path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 1151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02d3e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
@@ -0,0 +1,1151 @@
+ pygments.lexers._sourcemod_builtins
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ This file contains the names of SourceMod functions.
+ Do not edit the FUNCTIONS list by hand.
+ Run with `python -I` to regenerate.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ 'OnEntityCreated',
+ 'OnEntityDestroyed',
+ 'OnGetGameDescription',
+ 'OnLevelInit',
+ 'SDKHook',
+ 'SDKHookEx',
+ 'SDKUnhook',
+ 'SDKHooks_TakeDamage',
+ 'SDKHooks_DropWeapon',
+ 'TopMenuHandler',
+ 'CreateTopMenu',
+ 'LoadTopMenuConfig',
+ 'AddToTopMenu',
+ 'GetTopMenuInfoString',
+ 'GetTopMenuObjName',
+ 'RemoveFromTopMenu',
+ 'DisplayTopMenu',
+ 'DisplayTopMenuCategory',
+ 'FindTopMenuCategory',
+ 'SetTopMenuTitleCaching',
+ 'OnAdminMenuCreated',
+ 'OnAdminMenuReady',
+ 'GetAdminTopMenu',
+ 'AddTargetsToMenu',
+ 'AddTargetsToMenu2',
+ 'RedisplayAdminMenu',
+ 'TEHook',
+ 'AddTempEntHook',
+ 'RemoveTempEntHook',
+ 'TE_Start',
+ 'TE_IsValidProp',
+ 'TE_WriteNum',
+ 'TE_ReadNum',
+ 'TE_WriteFloat',
+ 'TE_ReadFloat',
+ 'TE_WriteVector',
+ 'TE_ReadVector',
+ 'TE_WriteAngles',
+ 'TE_WriteFloatArray',
+ 'TE_Send',
+ 'TE_WriteEncodedEnt',
+ 'TE_SendToAll',
+ 'TE_SendToClient',
+ 'CreateKeyValues',
+ 'KvSetString',
+ 'KvSetNum',
+ 'KvSetUInt64',
+ 'KvSetFloat',
+ 'KvSetColor',
+ 'KvSetVector',
+ 'KvGetString',
+ 'KvGetNum',
+ 'KvGetFloat',
+ 'KvGetColor',
+ 'KvGetUInt64',
+ 'KvGetVector',
+ 'KvJumpToKey',
+ 'KvJumpToKeySymbol',
+ 'KvGotoFirstSubKey',
+ 'KvGotoNextKey',
+ 'KvSavePosition',
+ 'KvDeleteKey',
+ 'KvDeleteThis',
+ 'KvGoBack',
+ 'KvRewind',
+ 'KvGetSectionName',
+ 'KvSetSectionName',
+ 'KvGetDataType',
+ 'KeyValuesToFile',
+ 'FileToKeyValues',
+ 'StringToKeyValues',
+ 'KvSetEscapeSequences',
+ 'KvNodesInStack',
+ 'KvCopySubkeys',
+ 'KvFindKeyById',
+ 'KvGetNameSymbol',
+ 'KvGetSectionSymbol',
+ 'TE_SetupSparks',
+ 'TE_SetupSmoke',
+ 'TE_SetupDust',
+ 'TE_SetupMuzzleFlash',
+ 'TE_SetupMetalSparks',
+ 'TE_SetupEnergySplash',
+ 'TE_SetupArmorRicochet',
+ 'TE_SetupGlowSprite',
+ 'TE_SetupExplosion',
+ 'TE_SetupBloodSprite',
+ 'TE_SetupBeamRingPoint',
+ 'TE_SetupBeamPoints',
+ 'TE_SetupBeamLaser',
+ 'TE_SetupBeamRing',
+ 'TE_SetupBeamFollow',
+ 'HookEvent',
+ 'HookEventEx',
+ 'UnhookEvent',
+ 'CreateEvent',
+ 'FireEvent',
+ 'CancelCreatedEvent',
+ 'GetEventBool',
+ 'SetEventBool',
+ 'GetEventInt',
+ 'SetEventInt',
+ 'GetEventFloat',
+ 'SetEventFloat',
+ 'GetEventString',
+ 'SetEventString',
+ 'GetEventName',
+ 'SetEventBroadcast',
+ 'GetUserMessageType',
+ 'GetUserMessageId',
+ 'GetUserMessageName',
+ 'StartMessage',
+ 'StartMessageEx',
+ 'EndMessage',
+ 'MsgHook',
+ 'MsgPostHook',
+ 'HookUserMessage',
+ 'UnhookUserMessage',
+ 'StartMessageAll',
+ 'StartMessageOne',
+ 'InactivateClient',
+ 'ReconnectClient',
+ 'GetMaxEntities',
+ 'GetEntityCount',
+ 'IsValidEntity',
+ 'IsValidEdict',
+ 'IsEntNetworkable',
+ 'CreateEdict',
+ 'RemoveEdict',
