path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/cli/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/cli/')
1 files changed, 562 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/cli/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36cd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import contextlib
+import importlib
+import inspect
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
+from functools import wraps
+from importlib.util import find_spec
+from itertools import chain
+from os import getenv
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Generator, Iterable, Sequence, TypeVar, cast
+from click import ClickException, Command, Context, Group, pass_context
+from rich import get_console
+from rich.table import Table
+from typing_extensions import ParamSpec, get_type_hints
+from litestar import Litestar, __version__
+from litestar.middleware import DefineMiddleware
+from litestar.utils import get_name
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from importlib.metadata import entry_points
+ from importlib_metadata import entry_points
+ from litestar.openapi import OpenAPIConfig
+ from litestar.routes import ASGIRoute, HTTPRoute, WebSocketRoute
+ from litestar.types import AnyCallable
+UVICORN_INSTALLED = find_spec("uvicorn") is not None
+JSBEAUTIFIER_INSTALLED = find_spec("jsbeautifier") is not None
+__all__ = (
+ "LoadedApp",
+ "LitestarCLIException",
+ "LitestarEnv",
+ "LitestarExtensionGroup",
+ "LitestarGroup",
+ "show_app_info",
+P = ParamSpec("P")
+T = TypeVar("T")
+AUTODISCOVERY_FILE_NAMES = ["app", "application"]
+console = get_console()
+class LitestarCLIException(ClickException):
+ """Base class for Litestar CLI exceptions."""
+ def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
+ """Initialize exception and style error message."""
+ super().__init__(message)
+class LitestarEnv:
+ """Information about the current Litestar environment variables."""
+ app_path: str
+ debug: bool
+ app: Litestar
+ cwd: Path
+ host: str | None = None
+ port: int | None = None
+ fd: int | None = None
+ uds: str | None = None
+ reload: bool | None = None
+ reload_dirs: tuple[str, ...] | None = None
+ reload_include: tuple[str, ...] | None = None
+ reload_exclude: tuple[str, ...] | None = None
+ web_concurrency: int | None = None
+ is_app_factory: bool = False
+ certfile_path: str | None = None
+ keyfile_path: str | None = None
+ create_self_signed_cert: bool = False
+ @classmethod
+ def from_env(cls, app_path: str | None, app_dir: Path | None = None) -> LitestarEnv:
+ """Load environment variables.
+ If ``python-dotenv`` is installed, use it to populate environment first
+ """
+ cwd = Path().cwd() if app_dir is None else app_dir
+ cwd_str_path = str(cwd)
+ if cwd_str_path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.append(cwd_str_path)
+ with contextlib.suppress(ImportError):
+ import dotenv
+ dotenv.load_dotenv()
+ app_path = app_path or getenv("LITESTAR_APP")
+ if app_path and getenv("LITESTAR_APP") is None:
+ os.environ["LITESTAR_APP"] = app_path
+ if app_path:
+ console.print(f"Using Litestar app from env: [bright_blue]{app_path!r}")
+ loaded_app = _load_app_from_path(app_path)
+ else:
+ loaded_app = _autodiscover_app(cwd)
+ port = getenv("LITESTAR_PORT")
+ web_concurrency = getenv("WEB_CONCURRENCY")
+ reload_dirs = tuple(s.strip() for s in getenv("LITESTAR_RELOAD_DIRS", "").split(",") if s) or None
+ reload_include = tuple(s.strip() for s in getenv("LITESTAR_RELOAD_INCLUDES", "").split(",") if s) or None
+ reload_exclude = tuple(s.strip() for s in getenv("LITESTAR_RELOAD_EXCLUDES", "").split(",") if s) or None
+ return cls(
+ app_path=loaded_app.app_path,
+ debug=_bool_from_env("LITESTAR_DEBUG"),
+ host=getenv("LITESTAR_HOST"),
+ port=int(port) if port else None,
+ uds=uds,
+ fd=int(fd) if fd else None,
+ reload=_bool_from_env("LITESTAR_RELOAD"),
+ reload_dirs=reload_dirs,
+ reload_include=reload_include,
+ reload_exclude=reload_exclude,
+ web_concurrency=int(web_concurrency) if web_concurrency else None,
+ is_app_factory=loaded_app.is_factory,
+ cwd=cwd,
+ certfile_path=getenv("LITESTAR_SSL_CERT_PATH"),
+ keyfile_path=getenv("LITESTAR_SSL_KEY_PATH"),
+ create_self_signed_cert=_bool_from_env("LITESTAR_CREATE_SELF_SIGNED_CERT"),
+ )
+class LoadedApp:
+ """Information about a loaded Litestar app."""
+ app: Litestar
+ app_path: str
+ is_factory: bool
+class LitestarGroup(Group):
+ """:class:`click.Group` subclass that automatically injects ``app`` and ``env` kwargs into commands that request it.
