path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
diff options
authorcyfraeviolae <cyfraeviolae>2024-04-03 03:17:55 -0400
committercyfraeviolae <cyfraeviolae>2024-04-03 03:17:55 -0400
commit12cf076118570eebbff08c6b3090e0d4798447a1 (patch)
tree3ba25e17e3c3a5e82316558ba3864b955919ff72 /venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
parentc45662ff3923b34614ddcc8feb9195541166dcc5 (diff)
no venv
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 369 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
deleted file mode 100644
index e247680..0000000
--- a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/lexers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
- pygments.lexers.modeling
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Lexers for modeling languages.
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-import re
-from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include, bygroups, using, default
-from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
- Number, Punctuation, Whitespace
-from pygments.lexers.html import HtmlLexer
-from pygments.lexers import _stan_builtins
-__all__ = ['ModelicaLexer', 'BugsLexer', 'JagsLexer', 'StanLexer']
-class ModelicaLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For Modelica source code.
- .. versionadded:: 1.1
- """
- name = 'Modelica'
- url = ''
- aliases = ['modelica']
- filenames = ['*.mo']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-modelica']
- flags = re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
- _name = r"(?:'(?:[^\\']|\\.)+'|[a-zA-Z_]\w*)"
- tokens = {
- 'whitespace': [
- (r'[\s\ufeff]+', Text),
- (r'//[^\n]*\n?', Comment.Single),
- (r'/\*.*?\*/', Comment.Multiline)
- ],
- 'root': [
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'"', String.Double, 'string'),
- (r'[()\[\]{},;]+', Punctuation),
- (r'\.?[*^/+-]|\.|<>|[<>:=]=?', Operator),
- (r'\d+(\.?\d*[eE][-+]?\d+|\.\d*)', Number.Float),
- (r'\d+', Number.Integer),
- (r'(abs|acos|actualStream|array|asin|assert|AssertionLevel|atan|'
- r'atan2|backSample|Boolean|cardinality|cat|ceil|change|Clock|'
- r'Connections|cos|cosh|cross|delay|diagonal|div|edge|exp|'
- r'ExternalObject|fill|floor|getInstanceName|hold|homotopy|'
- r'identity|inStream|integer|Integer|interval|inverse|isPresent|'
- r'linspace|log|log10|matrix|max|min|mod|ndims|noClock|noEvent|'
- r'ones|outerProduct|pre|previous|product|Real|reinit|rem|rooted|'
- r'sample|scalar|semiLinear|shiftSample|sign|sin|sinh|size|skew|'
- r'smooth|spatialDistribution|sqrt|StateSelect|String|subSample|'
- r'sum|superSample|symmetric|tan|tanh|terminal|terminate|time|'
- r'transpose|vector|zeros)\b', Name.Builtin),
- (r'(algorithm|annotation|break|connect|constant|constrainedby|der|'
- r'discrete|each|else|elseif|elsewhen|encapsulated|enumeration|'
- r'equation|exit|expandable|extends|external|firstTick|final|flow|for|if|'
- r'import|impure|in|initial|inner|input|interval|loop|nondiscrete|outer|'
- r'output|parameter|partial|protected|public|pure|redeclare|'
- r'replaceable|return|stream|then|when|while)\b',
- Keyword.Reserved),
- (r'(and|not|or)\b', Operator.Word),
- (r'(block|class|connector|end|function|model|operator|package|'
- r'record|type)\b', Keyword.Reserved, 'class'),
- (r'(false|true)\b', Keyword.Constant),
- (r'within\b', Keyword.Reserved, 'package-prefix'),
- (_name, Name)
- ],
- 'class': [
- include('whitespace'),
- (r'(function|record)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
- (r'(if|for|when|while)\b', Keyword.Reserved, '#pop'),
- (_name, Name.Class, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'package-prefix': [
- include('whitespace'),
- (_name, Name.Namespace, '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'string': [
- (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
- (r'\\[\'"?\\abfnrtv]', String.Escape),
- (r'(?i)<\s*html\s*>([^\\"]|\\.)+?(<\s*/\s*html\s*>|(?="))',
- using(HtmlLexer)),
- (r'<|\\?[^"\\<]+', String.Double)
- ]
- }
-class BugsLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- Pygments Lexer for OpenBugs and WinBugs
- models.