+ 'GetEdictFlags',
+ 'SetEdictFlags',
+ 'GetEdictClassname',
+ 'GetEntityNetClass',
+ 'ChangeEdictState',
+ 'GetEntData',
+ 'SetEntData',
+ 'GetEntDataFloat',
+ 'SetEntDataFloat',
+ 'GetEntDataEnt2',
+ 'SetEntDataEnt2',
+ 'GetEntDataVector',
+ 'SetEntDataVector',
+ 'GetEntDataString',
+ 'SetEntDataString',
+ 'FindSendPropOffs',
+ 'FindSendPropInfo',
+ 'FindDataMapOffs',
+ 'FindDataMapInfo',
+ 'GetEntSendPropOffs',
+ 'GetEntProp',
+ 'SetEntProp',
+ 'GetEntPropFloat',
+ 'SetEntPropFloat',
+ 'GetEntPropEnt',
+ 'SetEntPropEnt',
+ 'GetEntPropVector',
+ 'SetEntPropVector',
+ 'GetEntPropString',
+ 'SetEntPropString',
+ 'GetEntPropArraySize',
+ 'GetEntDataArray',
+ 'SetEntDataArray',
+ 'GetEntityAddress',
+ 'GetEntityClassname',
+ 'float',
+ 'FloatMul',
+ 'FloatDiv',
+ 'FloatAdd',
+ 'FloatSub',
+ 'FloatFraction',
+ 'RoundToZero',
+ 'RoundToCeil',
+ 'RoundToFloor',
+ 'RoundToNearest',
+ 'FloatCompare',
+ 'SquareRoot',
+ 'Pow',
+ 'Exponential',
+ 'Logarithm',
+ 'Sine',
+ 'Cosine',
+ 'Tangent',
+ 'FloatAbs',
+ 'ArcTangent',
+ 'ArcCosine',
+ 'ArcSine',
+ 'ArcTangent2',
+ 'RoundFloat',
+ 'operator%',
+ 'DegToRad',
+ 'RadToDeg',
+ 'GetURandomInt',
+ 'GetURandomFloat',
+ 'SetURandomSeed',
+ 'SetURandomSeedSimple',
+ 'RemovePlayerItem',
+ 'GivePlayerItem',
+ 'GetPlayerWeaponSlot',
+ 'IgniteEntity',
+ 'ExtinguishEntity',
+ 'TeleportEntity',
+ 'ForcePlayerSuicide',
+ 'SlapPlayer',
+ 'FindEntityByClassname',
+ 'GetClientEyeAngles',
+ 'CreateEntityByName',
+ 'DispatchSpawn',
+ 'DispatchKeyValue',
+ 'DispatchKeyValueFloat',
+ 'DispatchKeyValueVector',
+ 'GetClientAimTarget',
+ 'GetTeamCount',
+ 'GetTeamName',
+ 'GetTeamScore',
+ 'SetTeamScore',
+ 'GetTeamClientCount',
+ 'SetEntityModel',
+ 'GetPlayerDecalFile',
+ 'GetPlayerJingleFile',
+ 'GetServerNetStats',
+ 'EquipPlayerWeapon',
+ 'ActivateEntity',
+ 'SetClientInfo',
+ 'GivePlayerAmmo',
+ 'SetClientListeningFlags',
+ 'GetClientListeningFlags',
+ 'SetListenOverride',
+ 'GetListenOverride',
+ 'IsClientMuted',
+ 'TR_GetPointContents',
+ 'TR_GetPointContentsEnt',
+ 'TR_TraceRay',
+ 'TR_TraceHull',
+ 'TR_TraceRayFilter',
+ 'TR_TraceHullFilter',
+ 'TR_TraceRayEx',
+ 'TR_TraceHullEx',
+ 'TR_TraceRayFilterEx',
+ 'TR_TraceHullFilterEx',
+ 'TR_GetFraction',
+ 'TR_GetEndPosition',
+ 'TR_GetEntityIndex',
+ 'TR_DidHit',
+ 'TR_GetHitGroup',
+ 'TR_GetPlaneNormal',
+ 'TR_PointOutsideWorld',
+ 'SortIntegers',
+ 'SortFloats',
+ 'SortStrings',
+ 'SortFunc1D',
+ 'SortCustom1D',
+ 'SortCustom2D',
+ 'SortADTArray',
+ 'SortFuncADTArray',
+ 'SortADTArrayCustom',
+ 'CompileRegex',
+ 'MatchRegex',
+ 'GetRegexSubString',
+ 'SimpleRegexMatch',
+ 'TF2_GetPlayerClass',
+ 'TF2_SetPlayerClass',
+ 'TF2_RemoveWeaponSlot',
+ 'TF2_RemoveAllWeapons',
+ 'TF2_IsPlayerInCondition',
+ 'TF2_GetObjectType',
+ 'TF2_GetObjectMode',
+ 'NominateMap',
+ 'RemoveNominationByMap',
+ 'RemoveNominationByOwner',
+ 'GetExcludeMapList',
+ 'GetNominatedMapList',
+ 'CanMapChooserStartVote',
+ 'InitiateMapChooserVote',
+ 'HasEndOfMapVoteFinished',
+ 'EndOfMapVoteEnabled',
+ 'OnNominationRemoved',
+ 'OnMapVoteStarted',
