# dialects/oracle/base.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # mypy: ignore-errors r""" .. dialect:: oracle :name: Oracle :full_support: 18c :normal_support: 11+ :best_effort: 9+ Auto Increment Behavior ----------------------- SQLAlchemy Table objects which include integer primary keys are usually assumed to have "autoincrementing" behavior, meaning they can generate their own primary key values upon INSERT. For use within Oracle, two options are available, which are the use of IDENTITY columns (Oracle 12 and above only) or the association of a SEQUENCE with the column. Specifying GENERATED AS IDENTITY (Oracle 12 and above) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starting from version 12 Oracle can make use of identity columns using the :class:`_sql.Identity` to specify the autoincrementing behavior:: t = Table('mytable', metadata, Column('id', Integer, Identity(start=3), primary_key=True), Column(...), ... ) The CREATE TABLE for the above :class:`_schema.Table` object would be: .. sourcecode:: sql CREATE TABLE mytable ( id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 3), ..., PRIMARY KEY (id) ) The :class:`_schema.Identity` object support many options to control the "autoincrementing" behavior of the column, like the starting value, the incrementing value, etc. In addition to the standard options, Oracle supports setting :paramref:`_schema.Identity.always` to ``None`` to use the default generated mode, rendering GENERATED AS IDENTITY in the DDL. It also supports setting :paramref:`_schema.Identity.on_null` to ``True`` to specify ON NULL in conjunction with a 'BY DEFAULT' identity column. Using a SEQUENCE (all Oracle versions) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Older version of Oracle had no "autoincrement" feature, SQLAlchemy relies upon sequences to produce these values. With the older Oracle versions, *a sequence must always be explicitly specified to enable autoincrement*. This is divergent with the majority of documentation examples which assume the usage of an autoincrement-capable database. To specify sequences, use the sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence object which is passed to a Column construct:: t = Table('mytable', metadata, Column('id', Integer, Sequence('id_seq', start=1), primary_key=True), Column(...), ... ) This step is also required when using table reflection, i.e. autoload_with=engine:: t = Table('mytable', metadata, Column('id', Integer, Sequence('id_seq', start=1), primary_key=True), autoload_with=engine ) .. versionchanged:: 1.4 Added :class:`_schema.Identity` construct in a :class:`_schema.Column` to specify the option of an autoincrementing column. .. _oracle_isolation_level: Transaction Isolation Level / Autocommit ---------------------------------------- The Oracle database supports "READ COMMITTED" and "SERIALIZABLE" modes of isolation. The AUTOCOMMIT isolation level is also supported by the cx_Oracle dialect. To set using per-connection execution options:: connection = engine.connect() connection = connection.execution_options( isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT" ) For ``READ COMMITTED`` and ``SERIALIZABLE``, the Oracle dialect sets the level at the session level using ``ALTER SESSION``, which is reverted back to its default setting when the connection is returned to the connection pool. Valid values for ``isolation_level`` include: * ``READ COMMITTED`` * ``AUTOCOMMIT`` * ``SERIALIZABLE`` .. note:: The implementation for the :meth:`_engine.Connection.get_isolation_level` method as implemented by the Oracle dialect necessarily forces the start of a transaction using the Oracle LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID function; otherwise no level is normally readable. Additionally, the :meth:`_engine.Connection.get_isolation_level` method will raise an exception if the ``v$transaction`` view is not available due to permissions or other reasons, which is a common occurrence in Oracle installations. The cx_Oracle dialect attempts to call the :meth:`_engine.Connection.get_isolation_level` method when the dialect makes its first connection to the database in order to acquire the "default"isolation level. This default level is necessary so that the level can be reset on a connection after it has been temporarily modified using :meth:`_engine.Connection.execution_options` method. In the common event that the :meth:`_engine.Connection.get_isolation_level` method raises an exception due to ``v$transaction`` not being readable as well as any other database-related failure, the level is assumed to be "READ COMMITTED". No warning is emitted for this initial first-connect condition as it is expected to be a common restriction on Oracle databases. .. versionadded:: 1.3.16 added support for AUTOCOMMIT to the cx_oracle dialect as well as the notion of a default isolation level .. versionadded:: 1.3.21 Added support for SERIALIZABLE as well as live reading of the isolation level. .. versionchanged:: 1.3.22 In the event that the default isolation level cannot be read due to permissions on the v$transaction view as is common in Oracle installations, the default isolation level is hardcoded to "READ COMMITTED" which was the behavior prior to 1.3.21. .. seealso:: :ref:`dbapi_autocommit` Identifier Casing ----------------- In Oracle, the data dictionary represents all case insensitive identifier names using UPPERCASE text. SQLAlchemy on the other hand considers an all-lower case identifier name to be case insensitive. The Oracle dialect converts all case insensitive identifiers to and from those two formats during schema level communication, such as reflection of tables and indexes. Using an UPPERCASE name on the SQLAlchemy side indicates a case sensitive identifier, and SQLAlchemy will quote the name - this will cause mismatches against data dictionary data received from Oracle, so unless identifier names have been truly created as case sensitive (i.e. using quoted names), all lowercase names should be used on the SQLAlchemy side. .. _oracle_max_identifier_lengths: Max Identifier Lengths ---------------------- Oracle has changed the default max identifier length as of Oracle Server version 12.2. Prior to this version, the length was 30, and for 12.2 and greater it is now 128. This change impacts SQLAlchemy in the area of generated SQL label names as well as the generation of constraint names, particularly in the case where the constraint naming convention feature described at :ref:`constraint_naming_conventions` is being used. To assist with this change and others, Oracle includes the concept of a "compatibility" version, which is a version number that is independent of the actual server version in order to assist with migration of Oracle databases, and may be configured within the Oracle server itself. This compatibility version is retrieved using the query ``SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'compatible';``. The SQLAlchemy Oracle dialect, when tasked with determining the default max identifier length, will attempt to use this query upon first connect in order to determine the effective compatibility version of the server, which determines what the maximum allowed identifier length is for the server. If the table is not available, the server version information is used instead. As of SQLAlchemy 1.4, the default max identifier length for the