path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/
diff options
authorcyfraeviolae <cyfraeviolae>2024-04-03 03:10:44 -0400
committercyfraeviolae <cyfraeviolae>2024-04-03 03:10:44 -0400
commit6d7ba58f880be618ade07f8ea080fe8c4bf8a896 (patch)
treeb1c931051ffcebd2bd9d61d98d6233ffa289bbce /venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/
parent4f884c9abc32990b4061a1bb6997b4b37e58ea0b (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/')
1 files changed, 375 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0529a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+import sys
+from threading import Event, RLock, Thread
+from types import TracebackType
+from typing import IO, Any, Callable, List, Optional, TextIO, Type, cast
+from . import get_console
+from .console import Console, ConsoleRenderable, RenderableType, RenderHook
+from .control import Control
+from .file_proxy import FileProxy
+from .jupyter import JupyterMixin
+from .live_render import LiveRender, VerticalOverflowMethod
+from .screen import Screen
+from .text import Text
+class _RefreshThread(Thread):
+ """A thread that calls refresh() at regular intervals."""
+ def __init__(self, live: "Live", refresh_per_second: float) -> None:
+ = live
+ self.refresh_per_second = refresh_per_second
+ self.done = Event()
+ super().__init__(daemon=True)
+ def stop(self) -> None:
+ self.done.set()
+ def run(self) -> None:
+ while not self.done.wait(1 / self.refresh_per_second):
+ with
+ if not self.done.is_set():
+class Live(JupyterMixin, RenderHook):
+ """Renders an auto-updating live display of any given renderable.
+ Args:
+ renderable (RenderableType, optional): The renderable to live display. Defaults to displaying nothing.
+ console (Console, optional): Optional Console instance. Default will an internal Console instance writing to stdout.
+ screen (bool, optional): Enable alternate screen mode. Defaults to False.
+ auto_refresh (bool, optional): Enable auto refresh. If disabled, you will need to call `refresh()` or `update()` with refresh flag. Defaults to True
+ refresh_per_second (float, optional): Number of times per second to refresh the live display. Defaults to 4.
+ transient (bool, optional): Clear the renderable on exit (has no effect when screen=True). Defaults to False.
+ redirect_stdout (bool, optional): Enable redirection of stdout, so ``print`` may be used. Defaults to True.
+ redirect_stderr (bool, optional): Enable redirection of stderr. Defaults to True.
+ vertical_overflow (VerticalOverflowMethod, optional): How to handle renderable when it is too tall for the console. Defaults to "ellipsis".
+ get_renderable (Callable[[], RenderableType], optional): Optional callable to get renderable. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ renderable: Optional[RenderableType] = None,
+ *,
+ console: Optional[Console] = None,
+ screen: bool = False,
+ auto_refresh: bool = True,
+ refresh_per_second: float = 4,
+ transient: bool = False,
+ redirect_stdout: bool = True,
+ redirect_stderr: bool = True,
+ vertical_overflow: VerticalOverflowMethod = "ellipsis",
+ get_renderable: Optional[Callable[[], RenderableType]] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ assert refresh_per_second > 0, "refresh_per_second must be > 0"
+ self._renderable = renderable
+ self.console = console if console is not None else get_console()
+ self._screen = screen
+ self._alt_screen = False
+ self._redirect_stdout = redirect_stdout
+ self._redirect_stderr = redirect_stderr
+ self._restore_stdout: Optional[IO[str]] = None
+ self._restore_stderr: Optional[IO[str]] = None
+ self._lock = RLock()
+ self.ipy_widget: Optional[Any] = None
+ self.auto_refresh = auto_refresh
+ self._started: bool = False
+ self.transient = True if screen else transient
+ self._refresh_thread: Optional[_RefreshThread] = None
+ self.refresh_per_second = refresh_per_second
+ self.vertical_overflow = vertical_overflow
+ self._get_renderable = get_renderable
+ self._live_render = LiveRender(
+ self.get_renderable(), vertical_overflow=vertical_overflow
+ )
+ @property
+ def is_started(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if live display has been started."""
+ return self._started
+ def get_renderable(self) -> RenderableType:
+ renderable = (
+ self._get_renderable()
+ if self._get_renderable is not None
+ else self._renderable
+ )
+ return renderable or ""
+ def start(self, refresh: bool = False) -> None:
+ """Start live rendering display.