+ 'CreateTimer',
+ 'KillTimer',
+ 'TriggerTimer',
+ 'GetTickedTime',
+ 'GetMapTimeLeft',
+ 'GetMapTimeLimit',
+ 'ExtendMapTimeLimit',
+ 'GetTickInterval',
+ 'OnMapTimeLeftChanged',
+ 'IsServerProcessing',
+ 'CreateDataTimer',
+ 'ByteCountToCells',
+ 'CreateArray',
+ 'ClearArray',
+ 'CloneArray',
+ 'ResizeArray',
+ 'GetArraySize',
+ 'PushArrayCell',
+ 'PushArrayString',
+ 'PushArrayArray',
+ 'GetArrayCell',
+ 'GetArrayString',
+ 'GetArrayArray',
+ 'SetArrayCell',
+ 'SetArrayString',
+ 'SetArrayArray',
+ 'ShiftArrayUp',
+ 'RemoveFromArray',
+ 'SwapArrayItems',
+ 'FindStringInArray',
+ 'FindValueInArray',
+ 'ProcessTargetString',
+ 'ReplyToTargetError',
+ 'MultiTargetFilter',
+ 'AddMultiTargetFilter',
+ 'RemoveMultiTargetFilter',
+ 'OnBanClient',
+ 'OnBanIdentity',
+ 'OnRemoveBan',
+ 'BanClient',
+ 'BanIdentity',
+ 'RemoveBan',
+ 'CreateTrie',
+ 'SetTrieValue',
+ 'SetTrieArray',
+ 'SetTrieString',
+ 'GetTrieValue',
+ 'GetTrieArray',
+ 'GetTrieString',
+ 'RemoveFromTrie',
+ 'ClearTrie',
+ 'GetTrieSize',
+ 'GetFunctionByName',
+ 'CreateGlobalForward',
+ 'CreateForward',
+ 'GetForwardFunctionCount',
+ 'AddToForward',
+ 'RemoveFromForward',
+ 'RemoveAllFromForward',
+ 'Call_StartForward',
+ 'Call_StartFunction',
+ 'Call_PushCell',
+ 'Call_PushCellRef',
+ 'Call_PushFloat',
+ 'Call_PushFloatRef',
+ 'Call_PushArray',
+ 'Call_PushArrayEx',
+ 'Call_PushString',
+ 'Call_PushStringEx',
+ 'Call_Finish',
+ 'Call_Cancel',
+ 'NativeCall',
+ 'CreateNative',
+ 'ThrowNativeError',
+ 'GetNativeStringLength',
+ 'GetNativeString',
+ 'SetNativeString',
+ 'GetNativeCell',
+ 'GetNativeCellRef',
+ 'SetNativeCellRef',
+ 'GetNativeArray',
+ 'SetNativeArray',
+ 'FormatNativeString',
+ 'RequestFrameCallback',
+ 'RequestFrame',
+ 'OnRebuildAdminCache',
+ 'DumpAdminCache',
+ 'AddCommandOverride',
+ 'GetCommandOverride',
+ 'UnsetCommandOverride',
+ 'CreateAdmGroup',
+ 'FindAdmGroup',
+ 'SetAdmGroupAddFlag',
+ 'GetAdmGroupAddFlag',
+ 'GetAdmGroupAddFlags',
+ 'SetAdmGroupImmuneFrom',
+ 'GetAdmGroupImmuneCount',
+ 'GetAdmGroupImmuneFrom',
+ 'AddAdmGroupCmdOverride',
+ 'GetAdmGroupCmdOverride',
+ 'RegisterAuthIdentType',
+ 'CreateAdmin',
+ 'GetAdminUsername',
+ 'BindAdminIdentity',
+ 'SetAdminFlag',
+ 'GetAdminFlag',
+ 'GetAdminFlags',
+ 'AdminInheritGroup',
+ 'GetAdminGroupCount',
+ 'GetAdminGroup',
+ 'SetAdminPassword',
+ 'GetAdminPassword',
+ 'FindAdminByIdentity',
+ 'RemoveAdmin',
+ 'FlagBitsToBitArray',
+ 'FlagBitArrayToBits',
+ 'FlagArrayToBits',
+ 'FlagBitsToArray',
+ 'FindFlagByName',
+ 'FindFlagByChar',
+ 'FindFlagChar',
+ 'ReadFlagString',
+ 'CanAdminTarget',
+ 'CreateAuthMethod',
+ 'SetAdmGroupImmunityLevel',
+ 'GetAdmGroupImmunityLevel',
+ 'SetAdminImmunityLevel',
+ 'GetAdminImmunityLevel',
+ 'FlagToBit',
+ 'BitToFlag',
+ 'ServerCommand',
+ 'ServerCommandEx',
+ 'InsertServerCommand',
+ 'ServerExecute',
+ 'ClientCommand',
+ 'FakeClientCommand',
+ 'FakeClientCommandEx',
+ 'PrintToServer',
+ 'PrintToConsole',
+ 'ReplyToCommand',
+ 'GetCmdReplySource',
+ 'SetCmdReplySource',
+ 'IsChatTrigger',
+ 'ShowActivity2',