Oracle dialect is 128 characters. Upon first connect, the compatibility version is detected and if it is less than Oracle version 12.2, the max identifier length is changed to be 30 characters. In all cases, setting the :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.max_identifier_length` parameter will bypass this change and the value given will be used as is:: engine = create_engine( "oracle+cx_oracle://scott:tiger@oracle122", max_identifier_length=30) The maximum identifier length comes into play both when generating anonymized SQL labels in SELECT statements, but more crucially when generating constraint names from a naming convention. It is this area that has created the need for SQLAlchemy to change this default conservatively. For example, the following naming convention produces two very different constraint names based on the identifier length:: from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy import Index from sqlalchemy import Integer from sqlalchemy import MetaData from sqlalchemy import Table from sqlalchemy.dialects import oracle from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateIndex m = MetaData(naming_convention={"ix": "ix_%(column_0N_name)s"}) t = Table( "t", m, Column("some_column_name_1", Integer), Column("some_column_name_2", Integer), Column("some_column_name_3", Integer), ) ix = Index( None, t.c.some_column_name_1, t.c.some_column_name_2, t.c.some_column_name_3, ) oracle_dialect = oracle.dialect(max_identifier_length=30) print(CreateIndex(ix).compile(dialect=oracle_dialect)) With an identifier length of 30, the above CREATE INDEX looks like:: CREATE INDEX ix_some_column_name_1s_70cd ON t (some_column_name_1, some_column_name_2, some_column_name_3) However with length=128, it becomes:: CREATE INDEX ix_some_column_name_1some_column_name_2some_column_name_3 ON t (some_column_name_1, some_column_name_2, some_column_name_3) Applications which have run versions of SQLAlchemy prior to 1.4 on an Oracle server version 12.2 or greater are therefore subject to the scenario of a database migration that wishes to "DROP CONSTRAINT" on a name that was previously generated with the shorter length. This migration will fail when the identifier length is changed without the name of the index or constraint first being adjusted. Such applications are strongly advised to make use of :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.max_identifier_length` in order to maintain control of the generation of truncated names, and to fully review and test all database migrations in a staging environment when changing this value to ensure that the impact of this change has been mitigated. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 the default max_identifier_length for Oracle is 128 characters, which is adjusted down to 30 upon first connect if an older version of Oracle server (compatibility version < 12.2) is detected. LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH Support -------------------------- Methods like :meth:`_sql.Select.limit` and :meth:`_sql.Select.offset` make use of ``FETCH FIRST N ROW / OFFSET N ROWS`` syntax assuming Oracle 12c or above, and assuming the SELECT statement is not embedded within a compound statement like UNION. This syntax is also available directly by using the :meth:`_sql.Select.fetch` method. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 the Oracle dialect now uses ``FETCH FIRST N ROW / OFFSET N ROWS`` for all :meth:`_sql.Select.limit` and :meth:`_sql.Select.offset` usage including within the ORM and legacy :class:`_orm.Query`. To force the legacy behavior using window functions, specify the ``enable_offset_fetch=False`` dialect parameter to :func:`_sa.create_engine`. The use of ``FETCH FIRST / OFFSET`` may be disabled on any Oracle version by passing ``enable_offset_fetch=False`` to :func:`_sa.create_engine`, which will force the use of "legacy" mode that makes use of window functions. This mode is also selected automatically when using a version of Oracle prior to 12c. When using legacy mode, or when a :class:`.Select` statement with limit/offset is embedded in a compound statement, an emulated approach for LIMIT / OFFSET based on window functions is used, which involves creation of a subquery using ``ROW_NUMBER`` that is prone to performance issues as well as SQL construction issues for complex statements. However, this approach is supported by all Oracle versions. See notes below. Notes on LIMIT / OFFSET emulation (when fetch() method cannot be used) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If using :meth:`_sql.Select.limit` and :meth:`_sql.Select.offset`, or with the ORM the :meth:`_orm.Query.limit` and :meth:`_orm.Query.offset` methods on an Oracle version prior to 12c, the following notes apply: * SQLAlchemy currently makes use of ROWNUM to achieve LIMIT/OFFSET; the exact methodology is taken from https://blogs.oracle.com/oraclemagazine/on-rownum-and-limiting-results . * the "FIRST_ROWS()" optimization keyword is not used by default. To enable the usage of this optimization directive, specify ``optimize_limits=True`` to :func:`_sa.create_engine`. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 The Oracle dialect renders limit/offset integer values using a "post compile" scheme which renders the integer directly before passing the statement to the cursor for execution. The ``use_binds_for_limits`` flag no longer has an effect. .. seealso:: :ref:`change_4808`. .. _oracle_returning: RETURNING Support ----------------- The Oracle database supports RETURNING fully for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements that are invoked with a single collection of bound parameters (that is, a ``cursor.execute()`` style statement; SQLAlchemy does not generally support RETURNING with :term:`executemany` statements). Multiple rows may be returned as well. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 the Oracle backend has full support for RETURNING on parity with other backends. ON UPDATE CASCADE ----------------- Oracle doesn't have native ON UPDATE CASCADE functionality. A trigger based solution is available at https://asktom.oracle.com/tkyte/update_cascade/index.html . When using the SQLAlchemy ORM, the ORM has limited ability to manually issue cascading updates - specify ForeignKey objects using the "deferrable=True, initially='deferred'" keyword arguments, and specify "passive_updates=False" on each relationship(). Oracle 8 Compatibility ---------------------- .. warning:: The status of Oracle 8 compatibility is not known for SQLAlchemy 2.0. When Oracle 8 is detected, the dialect internally configures itself to the following behaviors: * the use_ansi flag is set to False. This has the effect of converting all JOIN phrases into the WHERE clause, and in the case of LEFT OUTER JOIN makes use of Oracle's (+) operator. * the NVARCHAR2 and NCLOB datatypes are no longer generated as DDL when the :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Unicode` is used - VARCHAR2 and CLOB are issued instead. This because these types don't seem to work correctly on Oracle 8 even though they are available. The :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.NVARCHAR` and :class:`~sqlalchemy.dialects.oracle.NCLOB` types will always generate NVARCHAR2 and NCLOB. Synonym/DBLINK Reflection ------------------------- When using reflection with Table objects, the dialect can optionally search for tables indicated by synonyms, either in local or remote schemas or accessed over DBLINK, by passing the flag ``oracle_resolve_synonyms=True`` as a keyword argument to the :class:`_schema.Table` construct:: some_table = Table('some_table', autoload_with=some_engine, oracle_resolve_synonyms=True) When this flag is set, the given name (such as ``some_table`` above) will be searched not just in the ``ALL_TABLES`` view, but also within the ``ALL_SYNONYMS`` view to see if this name is actually a synonym to another name. If the synonym is located and refers to a DBLINK, the oracle dialect knows how to locate the table's information using DBLINK syntax(e.g. ``@dblink``). ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` is accepted wherever reflection arguments are accepted, including methods such as :meth:`_schema.MetaData.reflect` and :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_columns`. If synonyms are not in use, this flag should be left disabled. .. _oracle_constraint_reflection: Constraint Reflection --------------------- The Oracle dialect can return information about foreign key, unique, and CHECK constraints, as well as indexes on tables. Raw information regarding these constraints can be acquired using :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_foreign_keys`, :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_unique_constraints`, :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_check_constraints`, and :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_indexes`. .. versionchanged:: 1.2 The Oracle dialect can now reflect UNIQUE and CHECK constraints. When using reflection at the :class:`_schema.Table` level, the :class:`_schema.Table` will also include these constraints. Note the following caveats: * When using the :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_check_constraints` method, Oracle builds a special "IS NOT NULL" constraint for columns that specify "NOT NULL". This constraint is **not** returned by default; to include the "IS NOT NULL" constraints, pass the flag ``include_all=True``:: from sqlalchemy import create_engine, inspect engine = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://s:t@dsn") inspector = inspect(engine) all_check_constraints = inspector.get_check_constraints( "some_table", include_all=True) * in most cases, when reflecting a :class:`_schema.Table`, a UNIQUE constraint will **not** be available as a :class:`.UniqueConstraint` object, as Oracle mirrors unique constraints with a UNIQUE index in most cases (the exception seems to be when two or more unique constraints represent the same columns); the :class:`_schema.Table` will instead represent these using :class:`.Index` with the ``unique=True`` flag set. * Oracle creates an implicit index for the primary key of a table; this index is **excluded** from all index results. * the list of columns reflected for an index will not include column names that start with SYS_NC. Table names with SYSTEM/SYSAUX tablespaces ------------------------------------------- The :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_table_names` and :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_temp_table_names` methods each return a list of table names for the current engine. These methods are also part of the reflection which occurs within an operation such as :meth:`_schema.MetaData.reflect`. By default, these operations exclude the ``SYSTEM`` and ``SYSAUX`` tablespaces from the operation. In order to change this, the default list of tablespaces excluded can be changed at the engine level using the ``exclude_tablespaces`` parameter:: # exclude SYSAUX and SOME_TABLESPACE, but not SYSTEM e = create_engine( "oracle+cx_oracle://scott:tiger@xe", exclude_tablespaces=["SYSAUX", "SOME_TABLESPACE"]) DateTime Compatibility ---------------------- Oracle has no datatype known as ``DATETIME``, it instead has only ``DATE``, which can actually store a date and time value. For this reason, the Oracle dialect provides a type :class:`_oracle.DATE` which is a subclass of :class:`.DateTime`. This type has no special behavior, and is only present as a "marker" for this type; additionally, when a database column is reflected and the type is reported as ``DATE``, the time-supporting :class:`_oracle.DATE` type is used. .. _oracle_table_options: Oracle Table Options ------------------------- The CREATE TABLE phrase supports the following options with Oracle in conjunction with the :class:`_schema.Table` construct: * ``ON COMMIT``:: Table( "some_table", metadata, ..., prefixes=['GLOBAL TEMPORARY'], oracle_on_commit='PRESERVE ROWS') * ``COMPRESS``:: Table('mytable', metadata, Column('data', String(32)), oracle_compress=True) Table('mytable', metadata, Column('data', String(32)), oracle_compress=6) The ``oracle_compress`` parameter accepts either an integer compression level, or ``True`` to use the default compression level. .. _oracle_index_options: Oracle Specific Index Options ----------------------------- Bitmap Indexes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can specify the ``oracle_bitmap`` parameter to create a bitmap index instead of a B-tree index:: Index('my_index', my_table.c.data, oracle_bitmap=True) Bitmap indexes cannot be unique and cannot be compressed. SQLAlchemy will not check for such limitations, only the database will. Index compression ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oracle has a more efficient storage mode for indexes containing lots of repeated values. Use the ``oracle_compress`` parameter to turn on key compression:: Index('my_index', my_table.c.data, oracle_compress=True) Index('my_index', my_table.c.data1, my_table.c.data2, unique=True, oracle_compress=1) The ``oracle_compress`` parameter accepts either an integer specifying the number of prefix columns to compress, or ``True`` to use the default (all columns for non-unique indexes, all but the last column for unique indexes). """ # noqa from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from functools import lru_cache from functools import wraps import re from . import dictionary from .types import _OracleBoolean from .types import _OracleDate from .types import BFILE from .types import BINARY_DOUBLE from .types import BINARY_FLOAT from .types import DATE from .types import FLOAT from .types import INTERVAL from .types import LONG from .types import NCLOB from .types import NUMBER from .types import NVARCHAR2 # noqa from .types import OracleRaw # noqa from .types import RAW from .types import ROWID # noqa from .types import TIMESTAMP from .types import VARCHAR2 # noqa from ... import Computed from ... import exc from ... import schema as sa_schema from ... import sql from ... import util from ...engine import default from ...engine import ObjectKind from ...engine import ObjectScope from ...engine import reflection from ...engine.reflection import ReflectionDefaults from ...sql import and_ from ...sql import bindparam from ...sql import compiler from ...sql import expression from ...sql import func from ...sql import null from ...sql import or_ from ...sql import select from ...sql import sqltypes from ...sql import util as sql_util from ...sql import visitors from ...sql.visitors import InternalTraversal from ...types import BLOB from ...types import CHAR from ...types import CLOB from ...types import DOUBLE_PRECISION from ...types import INTEGER from ...types import NCHAR from ...types import NVARCHAR from ...types import REAL from ...types import VARCHAR RESERVED_WORDS = set( "SHARE RAW DROP BETWEEN FROM DESC OPTION PRIOR LONG THEN " "DEFAULT ALTER IS INTO MINUS INTEGER NUMBER GRANT IDENTIFIED " "ALL TO ORDER ON FLOAT DATE HAVING CLUSTER NOWAIT RESOURCE " "ANY TABLE INDEX FOR UPDATE WHERE CHECK SMALLINT WITH DELETE " "BY ASC REVOKE LIKE SIZE RENAME NOCOMPRESS NULL GROUP VALUES " "AS IN VIEW EXCLUSIVE COMPRESS SYNONYM SELECT INSERT EXISTS " "NOT TRIGGER ELSE CREATE INTERSECT PCTFREE DISTINCT USER " "CONNECT SET MODE OF UNIQUE VARCHAR2 VARCHAR LOCK OR CHAR " "DECIMAL UNION PUBLIC AND START UID COMMENT CURRENT LEVEL".split() ) NO_ARG_FNS = set( "UID CURRENT_DATE SYSDATE USER CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP".split() ) colspecs = { sqltypes.Boolean: _OracleBoolean, sqltypes.Interval: INTERVAL, sqltypes.DateTime: DATE, sqltypes.Date: _OracleDate, } ischema_names = { "VARCHAR2": VARCHAR, "NVARCHAR2": NVARCHAR, "CHAR": CHAR, "NCHAR": NCHAR, "DATE": DATE, "NUMBER": NUMBER, "BLOB": BLOB, "BFILE": BFILE, "CLOB": CLOB, "NCLOB": NCLOB, "TIMESTAMP": TIMESTAMP, "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE": TIMESTAMP, "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE": TIMESTAMP, "INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND": INTERVAL, "RAW": RAW, "FLOAT": FLOAT, "DOUBLE PRECISION": DOUBLE_PRECISION, "REAL": REAL, "LONG": LONG, "BINARY_DOUBLE": BINARY_DOUBLE, "BINARY_FLOAT": BINARY_FLOAT, "ROWID": ROWID, } class OracleTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler): # Note: # Oracle DATE == DATETIME # Oracle does not allow milliseconds in DATE # Oracle does not support TIME columns def visit_datetime(self, type_, **kw): return self.visit_DATE(type_, **kw) def visit_float(self, type_, **kw): return self.visit_FLOAT(type_, **kw) def visit_double(self, type_, **kw): return self.visit_DOUBLE_PRECISION(type_, **kw) def visit_unicode(self, type_, **kw): if self.dialect._use_nchar_for_unicode: return self.visit_NVARCHAR2(type_, **kw) else: return self.visit_VARCHAR2(type_, **kw) def visit_INTERVAL(self, type_, **kw): return "INTERVAL DAY%s TO SECOND%s" % ( type_.day_precision is not None and "(%d)" % type_.day_precision or "", type_.second_precision is not None and "(%d)" % type_.second_precision or "", ) def visit_LONG(self, type_, **kw): return "LONG" def visit_TIMESTAMP(self, type_, **kw): if getattr(type_, "local_timezone", False): return "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE" elif type_.timezone: return "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" else: return "TIMESTAMP" def visit_DOUBLE_PRECISION(self, type_, **kw): return self._generate_numeric(type_, "DOUBLE PRECISION", **kw) def visit_BINARY_DOUBLE(self, type_, **kw): return self._generate_numeric(type_, "BINARY_DOUBLE", **kw) def visit_BINARY_FLOAT(self, type_, **kw): return self._generate_numeric(type_, "BINARY_FLOAT", **kw) def visit_FLOAT(self, type_, **kw): kw["_requires_binary_precision"] = True return self._generate_numeric(type_, "FLOAT", **kw) def visit_NUMBER(self, type_, **kw): return self._generate_numeric(type_, "NUMBER", **kw) def _generate_numeric( self, type_, name, precision=None, scale=None, _requires_binary_precision=False, **kw, ): if precision is None: precision = getattr(type_, "precision", None) if _requires_binary_precision: binary_precision = getattr(type_, "binary_precision", None) if precision and binary_precision is None: # https://www.oracletutorial.com/oracle-basics/oracle-float/ estimated_binary_precision = int(precision / 0.30103) raise exc.ArgumentError( "Oracle FLOAT types use 'binary precision', which does " "not convert cleanly from decimal 'precision'. Please " "specify " f"this type with a separate Oracle variant, such as " f"{type_.__class__.__name__}(precision={precision})." f"with_variant(oracle.FLOAT" f"(binary_precision=" f"{estimated_binary_precision}), 'oracle'), so that the " "Oracle specific 'binary_precision' may be specified " "accurately." ) else: precision = binary_precision if scale is None: scale = getattr(type_, "scale", None) if precision is None: return name elif scale is None: n = "%(name)s(%(precision)s)" return n % {"name": name, "precision": precision} else: n = "%(name)s(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" return n % {"name": name, "precision": precision, "scale": scale} def visit_string(self, type_, **kw): return self.visit_VARCHAR2(type_, **kw) def visit_VARCHAR2(self, type_, **kw): return self._visit_varchar(type_, "", "2") def visit_NVARCHAR2(self, type_, **kw): return self._visit_varchar(type_, "N", "2") visit_NVARCHAR = visit_NVARCHAR2 def visit_VARCHAR(self, type_, **kw): return self._visit_varchar(type_, "", "") def _visit_varchar(self, type_, n, num): if not type_.length: return "%(n)sVARCHAR%(two)s" % {"two": num, "n": n} elif not n and self.dialect._supports_char_length: varchar = "VARCHAR%(two)s(%(length)s CHAR)" return varchar % {"length": type_.length, "two": num} else: varchar = "%(n)sVARCHAR%(two)s(%(length)s)" return varchar % {"length": type_.length, "two": num, "n": n} def visit_text(self, type_, **kw): return self.visit_CLOB(type_, **kw) def visit_unicode_text(self, type_, **kw): if self.dialect._use_nchar_for_unicode: return self.visit_NCLOB(type_, **kw) else: return self.visit_CLOB(type_, **kw) def visit_large_binary(self, type_, **kw): return self.visit_BLOB(type_, **kw) def visit_big_integer(self, type_, **kw): return self.visit_NUMBER(type_, precision=19, **kw) def visit_boolean(self, type_, **kw): return self.visit_SMALLINT(type_, **kw) def visit_RAW(self, type_, **kw): if type_.length: return "RAW(%(length)s)" % {"length": type_.length} else: return "RAW" def visit_ROWID(self, type_, **kw): return "ROWID" class OracleCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler): """Oracle compiler modifies the lexical structure of Select statements to work under non-ANSI configured Oracle databases, if the use_ansi flag is False. """ compound_keywords = util.update_copy( compiler.SQLCompiler.compound_keywords, {expression.CompoundSelect.EXCEPT: "MINUS"}, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__wheres = {} super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def visit_mod_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): return "mod(%s, %s)" % ( self.process(binary.left, **kw), self.process(binary.right, **kw), ) def visit_now_func(self, fn, **kw): return "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" def visit_char_length_func(self, fn, **kw): return "LENGTH" + self.function_argspec(fn, **kw) def visit_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): return "CONTAINS (%s, %s)" % ( self.process(binary.left), self.process(binary.right), ) def visit_true(self, expr, **kw): return "1" def visit_false(self, expr, **kw): return "0" def get_cte_preamble(self, recursive): return "WITH" def get_select_hint_text(self, byfroms): return " ".join("/*+ %s */" % text for table, text in byfroms.items()) def function_argspec(self, fn, **kw): if len(fn.clauses) > 0 or fn.name.upper() not in NO_ARG_FNS: return compiler.SQLCompiler.function_argspec(self, fn, **kw) else: return "" def visit_function(self, func, **kw): text = super().visit_function(func, **kw) if kw.get("asfrom", False): text = "TABLE (%s)" % text return text def visit_table_valued_column(self, element, **kw): text = super().visit_table_valued_column(element, **kw) text = text + ".COLUMN_VALUE" return text def default_from(self): """Called when a ``SELECT`` statement has no froms, and no ``FROM`` clause is to be appended. The Oracle compiler tacks a "FROM DUAL" to the statement. """ return " FROM DUAL" def visit_join(self, join, from_linter=None, **kwargs): if self.dialect.use_ansi: return compiler.SQLCompiler.visit_join( self, join, from_linter=from_linter, **kwargs ) else: if from_linter: from_linter.edges.add((join.left, join.right)) kwargs["asfrom"] = True if isinstance(join.right, expression.FromGrouping): right = join.right.element else: right = join.right return ( self.process(join.left, from_linter=from_linter, **kwargs) + ", " + self.process(right, from_linter=from_linter, **kwargs) ) def _get_nonansi_join_whereclause(self, froms): clauses = [] def visit_join(join): if join.isouter: # https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/queries006.htm#SQLRF52354 # "apply the outer join operator (+) to all columns of B in # the join condition in the WHERE clause" - that is, # unconditionally regardless of operator or the other side def visit_binary(binary): if isinstance( binary.left, expression.ColumnClause ) and join.right.is_derived_from(binary.left.table): binary.left = _OuterJoinColumn(binary.left) elif isinstance( binary.right, expression.ColumnClause ) and join.right.is_derived_from(binary.right.table): binary.right = _OuterJoinColumn(binary.right) clauses.append( visitors.cloned_traverse( join.onclause, {}, {"binary": visit_binary} ) ) else: clauses.append(join.onclause) for j in join.left, join.right: if isinstance(j, expression.Join): visit_join(j) elif isinstance(j, expression.FromGrouping): visit_join(j.element) for f in froms: if isinstance(f, expression.Join): visit_join(f) if not clauses: return None else: return sql.and_(*clauses) def visit_outer_join_column(self, vc, **kw): return self.process(vc.column, **kw) + "(+)" def visit_sequence(self, seq, **kw): return self.preparer.format_sequence(seq) + ".nextval" def get_render_as_alias_suffix(self, alias_name_text): """Oracle doesn't like ``FROM table AS alias``""" return " " + alias_name_text def returning_clause( self, stmt, returning_cols, *, populate_result_map, **kw ): columns = [] binds = [] for i, column in enumerate( expression._select_iterables(returning_cols) ): if ( self.isupdate and isinstance(column, sa_schema.Column) and isinstance(column.server_default, Computed) and not self.dialect._supports_update_returning_computed_cols ): util.warn( "Computed columns don't work with Oracle UPDATE " "statements that use RETURNING; the value of the column " "*before* the UPDATE takes place is returned. It is " "advised to not use RETURNING with an Oracle computed " "column. Consider setting implicit_returning to False on " "the Table object in order to avoid implicit RETURNING " "clauses from being generated for this Table." ) if column.type._has_column_expression: col_expr = column.type.column_expression(column) else: col_expr = column outparam = sql.outparam("ret_%d" % i, type_=column.type) self.binds[outparam.key] = outparam binds.append( self.bindparam_string(self._truncate_bindparam(outparam)) ) # has_out_parameters would in a normal case be set to True # as a result of the compiler visiting an outparam() object. # in this case, the above outparam() objects are not being # visited. Ensure the statement itself didn't have other # outparam() objects independently. # technically, this could be supported, but as it would be # a very strange use case without a clear rationale, disallow it if self.has_out_parameters: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Using explicit outparam() objects with " "UpdateBase.returning() in the same Core DML statement " "is not supported in the Oracle dialect." ) self._oracle_returning = True columns.append(self.process(col_expr, within_columns_clause=False)) if populate_result_map: self._add_to_result_map( getattr(col_expr, "name", col_expr._anon_name_label), getattr(col_expr, "name", col_expr._anon_name_label), ( column, getattr(column, "name", None), getattr(column, "key", None), ), column.type, ) return "RETURNING " + ", ".join(columns) + " INTO " + ", ".join(binds) def _row_limit_clause(self, select, **kw): """ORacle 12c supports OFFSET/FETCH operators Use it instead subquery with row_number """ if ( select._fetch_clause is not None or not self.dialect._supports_offset_fetch ): return super()._row_limit_clause( select, use_literal_execute_for_simple_int=True, **kw ) else: return self.fetch_clause( select, fetch_clause=self._get_limit_or_fetch(select), use_literal_execute_for_simple_int=True, **kw, ) def _get_limit_or_fetch(self, select): if select._fetch_clause is None: return select._limit_clause else: return select._fetch_clause def translate_select_structure(self, select_stmt, **kwargs): select = select_stmt if not getattr(select, "_oracle_visit", None): if not self.dialect.use_ansi: froms = self._display_froms_for_select( select, kwargs.get("asfrom", False) ) whereclause = self._get_nonansi_join_whereclause(froms) if whereclause is not None: select = select.where(whereclause) select._oracle_visit = True # if fetch is used this is not needed if ( select._has_row_limiting_clause and not self.dialect._supports_offset_fetch and select._fetch_clause is None ): limit_clause = select._limit_clause offset_clause = select._offset_clause if select._simple_int_clause(limit_clause): limit_clause = limit_clause.render_literal_execute() if select._simple_int_clause(offset_clause): offset_clause = offset_clause.render_literal_execute() # currently using form at: # https://blogs.oracle.com/oraclemagazine/\ # on-rownum-and-limiting-results orig_select = select select = select._generate() select._oracle_visit = True # add expressions to accommodate FOR UPDATE OF for_update = select._for_update_arg if for_update is not None and for_update.of: for_update = for_update._clone() for_update._copy_internals() for elem in for_update.of: if not select.selected_columns.contains_column(elem): select = select.add_columns(elem) # Wrap the middle select and add the hint inner_subquery = select.alias() limitselect = sql.select( *[ c for c in inner_subquery.c if orig_select.selected_columns.corresponding_column(c) is not None ] ) if ( limit_clause is not None and self.dialect.optimize_limits and select._simple_int_clause(limit_clause) ): limitselect = limitselect.prefix_with( expression.text( "/*+ FIRST_ROWS(%s) */" % self.process(limit_clause, **kwargs) ) ) limitselect._oracle_visit = True limitselect._is_wrapper = True # add expressions to accommodate FOR UPDATE OF if for_update is not None and for_update.of: adapter = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(inner_subquery) for_update.of = [ adapter.traverse(elem) for elem in for_update.of ] # If needed, add the limiting clause if limit_clause is not None: if select._simple_int_clause(limit_clause) and ( offset_clause is None or select._simple_int_clause(offset_clause) ): max_row = limit_clause if offset_clause is not None: max_row = max_row + offset_clause else: max_row = limit_clause if offset_clause is not None: max_row = max_row + offset_clause limitselect = limitselect.where( sql.literal_column("ROWNUM") <= max_row ) # If needed, add the ora_rn, and wrap again with offset. if offset_clause is None: limitselect._for_update_arg = for_update select = limitselect else: limitselect = limitselect.add_columns( sql.literal_column("ROWNUM").label("ora_rn") ) limitselect._oracle_visit = True limitselect._is_wrapper = True if for_update is not None and for_update.of: limitselect_cols = limitselect.selected_columns for elem in for_update.of: if ( limitselect_cols.corresponding_column(elem) is None ): limitselect = limitselect.add_columns(elem) limit_subquery = limitselect.alias() origselect_cols = orig_select.selected_columns offsetselect = sql.select( *[ c for c in limit_subquery.c if origselect_cols.corresponding_column(c) is not None ] ) offsetselect._oracle_visit = True offsetselect._is_wrapper = True if for_update is not None and for_update.of: adapter = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(limit_subquery) for_update.of = [ adapter.traverse(elem) for elem in for_update.of ] offsetselect = offsetselect.where( sql.literal_column("ora_rn") > offset_clause ) offsetselect._for_update_arg = for_update select = offsetselect return select def limit_clause(self, select, **kw): return "" def visit_empty_set_expr(self, type_, **kw): return "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE 1!=1" def for_update_clause(self, select, **kw): if self.is_subquery(): return "" tmp = " FOR UPDATE" if select._for_update_arg.of: tmp += " OF " + ", ".join( self.process(elem, **kw) for elem in select._for_update_arg.of ) if select._for_update_arg.nowait: tmp += " NOWAIT" if select._for_update_arg.skip_locked: tmp += " SKIP LOCKED" return tmp def visit_is_distinct_from_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): return "DECODE(%s, %s, 0, 1) = 1" % ( self.process(binary.left), self.process(binary.right), ) def visit_is_not_distinct_from_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): return "DECODE(%s, %s, 0, 1) = 0" % ( self.process(binary.left), self.process(binary.right), ) def visit_regexp_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): string = self.process(binary.left, **kw) pattern = self.process(binary.right, **kw) flags = binary.modifiers["flags"] if flags is None: return "REGEXP_LIKE(%s, %s)" % (string, pattern) else: return "REGEXP_LIKE(%s, %s, %s)" % ( string, pattern, self.render_literal_value(flags, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE), ) def visit_not_regexp_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): return "NOT %s" % self.visit_regexp_match_op_binary( binary, operator, **kw ) def visit_regexp_replace_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): string = self.process(binary.left, **kw) pattern_replace = self.process(binary.right, **kw) flags = binary.modifiers["flags"] if flags is None: return "REGEXP_REPLACE(%s, %s)" % ( string, pattern_replace, ) else: return "REGEXP_REPLACE(%s, %s, %s)" % ( string, pattern_replace, self.render_literal_value(flags, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE), ) def visit_aggregate_strings_func(self, fn, **kw): return "LISTAGG%s" % self.function_argspec(fn, **kw) class OracleDDLCompiler(compiler.DDLCompiler): def define_constraint_cascades(self, constraint): text = "" if constraint.ondelete is not None: text += " ON DELETE %s" % constraint.ondelete # oracle has no ON UPDATE CASCADE - # its only available via triggers # https://asktom.oracle.com/tkyte/update_cascade/index.html if constraint.onupdate is not None: util.warn( "Oracle does not contain native UPDATE CASCADE " "functionality - onupdates will not be rendered for foreign " "keys. Consider using deferrable=True, initially='deferred' " "or triggers." ) return text def visit_drop_table_comment(self, drop, **kw): return "COMMENT ON TABLE %s IS ''" % self.preparer.format_table( drop.element ) def visit_create_index(self, create, **kw): index = create.element self._verify_index_table(index) preparer = self.preparer text = "CREATE " if index.unique: text += "UNIQUE " if index.dialect_options["oracle"]["bitmap"]: text += "BITMAP " text += "INDEX %s ON %s (%s)" % ( self._prepared_index_name(index, include_schema=True), preparer.format_table(index.table, use_schema=True), ", ".join( self.sql_compiler.process( expr, include_table=False, literal_binds=True ) for expr in index.expressions ), ) if index.dialect_options["oracle"]["compress"] is not False: if index.dialect_options["oracle"]["compress"] is True: text += " COMPRESS" else: text += " COMPRESS %d" % ( index.dialect_options["oracle"]["compress"] ) return text def post_create_table(self, table): table_opts = [] opts = table.dialect_options["oracle"] if opts["on_commit"]: on_commit_options = opts["on_commit"].replace("_", " ").upper() table_opts.append("\n ON COMMIT %s" % on_commit_options) if opts["compress"]: if opts["compress"] is True: table_opts.append("\n COMPRESS") else: table_opts.append("\n COMPRESS FOR %s" % (opts["compress"])) return "".join(table_opts) def get_identity_options(self, identity_options): text = super().get_identity_options(identity_options) text = text.replace("NO MINVALUE", "NOMINVALUE") text = text.replace("NO MAXVALUE", "NOMAXVALUE") text = text.replace("NO CYCLE", "NOCYCLE") if identity_options.order is not None: text += " ORDER" if identity_options.order else " NOORDER" return text.strip() def visit_computed_column(self, generated, **kw): text = "GENERATED ALWAYS AS (%s)" % self.sql_compiler.process( generated.sqltext, include_table=False, literal_binds=True ) if generated.persisted is True: raise exc.CompileError( "Oracle computed columns do not support 'stored' persistence; " "set the 'persisted' flag to None or False for Oracle support." ) elif generated.persisted is False: text += " VIRTUAL" return text def visit_identity_column(self, identity, **kw): if identity.always is None: kind = "" else: kind = "ALWAYS" if identity.always else "BY DEFAULT" text = "GENERATED %s" % kind if identity.on_null: text += " ON NULL" text += " AS IDENTITY" options = self.get_identity_options(identity) if options: text += " (%s)" % options return text class OracleIdentifierPreparer(compiler.IdentifierPreparer): reserved_words = {x.lower() for x in RESERVED_WORDS} illegal_initial_characters = {str(dig) for dig in range(0, 10)}.union( ["_", "$"] ) def _bindparam_requires_quotes(self, value): """Return True if the given identifier requires quoting.""" lc_value = value.lower() return ( lc_value in self.reserved_words or value[0] in self.illegal_initial_characters or not self.legal_characters.match(str(value)) ) def format_savepoint(self, savepoint): name = savepoint.ident.lstrip("_") return super().format_savepoint(savepoint, name) class OracleExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext): def fire_sequence(self, seq, type_): return self._execute_scalar( "SELECT " + self.