# dialects/postgresql/ext.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # mypy: ignore-errors from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import TypeVar from . import types from .array import ARRAY from ...sql import coercions from ...sql import elements from ...sql import expression from ...sql import functions from ...sql import roles from ...sql import schema from ...sql.schema import ColumnCollectionConstraint from ...sql.sqltypes import TEXT from ...sql.visitors import InternalTraversal _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Any) if TYPE_CHECKING: from ...sql.visitors import _TraverseInternalsType class aggregate_order_by(expression.ColumnElement): """Represent a PostgreSQL aggregate order by expression. E.g.:: from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import aggregate_order_by expr = func.array_agg(aggregate_order_by(table.c.a, table.c.b.desc())) stmt = select(expr) would represent the expression:: SELECT array_agg(a ORDER BY b DESC) FROM table; Similarly:: expr = func.string_agg( table.c.a, aggregate_order_by(literal_column("','"), table.c.a) ) stmt = select(expr) Would represent:: SELECT string_agg(a, ',' ORDER BY a) FROM table; .. versionchanged:: 1.2.13 - the ORDER BY argument may be multiple terms .. seealso:: :class:`_functions.array_agg` """ __visit_name__ = "aggregate_order_by" stringify_dialect = "postgresql" _traverse_internals: _TraverseInternalsType = [ ("target", InternalTraversal.dp_clauseelement), ("type", InternalTraversal.dp_type), ("order_by", InternalTraversal.dp_clauseelement), ] def __init__(self, target, *order_by): self.target = coercions.expect(roles.ExpressionElementRole, target) self.type = self.target.type _lob = len(order_by) if _lob == 0: raise TypeError("at least one ORDER BY element is required") elif _lob == 1: self.order_by = coercions.expect( roles.ExpressionElementRole, order_by[0] ) else: self.order_by = elements.ClauseList( *order_by, _literal_as_text_role=roles.ExpressionElementRole ) def self_group(self, against=None): return self def get_children(self, **kwargs): return self.target, self.order_by def _copy_internals(self, clone=elements._clone, **kw): self.target = clone(self.target, **kw) self.order_by = clone(self.order_by, **kw) @property def _from_objects(self): return self.target._from_objects + self.order_by._from_objects class ExcludeConstraint(ColumnCollectionConstraint): """A table-level EXCLUDE constraint. Defines an EXCLUDE constraint as described in the `PostgreSQL documentation`__. __ https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-createtable.html#SQL-CREATETABLE-EXCLUDE """ # noqa __visit_name__ = "exclude_constraint" where = None inherit_cache = False create_drop_stringify_dialect = "postgresql" @elements._document_text_coercion( "where", ":class:`.ExcludeConstraint`", ":paramref:`.ExcludeConstraint.where`", ) def __init__(self, *elements, **kw): r""" Create an :class:`.ExcludeConstraint` object. E.g.:: const = ExcludeConstraint( (Column('period'), '&&'), (Column('group'), '='), where=(Column('group') != 'some group'), ops={'group': 'my_operator_class'} ) The constraint is normally embedded into the :class:`_schema.Table` construct directly, or added later using :meth:`.append_constraint`:: some_table = Table( 'some_table', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('period', TSRANGE()), Column('group', String) ) some_table.append_constraint( ExcludeConstraint( (some_table.c.period, '&&'), (some_table.c.group, '='), where=some_table.c.group != 'some group', name='some_table_excl_const', ops={'group': 'my_operator_class'} ) ) The exclude constraint defined in this example requires the ``btree_gist`` extension, that can be created using the command ``CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist;``. :param \*elements: A sequence of two tuples of the form ``(column, operator)`` where "column" is either a :class:`_schema.Column` object, or a SQL expression element (e.g. ``func.int8range(table.from, table.to)``) or the name of a column as string, and "operator" is a string containing the operator to use (e.g. `"&&"` or `"="`). In order to specify a column name when a :class:`_schema.Column` object is not available, while ensuring that any necessary quoting rules take effect, an ad-hoc :class:`_schema.Column` or :func:`_expression.column` object should be used. The ``column`` may also be a string SQL expression when passed as :func:`_expression.literal_column` or :func:`_expression.text` :param name: Optional, the in-database name of this constraint. :param deferrable: Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint. :param initially: Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY when issuing DDL for this constraint. :param using: Optional string. If set, emit USING when issuing DDL for this constraint. Defaults to 'gist'. :param where: Optional SQL expression construct or literal SQL string. If set, emit WHERE when issuing DDL for this constraint. :param ops: Optional dictionary. Used to define operator classes for the elements; works the same way as that of the :ref:`postgresql_ops ` parameter specified to the :class:`_schema.Index` construct. .. versionadded:: 1.3.21 .. seealso:: :ref:`postgresql_operator_classes` - general description of how PostgreSQL operator classes are specified. """ columns = [] render_exprs = [] self.operators = {} expressions, operators = zip(*elements) for (expr, column, strname, add_element), operator in zip( coercions.expect_col_expression_collection( roles.DDLConstraintColumnRole, expressions ), operators, ): if add_element is not None: columns.append(add_element) name = column.name if column is not None else strname if name is not None: # backwards compat self.operators[name] = operator render_exprs.append((expr, name, operator)) self._render_exprs = render_exprs ColumnCollectionConstraint.__init__( self, *columns, name=kw.get("name"), deferrable=kw.get("deferrable"), initially=kw.get("initially"), ) self.using = kw.get("using", "gist") where = kw.get("where") if where is not None: self.where = coercions.expect(roles.StatementOptionRole, where) self.ops = kw.get("ops", {}) def _set_parent(self, table, **kw): super()._set_parent(table) self._render_exprs = [ ( expr if not isinstance(expr, str) else table.c[expr], name, operator, ) for expr, name, operator in (self._render_exprs) ] def _copy(self, target_table=None, **kw): elements = [ ( schema._copy_expression(expr, self.parent, target_table), operator, ) for expr, _, operator in self._render_exprs ] c = self.__class__( *elements, name=self.name, deferrable=self.deferrable, initially=self.initially, where=self.where, using=self.using, ) c.dispatch._update(self.dispatch) return c def array_agg(*arg, **kw): """PostgreSQL-specific form of :class:`_functions.array_agg`, ensures return type is :class:`_postgresql.ARRAY` and not the plain :class:`_types.ARRAY`, unless an explicit ``type_`` is passed. """ kw["_default_array_type"] = ARRAY return functions.func.array_agg(*arg, **kw) class _regconfig_fn(functions.GenericFunction[_T]): inherit_cache = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): args = list(args) if len(args) > 1: initial_arg = coercions.expect( roles.ExpressionElementRole, args.pop(0), name=getattr(self, "name", None), apply_propagate_attrs=self, type_=types.REGCONFIG, ) initial_arg = [initial_arg] else: initial_arg = [] addtl_args = [ coercions.expect( roles.ExpressionElementRole, c, name=getattr(self, "name", None), apply_propagate_attrs=self, ) for c in args ] super().__init__(*(initial_arg + addtl_args), **kwargs) class to_tsvector(_regconfig_fn): """The PostgreSQL ``to_tsvector`` SQL function. This function applies automatic casting of the REGCONFIG argument to use the :class:`_postgresql.REGCONFIG` datatype automatically, and applies a return type of :class:`_postgresql.TSVECTOR`. Assuming the PostgreSQL dialect has been imported, either by invoking ``from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql``, or by creating a PostgreSQL engine using ``create_engine("postgresql...")``, :class:`_postgresql.to_tsvector` will be used automatically when invoking ``sqlalchemy.func.to_tsvector()``, ensuring the correct argument and return type handlers are used at compile and execution time. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0rc1 """ inherit_cache = True type = types.TSVECTOR class to_tsquery(_regconfig_fn): """The PostgreSQL ``to_tsquery`` SQL function. This function applies automatic casting of the REGCONFIG argument to use the :class:`_postgresql.REGCONFIG` datatype automatically, and applies a return type of :class:`_postgresql.TSQUERY`. Assuming the PostgreSQL dialect has been imported, either by invoking ``from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql``, or by creating a PostgreSQL engine using ``create_engine("postgresql...")