path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/formatters/
diff options
authorcyfraeviolae <cyfraeviolae>2024-04-03 03:10:44 -0400
committercyfraeviolae <cyfraeviolae>2024-04-03 03:10:44 -0400
commit6d7ba58f880be618ade07f8ea080fe8c4bf8a896 (patch)
treeb1c931051ffcebd2bd9d61d98d6233ffa289bbce /venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/formatters/
parent4f884c9abc32990b4061a1bb6997b4b37e58ea0b (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/formatters/')
1 files changed, 684 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/formatters/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/formatters/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcf09da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pygments/formatters/
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+ pygments.formatters.img
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Formatter for Pixmap output.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import os
+import sys
+from pygments.formatter import Formatter
+from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_int_opt, get_list_opt, \
+ get_choice_opt
+import subprocess
+# Import this carefully
+ from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
+ pil_available = True
+except ImportError:
+ pil_available = False
+ import _winreg
+except ImportError:
+ try:
+ import winreg as _winreg
+ except ImportError:
+ _winreg = None
+__all__ = ['ImageFormatter', 'GifImageFormatter', 'JpgImageFormatter',
+ 'BmpImageFormatter']
+# For some unknown reason every font calls it something different
+ 'NORMAL': ['', 'Roman', 'Book', 'Normal', 'Regular', 'Medium'],
+ 'ITALIC': ['Oblique', 'Italic'],
+ 'BOLD': ['Bold'],
+ 'BOLDITALIC': ['Bold Oblique', 'Bold Italic'],
+# A sane default for modern systems
+class PilNotAvailable(ImportError):
+ """When Python imaging library is not available"""
+class FontNotFound(Exception):
+ """When there are no usable fonts specified"""
+class FontManager:
+ """
+ Manages a set of fonts: normal, italic, bold, etc...
+ """
+ def __init__(self, font_name, font_size=14):
+ self.font_name = font_name
+ self.font_size = font_size
+ self.fonts = {}
+ self.encoding = None
+ self.variable = False
+ if hasattr(font_name, 'read') or os.path.isfile(font_name):
+ font = ImageFont.truetype(font_name, self.font_size)
+ self.variable = True
+ for style in STYLES:
+ self.fonts[style] = font
+ return
+ if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ if not font_name:
+ self.font_name = DEFAULT_FONT_NAME_WIN
+ self._create_win()
+ elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
+ if not font_name:
+ self.font_name = DEFAULT_FONT_NAME_MAC
+ self._create_mac()
+ else:
+ if not font_name:
+ self.font_name = DEFAULT_FONT_NAME_NIX
+ self._create_nix()
+ def _get_nix_font_path(self, name, style):
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(['fc-list', "%s:style=%s" % (name, style), 'file'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None)
+ stdout, _ = proc.communicate()
+ if proc.returncode == 0:
+ lines = stdout.splitlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith(b'Fontconfig warning:'):
+ continue
+ path = line.decode().strip().strip(':')
+ if path:
+ return path
+ return None
+ def _create_nix(self):
+ for name in STYLES['NORMAL']:
+ path = self._get_nix_font_path(self.font_name, name)
+ if path is not None:
+ self.fonts['NORMAL'] = ImageFont.truetype(path, self.font_size)
+ break
+ else:
+ raise FontNotFound('No usable fonts named: "%s"' %
+ self.font_name)
+ for style in ('ITALIC', 'BOLD', 'BOLDITALIC'):
+ for stylename in STYLES[style]:
+ path = self._get_nix_font_path(self.font_name, stylename)
+ if path is not None:
+ self.fonts[style] = ImageFont.truetype(path, self.font_size)
+ break
+ else:
+ if style == 'BOLDITALIC':
+ self.fonts[style] = self.fonts['BOLD']
+ else:
+ self.fonts[style] = self.fonts['NORMAL']
+ def _get_mac_font_path(self, font_map, name, style):
+ return font_map.get((name + ' ' + style).strip().lower())
+ def _create_mac(self):
+ font_map = {}
+ for font_dir in (os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), 'Library/Fonts/'),
+ '/Library/Fonts/', '/System/Library/Fonts/'):
+ font_map.update(
+ (os.path.splitext(f)[0].lower(), os.path.join(font_dir, f))
+ for f in os.listdir(font_dir)
+ if f.lower().endswith(('ttf', 'ttc')))
+ for name in STYLES['NORMAL']:
+ path = self._get_mac_font_path(font_map, self.font_name, name)
+ if path is not None:
+ self.fonts['NORMAL'] = ImageFont.truetype(path, self.font_size)
+ break
+ else:
+ raise FontNotFound('No usable fonts named: "%s"' %
+ self.font_name)
+ for style in ('ITALIC', 'BOLD', 'BOLDITALIC'):
+ for stylename in STYLES[style]:
+ path = self._get_mac_font_path(font_map, self.font_name, stylename)
+ if path is not None:
+ self.fonts[style] = ImageFont.truetype(path, self.font_size)
+ break
+ else:
+ if style == 'BOLDITALIC':
+ self.fonts[style] = self.fonts['BOLD']
+ else:
+ self.fonts[style] = self.fonts['NORMAL']
+ def _lookup_win(self, key, basename, styles, fail=False):
+ for suffix in ('', ' (TrueType)'):
+ for style in styles:
+ try:
+ valname = '%s%s%s' % (basename, style and ' '+style, suffix)
+ val, _ = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, valname)
+ return val
+ except OSError:
+ continue
+ else:
+ if fail:
+ raise FontNotFound('Font %s (%s) not found in registry' %
+ (basename, styles[0]))
+ return None
+ def _create_win(self):
+ lookuperror = None
+ keynames = [ (_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts'),
+ (_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts'),
+ (_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts'),
+ (_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts') ]
+ for keyname in keynames:
+ try:
+ key = _winreg.OpenKey(*keyname)
+ try:
+ path = self._lookup_win(key, self.font_name, STYLES['NORMAL'], True)
+ self.fonts['NORMAL'] = ImageFont.truetype(path, self.font_size)
+ for style in ('ITALIC', 'BOLD', 'BOLDITALIC'):
+ path = self._lookup_win(key, self.font_name, STYLES[style])
+ if path:
+ self.fonts[style] = ImageFont.truetype(path, self.font_size)
+ else:
+ if style == 'BOLDITALIC':
+ self.fonts[style] = self.fonts['BOLD']
+ else:
+ self.fonts[style] = self.fonts['NORMAL']
+ return
+ except FontNotFound as err:
+ lookuperror = err
+ finally:
+ _winreg.CloseKey(key)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # If we get here, we checked all registry keys and had no luck
+ # We can be in one of two situations now:
+ # * All key lookups failed. In this case lookuperror is None and we
+ # will raise a generic error
+ # * At least one lookup failed with a FontNotFound error. In this
+ # case, we will raise that as a more specific error
+ if lookuperror:
+ raise lookuperror
+ raise FontNotFound('Can\'t open Windows font registry key')
+ def get_char_size(self):
+ """
+ Get the character size.
+ """
+ return self.get_text_size('M')
+ def get_text_size(self, text):
+ """
+ Get the text size (width, height).
+ """
+ font = self.fonts['NORMAL']
+ if hasattr(font, 'getbbox'): # Pillow >= 9.2.0
+ return font.getbbox(text)[2:4]
+ else:
+ return font.getsize(text)
+ def get_font(self, bold, oblique):
+ """
+ Get the font based on bold and italic flags.
+ """
+ if bold and oblique:
+ if self.variable:
+ return self.get_style('BOLDITALIC')
+ return self.fonts['BOLDITALIC']
+ elif bold:
+ if self.variable:
+ return self.get_style('BOLD')
+ return self.fonts['BOLD']
+ elif oblique:
+ if self.variable:
+ return self.get_style('ITALIC')
+ return self.fonts['ITALIC']
+ else:
+ if self.variable:
+ return self.get_style('NORMAL')
+ return self.fonts['NORMAL']
+ def get_style(self, style):
+ """
+ Get the specified style of the font if it is a variable font.
