# orm/strategy_options.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # mypy: allow-untyped-defs, allow-untyped-calls """ """ from __future__ import annotations import typing from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import cast from typing import Dict from typing import Iterable from typing import Optional from typing import overload from typing import Sequence from typing import Tuple from typing import Type from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union from . import util as orm_util from ._typing import insp_is_aliased_class from ._typing import insp_is_attribute from ._typing import insp_is_mapper from ._typing import insp_is_mapper_property from .attributes import QueryableAttribute from .base import InspectionAttr from .interfaces import LoaderOption from .path_registry import _DEFAULT_TOKEN from .path_registry import _StrPathToken from .path_registry import _WILDCARD_TOKEN from .path_registry import AbstractEntityRegistry from .path_registry import path_is_property from .path_registry import PathRegistry from .path_registry import TokenRegistry from .util import _orm_full_deannotate from .util import AliasedInsp from .. import exc as sa_exc from .. import inspect from .. import util from ..sql import and_ from ..sql import cache_key from ..sql import coercions from ..sql import roles from ..sql import traversals from ..sql import visitors from ..sql.base import _generative from ..util.typing import Final from ..util.typing import Literal from ..util.typing import Self _RELATIONSHIP_TOKEN: Final[Literal["relationship"]] = "relationship" _COLUMN_TOKEN: Final[Literal["column"]] = "column" _FN = TypeVar("_FN", bound="Callable[..., Any]") if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from ._typing import _EntityType from ._typing import _InternalEntityType from .context import _MapperEntity from .context import ORMCompileState from .context import QueryContext from .interfaces import _StrategyKey from .interfaces import MapperProperty from .interfaces import ORMOption from .mapper import Mapper from .path_registry import _PathRepresentation from ..sql._typing import _ColumnExpressionArgument from ..sql._typing import _FromClauseArgument from ..sql.cache_key import _CacheKeyTraversalType from ..sql.cache_key import CacheKey _AttrType = Union[Literal["*"], "QueryableAttribute[Any]"] _WildcardKeyType = Literal["relationship", "column"] _StrategySpec = Dict[str, Any] _OptsType = Dict[str, Any] _AttrGroupType = Tuple[_AttrType, ...] class _AbstractLoad(traversals.GenerativeOnTraversal, LoaderOption): __slots__ = ("propagate_to_loaders",) _is_strategy_option = True propagate_to_loaders: bool def contains_eager( self, attr: _AttrType, alias: Optional[_FromClauseArgument] = None, _is_chain: bool = False, ) -> Self: r"""Indicate that the given attribute should be eagerly loaded from columns stated manually in the query. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. The option is used in conjunction with an explicit join that loads the desired rows, i.e.:: sess.query(Order).join(Order.user).options( contains_eager(Order.user) ) The above query would join from the ``Order`` entity to its related ``User`` entity, and the returned ``Order`` objects would have the ``Order.user`` attribute pre-populated. It may also be used for customizing the entries in an eagerly loaded collection; queries will normally want to use the :ref:`orm_queryguide_populate_existing` execution option assuming the primary collection of parent objects may already have been loaded:: sess.query(User).join(User.addresses).filter( Address.email_address.like("%@aol.com") ).options(contains_eager(User.addresses)).populate_existing() See the section :ref:`contains_eager` for complete usage details. .. seealso:: :ref:`loading_toplevel` :ref:`contains_eager` """ if alias is not None: if not isinstance(alias, str): coerced_alias = coercions.expect(roles.FromClauseRole, alias) else: util.warn_deprecated( "Passing a string name for the 'alias' argument to " "'contains_eager()` is deprecated, and will not work in a " "future release. Please use a sqlalchemy.alias() or " "sqlalchemy.orm.aliased() construct.", version="1.4", ) coerced_alias = alias elif getattr(attr, "_of_type", None): assert isinstance(attr, QueryableAttribute) ot: Optional[_InternalEntityType[Any]] = inspect(attr._of_type) assert ot is not None coerced_alias = ot.selectable else: coerced_alias = None cloned = self._set_relationship_strategy( attr, {"lazy": "joined"}, propagate_to_loaders=False, opts={"eager_from_alias": coerced_alias}, _reconcile_to_other=True if _is_chain else None, ) return cloned def load_only(self, *attrs: _AttrType, raiseload: bool = False) -> Self: r"""Indicate that for a particular entity, only the given list of column-based attribute names should be loaded; all others will be deferred. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. Example - given a class ``User``, load only the ``name`` and ``fullname`` attributes:: session.query(User).options(load_only(User.name, User.fullname)) Example - given a relationship ``User.addresses -> Address``, specify subquery loading for the ``User.addresses`` collection, but on each ``Address`` object load only the ``email_address`` attribute:: session.query(User).options( subqueryload(User.addresses).load_only(Address.email_address) ) For a statement that has multiple entities, the lead entity can be specifically referred to using the :class:`_orm.Load` constructor:: stmt = ( select(User, Address) .join(User.addresses) .options( Load(User).load_only(User.name, User.fullname), Load(Address).load_only(Address.email_address), ) ) When used together with the :ref:`populate_existing ` execution option only the attributes listed will be refreshed. :param \*attrs: Attributes to be loaded, all others will be deferred. :param raiseload: raise :class:`.InvalidRequestError` rather than lazy loading a value when a deferred attribute is accessed. Used to prevent unwanted SQL from being emitted. .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_queryguide_column_deferral` - in the :ref:`queryguide_toplevel` :param \*attrs: Attributes to be loaded, all others will be deferred. :param raiseload: raise :class:`.InvalidRequestError` rather than lazy loading a value when a deferred attribute is accessed. Used to prevent unwanted SQL from being emitted. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ cloned = self._set_column_strategy( attrs, {"deferred": False, "instrument": True}, ) wildcard_strategy = {"deferred": True, "instrument": True} if raiseload: wildcard_strategy["raiseload"] = True cloned = cloned._set_column_strategy( ("*",), wildcard_strategy, ) return cloned def joinedload( self, attr: _AttrType, innerjoin: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Self: """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using joined eager loading. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. examples:: # joined-load the "orders" collection on "User" select(User).options(joinedload(User.orders)) # joined-load Order.items and then Item.keywords select(Order).options( joinedload(Order.items).joinedload(Item.keywords) ) # lazily load Order.items, but when Items are loaded, # joined-load the keywords collection select(Order).options( lazyload(Order.items).joinedload(Item.keywords) ) :param innerjoin: if ``True``, indicates that the joined eager load should use an inner join instead of the default of left outer join:: select(Order).options(joinedload(Order.user, innerjoin=True)) In order to chain multiple eager joins together where some may be OUTER and others INNER, right-nested joins are used to link them:: select(A).options( joinedload(A.bs, innerjoin=False).joinedload( B.cs, innerjoin=True ) ) The above query, linking A.bs via "outer" join and B.cs via "inner" join would render the joins as "a LEFT OUTER JOIN (b JOIN c)". When using older versions of SQLite (< 3.7.16), this form of JOIN is translated to use full subqueries as this syntax is otherwise not directly supported. The ``innerjoin`` flag can also be stated with the term ``"unnested"``. This indicates that an INNER JOIN should be used, *unless* the join is linked to a LEFT OUTER JOIN to the left, in which case it will render as LEFT OUTER JOIN. For example, supposing ``A.bs`` is an outerjoin:: select(A).options( joinedload(A.bs).joinedload(B.cs, innerjoin="unnested") ) The above join will render as "a LEFT OUTER JOIN b LEFT OUTER JOIN c", rather than as "a LEFT OUTER JOIN (b JOIN c)". .. note:: The "unnested" flag does **not** affect the JOIN rendered from a many-to-many association table, e.g. a table configured as :paramref:`_orm.relationship.secondary`, to the target table; for correctness of results, these joins are always INNER and are therefore right-nested if linked to an OUTER join. .. note:: The joins produced by :func:`_orm.joinedload` are **anonymously aliased**. The criteria by which the join proceeds cannot be modified, nor can the ORM-enabled :class:`_sql.Select` or legacy :class:`_query.Query` refer to these joins in any way, including ordering. See :ref:`zen_of_eager_loading` for further detail. To produce a specific SQL JOIN which is explicitly available, use :meth:`_sql.Select.join` and :meth:`_query.Query.join`. To combine explicit JOINs with eager loading of collections, use :func:`_orm.contains_eager`; see :ref:`contains_eager`. .. seealso:: :ref:`loading_toplevel` :ref:`joined_eager_loading` """ loader = self._set_relationship_strategy( attr, {"lazy": "joined"}, opts=( {"innerjoin": innerjoin} if innerjoin is not None else util.EMPTY_DICT ), ) return loader def subqueryload(self, attr: _AttrType) -> Self: """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using subquery eager loading. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. examples:: # subquery-load the "orders" collection on "User" select(User).options(subqueryload(User.orders)) # subquery-load Order.items and then Item.keywords select(Order).options( subqueryload(Order.items).subqueryload(Item.keywords) ) # lazily load Order.items, but when Items are loaded, # subquery-load the keywords collection select(Order).options( lazyload(Order.items).subqueryload(Item.keywords) ) .. seealso:: :ref:`loading_toplevel` :ref:`subquery_eager_loading` """ return self._set_relationship_strategy(attr, {"lazy": "subquery"}) def selectinload( self, attr: _AttrType, recursion_depth: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Self: """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using SELECT IN eager loading. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. examples:: # selectin-load the "orders" collection on "User" select(User).options(selectinload(User.orders)) # selectin-load Order.items and then Item.keywords select(Order).options( selectinload(Order.items).selectinload(Item.keywords) ) # lazily load Order.items, but when Items are loaded, # selectin-load the keywords collection select(Order).options( lazyload(Order.items).selectinload(Item.keywords) ) :param recursion_depth: optional int; when set to a positive integer in conjunction with a self-referential relationship, indicates "selectin" loading will continue that many levels deep automatically until no items are found. .. note:: The :paramref:`_orm.selectinload.recursion_depth` option currently supports only self-referential relationships. There is not yet an option to automatically traverse recursive structures with more than one relationship involved. Additionally, the :paramref:`_orm.selectinload.recursion_depth` parameter is new and experimental and should be treated as "alpha" status for the 2.0 series. .. versionadded:: 2.0 added :paramref:`_orm.selectinload.recursion_depth` .. seealso:: :ref:`loading_toplevel` :ref:`selectin_eager_loading` """ return self._set_relationship_strategy( attr, {"lazy": "selectin"}, opts={"recursion_depth": recursion_depth}, ) def lazyload(self, attr: _AttrType) -> Self: """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using "lazy" loading. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. .. seealso:: :ref:`loading_toplevel` :ref:`lazy_loading` """ return self._set_relationship_strategy(attr, {"lazy": "select"}) def immediateload( self, attr: _AttrType, recursion_depth: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Self: """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using an immediate load with a per-attribute SELECT statement. The load is achieved using the "lazyloader" strategy and does not fire off any additional eager loaders. The :func:`.immediateload` option is superseded in general by the :func:`.selectinload` option, which performs the same task more efficiently by emitting a SELECT for all loaded objects. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. :param recursion_depth: optional int; when set to a positive integer in conjunction with a self-referential relationship, indicates "selectin" loading will continue that many levels deep automatically until no items are found. .. note:: The :paramref:`_orm.immediateload.recursion_depth` option currently supports only self-referential relationships. There is not yet an option to automatically traverse recursive structures with more than one relationship involved. .. warning:: This parameter is new and experimental and should be treated as "alpha" status .. versionadded:: 2.0 added :paramref:`_orm.immediateload.recursion_depth` .. seealso:: :ref:`loading_toplevel` :ref:`selectin_eager_loading` """ loader = self._set_relationship_strategy( attr, {"lazy": "immediate"}, opts={"recursion_depth": recursion_depth}, ) return loader def noload(self, attr: _AttrType) -> Self: """Indicate that the given relationship attribute should remain unloaded. The relationship attribute will return ``None`` when accessed without producing any loading effect. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. :func:`_orm.noload` applies to :func:`_orm.relationship` attributes only. .. note:: Setting this loading strategy as the default strategy for a relationship using the :paramref:`.orm.relationship.lazy` parameter may cause issues with flushes, such if a delete operation needs to load related objects and instead ``None`` was returned. .. seealso:: :ref:`loading_toplevel` """ return self._set_relationship_strategy(attr, {"lazy": "noload"}) def raiseload(self, attr: _AttrType, sql_only: bool = False) -> Self: """Indicate that the given attribute should raise an error if accessed. A relationship attribute configured with :func:`_orm.raiseload` will raise an :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` upon access. The typical way this is useful is when an application is attempting to ensure that all relationship attributes that are accessed in a particular context would have been already loaded via eager loading. Instead of having to read through SQL logs to ensure lazy loads aren't occurring, this strategy will cause them to raise immediately. :func:`_orm.raiseload` applies to :func:`_orm.relationship` attributes only. In order to apply raise-on-SQL behavior to a column-based attribute, use the :paramref:`.orm.defer.raiseload` parameter on the :func:`.defer` loader option. :param sql_only: if True, raise only if the lazy load would emit SQL, but not if it is only checking the identity map, or determining that the related value should just be None due to missing keys. When False, the strategy will raise for all varieties of relationship loading. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. .. seealso:: :ref:`loading_toplevel` :ref:`prevent_lazy_with_raiseload` :ref:`orm_queryguide_deferred_raiseload` """ return self._set_relationship_strategy( attr, {"lazy": "raise_on_sql" if sql_only else "raise"} ) def defaultload(self, attr: _AttrType) -> Self: """Indicate an attribute should load using its predefined loader style. The behavior of this loading option is to not change the current loading style of the attribute, meaning that the previously configured one is used or, if no previous style was selected, the default loading will be used. This method is used to link to other loader options further into a chain of attributes without altering the loader style of the links along the chain. For example, to set joined eager loading for an element of an element:: session.query(MyClass).options( defaultload(MyClass.someattribute).joinedload( MyOtherClass.someotherattribute ) ) :func:`.defaultload` is also useful for setting column-level options on a related class, namely that of :func:`.defer` and :func:`.undefer`:: session.scalars( select(MyClass).options( defaultload(MyClass.someattribute) .defer("some_column") .undefer("some_other_column") ) ) .