+ Args:
+ refresh (bool, optional): Also refresh. Defaults to False.
+ """
+ with self._lock:
+ if self._started:
+ return
+ self.console.set_live(self)
+ self._started = True
+ if self._screen:
+ self._alt_screen = self.console.set_alt_screen(True)
+ self.console.show_cursor(False)
+ self._enable_redirect_io()
+ self.console.push_render_hook(self)
+ if refresh:
+ try:
+ self.refresh()
+ except Exception:
+ # If refresh fails, we want to stop the redirection of sys.stderr,
+ # so the error stacktrace is properly displayed in the terminal.
+ # (or, if the code that calls Rich captures the exception and wants to display something,
+ # let this be displayed in the terminal).
+ self.stop()
+ raise
+ if self.auto_refresh:
+ self._refresh_thread = _RefreshThread(self, self.refresh_per_second)
+ self._refresh_thread.start()
+ def stop(self) -> None:
+ """Stop live rendering display."""
+ with self._lock:
+ if not self._started:
+ return
+ self.console.clear_live()
+ self._started = False
+ if self.auto_refresh and self._refresh_thread is not None:
+ self._refresh_thread.stop()
+ self._refresh_thread = None
+ # allow it to fully render on the last even if overflow
+ self.vertical_overflow = "visible"
+ with self.console:
+ try:
+ if not self._alt_screen and not self.console.is_jupyter:
+ self.refresh()
+ finally:
+ self._disable_redirect_io()
+ self.console.pop_render_hook()
+ if not self._alt_screen and self.console.is_terminal:
+ self.console.line()
+ self.console.show_cursor(True)
+ if self._alt_screen:
+ self.console.set_alt_screen(False)
+ if self.transient and not self._alt_screen:
+ self.console.control(self._live_render.restore_cursor())
+ if self.ipy_widget is not None and self.transient:
+ self.ipy_widget.close() # pragma: no cover
+ def __enter__(self) -> "Live":
+ self.start(refresh=self._renderable is not None)
+ return self
+ def __exit__(
+ self,
+ exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
+ exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
+ exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
+ ) -> None:
+ self.stop()
+ def _enable_redirect_io(self) -> None:
+ """Enable redirecting of stdout / stderr."""
+ if self.console.is_terminal or self.console.is_jupyter:
+ if self._redirect_stdout and not isinstance(sys.stdout, FileProxy):
+ self._restore_stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = cast("TextIO", FileProxy(self.console, sys.stdout))
+ if self._redirect_stderr and not isinstance(sys.stderr, FileProxy):
+ self._restore_stderr = sys.stderr
+ sys.stderr = cast("TextIO", FileProxy(self.console, sys.stderr))
+ def _disable_redirect_io(self) -> None:
+ """Disable redirecting of stdout / stderr."""
+ if self._restore_stdout:
+ sys.stdout = cast("TextIO", self._restore_stdout)
+ self._restore_stdout = None
+ if self._restore_stderr:
+ sys.stderr = cast("TextIO", self._restore_stderr)
+ self._restore_stderr = None
+ @property
+ def renderable(self) -> RenderableType:
+ """Get the renderable that is being displayed
+ Returns:
+ RenderableType: Displayed renderable.
+ """
+ renderable = self.get_renderable()
+ return Screen(renderable) if self._alt_screen else renderable
+ def update(self, renderable: RenderableType, *, refresh: bool = False) -> None:
+ """Update the renderable that is being displayed
+ Args:
+ renderable (RenderableType): New renderable to use.
+ refresh (bool, optional): Refresh the display. Defaults to False.
+ """
+ if isinstance(renderable, str):
+ renderable = self.console.render_str(renderable)
+ with self._lock:
+ self._renderable = renderable
+ if refresh:
+ self.refresh()
+ def refresh(self) -> None:
+ """Update the display of the Live Render."""