+ If not found, return the normal font.
+ """
+ font = self.fonts[style]
+ for style_name in STYLES[style]:
+ try:
+ font.set_variation_by_name(style_name)
+ return font
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ except OSError:
+ return font
+ return font
+class ImageFormatter(Formatter):
+ """
+ Create a PNG image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to
+ generate a pixmap from the source code.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.10
+ Additional options accepted:
+ `image_format`
+ An image format to output to that is recognised by PIL, these include:
+ * "PNG" (default)
+ * "JPEG"
+ * "BMP"
+ * "GIF"
+ `line_pad`
+ The extra spacing (in pixels) between each line of text.
+ Default: 2
+ `font_name`
+ The font name to be used as the base font from which others, such as
+ bold and italic fonts will be generated. This really should be a
+ monospace font to look sane.
+ If a filename or a file-like object is specified, the user must
+ provide different styles of the font.
+ Default: "Courier New" on Windows, "Menlo" on Mac OS, and
+ "DejaVu Sans Mono" on \\*nix
+ `font_size`
+ The font size in points to be used.
+ Default: 14
+ `image_pad`
+ The padding, in pixels to be used at each edge of the resulting image.
+ Default: 10
+ `line_numbers`
+ Whether line numbers should be shown: True/False
+ Default: True
+ `line_number_start`
+ The line number of the first line.
+ Default: 1
+ `line_number_step`
+ The step used when printing line numbers.
+ Default: 1
+ `line_number_bg`
+ The background colour (in "#123456" format) of the line number bar, or
+ None to use the style background color.
+ Default: "#eed"
+ `line_number_fg`
+ The text color of the line numbers (in "#123456"-like format).
+ Default: "#886"
+ `line_number_chars`
+ The number of columns of line numbers allowable in the line number
+ margin.
+ Default: 2
+ `line_number_bold`
+ Whether line numbers will be bold: True/False
+ Default: False
+ `line_number_italic`
+ Whether line numbers will be italicized: True/False
+ Default: False
+ `line_number_separator`
+ Whether a line will be drawn between the line number area and the
+ source code area: True/False
+ Default: True
+ `line_number_pad`
+ The horizontal padding (in pixels) between the line number margin, and
+ the source code area.
+ Default: 6
+ `hl_lines`
+ Specify a list of lines to be highlighted.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ Default: empty list
+ `hl_color`
+ Specify the color for highlighting lines.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ Default: highlight color of the selected style
+ """
+ # Required by the pygments mapper
+ name = 'img'
+ aliases = ['img', 'IMG', 'png']
+ filenames = ['*.png']
+ unicodeoutput = False
+ default_image_format = 'png'
+ def __init__(self, **options):
+ """
+ See the class docstring for explanation of options.
+ """
+ if not pil_available:
+ raise PilNotAvailable(
+ 'Python Imaging Library is required for this formatter')
+ Formatter.__init__(self, **options)
+ self.encoding = 'latin1' # let pygments.format() do the right thing
+ # Read the style
+ self.styles = dict(
+ if is None:
+ self.background_color = '#fff'
+ else:
+ self.background_color =
+ # Image options
+ self.image_format = get_choice_opt(
+ options, 'image_format', ['png', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp'],
+ self.default_image_format, normcase=True)
+ self.image_pad = get_int_opt(options, 'image_pad', 10)
+ self.line_pad = get_int_opt(options, 'line_pad', 2)
+ # The fonts
+ fontsize = get_int_opt(options, 'font_size', 14)
+ self.fonts = FontManager(options.get('font_name', ''), fontsize)
+ self.fontw, self.fonth = self.fonts.get_char_size()
+ # Line number options
+ self.line_number_fg = options.get('line_number_fg', '#886')
+ self.line_number_bg = options.get('line_number_bg', '#eed')
+ self.line_number_chars = get_int_opt(options,
+ 'line_number_chars', 2)
+ self.line_number_bold = get_bool_opt(options,
+ 'line_number_bold', False)
+ self.line_number_italic = get_bool_opt(options,
+ 'line_number_italic', False)
+ self.line_number_pad = get_int_opt(options, 'line_number_pad', 6)
+ self.line_numbers = get_bool_opt(options, 'line_numbers', True)
+ self.line_number_separator = get_bool_opt(options,
+ 'line_number_separator', True)
+ self.line_number_step = get_int_opt(options, 'line_number_step', 1)
+ self.line_number_start = get_int_opt(options, 'line_number_start', 1)
+ if self.line_numbers:
+ self.line_number_width = (self.fontw * self.line_number_chars +
+ self.line_number_pad * 2)
+ else:
+ self.line_number_width = 0
+ self.hl_lines = []
+ hl_lines_str = get_list_opt(options, 'hl_lines', [])
+ for line in hl_lines_str:
+ try:
+ self.hl_lines.append(int(line))
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ self.hl_color = options.get('hl_color',
+ or '#f90'
+ self.drawables = []
+ def get_style_defs(self, arg=''):
+ raise NotImplementedError('The -S option is meaningless for the image '
+ 'formatter. Use -O style=<stylename> instead.')