+ 'ShowActivity',
+ 'ShowActivityEx',
+ 'FormatActivitySource',
+ 'SrvCmd',
+ 'RegServerCmd',
+ 'ConCmd',
+ 'RegConsoleCmd',
+ 'RegAdminCmd',
+ 'GetCmdArgs',
+ 'GetCmdArg',
+ 'GetCmdArgString',
+ 'CreateConVar',
+ 'FindConVar',
+ 'ConVarChanged',
+ 'HookConVarChange',
+ 'UnhookConVarChange',
+ 'GetConVarBool',
+ 'SetConVarBool',
+ 'GetConVarInt',
+ 'SetConVarInt',
+ 'GetConVarFloat',
+ 'SetConVarFloat',
+ 'GetConVarString',
+ 'SetConVarString',
+ 'ResetConVar',
+ 'GetConVarDefault',
+ 'GetConVarFlags',
+ 'SetConVarFlags',
+ 'GetConVarBounds',
+ 'SetConVarBounds',
+ 'GetConVarName',
+ 'QueryClientConVar',
+ 'GetCommandIterator',
+ 'ReadCommandIterator',
+ 'CheckCommandAccess',
+ 'CheckAccess',
+ 'IsValidConVarChar',
+ 'GetCommandFlags',
+ 'SetCommandFlags',
+ 'FindFirstConCommand',
+ 'FindNextConCommand',
+ 'SendConVarValue',
+ 'AddServerTag',
+ 'RemoveServerTag',
+ 'CommandListener',
+ 'AddCommandListener',
+ 'RemoveCommandListener',
+ 'CommandExists',
+ 'OnClientSayCommand',
+ 'OnClientSayCommand_Post',
+ 'TF2_IgnitePlayer',
+ 'TF2_RespawnPlayer',
+ 'TF2_RegeneratePlayer',
+ 'TF2_AddCondition',
+ 'TF2_RemoveCondition',
+ 'TF2_SetPlayerPowerPlay',
+ 'TF2_DisguisePlayer',
+ 'TF2_RemovePlayerDisguise',
+ 'TF2_StunPlayer',
+ 'TF2_MakeBleed',
+ 'TF2_GetClass',
+ 'TF2_CalcIsAttackCritical',
+ 'TF2_OnIsHolidayActive',
+ 'TF2_IsHolidayActive',
+ 'TF2_IsPlayerInDuel',
+ 'TF2_RemoveWearable',
+ 'TF2_OnConditionAdded',
+ 'TF2_OnConditionRemoved',
+ 'TF2_OnWaitingForPlayersStart',
+ 'TF2_OnWaitingForPlayersEnd',
+ 'TF2_OnPlayerTeleport',
+ 'SQL_Connect',
+ 'SQL_DefConnect',
+ 'SQL_ConnectCustom',
+ 'SQLite_UseDatabase',
+ 'SQL_CheckConfig',
+ 'SQL_GetDriver',
+ 'SQL_ReadDriver',
+ 'SQL_GetDriverIdent',
+ 'SQL_GetDriverProduct',
+ 'SQL_SetCharset',
+ 'SQL_GetAffectedRows',
+ 'SQL_GetInsertId',
+ 'SQL_GetError',
+ 'SQL_EscapeString',
+ 'SQL_QuoteString',
+ 'SQL_FastQuery',
+ 'SQL_Query',
+ 'SQL_PrepareQuery',
+ 'SQL_FetchMoreResults',
+ 'SQL_HasResultSet',
+ 'SQL_GetRowCount',
+ 'SQL_GetFieldCount',
+ 'SQL_FieldNumToName',
+ 'SQL_FieldNameToNum',
+ 'SQL_FetchRow',
+ 'SQL_MoreRows',
+ 'SQL_Rewind',
+ 'SQL_FetchString',
+ 'SQL_FetchFloat',
+ 'SQL_FetchInt',
+ 'SQL_IsFieldNull',
+ 'SQL_FetchSize',
+ 'SQL_BindParamInt',
+ 'SQL_BindParamFloat',
+ 'SQL_BindParamString',
+ 'SQL_Execute',
+ 'SQL_LockDatabase',
+ 'SQL_UnlockDatabase',
+ 'SQLTCallback',
+ 'SQL_IsSameConnection',
+ 'SQL_TConnect',
+ 'SQL_TQuery',
+ 'SQL_CreateTransaction',
+ 'SQL_AddQuery',
+ 'SQLTxnSuccess',
+ 'SQLTxnFailure',
+ 'SQL_ExecuteTransaction',
+ 'CloseHandle',
+ 'CloneHandle',
+ 'MenuHandler',
+ 'CreateMenu',
+ 'DisplayMenu',
+ 'DisplayMenuAtItem',
+ 'AddMenuItem',
+ 'InsertMenuItem',
+ 'RemoveMenuItem',
+ 'RemoveAllMenuItems',
+ 'GetMenuItem',
+ 'GetMenuSelectionPosition',
+ 'GetMenuItemCount',
+ 'SetMenuPagination',
+ 'GetMenuPagination',
+ 'GetMenuStyle',
+ 'SetMenuTitle',
+ 'GetMenuTitle',
+ 'CreatePanelFromMenu',
+ 'GetMenuExitButton',
+ 'SetMenuExitButton',
+ 'GetMenuExitBackButton',
+ 'SetMenuExitBackButton',
+ 'SetMenuNoVoteButton',