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(seq) + ".nextval FROM DUAL", type_, ) def pre_exec(self): if self.statement and "_oracle_dblink" in self.execution_options: self.statement = self.statement.replace( dictionary.DB_LINK_PLACEHOLDER, self.execution_options["_oracle_dblink"], ) class OracleDialect(default.DefaultDialect): name = "oracle" supports_statement_cache = True supports_alter = True max_identifier_length = 128 _supports_offset_fetch = True insert_returning = True update_returning = True delete_returning = True div_is_floordiv = False supports_simple_order_by_label = False cte_follows_insert = True returns_native_bytes = True supports_sequences = True sequences_optional = False postfetch_lastrowid = False default_paramstyle = "named" colspecs = colspecs ischema_names = ischema_names requires_name_normalize = True supports_comments = True supports_default_values = False supports_default_metavalue = True supports_empty_insert = False supports_identity_columns = True statement_compiler = OracleCompiler ddl_compiler = OracleDDLCompiler type_compiler_cls = OracleTypeCompiler preparer = OracleIdentifierPreparer execution_ctx_cls = OracleExecutionContext reflection_options = ("oracle_resolve_synonyms",) _use_nchar_for_unicode = False construct_arguments = [ ( sa_schema.Table, {"resolve_synonyms": False, "on_commit": None, "compress": False}, ), (sa_schema.Index, {"bitmap": False, "compress": False}), ] @util.deprecated_params( use_binds_for_limits=( "1.4", "The ``use_binds_for_limits`` Oracle dialect parameter is " "deprecated. The dialect now renders LIMIT /OFFSET integers " "inline in all cases using a post-compilation hook, so that the " "value is still represented by a 'bound parameter' on the Core " "Expression side.", ) ) def __init__( self, use_ansi=True, optimize_limits=False, use_binds_for_limits=None, use_nchar_for_unicode=False, exclude_tablespaces=("SYSTEM", "SYSAUX"), enable_offset_fetch=True, **kwargs, ): default.DefaultDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._use_nchar_for_unicode = use_nchar_for_unicode self.use_ansi = use_ansi self.optimize_limits = optimize_limits self.exclude_tablespaces = exclude_tablespaces self.enable_offset_fetch = self._supports_offset_fetch = ( enable_offset_fetch ) def initialize(self, connection): super().initialize(connection) # Oracle 8i has RETURNING: # https://docs.oracle.com/cd/A87860_01/doc/index.htm # so does Oracle8: # https://docs.oracle.com/cd/A64702_01/doc/index.htm if self._is_oracle_8: self.colspecs = self.colspecs.copy() self.colspecs.pop(sqltypes.Interval) self.use_ansi = False self.supports_identity_columns = self.server_version_info >= (12,) self._supports_offset_fetch = ( self.enable_offset_fetch and self.server_version_info >= (12,) ) def _get_effective_compat_server_version_info(self, connection): # dialect does not need compat levels below 12.2, so don't query # in those cases if self.server_version_info < (12, 2): return self.server_version_info try: compat = connection.exec_driver_sql( "SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'compatible'" ).scalar() except exc.DBAPIError: compat = None if compat: try: return tuple(int(x) for x in compat.split(".")) except: return self.server_version_info else: return self.server_version_info @property def _is_oracle_8(self): return self.server_version_info and self.server_version_info < (9,) @property def _supports_table_compression(self): return self.server_version_info and self.server_version_info >= (10, 1) @property def _supports_table_compress_for(self): return self.server_version_info and self.server_version_info >= (11,) @property def _supports_char_length(self): return not self._is_oracle_8 @property def _supports_update_returning_computed_cols(self): # on version 18 this error is no longet present while it happens on 11 # it may work also on versions before the 18 return self.server_version_info and self.server_version_info >= (18,) @property def _supports_except_all(self): return self.server_version_info and self.server_version_info >= (21,) def do_release_savepoint(self, connection, name): # Oracle does not support RELEASE SAVEPOINT pass def _check_max_identifier_length(self, connection): if self._get_effective_compat_server_version_info(connection) < ( 12, 2, ): return 30 else: # use the default return None def get_isolation_level_values(self, dbapi_connection): return ["READ COMMITTED", "SERIALIZABLE"] def get_default_isolation_level(self, dbapi_conn): try: return self.get_isolation_level(dbapi_conn) except NotImplementedError: raise except: return "READ COMMITTED" def _execute_reflection( self, connection, query, dblink, returns_long, params=None ): if dblink and not dblink.startswith("@"): dblink = f"@{dblink}" execution_options = { # handle db links "_oracle_dblink": dblink or "", # override any schema translate map "schema_translate_map": None, } if dblink and returns_long: # Oracle seems to error with # "ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype" when returning # LONG columns via a dblink in a query with bind params # This type seems to be very hard to cast into something else # so it seems easier to just use bind param in this case def visit_bindparam(bindparam): bindparam.literal_execute = True query = visitors.cloned_traverse( query, {}, {"bindparam": visit_bindparam} ) return connection.execute( query, params, execution_options=execution_options ) @util.memoized_property def _has_table_query(self): # materialized views are returned by all_tables tables = ( select( dictionary.all_tables.c.table_name, dictionary.all_tables.c.owner, ) .union_all( select( dictionary.all_views.c.view_name.label("table_name"), dictionary.all_views.c.owner, ) ) .subquery("tables_and_views") ) query = select(tables.c.table_name).where( tables.c.table_name == bindparam("table_name"), tables.c.owner == bindparam("owner"), ) return query @reflection.cache def has_table( self, connection, table_name, schema=None, dblink=None, **kw ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link.""" self._ensure_has_table_connection(connection) if not schema: schema = self.default_schema_name params = { "table_name": self.denormalize_name(table_name), "owner": self.denormalize_schema_name(schema), } cursor = self._execute_reflection( connection, self._has_table_query, dblink, returns_long=False, params=params, ) return bool(cursor.scalar()) @reflection.cache def has_sequence( self, connection, sequence_name, schema=None, dblink=None, **kw ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link.""" if not schema: schema = self.default_schema_name query = select(dictionary.all_sequences.c.sequence_name).where( dictionary.all_sequences.c.sequence_name == self.denormalize_schema_name(sequence_name), dictionary.all_sequences.c.sequence_owner == self.denormalize_schema_name(schema), ) cursor = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ) return bool(cursor.scalar()) def _get_default_schema_name(self, connection): return self.normalize_name( connection.exec_driver_sql( "select sys_context( 'userenv', 'current_schema' ) from dual" ).scalar() ) def denormalize_schema_name(self, name): # look for quoted_name force = getattr(name, "quote", None) if force is None and name == "public": # look for case insensitive, no quoting specified, "public" return "PUBLIC" return super().denormalize_name(name) @reflection.flexi_cache( ("schema", InternalTraversal.dp_string), ("filter_names", InternalTraversal.dp_string_list), ("dblink", InternalTraversal.dp_string), ) def _get_synonyms(self, connection, schema, filter_names, dblink, **kw): owner = self.denormalize_schema_name( schema or self.default_schema_name ) has_filter_names, params = self._prepare_filter_names(filter_names) query = select( dictionary.all_synonyms.c.synonym_name, dictionary.all_synonyms.c.table_name, dictionary.all_synonyms.c.table_owner, dictionary.all_synonyms.c.db_link, ).where(dictionary.all_synonyms.c.owner == owner) if has_filter_names: query = query.where( dictionary.all_synonyms.c.synonym_name.in_( params["filter_names"] ) ) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ).mappings() return