+ def _get_line_height(self):
+ """
+ Get the height of a line.
+ """
+ return self.fonth + self.line_pad
+ def _get_line_y(self, lineno):
+ """
+ Get the Y coordinate of a line number.
+ """
+ return lineno * self._get_line_height() + self.image_pad
+ def _get_char_width(self):
+ """
+ Get the width of a character.
+ """
+ return self.fontw
+ def _get_char_x(self, linelength):
+ """
+ Get the X coordinate of a character position.
+ """
+ return linelength + self.image_pad + self.line_number_width
+ def _get_text_pos(self, linelength, lineno):
+ """
+ Get the actual position for a character and line position.
+ """
+ return self._get_char_x(linelength), self._get_line_y(lineno)
+ def _get_linenumber_pos(self, lineno):
+ """
+ Get the actual position for the start of a line number.
+ """
+ return (self.image_pad, self._get_line_y(lineno))
+ def _get_text_color(self, style):
+ """
+ Get the correct color for the token from the style.
+ """
+ if style['color'] is not None:
+ fill = '#' + style['color']
+ else:
+ fill = '#000'
+ return fill
+ def _get_text_bg_color(self, style):
+ """
+ Get the correct background color for the token from the style.
+ """
+ if style['bgcolor'] is not None:
+ bg_color = '#' + style['bgcolor']
+ else:
+ bg_color = None
+ return bg_color
+ def _get_style_font(self, style):
+ """
+ Get the correct font for the style.
+ """
+ return self.fonts.get_font(style['bold'], style['italic'])
+ def _get_image_size(self, maxlinelength, maxlineno):
+ """
+ Get the required image size.
+ """
+ return (self._get_char_x(maxlinelength) + self.image_pad,
+ self._get_line_y(maxlineno + 0) + self.image_pad)
+ def _draw_linenumber(self, posno, lineno):
+ """
+ Remember a line number drawable to paint later.
+ """
+ self._draw_text(
+ self._get_linenumber_pos(posno),
+ str(lineno).rjust(self.line_number_chars),
+ font=self.fonts.get_font(self.line_number_bold,
+ self.line_number_italic),
+ text_fg=self.line_number_fg,
+ text_bg=None,
+ )
+ def _draw_text(self, pos, text, font, text_fg, text_bg):
+ """
+ Remember a single drawable tuple to paint later.
+ """
+ self.drawables.append((pos, text, font, text_fg, text_bg))
+ def _create_drawables(self, tokensource):
+ """
+ Create drawables for the token content.
+ """
+ lineno = charno = maxcharno = 0
+ maxlinelength = linelength = 0
+ for ttype, value in tokensource:
+ while ttype not in self.styles:
+ ttype = ttype.parent
+ style = self.styles[ttype]
+ # TODO: make sure tab expansion happens earlier in the chain. It
+ # really ought to be done on the input, as to do it right here is
+ # quite complex.