+ 'CancelMenu',
+ 'GetMenuOptionFlags',
+ 'SetMenuOptionFlags',
+ 'IsVoteInProgress',
+ 'CancelVote',
+ 'VoteMenu',
+ 'VoteMenuToAll',
+ 'VoteHandler',
+ 'SetVoteResultCallback',
+ 'CheckVoteDelay',
+ 'IsClientInVotePool',
+ 'RedrawClientVoteMenu',
+ 'GetMenuStyleHandle',
+ 'CreatePanel',
+ 'CreateMenuEx',
+ 'GetClientMenu',
+ 'CancelClientMenu',
+ 'GetMaxPageItems',
+ 'GetPanelStyle',
+ 'SetPanelTitle',
+ 'DrawPanelItem',
+ 'DrawPanelText',
+ 'CanPanelDrawFlags',
+ 'SetPanelKeys',
+ 'SendPanelToClient',
+ 'GetPanelTextRemaining',
+ 'GetPanelCurrentKey',
+ 'SetPanelCurrentKey',
+ 'RedrawMenuItem',
+ 'InternalShowMenu',
+ 'GetMenuVoteInfo',
+ 'IsNewVoteAllowed',
+ 'PrefetchSound',
+ 'EmitAmbientSound',
+ 'FadeClientVolume',
+ 'StopSound',
+ 'EmitSound',
+ 'EmitSentence',
+ 'GetDistGainFromSoundLevel',
+ 'AmbientSHook',
+ 'NormalSHook',
+ 'AddAmbientSoundHook',
+ 'AddNormalSoundHook',
+ 'RemoveAmbientSoundHook',
+ 'RemoveNormalSoundHook',
+ 'EmitSoundToClient',
+ 'EmitSoundToAll',
+ 'GetGameSoundParams',
+ 'EmitGameSound',
+ 'EmitAmbientGameSound',
+ 'EmitGameSoundToClient',
+ 'EmitGameSoundToAll',
+ 'PrecacheScriptSound',
+ 'strlen',
+ 'StrContains',
+ 'strcmp',
+ 'strncmp',
+ 'StrEqual',
+ 'strcopy',
+ 'Format',
+ 'FormatEx',
+ 'VFormat',
+ 'StringToInt',
+ 'StringToIntEx',
+ 'IntToString',
+ 'StringToFloat',
+ 'StringToFloatEx',
+ 'FloatToString',
+ 'BreakString',
+ 'TrimString',
+ 'SplitString',
+ 'ReplaceString',
+ 'ReplaceStringEx',
+ 'GetCharBytes',
+ 'IsCharAlpha',
+ 'IsCharNumeric',
+ 'IsCharSpace',
+ 'IsCharMB',
+ 'IsCharUpper',
+ 'IsCharLower',
+ 'StripQuotes',
+ 'CharToUpper',
+ 'CharToLower',
+ 'FindCharInString',
+ 'StrCat',
+ 'ExplodeString',
+ 'ImplodeStrings',
+ 'GetVectorLength',
+ 'GetVectorDistance',
+ 'GetVectorDotProduct',
+ 'GetVectorCrossProduct',
+ 'NormalizeVector',
+ 'GetAngleVectors',
+ 'GetVectorAngles',
+ 'GetVectorVectors',
+ 'AddVectors',
+ 'SubtractVectors',
+ 'ScaleVector',
+ 'NegateVector',
+ 'MakeVectorFromPoints',
+ 'BaseComm_IsClientGagged',
+ 'BaseComm_IsClientMuted',
+ 'BaseComm_SetClientGag',
+ 'BaseComm_SetClientMute',
+ 'FormatUserLogText',
+ 'FindPluginByFile',
+ 'FindTarget',
+ 'AcceptEntityInput',
+ 'SetVariantBool',
+ 'SetVariantString',
+ 'SetVariantInt',
+ 'SetVariantFloat',
+ 'SetVariantVector3D',
+ 'SetVariantPosVector3D',
+ 'SetVariantColor',
+ 'SetVariantEntity',
+ 'GameRules_GetProp',
+ 'GameRules_SetProp',
+ 'GameRules_GetPropFloat',
+ 'GameRules_SetPropFloat',
+ 'GameRules_GetPropEnt',
+ 'GameRules_SetPropEnt',
+ 'GameRules_GetPropVector',
+ 'GameRules_SetPropVector',
+ 'GameRules_GetPropString',
+ 'GameRules_SetPropString',
+ 'GameRules_GetRoundState',
+ 'OnClientConnect',
+ 'OnClientConnected',
+ 'OnClientPutInServer',
+ 'OnClientDisconnect',
+ 'OnClientDisconnect_Post',
+ 'OnClientCommand',
+ 'OnClientSettingsChanged',
+ 'OnClientAuthorized',
+ 'OnClientPreAdminCheck',
+ 'OnClientPostAdminFilter',
+ 'OnClientPostAdminCheck',
+ 'GetMaxClients',
+ 'GetMaxHumanPlayers',
+ 'GetClientCount',
+ 'GetClientName',
+ 'GetClientIP',
+ 'GetClientAuthString',