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_queryguide_relationship_sub_options` :meth:`_orm.Load.options` """ return self._set_relationship_strategy(attr, None) def defer(self, key: _AttrType, raiseload: bool = False) -> Self: r"""Indicate that the given column-oriented attribute should be deferred, e.g. not loaded until accessed. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.orm import defer session.query(MyClass).options( defer(MyClass.attribute_one), defer(MyClass.attribute_two) ) To specify a deferred load of an attribute on a related class, the path can be specified one token at a time, specifying the loading style for each link along the chain. To leave the loading style for a link unchanged, use :func:`_orm.defaultload`:: session.query(MyClass).options( defaultload(MyClass.someattr).defer(RelatedClass.some_column) ) Multiple deferral options related to a relationship can be bundled at once using :meth:`_orm.Load.options`:: select(MyClass).options( defaultload(MyClass.someattr).options( defer(RelatedClass.some_column), defer(RelatedClass.some_other_column), defer(RelatedClass.another_column) ) ) :param key: Attribute to be deferred. :param raiseload: raise :class:`.InvalidRequestError` rather than lazy loading a value when the deferred attribute is accessed. Used to prevent unwanted SQL from being emitted. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_queryguide_column_deferral` - in the :ref:`queryguide_toplevel` :func:`_orm.load_only` :func:`_orm.undefer` """ strategy = {"deferred": True, "instrument": True} if raiseload: strategy["raiseload"] = True return self._set_column_strategy((key,), strategy) def undefer(self, key: _AttrType) -> Self: r"""Indicate that the given column-oriented attribute should be undeferred, e.g. specified within the SELECT statement of the entity as a whole. The column being undeferred is typically set up on the mapping as a :func:`.deferred` attribute. This function is part of the :class:`_orm.Load` interface and supports both method-chained and standalone operation. Examples:: # undefer two columns session.query(MyClass).options( undefer(MyClass.col1), undefer(MyClass.col2) ) # undefer all columns specific to a single class using Load + * session.query(MyClass, MyOtherClass).options( Load(MyClass).undefer("*") ) # undefer a column on a related object select(MyClass).options( defaultload(MyClass.items).undefer(MyClass.text) ) :param key: Attribute to be undeferred. .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_queryguide_column_deferral` - in the :ref:`queryguide_toplevel` :func:`_orm.defer` :func:`_orm.undefer_group` """ return self._set_column_strategy( (key,), {"deferred": False, "instrument": True} ) def undefer_group(self, name: str) -> Self: """Indicate that columns within the given deferred group name should be undeferred. The columns being undeferred are set up on the mapping as :func:`.deferred` attributes and include a "group" name. E.g:: session.query(MyClass).options(undefer_group("large_attrs")) To undefer a group of attributes on a related entity, the path can be spelled out using relationship loader options, such as :func:`_orm.defaultload`:: select(MyClass).options( defaultload("someattr").undefer_group("large_attrs") ) .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_queryguide_column_deferral` - in the :ref:`queryguide_toplevel` :func:`_orm.defer` :func:`_orm.undefer` """ return self._set_column_strategy( (_WILDCARD_TOKEN,), None, {f"undefer_group_{name}": True} ) def with_expression( self, key: _AttrType, expression: _ColumnExpressionArgument[Any], ) -> Self: r"""Apply an ad-hoc SQL expression to a "deferred expression" attribute. This option is used in conjunction with the :func:`_orm.query_expression` mapper-level construct that indicates an attribute which should be the target of an ad-hoc SQL expression. E.g.:: stmt = select(SomeClass).options( with_expression(SomeClass.x_y_expr, SomeClass.x + SomeClass.y) ) .. versionadded:: 1.2 :param key: Attribute to be populated :param expr: SQL expression to be applied to the attribute. .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_queryguide_with_expression` - background and usage examples """ expression = _orm_full_deannotate( coercions.expect(roles.LabeledColumnExprRole, expression) ) return self._set_column_strategy( (key,), {"query_expression": True}, extra_criteria=(expression,) ) def selectin_polymorphic(self, classes: Iterable[Type[Any]]) -> Self: """Indicate an eager load should take place for all attributes specific to a subclass. This uses an additional SELECT with IN against all matched primary key values, and is the per-query analogue to the ``"selectin"`` setting on the :paramref:`.mapper.polymorphic_load` parameter. .. versionadded:: 1.2 .. seealso:: :ref:`polymorphic_selectin` """ self = self._set_class_strategy( {"selectinload_polymorphic": True}, opts={ "entities": tuple( sorted((inspect(cls) for cls in classes), key=id) ) }, ) return self @overload def _coerce_strat(self, strategy: _StrategySpec) -> _StrategyKey: ... @overload def _coerce_strat(self, strategy: Literal[None]) -> None: ... def _coerce_strat( self, strategy: Optional[_StrategySpec] ) -> Optional[_StrategyKey]: if strategy is not None: strategy_key = tuple(sorted(strategy.items())) else: strategy_key = None return strategy_key @_generative def _set_relationship_strategy( self, attr: _AttrType, strategy: Optional[_StrategySpec], propagate_to_loaders: bool = True, opts: Optional[_OptsType] = None, _reconcile_to_other: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Self: strategy_key = self._coerce_strat(strategy) self._clone_for_bind_strategy( (attr,), strategy_key, _RELATIONSHIP_TOKEN, opts=opts, propagate_to_loaders=propagate_to_loaders, reconcile_to_other=_reconcile_to_other, ) return self @_generative def _set_column_strategy( self, attrs: Tuple[_AttrType, ...], strategy: Optional[_StrategySpec], opts: Optional[_OptsType] = None, extra_criteria: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None, ) -> Self: strategy_key = self._coerce_strat(strategy) self._clone_for_bind_strategy( attrs, strategy_key, _COLUMN_TOKEN, opts=opts, attr_group=attrs, extra_criteria=extra_criteria, ) return self @_generative def _set_generic_strategy( self, attrs: Tuple[_AttrType, ...], strategy: _StrategySpec, _reconcile_to_other: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Self: strategy_key = self._coerce_strat(strategy) self._clone_for_bind_strategy( attrs, strategy_key, None, propagate_to_loaders=True, reconcile_to_other=_reconcile_to_other, ) return self @_generative def _set_class_strategy( self, strategy: _StrategySpec, opts: _OptsType ) -> Self: strategy_key = self._coerce_strat(strategy) self._clone_for_bind_strategy(None, strategy_key, None, opts=opts) return self def _apply_to_parent(self, parent: Load) -> None: """apply this :class:`_orm._AbstractLoad` object as a sub-option o a :class:`_orm.Load` object. Implementation is provided by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError() def options(self, *opts: _AbstractLoad) -> Self: r"""Apply a series of options as sub-options to this :class:`_orm._AbstractLoad` object. Implementation is provided by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _clone_for_bind_strategy( self, attrs: Optional[Tuple[_AttrType, ...]], strategy: Optional[_StrategyKey], wildcard_key: Optional[_WildcardKeyType], opts: Optional[_OptsType] = None, attr_group: Optional[_AttrGroupType] = None, propagate_to_loaders: bool = True, reconcile_to_other: Optional[bool] = None, extra_criteria: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None, ) -> Self: raise NotImplementedError() def process_compile_state_replaced_entities( self, compile_state: ORMCompileState, mapper_entities: Sequence[_MapperEntity], ) -> None: if not compile_state.compile_options._enable_eagerloads: return # process is being run here so that the options given are validated # against what the lead entities were, as well as to accommodate # for the entities having been replaced with equivalents self._process( compile_state, mapper_entities, not bool(compile_state.current_path), ) def process_compile_state(self, compile_state: ORMCompileState) -> None: if not compile_state.compile_options._enable_eagerloads: return self._process( compile_state, compile_state._lead_mapper_entities, not bool(compile_state.current_path) and not compile_state.compile_options._for_refresh_state, ) def _process( self, compile_state: ORMCompileState, mapper_entities: Sequence[_MapperEntity], raiseerr: bool, ) -> None: """implemented by subclasses""" raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def _chop_path( cls, to_chop: _PathRepresentation, path: PathRegistry, debug: bool = False, ) -> Optional[_PathRepresentation]: i = -1 for i, (c_token, p_token) in enumerate( zip(to_chop, path.natural_path) ): if isinstance(c_token, str): if i == 0 and ( c_token.endswith(f":{_DEFAULT_TOKEN}") or c_token.endswith(f":{_WILDCARD_TOKEN}") ): return to_chop elif ( c_token != f"{_RELATIONSHIP_TOKEN}:{_WILDCARD_TOKEN}" and c_token != p_token.key # type: ignore ): return None if c_token is p_token: continue elif ( isinstance(c_token, InspectionAttr) and insp_is_mapper(c_token) and insp_is_mapper(p_token) and c_token.isa(p_token) ): continue else: return None return to_chop[i + 1 :] class Load(_AbstractLoad): """Represents loader options which modify the state of a ORM-enabled :class:`_sql.Select` or a legacy :class:`_query.Query` in order to affect how various mapped attributes are loaded. The :class:`_orm.Load` object is in most cases used implicitly behind the scenes when one makes use of a query option like :func:`_orm.joinedload`, :func:`_orm.defer`, or similar. It typically is not instantiated directly except for in some very specific cases. .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_queryguide_relationship_per_entity_wildcard` - illustrates an example where direct use of :class:`_orm.Load` may be useful """ __slots__ = ( "path", "context", "additional_source_entities", ) _traverse_internals = [ ("path", visitors.ExtendedInternalTraversal.dp_has_cache_key), ( "context", visitors.InternalTraversal.dp_has_cache_key_list, ), ("propagate_to_loaders", visitors.InternalTraversal.dp_boolean), ( "additional_source_entities", visitors.InternalTraversal.dp_has_cache_key_list, ), ] _cache_key_traversal = None path: PathRegistry context: Tuple[_LoadElement, ...] additional_source_entities: Tuple[_InternalEntityType[Any], ...] def __init__(self, entity: _EntityType[Any]): insp = cast("Union[Mapper[Any], AliasedInsp[Any]]", inspect(entity)) insp._post_inspect self.path = insp._path_registry self.context = () self.propagate_to_loaders = False self.additional_source_entities = () def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Load({self.path[0]})" @classmethod def _construct_for_existing_path( cls, path: AbstractEntityRegistry ) -> Load: load = cls.__new__(cls) load.path = path load.context = () load.propagate_to_loaders = False load.additional_source_entities = () return load def _adapt_cached_option_to_uncached_option( self, context: QueryContext, uncached_opt: ORMOption ) -> ORMOption: if uncached_opt is self: return self return self._adjust_for_extra_criteria(context) def _prepend_path(self, path: PathRegistry) -> Load: cloned = self._clone() cloned.context = tuple( element._prepend_path(path) for element in self.context ) return cloned def _adjust_for_extra_criteria(self, context: QueryContext) -> Load: """Apply the current bound parameters in a QueryContext to all occurrences "extra_criteria" stored within this ``Load`` object, returning a new instance of this ``Load`` object. """ # avoid generating cache keys for the queries if we don't # actually have any extra_criteria options, which is the # common case for value in self.context: if value._extra_criteria: break else: return self replacement_cache_key = context.query._generate_cache_key() if replacement_cache_key is None: return self orig_query = context.compile_state.select_statement orig_cache_key = orig_query._generate_cache_key() assert orig_cache_key is not None def process( opt: _LoadElement, replacement_cache_key: CacheKey, orig_cache_key: CacheKey, ) -> _LoadElement: cloned_opt = opt._clone() cloned_opt._extra_criteria = tuple( replacement_cache_key._apply_params_to_element( orig_cache_key, crit ) for crit in cloned_opt._extra_criteria ) return cloned_opt cloned = self._clone() cloned.context = tuple( ( process(value, replacement_cache_key, orig_cache_key) if value._extra_criteria else value ) for value in self.context ) return cloned def _reconcile_query_entities_with_us(self, mapper_entities, raiseerr): """called at process time to allow adjustment of the root entity inside of _LoadElement objects. """ path = self.path ezero = None for ent in mapper_entities: ezero = ent.entity_zero if ezero and orm_util._entity_corresponds_to( # technically this can be a token also, but this is # safe to pass to _entity_corresponds_to() ezero, cast("_InternalEntityType[Any]", path[0]), ): return ezero return None def _process( self, compile_state: ORMCompileState, mapper_entities: Sequence[_MapperEntity], raiseerr: bool, ) -> None: reconciled_lead_entity = self._reconcile_query_entities_with_us( mapper_entities, raiseerr ) for loader in self.context: loader.process_compile_state( self, compile_state, mapper_entities, reconciled_lead_entity, raiseerr, ) def _apply_to_parent(self, parent: Load) -> None: """apply this :class:`_orm.Load` object as a sub-option of another :class:`_orm.Load` object. This method is used by the :meth:`_orm.Load.options` method. """ cloned = self._generate() assert cloned.propagate_to_loaders == self.propagate_to_loaders if not any( orm_util._entity_corresponds_to_use_path_impl( elem, cloned.path.odd_element(0) ) for elem in (parent.path.odd_element(-1),) + parent.additional_source_entities ): if len(cloned.path) > 1: attrname = cloned.path[1] parent_entity = cloned.path[0] else: attrname = cloned.path[0] parent_entity = cloned.path[0] _raise_for_does_not_link(parent.path, attrname, parent_entity) cloned.path = PathRegistry.coerce(parent.path[0:-1] + cloned.path[:]) if self.context: cloned.context = tuple( value._prepend_path_from(parent) for value in self.context ) if cloned.context: parent.context += cloned.context parent.additional_source_entities += ( cloned.additional_source_entities ) @_generative def options(self, *opts: _AbstractLoad) -> Self: r"""Apply a series of options as sub-options to this :class:`_orm.Load` object. E.g.:: query = session.query(Author) query = query.options( joinedload(Author.book).options( load_only(Book.summary, Book.excerpt), joinedload(Book.citations).options( joinedload(Citation.author) ) ) ) :param \*opts: A series of loader option objects (ultimately :class:`_orm.Load` objects) which should be applied to the path specified by this :class:`_orm.Load` object. .. versionadded:: 1.3.6 .. seealso:: :func:`.defaultload` :ref:`orm_queryguide_relationship_sub_options` """ for opt in opts: try: opt._apply_to_parent(self) except AttributeError as ae: if not isinstance(opt, _AbstractLoad): raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( f"Loader option {opt} is not compatible with the " "Load.options() method." ) from ae else: raise return self def _clone_for_bind_strategy( self, attrs: Optional[Tuple[_AttrType, ...]], strategy: Optional[_StrategyKey], wildcard_key: Optional[_WildcardKeyType], opts: Optional[_OptsType] = None, attr_group: Optional[_AttrGroupType] = None, propagate_to_loaders: bool = True, reconcile_to_other: Optional[bool] = None, extra_criteria: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None, ) -> Self: # for individual strategy that needs to propagate, set the whole # Load container to also propagate, so that it shows up in # InstanceState.load_options if propagate_to_loaders: self.propagate_to_loaders = True if self.path.is_token: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Wildcard token cannot be followed by another entity" ) elif path_is_property(self.path): # re-use the lookup which will raise a nicely formatted # LoaderStrategyException if strategy: self.path.prop._strategy_lookup(self.path.prop, strategy[0]) else: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( f"Mapped attribute '{self.path.prop}' does not " "refer to a mapped entity" ) if attrs is None: load_element = _ClassStrategyLoad.create( self.path, None, strategy, wildcard_key, opts, propagate_to_loaders, attr_group=attr_group, reconcile_to_other=reconcile_to_other, extra_criteria=extra_criteria, ) if load_element: self.context += (load_element,) assert opts is not None self.additional_source_entities += cast( "Tuple[_InternalEntityType[Any]]", opts["entities"] ) else: for attr in attrs: if isinstance(attr, str): load_element = _TokenStrategyLoad.create( self.path, attr, strategy, wildcard_key, opts, propagate_to_loaders, attr_group=attr_group, reconcile_to_other=reconcile_to_other, extra_criteria=extra_criteria, ) else: load_element = _AttributeStrategyLoad.create( self.path, attr, strategy, wildcard_key, opts, propagate_to_loaders, attr_group=attr_group, reconcile_to_other=reconcile_to_other, extra_criteria=extra_criteria, ) if load_element: # for relationship options, update self.path on this Load # object with the latest path. if wildcard_key is _RELATIONSHIP_TOKEN: self.path = load_element.path self.context += (load_element,) # this seems to be effective for selectinloader, # giving the extra match to one more level deep. # but does not work for immediateloader, which still # must add additional options at load time if load_element.local_opts.get("recursion_depth", False): r1 = load_element._recurse() self.context += (r1,) return self def __getstate__(self): d = self._shallow_to_dict() d["path"] = self.path.serialize() return d def __setstate__(self, state): state["path"] = PathRegistry.deserialize(state["path"]) self._shallow_from_dict(state) class _WildcardLoad(_AbstractLoad): """represent a standalone '*' load operation""" __slots__ = ("strategy", "path", "local_opts") _traverse_internals = [ ("strategy", visitors.ExtendedInternalTraversal.dp_plain_obj), ("path", visitors.ExtendedInternalTraversal.dp_plain_obj), ( "local_opts", visitors.ExtendedInternalTraversal.dp_string_multi_dict, ), ] cache_key_traversal: _CacheKeyTraversalType = None strategy: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] local_opts: _OptsType path: Union[Tuple[()], Tuple[str]] propagate_to_loaders = False def __init__(self) -> None: self.path = () self.strategy = None self.local_opts = util.EMPTY_DICT def _clone_for_bind_strategy( self, attrs, strategy, wildcard_key, opts=None, attr_group=None, propagate_to_loaders=True, reconcile_to_other=None, extra_criteria=None, ): assert attrs is not None attr = attrs[0] assert ( wildcard_key and isinstance(attr, str) and attr in (_WILDCARD_TOKEN, _DEFAULT_TOKEN) ) attr = f"{wildcard_key}:{attr}" self.strategy = strategy self.path = (attr,) if opts: self.local_opts = util.immutabledict(opts) assert extra_criteria is None def options(self, *opts: _AbstractLoad) -> Self: raise NotImplementedError("Star option does not support sub-options") def _apply_to_parent(self, parent: Load) -> None: """apply this :class:`_orm._WildcardLoad` object as a sub-option of a :class:`_orm.Load` object. This method is used by the :meth:`_orm.Load.options` method. Note that :class:`_orm.WildcardLoad` itself can't have sub-options, but it may be used as the sub-option of a :class:`_orm.Load` object. """ assert self.path attr = self.path[0] if attr.endswith(_DEFAULT_TOKEN): attr = f"{attr.split(':')[0]}:{_WILDCARD_TOKEN}" effective_path = cast(AbstractEntityRegistry, parent.path).token(attr) assert effective_path.is_token loader = _TokenStrategyLoad.create( effective_path, None, self.strategy, None, self.local_opts, self.propagate_to_loaders, ) parent.context += (loader,) def _process(self, compile_state, mapper_entities, raiseerr): is_refresh = compile_state.compile_options._for_refresh_state if is_refresh and not self.propagate_to_loaders: return entities = [ent.entity_zero for ent in mapper_entities] current_path = compile_state.current_path start_path: _PathRepresentation = self.path if current_path: # TODO: no cases in test suite where we actually get # None back here new_path = self._chop_path(start_path, current_path) if new_path is None: return # chop_path does not actually "chop" a wildcard token path, # just returns it assert new_path == start_path # start_path is a single-token tuple assert start_path and len(start_path) == 1 token = start_path[0] assert isinstance(token, str) entity = self._find_entity_basestring(entities, token, raiseerr) if not entity: return path_element = entity # transfer our entity-less state into a Load() object # with a real entity path. Start with the lead entity # we just located, then go through the rest of our path # tokens and populate into the Load(). assert isinstance(token, str) loader = _TokenStrategyLoad.create( path_element._path_registry, token, self.strategy, None, self.local_opts, self.propagate_to_loaders, raiseerr=raiseerr, ) if not loader: return assert loader.path.is_token # don't pass a reconciled lead entity here loader.process_compile_state( self, compile_state, mapper_entities, None, raiseerr ) return loader def _find_entity_basestring( self, entities: Iterable[_InternalEntityType[Any]], token: str, raiseerr: bool, ) -> Optional[_InternalEntityType[Any]]: if token.endswith(f":{_WILDCARD_TOKEN}"): if len(list(entities)) != 1: if raiseerr: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Can't apply wildcard ('*') or load_only() " f"loader option to multiple entities " f"{', '.join(str(ent) for ent in entities)}. Specify " "loader options for each entity individually, such as " f"""{ ", ".join( f"Load({ent}).some_option('*')" for ent in entities ) }.""" ) elif token.endswith(_DEFAULT_TOKEN): raiseerr = False for ent in entities: # return only the first _MapperEntity when searching # based on string prop name. Ideally object # attributes are used to specify more exactly. return ent else: if raiseerr: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Query has only expression-based entities - " f'can\'t find property named "{token}".' ) else: return None def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: d = self._shallow_to_dict() return d def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._shallow_from_dict(state) class _LoadElement( cache_key.HasCacheKey, traversals.HasShallowCopy, visitors.Traversible ): """represents strategy information to select for a LoaderStrategy and pass options to it. :class:`._LoadElement` objects provide the inner datastructure stored by a :class:`_orm.Load` object and are also the object passed to methods like :meth:`.LoaderStrategy.setup_query`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ __slots__ = ( "path", "strategy", "propagate_to_loaders", "local_opts", "_extra_criteria", "_reconcile_to_other", ) __visit_name__ = "load_element" _traverse_internals = [ ("path", visitors.ExtendedInternalTraversal.dp_has_cache_key), ("strategy", visitors.ExtendedInternalTraversal.dp_plain_obj), ( "local_opts", visitors.ExtendedInternalTraversal.dp_string_multi_dict, ), ("_extra_criteria", visitors.InternalTraversal.dp_clauseelement_list), ("propagate_to_loaders", visitors.InternalTraversal.dp_plain_obj), ("_reconcile_to_other", visitors.InternalTraversal.dp_plain_obj), ] _cache_key_traversal = None _extra_criteria: Tuple[Any, ...] _reconcile_to_other: Optional[bool] strategy: Optional[_StrategyKey] path: PathRegistry propagate_to_loaders: bool local_opts: util.immutabledict[str, Any] is_token_strategy: bool is_class_strategy: bool def __hash__(self) -> int: return id(self) def __eq__(self, other): return traversals.compare(self, other) @property def is_opts_only(self) -> bool: return bool(self.local_opts and self.strategy is None) def _clone(self, **kw: Any) -> _LoadElement: cls = self.