path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
diff options
authorcyfraeviolae <cyfraeviolae>2024-04-03 03:10:44 -0400
committercyfraeviolae <cyfraeviolae>2024-04-03 03:10:44 -0400
commit6d7ba58f880be618ade07f8ea080fe8c4bf8a896 (patch)
treeb1c931051ffcebd2bd9d61d98d6233ffa289bbce /venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
parent4f884c9abc32990b4061a1bb6997b4b37e58ea0b (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 1580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bd4765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
@@ -0,0 +1,1580 @@
+ pygments.lexers.modula2
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Multi-Dialect Lexer for Modula-2.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import re
+from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include
+from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_list_opt
+from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, \
+ String, Number, Punctuation, Error
+__all__ = ['Modula2Lexer']
+# Multi-Dialect Modula-2 Lexer
+class Modula2Lexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ For Modula-2 source code.
+ The Modula-2 lexer supports several dialects. By default, it operates in
+ fallback mode, recognising the *combined* literals, punctuation symbols
+ and operators of all supported dialects, and the *combined* reserved words
+ and builtins of PIM Modula-2, ISO Modula-2 and Modula-2 R10, while not
+ differentiating between library defined identifiers.
+ To select a specific dialect, a dialect option may be passed
+ or a dialect tag may be embedded into a source file.
+ Dialect Options:
+ `m2pim`
+ Select PIM Modula-2 dialect.
+ `m2iso`
+ Select ISO Modula-2 dialect.
+ `m2r10`
+ Select Modula-2 R10 dialect.
+ `objm2`
+ Select Objective Modula-2 dialect.
+ The PIM and ISO dialect options may be qualified with a language extension.
+ Language Extensions:
+ `+aglet`
+ Select Aglet Modula-2 extensions, available with m2iso.
+ `+gm2`
+ Select GNU Modula-2 extensions, available with m2pim.
+ `+p1`
+ Select p1 Modula-2 extensions, available with m2iso.
+ `+xds`
+ Select XDS Modula-2 extensions, available with m2iso.
+ Passing a Dialect Option via Unix Commandline Interface
+ Dialect options may be passed to the lexer using the `dialect` key.
+ Only one such option should be passed. If multiple dialect options are
+ passed, the first valid option is used, any subsequent options are ignored.
+ Examples:
+ `$ pygmentize -O full,dialect=m2iso -f html -o /path/to/output /path/to/input`
+ Use ISO dialect to render input to HTML output
+ `$ pygmentize -O full,dialect=m2iso+p1 -f rtf -o /path/to/output /path/to/input`
+ Use ISO dialect with p1 extensions to render input to RTF output
+ Embedding a Dialect Option within a source file
+ A dialect option may be embedded in a source file in form of a dialect
+ tag, a specially formatted comment that specifies a dialect option.
+ Dialect Tag EBNF::
+ dialectTag :
+ OpeningCommentDelim Prefix dialectOption ClosingCommentDelim ;
+ dialectOption :
+ 'm2pim' | 'm2iso' | 'm2r10' | 'objm2' |
+ 'm2iso+aglet' | 'm2pim+gm2' | 'm2iso+p1' | 'm2iso+xds' ;
+ Prefix : '!' ;
+ OpeningCommentDelim : '(*' ;
+ ClosingCommentDelim : '*)' ;
+ No whitespace is permitted between the tokens of a dialect tag.
+ In the event that a source file contains multiple dialect tags, the first
+ tag that contains a valid dialect option will be used and any subsequent
+ dialect tags will be ignored. Ideally, a dialect tag should be placed
+ at the beginning of a source file.
+ An embedded dialect tag overrides a dialect option set via command line.
+ Examples:
+ ``(*!m2r10*) DEFINITION MODULE Foobar; ...``
+ Use Modula2 R10 dialect to render this source file.
+ ``(*!m2pim+gm2*) DEFINITION MODULE Bazbam; ...``
+ Use PIM dialect with GNU extensions to render this source file.
+ Algol Publication Mode:
+ In Algol publication mode, source text is rendered for publication of
+ algorithms in scientific papers and academic texts, following the format
+ of the Revised Algol-60 Language Report. It is activated by passing
+ one of two corresponding styles as an option:
+ `algol`
+ render reserved words lowercase underline boldface
+ and builtins lowercase boldface italic
+ `algol_nu`
+ render reserved words lowercase boldface (no underlining)
+ and builtins lowercase boldface italic
+ The lexer automatically performs the required lowercase conversion when
+ this mode is activated.
+ Example:
+ ``$ pygmentize -O full,style=algol -f latex -o /path/to/output /path/to/input``
+ Render input file in Algol publication mode to LaTeX output.
+ Rendering Mode of First Class ADT Identifiers:
+ The rendering of standard library first class ADT identifiers is controlled
+ by option flag "treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins".
+ When this option is turned on, standard library ADT identifiers are rendered
+ as builtins. When it is turned off, they are rendered as ordinary library
+ identifiers.
+ `treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins` (default: On)
+ The option is useful for dialects that support ADTs as first class objects
+ and provide ADTs in the standard library that would otherwise be built-in.
+ At present, only Modula-2 R10 supports library ADTs as first class objects
+ and therefore, no ADT identifiers are defined for any other dialects.
+ Example:
+ ``$ pygmentize -O full,dialect=m2r10,treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins=Off ...``
+ Render standard library ADTs as ordinary library types.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.3
+ .. versionchanged:: 2.1
+ Added multi-dialect support.