+ 'GetClientAuthId',
+ 'GetSteamAccountID',
+ 'GetClientUserId',
+ 'IsClientConnected',
+ 'IsClientInGame',
+ 'IsClientInKickQueue',
+ 'IsClientAuthorized',
+ 'IsFakeClient',
+ 'IsClientSourceTV',
+ 'IsClientReplay',
+ 'IsClientObserver',
+ 'IsPlayerAlive',
+ 'GetClientInfo',
+ 'GetClientTeam',
+ 'SetUserAdmin',
+ 'GetUserAdmin',
+ 'AddUserFlags',
+ 'RemoveUserFlags',
+ 'SetUserFlagBits',
+ 'GetUserFlagBits',
+ 'CanUserTarget',
+ 'RunAdminCacheChecks',
+ 'NotifyPostAdminCheck',
+ 'CreateFakeClient',
+ 'SetFakeClientConVar',
+ 'GetClientHealth',
+ 'GetClientModel',
+ 'GetClientWeapon',
+ 'GetClientMaxs',
+ 'GetClientMins',
+ 'GetClientAbsAngles',
+ 'GetClientAbsOrigin',
+ 'GetClientArmor',
+ 'GetClientDeaths',
+ 'GetClientFrags',
+ 'GetClientDataRate',
+ 'IsClientTimingOut',
+ 'GetClientTime',
+ 'GetClientLatency',
+ 'GetClientAvgLatency',
+ 'GetClientAvgLoss',
+ 'GetClientAvgChoke',
+ 'GetClientAvgData',
+ 'GetClientAvgPackets',
+ 'GetClientOfUserId',
+ 'KickClient',
+ 'KickClientEx',
+ 'ChangeClientTeam',
+ 'GetClientSerial',
+ 'GetClientFromSerial',
+ 'FindStringTable',
+ 'GetNumStringTables',
+ 'GetStringTableNumStrings',
+ 'GetStringTableMaxStrings',
+ 'GetStringTableName',
+ 'FindStringIndex',
+ 'ReadStringTable',
+ 'GetStringTableDataLength',
+ 'GetStringTableData',
+ 'SetStringTableData',
+ 'AddToStringTable',
+ 'LockStringTables',
+ 'AddFileToDownloadsTable',
+ 'GetEntityFlags',
+ 'SetEntityFlags',
+ 'GetEntityMoveType',
+ 'SetEntityMoveType',
+ 'GetEntityRenderMode',
+ 'SetEntityRenderMode',
+ 'GetEntityRenderFx',
+ 'SetEntityRenderFx',
+ 'SetEntityRenderColor',
+ 'GetEntityGravity',
+ 'SetEntityGravity',
+ 'SetEntityHealth',
+ 'GetClientButtons',
+ 'EntityOutput',
+ 'HookEntityOutput',
+ 'UnhookEntityOutput',
+ 'HookSingleEntityOutput',
+ 'UnhookSingleEntityOutput',
+ 'SMC_CreateParser',
+ 'SMC_ParseFile',
+ 'SMC_GetErrorString',
+ 'SMC_ParseStart',
+ 'SMC_SetParseStart',
+ 'SMC_ParseEnd',
+ 'SMC_SetParseEnd',
+ 'SMC_NewSection',
+ 'SMC_KeyValue',
+ 'SMC_EndSection',
+ 'SMC_SetReaders',
+ 'SMC_RawLine',
+ 'SMC_SetRawLine',
+ 'BfWriteBool',
+ 'BfWriteByte',
+ 'BfWriteChar',
+ 'BfWriteShort',
+ 'BfWriteWord',
+ 'BfWriteNum',
+ 'BfWriteFloat',
+ 'BfWriteString',
+ 'BfWriteEntity',
+ 'BfWriteAngle',
+ 'BfWriteCoord',
+ 'BfWriteVecCoord',
+ 'BfWriteVecNormal',
+ 'BfWriteAngles',
+ 'BfReadBool',
+ 'BfReadByte',
+ 'BfReadChar',
+ 'BfReadShort',
+ 'BfReadWord',
+ 'BfReadNum',
+ 'BfReadFloat',
+ 'BfReadString',
+ 'BfReadEntity',
+ 'BfReadAngle',
+ 'BfReadCoord',
+ 'BfReadVecCoord',
+ 'BfReadVecNormal',
+ 'BfReadAngles',
+ 'BfGetNumBytesLeft',
+ 'CreateProfiler',
+ 'StartProfiling',
+ 'StopProfiling',
+ 'GetProfilerTime',
+ 'OnPluginStart',
+ 'AskPluginLoad2',
+ 'OnPluginEnd',
+ 'OnPluginPauseChange',
+ 'OnGameFrame',
+ 'OnMapStart',
+ 'OnMapEnd',
+ 'OnConfigsExecuted',
+ 'OnAutoConfigsBuffered',
+ 'OnAllPluginsLoaded',
+ 'GetMyHandle',
+ 'GetPluginIterator',
+ 'MorePlugins',
+ 'ReadPlugin',
+ 'GetPluginStatus',
+ 'GetPluginFilename',
+ 'IsPluginDebugging',
+ 'GetPluginInfo',
