path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1382 deletions
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index 4f4d55d..0000000
--- a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1382 +0,0 @@
- pygments.lexers.int_fiction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Lexers for interactive fiction languages.
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-import re
-from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include, bygroups, using, \
- this, default, words
-from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
- Number, Punctuation, Error, Generic
-__all__ = ['Inform6Lexer', 'Inform6TemplateLexer', 'Inform7Lexer',
- 'Tads3Lexer']
-class Inform6Lexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For Inform 6 source code.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- name = 'Inform 6'
- url = ''
- aliases = ['inform6', 'i6']
- filenames = ['*.inf']
- flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
- _name = r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*'
- # Inform 7 maps these four character classes to their ASCII
- # equivalents. To support Inform 6 inclusions within Inform 7,
- # Inform6Lexer maps them too.
- _dash = '\\-\u2010-\u2014'
- _dquote = '"\u201c\u201d'
- _squote = "'\u2018\u2019"
- _newline = '\\n\u0085\u2028\u2029'
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'\A(!%%[^%s]*[%s])+' % (_newline, _newline), Comment.Preproc,
- 'directive'),
- default('directive')
- ],
- '_whitespace': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'![^%s]*' % _newline, Comment.Single)
- ],
- 'default': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'\[', Punctuation, 'many-values'), # Array initialization
- (r':|(?=;)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'<', Punctuation), # Second angle bracket in an action statement
- default(('expression', '_expression'))
- ],
- # Expressions
- '_expression': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'(?=sp\b)', Text, '#pop'),
- (r'(?=[%s%s$0-9#a-zA-Z_])' % (_dquote, _squote), Text,
- ('#pop', 'value')),
- (r'\+\+|[%s]{1,2}(?!>)|~~?' % _dash, Operator),
- (r'(?=[()\[%s,?@{:;])' % _dash, Text, '#pop')
- ],
- 'expression': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'\(', Punctuation, ('expression', '_expression')),
- (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'\[', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'statements', 'locals')),
- (r'>(?=(\s+|(![^%s]*))*[>;])' % _newline, Punctuation),
- (r'\+\+|[%s]{2}(?!>)' % _dash, Operator),
- (r',', Punctuation, '_expression'),
- (r'&&?|\|\|?|[=~><]?=|[%s]{1,2}>?|\.\.?[&#]?|::|[<>+*/%%]' % _dash,
- Operator, '_expression'),
- (r'(has|hasnt|in|notin|ofclass|or|provides)\b', Operator.Word,
- '_expression'),
- (r'sp\b', Name),
- (r'\?~?', Name.Label, 'label?'),
- (r'[@{]', Error),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- '_assembly-expression': [
- (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#push', '_expression')),
- (r'[\[\]]', Punctuation),
- (r'[%s]>' % _dash, Punctuation, '_expression'),
- (r'sp\b', Keyword.Pseudo),
- (r';', Punctuation, '#pop:3'),
- include('expression')
- ],
- '_for-expression': [
- (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop:2'),
- (r':', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- include('expression')
- ],
- '_keyword-expression': [
- (r'(from|near|to)\b', Keyword, '_expression'),
- include('expression')
- ],
- '_list-expression': [
- (r',', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- include('expression')
- ],
- '_object-expression': [
- (r'has\b', Keyword.Declaration, '#pop'),
- include('_list-expression')
- ],
- # Values
- 'value': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- # Strings
- (r'[%s][^@][%s]' % (_squote, _squote), String.Char, '#pop'),
- (r'([%s])(@\{[0-9a-fA-F]*\})([%s])' % (_squote, _squote),
- bygroups(String.Char, String.Escape, String.Char), '#pop'),
- (r'([%s])(@.{2})([%s])' % (_squote, _squote),
- bygroups(String.Char, String.Escape, String.Char), '#pop'),
- (r'[%s]' % _squote, String.Single, ('#pop', 'dictionary-word')),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, ('#pop', 'string')),
- # Numbers
- (r'\$[<>]?[+%s][0-9]*\.?[0-9]*([eE][+%s]?[0-9]+)?' % (_dash, _dash),
- Number.Float, '#pop'),
- (r'\$[0-9a-fA-F]+', Number.Hex, '#pop'),
- (r'\$\$[01]+', Number.Bin, '#pop'),
- (r'[0-9]+', Number.Integer, '#pop'),
- # Values prefixed by hashes
- (r'(##|#a\$)(%s)' % _name, bygroups(Operator, Name), '#pop'),
- (r'(#g\$)(%s)' % _name,
- bygroups(Operator, Name.Variable.Global), '#pop'),
- (r'#[nw]\$', Operator, ('#pop', 'obsolete-dictionary-word')),
- (r'(#r\$)(%s)' % _name, bygroups(Operator, Name.Function), '#pop'),
- (r'#', Name.Builtin, ('#pop', 'system-constant')),
- # System functions
- (words((
- 'child', 'children', 'elder', 'eldest', 'glk', 'indirect', 'metaclass',
- 'parent', 'random', 'sibling', 'younger', 'youngest'), suffix=r'\b'),
- Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
- # Metaclasses
- (r'(?i)(Class|Object|Routine|String)\b', Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
- # Veneer routines
- (words((
- 'Box__Routine', 'CA__Pr', 'CDefArt', 'CInDefArt', 'Cl__Ms',
- 'Copy__Primitive', 'CP__Tab', 'DA__Pr', 'DB__Pr', 'DefArt', 'Dynam__String',
- 'EnglishNumber', 'Glk__Wrap', 'IA__Pr', 'IB__Pr', 'InDefArt', 'Main__',
- 'Meta__class', 'OB__Move', 'OB__Remove', 'OC__Cl', 'OP__Pr', 'Print__Addr',
- 'Print__PName', 'PrintShortName', 'RA__Pr', 'RA__Sc', 'RL__Pr', 'R_Process',
- 'RT__ChG', 'RT__ChGt', 'RT__ChLDB', 'RT__ChLDW', 'RT__ChPR', 'RT__ChPrintA',
- 'RT__ChPrintC', 'RT__ChPrintO', 'RT__ChPrintS', 'RT__ChPS', 'RT__ChR',
- 'RT__ChSTB', 'RT__ChSTW', 'RT__ChT', 'RT__Err', 'RT__TrPS', 'RV__Pr',
- 'Symb__Tab', 'Unsigned__Compare', 'WV__Pr', 'Z__Region'),
- prefix='(?i)', suffix=r'\b'),
- Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
- # Other built-in symbols
- (words((
- 'call', 'copy', 'create', 'DEBUG', 'destroy', 'DICT_CHAR_SIZE',
- 'infix__watching', 'MODULE_MODE', 'name', 'nothing', 'NUM_ATTR_BYTES', 'print',
- 'print_to_array', 'recreate', 'remaining', 'self', 'sender', 'STRICT_MODE',
- 'sw__var', 'sys__glob0', 'sys__glob1', 'sys__glob2', 'sys_statusline_flag',
- 'TARGET_GLULX', 'TARGET_ZCODE', 'temp__global2', 'temp__global3',
- 'temp__global4', 'temp_global', 'true', 'USE_MODULES', 'WORDSIZE'),
- prefix='(?i)', suffix=r'\b'),
- Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
- # Other values