__class__ s = cls.__new__(cls) self._shallow_copy_to(s) return s def _update_opts(self, **kw: Any) -> _LoadElement: new = self._clone() new.local_opts = new.local_opts.union(kw) return new def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: d = self._shallow_to_dict() d["path"] = self.path.serialize() return d def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: state["path"] = PathRegistry.deserialize(state["path"]) self._shallow_from_dict(state) def _raise_for_no_match(self, parent_loader, mapper_entities): path = parent_loader.path found_entities = False for ent in mapper_entities: ezero = ent.entity_zero if ezero: found_entities = True break if not found_entities: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Query has only expression-based entities; " f"attribute loader options for {path[0]} can't " "be applied here." ) else: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( f"Mapped class {path[0]} does not apply to any of the " f"root entities in this query, e.g. " f"""{ ", ".join( str(x.entity_zero) for x in mapper_entities if x.entity_zero )}. Please """ "specify the full path " "from one of the root entities to the target " "attribute. " ) def _adjust_effective_path_for_current_path( self, effective_path: PathRegistry, current_path: PathRegistry ) -> Optional[PathRegistry]: """receives the 'current_path' entry from an :class:`.ORMCompileState` instance, which is set during lazy loads and secondary loader strategy loads, and adjusts the given path to be relative to the current_path. E.g. given a loader path and current path:: lp: User -> orders -> Order -> items -> Item -> keywords -> Keyword cp: User -> orders -> Order -> items The adjusted path would be:: Item -> keywords -> Keyword """ chopped_start_path = Load._chop_path( effective_path.natural_path, current_path ) if not chopped_start_path: return None tokens_removed_from_start_path = len(effective_path) - len( chopped_start_path ) loader_lead_path_element = self.path[tokens_removed_from_start_path] effective_path = PathRegistry.coerce( (loader_lead_path_element,) + chopped_start_path[1:] ) return effective_path def _init_path( self, path, attr, wildcard_key, attr_group, raiseerr, extra_criteria ): """Apply ORM attributes and/or wildcard to an existing path, producing a new path. This method is used within the :meth:`.create` method to initialize a :class:`._LoadElement` object. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _prepare_for_compile_state( self, parent_loader, compile_state, mapper_entities, reconciled_lead_entity, raiseerr, ): """implemented by subclasses.""" raise NotImplementedError() def process_compile_state( self, parent_loader, compile_state, mapper_entities, reconciled_lead_entity, raiseerr, ): """populate ORMCompileState.attributes with loader state for this _LoadElement. """ keys = self._prepare_for_compile_state( parent_loader, compile_state, mapper_entities, reconciled_lead_entity, raiseerr, ) for key in keys: if key in compile_state.attributes: compile_state.attributes[key] = _LoadElement._reconcile( self, compile_state.attributes[key] ) else: compile_state.attributes[key] = self @classmethod def create( cls, path: PathRegistry, attr: Union[_AttrType, _StrPathToken, None], strategy: Optional[_StrategyKey], wildcard_key: Optional[_WildcardKeyType], local_opts: Optional[_OptsType], propagate_to_loaders: bool, raiseerr: bool = True, attr_group: Optional[_AttrGroupType] = None, reconcile_to_other: Optional[bool] = None, extra_criteria: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None, ) -> _LoadElement: """Create a new :class:`._LoadElement` object.""" opt = cls.__new__(cls) opt.path = path opt.strategy = strategy opt.propagate_to_loaders = propagate_to_loaders opt.local_opts = ( util.immutabledict(local_opts) if local_opts else util.EMPTY_DICT ) opt._extra_criteria = () if reconcile_to_other is not None: opt._reconcile_to_other = reconcile_to_other elif strategy is None and not local_opts: opt._reconcile_to_other = True else: opt._reconcile_to_other = None path = opt._init_path( path, attr, wildcard_key, attr_group, raiseerr, extra_criteria ) if not path: return None # type: ignore assert opt.is_token_strategy == path.is_token opt.path = path return opt def __init__(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def _recurse(self) -> _LoadElement: cloned = self._clone() cloned.path = PathRegistry.coerce(self.path[:] + self.path[-2:]) return cloned def _prepend_path_from(self, parent: Load) -> _LoadElement: """adjust the path of this :class:`._LoadElement` to be a subpath of that of the given parent :class:`_orm.Load` object's path. This is used by the :meth:`_orm.Load._apply_to_parent` method, which is in turn part of the :meth:`_orm.Load.options` method. """ if not any( orm_util._entity_corresponds_to_use_path_impl( elem, self.path.odd_element(0), ) for elem in (parent.path.odd_element(-1),) + parent.additional_source_entities ): raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( f'Attribute "{self.path[1]}" does not link ' f'from element "{parent.path[-1]}".' ) return self._prepend_path(parent.path) def _prepend_path(self, path: PathRegistry) -> _LoadElement: cloned = self._clone() assert cloned.strategy == self.strategy assert cloned.local_opts == self.local_opts assert cloned.is_class_strategy == self.is_class_strategy cloned.path = PathRegistry.coerce(path[0:-1] + cloned.path[:]) return cloned @staticmethod def _reconcile( replacement: _LoadElement, existing: _LoadElement ) -> _LoadElement: """define behavior for when two Load objects are to be put into the context.attributes under the same key. :param replacement: ``_LoadElement`` that seeks to replace the existing one :param existing: ``_LoadElement`` that is already present. """ # mapper inheritance loading requires fine-grained "block other # options" / "allow these options to be overridden" behaviors # see test_poly_loading.py if replacement._reconcile_to_other: return existing elif replacement._reconcile_to_other is False: return replacement elif existing._reconcile_to_other: return replacement elif existing._reconcile_to_other is False: return existing if existing is replacement: return replacement elif ( existing.strategy == replacement.strategy and existing.local_opts == replacement.local_opts ): return replacement elif replacement.is_opts_only: existing = existing._clone() existing.local_opts = existing.local_opts.union( replacement.local_opts ) existing._extra_criteria += replacement._extra_criteria return existing elif existing.is_opts_only: replacement = replacement._clone() replacement.local_opts = replacement.local_opts.union( existing.local_opts ) replacement._extra_criteria += existing._extra_criteria return replacement elif replacement.path.is_token: # use 'last one wins' logic for wildcard options. this is also # kind of inconsistent vs. options that are specific paths which # will raise as below return replacement raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( f"Loader strategies for {replacement.path} conflict" ) class _AttributeStrategyLoad(_LoadElement): """Loader strategies against specific relationship or column paths. e.g.:: joinedload(User.addresses) defer(Order.name) selectinload(User.orders).lazyload(Order.items) """ __slots__ = ("_of_type", "_path_with_polymorphic_path") __visit_name__ = "attribute_strategy_load_element" _traverse_internals = _LoadElement._traverse_internals + [ ("_of_type", visitors.ExtendedInternalTraversal.dp_multi), ( "_path_with_polymorphic_path", visitors.ExtendedInternalTraversal.dp_has_cache_key, ), ] _of_type: Union[Mapper[Any], AliasedInsp[Any], None] _path_with_polymorphic_path: Optional[PathRegistry] is_class_strategy = False is_token_strategy = False def _init_path( self, path, attr, wildcard_key, attr_group, raiseerr, extra_criteria ): assert attr is not None self._of_type = None self._path_with_polymorphic_path = None insp, _, prop = _parse_attr_argument(attr) if insp.is_property: # direct property can be sent from internal strategy logic # that sets up specific loaders, such as # emit_lazyload->_lazyload_reverse # prop = found_property = attr prop = attr path = path[prop] if path.has_entity: path = path.entity_path return path elif not insp.is_attribute: # should not reach here; assert False # here we assume we have user-passed InstrumentedAttribute if not orm_util._entity_corresponds_to_use_path_impl( path[-1], attr.parent ): if raiseerr: if attr_group and attr is not attr_group[0]: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Can't apply wildcard ('*') or load_only() " "loader option to multiple entities in the " "same option. Use separate options per entity." ) else: _raise_for_does_not_link(path, str(attr), attr.parent) else: return None # note the essential logic of this attribute was very different in # 1.4, where there were caching failures in e.g. # test_relationship_criteria.py::RelationshipCriteriaTest:: # test_selectinload_nested_criteria[True] if an existing # "_extra_criteria" on a Load object were replaced with that coming # from an attribute. This appears to have been an artifact of how # _UnboundLoad / Load interacted together, which was opaque and # poorly defined. if extra_criteria: assert not attr._extra_criteria self._extra_criteria = extra_criteria else: self._extra_criteria = attr._extra_criteria if getattr(attr, "_of_type", None): ac = attr._of_type ext_info = inspect(ac) self._of_type = ext_info self._path_with_polymorphic_path = path.entity_path[prop] path = path[prop][ext_info] else: path = path[prop] if path.has_entity: path = path.entity_path return path def _generate_extra_criteria(self, context): """Apply the current bound parameters in a QueryContext to the immediate "extra_criteria" stored with this Load object. Load objects are typically pulled from the cached version of the statement from a QueryContext. The statement currently being executed will have new values (and keys) for bound parameters in the extra criteria which need to be applied by loader strategies when they handle this criteria for a result set. """ assert ( self._extra_criteria ), "this should only be called if _extra_criteria is present" orig_query = context.compile_state.select_statement current_query = context.query # NOTE: while it seems like we should not do the "apply" operation # here if orig_query is current_query, skipping it in the "optimized" # case causes the query to be different from a cache key perspective, # because we are creating a copy of the criteria which is no longer # the same identity of the _extra_criteria in the loader option # itself. cache key logic produces a different key for # (A, copy_of_A) vs. (A, A), because in the latter case it shortens # the second part of the key to just indicate on identity. # if orig_query is current_query: # not cached yet. just do the and_() # return and_(*self._extra_criteria) k1 = orig_query._generate_cache_key() k2 = current_query._generate_cache_key() return k2._apply_params_to_element(k1, and_(*self._extra_criteria)) def _set_of_type_info(self, context, current_path): assert self._path_with_polymorphic_path pwpi = self._of_type assert pwpi if not pwpi.is_aliased_class: pwpi = inspect( orm_util.AliasedInsp._with_polymorphic_factory( pwpi.mapper.base_mapper, (pwpi.mapper,), aliased=True, _use_mapper_path=True, ) ) start_path = self._path_with_polymorphic_path if current_path: new_path = self._adjust_effective_path_for_current_path( start_path, current_path ) if new_path is None: return start_path = new_path key = ("path_with_polymorphic", start_path.natural_path) if key in context: existing_aliased_insp = context[key] this_aliased_insp = pwpi new_aliased_insp = existing_aliased_insp._merge_with( this_aliased_insp ) context[key] = new_aliased_insp else: context[key] = pwpi def _prepare_for_compile_state( self, parent_loader, compile_state, mapper_entities, reconciled_lead_entity, raiseerr, ): # _AttributeStrategyLoad current_path = compile_state.current_path is_refresh = compile_state.compile_options._for_refresh_state assert not self.path.is_token if is_refresh and not self.propagate_to_loaders: return [] if self._of_type: # apply additional with_polymorphic alias that may have been # generated. this has to happen even if this is a defaultload self._set_of_type_info(compile_state.attributes, current_path) # omit setting loader attributes for a "defaultload" type of option if not self.strategy and not self.local_opts: return [] if raiseerr and not reconciled_lead_entity: self._raise_for_no_match(parent_loader, mapper_entities) if self.path.has_entity: effective_path = self.path.parent else: effective_path = self.path if current_path: assert effective_path is not None effective_path = self._adjust_effective_path_for_current_path( effective_path, current_path ) if effective_path is None: return [] return [("loader", cast(PathRegistry, effective_path).natural_path)] def __getstate__(self): d = super().__getstate__() # can't pickle this. See # test_pickled.py -> test_lazyload_extra_criteria_not_supported # where we should be emitting a warning for the usual case where this # would be non-None d["_extra_criteria"] = () if self._path_with_polymorphic_path: d["_path_with_polymorphic_path"] = ( self._path_with_polymorphic_path.serialize() ) if self._of_type: if self._of_type.is_aliased_class: d["_of_type"] = None elif self._of_type.is_mapper: d["_of_type"] = self._of_type.class_ else: assert False, "unexpected object for _of_type" return d def __setstate__(self, state): super().__setstate__(state) if state.get("_path_with_polymorphic_path", None): self._path_with_polymorphic_path = PathRegistry.deserialize( state["_path_with_polymorphic_path"] ) else: self._path_with_polymorphic_path = None if state.get("_of_type", None): self._of_type = inspect(state["_of_type"]) else: self._of_type = None class _TokenStrategyLoad(_LoadElement): """Loader strategies against wildcard attributes e.g.:: raiseload('*') Load(User).lazyload('*') defer('*') load_only(User.name, User.email) # will create a defer('*') joinedload(User.addresses).raiseload('*') """ __visit_name__ = "token_strategy_load_element" inherit_cache = True is_class_strategy = False is_token_strategy = True def _init_path( self, path, attr, wildcard_key, attr_group, raiseerr, extra_criteria ): # assert isinstance(attr, str) or attr is None if attr is not None: default_token = attr.endswith(_DEFAULT_TOKEN) if attr.endswith(_WILDCARD_TOKEN) or default_token: if wildcard_key: attr = f"{wildcard_key}:{attr}" path = path.token(attr) return path else: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Strings are not accepted for attribute names in loader " "options; please use class-bound attributes directly." ) return path def _prepare_for_compile_state( self, parent_loader, compile_state, mapper_entities, reconciled_lead_entity, raiseerr, ): # _TokenStrategyLoad current_path = compile_state.current_path is_refresh = compile_state.compile_options._for_refresh_state assert self.path.is_token if is_refresh and not self.propagate_to_loaders: return [] # omit setting attributes for a "defaultload" type of option if not self.strategy and not self.local_opts: return [] effective_path = self.path if reconciled_lead_entity: effective_path = PathRegistry.coerce( (reconciled_lead_entity,) + effective_path.path[1:] ) if current_path: new_effective_path = self._adjust_effective_path_for_current_path( effective_path, current_path ) if new_effective_path is None: return [] effective_path = new_effective_path # for a wildcard token, expand out the path we set # to encompass everything from the query entity on # forward. not clear if this is necessary when current_path # is set. return [ ("loader", natural_path) for natural_path in ( cast( TokenRegistry, effective_path )._generate_natural_for_superclasses() ) ] class _ClassStrategyLoad(_LoadElement): """Loader