+ 'FindPluginByNumber',
+ 'SetFailState',
+ 'ThrowError',
+ 'GetTime',
+ 'FormatTime',
+ 'LoadGameConfigFile',
+ 'GameConfGetOffset',
+ 'GameConfGetKeyValue',
+ 'GameConfGetAddress',
+ 'GetSysTickCount',
+ 'AutoExecConfig',
+ 'RegPluginLibrary',
+ 'LibraryExists',
+ 'GetExtensionFileStatus',
+ 'OnLibraryAdded',
+ 'OnLibraryRemoved',
+ 'ReadMapList',
+ 'SetMapListCompatBind',
+ 'OnClientFloodCheck',
+ 'OnClientFloodResult',
+ 'CanTestFeatures',
+ 'GetFeatureStatus',
+ 'RequireFeature',
+ 'LoadFromAddress',
+ 'StoreToAddress',
+ 'CreateStack',
+ 'PushStackCell',
+ 'PushStackString',
+ 'PushStackArray',
+ 'PopStackCell',
+ 'PopStackString',
+ 'PopStackArray',
+ 'IsStackEmpty',
+ 'PopStack',
+ 'OnPlayerRunCmd',
+ 'BuildPath',
+ 'OpenDirectory',
+ 'ReadDirEntry',
+ 'OpenFile',
+ 'DeleteFile',
+ 'ReadFileLine',
+ 'ReadFile',
+ 'ReadFileString',
+ 'WriteFile',
+ 'WriteFileString',
+ 'WriteFileLine',
+ 'ReadFileCell',
+ 'WriteFileCell',
+ 'IsEndOfFile',
+ 'FileSeek',
+ 'FilePosition',
+ 'FileExists',
+ 'RenameFile',
+ 'DirExists',
+ 'FileSize',
+ 'FlushFile',
+ 'RemoveDir',
+ 'CreateDirectory',
+ 'GetFileTime',
+ 'LogToOpenFile',
+ 'LogToOpenFileEx',
+ 'PbReadInt',
+ 'PbReadFloat',
+ 'PbReadBool',
+ 'PbReadString',
+ 'PbReadColor',
+ 'PbReadAngle',
+ 'PbReadVector',
+ 'PbReadVector2D',
+ 'PbGetRepeatedFieldCount',
+ 'PbSetInt',
+ 'PbSetFloat',
+ 'PbSetBool',
+ 'PbSetString',
+ 'PbSetColor',
+ 'PbSetAngle',
+ 'PbSetVector',
+ 'PbSetVector2D',
+ 'PbAddInt',
+ 'PbAddFloat',
+ 'PbAddBool',
+ 'PbAddString',
+ 'PbAddColor',
+ 'PbAddAngle',
+ 'PbAddVector',
+ 'PbAddVector2D',
+ 'PbRemoveRepeatedFieldValue',
+ 'PbReadMessage',
+ 'PbReadRepeatedMessage',
+ 'PbAddMessage',
+ 'SetNextMap',
+ 'GetNextMap',
+ 'ForceChangeLevel',
+ 'GetMapHistorySize',
+ 'GetMapHistory',
+ 'GeoipCode2',
+ 'GeoipCode3',
+ 'GeoipCountry',
+ 'MarkNativeAsOptional',
+ 'RegClientCookie',
+ 'FindClientCookie',
+ 'SetClientCookie',
+ 'GetClientCookie',
+ 'SetAuthIdCookie',
+ 'AreClientCookiesCached',
+ 'OnClientCookiesCached',
+ 'CookieMenuHandler',
+ 'SetCookiePrefabMenu',
+ 'SetCookieMenuItem',
+ 'ShowCookieMenu',
+ 'GetCookieIterator',
+ 'ReadCookieIterator',
+ 'GetCookieAccess',
+ 'GetClientCookieTime',
+ 'LoadTranslations',
+ 'SetGlobalTransTarget',
+ 'GetClientLanguage',
+ 'GetServerLanguage',
+ 'GetLanguageCount',
+ 'GetLanguageInfo',
+ 'SetClientLanguage',
+ 'GetLanguageByCode',
+ 'GetLanguageByName',
+ 'CS_OnBuyCommand',
+ 'CS_OnCSWeaponDrop',
+ 'CS_OnGetWeaponPrice',
+ 'CS_OnTerminateRound',
+ 'CS_RespawnPlayer',
+ 'CS_SwitchTeam',
+ 'CS_DropWeapon',
+ 'CS_TerminateRound',
+ 'CS_GetTranslatedWeaponAlias',
+ 'CS_GetWeaponPrice',
+ 'CS_GetClientClanTag',
+ 'CS_SetClientClanTag',
+ 'CS_GetTeamScore',
+ 'CS_SetTeamScore',
+ 'CS_GetMVPCount',
+ 'CS_SetMVPCount',
+ 'CS_GetClientContributionScore',
+ 'CS_SetClientContributionScore',
+ 'CS_GetClientAssists',
+ 'CS_SetClientAssists',
+ 'CS_AliasToWeaponID',
+ 'CS_WeaponIDToAlias',
+ 'CS_IsValidWeaponID',
+ 'CS_UpdateClientModel',
+ 'LogToGame',
+ 'SetRandomSeed',
+ 'GetRandomFloat',
+ 'GetRandomInt',
