path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/config/
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Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/config/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/config/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/config/
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index 0acefb1..0000000
--- a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/config/
+++ /dev/null
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-from __future__ import annotations
-import enum
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable
-from litestar.config.allowed_hosts import AllowedHostsConfig
-from litestar.config.response_cache import ResponseCacheConfig
-from litestar.datastructures import State
-from import SimpleEventEmitter
-from litestar.types.empty import Empty
- from contextlib import AbstractAsyncContextManager
- from litestar import Litestar, Response
- from litestar.config.compression import CompressionConfig
- from litestar.config.cors import CORSConfig
- from litestar.config.csrf import CSRFConfig
- from litestar.connection import Request, WebSocket
- from litestar.datastructures import CacheControlHeader, ETag
- from litestar.di import Provide
- from litestar.dto import AbstractDTO
- from import BaseEventEmitterBackend
- from import EventListener
- from litestar.logging.config import BaseLoggingConfig
- from litestar.openapi.config import OpenAPIConfig
- from litestar.openapi.spec import SecurityRequirement
- from litestar.plugins import PluginProtocol
- from litestar.static_files.config import StaticFilesConfig
- from litestar.stores.base import Store
- from litestar.stores.registry import StoreRegistry
- from litestar.types import (
- AfterExceptionHookHandler,
- AfterRequestHookHandler,
- AfterResponseHookHandler,
- AnyCallable,
- BeforeMessageSendHookHandler,
- BeforeRequestHookHandler,
- ControllerRouterHandler,
- ExceptionHandlersMap,
- Guard,
- Middleware,
- ParametersMap,
- ResponseCookies,
- ResponseHeaders,
- TypeEncodersMap,
- )
- from litestar.types.callable_types import LifespanHook
- from litestar.types.composite_types import TypeDecodersSequence
- from litestar.types.empty import EmptyType
- from litestar.types.internal_types import TemplateConfigType
-__all__ = (
- "AppConfig",
- "ExperimentalFeatures",
-class AppConfig:
- """The parameters provided to the ``Litestar`` app are used to instantiate an instance, and then the instance is
- passed to any callbacks registered to ``on_app_init`` in the order they are provided.
- The final attribute values are used to instantiate the application object.
- """
- after_exception: list[AfterExceptionHookHandler] = field(default_factory=list)
- """An application level :class:`exception hook handler <.types.AfterExceptionHookHandler>` or list thereof.
- This hook is called after an exception occurs. In difference to exception handlers, it is not meant to return a
- response - only to process the exception (e.g. log it, send it to Sentry etc.).
- """
- after_request: AfterRequestHookHandler | None = field(default=None)
- """A sync or async function executed after the route handler function returned and the response object has been
- resolved.
- Receives the response object which may be any subclass of :class:`Response <.response.Response>`.
- """
- after_response: AfterResponseHookHandler | None = field(default=None)
- """A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the
- :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` object and should not return any values.
- """
- allowed_hosts: list[str] | AllowedHostsConfig | None = field(default=None)
- """If set enables the builtin allowed hosts middleware."""
- before_request: BeforeRequestHookHandler | None = field(default=None)
- """A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the
- :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance and any non-``None`` return value is used for the response,
- bypassing the route handler.
- """
- before_send: list[BeforeMessageSendHookHandler] = field(default_factory=list)
- """An application level :class:`before send hook handler <.types.BeforeMessageSendHookHandler>` or list thereof.
- This hook is called when the ASGI send function is called.
- """
- cache_control: CacheControlHeader | None = field(default=None)
- """A ``cache-control`` header of type :class:`CacheControlHeader <.datastructures.CacheControlHeader>` to add to
- route handlers of this app.
- Can be overridden by route handlers.
- """
- compression_config: CompressionConfig | None = field(default=None)
- """Configures compression behaviour of the application, this enabled a builtin or user defined Compression
- middleware.
- """
- cors_config: CORSConfig | None = field(default=None)
- """If set this enables the builtin CORS middleware."""
- csrf_config: CSRFConfig | None = field(default=None)
- """If set this enables the builtin CSRF middleware."""
- debug: bool = field(default=False)
- """If ``True``, app errors rendered as HTML with a stack trace."""
- dependencies: dict[str, Provide | AnyCallable] = field(default_factory=dict)
- """A string keyed dictionary of dependency :class:`Provider <.di.Provide>` instances."""
- dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None | EmptyType = field(default=Empty)
- """:class:`AbstractDTO <.dto.base_dto.AbstractDTO>` to use for (de)serializing and validation of request data."""
- etag: ETag | None = field(default=None)
- """An ``etag`` header of type :class:`ETag <.datastructures.ETag>` to add to route handlers of this app.
- Can be overridden by route handlers.
- """
- event_emitter_backend: type[BaseEventEmitterBackend] = field(default=SimpleEventEmitter)
- """A subclass of :class:`BaseEventEmitterBackend <.events.emitter.BaseEventEmitterBackend>`."""
- exception_handlers: ExceptionHandlersMap = field(default_factory=dict)
- """A dictionary that maps handler functions to status codes and/or exception types."""
- guards: list[Guard] = field(default_factory=list)
- """A list of :class:`Guard <.types.Guard>` callables."""