+ Use this as the ``cls`` for :class:`click.Group` if you're extending the internal CLI with a group. For ``command``s
+ added directly to the root group this is not needed.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str | None = None,
+ commands: dict[str, Command] | Sequence[Command] | None = None,
+ **attrs: Any,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Init ``LitestarGroup``"""
+ self.group_class = LitestarGroup
+ super().__init__(name=name, commands=commands, **attrs)
+ def add_command(self, cmd: Command, name: str | None = None) -> None:
+ """Add command.
+ If necessary, inject ``app`` and ``env`` kwargs
+ """
+ if cmd.callback:
+ cmd.callback = _inject_args(cmd.callback)
+ super().add_command(cmd)
+ def command(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], Command] | Command: # type: ignore[override]
+ # For some reason, even when copying the overloads + signature from click 1:1, mypy goes haywire
+ """Add a function as a command.
+ If necessary, inject ``app`` and ``env`` kwargs
+ """
+ def decorator(f: AnyCallable) -> Command:
+ f = _inject_args(f)
+ return cast("Command", Group.command(self, *args, **kwargs)(f))
+ return decorator
+class LitestarExtensionGroup(LitestarGroup):
+ """``LitestarGroup`` subclass that will load Litestar-CLI extensions from the `litestar.commands` entry_point.
+ This group class should not be used on any group besides the root ``litestar_group``.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str | None = None,
+ commands: dict[str, Command] | Sequence[Command] | None = None,
+ **attrs: Any,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Init ``LitestarExtensionGroup``"""
+ super().__init__(name=name, commands=commands, **attrs)
+ self._prepare_done = False
+ for entry_point in entry_points(group="litestar.commands"):
+ command = entry_point.load()
+ _wrap_commands([command])
+ self.add_command(command,
+ def _prepare(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
+ if self._prepare_done:
+ return
+ if isinstance(ctx.obj, LitestarEnv):
+ env: LitestarEnv | None = ctx.obj
+ else:
+ try:
+ env = ctx.obj = LitestarEnv.from_env(ctx.params.get("app_path"), ctx.params.get("app_dir"))
+ except LitestarCLIException:
+ env = None
+ if env:
+ for plugin in
+ plugin.on_cli_init(self)
+ self._prepare_done = True
+ def make_context(
+ self,
+ info_name: str | None,
+ args: list[str],
+ parent: Context | None = None,
+ **extra: Any,
+ ) -> Context:
+ ctx = super().make_context(info_name, args, parent, **extra)
+ self._prepare(ctx)
+ return ctx
+ def list_commands(self, ctx: Context) -> list[str]:
+ self._prepare(ctx)
+ return super().list_commands(ctx)
+def _inject_args(func: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]:
+ """Inject the app instance into a ``Command``"""
+ params = inspect.signature(func).parameters
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapped(ctx: Context, /, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:
+ needs_app = "app" in params
+ needs_env = "env" in params
+ if needs_env or needs_app:
+ # only resolve this if actually requested. Commands that don't need an env or app should be able to run
+ # without
+ if not isinstance(ctx.obj, LitestarEnv):
+ ctx.obj = ctx.obj()
+ env = ctx.ensure_object(LitestarEnv)
+ if needs_app:
+ kwargs["app"] =
+ if needs_env:
+ kwargs["env"] = env
+ if "ctx" in params:
+ kwargs["ctx"] = ctx
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return pass_context(wrapped)
+def _wrap_commands(commands: Iterable[Command]) -> None:
+ for command in commands:
+ if isinstance(command, Group):
+ _wrap_commands(command.commands.values())
+ elif command.callback:
+ command.callback = _inject_args(command.callback)
+def _bool_from_env(key: str, default: bool = False) -> bool:
+ value = getenv(key)
+ if not value:
+ return default
+ value = value.lower()
+ return value in ("true", "1")
+def _load_app_from_path(app_path: str) -> LoadedApp:
+ module_path, app_name = app_path.split(":")
+ module = importlib.import_module(module_path)
+ app = getattr(module, app_name)
+ is_factory = False
+ if not isinstance(app, Litestar) and callable(app):
+ app = app()
+ is_factory = True
+ return LoadedApp(app=app, app_path=app_path, is_factory=is_factory)
+def _path_to_dotted_path(path: Path) -> str:
+ if path.stem == "__init__":
+ path = path.parent
+ return ".".join(path.with_suffix("").parts)