- .. versionadded:: 1.6
- """
- name = 'BUGS'
- aliases = ['bugs', 'winbugs', 'openbugs']
- filenames = ['*.bug']
- # Scalar functions
- 'abs', 'arccos', 'arccosh', 'arcsin', 'arcsinh', 'arctan', 'arctanh',
- 'cloglog', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cumulative', 'cut', 'density', 'deviance',
- 'equals', 'expr', 'gammap', 'ilogit', 'icloglog', 'integral', 'log',
- 'logfact', 'loggam', 'logit', 'max', 'min', 'phi', 'post.p.value',
- 'pow', 'prior.p.value', 'probit', '', 'replicate.prior',
- 'round', 'sin', 'sinh', 'solution', 'sqrt', 'step', 'tan', 'tanh',
- 'trunc',
- # Vector functions
- 'inprod', 'interp.lin', 'inverse', 'logdet', 'mean', 'eigen.vals',
- 'ode', 'prod', 'p.valueM', 'rank', 'ranked', 'replicate.postM',
- 'sd', 'sort', 'sum',
- # Special
- 'D', 'I', 'F', 'T', 'C')
- """ OpenBUGS built-in functions
- From
- This also includes
- - T, C, I : Truncation and censoring.
- ``T`` and ``C`` are in OpenBUGS. ``I`` in WinBUGS.
- - D : ODE
- - F : Functional
- """
- _DISTRIBUTIONS = ('dbern', 'dbin', 'dcat', 'dnegbin', 'dpois',
- 'dhyper', 'dbeta', 'dchisqr', 'ddexp', 'dexp',
- 'dflat', 'dgamma', 'dgev', 'df', 'dggamma', 'dgpar',
- 'dloglik', 'dlnorm', 'dlogis', 'dnorm', 'dpar',
- 'dt', 'dunif', 'dweib', 'dmulti', 'ddirch', 'dmnorm',
- 'dmt', 'dwish')
- """ OpenBUGS built-in distributions
- Functions from
- """
- tokens = {
- 'whitespace': [
- (r"\s+", Text),
- ],
- 'comments': [
- # Comments
- (r'#.*$', Comment.Single),
- ],
- 'root': [
- # Comments
- include('comments'),
- include('whitespace'),
- # Block start
- (r'(model)(\s+)(\{)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Punctuation)),
- # Reserved Words
- (r'(for|in)(?![\w.])', Keyword.Reserved),
- # Built-in Functions
- (r'(%s)(?=\s*\()'
- Name.Builtin),
- # Regular variable names
- (r'[A-Za-z][\w.]*', Name),
- # Number Literals
- (r'[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?', Number),
- # Punctuation
- (r'\[|\]|\(|\)|:|,|;', Punctuation),
- # Assignment operators
- # SLexer makes these tokens Operators.
- (r'<-|~', Operator),
- # Infix and prefix operators
- (r'\+|-|\*|/', Operator),
- # Block
- (r'[{}]', Punctuation),
- ]
- }
- def analyse_text(text):
- if"^\s*model\s*{", text, re.M):
- return 0.7
- else:
- return 0.0
-class JagsLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- Pygments Lexer for JAGS.
- .. versionadded:: 1.6
- """
- name = 'JAGS'
- aliases = ['jags']
- filenames = ['*.jag', '*.bug']
- # JAGS
- 'abs', 'arccos', 'arccosh', 'arcsin', 'arcsinh', 'arctan', 'arctanh',
- 'cos', 'cosh', 'cloglog',
- 'equals', 'exp', 'icloglog', 'ifelse', 'ilogit', 'log', 'logfact',
- 'loggam', 'logit', 'phi', 'pow', 'probit', 'round', 'sin', 'sinh',
- 'sqrt', 'step', 'tan', 'tanh', 'trunc', 'inprod', 'interp.lin',
- 'logdet', 'max', 'mean', 'min', 'prod', 'sum', 'sd', 'inverse',
- 'rank', 'sort', 't', 'acos', 'acosh', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan',
- # Truncation/Censoring (should I include)
- 'T', 'I')
- # Distributions with density, probability and quartile functions
- _DISTRIBUTIONS = tuple('[dpq]%s' % x for x in
- ('bern', 'beta', 'dchiqsqr', 'ddexp', 'dexp',
- 'df', 'gamma', 'gen.gamma', 'logis', 'lnorm',
- 'negbin', 'nchisqr', 'norm', 'par', 'pois', 'weib'))
- # Other distributions without density and probability
- 'dt', 'dunif', 'dbetabin', 'dbern', 'dbin', 'dcat', 'dhyper',
- 'ddirch', 'dmnorm', 'dwish', 'dmt', 'dmulti', 'dbinom', 'dchisq',
- 'dnbinom', 'dweibull', 'ddirich')
- tokens = {
- 'whitespace': [
- (r"\s+", Text),
- ],
- 'names': [
- # Regular variable names
- (r'[a-zA-Z][\w.]*\b', Name),
- ],
- 'comments': [
- # do not use stateful comments
- (r'(?s)/\*.*?\*/', Comment.Multiline),
- # Comments
- (r'#.*$', Comment.Single),
- ],
- 'root': [
- # Comments
- include('comments'),
- include('whitespace'),
- # Block start
- (r'(model|data)(\s+)(\{)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Punctuation)),
- (r'var(?![\w.])', Keyword.Declaration),
- # Reserved Words
- (r'(for|in)(?![\w.])', Keyword.Reserved),
- # Builtins
- # Need to use lookahead because . is a valid char
- (r'(%s)(?=\s*\()' % r'|'.join(_FUNCTIONS
- Name.Builtin),
- # Names
- include('names'),
- # Number Literals
- (r'[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?', Number),
- (r'\[|\]|\(|\)|:|,|;', Punctuation),
- # Assignment operators
- (r'<-|~', Operator),
- # # JAGS includes many more than OpenBUGS
- (r'\+|-|\*|\/|\|\|[&]{2}|[<>=]=?|\^|%.*?%', Operator),
- (r'[{}]', Punctuation),
- ]
- }
- def analyse_text(text):
- if'^\s*model\s*\{', text, re.M):
- if'^\s*data\s*\{', text, re.M):
- return 0.9
- elif'^\s*var', text, re.M):
- return 0.9
- else:
- return 0.3
- else:
- return 0
-class StanLexer(RegexLexer):
- """Pygments Lexer for Stan models.
