path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiosqlite/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiosqlite/tests/')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiosqlite/tests/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiosqlite/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f42106c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiosqlite/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Amethyst Reese
+# Licensed under the MIT license
+import asyncio
+import sqlite3
+from pathlib import Path
+from sqlite3 import OperationalError
+from threading import Thread
+from unittest import IsolatedAsyncioTestCase as TestCase, SkipTest
+import aiosqlite
+from .helpers import setup_logger
+TEST_DB = Path("test.db")
+# pypy uses non-standard text factory for low-level sqlite implementation
+ from _sqlite3 import _unicode_text_factory as default_text_factory
+except ImportError:
+ default_text_factory = str
+class SmokeTest(TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ setup_logger()
+ def setUp(self):
+ if TEST_DB.exists():
+ TEST_DB.unlink()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if TEST_DB.exists():
+ TEST_DB.unlink()
+ async def test_connection_await(self):
+ db = await aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB)
+ self.assertIsInstance(db, aiosqlite.Connection)
+ async with db.execute("select 1, 2") as cursor:
+ rows = await cursor.fetchall()
+ self.assertEqual(rows, [(1, 2)])
+ await db.close()
+ async def test_connection_context(self):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ self.assertIsInstance(db, aiosqlite.Connection)
+ async with db.execute("select 1, 2") as cursor:
+ rows = await cursor.fetchall()
+ self.assertEqual(rows, [(1, 2)])
+ async def test_connection_locations(self):
+ class Fake: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(TEST_DB)
+ locs = ("test.db", b"test.db", Path("test.db"), Fake())
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ await db.execute("create table foo (i integer, k integer)")
+ await db.execute("insert into foo (i, k) values (1, 5)")
+ await db.commit()
+ cursor = await db.execute("select * from foo")
+ rows = await cursor.fetchall()
+ for loc in locs:
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(loc) as db:
+ cursor = await db.execute("select * from foo")
+ self.assertEqual(await cursor.fetchall(), rows)
+ async def test_multiple_connections(self):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ await db.execute(
+ "create table multiple_connections "
+ "(i integer primary key asc, k integer)"
+ )
+ async def do_one_conn(i):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ await db.execute("insert into multiple_connections (k) values (?)", [i])
+ await db.commit()
+ await asyncio.gather(*[do_one_conn(i) for i in range(10)])
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ cursor = await db.execute("select * from multiple_connections")
+ rows = await cursor.fetchall()
+ assert len(rows) == 10
+ async def test_multiple_queries(self):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ await db.execute(
+ "create table multiple_queries "
+ "(i integer primary key asc, k integer)"
+ )
+ await asyncio.gather(
+ *[
+ db.execute("insert into multiple_queries (k) values (?)", [i])
+ for i in range(10)
+ ]
+ )
+ await db.commit()
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ cursor = await db.execute("select * from multiple_queries")
+ rows = await cursor.fetchall()
+ assert len(rows) == 10
+ async def test_iterable_cursor(self):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ cursor = await db.cursor()
+ await cursor.execute(
+ "create table iterable_cursor " "(i integer primary key asc, k integer)"
+ )
+ await cursor.executemany(
+ "insert into iterable_cursor (k) values (?)", [[i] for i in range(10)]
+ )
+ await db.commit()
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ cursor = await db.execute("select * from iterable_cursor")
+ rows = []
+ async for row in cursor:
+ rows.append(row)
+ assert len(rows) == 10
+ async def test_multi_loop_usage(self):
+ results = {}
+ def runner(k, conn):
+ async def query():
+ async with conn.execute("select * from foo") as cursor:
+ rows = await cursor.fetchall()
+ self.assertEqual(len(rows), 2)
+ return rows
+ with self.subTest(k):
+ loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
+ rows = loop.run_until_complete(query())
+ loop.close()
+ results[k] = rows
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(":memory:") as db:
+ await db.execute("create table foo (id int, name varchar)")
+ await db.execute(
+ "insert into foo values (?, ?), (?, ?)", (1, "Sally", 2, "Janet")
+ )
+ await db.commit()
+ threads = [Thread(target=runner, args=(k, db)) for k in range(4)]
+ for thread in threads:
+ thread.start()
+ for thread in threads:
+ thread.join()
+ self.assertEqual(len(results), 4)
+ for rows in results.values():
+ self.assertEqual(len(rows), 2)
+ async def test_context_cursor(self):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ async with db.cursor() as cursor:
+ await cursor.execute(
+ "create table context_cursor "
+ "(i integer primary key asc, k integer)"
+ )
+ await cursor.executemany(
+ "insert into context_cursor (k) values (?)",
+ [[i] for i in range(10)],
+ )
+ await db.commit()
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ async with db.execute("select * from context_cursor") as cursor:
+ rows = []
+ async for row in cursor:
+ rows.append(row)
+ assert len(rows) == 10
+ async def test_cursor_return_self(self):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ cursor = await db.cursor()
+ result = await cursor.execute(
+ "create table test_cursor_return_self (i integer, k integer)"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(result, cursor, "cursor execute returns itself")
+ result = await cursor.executemany(
+ "insert into test_cursor_return_self values (?, ?)", [(1, 1), (2, 2)]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(result, cursor)
+ result = await cursor.executescript(
+ "insert into test_cursor_return_self values (3, 3);"
+ "insert into test_cursor_return_self values (4, 4);"
+ "insert into test_cursor_return_self values (5, 5);"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(result, cursor)
+ async def test_connection_properties(self):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ self.assertEqual(db.total_changes, 0)
+ async with db.cursor() as cursor:
+ self.assertFalse(db.in_transaction)
+ await cursor.execute(
+ "create table test_properties "
+ "(i integer primary key asc, k integer, d text)"
+ )
+ await cursor.execute(
+ "insert into test_properties (k, d) values (1, 'hi')"
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(db.in_transaction)
+ await db.commit()
+ self.assertFalse(db.in_transaction)
+ self.assertEqual(db.total_changes, 1)
+ self.assertIsNone(db.row_factory)
+ self.assertEqual(db.text_factory, default_text_factory)
+ async with db.cursor() as cursor:
+ await cursor.execute("select * from test_properties")
+ row = await cursor.fetchone()
+ self.assertIsInstance(row, tuple)
+ self.assertEqual(row, (1, 1, "hi"))
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ _ = row["k"]
+ async with db.cursor() as cursor:
+ cursor.row_factory = aiosqlite.Row
+ self.assertEqual(cursor.row_factory, aiosqlite.Row)
+ await cursor.execute("select * from test_properties")
+ row = await cursor.fetchone()
+ self.assertIsInstance(row, aiosqlite.Row)
+ self.assertEqual(row[1], 1)
+ self.assertEqual(row[2], "hi")
+ self.assertEqual(row["k"], 1)
+ self.assertEqual(row["d"], "hi")
+ db.row_factory = aiosqlite.Row
+ db.text_factory = bytes
+ self.assertEqual(db.row_factory, aiosqlite.Row)
+ self.assertEqual(db.text_factory, bytes)
+ async with db.cursor() as cursor:
+ await cursor.execute("select * from test_properties")
+ row = await cursor.fetchone()
+ self.assertIsInstance(row, aiosqlite.Row)
+ self.assertEqual(row[1], 1)
+ self.assertEqual(row[2], b"hi")
+ self.assertEqual(row["k"], 1)
+ self.assertEqual(row["d"], b"hi")
+ async def test_fetch_all(self):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ await db.execute(
+ "create table test_fetch_all (i integer primary key asc, k integer)"
+ )
+ await db.execute(
+ "insert into test_fetch_all (k) values (10), (24), (16), (32)"
+ )
+ await db.commit()
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ cursor = await db.execute("select k from test_fetch_all where k < 30")
+ rows = await cursor.fetchall()
+ self.assertEqual(rows, [(10,), (24,), (16,)])
+ async def test_enable_load_extension(self):
+ """Assert that after enabling extension loading, they can be loaded"""
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ try:
+ await db.enable_load_extension(True)
+ await db.load_extension("test")
+ except OperationalError as e:
+ assert "not authorized" not in e.args
+ except AttributeError as e:
+ raise SkipTest(
+ "python was not compiled with sqlite3 "
+ "extension support, so we can't test it"
+ ) from e
+ async def test_set_progress_handler(self):
+ """
+ Assert that after setting a progress handler returning 1, DB operations are aborted
+ """
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ await db.set_progress_handler(lambda: 1, 1)
+ with self.assertRaises(OperationalError):
+ await db.execute(
+ "create table test_progress_handler (i integer primary key asc, k integer)"
+ )
+ async def test_create_function(self):
+ """Assert that after creating a custom function, it can be used"""
+ def no_arg():
+ return "no arg"
+ def one_arg(num):
+ return num * 2
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ await db.create_function("no_arg", 0, no_arg)
+ await db.create_function("one_arg", 1, one_arg)
+ async with db.execute("SELECT no_arg();") as res:
+ row = await res.fetchone()
+ self.assertEqual(row[0], "no arg")
+ async with db.execute("SELECT one_arg(10);") as res:
+ row = await res.fetchone()
+ self.assertEqual(row[0], 20)
+ async def test_create_function_deterministic(self):
+ """Assert that after creating a deterministic custom function, it can be used.
