path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/middleware/exceptions/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/middleware/exceptions/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/middleware/exceptions/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/middleware/exceptions/
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index f3ff157..0000000
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-from __future__ import annotations
-import pdb # noqa: T100
-from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
-from inspect import getmro
-from sys import exc_info
-from traceback import format_exception
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Type, cast
-from litestar.datastructures import Headers
-from litestar.enums import MediaType, ScopeType
-from litestar.exceptions import HTTPException, LitestarException, WebSocketException
-from litestar.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
-from litestar.middleware.exceptions._debug_response import _get_type_encoders_for_request, create_debug_response
-from litestar.serialization import encode_json
-from litestar.status_codes import HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
-from litestar.utils.deprecation import warn_deprecation
-__all__ = ("ExceptionHandlerMiddleware", "ExceptionResponseContent", "create_exception_response")
- from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException as StarletteHTTPException
- from litestar import Response
- from import Litestar
- from litestar.connection import Request
- from litestar.logging import BaseLoggingConfig
- from litestar.types import (
- ASGIApp,
- ExceptionHandler,
- ExceptionHandlersMap,
- Logger,
- Receive,
- Scope,
- Send,
- )
- from litestar.types.asgi_types import WebSocketCloseEvent
-def get_exception_handler(exception_handlers: ExceptionHandlersMap, exc: Exception) -> ExceptionHandler | None:
- """Given a dictionary that maps exceptions and status codes to handler functions, and an exception, returns the
- appropriate handler if existing.
- Status codes are given preference over exception type.
- If no status code match exists, each class in the MRO of the exception type is checked and
- the first matching handler is returned.
- Finally, if a ``500`` handler is registered, it will be returned for any exception that isn't a
- subclass of :class:`HTTPException <litestar.exceptions.HTTPException>`.
- Args:
- exception_handlers: Mapping of status codes and exception types to handlers.
- exc: Exception Instance to be resolved to a handler.
- Returns:
- Optional exception handler callable.
- """
- if not exception_handlers:
- return None
- default_handler: ExceptionHandler | None = None
- if isinstance(exc, HTTPException):
- if exception_handler := exception_handlers.get(exc.status_code):
- return exception_handler
- else:
- default_handler = exception_handlers.get(HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
- return next(
- (exception_handlers[cast("Type[Exception]", cls)] for cls in getmro(type(exc)) if cls in exception_handlers),
- default_handler,
- )
-class ExceptionResponseContent:
- """Represent the contents of an exception-response."""
- status_code: int
- """Exception status code."""
- detail: str
- """Exception details or message."""
- media_type: MediaType | str
- """Media type of the response."""
- headers: dict[str, str] | None = field(default=None)
- """Headers to attach to the response."""
- extra: dict[str, Any] | list[Any] | None = field(default=None)
- """An extra mapping to attach to the exception."""
- def to_response(self, request: Request | None = None) -> Response:
- """Create a response from the model attributes.
- Returns:
- A response instance.
- """
- from litestar.response import Response
- content: Any = {k: v for k, v in asdict(self).items() if k not in ("headers", "media_type") and v is not None}
- if self.media_type != MediaType.JSON:
- content = encode_json(content)
- return Response(
- content=content,
- headers=self.headers,
- status_code=self.status_code,
- media_type=self.media_type,
- type_encoders=_get_type_encoders_for_request(request) if request is not None else None,
- )
-def _starlette_exception_handler(request: Request[Any, Any, Any], exc: StarletteHTTPException) -> Response:
- return create_exception_response(
- request=request,
- exc=HTTPException(
- detail=exc.detail,
- status_code=exc.status_code,
- headers=exc.headers,
- ),
- )
-def create_exception_response(request: Request[Any, Any, Any], exc: Exception) -> Response:
- """Construct a response from an exception.
- Notes:
- - For instances of :class:`HTTPException <litestar.exceptions.HTTPException>` or other exception classes that have a
- ``status_code`` attribute (e.g. Starlette exceptions), the status code is drawn from the exception, otherwise
- response status is ``HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR``.
- Args:
- request: The request that triggered the exception.
- exc: An exception.
- Returns:
- Response: HTTP response constructed from exception details.
- """
- headers: dict[str, Any] | None
- extra: dict[str, Any] | list | None
- if isinstance(exc, HTTPException):
- status_code = exc.status_code
- headers = exc.headers
- extra = exc.extra
- else:
- status_code = HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
- headers = None
- extra = None
- detail = (
- exc.detail
- if isinstance(exc, LitestarException) and status_code != HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
- else "Internal Server Error"
- )
- try:
- media_type = request.route_handler.media_type
- except (KeyError, AttributeError):
- media_type = MediaType.JSON
- content = ExceptionResponseContent(
- status_code=status_code,
- detail=detail,
- headers=headers,
- extra=extra,
- media_type=media_type,
- )
- return content.to_response(request=request)
-class ExceptionHandlerMiddleware:
- """Middleware used to wrap an ASGIApp inside a try catch block and handle any exceptions raised.