- (_name, Name, '#pop')
- ],
- 'value?': [
- include('value'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- # Strings
- 'dictionary-word': [
- (r'[~^]+', String.Escape),
- (r'[^~^\\@({%s]+' % _squote, String.Single),
- (r'[({]', String.Single),
- (r'@\{[0-9a-fA-F]*\}', String.Escape),
- (r'@.{2}', String.Escape),
- (r'[%s]' % _squote, String.Single, '#pop')
- ],
- 'string': [
- (r'[~^]+', String.Escape),
- (r'[^~^\\@({%s]+' % _dquote, String.Double),
- (r'[({]', String.Double),
- (r'\\', String.Escape),
- (r'@(\\\s*[%s]\s*)*@((\\\s*[%s]\s*)*[0-9])*' %
- (_newline, _newline), String.Escape),
- (r'@(\\\s*[%s]\s*)*[({]((\\\s*[%s]\s*)*[0-9a-zA-Z_])*'
- r'(\\\s*[%s]\s*)*[)}]' % (_newline, _newline, _newline),
- String.Escape),
- (r'@(\\\s*[%s]\s*)*.(\\\s*[%s]\s*)*.' % (_newline, _newline),
- String.Escape),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, '#pop')
- ],
- 'plain-string': [
- (r'[^~^\\({\[\]%s]+' % _dquote, String.Double),
- (r'[~^({\[\]]', String.Double),
- (r'\\', String.Escape),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, '#pop')
- ],
- # Names
- '_constant': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (_name, Name.Constant, '#pop'),
- include('value')
- ],
- 'constant*': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r',', Punctuation),
- (r'=', Punctuation, 'value?'),
- (_name, Name.Constant, 'value?'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- '_global': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (_name, Name.Variable.Global, '#pop'),
- include('value')
- ],
- 'label?': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (_name, Name.Label, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'variable?': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (_name, Name.Variable, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- # Values after hashes
- 'obsolete-dictionary-word': [
- (r'\S\w*', String.Other, '#pop')
- ],
- 'system-constant': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (_name, Name.Builtin, '#pop')
- ],
- # Directives
- 'directive': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'#', Punctuation),
- (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'\[', Punctuation,
- ('default', 'statements', 'locals', 'routine-name?')),
- (words((
- 'abbreviate', 'endif', 'dictionary', 'ifdef', 'iffalse', 'ifndef', 'ifnot',
- 'iftrue', 'ifv3', 'ifv5', 'release', 'serial', 'switches', 'system_file',
- 'version'), prefix='(?i)', suffix=r'\b'),
- Keyword, 'default'),
- (r'(?i)(array|global)\b', Keyword,
- ('default', 'directive-keyword?', '_global')),
- (r'(?i)attribute\b', Keyword, ('default', 'alias?', '_constant')),
- (r'(?i)class\b', Keyword,
- ('object-body', 'duplicates', 'class-name')),
- (r'(?i)(constant|default)\b', Keyword,
- ('default', 'constant*')),
- (r'(?i)(end\b)(.*)', bygroups(Keyword, Text)),
- (r'(?i)(extend|verb)\b', Keyword, 'grammar'),
- (r'(?i)fake_action\b', Keyword, ('default', '_constant')),
- (r'(?i)import\b', Keyword, 'manifest'),
- (r'(?i)(include|link|origsource)\b', Keyword,
- ('default', 'before-plain-string?')),
- (r'(?i)(lowstring|undef)\b', Keyword, ('default', '_constant')),
- (r'(?i)message\b', Keyword, ('default', 'diagnostic')),
- (r'(?i)(nearby|object)\b', Keyword,
- ('object-body', '_object-head')),
- (r'(?i)property\b', Keyword,
- ('default', 'alias?', '_constant', 'property-keyword*')),
- (r'(?i)replace\b', Keyword,
- ('default', 'routine-name?', 'routine-name?')),
- (r'(?i)statusline\b', Keyword, ('default', 'directive-keyword?')),
- (r'(?i)stub\b', Keyword, ('default', 'routine-name?')),
- (r'(?i)trace\b', Keyword,
- ('default', 'trace-keyword?', 'trace-keyword?')),
- (r'(?i)zcharacter\b', Keyword,
- ('default', 'directive-keyword?', 'directive-keyword?')),
- (_name, Name.Class, ('object-body', '_object-head'))
- ],
- # [, Replace, Stub
- 'routine-name?': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (_name, Name.Function, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'locals': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'\*', Punctuation),
- (r'"', String.Double, 'plain-string'),
- (_name, Name.Variable)
- ],
- # Array
- 'many-values': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r';', Punctuation),
- (r'\]', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r':', Error),
- default(('expression', '_expression'))
- ],
- # Attribute, Property
- 'alias?': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'alias\b', Keyword, ('#pop', '_constant')),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- # Class, Object, Nearby
- 'class-name': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'(?=[,;]|(class|has|private|with)\b)', Text, '#pop'),
- (_name, Name.Class, '#pop')
- ],
- 'duplicates': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'expression', '_expression')),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- '_object-head': [
- (r'[%s]>' % _dash, Punctuation),
- (r'(class|has|private|with)\b', Keyword.Declaration, '#pop'),
- include('_global')
- ],
- 'object-body': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r';', Punctuation, '#pop:2'),
- (r',', Punctuation),
- (r'class\b', Keyword.Declaration, 'class-segment'),
- (r'(has|private|with)\b', Keyword.Declaration),
- (r':', Error),
- default(('_object-expression', '_expression'))
- ],
- 'class-segment': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'(?=[,;]|(class|has|private|with)\b)', Text, '#pop'),
- (_name, Name.Class),
- default('value')
- ],
- # Extend, Verb
- 'grammar': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'=', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'default')),
- (r'\*', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'grammar-line')),
- default('_directive-keyword')
- ],
- 'grammar-line': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'[/*]', Punctuation),
- (r'[%s]>' % _dash, Punctuation, 'value'),
- (r'(noun|scope)\b', Keyword, '=routine'),
- default('_directive-keyword')
- ],
- '=routine': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'=', Punctuation, 'routine-name?'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- # Import
- 'manifest': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r',', Punctuation),
- (r'(?i)global\b', Keyword, '_global'),
- default('_global')
- ],
- # Include, Link, Message
- 'diagnostic': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, ('#pop', 'message-string')),
- default(('#pop', 'before-plain-string?', 'directive-keyword?'))