+def _arbitrary_autodiscovery_paths(base_dir: Path) -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
+ yield from _autodiscovery_paths(base_dir, arbitrary=False)
+ for path in base_dir.iterdir():
+ if".") or"_"):
+ continue
+ if path.is_file() and path.suffix == ".py":
+ yield path
+def _autodiscovery_paths(base_dir: Path, arbitrary: bool = True) -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
+ path = base_dir / name
+ if path.exists() or path.with_suffix(".py").exists():
+ yield path
+ if arbitrary and path.is_dir():
+ yield from _arbitrary_autodiscovery_paths(path)
+def _autodiscover_app(cwd: Path) -> LoadedApp:
+ for file_path in _autodiscovery_paths(cwd):
+ import_path = _path_to_dotted_path(file_path.relative_to(cwd))
+ module = importlib.import_module(import_path)
+ for attr, value in chain(
+ [("app", getattr(module, "app", None)), ("application", getattr(module, "application", None))],
+ module.__dict__.items(),
+ ):
+ if isinstance(value, Litestar):
+ app_string = f"{import_path}:{attr}"
+ os.environ["LITESTAR_APP"] = app_string
+ console.print(f"Using Litestar app from [bright_blue]{app_string}")
+ return LoadedApp(app=value, app_path=app_string, is_factory=False)
+ if hasattr(module, "create_app"):
+ app_string = f"{import_path}:create_app"
+ os.environ["LITESTAR_APP"] = app_string
+ console.print(f"Using Litestar factory [bright_blue]{app_string}")
+ return LoadedApp(app=module.create_app(), app_path=app_string, is_factory=True)
+ for attr, value in module.__dict__.items():
+ if not callable(value):
+ continue
+ return_annotation = (
+ get_type_hints(value, include_extras=True).get("return") if hasattr(value, "__annotations__") else None
+ )
+ if not return_annotation:
+ continue
+ if return_annotation in ("Litestar", Litestar):
+ app_string = f"{import_path}:{attr}"
+ os.environ["LITESTAR_APP"] = app_string
+ console.print(f"Using Litestar factory [bright_blue]{app_string}")
+ return LoadedApp(app=value(), app_path=f"{app_string}", is_factory=True)
+ raise LitestarCLIException("Could not find a Litestar app or factory")
+def _format_is_enabled(value: Any) -> str:
+ """Return a coloured string `"Enabled" if ``value`` is truthy, else "Disabled"."""
+ return "[green]Enabled[/]" if value else "[red]Disabled[/]"
+def show_app_info(app: Litestar) -> None: # pragma: no cover
+ """Display basic information about the application and its configuration."""
+ table = Table(show_header=False)
+ table.add_column("title", style="cyan")
+ table.add_column("value", style="bright_blue")
+ table.add_row("Litestar version", f"{__version__.major}.{__version__.minor}.{__version__.patch}")
+ table.add_row("Debug mode", _format_is_enabled(app.debug))
+ table.add_row("Python Debugger on exception", _format_is_enabled(app.pdb_on_exception))
+ table.add_row("CORS", _format_is_enabled(app.cors_config))
+ table.add_row("CSRF", _format_is_enabled(app.csrf_config))
+ if app.allowed_hosts:
+ allowed_hosts = app.allowed_hosts
+ table.add_row("Allowed hosts", ", ".join(allowed_hosts.allowed_hosts))
+ openapi_enabled = _format_is_enabled(app.openapi_config)
+ if app.openapi_config:
+ openapi_enabled += f" path=[yellow]{app.openapi_config.openapi_controller.path}"
+ table.add_row("OpenAPI", openapi_enabled)
+ table.add_row("Compression", app.compression_config.backend if app.compression_config else "[red]Disabled")
+ if app.template_engine:
+ table.add_row("Template engine", type(app.template_engine).__name__)
+ if app.static_files_config:
+ static_files_configs = app.static_files_config
+ static_files_info = [
+ f"path=[yellow]{static_files.path}[/] dirs=[yellow]{', '.join(map(str, static_files.directories))}[/] "
+ f"html_mode={_format_is_enabled(static_files.html_mode)}"
+ for static_files in static_files_configs
+ ]
+ table.add_row("Static files", "\n".join(static_files_info))
+ middlewares = []
+ for middleware in app.middleware:
+ updated_middleware = middleware.middleware if isinstance(middleware, DefineMiddleware) else middleware
+ middlewares.append(get_name(updated_middleware))
+ if middlewares:
+ table.add_row("Middlewares", ", ".join(middlewares))
+ console.print(table)
+def validate_ssl_file_paths(certfile_arg: str | None, keyfile_arg: str | None) -> tuple[str, str] | tuple[None, None]:
+ """Validate whether given paths exist, are not directories and were both provided or none was. Return the resolved paths.