+ """
+ name = 'Modula-2'
+ url = ''
+ aliases = ['modula2', 'm2']
+ filenames = ['*.def', '*.mod']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-modula2']
+ flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
+ tokens = {
+ 'whitespace': [
+ (r'\n+', Text), # blank lines
+ (r'\s+', Text), # whitespace
+ ],
+ 'dialecttags': [
+ # PIM Dialect Tag
+ (r'\(\*!m2pim\*\)', Comment.Special),
+ # ISO Dialect Tag
+ (r'\(\*!m2iso\*\)', Comment.Special),
+ # M2R10 Dialect Tag
+ (r'\(\*!m2r10\*\)', Comment.Special),
+ # ObjM2 Dialect Tag
+ (r'\(\*!objm2\*\)', Comment.Special),
+ # Aglet Extensions Dialect Tag
+ (r'\(\*!m2iso\+aglet\*\)', Comment.Special),
+ # GNU Extensions Dialect Tag
+ (r'\(\*!m2pim\+gm2\*\)', Comment.Special),
+ # p1 Extensions Dialect Tag
+ (r'\(\*!m2iso\+p1\*\)', Comment.Special),
+ # XDS Extensions Dialect Tag
+ (r'\(\*!m2iso\+xds\*\)', Comment.Special),
+ ],
+ 'identifiers': [
+ (r'([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)', Name),
+ ],
+ 'prefixed_number_literals': [
+ #
+ # Base-2, whole number
+ (r'0b[01]+(\'[01]+)*', Number.Bin),
+ #
+ # Base-16, whole number
+ (r'0[ux][0-9A-F]+(\'[0-9A-F]+)*', Number.Hex),
+ ],
+ 'plain_number_literals': [
+ #
+ # Base-10, real number with exponent
+ (r'[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*' # integral part
+ r'\.[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*' # fractional part
+ r'[eE][+-]?[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*', # exponent
+ Number.Float),
+ #
+ # Base-10, real number without exponent
+ (r'[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*' # integral part
+ r'\.[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*', # fractional part
+ Number.Float),
+ #
+ # Base-10, whole number
+ (r'[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*', Number.Integer),
+ ],
+ 'suffixed_number_literals': [
+ #
+ # Base-8, whole number
+ (r'[0-7]+B', Number.Oct),
+ #
+ # Base-8, character code
+ (r'[0-7]+C', Number.Oct),
+ #
+ # Base-16, number
+ (r'[0-9A-F]+H', Number.Hex),
+ ],
+ 'string_literals': [
+ (r'"(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^"\\])*"', String.Double),
+ (r"'(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^'\\])*'", String.Single),
+ ],
+ 'digraph_operators': [
+ # Dot Product Operator
+ (r'\*\.', Operator),
+ # Array Concatenation Operator
+ (r'\+>', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2
+ # Inequality Operator
+ (r'<>', Operator), # ISO + PIM
+ # Less-Or-Equal, Subset
+ (r'<=', Operator),
+ # Greater-Or-Equal, Superset
+ (r'>=', Operator),
+ # Identity Operator
+ (r'==', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2
+ # Type Conversion Operator
+ (r'::', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2
+ # Assignment Symbol
+ (r':=', Operator),
+ # Postfix Increment Mutator
+ (r'\+\+', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2
+ # Postfix Decrement Mutator
+ (r'--', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2
+ ],
+ 'unigraph_operators': [
+ # Arithmetic Operators
+ (r'[+-]', Operator),
+ (r'[*/]', Operator),
+ # ISO 80000-2 compliant Set Difference Operator
+ (r'\\', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2
+ # Relational Operators
+ (r'[=#<>]', Operator),
+ # Dereferencing Operator
+ (r'\^', Operator),
+ # Dereferencing Operator Synonym
+ (r'@', Operator), # ISO
+ # Logical AND Operator Synonym
+ (r'&', Operator), # PIM + ISO
+ # Logical NOT Operator Synonym
+ (r'~', Operator), # PIM + ISO
+ # Smalltalk Message Prefix
+ (r'`', Operator), # ObjM2
+ ],
+ 'digraph_punctuation': [
+ # Range Constructor
+ (r'\.\.', Punctuation),
+ # Opening Chevron Bracket
+ (r'<<', Punctuation), # M2R10 + ISO
+ # Closing Chevron Bracket
+ (r'>>', Punctuation), # M2R10 + ISO
+ # Blueprint Punctuation
+ (r'->', Punctuation), # M2R10 + ISO
+ # Distinguish |# and # in M2 R10
+ (r'\|#', Punctuation),
+ # Distinguish ## and # in M2 R10
+ (r'##', Punctuation),
+ # Distinguish |* and * in M2 R10
+ (r'\|\*', Punctuation),
+ ],
+ 'unigraph_punctuation': [
+ # Common Punctuation
+ (r'[()\[\]{},.:;|]', Punctuation),
+ # Case Label Separator Synonym
+ (r'!', Punctuation), # ISO
+ # Blueprint Punctuation
+ (r'\?', Punctuation), # M2R10 + ObjM2
+ ],
+ 'comments': [
+ # Single Line Comment
+ (r'^//.*?\n', Comment.Single), # M2R10 + ObjM2
+ # Block Comment
+ (r'\(\*([^$].*?)\*\)', Comment.Multiline),
+ # Template Block Comment
+ (r'/\*(.*?)\*/', Comment.Multiline), # M2R10 + ObjM2
+ ],
+ 'pragmas': [
+ # ISO Style Pragmas
+ (r'<\*.*?\*>', Comment.Preproc), # ISO, M2R10 + ObjM2
+ # Pascal Style Pragmas
+ (r'\(\*\$.*?\*\)', Comment.Preproc), # PIM
+ ],
+ 'root': [
+ include('whitespace'),
+ include('dialecttags'),
+ include('pragmas'),
+ include('comments'),
+ include('identifiers'),
+ include('suffixed_number_literals'), # PIM + ISO
+ include('prefixed_number_literals'), # M2R10 + ObjM2
+ include('plain_number_literals'),
+ include('string_literals'),
+ include('digraph_punctuation'),
+ include('digraph_operators'),
+ include('unigraph_punctuation'),
+ include('unigraph_operators'),
+ ]
+ }
+# C o m m o n D a t a s e t s
+ # Common Reserved Words Dataset
+ common_reserved_words = (
+ # 37 common reserved words
+ 'DO', 'ELSE', 'ELSIF', 'END', 'EXIT', 'FOR', 'FROM', 'IF',
+ 'SET', 'THEN', 'TO', 'TYPE', 'UNTIL', 'VAR', 'WHILE',
+ )
+ # Common Builtins Dataset
+ common_builtins = (
+ # 16 common builtins
+ 'TRUE',
+ )
+ # Common Pseudo-Module Builtins Dataset
+ common_pseudo_builtins = (
+ # 4 common pseudo builtins
+ )
+# P I M M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s