- ],
- 'before-plain-string?': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, ('#pop', 'plain-string')),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'message-string': [
- (r'[~^]+', String.Escape),
- include('plain-string')
- ],
- # Keywords used in directives
- '_directive-keyword!': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (words((
- 'additive', 'alias', 'buffer', 'class', 'creature', 'data', 'error', 'fatalerror',
- 'first', 'has', 'held', 'individual', 'initial', 'initstr', 'last', 'long', 'meta',
- 'multi', 'multiexcept', 'multiheld', 'multiinside', 'noun', 'number', 'only',
- 'private', 'replace', 'reverse', 'scope', 'score', 'special', 'string', 'table',
- 'terminating', 'time', 'topic', 'warning', 'with'), suffix=r'\b'),
- Keyword, '#pop'),
- (r'static\b', Keyword),
- (r'[%s]{1,2}>|[+=]' % _dash, Punctuation, '#pop')
- ],
- '_directive-keyword': [
- include('_directive-keyword!'),
- include('value')
- ],
- 'directive-keyword?': [
- include('_directive-keyword!'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'property-keyword*': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (words(('additive', 'individual', 'long'),
- suffix=r'\b(?=(\s*|(![^%s]*[%s]))*[_a-zA-Z])' % (_newline, _newline)),
- Keyword),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'trace-keyword?': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (words((
- 'assembly', 'dictionary', 'expressions', 'lines', 'linker',
- 'objects', 'off', 'on', 'symbols', 'tokens', 'verbs'), suffix=r'\b'),
- Keyword, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- # Statements
- 'statements': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'\]', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'[;{}]', Punctuation),
- (words((
- 'box', 'break', 'continue', 'default', 'give', 'inversion',
- 'new_line', 'quit', 'read', 'remove', 'return', 'rfalse', 'rtrue',
- 'spaces', 'string', 'until'), suffix=r'\b'),
- Keyword, 'default'),
- (r'(do|else)\b', Keyword),
- (r'(font|style)\b', Keyword,
- ('default', 'miscellaneous-keyword?')),
- (r'for\b', Keyword, ('for', '(?')),
- (r'(if|switch|while)', Keyword,
- ('expression', '_expression', '(?')),
- (r'(jump|save|restore)\b', Keyword, ('default', 'label?')),
- (r'objectloop\b', Keyword,
- ('_keyword-expression', 'variable?', '(?')),
- (r'print(_ret)?\b|(?=[%s])' % _dquote, Keyword, 'print-list'),
- (r'\.', Name.Label, 'label?'),
- (r'@', Keyword, 'opcode'),
- (r'#(?![agrnw]\$|#)', Punctuation, 'directive'),
- (r'<', Punctuation, 'default'),
- (r'move\b', Keyword,
- ('default', '_keyword-expression', '_expression')),
- default(('default', '_keyword-expression', '_expression'))
- ],
- 'miscellaneous-keyword?': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'(bold|fixed|from|near|off|on|reverse|roman|to|underline)\b',
- Keyword, '#pop'),
- (r'(a|A|an|address|char|name|number|object|property|string|the|'
- r'The)\b(?=(\s+|(![^%s]*))*\))' % _newline, Keyword.Pseudo,
- '#pop'),
- (r'%s(?=(\s+|(![^%s]*))*\))' % (_name, _newline), Name.Function,
- '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- '(?': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'\(', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'for': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r';', Punctuation, ('_for-expression', '_expression')),
- default(('_for-expression', '_expression'))
- ],
- 'print-list': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r':', Error),
- default(('_list-expression', '_expression', '_list-expression', 'form'))
- ],
- 'form': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'miscellaneous-keyword?')),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- # Assembly
- 'opcode': [
- include('_whitespace'),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, ('operands', 'plain-string')),
- (_name, Keyword, 'operands')
- ],
- 'operands': [
- (r':', Error),
- default(('_assembly-expression', '_expression'))
- ]
- }
- def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
- # 'in' is either a keyword or an operator.
- # If the token two tokens after 'in' is ')', 'in' is a keyword:
- # objectloop(a in b)
- # Otherwise, it is an operator:
- # objectloop(a in b && true)
- objectloop_queue = []
- objectloop_token_count = -1
- previous_token = None
- for index, token, value in RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self,
- text):
- if previous_token is Name.Variable and value == 'in':
- objectloop_queue = [[index, token, value]]
- objectloop_token_count = 2
- elif objectloop_token_count > 0:
- if token not in Comment and token not in Text:
- objectloop_token_count -= 1
- objectloop_queue.append((index, token, value))
- else:
- if objectloop_token_count == 0:
- if objectloop_queue[-1][2] == ')':
- objectloop_queue[0][1] = Keyword
- while objectloop_queue:
- yield objectloop_queue.pop(0)
- objectloop_token_count = -1
- yield index, token, value
- if token not in Comment and token not in Text:
- previous_token = token
- while objectloop_queue:
- yield objectloop_queue.pop(0)
- def analyse_text(text):
- """We try to find a keyword which seem relatively common, unfortunately
- there is a decent overlap with Smalltalk keywords otherwise here.."""
- result = 0
- if'\borigsource\b', text, re.IGNORECASE):
- result += 0.05
- return result
-class Inform7Lexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For Inform 7 source code.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- name = 'Inform 7'
- url = ''
- aliases = ['inform7', 'i7']
- filenames = ['*.ni', '*.i7x']
- flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
- _dash = Inform6Lexer._dash
- _dquote = Inform6Lexer._dquote
- _newline = Inform6Lexer._newline
- _start = r'\A|(?<=[%s])' % _newline
- # There are three variants of Inform 7, differing in how to
- # interpret at signs and braces in I6T. In top-level inclusions, at
- # signs in the first column are inweb syntax. In phrase definitions
- # and use options, tokens in braces are treated as I7. Use options
- # also interpret "{N}".