+ """
+ def one_arg(num):
+ return num * 2
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ await db.create_function("one_arg", 1, one_arg, deterministic=True)
+ await db.execute("create table foo (id int, bar int)")
+ # Non-deterministic functions cannot be used in indexes
+ await db.execute("create index t on foo(one_arg(bar))")
+ async def test_set_trace_callback(self):
+ statements = []
+ def callback(statement: str):
+ statements.append(statement)
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db:
+ await db.set_trace_callback(callback)
+ await db.execute("select 10")
+ self.assertIn("select 10", statements)
+ async def test_connect_error(self):
+ bad_db = Path("/something/that/shouldnt/exist.db")
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(OperationalError, "unable to open database"):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(bad_db) as db:
+ self.assertIsNone(db) # should never be reached
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(OperationalError, "unable to open database"):
+ await aiosqlite.connect(bad_db)
+ async def test_iterdump(self):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(":memory:") as db:
+ await db.execute("create table foo (i integer, k charvar(250))")
+ await db.executemany(
+ "insert into foo values (?, ?)", [(1, "hello"), (2, "world")]
+ )
+ lines = [line async for line in db.iterdump()]
+ self.assertEqual(
+ lines,
+ [
+ "CREATE TABLE foo (i integer, k charvar(250));",
+ "INSERT INTO \"foo\" VALUES(1,'hello');",
+ "INSERT INTO \"foo\" VALUES(2,'world');",
+ "COMMIT;",
+ ],
+ )
+ async def test_cursor_on_closed_connection(self):
+ db = await aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB)
+ cursor = await db.execute("select 1, 2")
+ await db.close()
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Connection closed"):
+ await cursor.fetchall()
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Connection closed"):
+ await cursor.fetchall()
+ async def test_cursor_on_closed_connection_loop(self):
+ db = await aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB)
+ cursor = await db.execute("select 1, 2")
+ tasks = []
+ for i in range(100):
+ if i == 50:
+ tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(db.close()))
+ tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(cursor.fetchall()))
+ for task in tasks:
+ try:
+ await task
+ except sqlite3.ProgrammingError:
+ pass
+ async def test_close_twice(self):
+ db = await aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB)
+ await db.close()
+ # no error
+ await db.close()
+ async def test_backup_aiosqlite(self):
+ def progress(a, b, c):
+ print(a, b, c)
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(":memory:") as db1, aiosqlite.connect(
+ ":memory:"
+ ) as db2:
+ await db1.execute("create table foo (i integer, k charvar(250))")
+ await db1.executemany(
+ "insert into foo values (?, ?)", [(1, "hello"), (2, "world")]
+ )
+ await db1.commit()
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(OperationalError, "no such table: foo"):
+ await db2.execute("select * from foo")
+ await db1.backup(db2, progress=progress)
+ async with db2.execute("select * from foo") as cursor:
+ rows = await cursor.fetchall()
+ self.assertEqual(rows, [(1, "hello"), (2, "world")])
+ async def test_backup_sqlite(self):
+ async with aiosqlite.connect(":memory:") as db1:
+ with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as db2:
+ await db1.execute("create table foo (i integer, k charvar(250))")
+ await db1.executemany(
+ "insert into foo values (?, ?)", [(1, "hello"), (2, "world")]
+ )
+ await db1.commit()
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(OperationalError, "no such table: foo"):
+ db2.execute("select * from foo")
+ await db1.backup(db2)
+ cursor = db2.execute("select * from foo")
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ self.assertEqual(rows, [(1, "hello"), (2, "world")])