+ # Lexemes to Mark as Error Tokens for PIM Modula-2
+ pim_lexemes_to_reject = (
+ '!', '`', '@', '$', '%', '?', '\\', '==', '++', '--', '::', '*.',
+ '+>', '->', '<<', '>>', '|#', '##',
+ )
+ # PIM Modula-2 Additional Reserved Words Dataset
+ pim_additional_reserved_words = (
+ # 3 additional reserved words
+ )
+ # PIM Modula-2 Additional Builtins Dataset
+ pim_additional_builtins = (
+ # 16 additional builtins
+ 'INC', 'INCL', 'NEW', 'NIL', 'PROC', 'SIZE', 'TRUNC', 'VAL',
+ )
+ # PIM Modula-2 Additional Pseudo-Module Builtins Dataset
+ pim_additional_pseudo_builtins = (
+ # 5 additional pseudo builtins
+ )
+# I S O M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s
+ # Lexemes to Mark as Error Tokens for ISO Modula-2
+ iso_lexemes_to_reject = (
+ '`', '$', '%', '?', '\\', '==', '++', '--', '::', '*.', '+>', '->',
+ '<<', '>>', '|#', '##',
+ )
+ # ISO Modula-2 Additional Reserved Words Dataset
+ iso_additional_reserved_words = (
+ # 9 additional reserved words (ISO 10514-1)
+ 'REM', 'RETRY', 'WITH',
+ # 10 additional reserved words (ISO 10514-2 & ISO 10514-3)
+ )
+ # ISO Modula-2 Additional Builtins Dataset
+ iso_additional_builtins = (
+ # 26 additional builtins (ISO 10514-1)
+ # 5 additional builtins (ISO 10514-2 & ISO 10514-3)
+ )
+ # ISO Modula-2 Additional Pseudo-Module Builtins Dataset
+ iso_additional_pseudo_builtins = (
+ # 14 additional builtins (SYSTEM)
+ # 13 additional builtins (COROUTINES)
+ # 9 additional builtins (EXCEPTIONS)
+ 'EXCEPTIONS', 'AllocateSource', 'CurrentNumber', 'ExceptionNumber',
+ 'ExceptionSource', 'GetMessage', 'IsCurrentSource',
+ 'IsExceptionalExecution', 'RAISE',
+ # 3 additional builtins (TERMINATION)
+ 'TERMINATION', 'IsTerminating', 'HasHalted',
+ # 4 additional builtins (M2EXCEPTION)
+ 'M2EXCEPTION', 'M2Exceptions', 'M2Exception', 'IsM2Exception',
+ 'indexException', 'rangeException', 'caseSelectException',
+ 'invalidLocation', 'functionException', 'wholeValueException',
+ 'wholeDivException', 'realValueException', 'realDivException',
+ 'complexValueException', 'complexDivException', 'protException',
+ 'sysException', 'coException', 'exException',
+ )
+# M o d u l a - 2 R 1 0 D a t a s e t s
+ # Lexemes to Mark as Error Tokens for Modula-2 R10
+ m2r10_lexemes_to_reject = (
+ '!', '`', '@', '$', '%', '&', '<>',
+ )
+ # Modula-2 R10 reserved words in addition to the common set
+ m2r10_additional_reserved_words = (
+ # 12 additional reserved words
+ # 2 additional reserved words with symbolic assembly option
+ 'ASM', 'REG',
+ )
+ # Modula-2 R10 builtins in addition to the common set
+ m2r10_additional_builtins = (
+ # 26 additional builtins
+ )
+ # Modula-2 R10 Additional Pseudo-Module Builtins Dataset
+ m2r10_additional_pseudo_builtins = (
+ # 13 additional builtins (TPROPERTIES)
+ # 4 additional builtins (CONVERSION)
+ # 35 additional builtins (UNSAFE)
+ # 11 additional builtins (ATOMIC)
+ # 7 additional builtins (COMPILER)
+ 'HASH',
+ # 5 additional builtins (ASSEMBLER)
+ )
+# O b j e c t i v e M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s
+ # Lexemes to Mark as Error Tokens for Objective Modula-2
+ objm2_lexemes_to_reject = (
+ '!', '$', '%', '&', '<>',
+ )
+ # Objective Modula-2 Extensions
+ # reserved words in addition to Modula-2 R10
+ objm2_additional_reserved_words = (
+ # 16 additional reserved words
+ 'SUPER', 'TRY',
+ )
+ # Objective Modula-2 Extensions
+ # builtins in addition to Modula-2 R10
+ objm2_additional_builtins = (
+ # 3 additional builtins
+ 'OBJECT', 'NO', 'YES',
+ )
+ # Objective Modula-2 Extensions
+ # pseudo-module builtins in addition to Modula-2 R10
+ objm2_additional_pseudo_builtins = (
+ # None
+ )
+# A g l e t M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s
+ # Aglet Extensions
+ # reserved words in addition to ISO Modula-2
+ aglet_additional_reserved_words = (
+ # None
+ )
+ # Aglet Extensions
+ # builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2
+ aglet_additional_builtins = (
+ # 9 additional builtins
+ )
+ # Aglet Modula-2 Extensions
+ # pseudo-module builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2
+ aglet_additional_pseudo_builtins = (
+ # None
+ )
+# G N U M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s
+ # GNU Extensions
+ # reserved words in addition to PIM Modula-2
+ gm2_additional_reserved_words = (
+ # 10 additional reserved words
+ 'ASM', '__ATTRIBUTE__', '__BUILTIN__', '__COLUMN__', '__DATE__',
+ '__FILE__', '__FUNCTION__', '__LINE__', '__MODULE__', 'VOLATILE',
+ )
+ # GNU Extensions
+ # builtins in addition to PIM Modula-2
+ gm2_additional_builtins = (
+ # 21 additional builtins
+ 'REAL8', 'REAL16', 'REAL32', 'REAL96', 'REAL128', 'THROW',
+ )
+ # GNU Extensions
+ # pseudo-module builtins in addition to PIM Modula-2
+ gm2_additional_pseudo_builtins = (
+ # None
+ )
+# p 1 M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s
+ # p1 Extensions
+ # reserved words in addition to ISO Modula-2
+ p1_additional_reserved_words = (
+ # None
+ )
+ # p1 Extensions
+ # builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2
+ p1_additional_builtins = (
+ # None
+ )
+ # p1 Modula-2 Extensions
+ # pseudo-module builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2
+ p1_additional_pseudo_builtins = (
+ # 1 additional builtin
+ 'BCD',
+ )
+# X D S M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s
+ # XDS Extensions
+ # reserved words in addition to ISO Modula-2
+ xds_additional_reserved_words = (
+ # 1 additional reserved word
+ 'SEQ',
+ )
+ # XDS Extensions
+ # builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2
+ xds_additional_builtins = (
+ # 9 additional builtins
+ )