+ Args:
+ certfile_arg: path argument for the certificate file
+ keyfile_arg: path argument for the key file
+ Returns:
+ tuple of resolved paths converted to str or tuple of None's if no argument was provided
+ """
+ if certfile_arg is None and keyfile_arg is None:
+ return (None, None)
+ resolved_paths = []
+ for argname, arg in {"--ssl-certfile": certfile_arg, "--ssl-keyfile": keyfile_arg}.items():
+ if arg is None:
+ raise LitestarCLIException(f"No value provided for {argname}")
+ path = Path(arg).resolve()
+ if path.is_dir():
+ raise LitestarCLIException(f"Path provided for {argname} is a directory: {path}")
+ if not path.exists():
+ raise LitestarCLIException(f"File provided for {argname} was not found: {path}")
+ resolved_paths.append(str(path))
+ return tuple(resolved_paths) # type: ignore[return-value]
+def create_ssl_files(
+ certfile_arg: str | None, keyfile_arg: str | None, common_name: str = "localhost"
+) -> tuple[str, str]:
+ """Validate whether both files were provided, are not directories, their parent dirs exist and either both files exists or none does.
+ If neither file exists, create a self-signed ssl certificate and a passwordless key at the location.
+ Args:
+ certfile_arg: path argument for the certificate file
+ keyfile_arg: path argument for the key file
+ common_name: the CN to be used as cert issuer and subject
+ Returns:
+ resolved paths of the found or generated files
+ """
+ resolved_paths = []
+ for argname, arg in {"--ssl-certfile": certfile_arg, "--ssl-keyfile": keyfile_arg}.items():
+ if arg is None:
+ raise LitestarCLIException(f"No value provided for {argname}")
+ path = Path(arg).resolve()
+ if path.is_dir():
+ raise LitestarCLIException(f"Path provided for {argname} is a directory: {path}")
+ if not (parent_dir := path.parent).exists():
+ raise LitestarCLIException(
+ f"Could not create file, parent directory for {argname} doesn't exist: {parent_dir}"
+ )
+ resolved_paths.append(path)
+ if (not resolved_paths[0].exists()) ^ (not resolved_paths[1].exists()):
+ raise LitestarCLIException(
+ "Both certificate and key file must exists or both must not exists when using --create-self-signed-cert"
+ )
+ if (not resolved_paths[0].exists()) and (not resolved_paths[1].exists()):
+ _generate_self_signed_cert(resolved_paths[0], resolved_paths[1], common_name)
+ return (str(resolved_paths[0]), str(resolved_paths[1]))
+def _generate_self_signed_cert(certfile_path: Path, keyfile_path: Path, common_name: str) -> None:
+ """Create a self-signed certificate using the cryptography modules at given paths"""
+ try:
+ from cryptography import x509
+ from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+ from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization
+ from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
+ from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID
+ except ImportError as err:
+ raise LitestarCLIException(
+ "Cryptography must be installed when using --create-self-signed-cert\nPlease install the litestar[cryptography] extras"
+ ) from err
+ subject = x509.Name(
+ [
+ x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, common_name),
+ x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, "Development Certificate"),
+ ]
+ )
+ key = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend())
+ cert = (
+ x509.CertificateBuilder()
+ .subject_name(subject)
+ .issuer_name(subject)
+ .public_key(key.public_key())
+ .serial_number(x509.random_serial_number())
+ .not_valid_before(
+ .not_valid_after( + timedelta(days=365))
+ .add_extension(x509.SubjectAlternativeName([x509.DNSName(common_name)]), critical=False)
+ .add_extension(x509.ExtendedKeyUsage([x509.OID_SERVER_AUTH]), critical=False)
+ .sign(key, hashes.SHA256(), default_backend())
+ )
+ with"wb") as cert_file:
+ cert_file.write(cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM))
+ with"wb") as key_file:
+ key_file.write(
+ key.private_bytes(
+ encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM,
+ format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL,
+ encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption(),
+ )
+ )
+def remove_routes_with_patterns(
+ routes: list[HTTPRoute | ASGIRoute | WebSocketRoute], patterns: tuple[str, ...]
+) -> list[HTTPRoute | ASGIRoute | WebSocketRoute]:
+ regex_routes = []
+ valid_patterns = []
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ try:
+ check_pattern = re.compile(pattern)
+ valid_patterns.append(check_pattern)
+ except re.error as e:
+ console.print(f"Error: {e}. Invalid regex pattern supplied: '{pattern}'. Omitting from querying results.")
+ for route in routes:
+ checked_pattern_route_matches = []
+ for pattern_compile in valid_patterns:
+ matches = pattern_compile.match(route.path)
+ checked_pattern_route_matches.append(matches)
+ if not any(checked_pattern_route_matches):
+ regex_routes.append(route)
+ return regex_routes
+def remove_default_schema_routes(
+ routes: list[HTTPRoute | ASGIRoute | WebSocketRoute], openapi_config: OpenAPIConfig
+) -> list[HTTPRoute | ASGIRoute | WebSocketRoute]:
+ schema_path = openapi_config.openapi_controller.path
+ return remove_routes_with_patterns(routes, (schema_path,))