path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/stores/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/stores/')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/stores/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/stores/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6697962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/stores/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from datetime import timedelta
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
+from redis.asyncio import Redis
+from redis.asyncio.connection import ConnectionPool
+from litestar.exceptions import ImproperlyConfiguredException
+from litestar.types import Empty, EmptyType
+from litestar.utils.empty import value_or_default
+from .base import NamespacedStore
+__all__ = ("RedisStore",)
+ from types import TracebackType
+class RedisStore(NamespacedStore):
+ """Redis based, thread and process safe asynchronous key/value store."""
+ __slots__ = ("_redis",)
+ def __init__(
+ self, redis: Redis, namespace: str | None | EmptyType = Empty, handle_client_shutdown: bool = False
+ ) -> None:
+ """Initialize :class:`RedisStore`
+ Args:
+ redis: An :class:`redis.asyncio.Redis` instance
+ namespace: A key prefix to simulate a namespace in redis. If not given,
+ defaults to ``LITESTAR``. Namespacing can be explicitly disabled by passing
+ ``None``. This will make :meth:`.delete_all` unavailable.
+ handle_client_shutdown: If ``True``, handle the shutdown of the `redis` instance automatically during the store's lifespan. Should be set to `True` unless the shutdown is handled externally
+ """
+ self._redis = redis
+ self.namespace: str | None = value_or_default(namespace, "LITESTAR")
+ self.handle_client_shutdown = handle_client_shutdown
+ # script to get and renew a key in one atomic step
+ self._get_and_renew_script = self._redis.register_script(
+ b"""
+ local key = KEYS[1]
+ local renew = tonumber(ARGV[1])
+ local data ='GET', key)
+ local ttl ='TTL', key)
+ if ttl > 0 then
+'EXPIRE', key, renew)
+ end
+ return data
+ """
+ )
+ # script to delete all keys in the namespace
+ self._delete_all_script = self._redis.register_script(
+ b"""
+ local cursor = 0
+ repeat
+ local result ='SCAN', cursor, 'MATCH', ARGV[1])
+ for _,key in ipairs(result[2]) do
+'UNLINK', key)
+ end
+ cursor = tonumber(result[1])
+ until cursor == 0
+ """
+ )
+ async def _shutdown(self) -> None:
+ if self.handle_client_shutdown:
+ await self._redis.aclose(close_connection_pool=True) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ async def __aexit__(
+ self,
+ exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
+ exc_val: BaseException | None,
+ exc_tb: TracebackType | None,
+ ) -> None:
+ await self._shutdown()
+ @classmethod
+ def with_client(
+ cls,
+ url: str = "redis://localhost:6379",
+ *,
+ db: int | None = None,
+ port: int | None = None,
+ username: str | None = None,
+ password: str | None = None,
+ namespace: str | None | EmptyType = Empty,
+ ) -> RedisStore:
+ """Initialize a :class:`RedisStore` instance with a new class:`redis.asyncio.Redis` instance.
+ Args:
+ url: Redis URL to connect to
+ db: Redis database to use
+ port: Redis port to use
+ username: Redis username to use
+ password: Redis password to use
+ namespace: Virtual key namespace to use
+ """
+ pool = ConnectionPool.from_url(
+ url=url,
+ db=db,
+ decode_responses=False,
+ port=port,
+ username=username,
+ password=password,
+ )
+ return cls(
+ redis=Redis(connection_pool=pool),
+ namespace=namespace,
+ handle_client_shutdown=True,
+ )
+ def with_namespace(self, namespace: str) -> RedisStore:
+ """Return a new :class:`RedisStore` with a nested virtual key namespace.
+ The current instances namespace will serve as a prefix for the namespace, so it
+ can be considered the parent namespace.
+ """
+ return type(self)(
+ redis=self._redis,
+ namespace=f"{self.namespace}_{namespace}" if self.namespace else namespace,
+ handle_client_shutdown=self.handle_client_shutdown,
+ )
+ def _make_key(self, key: str) -> str:
+ prefix = f"{self.namespace}:" if self.namespace else ""
+ return prefix + key
+ async def set(self, key: str, value: str | bytes, expires_in: int | timedelta | None = None) -> None:
+ """Set a value.
+ Args:
+ key: Key to associate the value with
+ value: Value to store
+ expires_in: Time in seconds before the key is considered expired
+ Returns:
+ ``None``
+ """
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ value = value.encode("utf-8")
+ await self._redis.set(self._make_key(key), value, ex=expires_in)
+ async def get(self, key: str, renew_for: int | timedelta | None = None) -> bytes | None:
+ """Get a value.
+ Args:
+ key: Key associated with the value
+ renew_for: If given and the value had an initial expiry time set, renew the
+ expiry time for ``renew_for`` seconds. If the value has not been set
+ with an expiry time this is a no-op. Atomicity of this step is guaranteed
+ by using a lua script to execute fetch and renewal. If ``renew_for`` is
+ not given, the script will be bypassed so no overhead will occur
+ Returns:
+ The value associated with ``key`` if it exists and is not expired, else
+ ``None``
+ """
+ key = self._make_key(key)
+ if renew_for:
+ if isinstance(renew_for, timedelta):
+ renew_for = renew_for.seconds
+ data = await self._get_and_renew_script(keys=[key], args=[renew_for])
+ return cast("bytes | None", data)
+ return await self._redis.get(key)
+ async def delete(self, key: str) -> None:
+ """Delete a value.
+ If no such key exists, this is a no-op.
+ Args:
+ key: Key of the value to delete
+ """
+ await self._redis.delete(self._make_key(key))
+ async def delete_all(self) -> None:
+ """Delete all stored values in the virtual key namespace.
+ Raises:
+ ImproperlyConfiguredException: If no namespace was configured
+ """
+ if not self.namespace:
+ raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("Cannot perform delete operation: No namespace configured")
+ await self._delete_all_script(keys=[], args=[f"{self.namespace}*:*"])
+ async def exists(self, key: str) -> bool:
+ """Check if a given ``key`` exists."""
+ return await self._redis.exists(self._make_key(key)) == 1
+ async def expires_in(self, key: str) -> int | None:
+ """Get the time in seconds ``key`` expires in. If no such ``key`` exists or no
+ expiry time was set, return ``None``.
+ """
+ ttl = await self._redis.ttl(self._make_key(key))
+ return None if ttl == -2 else ttl