+ # XDS Modula-2 Extensions
+ # pseudo-module builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2
+ xds_additional_pseudo_builtins = (
+ # 22 additional builtins (SYSTEM)
+ 'CARD16', 'CARD32', 'INT8', 'INT16', 'INT32', 'REF', 'MOVE',
+ 'FILL', 'GET', 'PUT', 'CC', 'int', 'unsigned', 'size_t', 'void'
+ # 3 additional builtins (COMPILER)
+ )
+# P I M S t a n d a r d L i b r a r y D a t a s e t s
+ # PIM Modula-2 Standard Library Modules Dataset
+ pim_stdlib_module_identifiers = (
+ 'Terminal', 'FileSystem', 'InOut', 'RealInOut', 'MathLib0', 'Storage',
+ )
+ # PIM Modula-2 Standard Library Types Dataset
+ pim_stdlib_type_identifiers = (
+ 'Flag', 'FlagSet', 'Response', 'Command', 'Lock', 'Permission',
+ 'MediumType', 'File', 'FileProc', 'DirectoryProc', 'FileCommand',
+ 'DirectoryCommand',
+ )
+ # PIM Modula-2 Standard Library Procedures Dataset
+ pim_stdlib_proc_identifiers = (
+ 'Read', 'BusyRead', 'ReadAgain', 'Write', 'WriteString', 'WriteLn',
+ 'Create', 'Lookup', 'Close', 'Delete', 'Rename', 'SetRead', 'SetWrite',
+ 'SetModify', 'SetOpen', 'Doio', 'SetPos', 'GetPos', 'Length', 'Reset',
+ 'Again', 'ReadWord', 'WriteWord', 'ReadChar', 'WriteChar',
+ 'CreateMedium', 'DeleteMedium', 'AssignName', 'DeassignName',
+ 'ReadMedium', 'LookupMedium', 'OpenInput', 'OpenOutput', 'CloseInput',
+ 'CloseOutput', 'ReadString', 'ReadInt', 'ReadCard', 'ReadWrd',
+ 'WriteInt', 'WriteCard', 'WriteOct', 'WriteHex', 'WriteWrd',
+ 'ReadReal', 'WriteReal', 'WriteFixPt', 'WriteRealOct', 'sqrt', 'exp',
+ 'ln', 'sin', 'cos', 'arctan', 'entier', 'ALLOCATE', 'DEALLOCATE',
+ )
+ # PIM Modula-2 Standard Library Variables Dataset
+ pim_stdlib_var_identifiers = (
+ 'Done', 'termCH', 'in', 'out'
+ )
+ # PIM Modula-2 Standard Library Constants Dataset
+ pim_stdlib_const_identifiers = (
+ 'EOL',
+ )
+# I S O S t a n d a r d L i b r a r y D a t a s e t s
+ # ISO Modula-2 Standard Library Modules Dataset
+ iso_stdlib_module_identifiers = (
+ # TO DO
+ )
+ # ISO Modula-2 Standard Library Types Dataset
+ iso_stdlib_type_identifiers = (
+ # TO DO
+ )
+ # ISO Modula-2 Standard Library Procedures Dataset
+ iso_stdlib_proc_identifiers = (
+ # TO DO
+ )
+ # ISO Modula-2 Standard Library Variables Dataset
+ iso_stdlib_var_identifiers = (
+ # TO DO
+ )
+ # ISO Modula-2 Standard Library Constants Dataset
+ iso_stdlib_const_identifiers = (
+ # TO DO
+ )
+# M 2 R 1 0 S t a n d a r d L i b r a r y D a t a s e t s
+ # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library ADTs Dataset
+ m2r10_stdlib_adt_identifiers = (
+ 'BITSET128', 'BS8', 'BS16', 'BS32', 'BS64', 'BS128', 'CARDINAL8',
+ 'CARD16', 'CARD32', 'CARD64', 'CARD128', 'INTEGER8', 'INTEGER16',
+ 'INTEGER32', 'INTEGER64', 'INTEGER128', 'INT8', 'INT16', 'INT32',
+ 'INT64', 'INT128', 'STRING', 'UNISTRING',
+ )
+ # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Blueprints Dataset
+ m2r10_stdlib_blueprint_identifiers = (
+ 'ProtoRoot', 'ProtoComputational', 'ProtoNumeric', 'ProtoScalar',
+ 'ProtoNonScalar', 'ProtoCardinal', 'ProtoInteger', 'ProtoReal',
+ 'ProtoComplex', 'ProtoVector', 'ProtoTuple', 'ProtoCompArray',
+ 'ProtoCollection', 'ProtoStaticArray', 'ProtoStaticSet',
+ 'ProtoStaticString', 'ProtoArray', 'ProtoString', 'ProtoSet',
+ 'ProtoMultiSet', 'ProtoDictionary', 'ProtoMultiDict', 'ProtoExtension',
+ 'ProtoIO', 'ProtoCardMath', 'ProtoIntMath', 'ProtoRealMath',
+ )
+ # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Modules Dataset
+ m2r10_stdlib_module_identifiers = (
+ 'ASCII', 'BooleanIO', 'CharIO', 'UnicharIO', 'OctetIO',
+ 'CardinalIO', 'LongCardIO', 'IntegerIO', 'LongIntIO', 'RealIO',
+ 'LongRealIO', 'BCDIO', 'LongBCDIO', 'CardMath', 'LongCardMath',
+ 'IntMath', 'LongIntMath', 'RealMath', 'LongRealMath', 'BCDMath',
+ 'LongBCDMath', 'FileIO', 'FileSystem', 'Storage', 'IOSupport',
+ )
+ # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Types Dataset
+ m2r10_stdlib_type_identifiers = (
+ 'File', 'Status',
+ )
+ # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Procedures Dataset
+ m2r10_stdlib_proc_identifiers = (
+ )
+ # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Variables Dataset
+ m2r10_stdlib_var_identifiers = (
+ 'stdIn', 'stdOut', 'stdErr',
+ )
+ # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Constants Dataset
+ m2r10_stdlib_const_identifiers = (
+ 'pi', 'tau',
+ )
+# D i a l e c t s
+ # Dialect modes
+ dialects = (
+ 'unknown',
+ 'm2pim', 'm2iso', 'm2r10', 'objm2',
+ 'm2iso+aglet', 'm2pim+gm2', 'm2iso+p1', 'm2iso+xds',
+ )
+# D a t a b a s e s
+ # Lexemes to Mark as Errors Database
+ lexemes_to_reject_db = {
+ # Lexemes to reject for unknown dialect
+ 'unknown': (
+ ),
+ # Lexemes to reject for PIM Modula-2
+ 'm2pim': (
+ pim_lexemes_to_reject,
+ ),
+ # Lexemes to reject for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2iso': (
+ iso_lexemes_to_reject,
+ ),
+ # Lexemes to reject for Modula-2 R10
+ 'm2r10': (
+ m2r10_lexemes_to_reject,
+ ),
+ # Lexemes to reject for Objective Modula-2
+ 'objm2': (
+ objm2_lexemes_to_reject,
+ ),
+ # Lexemes to reject for Aglet Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+aglet': (
+ iso_lexemes_to_reject,
+ ),
+ # Lexemes to reject for GNU Modula-2
+ 'm2pim+gm2': (
+ pim_lexemes_to_reject,
+ ),
+ # Lexemes to reject for p1 Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+p1': (
+ iso_lexemes_to_reject,
+ ),
+ # Lexemes to reject for XDS Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+xds': (
+ iso_lexemes_to_reject,
+ ),
+ }
+ # Reserved Words Database
+ reserved_words_db = {
+ # Reserved words for unknown dialect
+ 'unknown': (
+ common_reserved_words,
+ pim_additional_reserved_words,