- tokens = {}
- token_variants = ['+i6t-not-inline', '+i6t-inline', '+i6t-use-option']
- for level in token_variants:
- tokens[level] = {
- '+i6-root': list(Inform6Lexer.tokens['root']),
- '+i6t-root': [ # For Inform6TemplateLexer
- (r'[^%s]*' % Inform6Lexer._newline, Comment.Preproc,
- ('directive', '+p'))
- ],
- 'root': [
- (r'(\|?\s)+', Text),
- (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, Generic.Heading,
- ('+main', '+titling', '+titling-string')),
- default(('+main', '+heading?'))
- ],
- '+titling-string': [
- (r'[^%s]+' % _dquote, Generic.Heading),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, Generic.Heading, '#pop')
- ],
- '+titling': [
- (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
- (r'[^%s.;:|%s]+' % (_dquote, _newline), Generic.Heading),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, Generic.Heading, '+titling-string'),
- (r'[%s]{2}|(?<=[\s%s])\|[\s%s]' % (_newline, _dquote, _dquote),
- Text, ('#pop', '+heading?')),
- (r'[.;:]|(?<=[\s%s])\|' % _dquote, Text, '#pop'),
- (r'[|%s]' % _newline, Generic.Heading)
- ],
- '+main': [
- (r'(?i)[^%s:a\[(|%s]+' % (_dquote, _newline), Text),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, '+text'),
- (r':', Text, '+phrase-definition'),
- (r'(?i)\bas\b', Text, '+use-option'),
- (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
- (r'(\([%s])(.*?)([%s]\))' % (_dash, _dash),
- bygroups(Punctuation,
- using(this, state=('+i6-root', 'directive'),
- i6t='+i6t-not-inline'), Punctuation)),
- (r'(%s|(?<=[\s;:.%s]))\|\s|[%s]{2,}' %
- (_start, _dquote, _newline), Text, '+heading?'),
- (r'(?i)[a(|%s]' % _newline, Text)
- ],
- '+phrase-definition': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
- (r'(\([%s])(.*?)([%s]\))' % (_dash, _dash),
- bygroups(Punctuation,
- using(this, state=('+i6-root', 'directive',
- 'default', 'statements'),
- i6t='+i6t-inline'), Punctuation), '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- '+use-option': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
- (r'(\([%s])(.*?)([%s]\))' % (_dash, _dash),
- bygroups(Punctuation,
- using(this, state=('+i6-root', 'directive'),
- i6t='+i6t-use-option'), Punctuation), '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- '+comment': [
- (r'[^\[\]]+', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '#push'),
- (r'\]', Comment.Multiline, '#pop')
- ],
- '+text': [
- (r'[^\[%s]+' % _dquote, String.Double),
- (r'\[.*?\]', String.Interpol),
- (r'[%s]' % _dquote, String.Double, '#pop')
- ],
- '+heading?': [
- (r'(\|?\s)+', Text),
- (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
- (r'[%s]{4}\s+' % _dash, Text, '+documentation-heading'),
- (r'[%s]{1,3}' % _dash, Text),
- (r'(?i)(volume|book|part|chapter|section)\b[^%s]*' % _newline,
- Generic.Heading, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- '+documentation-heading': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
- (r'(?i)documentation\s+', Text, '+documentation-heading2'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- '+documentation-heading2': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
- (r'[%s]{4}\s' % _dash, Text, '+documentation'),
- default('#pop:2')
- ],
- '+documentation': [
- (r'(?i)(%s)\s*(chapter|example)\s*:[^%s]*' %
- (_start, _newline), Generic.Heading),
- (r'(?i)(%s)\s*section\s*:[^%s]*' % (_start, _newline),
- Generic.Subheading),
- (r'((%s)\t.*?[%s])+' % (_start, _newline),
- using(this, state='+main')),
- (r'[^%s\[]+|[%s\[]' % (_newline, _newline), Text),
- (r'\[', Comment.Multiline, '+comment'),
- ],
- '+i6t-not-inline': [
- (r'(%s)@c( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
- Comment.Preproc),
- (r'(%s)@([%s]+|Purpose:)[^%s]*' % (_start, _dash, _newline),
- Comment.Preproc),
- (r'(%s)@p( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
- Generic.Heading, '+p')
- ],
- '+i6t-use-option': [
- include('+i6t-not-inline'),
- (r'(\{)(N)(\})', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Punctuation))
- ],
- '+i6t-inline': [
- (r'(\{)(\S[^}]*)?(\})',
- bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state='+main'),
- Punctuation))
- ],
- '+i6t': [
- (r'(\{[%s])(![^}]*)(\}?)' % _dash,
- bygroups(Punctuation, Comment.Single, Punctuation)),
- (r'(\{[%s])(lines)(:)([^}]*)(\}?)' % _dash,
- bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword, Punctuation, Text,
- Punctuation), '+lines'),
- (r'(\{[%s])([^:}]*)(:?)([^}]*)(\}?)' % _dash,
- bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword, Punctuation, Text,
- Punctuation)),
- (r'(\(\+)(.*?)(\+\)|\Z)',
- bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state='+main'),
- Punctuation))
- ],
- '+p': [
- (r'[^@]+', Comment.Preproc),
- (r'(%s)@c( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
- Comment.Preproc, '#pop'),
- (r'(%s)@([%s]|Purpose:)' % (_start, _dash), Comment.Preproc),
- (r'(%s)@p( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
- Generic.Heading),
- (r'@', Comment.Preproc)
- ],
- '+lines': [
- (r'(%s)@c( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
- Comment.Preproc),
- (r'(%s)@([%s]|Purpose:)[^%s]*' % (_start, _dash, _newline),
- Comment.Preproc),
- (r'(%s)@p( .*?)?([%s]|\Z)' % (_start, _newline),
- Generic.Heading, '+p'),
- (r'(%s)@\w*[ %s]' % (_start, _newline), Keyword),
- (r'![^%s]*' % _newline, Comment.Single),
- (r'(\{)([%s]endlines)(\})' % _dash,
- bygroups(Punctuation, Keyword, Punctuation), '#pop'),
- (r'[^@!{]+?([%s]|\Z)|.' % _newline, Text)
- ]
- }
- # Inform 7 can include snippets of Inform 6 template language,
- # so all of Inform6Lexer's states are copied here, with
- # modifications to account for template syntax. Inform7Lexer's
- # own states begin with '+' to avoid name conflicts. Some of
- # Inform6Lexer's states begin with '_': these are not modified.