- The Stan modeling language is specified in the *Stan Modeling Language
- User's Guide and Reference Manual, v2.17.0*,
- `pdf <>`__.
- .. versionadded:: 1.6
- """
- name = 'Stan'
- aliases = ['stan']
- filenames = ['*.stan']
- tokens = {
- 'whitespace': [
- (r"\s+", Text),
- ],
- 'comments': [
- (r'(?s)/\*.*?\*/', Comment.Multiline),
- # Comments
- (r'(//|#).*$', Comment.Single),
- ],
- 'root': [
- (r'"[^"]*"', String),
- # Comments
- include('comments'),
- # block start
- include('whitespace'),
- # Block start
- (r'(%s)(\s*)(\{)' %
- r'|'.join(('functions', 'data', r'transformed\s+?data',
- 'parameters', r'transformed\s+parameters',
- 'model', r'generated\s+quantities')),
- bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Punctuation)),
- # target keyword
- (r'target\s*\+=', Keyword),
- # Reserved Words
- (r'(%s)\b' % r'|'.join(_stan_builtins.KEYWORDS), Keyword),
- # Truncation
- (r'T(?=\s*\[)', Keyword),
- # Data types
- (r'(%s)\b' % r'|'.join(_stan_builtins.TYPES), Keyword.Type),
- # < should be punctuation, but elsewhere I can't tell if it is in
- # a range constraint
- (r'(<)(\s*)(upper|lower|offset|multiplier)(\s*)(=)',
- bygroups(Operator, Whitespace, Keyword, Whitespace, Punctuation)),
- (r'(,)(\s*)(upper)(\s*)(=)',
- bygroups(Punctuation, Whitespace, Keyword, Whitespace, Punctuation)),
- # Punctuation
- (r"[;,\[\]()]", Punctuation),
- # Builtin
- (r'(%s)(?=\s*\()' % '|'.join(_stan_builtins.FUNCTIONS), Name.Builtin),
- (r'(~)(\s*)(%s)(?=\s*\()' % '|'.join(_stan_builtins.DISTRIBUTIONS),
- bygroups(Operator, Whitespace, Name.Builtin)),
- # Special names ending in __, like lp__
- (r'[A-Za-z]\w*__\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
- (r'(%s)\b' % r'|'.join(_stan_builtins.RESERVED), Keyword.Reserved),
- # user-defined functions
- (r'[A-Za-z]\w*(?=\s*\()]', Name.Function),
- # Imaginary Literals
- (r'[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?i', Number.Float),
- (r'\.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?i', Number.Float),
- (r'[0-9]+i', Number.Float),
- # Real Literals
- (r'[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float),
- (r'\.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float),
- # Integer Literals
- (r'[0-9]+', Number.Integer),
- # Regular variable names
- (r'[A-Za-z]\w*\b', Name),
- # Assignment operators
- (r'<-|(?:\+|-|\.?/|\.?\*|=)?=|~', Operator),
- # Infix, prefix and postfix operators (and = )
- (r"\+|-|\.?\*|\.?/|\\|'|\.?\^|!=?|<=?|>=?|\|\||&&|%|\?|:|%/%|!", Operator),
- # Block delimiters
- (r'[{}]', Punctuation),
- # Distribution |
- (r'\|', Punctuation)
- ]
- }
- def analyse_text(text):
- if'^\s*parameters\s*\{', text, re.M):
- return 1.0
- else:
- return 0.0