+ iso_additional_reserved_words,
+ m2r10_additional_reserved_words,
+ ),
+ # Reserved words for PIM Modula-2
+ 'm2pim': (
+ common_reserved_words,
+ pim_additional_reserved_words,
+ ),
+ # Reserved words for Modula-2 R10
+ 'm2iso': (
+ common_reserved_words,
+ iso_additional_reserved_words,
+ ),
+ # Reserved words for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2r10': (
+ common_reserved_words,
+ m2r10_additional_reserved_words,
+ ),
+ # Reserved words for Objective Modula-2
+ 'objm2': (
+ common_reserved_words,
+ m2r10_additional_reserved_words,
+ objm2_additional_reserved_words,
+ ),
+ # Reserved words for Aglet Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2iso+aglet': (
+ common_reserved_words,
+ iso_additional_reserved_words,
+ aglet_additional_reserved_words,
+ ),
+ # Reserved words for GNU Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2pim+gm2': (
+ common_reserved_words,
+ pim_additional_reserved_words,
+ gm2_additional_reserved_words,
+ ),
+ # Reserved words for p1 Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2iso+p1': (
+ common_reserved_words,
+ iso_additional_reserved_words,
+ p1_additional_reserved_words,
+ ),
+ # Reserved words for XDS Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2iso+xds': (
+ common_reserved_words,
+ iso_additional_reserved_words,
+ xds_additional_reserved_words,
+ ),
+ }
+ # Builtins Database
+ builtins_db = {
+ # Builtins for unknown dialect
+ 'unknown': (
+ common_builtins,
+ pim_additional_builtins,
+ iso_additional_builtins,
+ m2r10_additional_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for PIM Modula-2
+ 'm2pim': (
+ common_builtins,
+ pim_additional_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2iso': (
+ common_builtins,
+ iso_additional_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2r10': (
+ common_builtins,
+ m2r10_additional_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for Objective Modula-2
+ 'objm2': (
+ common_builtins,
+ m2r10_additional_builtins,
+ objm2_additional_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for Aglet Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2iso+aglet': (
+ common_builtins,
+ iso_additional_builtins,
+ aglet_additional_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for GNU Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2pim+gm2': (
+ common_builtins,
+ pim_additional_builtins,
+ gm2_additional_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for p1 Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2iso+p1': (
+ common_builtins,
+ iso_additional_builtins,
+ p1_additional_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for XDS Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2iso+xds': (
+ common_builtins,
+ iso_additional_builtins,
+ xds_additional_builtins,
+ ),
+ }
+ # Pseudo-Module Builtins Database
+ pseudo_builtins_db = {
+ # Builtins for unknown dialect
+ 'unknown': (
+ common_pseudo_builtins,
+ pim_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ iso_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ m2r10_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for PIM Modula-2
+ 'm2pim': (
+ common_pseudo_builtins,
+ pim_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2iso': (
+ common_pseudo_builtins,
+ iso_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2r10': (
+ common_pseudo_builtins,
+ m2r10_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for Objective Modula-2
+ 'objm2': (
+ common_pseudo_builtins,
+ m2r10_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ objm2_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for Aglet Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2iso+aglet': (
+ common_pseudo_builtins,
+ iso_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ aglet_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for GNU Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2pim+gm2': (
+ common_pseudo_builtins,
+ pim_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ gm2_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for p1 Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2iso+p1': (
+ common_pseudo_builtins,
+ iso_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ p1_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ ),
+ # Builtins for XDS Modula-2 Extensions
+ 'm2iso+xds': (
+ common_pseudo_builtins,
+ iso_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ xds_additional_pseudo_builtins,
+ ),
+ }
+ # Standard Library ADTs Database
+ stdlib_adts_db = {
+ # Empty entry for unknown dialect
+ 'unknown': (
+ ),
+ # Standard Library ADTs for PIM Modula-2
+ 'm2pim': (
+ # No first class library types
+ ),
+ # Standard Library ADTs for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2iso': (
+ # No first class library types
+ ),
+ # Standard Library ADTs for Modula-2 R10
+ 'm2r10': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_adt_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library ADTs for Objective Modula-2
+ 'objm2': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_adt_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library ADTs for Aglet Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+aglet': (
+ # No first class library types
+ ),
+ # Standard Library ADTs for GNU Modula-2
+ 'm2pim+gm2': (
+ # No first class library types
+ ),
+ # Standard Library ADTs for p1 Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+p1': (
+ # No first class library types
+ ),
+ # Standard Library ADTs for XDS Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+xds': (
+ # No first class library types
+ ),
+ }