- # They deal with template syntax either by including modified
- # states, or by matching r'' then pushing to modified states.
- for token in Inform6Lexer.tokens:
- if token == 'root':
- continue
- tokens[level][token] = list(Inform6Lexer.tokens[token])
- if not token.startswith('_'):
- tokens[level][token][:0] = [include('+i6t'), include(level)]
- def __init__(self, **options):
- level = options.get('i6t', '+i6t-not-inline')
- if level not in self._all_tokens:
- self._tokens = self.__class__.process_tokendef(level)
- else:
- self._tokens = self._all_tokens[level]
- RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options)
-class Inform6TemplateLexer(Inform7Lexer):
- """
- For Inform 6 template code.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- name = 'Inform 6 template'
- aliases = ['i6t']
- filenames = ['*.i6t']
- def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, stack=('+i6t-root',)):
- return Inform7Lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, stack)
-class Tads3Lexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For TADS 3 source code.
- """
- name = 'TADS 3'
- aliases = ['tads3']
- filenames = ['*.t']
- flags = re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
- _comment_single = r'(?://(?:[^\\\n]|\\+[\w\W])*$)'
- _comment_multiline = r'(?:/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*\*/)'
- _escape = (r'(?:\\(?:[\n\\<>"\'^v bnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{,4}|x[\da-fA-F]{,2}|'
- r'[0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}))')
- _name = r'(?:[_a-zA-Z]\w*)'
- _no_quote = r'(?=\s|\\?>)'
- _operator = (r'(?:&&|\|\||\+\+|--|\?\?|::|[.,@\[\]~]|'
- r'(?:[=+\-*/%!&|^]|<<?|>>?>?)=?)')
- _ws = r'(?:\\|\s|%s|%s)' % (_comment_single, _comment_multiline)
- _ws_pp = r'(?:\\\n|[^\S\n]|%s|%s)' % (_comment_single, _comment_multiline)
- def _make_string_state(triple, double, verbatim=None, _escape=_escape):
- if verbatim:
- verbatim = ''.join(['(?:%s|%s)' % (re.escape(c.lower()),
- re.escape(c.upper()))
- for c in verbatim])
- char = r'"' if double else r"'"
- token = String.Double if double else String.Single
- escaped_quotes = r'+|%s(?!%s{2})' % (char, char) if triple else r''
- prefix = '%s%s' % ('t' if triple else '', 'd' if double else 's')
- tag_state_name = '%sqt' % prefix
- state = []
- if triple:
- state += [
- (r'%s{3,}' % char, token, '#pop'),
- (r'\\%s+' % char, String.Escape),
- (char, token)
- ]
- else:
- state.append((char, token, '#pop'))
- state += [
- include('s/verbatim'),
- (r'[^\\<&{}%s]+' % char, token)
- ]
- if verbatim:
- # This regex can't use `(?i)` because escape sequences are
- # case-sensitive. `<\XMP>` works; `<\xmp>` doesn't.
- state.append((r'\\?<(/|\\\\|(?!%s)\\)%s(?=[\s=>])' %
- (_escape, verbatim),
- Name.Tag, ('#pop', '%sqs' % prefix, tag_state_name)))
- else:
- state += [
- (r'\\?<!([^><\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)*>?' %
- (char, char, escaped_quotes, _escape), Comment.Multiline),
- (r'(?i)\\?<listing(?=[\s=>]|\\>)', Name.Tag,
- ('#pop', '%sqs/listing' % prefix, tag_state_name)),
- (r'(?i)\\?<xmp(?=[\s=>]|\\>)', Name.Tag,
- ('#pop', '%sqs/xmp' % prefix, tag_state_name)),
- (r'\\?<([^\s=><\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)*' %
- (char, char, escaped_quotes, _escape), Name.Tag,
- tag_state_name),
- include('s/entity')
- ]
- state += [
- include('s/escape'),
- (r'\{([^}<\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)*\}' %
- (char, char, escaped_quotes, _escape), String.Interpol),
- (r'[\\&{}<]', token)
- ]
- return state
- def _make_tag_state(triple, double, _escape=_escape):
- char = r'"' if double else r"'"
- quantifier = r'{3,}' if triple else r''
- state_name = '%s%sqt' % ('t' if triple else '', 'd' if double else 's')
- token = String.Double if double else String.Single
- escaped_quotes = r'+|%s(?!%s{2})' % (char, char) if triple else r''
- return [
- (r'%s%s' % (char, quantifier), token, '#pop:2'),
- (r'(\s|\\\n)+', Text),
- (r'(=)(\\?")', bygroups(Punctuation, String.Double),
- 'dqs/%s' % state_name),
- (r"(=)(\\?')", bygroups(Punctuation, String.Single),
- 'sqs/%s' % state_name),
- (r'=', Punctuation, 'uqs/%s' % state_name),
- (r'\\?>', Name.Tag, '#pop'),
- (r'\{([^}<\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)*\}' %
- (char, char, escaped_quotes, _escape), String.Interpol),
- (r'([^\s=><\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)+' %
- (char, char, escaped_quotes, _escape), Name.Attribute),
- include('s/escape'),
- include('s/verbatim'),
- include('s/entity'),
- (r'[\\{}&]', Name.Attribute)
- ]
- def _make_attribute_value_state(terminator, host_triple, host_double,
- _escape=_escape):
- token = (String.Double if terminator == r'"' else
- String.Single if terminator == r"'" else String.Other)
- host_char = r'"' if host_double else r"'"
- host_quantifier = r'{3,}' if host_triple else r''
- host_token = String.Double if host_double else String.Single
- escaped_quotes = (r'+|%s(?!%s{2})' % (host_char, host_char)
- if host_triple else r'')
- return [
- (r'%s%s' % (host_char, host_quantifier), host_token, '#pop:3'),
- (r'%s%s' % (r'' if token is String.Other else r'\\?', terminator),
- token, '#pop'),
- include('s/verbatim'),
- include('s/entity'),
- (r'\{([^}<\\%s]|<(?!<)|\\%s%s|%s|\\.)*\}' %
- (host_char, host_char, escaped_quotes, _escape), String.Interpol),
- (r'([^\s"\'<%s{}\\&])+' % (r'>' if token is String.Other else r''),
- token),
- include('s/escape'),
- (r'["\'\s&{<}\\]', token)
- ]
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- ('\ufeff', Text),
- (r'\{', Punctuation, 'object-body'),
- (r';+', Punctuation),
- (r'(?=(argcount|break|case|catch|continue|default|definingobj|'
- r'delegated|do|else|for|foreach|finally|goto|if|inherited|'
- r'invokee|local|nil|new|operator|replaced|return|self|switch|'