- This used in multiple layers of Litestar.
- """
- def __init__(self, app: ASGIApp, debug: bool | None, exception_handlers: ExceptionHandlersMap) -> None:
- """Initialize ``ExceptionHandlerMiddleware``.
- Args:
- app: The ``next`` ASGI app to call.
- debug: Whether ``debug`` mode is enabled. Deprecated. Debug mode will be inferred from the request scope
- exception_handlers: A dictionary mapping status codes and/or exception types to handler functions.
- .. deprecated:: 2.0.0
- The ``debug`` parameter is deprecated. It will be inferred from the request scope
- """
- = app
- self.exception_handlers = exception_handlers
- self.debug = debug
- if debug is not None:
- warn_deprecation(
- "2.0.0",
- deprecated_name="debug",
- kind="parameter",
- info="Debug mode will be inferred from the request scope",
- )
- self._get_debug = self._get_debug_scope if debug is None else lambda *a: debug
- @staticmethod
- def _get_debug_scope(scope: Scope) -> bool:
- return scope["app"].debug
- async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
- """ASGI-callable.
- Args:
- scope: The ASGI connection scope.
- receive: The ASGI receive function.
- send: The ASGI send function.
- Returns:
- None
- """
- try:
- await, receive, send)
- except Exception as e: # noqa: BLE001
- litestar_app = scope["app"]
- if litestar_app.logging_config and (logger := litestar_app.logger):
- self.handle_exception_logging(logger=logger, logging_config=litestar_app.logging_config, scope=scope)
- for hook in litestar_app.after_exception:
- await hook(e, scope)
- if litestar_app.pdb_on_exception:
- pdb.post_mortem()
- if scope["type"] == ScopeType.HTTP:
- await self.handle_request_exception(
- litestar_app=litestar_app, scope=scope, receive=receive, send=send, exc=e
- )
- else:
- await self.handle_websocket_exception(send=send, exc=e)
- async def handle_request_exception(
- self, litestar_app: Litestar, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send, exc: Exception
- ) -> None:
- """Handle exception raised inside 'http' scope routes.
- Args:
- litestar_app: The litestar app instance.
- scope: The ASGI connection scope.
- receive: The ASGI receive function.
- send: The ASGI send function.
- exc: The caught exception.
- Returns:
- None.
- """
- headers = Headers.from_scope(scope=scope)
- if litestar_app.cors_config and (origin := headers.get("origin")):
- cors_middleware = CORSMiddleware(, config=litestar_app.cors_config)
- send = cors_middleware.send_wrapper(send=send, origin=origin, has_cookie="cookie" in headers)
- exception_handler = get_exception_handler(self.exception_handlers, exc) or self.default_http_exception_handler
- request: Request[Any, Any, Any] = litestar_app.request_class(scope=scope, receive=receive, send=send)
- response = exception_handler(request, exc)
- await response.to_asgi_response(app=None, request=request)(scope=scope, receive=receive, send=send)
- @staticmethod
- async def handle_websocket_exception(send: Send, exc: Exception) -> None:
- """Handle exception raised inside 'websocket' scope routes.
- Args:
- send: The ASGI send function.
- exc: The caught exception.
- Returns:
- None.
- """
- code = 4000 + HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
- reason = "Internal Server Error"
- if isinstance(exc, WebSocketException):
- code = exc.code
- reason = exc.detail
- elif isinstance(exc, LitestarException):
- reason = exc.detail
- event: WebSocketCloseEvent = {"type": "websocket.close", "code": code, "reason": reason}
- await send(event)
- def default_http_exception_handler(self, request: Request, exc: Exception) -> Response[Any]:
- """Handle an HTTP exception by returning the appropriate response.
- Args:
- request: An HTTP Request instance.
- exc: The caught exception.
- Returns:
- An HTTP response.
- """
- status_code = exc.status_code if isinstance(exc, HTTPException) else HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
- if status_code == HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR and self._get_debug_scope(request.scope):
- return create_debug_response(request=request, exc=exc)
- return create_exception_response(request=request, exc=exc)
- def handle_exception_logging(self, logger: Logger, logging_config: BaseLoggingConfig, scope: Scope) -> None:
- """Handle logging - if the litestar app has a logging config in place.
- Args:
- logger: A logger instance.
- logging_config: Logging Config instance.
- scope: The ASGI connection scope.
- Returns:
- None
- """
- if (
- logging_config.log_exceptions == "always"
- or (logging_config.log_exceptions == "debug" and self._get_debug_scope(scope))
- ) and logging_config.exception_logging_handler:
- logging_config.exception_logging_handler(logger, scope, format_exception(*exc_info()))