+ # Standard Library Modules Database
+ stdlib_modules_db = {
+ # Empty entry for unknown dialect
+ 'unknown': (
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Modules for PIM Modula-2
+ 'm2pim': (
+ pim_stdlib_module_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Modules for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2iso': (
+ iso_stdlib_module_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Modules for Modula-2 R10
+ 'm2r10': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_blueprint_identifiers,
+ m2r10_stdlib_module_identifiers,
+ m2r10_stdlib_adt_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Modules for Objective Modula-2
+ 'objm2': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_blueprint_identifiers,
+ m2r10_stdlib_module_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Modules for Aglet Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+aglet': (
+ iso_stdlib_module_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Modules for GNU Modula-2
+ 'm2pim+gm2': (
+ pim_stdlib_module_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Modules for p1 Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+p1': (
+ iso_stdlib_module_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Modules for XDS Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+xds': (
+ iso_stdlib_module_identifiers,
+ ),
+ }
+ # Standard Library Types Database
+ stdlib_types_db = {
+ # Empty entry for unknown dialect
+ 'unknown': (
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Types for PIM Modula-2
+ 'm2pim': (
+ pim_stdlib_type_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Types for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2iso': (
+ iso_stdlib_type_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Types for Modula-2 R10
+ 'm2r10': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_type_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Types for Objective Modula-2
+ 'objm2': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_type_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Types for Aglet Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+aglet': (
+ iso_stdlib_type_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Types for GNU Modula-2
+ 'm2pim+gm2': (
+ pim_stdlib_type_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Types for p1 Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+p1': (
+ iso_stdlib_type_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Types for XDS Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+xds': (
+ iso_stdlib_type_identifiers,
+ ),
+ }
+ # Standard Library Procedures Database
+ stdlib_procedures_db = {
+ # Empty entry for unknown dialect
+ 'unknown': (
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Procedures for PIM Modula-2
+ 'm2pim': (
+ pim_stdlib_proc_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Procedures for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2iso': (
+ iso_stdlib_proc_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Procedures for Modula-2 R10
+ 'm2r10': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_proc_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Procedures for Objective Modula-2
+ 'objm2': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_proc_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Procedures for Aglet Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+aglet': (
+ iso_stdlib_proc_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Procedures for GNU Modula-2
+ 'm2pim+gm2': (
+ pim_stdlib_proc_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Procedures for p1 Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+p1': (
+ iso_stdlib_proc_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Procedures for XDS Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+xds': (
+ iso_stdlib_proc_identifiers,
+ ),
+ }
+ # Standard Library Variables Database
+ stdlib_variables_db = {
+ # Empty entry for unknown dialect
+ 'unknown': (
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Variables for PIM Modula-2
+ 'm2pim': (
+ pim_stdlib_var_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Variables for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2iso': (
+ iso_stdlib_var_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Variables for Modula-2 R10
+ 'm2r10': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_var_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Variables for Objective Modula-2
+ 'objm2': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_var_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Variables for Aglet Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+aglet': (
+ iso_stdlib_var_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Variables for GNU Modula-2
+ 'm2pim+gm2': (
+ pim_stdlib_var_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Variables for p1 Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+p1': (
+ iso_stdlib_var_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Variables for XDS Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+xds': (
+ iso_stdlib_var_identifiers,
+ ),
+ }
+ # Standard Library Constants Database
+ stdlib_constants_db = {
+ # Empty entry for unknown dialect
+ 'unknown': (
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Constants for PIM Modula-2
+ 'm2pim': (
+ pim_stdlib_const_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Constants for ISO Modula-2
+ 'm2iso': (
+ iso_stdlib_const_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Constants for Modula-2 R10