+ with self._lock:
+ self._live_render.set_renderable(self.renderable)
+ if self.console.is_jupyter: # pragma: no cover
+ try:
+ from IPython.display import display
+ from ipywidgets import Output
+ except ImportError:
+ import warnings
+ warnings.warn('install "ipywidgets" for Jupyter support')
+ else:
+ if self.ipy_widget is None:
+ self.ipy_widget = Output()
+ display(self.ipy_widget)
+ with self.ipy_widget:
+ self.ipy_widget.clear_output(wait=True)
+ self.console.print(self._live_render.renderable)
+ elif self.console.is_terminal and not self.console.is_dumb_terminal:
+ with self.console:
+ self.console.print(Control())
+ elif (
+ not self._started and not self.transient
+ ): # if it is finished allow files or dumb-terminals to see final result
+ with self.console:
+ self.console.print(Control())
+ def process_renderables(
+ self, renderables: List[ConsoleRenderable]
+ ) -> List[ConsoleRenderable]:
+ """Process renderables to restore cursor and display progress."""
+ self._live_render.vertical_overflow = self.vertical_overflow
+ if self.console.is_interactive:
+ # lock needs acquiring as user can modify live_render renderable at any time unlike in Progress.
+ with self._lock:
+ reset = (
+ Control.home()
+ if self._alt_screen
+ else self._live_render.position_cursor()
+ )
+ renderables = [reset, *renderables, self._live_render]
+ elif (
+ not self._started and not self.transient
+ ): # if it is finished render the final output for files or dumb_terminals
+ renderables = [*renderables, self._live_render]
+ return renderables
+if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
+ import random
+ import time
+ from itertools import cycle
+ from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
+ from .align import Align
+ from .console import Console
+ from .live import Live as Live
+ from .panel import Panel
+ from .rule import Rule
+ from .syntax import Syntax
+ from .table import Table
+ console = Console()
+ syntax = Syntax(
+ '''def loop_last(values: Iterable[T]) -> Iterable[Tuple[bool, T]]:
+ """Iterate and generate a tuple with a flag for last value."""
+ iter_values = iter(values)
+ try:
+ previous_value = next(iter_values)
+ except StopIteration:
+ return
+ for value in iter_values:
+ yield False, previous_value
+ previous_value = value
+ yield True, previous_value''',
+ "python",
+ line_numbers=True,
+ )
+ table = Table("foo", "bar", "baz")
+ table.add_row("1", "2", "3")
+ progress_renderables = [
+ "You can make the terminal shorter and taller to see the live table hide"
+ "Text may be printed while the progress bars are rendering.",
+ Panel("In fact, [i]any[/i] renderable will work"),
+ "Such as [magenta]tables[/]...",
+ table,
+ "Pretty printed structures...",
+ {"type": "example", "text": "Pretty printed"},
+ "Syntax...",
+ syntax,
+ Rule("Give it a try!"),
+ ]
+ examples = cycle(progress_renderables)
+ exchanges = [
+ "SGD",
+ "MYR",
+ "EUR",
+ "USD",
+ "AUD",
+ "JPY",
+ "CNH",
+ "HKD",
+ "CAD",
+ "INR",
+ "DKK",
+ "GBP",
+ "RUB",
+ "NZD",
+ "MXN",
+ "IDR",
+ "TWD",
+ "THB",
+ "VND",
+ ]
+ with Live(console=console) as live_table:
+ exchange_rate_dict: Dict[Tuple[str, str], float] = {}
+ for index in range(100):
+ select_exchange = exchanges[index % len(exchanges)]
+ for exchange in exchanges:
+ if exchange == select_exchange:
+ continue
+ time.sleep(0.4)
+ if random.randint(0, 10) < 1:
+ console.log(next(examples))
+ exchange_rate_dict[(select_exchange, exchange)] = 200 / (
+ (random.random() * 320) + 1
+ )
+ if len(exchange_rate_dict) > len(exchanges) - 1:
+ exchange_rate_dict.pop(list(exchange_rate_dict.keys())[0])
+ table = Table(title="Exchange Rates")
+ table.add_column("Source Currency")
+ table.add_column("Destination Currency")
+ table.add_column("Exchange Rate")
+ for (source, dest), exchange_rate in exchange_rate_dict.items():
+ table.add_row(
+ source,
+ dest,
+ Text(
+ f"{exchange_rate:.4f}",
+ style="red" if exchange_rate < 1.0 else "green",
+ ),
+ )
+ live_table.update(