- include_in_schema: bool | EmptyType = field(default=Empty)
- """A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema"""
- lifespan: list[Callable[[Litestar], AbstractAsyncContextManager] | AbstractAsyncContextManager] = field(
- default_factory=list
- )
- """A list of callables returning async context managers, wrapping the lifespan of the ASGI application"""
- listeners: list[EventListener] = field(default_factory=list)
- """A list of :class:`EventListener <.events.listener.EventListener>`."""
- logging_config: BaseLoggingConfig | None = field(default=None)
- """An instance of :class:`BaseLoggingConfig <.logging.config.BaseLoggingConfig>` subclass."""
- middleware: list[Middleware] = field(default_factory=list)
- """A list of :class:`Middleware <.types.Middleware>`."""
- on_shutdown: list[LifespanHook] = field(default_factory=list)
- """A list of :class:`LifespanHook <.types.LifespanHook>` called during application shutdown."""
- on_startup: list[LifespanHook] = field(default_factory=list)
- """A list of :class:`LifespanHook <.types.LifespanHook>` called during application startup."""
- openapi_config: OpenAPIConfig | None = field(default=None)
- """Defaults to :data:`DEFAULT_OPENAPI_CONFIG <>`"""
- opt: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
- """A string keyed dictionary of arbitrary values that can be accessed in :class:`Guards <.types.Guard>` or
- wherever you have access to :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` or :class:`ASGI Scope <litestar.types.Scope>`.
- Can be overridden by routers and router handlers.
- """
- parameters: ParametersMap = field(default_factory=dict)
- """A mapping of :class:`Parameter <.params.Parameter>` definitions available to all application paths."""
- pdb_on_exception: bool = field(default=False)
- """Drop into the PDB on an exception"""
- plugins: list[PluginProtocol] = field(default_factory=list)
- """List of :class:`SerializationPluginProtocol <.plugins.SerializationPluginProtocol>`."""
- request_class: type[Request] | None = field(default=None)
- """An optional subclass of :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` to use for http connections."""
- response_class: type[Response] | None = field(default=None)
- """A custom subclass of :class:`Response <.response.Response>` to be used as the app's default response."""
- response_cookies: ResponseCookies = field(default_factory=list)
- """A list of :class:`Cookie <.datastructures.Cookie>`."""
- response_headers: ResponseHeaders = field(default_factory=list)
- """A string keyed dictionary mapping :class:`ResponseHeader <.datastructures.ResponseHeader>`."""
- response_cache_config: ResponseCacheConfig = field(default_factory=ResponseCacheConfig)
- """Configures caching behavior of the application."""
- return_dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None | EmptyType = field(default=Empty)
- """:class:`AbstractDTO <.dto.base_dto.AbstractDTO>` to use for serializing outbound response
- data.
- """
- route_handlers: list[ControllerRouterHandler] = field(default_factory=list)
- """A required list of route handlers, which can include instances of :class:`Router <.router.Router>`,
- subclasses of :class:`Controller <.controller.Controller>` or any function decorated by the route handler
- decorators.
- """
- security: list[SecurityRequirement] = field(default_factory=list)
- """A list of dictionaries that will be added to the schema of all route handlers in the application. See
- :data:`SecurityRequirement <.openapi.spec.SecurityRequirement>` for details.
- """
- signature_namespace: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
- """A mapping of names to types for use in forward reference resolution during signature modeling."""
- signature_types: list[Any] = field(default_factory=list)
- """A sequence of types for use in forward reference resolution during signature modeling.
- These types will be added to the signature namespace using their ``__name__`` attribute.
- """
- state: State = field(default_factory=State)
- """A :class:`State` <.datastructures.State>` instance holding application state."""
- static_files_config: list[StaticFilesConfig] = field(default_factory=list)
- """An instance or list of :class:`StaticFilesConfig <.static_files.StaticFilesConfig>`."""
- stores: StoreRegistry | dict[str, Store] | None = None
- """Central registry of :class:`Store <.stores.base.Store>` to be made available and be used throughout the
- application. Can be either a dictionary mapping strings to :class:`Store <.stores.base.Store>` instances, or an
- instance of :class:`StoreRegistry <.stores.registry.StoreRegistry>`.
- """
- tags: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
- """A list of string tags that will be appended to the schema of all route handlers under the application."""
- template_config: TemplateConfigType | None = field(default=None)
- """An instance of :class:`TemplateConfig <.template.TemplateConfig>`."""
- type_decoders: TypeDecodersSequence | None = field(default=None)
- """A sequence of tuples, each composed of a predicate testing for type identity and a msgspec hook for deserialization."""
- type_encoders: TypeEncodersMap | None = field(default=None)
- """A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization."""
- websocket_class: type[WebSocket] | None = field(default=None)
- """An optional subclass of :class:`WebSocket <.connection.WebSocket>` to use for websocket connections."""
- multipart_form_part_limit: int = field(default=1000)
- """The maximal number of allowed parts in a multipart/formdata request. This limit is intended to protect from
- DoS attacks."""
- experimental_features: list[ExperimentalFeatures] | None = None
- def __post_init__(self) -> None:
- """Normalize the allowed hosts to be a config or None.
- Returns:
- Optional config.
- """
- if self.allowed_hosts and isinstance(self.allowed_hosts, list):
- self.allowed_hosts = AllowedHostsConfig(allowed_hosts=self.allowed_hosts)
-class ExperimentalFeatures(str, enum.Enum):