+ 'm2r10': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_const_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Constants for Objective Modula-2
+ 'objm2': (
+ m2r10_stdlib_const_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Constants for Aglet Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+aglet': (
+ iso_stdlib_const_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Constants for GNU Modula-2
+ 'm2pim+gm2': (
+ pim_stdlib_const_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Constants for p1 Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+p1': (
+ iso_stdlib_const_identifiers,
+ ),
+ # Standard Library Constants for XDS Modula-2
+ 'm2iso+xds': (
+ iso_stdlib_const_identifiers,
+ ),
+ }
+# M e t h o d s
+ # initialise a lexer instance
+ def __init__(self, **options):
+ #
+ # check dialect options
+ #
+ dialects = get_list_opt(options, 'dialect', [])
+ #
+ for dialect_option in dialects:
+ if dialect_option in self.dialects[1:-1]:
+ # valid dialect option found
+ self.set_dialect(dialect_option)
+ break
+ #
+ # Fallback Mode (DEFAULT)
+ else:
+ # no valid dialect option
+ self.set_dialect('unknown')
+ #
+ self.dialect_set_by_tag = False
+ #
+ # check style options
+ #
+ styles = get_list_opt(options, 'style', [])
+ #
+ # use lowercase mode for Algol style
+ if 'algol' in styles or 'algol_nu' in styles:
+ self.algol_publication_mode = True
+ else:
+ self.algol_publication_mode = False
+ #
+ # Check option flags
+ #
+ self.treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins = get_bool_opt(
+ options, 'treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins', True)
+ #
+ # call superclass initialiser
+ RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options)
+ # Set lexer to a specified dialect
+ def set_dialect(self, dialect_id):
+ #
+ # if __debug__:
+ # print 'entered set_dialect with arg: ', dialect_id
+ #
+ # check dialect name against known dialects
+ if dialect_id not in self.dialects:
+ dialect = 'unknown' # default
+ else:
+ dialect = dialect_id
+ #
+ # compose lexemes to reject set
+ lexemes_to_reject_set = set()
+ # add each list of reject lexemes for this dialect
+ for list in self.lexemes_to_reject_db[dialect]:
+ lexemes_to_reject_set.update(set(list))
+ #
+ # compose reserved words set
+ reswords_set = set()
+ # add each list of reserved words for this dialect
+ for list in self.reserved_words_db[dialect]:
+ reswords_set.update(set(list))
+ #
+ # compose builtins set
+ builtins_set = set()
+ # add each list of builtins for this dialect excluding reserved words
+ for list in self.builtins_db[dialect]:
+ builtins_set.update(set(list).difference(reswords_set))
+ #
+ # compose pseudo-builtins set
+ pseudo_builtins_set = set()
+ # add each list of builtins for this dialect excluding reserved words
+ for list in self.pseudo_builtins_db[dialect]:
+ pseudo_builtins_set.update(set(list).difference(reswords_set))
+ #
+ # compose ADTs set
+ adts_set = set()
+ # add each list of ADTs for this dialect excluding reserved words
+ for list in self.stdlib_adts_db[dialect]:
+ adts_set.update(set(list).difference(reswords_set))
+ #
+ # compose modules set
+ modules_set = set()
+ # add each list of builtins for this dialect excluding builtins
+ for list in self.stdlib_modules_db[dialect]:
+ modules_set.update(set(list).difference(builtins_set))
+ #
+ # compose types set
+ types_set = set()
+ # add each list of types for this dialect excluding builtins
+ for list in self.stdlib_types_db[dialect]:
+ types_set.update(set(list).difference(builtins_set))
+ #
+ # compose procedures set
+ procedures_set = set()
+ # add each list of procedures for this dialect excluding builtins
+ for list in self.stdlib_procedures_db[dialect]:
+ procedures_set.update(set(list).difference(builtins_set))
+ #
+ # compose variables set
+ variables_set = set()
+ # add each list of variables for this dialect excluding builtins
+ for list in self.stdlib_variables_db[dialect]:
+ variables_set.update(set(list).difference(builtins_set))
+ #
+ # compose constants set
+ constants_set = set()
+ # add each list of constants for this dialect excluding builtins
+ for list in self.stdlib_constants_db[dialect]:
+ constants_set.update(set(list).difference(builtins_set))
+ #
+ # update lexer state
+ self.dialect = dialect
+ self.lexemes_to_reject = lexemes_to_reject_set
+ self.reserved_words = reswords_set
+ self.builtins = builtins_set
+ self.pseudo_builtins = pseudo_builtins_set
+ self.adts = adts_set
+ self.modules = modules_set
+ self.types = types_set
+ self.procedures = procedures_set
+ self.variables = variables_set
+ self.constants = constants_set
+ #
+ # if __debug__:
+ # print 'exiting set_dialect'
+ # print ' self.dialect: ', self.dialect
+ # print ' self.lexemes_to_reject: ', self.lexemes_to_reject
+ # print ' self.reserved_words: ', self.reserved_words
+ # print ' self.builtins: ', self.builtins
+ # print ' self.pseudo_builtins: ', self.pseudo_builtins
+ # print ' self.adts: ', self.adts
+ # print ' self.modules: ', self.modules
+ # print ' self.types: ', self.types
+ # print ' self.procedures: ', self.procedures
+ # print ' self.variables: ', self.variables
+ # print ' self.types: ', self.types
+ # print ' self.constants: ', self.constants
+ # Extracts a dialect name from a dialect tag comment string and checks
+ # the extracted name against known dialects. If a match is found, the
+ # matching name is returned, otherwise dialect id 'unknown' is returned
+ def get_dialect_from_dialect_tag(self, dialect_tag):
+ #
+ # if __debug__:
+ # print 'entered get_dialect_from_dialect_tag with arg: ', dialect_tag
+ #
+ # constants
+ left_tag_delim = '(*!'