+ value = value.expandtabs(4)
+ lines = value.splitlines(True)
+ # print lines
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ temp = line.rstrip('\n')
+ if temp:
+ self._draw_text(
+ self._get_text_pos(linelength, lineno),
+ temp,
+ font = self._get_style_font(style),
+ text_fg = self._get_text_color(style),
+ text_bg = self._get_text_bg_color(style),
+ )
+ temp_width, _ = self.fonts.get_text_size(temp)
+ linelength += temp_width
+ maxlinelength = max(maxlinelength, linelength)
+ charno += len(temp)
+ maxcharno = max(maxcharno, charno)
+ if line.endswith('\n'):
+ # add a line for each extra line in the value
+ linelength = 0
+ charno = 0
+ lineno += 1
+ self.maxlinelength = maxlinelength
+ self.maxcharno = maxcharno
+ self.maxlineno = lineno
+ def _draw_line_numbers(self):
+ """
+ Create drawables for the line numbers.
+ """
+ if not self.line_numbers:
+ return
+ for p in range(self.maxlineno):
+ n = p + self.line_number_start
+ if (n % self.line_number_step) == 0:
+ self._draw_linenumber(p, n)
+ def _paint_line_number_bg(self, im):
+ """
+ Paint the line number background on the image.
+ """
+ if not self.line_numbers:
+ return
+ if self.line_number_fg is None:
+ return
+ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
+ recth = im.size[-1]
+ rectw = self.image_pad + self.line_number_width - self.line_number_pad
+ draw.rectangle([(0, 0), (rectw, recth)],
+ fill=self.line_number_bg)
+ if self.line_number_separator:
+ draw.line([(rectw, 0), (rectw, recth)], fill=self.line_number_fg)
+ del draw
+ def format(self, tokensource, outfile):
+ """
+ Format ``tokensource``, an iterable of ``(tokentype, tokenstring)``
+ tuples and write it into ``outfile``.
+ This implementation calculates where it should draw each token on the
+ pixmap, then calculates the required pixmap size and draws the items.
+ """
+ self._create_drawables(tokensource)
+ self._draw_line_numbers()
+ im =
+ 'RGB',
+ self._get_image_size(self.maxlinelength, self.maxlineno),
+ self.background_color
+ )
+ self._paint_line_number_bg(im)
+ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
+ # Highlight
+ if self.hl_lines:
+ x = self.image_pad + self.line_number_width - self.line_number_pad + 1
+ recth = self._get_line_height()
+ rectw = im.size[0] - x
+ for linenumber in self.hl_lines:
+ y = self._get_line_y(linenumber - 1)
+ draw.rectangle([(x, y), (x + rectw, y + recth)],
+ fill=self.hl_color)
+ for pos, value, font, text_fg, text_bg in self.drawables:
+ if text_bg:
+ text_size = draw.textsize(text=value, font=font)
+ draw.rectangle([pos[0], pos[1], pos[0] + text_size[0], pos[1] + text_size[1]], fill=text_bg)
+ draw.text(pos, value, font=font, fill=text_fg)
+, self.image_format.upper())
+# Add one formatter per format, so that the "-f gif" option gives the correct result
+# when used in pygmentize.
+class GifImageFormatter(ImageFormatter):
+ """
+ Create a GIF image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to
+ generate a pixmap from the source code.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0
+ """
+ name = 'img_gif'
+ aliases = ['gif']
+ filenames = ['*.gif']
+ default_image_format = 'gif'
+class JpgImageFormatter(ImageFormatter):
+ """
+ Create a JPEG image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to
+ generate a pixmap from the source code.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0
+ """
+ name = 'img_jpg'
+ aliases = ['jpg', 'jpeg']
+ filenames = ['*.jpg']
+ default_image_format = 'jpeg'
+class BmpImageFormatter(ImageFormatter):
+ """
+ Create a bitmap image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to
+ generate a pixmap from the source code.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0
+ """
+ name = 'img_bmp'
+ aliases = ['bmp', 'bitmap']
+ filenames = ['*.bmp']
+ default_image_format = 'bmp'