- r'targetobj|targetprop|throw|true|try|while)\b)', Text, 'block'),
- (r'(%s)(%s*)(\()' % (_name, _ws),
- bygroups(Name.Function, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Punctuation),
- ('block?/root', 'more/parameters', 'main/parameters')),
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'\++', Punctuation),
- (r'[^\s!"%-(*->@-_a-z{-~]+', Error), # Averts an infinite loop
- (r'(?!\Z)', Text, 'main/root')
- ],
- 'main/root': [
- include('main/basic'),
- default(('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces', 'classes', 'class'))
- ],
- 'object-body/no-braces': [
- (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'\{', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'object-body')),
- include('object-body')
- ],
- 'object-body': [
- (r';', Punctuation),
- (r'\{', Punctuation, '#push'),
- (r'\}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r':', Punctuation, ('classes', 'class')),
- (r'(%s?)(%s*)(\()' % (_name, _ws),
- bygroups(Name.Function, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Punctuation),
- ('block?', 'more/parameters', 'main/parameters')),
- (r'(%s)(%s*)(\{)' % (_name, _ws),
- bygroups(Name.Function, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Punctuation), 'block'),
- (r'(%s)(%s*)(:)' % (_name, _ws),
- bygroups(Name.Variable, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Punctuation),
- ('object-body/no-braces', 'classes', 'class')),
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'->|%s' % _operator, Punctuation, 'main'),
- default('main/object-body')
- ],
- 'main/object-body': [
- include('main/basic'),
- (r'(%s)(%s*)(=?)' % (_name, _ws),
- bygroups(Name.Variable, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Punctuation), ('#pop', 'more', 'main')),
- default('#pop:2')
- ],
- 'block?/root': [
- (r'\{', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'block')),
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'(?=[\[\'"<(:])', Text, # It might be a VerbRule macro.
- ('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces', 'grammar', 'grammar-rules')),
- # It might be a macro like DefineAction.
- default(('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces'))
- ],
- 'block?': [
- (r'\{', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'block')),
- include('whitespace'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'block/basic': [
- (r'[;:]+', Punctuation),
- (r'\{', Punctuation, '#push'),
- (r'\}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'default\b', Keyword.Reserved),
- (r'(%s)(%s*)(:)' % (_name, _ws),
- bygroups(Name.Label, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Punctuation)),
- include('whitespace')
- ],
- 'block': [
- include('block/basic'),
- (r'(?!\Z)', Text, ('more', 'main'))
- ],
- 'block/embed': [
- (r'>>', String.Interpol, '#pop'),
- include('block/basic'),
- (r'(?!\Z)', Text, ('more/embed', 'main'))
- ],
- 'main/basic': [
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'more', 'main')),
- (r'\[', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'more/list', 'main')),
- (r'\{', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'more/inner', 'main/inner',
- 'more/parameters', 'main/parameters')),
- (r'\*|\.{3}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'(?i)0x[\da-f]+', Number.Hex, '#pop'),
- (r'(\d+\.(?!\.)\d*|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?|\d+[eE][-+]?\d+',
- Number.Float, '#pop'),
- (r'0[0-7]+', Number.Oct, '#pop'),
- (r'\d+', Number.Integer, '#pop'),
- (r'"""', String.Double, ('#pop', 'tdqs')),
- (r"'''", String.Single, ('#pop', 'tsqs')),
- (r'"', String.Double, ('#pop', 'dqs')),
- (r"'", String.Single, ('#pop', 'sqs')),
- (r'R"""', String.Regex, ('#pop', 'tdqr')),
- (r"R'''", String.Regex, ('#pop', 'tsqr')),
- (r'R"', String.Regex, ('#pop', 'dqr')),
- (r"R'", String.Regex, ('#pop', 'sqr')),
- # Two-token keywords
- (r'(extern)(%s+)(object\b)' % _ws,
- bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Keyword.Reserved)),
- (r'(function|method)(%s*)(\()' % _ws,
- bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Punctuation),
- ('#pop', 'block?', 'more/parameters', 'main/parameters')),
- (r'(modify)(%s+)(grammar\b)' % _ws,
- bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Keyword.Reserved),
- ('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces', ':', 'grammar')),
- (r'(new)(%s+(?=(?:function|method)\b))' % _ws,
- bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, using(this, state='whitespace'))),
- (r'(object)(%s+)(template\b)' % _ws,
- bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Keyword.Reserved), ('#pop', 'template')),
- (r'(string)(%s+)(template\b)' % _ws,
- bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Keyword.Reserved), ('#pop', 'function-name')),
- # Keywords
- (r'(argcount|definingobj|invokee|replaced|targetobj|targetprop)\b',
- Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
- (r'(break|continue|goto)\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'label')),
- (r'(case|extern|if|intrinsic|return|static|while)\b',
- Keyword.Reserved),
- (r'catch\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'catch')),
- (r'class\b', Keyword.Reserved,
- ('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces', 'class')),
- (r'(default|do|else|finally|try)\b', Keyword.Reserved, '#pop'),
- (r'(dictionary|property)\b', Keyword.Reserved,
- ('#pop', 'constants')),
- (r'enum\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'enum')),
- (r'export\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'main')),
- (r'(for|foreach)\b', Keyword.Reserved,
- ('#pop', 'more/inner', 'main/inner')),
- (r'(function|method)\b', Keyword.Reserved,
- ('#pop', 'block?', 'function-name')),
- (r'grammar\b', Keyword.Reserved,
- ('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces', 'grammar')),
