | (back << 4))
+ )
+ self.write_text(text)
+ SetConsoleTextAttribute(self._handle, attributes=self._default_text)
+ def move_cursor_to(self, new_position: WindowsCoordinates) -> None:
+ """Set the position of the cursor
+ Args:
+ new_position (WindowsCoordinates): The WindowsCoordinates representing the new position of the cursor.
+ """
+ if new_position.col < 0 or new_position.row < 0:
+ return
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(self._handle, coords=new_position)
+ def erase_line(self) -> None:
+ """Erase all content on the line the cursor is currently located at"""
+ screen_size = self.screen_size
+ cursor_position = self.cursor_position
+ cells_to_erase = screen_size.col
+ start_coordinates = WindowsCoordinates(row=cursor_position.row, col=0)
+ FillConsoleOutputCharacter(
+ self._handle, " ", length=cells_to_erase, start=start_coordinates
+ )
+ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(
+ self._handle,
+ self._default_attrs,
+ length=cells_to_erase,
+ start=start_coordinates,
+ )
+ def erase_end_of_line(self) -> None:
+ """Erase all content from the cursor position to the end of that line"""
+ cursor_position = self.cursor_position
+ cells_to_erase = self.screen_size.col - cursor_position.col
+ FillConsoleOutputCharacter(
+ self._handle, " ", length=cells_to_erase, start=cursor_position
+ )
+ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(
+ self._handle,
+ self._default_attrs,
+ length=cells_to_erase,
+ start=cursor_position,
+ )
+ def erase_start_of_line(self) -> None:
+ """Erase all content from the cursor position to the start of that line"""
+ row, col = self.cursor_position
+ start = WindowsCoordinates(row, 0)
+ FillConsoleOutputCharacter(self._handle, " ", length=col, start=start)
+ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(
+ self._handle, self._default_attrs, length=col, start=start
+ )
+ def move_cursor_up(self) -> None:
+ """Move the cursor up a single cell"""
+ cursor_position = self.cursor_position
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(
+ self._handle,
+ coords=WindowsCoordinates(
+ row=cursor_position.row - 1, col=cursor_position.col
+ ),
+ )
+ def move_cursor_down(self) -> None:
+ """Move the cursor down a single cell"""
+ cursor_position = self.cursor_position
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(
+ self._handle,
+ coords=WindowsCoordinates(
+ row=cursor_position.row + 1,
+ col=cursor_position.col,
+ ),
+ )
+ def move_cursor_forward(self) -> None:
+ """Move the cursor forward a single cell. Wrap to the next line if required."""
+ row, col = self.cursor_position
+ if col == self.screen_size.col - 1:
+ row += 1
+ col = 0
+ else:
+ col += 1
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(
+ self._handle, coords=WindowsCoordinates(row=row, col=col)
+ )
+ def move_cursor_to_column(self, column: int) -> None:
+ """Move cursor to the column specified by the zero-based column index, staying on the same row
+ Args:
+ column (int): The zero-based column index to move the cursor to.
+ """
+ row, _ = self.cursor_position
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(self._handle, coords=WindowsCoordinates(row, column))
+ def move_cursor_backward(self) -> None:
+ """Move the cursor backward a single cell. Wrap to the previous line if required."""
+ row, col = self.cursor_position
+ if col == 0:
+ row -= 1
+ col = self.screen_size.col - 1
+ else:
+ col -= 1
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(
+ self._handle, coords=WindowsCoordinates(row=row, col=col)
+ )
+ def hide_cursor(self) -> None:
+ """Hide the cursor"""
+ current_cursor_size = self._get_cursor_size()
+ invisible_cursor = CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO(dwSize=current_cursor_size, bVisible=0)
+ SetConsoleCursorInfo(self._handle, cursor_info=invisible_cursor)
+ def show_cursor(self) -> None:
+ """Show the cursor"""
+ current_cursor_size = self._get_cursor_size()
+ visible_cursor = CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO(dwSize=current_cursor_size, bVisible=1)
+ SetConsoleCursorInfo(self._handle, cursor_info=visible_cursor)
+ def set_title(self, title: str) -> None:
+ """Set the title of the terminal window
+ Args:
+ title (str): The new title of the console window
+ """
+ assert len(title) < 255, "Console title must be less than 255 characters"
+ SetConsoleTitle(title)
+ def _get_cursor_size(self) -> int:
+ """Get the percentage of the character cell that is filled by the cursor"""
+ cursor_info = CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO()
+ GetConsoleCursorInfo(self._handle, cursor_info=cursor_info)
+ return int(cursor_info.dwSize)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ handle = GetStdHandle()
+ from rich.console import Console
+ console = Console()
+ term = LegacyWindowsTerm(sys.stdout)
+ term.set_title("Win32 Console Examples")
+ style = Style(color="black", bgcolor="red")
+ heading = Style.parse("black on green")
+ # Check colour output
+ console.rule("Checking colour output")
+ console.print("[on red]on red!")
+ console.print("[blue]blue!")
+ console.print("[yellow]yellow!")
+ console.print("[bold yellow]bold yellow!")
+ console.print("[bright_yellow]bright_yellow!")
+ console.print("[dim bright_yellow]dim bright_yellow!")
+ console.print("[italic cyan]italic cyan!")
+ console.print("[bold white on blue]bold white on blue!")
+ console.print("[reverse bold white on blue]reverse bold white on blue!")
+ console.print("[bold black on cyan]bold black on cyan!")
+ console.print("[black on green]black on green!")
+ console.print("[blue on green]blue on green!")
+ console.print("[white on black]white on black!")
+ console.print("[black on white]black on white!")
+ console.print("[#1BB152 on #DA812D]#1BB152 on #DA812D!")
+ # Check cursor movement
+ console.rule("Checking cursor movement")
+ console.print()
+ term.move_cursor_backward()
+ term.move_cursor_backward()
+ term.write_text("went back and wrapped to prev line")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ term.move_cursor_up()
+ term.write_text("we go up")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ term.move_cursor_down()
+ term.write_text("and down")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ term.move_cursor_up()
+ term.move_cursor_backward()
+ term.move_cursor_backward()
+ term.write_text("we went up and back 2")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ term.move_cursor_down()
+ term.move_cursor_backward()
+ term.move_cursor_backward()
+ term.write_text("we went down and back 2")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ # Check erasing of lines
+ term.hide_cursor()
+ console.print()
+ console.rule("Checking line erasing")
+ console.print("\n...Deleting to the start of the line...")
+ term.write_text("The red arrow shows the cursor location, and direction of erase")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ term.move_cursor_to_column(16)
+ term.write_styled("<", Style.parse("black on red"))
+ term.move_cursor_backward()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ term.erase_start_of_line()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ console.print("\n\n...And to the end of the line...")
+ term.write_text("The red arrow shows the cursor location, and direction of erase")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ term.move_cursor_to_column(16)
+ term.write_styled(">", Style.parse("black on red"))
+ time.sleep(1)
+ term.erase_end_of_line()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ console.print("\n\n...Now the whole line will be erased...")
+ term.write_styled("I'm going to disappear!", style=Style.parse("black on cyan"))
+ time.sleep(1)
+ term.erase_line()
+ term.show_cursor()
+ print("\n")