path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/channels/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/channels/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 359 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/channels/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/channels/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5988445..0000000
--- a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/litestar/channels/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
-import asyncio
-from asyncio import CancelledError, Queue, Task, create_task
-from contextlib import AbstractAsyncContextManager, asynccontextmanager, suppress
-from functools import partial
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, AsyncGenerator, Awaitable, Callable, Iterable
-import msgspec.json
-from litestar.di import Provide
-from litestar.exceptions import ImproperlyConfiguredException, LitestarException
-from litestar.handlers import WebsocketRouteHandler
-from litestar.plugins import InitPluginProtocol
-from litestar.serialization import default_serializer
-from .subscriber import BacklogStrategy, EventCallback, Subscriber
- from types import TracebackType
- from litestar.channels.backends.base import ChannelsBackend
- from import AppConfig
- from litestar.connection import WebSocket
- from litestar.types import LitestarEncodableType, TypeEncodersMap
- from litestar.types.asgi_types import WebSocketMode
-class ChannelsException(LitestarException):
- pass
-class ChannelsPlugin(InitPluginProtocol, AbstractAsyncContextManager):
- def __init__(
- self,
- backend: ChannelsBackend,
- *,
- channels: Iterable[str] | None = None,
- arbitrary_channels_allowed: bool = False,
- create_ws_route_handlers: bool = False,
- ws_handler_send_history: int = 0,
- ws_handler_base_path: str = "/",
- ws_send_mode: WebSocketMode = "text",
- subscriber_max_backlog: int | None = None,
- subscriber_backlog_strategy: BacklogStrategy = "backoff",
- subscriber_class: type[Subscriber] = Subscriber,
- type_encoders: TypeEncodersMap | None = None,
- ) -> None:
- """Plugin to handle broadcasting to WebSockets with support for channels.
- This plugin is available as an injected dependency using the ``channels`` key.
- Args:
- backend: Backend to store data in
- channels: Channels to serve. If ``arbitrary_channels_allowed`` is ``False`` (the default), trying to
- subscribe to a channel not in ``channels`` will raise an exception
- arbitrary_channels_allowed: Allow the creation of channels on the fly
- create_ws_route_handlers: If ``True``, websocket route handlers will be created for all channels defined in
- ``channels``. If ``arbitrary_channels_allowed`` is ``True``, a single handler will be created instead,
- handling all channels. The handlers created will accept WebSocket connections and start sending received
- events for their respective channels.
- ws_handler_send_history: Amount of history entries to send from the generated websocket route handlers after
- a client has connected. A value of ``0`` indicates to not send a history
- ws_handler_base_path: Path prefix used for the generated route handlers
- ws_send_mode: Send mode to use for sending data through a :class:`WebSocket <.connection.WebSocket>`.
- This will be used when sending within generated route handlers or :meth:`Subscriber.run_in_background`
- subscriber_max_backlog: Maximum amount of unsent messages to be held in memory for a given subscriber. If
- that limit is reached, new messages will be treated accordingly to ``backlog_strategy``
- subscriber_backlog_strategy: Define the behaviour if ``max_backlog`` is reached for a subscriber. `
- `backoff`` will result in new messages being dropped until older ones have been processed. ``dropleft``
- will drop older messages in favour of new ones.