+ right_tag_delim = '*)'
+ left_tag_delim_len = len(left_tag_delim)
+ right_tag_delim_len = len(right_tag_delim)
+ indicator_start = left_tag_delim_len
+ indicator_end = -(right_tag_delim_len)
+ #
+ # check comment string for dialect indicator
+ if len(dialect_tag) > (left_tag_delim_len + right_tag_delim_len) \
+ and dialect_tag.startswith(left_tag_delim) \
+ and dialect_tag.endswith(right_tag_delim):
+ #
+ # if __debug__:
+ # print 'dialect tag found'
+ #
+ # extract dialect indicator
+ indicator = dialect_tag[indicator_start:indicator_end]
+ #
+ # if __debug__:
+ # print 'extracted: ', indicator
+ #
+ # check against known dialects
+ for index in range(1, len(self.dialects)):
+ #
+ # if __debug__:
+ # print 'dialects[', index, ']: ', self.dialects[index]
+ #
+ if indicator == self.dialects[index]:
+ #
+ # if __debug__:
+ # print 'matching dialect found'
+ #
+ # indicator matches known dialect
+ return indicator
+ else:
+ # indicator does not match any dialect
+ return 'unknown' # default
+ else:
+ # invalid indicator string
+ return 'unknown' # default
+ # intercept the token stream, modify token attributes and return them
+ def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
+ for index, token, value in RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
+ #
+ # check for dialect tag if dialect has not been set by tag
+ if not self.dialect_set_by_tag and token == Comment.Special:
+ indicated_dialect = self.get_dialect_from_dialect_tag(value)
+ if indicated_dialect != 'unknown':
+ # token is a dialect indicator
+ # reset reserved words and builtins
+ self.set_dialect(indicated_dialect)
+ self.dialect_set_by_tag = True
+ #
+ # check for reserved words, predefined and stdlib identifiers
+ if token is Name:
+ if value in self.reserved_words:
+ token = Keyword.Reserved
+ if self.algol_publication_mode:
+ value = value.lower()
+ #
+ elif value in self.builtins:
+ token = Name.Builtin
+ if self.algol_publication_mode:
+ value = value.lower()
+ #
+ elif value in self.pseudo_builtins:
+ token = Name.Builtin.Pseudo
+ if self.algol_publication_mode:
+ value = value.lower()
+ #
+ elif value in self.adts:
+ if not self.treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins:
+ token = Name.Namespace
+ else:
+ token = Name.Builtin.Pseudo
+ if self.algol_publication_mode:
+ value = value.lower()
+ #
+ elif value in self.modules:
+ token = Name.Namespace
+ #
+ elif value in self.types:
+ token = Name.Class
+ #
+ elif value in self.procedures:
+ token = Name.Function
+ #
+ elif value in self.variables:
+ token = Name.Variable
+ #
+ elif value in self.constants:
+ token = Name.Constant
+ #
+ elif token in Number:
+ #
+ # mark prefix number literals as error for PIM and ISO dialects
+ if self.dialect not in ('unknown', 'm2r10', 'objm2'):
+ if "'" in value or value[0:2] in ('0b', '0x', '0u'):
+ token = Error
+ #
+ elif self.dialect in ('m2r10', 'objm2'):
+ # mark base-8 number literals as errors for M2 R10 and ObjM2
+ if token is Number.Oct:
+ token = Error
+ # mark suffix base-16 literals as errors for M2 R10 and ObjM2
+ elif token is Number.Hex and 'H' in value:
+ token = Error
+ # mark real numbers with E as errors for M2 R10 and ObjM2
+ elif token is Number.Float and 'E' in value:
+ token = Error
+ #
+ elif token in Comment:
+ #
+ # mark single line comment as error for PIM and ISO dialects
+ if token is Comment.Single:
+ if self.dialect not in ('unknown', 'm2r10', 'objm2'):
+ token = Error
+ #
+ if token is Comment.Preproc:
+ # mark ISO pragma as error for PIM dialects
+ if value.startswith('<*') and \
+ self.dialect.startswith('m2pim'):
+ token = Error
+ # mark PIM pragma as comment for other dialects
+ elif value.startswith('(*$') and \
+ self.dialect != 'unknown' and \
+ not self.dialect.startswith('m2pim'):
+ token = Comment.Multiline
+ #
+ else: # token is neither Name nor Comment
+ #
+ # mark lexemes matching the dialect's error token set as errors
+ if value in self.lexemes_to_reject:
+ token = Error
+ #
+ # substitute lexemes when in Algol mode
+ if self.algol_publication_mode:
+ if value == '#':
+ value = '≠'
+ elif value == '<=':
+ value = '≤'
+ elif value == '>=':
+ value = '≥'
+ elif value == '==':
+ value = '≡'
+ elif value == '*.':
+ value = '•'
+ # return result
+ yield index, token, value
+ def analyse_text(text):
+ """It's Pascal-like, but does not use FUNCTION -- uses PROCEDURE
+ instead."""
+ # Check if this looks like Pascal, if not, bail out early
+ if not ('(*' in text and '*)' in text and ':=' in text):
+ return
+ result = 0
+ # Procedure is in Modula2
+ if'\bPROCEDURE\b', text):
+ result += 0.6
+ # FUNCTION is only valid in Pascal, but not in Modula2
+ if'\bFUNCTION\b', text):
+ result = 0.0
+ return result