- (r'inherited\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'inherited')),
- (r'local\b', Keyword.Reserved,
- ('#pop', 'more/local', 'main/local')),
- (r'(modify|replace|switch|throw|transient)\b', Keyword.Reserved,
- '#pop'),
- (r'new\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'class')),
- (r'(nil|true)\b', Keyword.Constant, '#pop'),
- (r'object\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'object-body/no-braces')),
- (r'operator\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'operator')),
- (r'propertyset\b', Keyword.Reserved,
- ('#pop', 'propertyset', 'main')),
- (r'self\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo, '#pop'),
- (r'template\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'template')),
- # Operators
- (r'(__objref|defined)(%s*)(\()' % _ws,
- bygroups(Operator.Word, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Operator), ('#pop', 'more/__objref', 'main')),
- (r'delegated\b', Operator.Word),
- # Compiler-defined macros and built-in properties
- (r'(__DATE__|__DEBUG|__LINE__|__FILE__|'
- r'construct|finalize|grammarInfo|grammarTag|lexicalParent|'
- r'miscVocab|sourceTextGroup|sourceTextGroupName|'
- r'sourceTextGroupOrder|sourceTextOrder)\b', Name.Builtin, '#pop')
- ],
- 'main': [
- include('main/basic'),
- (_name, Name, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'more/basic': [
- (r'\(', Punctuation, ('more/list', 'main')),
- (r'\[', Punctuation, ('more', 'main')),
- (r'\.{3}', Punctuation),
- (r'->|\.\.', Punctuation, 'main'),
- (r'(?=;)|[:)\]]', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- include('whitespace'),
- (_operator, Operator, 'main'),
- (r'\?', Operator, ('main', 'more/conditional', 'main')),
- (r'(is|not)(%s+)(in\b)' % _ws,
- bygroups(Operator.Word, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Operator.Word)),
- (r'[^\s!"%-_a-z{-~]+', Error) # Averts an infinite loop
- ],
- 'more': [
- include('more/basic'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- # Then expression (conditional operator)
- 'more/conditional': [
- (r':(?!:)', Operator, '#pop'),
- include('more')
- ],
- # Embedded expressions
- 'more/embed': [
- (r'>>', String.Interpol, '#pop:2'),
- include('more')
- ],
- # For/foreach loop initializer or short-form anonymous function
- 'main/inner': [
- (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'more/inner', 'main/inner')),
- (r'local\b', Keyword.Reserved, ('#pop', 'main/local')),
- include('main')
- ],
- 'more/inner': [
- (r'\}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r',', Punctuation, 'main/inner'),
- (r'(in|step)\b', Keyword, 'main/inner'),
- include('more')
- ],
- # Local
- 'main/local': [
- (_name, Name.Variable, '#pop'),
- include('whitespace')
- ],
- 'more/local': [
- (r',', Punctuation, 'main/local'),
- include('more')
- ],
- # List
- 'more/list': [
- (r'[,:]', Punctuation, 'main'),
- include('more')
- ],
- # Parameter list
- 'main/parameters': [
- (r'(%s)(%s*)(?=:)' % (_name, _ws),
- bygroups(Name.Variable, using(this, state='whitespace')), '#pop'),
- (r'(%s)(%s+)(%s)' % (_name, _ws, _name),
- bygroups(Name.Class, using(this, state='whitespace'),
- Name.Variable), '#pop'),
- (r'\[+', Punctuation),
- include('main/basic'),
- (_name, Name.Variable, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'more/parameters': [
- (r'(:)(%s*(?=[?=,:)]))' % _ws,
- bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state='whitespace'))),
- (r'[?\]]+', Punctuation),
- (r'[:)]', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'multimethod?')),
- (r',', Punctuation, 'main/parameters'),
- (r'=', Punctuation, ('more/parameter', 'main')),
- include('more')
- ],
- 'more/parameter': [
- (r'(?=[,)])', Text, '#pop'),
- include('more')
- ],
- 'multimethod?': [
- (r'multimethod\b', Keyword, '#pop'),
- include('whitespace'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- # Statements and expressions
- 'more/__objref': [
- (r',', Punctuation, 'mode'),
- (r'\)', Operator, '#pop'),
- include('more')
- ],
- 'mode': [
- (r'(error|warn)\b', Keyword, '#pop'),
- include('whitespace')
- ],
- 'catch': [
- (r'\(+', Punctuation),
- (_name, Name.Exception, ('#pop', 'variables')),
- include('whitespace')
- ],
- 'enum': [
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'token\b', Keyword, ('#pop', 'constants')),
- default(('#pop', 'constants'))
- ],
- 'grammar': [
- (r'\)+', Punctuation),
- (r'\(', Punctuation, 'grammar-tag'),
- (r':', Punctuation, 'grammar-rules'),
- (_name, Name.Class),
- include('whitespace')
- ],
- 'grammar-tag': [
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'"""([^\\"<]|""?(?!")|\\"+|\\.|<(?!<))+("{3,}|<<)|'
- r'R"""([^\\"]|""?(?!")|\\"+|\\.)+"{3,}|'
- r"'''([^\\'<]|''?(?!')|\\'+|\\.|<(?!<))+('{3,}|<<)|"
- r"R'''([^\\']|''?(?!')|\\'+|\\.)+'{3,}|"
- r'"([^\\"<]|\\.|<(?!<))+("|<<)|R"([^\\"]|\\.)+"|'
- r"'([^\\'<]|\\.|<(?!<))+('|<<)|R'([^\\']|\\.)+'|"
- r"([^)\s\\/]|/(?![/*]))+|\)", String.Other, '#pop')
- ],
- 'grammar-rules': [
- include('string'),
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'(\[)(%s*)(badness)' % _ws,
- bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state='whitespace'), Keyword),
- 'main'),
- (r'->|%s|[()]' % _operator, Punctuation),
- (_name, Name.Constant),
- default('#pop:2')
- ],
- ':': [
- (r':', Punctuation, '#pop')
- ],
- 'function-name': [
- (r'(<<([^>]|>>>|>(?!>))*>>)+', String.Interpol),
- (r'(?=%s?%s*[({])' % (_name, _ws), Text, '#pop'),
- (_name, Name.Function, '#pop'),
- include('whitespace')
- ],
- 'inherited': [
- (r'<', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'classes', 'class')),
- include('whitespace'),
- (_name, Name.Class, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'operator': [
- (r'negate\b', Operator.Word, '#pop'),
- include('whitespace'),