- subscriber_class: A :class:`Subscriber` subclass to return from :meth:`subscribe`
- type_encoders: An additional mapping of type encoders used to encode data before sending
- """
- self._backend = backend
- self._pub_queue: Queue[tuple[bytes, list[str]]] | None = None
- self._pub_task: Task | None = None
- self._sub_task: Task | None = None
- if not (channels or arbitrary_channels_allowed):
- raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("Must define either channels or set arbitrary_channels_allowed=True")
- # make the path absolute, so we can simply concatenate it later
- if not ws_handler_base_path.endswith("/"):
- ws_handler_base_path += "/"
- self._arbitrary_channels_allowed = arbitrary_channels_allowed
- self._create_route_handlers = create_ws_route_handlers
- self._handler_root_path = ws_handler_base_path
- self._socket_send_mode: WebSocketMode = ws_send_mode
- self._encode_json = msgspec.json.Encoder(
- enc_hook=partial(default_serializer, type_encoders=type_encoders)
- ).encode
- self._handler_should_send_history = bool(ws_handler_send_history)
- self._history_limit = None if ws_handler_send_history < 0 else ws_handler_send_history
- self._max_backlog = subscriber_max_backlog
- self._backlog_strategy: BacklogStrategy = subscriber_backlog_strategy
- self._subscriber_class = subscriber_class
- self._channels: dict[str, set[Subscriber]] = {channel: set() for channel in channels or []}
- def encode_data(self, data: LitestarEncodableType) -> bytes:
- """Encode data before storing it in the backend"""
- if isinstance(data, bytes):
- return data
- return data.encode() if isinstance(data, str) else self._encode_json(data)
- def on_app_init(self, app_config: AppConfig) -> AppConfig:
- """Plugin hook. Set up a ``channels`` dependency, add route handlers and register application hooks"""
- app_config.dependencies["channels"] = Provide(lambda: self, use_cache=True, sync_to_thread=False)
- app_config.lifespan.append(self)
- app_config.signature_namespace.update(ChannelsPlugin=ChannelsPlugin)
- if self._create_route_handlers:
- if self._arbitrary_channels_allowed:
- path = self._handler_root_path + "{channel_name:str}"
- route_handlers = [WebsocketRouteHandler(path)(self._ws_handler_func)]
- else:
- route_handlers = [
- WebsocketRouteHandler(self._handler_root_path + channel_name)(
- self._create_ws_handler_func(channel_name)
- )
- for channel_name in self._channels
- ]
- app_config.route_handlers.extend(route_handlers)
- return app_config
- def publish(self, data: LitestarEncodableType, channels: str | Iterable[str]) -> None:
- """Schedule ``data`` to be published to ``channels``.
- .. note::
- This is a synchronous method that returns immediately. There are no
- guarantees that when this method returns the data will have been published
- to the backend. For that, use :meth:`wait_published`
- """
- if isinstance(channels, str):
- channels = [channels]
- data = self.encode_data(data)
- try:
- self._pub_queue.put_nowait((data, list(channels))) # type: ignore[union-attr]
- except AttributeError as e:
- raise RuntimeError("Plugin not yet initialized. Did you forget to call on_startup?") from e
- async def wait_published(self, data: LitestarEncodableType, channels: str | Iterable[str]) -> None:
- """Publish ``data`` to ``channels``"""
- if isinstance(channels, str):
- channels = [channels]
- data = self.encode_data(data)
- await self._backend.publish(data, channels)
- async def subscribe(self, channels: str | Iterable[str], history: int | None = None) -> Subscriber:
- """Create a :class:`Subscriber`, providing a stream of all events in ``channels``.
- The created subscriber will be passive by default and has to be consumed manually,
- either by using :meth:`Subscriber.run_in_background` or iterating over events
- using :meth:`Subscriber.iter_events`.
- Args:
- channels: Channel(s) to subscribe to
- history: If a non-negative integer, add this amount of history entries from
- each channel to the subscriber's event stream. Note that this will wait
- until all history entries are fetched and pushed to the subscriber's
- stream. For more control use :meth:`put_subscriber_history`.
- Returns:
- A :class:`Subscriber`
- Raises:
- ChannelsException: If a channel in ``channels`` has not been declared on this backend and
- ``arbitrary_channels_allowed`` has not been set to ``True``
- """
- if isinstance(channels, str):
- channels = [channels]
- subscriber = self._subscriber_class(
- plugin=self,
- max_backlog=self._max_backlog,
- backlog_strategy=self._backlog_strategy,
- )
- channels_to_subscribe = set()
- for channel in channels:
- if channel not in self._channels:
- if not self._arbitrary_channels_allowed:
- raise ChannelsException(
- f"Unknown channel: {channel!r}. Either explicitly defined the channel or set "
- "arbitrary_channels_allowed=True"
- )
- self._channels[channel] = set()
- channel_subscribers = self._channels[channel]
- if not channel_subscribers:
- channels_to_subscribe.add(channel)
- channel_subscribers.add(subscriber)
- if channels_to_subscribe:
- await self._backend.subscribe(channels_to_subscribe)
- if history:
- await self.put_subscriber_history(subscriber=subscriber, limit=history, channels=channels)
- return subscriber
- async def unsubscribe(self, subscriber: Subscriber, channels: str | Iterable[str] | None = None) -> None:
- """Unsubscribe a :class:`Subscriber` from ``channels``. If the subscriber has a running sending task, it will
- be stopped.