strategies that deals with a class as a target, not an attribute path e.g.:: q = s.query(Person).options( selectin_polymorphic(Person, [Engineer, Manager]) ) """ inherit_cache = True is_class_strategy = True is_token_strategy = False __visit_name__ = "class_strategy_load_element" def _init_path( self, path, attr, wildcard_key, attr_group, raiseerr, extra_criteria ): return path def _prepare_for_compile_state( self, parent_loader, compile_state, mapper_entities, reconciled_lead_entity, raiseerr, ): # _ClassStrategyLoad current_path = compile_state.current_path is_refresh = compile_state.compile_options._for_refresh_state if is_refresh and not self.propagate_to_loaders: return [] # omit setting attributes for a "defaultload" type of option if not self.strategy and not self.local_opts: return [] effective_path = self.path if current_path: new_effective_path = self._adjust_effective_path_for_current_path( effective_path, current_path ) if new_effective_path is None: return [] effective_path = new_effective_path return [("loader", effective_path.natural_path)] def _generate_from_keys( meth: Callable[..., _AbstractLoad], keys: Tuple[_AttrType, ...], chained: bool, kw: Any, ) -> _AbstractLoad: lead_element: Optional[_AbstractLoad] = None attr: Any for is_default, _keys in (True, keys[0:-1]), (False, keys[-1:]): for attr in _keys: if isinstance(attr, str): if attr.startswith("." + _WILDCARD_TOKEN): util.warn_deprecated( "The undocumented `.{WILDCARD}` format is " "deprecated " "and will be removed in a future version as " "it is " "believed to be unused. " "If you have been using this functionality, " "please " "comment on Issue #4390 on the SQLAlchemy project " "tracker.", version="1.4", ) attr = attr[1:] if attr == _WILDCARD_TOKEN: if is_default: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Wildcard token cannot be followed by " "another entity", ) if lead_element is None: lead_element = _WildcardLoad() lead_element = meth(lead_element, _DEFAULT_TOKEN, **kw) else: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Strings are not accepted for attribute names in " "loader options; please use class-bound " "attributes directly.", ) else: if lead_element is None: _, lead_entity, _ = _parse_attr_argument(attr) lead_element = Load(lead_entity) if is_default: if not chained: lead_element = lead_element.defaultload(attr) else: lead_element = meth( lead_element, attr, _is_chain=True, **kw ) else: lead_element = meth(lead_element, attr, **kw) assert lead_element return lead_element def _parse_attr_argument( attr: _AttrType, ) -> Tuple[InspectionAttr, _InternalEntityType[Any], MapperProperty[Any]]: """parse an attribute or wildcard argument to produce an :class:`._AbstractLoad` instance. This is used by the standalone loader strategy functions like ``joinedload()``, ``defer()``, etc. to produce :class:`_orm.Load` or :class:`._WildcardLoad` objects. """ try: # TODO: need to figure out this None thing being returned by # inspect(), it should not have None as an option in most cases # if at all insp: InspectionAttr = inspect(attr) # type: ignore except sa_exc.NoInspectionAvailable as err: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "expected ORM mapped attribute for loader strategy argument" ) from err lead_entity: _InternalEntityType[Any] if insp_is_mapper_property(insp): lead_entity = insp.parent prop = insp elif insp_is_attribute(insp): lead_entity = insp.parent prop = insp.prop else: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "expected ORM mapped attribute for loader strategy argument" ) return insp, lead_entity, prop def loader_unbound_fn(fn: _FN) -> _FN: """decorator that applies docstrings between standalone loader functions and the loader methods on :class:`._AbstractLoad`. """ bound_fn = getattr(_AbstractLoad, fn.__name__) fn_doc = bound_fn.__doc__ bound_fn.__doc__ = f"""Produce a new :class:`_orm.Load` object with the :func:`_orm.{fn.__name__}` option applied. See :func:`_orm.{fn.__name__}` for usage examples. """ fn.__doc__ = fn_doc return fn # standalone functions follow. docstrings are filled in # by the ``@loader_unbound_fn`` decorator. @loader_unbound_fn def contains_eager(*keys: _AttrType, **kw: Any) -> _AbstractLoad: return _generate_from_keys(Load.contains_eager, keys, True, kw) @loader_unbound_fn def load_only(*attrs: _AttrType, raiseload: bool = False) -> _AbstractLoad: # TODO: attrs against different classes. we likely have to # add some extra state to Load of some kind _, lead_element, _ = _parse_attr_argument(attrs[0]) return Load(lead_element).load_only(*attrs, raiseload=raiseload) @loader_unbound_fn def joinedload(*keys: _AttrType, **kw: Any) -> _AbstractLoad: return _generate_from_keys(Load.joinedload, keys, False, kw) @loader_unbound_fn def subqueryload(*keys: _AttrType) -> _AbstractLoad: return _generate_from_keys(Load.subqueryload, keys, False, {}) @loader_unbound_fn def selectinload( *keys: _AttrType, recursion_depth: Optional[int] = None ) -> _AbstractLoad: return _generate_from_keys( Load.selectinload, keys, False, {"recursion_depth": recursion_depth} ) @loader_unbound_fn def lazyload(*keys: _AttrType) -> _AbstractLoad: return _generate_from_keys(Load.lazyload, keys, False, {}) @loader_unbound_fn def immediateload( *keys: _AttrType, recursion_depth: Optional[int] = None ) -> _AbstractLoad: return _generate_from_keys( Load.immediateload, keys, False, {"recursion_depth": recursion_depth} ) @loader_unbound_fn def noload(*keys: _AttrType) -> _AbstractLoad: return _generate_from_keys(Load.noload, keys, False, {}) @loader_unbound_fn def raiseload(*keys: _AttrType, **kw: Any) -> _AbstractLoad: return _generate_from_keys(Load.raiseload, keys, False, kw) @loader_unbound_fn def defaultload(*keys: _AttrType) -> _AbstractLoad: return _generate_from_keys(Load.defaultload, keys, False, {}) @loader_unbound_fn def defer( key: _AttrType, *addl_attrs: _AttrType, raiseload: bool = False ) -> _AbstractLoad: if addl_attrs: util.warn_deprecated( "The *addl_attrs on orm.defer is deprecated. Please use " "method chaining in conjunction with defaultload() to " "indicate a path.", version="1.3", ) if raiseload: kw = {"raiseload": raiseload} else: kw = {} return _generate_from_keys(Load.defer, (key,) + addl_attrs, False, kw) @loader_unbound_fn def undefer(key: _AttrType, *addl_attrs: _AttrType) -> _AbstractLoad: if addl_attrs: util.warn_deprecated( "The *addl_attrs on orm.undefer is deprecated. Please use " "method chaining in conjunction with defaultload() to " "indicate a path.", version="1.3", ) return _generate_from_keys(Load.undefer, (key,) + addl_attrs, False, {}) @loader_unbound_fn def undefer_group(name: str) -> _AbstractLoad: element = _WildcardLoad() return element.undefer_group(name) @loader_unbound_fn def with_expression( key: _AttrType, expression: _ColumnExpressionArgument[Any] ) -> _AbstractLoad: return _generate_from_keys( Load.with_expression, (key,), False, {"expression": expression} ) @loader_unbound_fn def selectin_polymorphic( base_cls: _EntityType[Any], classes: Iterable[Type[Any]] ) -> _AbstractLoad: ul = Load(base_cls) return ul.selectin_polymorphic(classes) def _raise_for_does_not_link(path, attrname, parent_entity): if len(path) > 1: path_is_of_type = path[-1].entity is not path[-2].mapper.class_ if insp_is_aliased_class(parent_entity): parent_entity_str = str(parent_entity) else: parent_entity_str = parent_entity.class_.__name__ raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( f'ORM mapped entity or attribute "{attrname}" does not ' f'link from relationship "{path[-2]}%s".%s' % ( f".of_type({path[-1]})" if path_is_of_type else "", ( " Did you mean to use " f'"{path[-2]}' f'.of_type({parent_entity_str})" or "loadopt.options(' f"selectin_polymorphic({path[-2].mapper.class_.__name__}, " f'[{parent_entity_str}]), ...)" ?' if not path_is_of_type and not path[-1].is_aliased_class and orm_util._entity_corresponds_to( path.entity, inspect(parent_entity).mapper ) else "" ), ) ) else: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( f'ORM mapped attribute "{attrname}" does not ' f'link mapped class "{path[-1]}"' )