+ 'IsMapValid',
+ 'IsDedicatedServer',
+ 'GetEngineTime',
+ 'GetGameTime',
+ 'GetGameTickCount',
+ 'GetGameDescription',
+ 'GetGameFolderName',
+ 'GetCurrentMap',
+ 'PrecacheModel',
+ 'PrecacheSentenceFile',
+ 'PrecacheDecal',
+ 'PrecacheGeneric',
+ 'IsModelPrecached',
+ 'IsDecalPrecached',
+ 'IsGenericPrecached',
+ 'PrecacheSound',
+ 'IsSoundPrecached',
+ 'CreateDialog',
+ 'GetEngineVersion',
+ 'PrintToChat',
+ 'PrintToChatAll',
+ 'PrintCenterText',
+ 'PrintCenterTextAll',
+ 'PrintHintText',
+ 'PrintHintTextToAll',
+ 'ShowVGUIPanel',
+ 'CreateHudSynchronizer',
+ 'SetHudTextParams',
+ 'SetHudTextParamsEx',
+ 'ShowSyncHudText',
+ 'ClearSyncHud',
+ 'ShowHudText',
+ 'ShowMOTDPanel',
+ 'DisplayAskConnectBox',
+ 'EntIndexToEntRef',
+ 'EntRefToEntIndex',
+ 'MakeCompatEntRef',
+ 'SetClientViewEntity',
+ 'SetLightStyle',
+ 'GetClientEyePosition',
+ 'CreateDataPack',
+ 'WritePackCell',
+ 'WritePackFloat',
+ 'WritePackString',
+ 'ReadPackCell',
+ 'ReadPackFloat',
+ 'ReadPackString',
+ 'ResetPack',
+ 'GetPackPosition',
+ 'SetPackPosition',
+ 'IsPackReadable',
+ 'LogMessage',
+ 'LogToFile',
+ 'LogToFileEx',
+ 'LogAction',
+ 'LogError',
+ 'OnLogAction',
+ 'GameLogHook',
+ 'AddGameLogHook',
+ 'RemoveGameLogHook',
+ 'FindTeamByName',
+ 'StartPrepSDKCall',
+ 'PrepSDKCall_SetVirtual',
+ 'PrepSDKCall_SetSignature',
+ 'PrepSDKCall_SetAddress',
+ 'PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf',
+ 'PrepSDKCall_SetReturnInfo',
+ 'PrepSDKCall_AddParameter',
+ 'EndPrepSDKCall',
+ 'SDKCall',
+ 'GetPlayerResourceEntity',
+if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
+ import re
+ from urllib.request import FancyURLopener
+ from pygments.util import format_lines
+ class Opener(FancyURLopener):
+ version = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Pygments Sourcemod Builtins Update)'
+ opener = Opener()
+ def get_version():
+ f ='')
+ r = re.compile(r'SourceMod v\.<b>([\d\.]+(?:-\w+)?)</td>')
+ for line in f:
+ m =
+ if m is not None:
+ return m.groups()[0]
+ raise ValueError('No version in api docs')
+ def get_sm_functions():
+ f ='')
+ r = re.compile(r'SMfunctions\[\d+\] = Array \("(?:public )?([^,]+)",".+"\);')
+ functions = []
+ for line in f:
+ m = r.match(line.decode())
+ if m is not None:
+ functions.append(m.groups()[0])
+ return functions
+ def regenerate(filename, natives):
+ with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
+ content =
+ header = content[:content.find('FUNCTIONS = (')]
+ footer = content[content.find("if __name__ == '__main__':")-1:]
+ with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
+ fp.write(header)
+ fp.write(format_lines('FUNCTIONS', natives))
+ fp.write('\n\n' + footer)
+ def run():
+ version = get_version()
+ print('> Downloading function index for SourceMod %s' % version)
+ functions = get_sm_functions()
+ print('> %d functions found:' % len(functions))
+ functionlist = []
+ for full_function_name in functions:
+ print('>> %s' % full_function_name)
+ functionlist.append(full_function_name)
+ regenerate(__file__, functionlist)
+ run()