``, :class:`_postgresql.to_tsquery` will be used automatically when invoking ``sqlalchemy.func.to_tsquery()``, ensuring the correct argument and return type handlers are used at compile and execution time. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0rc1 """ inherit_cache = True type = types.TSQUERY class plainto_tsquery(_regconfig_fn): """The PostgreSQL ``plainto_tsquery`` SQL function. This function applies automatic casting of the REGCONFIG argument to use the :class:`_postgresql.REGCONFIG` datatype automatically, and applies a return type of :class:`_postgresql.TSQUERY`. Assuming the PostgreSQL dialect has been imported, either by invoking ``from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql``, or by creating a PostgreSQL engine using ``create_engine("postgresql...")``, :class:`_postgresql.plainto_tsquery` will be used automatically when invoking ``sqlalchemy.func.plainto_tsquery()``, ensuring the correct argument and return type handlers are used at compile and execution time. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0rc1 """ inherit_cache = True type = types.TSQUERY class phraseto_tsquery(_regconfig_fn): """The PostgreSQL ``phraseto_tsquery`` SQL function. This function applies automatic casting of the REGCONFIG argument to use the :class:`_postgresql.REGCONFIG` datatype automatically, and applies a return type of :class:`_postgresql.TSQUERY`. Assuming the PostgreSQL dialect has been imported, either by invoking ``from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql``, or by creating a PostgreSQL engine using ``create_engine("postgresql...")``, :class:`_postgresql.phraseto_tsquery` will be used automatically when invoking ``sqlalchemy.func.phraseto_tsquery()``, ensuring the correct argument and return type handlers are used at compile and execution time. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0rc1 """ inherit_cache = True type = types.TSQUERY class websearch_to_tsquery(_regconfig_fn): """The PostgreSQL ``websearch_to_tsquery`` SQL function. This function applies automatic casting of the REGCONFIG argument to use the :class:`_postgresql.REGCONFIG` datatype automatically, and applies a return type of :class:`_postgresql.TSQUERY`. Assuming the PostgreSQL dialect has been imported, either by invoking ``from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql``, or by creating a PostgreSQL engine using ``create_engine("postgresql...")``, :class:`_postgresql.websearch_to_tsquery` will be used automatically when invoking ``sqlalchemy.func.websearch_to_tsquery()``, ensuring the correct argument and return type handlers are used at compile and execution time. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0rc1 """ inherit_cache = True type = types.TSQUERY class ts_headline(_regconfig_fn): """The PostgreSQL ``ts_headline`` SQL function. This function applies automatic casting of the REGCONFIG argument to use the :class:`_postgresql.REGCONFIG` datatype automatically, and applies a return type of :class:`_types.TEXT`. Assuming the PostgreSQL dialect has been imported, either by invoking ``from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql``, or by creating a PostgreSQL engine using ``create_engine("postgresql...")``, :class:`_postgresql.ts_headline` will be used automatically when invoking ``sqlalchemy.func.ts_headline()``, ensuring the correct argument and return type handlers are used at compile and execution time. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0rc1 """ inherit_cache = True type = TEXT def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): args = list(args) # parse types according to # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/textsearch-controls.html#TEXTSEARCH-HEADLINE if len(args) < 2: # invalid args; don't do anything has_regconfig = False elif ( isinstance(args[1], elements.ColumnElement) and args[1].type._type_affinity is types.TSQUERY ): # tsquery is second argument, no regconfig argument has_regconfig = False else: has_regconfig = True if has_regconfig: initial_arg = coercions.expect( roles.ExpressionElementRole, args.pop(0), apply_propagate_attrs=self, name=getattr(self, "name", None), type_=types.REGCONFIG, ) initial_arg = [initial_arg] else: initial_arg = [] addtl_args = [ coercions.expect( roles.ExpressionElementRole, c, name=getattr(self, "name", None), apply_propagate_attrs=self, ) for c in args ] super().__init__(*(initial_arg + addtl_args), **kwargs)