- Args:
- channels: Channels to unsubscribe from. If ``None``, unsubscribe from all channels
- subscriber: :class:`Subscriber` to unsubscribe
- """
- if channels is None:
- channels = list(self._channels.keys())
- elif isinstance(channels, str):
- channels = [channels]
- channels_to_unsubscribe: set[str] = set()
- for channel in channels:
- channel_subscribers = self._channels[channel]
- try:
- channel_subscribers.remove(subscriber)
- except KeyError: # subscriber was not subscribed to this channel. This may happen if channels is None
- continue
- if not channel_subscribers:
- channels_to_unsubscribe.add(channel)
- if all(subscriber not in queues for queues in self._channels.values()):
- await subscriber.put(None) # this will stop any running task or generator by breaking the inner loop
- if subscriber.is_running:
- await subscriber.stop()
- if channels_to_unsubscribe:
- await self._backend.unsubscribe(channels_to_unsubscribe)
- @asynccontextmanager
- async def start_subscription(
- self, channels: str | Iterable[str], history: int | None = None
- ) -> AsyncGenerator[Subscriber, None]:
- """Create a :class:`Subscriber` and tie its subscriptions to a context manager;
- Upon exiting the context, :meth:`unsubscribe` will be called.
- Args:
- channels: Channel(s) to subscribe to
- history: If a non-negative integer, add this amount of history entries from
- each channel to the subscriber's event stream. Note that this will wait
- until all history entries are fetched and pushed to the subscriber's
- stream. For more control use :meth:`put_subscriber_history`.
- Returns:
- A :class:`Subscriber`
- """
- subscriber = await self.subscribe(channels, history=history)
- try:
- yield subscriber
- finally:
- await self.unsubscribe(subscriber, channels)
- async def put_subscriber_history(
- self, subscriber: Subscriber, channels: str | Iterable[str], limit: int | None = None
- ) -> None:
- """Fetch the history of ``channels`` from the backend and put them in the
- subscriber's stream
- """
- if isinstance(channels, str):
- channels = [channels]
- for channel in channels:
- history = await self._backend.get_history(channel, limit)
- for entry in history:
- await subscriber.put(entry)
- async def _ws_handler_func(self, channel_name: str, socket: WebSocket) -> None:
- await socket.accept()
- # the ternary operator triggers a mypy bug:
- on_event: EventCallback = socket.send_text if self._socket_send_mode == "text" else socket.send_bytes # type: ignore[assignment]
- async with self.start_subscription(channel_name) as subscriber:
- if self._handler_should_send_history:
- await self.put_subscriber_history(subscriber, channels=channel_name, limit=self._history_limit)
- # use the background task, so we can block on receive(), breaking the loop when a connection closes
- async with subscriber.run_in_background(on_event):
- while (await socket.receive())["type"] != "websocket.disconnect":
- continue
- def _create_ws_handler_func(self, channel_name: str) -> Callable[[WebSocket], Awaitable[None]]:
- async def ws_handler_func(socket: WebSocket) -> None:
- await self._ws_handler_func(channel_name=channel_name, socket=socket)
- return ws_handler_func
- async def _pub_worker(self) -> None:
- while self._pub_queue:
- data, channels = await self._pub_queue.get()
- await self._backend.publish(data, channels)
- self._pub_queue.task_done()
- async def _sub_worker(self) -> None:
- async for channel, payload in self._backend.stream_events():
- for subscriber in self._channels.get(channel, []):
- subscriber.put_nowait(payload)
- async def _on_startup(self) -> None:
- await self._backend.on_startup()
- self._pub_queue = Queue()
- self._pub_task = create_task(self._pub_worker())
- self._sub_task = create_task(self._sub_worker())
- if self._channels:
- await self._backend.subscribe(list(self._channels))
- async def _on_shutdown(self) -> None:
- if self._pub_queue:
- await self._pub_queue.join()
- self._pub_queue = None
- await asyncio.gather(
- *[
- subscriber.stop(join=False)
- for subscribers in self._channels.values()
- for subscriber in subscribers
- if subscriber.is_running
- ]
- )
- if self._sub_task:
- self._sub_task.cancel()
- with suppress(CancelledError):
- await self._sub_task
- self._sub_task = None
- if self._pub_task:
- self._pub_task.cancel()
- with suppress(CancelledError):
- await self._pub_task
- self._sub_task = None
- await self._backend.on_shutdown()
- async def __aenter__(self) -> ChannelsPlugin:
- await self._on_startup()
- return self
- async def __aexit__(
- self,
- exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
- exc_val: BaseException | None,
- exc_tb: TracebackType | None,
- ) -> None:
- await self._on_shutdown()