- (_operator, Operator),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'propertyset': [
- (r'\(', Punctuation, ('more/parameters', 'main/parameters')),
- (r'\{', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'object-body')),
- include('whitespace')
- ],
- 'template': [
- (r'(?=;)', Text, '#pop'),
- include('string'),
- (r'inherited\b', Keyword.Reserved),
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'->|\?|%s' % _operator, Punctuation),
- (_name, Name.Variable)
- ],
- # Identifiers
- 'class': [
- (r'\*|\.{3}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'object\b', Keyword.Reserved, '#pop'),
- (r'transient\b', Keyword.Reserved),
- (_name, Name.Class, '#pop'),
- include('whitespace'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'classes': [
- (r'[:,]', Punctuation, 'class'),
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'>', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'constants': [
- (r',+', Punctuation),
- (r';', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r'property\b', Keyword.Reserved),
- (_name, Name.Constant),
- include('whitespace')
- ],
- 'label': [
- (_name, Name.Label, '#pop'),
- include('whitespace'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'variables': [
- (r',+', Punctuation),
- (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- include('whitespace'),
- (_name, Name.Variable)
- ],
- # Whitespace and comments
- 'whitespace': [
- (r'^%s*#(%s|[^\n]|(?<=\\)\n)*\n?' % (_ws_pp, _comment_multiline),
- Comment.Preproc),
- (_comment_single, Comment.Single),
- (_comment_multiline, Comment.Multiline),
- (r'\\+\n+%s*#?|\n+|([^\S\n]|\\)+' % _ws_pp, Text)
- ],
- # Strings
- 'string': [
- (r'"""', String.Double, 'tdqs'),
- (r"'''", String.Single, 'tsqs'),
- (r'"', String.Double, 'dqs'),
- (r"'", String.Single, 'sqs')
- ],
- 's/escape': [
- (r'\{\{|\}\}|%s' % _escape, String.Escape)
- ],
- 's/verbatim': [
- (r'<<\s*(as\s+decreasingly\s+likely\s+outcomes|cycling|else|end|'
- r'first\s+time|one\s+of|only|or|otherwise|'
- r'(sticky|(then\s+)?(purely\s+)?at)\s+random|stopping|'
- r'(then\s+)?(half\s+)?shuffled|\|\|)\s*>>', String.Interpol),
- (r'<<(%%(_(%s|\\?.)|[\-+ ,#]|\[\d*\]?)*\d*\.?\d*(%s|\\?.)|'
- r'\s*((else|otherwise)\s+)?(if|unless)\b)?' % (_escape, _escape),
- String.Interpol, ('block/embed', 'more/embed', 'main'))
- ],
- 's/entity': [
- (r'(?i)&(#(x[\da-f]+|\d+)|[a-z][\da-z]*);?', Name.Entity)
- ],
- 'tdqs': _make_string_state(True, True),
- 'tsqs': _make_string_state(True, False),
- 'dqs': _make_string_state(False, True),
- 'sqs': _make_string_state(False, False),
- 'tdqs/listing': _make_string_state(True, True, 'listing'),
- 'tsqs/listing': _make_string_state(True, False, 'listing'),
- 'dqs/listing': _make_string_state(False, True, 'listing'),
- 'sqs/listing': _make_string_state(False, False, 'listing'),
- 'tdqs/xmp': _make_string_state(True, True, 'xmp'),
- 'tsqs/xmp': _make_string_state(True, False, 'xmp'),
- 'dqs/xmp': _make_string_state(False, True, 'xmp'),
- 'sqs/xmp': _make_string_state(False, False, 'xmp'),
- # Tags
- 'tdqt': _make_tag_state(True, True),
- 'tsqt': _make_tag_state(True, False),
- 'dqt': _make_tag_state(False, True),
- 'sqt': _make_tag_state(False, False),
- 'dqs/tdqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r'"', True, True),
- 'dqs/tsqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r'"', True, False),
- 'dqs/dqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r'"', False, True),
- 'dqs/sqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r'"', False, False),
- 'sqs/tdqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r"'", True, True),
- 'sqs/tsqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r"'", True, False),
- 'sqs/dqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r"'", False, True),
- 'sqs/sqt': _make_attribute_value_state(r"'", False, False),
- 'uqs/tdqt': _make_attribute_value_state(_no_quote, True, True),
- 'uqs/tsqt': _make_attribute_value_state(_no_quote, True, False),
- 'uqs/dqt': _make_attribute_value_state(_no_quote, False, True),
- 'uqs/sqt': _make_attribute_value_state(_no_quote, False, False),
- # Regular expressions
- 'tdqr': [
- (r'[^\\"]+', String.Regex),
- (r'\\"*', String.Regex),
- (r'"{3,}', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'"', String.Regex)
- ],
- 'tsqr': [
- (r"[^\\']+", String.Regex),
- (r"\\'*", String.Regex),
- (r"'{3,}", String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r"'", String.Regex)
- ],
- 'dqr': [
- (r'[^\\"]+', String.Regex),
- (r'\\"?', String.Regex),
- (r'"', String.Regex, '#pop')
- ],
- 'sqr': [
- (r"[^\\']+", String.Regex),
- (r"\\'?", String.Regex),
- (r"'", String.Regex, '#pop')
- ]
- }
- def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, **kwargs):
- pp = r'^%s*#%s*' % (self._ws_pp, self._ws_pp)
- if_false_level = 0
- for index, token, value in (
- RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, **kwargs)):
- if if_false_level == 0: # Not in a false #if
- if (token is Comment.Preproc and
- re.match(r'%sif%s+(0|nil)%s*$\n?' %
- (pp, self._ws_pp, self._ws_pp), value)):
- if_false_level = 1
- else: # In a false #if
- if token is Comment.Preproc:
- if (if_false_level == 1 and
- re.match(r'%sel(if|se)\b' % pp, value)):
- if_false_level = 0
- elif re.match(r'%sif' % pp, value):
- if_false_level += 1
- elif re.match(r'%sendif\b' % pp, value):
- if_false_level -= 1
- else:
- token = Comment
- yield index, token, value
- def analyse_text(text):
- """This is a rather generic descriptive language without strong
- identifiers. It looks like a 'GameMainDef' has to be present,
- and/or a 'versionInfo' with an 'IFID' field."""
- result = 0
- if '__TADS' in text or 'GameMainDef' in text:
- result += 0.2
- # This is a fairly unique keyword which is likely used in source as well
- if 'versionInfo' in text and 'IFID' in text:
- result += 0.1
- return result