result.all() @lru_cache() def _all_objects_query( self, owner, scope, kind, has_filter_names, has_mat_views ): query = ( select(dictionary.all_objects.c.object_name) .select_from(dictionary.all_objects) .where(dictionary.all_objects.c.owner == owner) ) # NOTE: materialized views are listed in all_objects twice; # once as MATERIALIZE VIEW and once as TABLE if kind is ObjectKind.ANY: # materilaized view are listed also as tables so there is no # need to add them to the in_. query = query.where( dictionary.all_objects.c.object_type.in_(("TABLE", "VIEW")) ) else: object_type = [] if ObjectKind.VIEW in kind: object_type.append("VIEW") if ( ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW in kind and ObjectKind.TABLE not in kind ): # materilaized view are listed also as tables so there is no # need to add them to the in_ if also selecting tables. object_type.append("MATERIALIZED VIEW") if ObjectKind.TABLE in kind: object_type.append("TABLE") if has_mat_views and ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW not in kind: # materialized view are listed also as tables, # so they need to be filtered out # EXCEPT ALL / MINUS profiles as faster than using # NOT EXISTS or NOT IN with a subquery, but it's in # general faster to get the mat view names and exclude # them only when needed query = query.where( dictionary.all_objects.c.object_name.not_in( bindparam("mat_views") ) ) query = query.where( dictionary.all_objects.c.object_type.in_(object_type) ) # handles scope if scope is ObjectScope.DEFAULT: query = query.where(dictionary.all_objects.c.temporary == "N") elif scope is ObjectScope.TEMPORARY: query = query.where(dictionary.all_objects.c.temporary == "Y") if has_filter_names: query = query.where( dictionary.all_objects.c.object_name.in_( bindparam("filter_names") ) ) return query @reflection.flexi_cache( ("schema", InternalTraversal.dp_string), ("scope", InternalTraversal.dp_plain_obj), ("kind", InternalTraversal.dp_plain_obj), ("filter_names", InternalTraversal.dp_string_list), ("dblink", InternalTraversal.dp_string), ) def _get_all_objects( self, connection, schema, scope, kind, filter_names, dblink, **kw ): owner = self.denormalize_schema_name( schema or self.default_schema_name ) has_filter_names, params = self._prepare_filter_names(filter_names) has_mat_views = False if ( ObjectKind.TABLE in kind and ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW not in kind ): # see note in _all_objects_query mat_views = self.get_materialized_view_names( connection, schema, dblink, _normalize=False, **kw ) if mat_views: params["mat_views"] = mat_views has_mat_views = True query = self._all_objects_query( owner, scope, kind, has_filter_names, has_mat_views ) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False, params=params ).scalars() return result.all() def _handle_synonyms_decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._handle_synonyms(fn, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def _handle_synonyms(self, fn, connection, *args, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get("oracle_resolve_synonyms", False): return fn(self, connection, *args, **kwargs) original_kw = kwargs.copy() schema = kwargs.pop("schema", None) result = self._get_synonyms( connection, schema=schema, filter_names=kwargs.pop("filter_names", None), dblink=kwargs.pop("dblink", None), info_cache=kwargs.get("info_cache", None), ) dblinks_owners = defaultdict(dict) for row in result: key = row["db_link"], row["table_owner"] tn = self.normalize_name(row["table_name"]) dblinks_owners[key][tn] = row["synonym_name"] if not dblinks_owners: # No synonym, do the plain thing return fn(self, connection, *args, **original_kw) data = {} for (dblink, table_owner), mapping in dblinks_owners.items(): call_kw = { **original_kw, "schema": table_owner, "dblink": self.normalize_name(dblink), "filter_names": mapping.keys(), } call_result = fn(self, connection, *args, **call_kw) for (_, tn), value in call_result: synonym_name = self.normalize_name(mapping[tn]) data[(schema, synonym_name)] = value return data.items() @reflection.cache def get_schema_names(self, connection, dblink=None, **kw): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link.""" query = select(dictionary.all_users.c.username).order_by( dictionary.all_users.c.username ) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ).scalars() return [self.normalize_name(row) for row in result] @reflection.cache def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, dblink=None, **kw): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link.""" # note that table_names() isn't loading DBLINKed or synonym'ed tables if schema is None: schema = self.default_schema_name den_schema = self.denormalize_schema_name(schema) if kw.get("oracle_resolve_synonyms", False): tables = ( select( dictionary.all_tables.c.table_name, dictionary.all_tables.c.owner, dictionary.all_tables.c.iot_name, dictionary.all_tables.c.duration, dictionary.all_tables.c.tablespace_name, ) .union_all( select( dictionary.all_synonyms.c.synonym_name.label( "table_name" ), dictionary.all_synonyms.c.owner, dictionary.all_tables.c.iot_name, dictionary.all_tables.c.duration, dictionary.all_tables.c.tablespace_name, ) .select_from(dictionary.all_tables) .join( dictionary.all_synonyms, and_( dictionary.all_tables.c.table_name == dictionary.all_synonyms.c.table_name, dictionary.all_tables.c.owner == func.coalesce( dictionary.all_synonyms.c.table_owner, dictionary.all_synonyms.c.owner, ), ), ) ) .subquery("available_tables") ) else: tables = dictionary.all_tables query = select(tables.c.table_name) if self.exclude_tablespaces: query = query.where( func.coalesce( tables.c.tablespace_name, "no tablespace" ).not_in(self.exclude_tablespaces) ) query = query.where( tables.c.owner == den_schema, tables.c.iot_name.is_(null()), tables.c.duration.is_(null()), ) # remove materialized views mat_query = select( dictionary.all_mviews.c.mview_name.label("table_name") ).where(dictionary.all_mviews.c.owner == den_schema) query = ( query.except_all(mat_query) if self._supports_except_all else query.except_(mat_query) ) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ).scalars() return [self.normalize_name(row) for row in result] @reflection.cache def get_temp_table_names(self, connection, dblink=None, **kw): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link.""" schema = self.denormalize_schema_name(self.default_schema_name) query = select(dictionary.all_tables.c.table_name) if self.exclude_tablespaces: query = query.where( func.coalesce( dictionary.all_tables.c.tablespace_name, "no tablespace" ).not_in(self.exclude_tablespaces) ) query = query.where( dictionary.all_tables.c.owner == schema, dictionary.all_tables.c.iot_name.is_(null()), dictionary.all_tables.c.duration.is_not(null()), ) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ).scalars() return [self.normalize_name(row) for row in result] @reflection.cache def get_materialized_view_names( self, connection, schema=None, dblink=None, _normalize=True, **kw ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link.""" if not schema: schema = self.default_schema_name query = select(dictionary.all_mviews.c.mview_name).where( dictionary.all_mviews.c.owner == self.denormalize_schema_name(schema) ) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ).scalars() if _normalize: return [self.normalize_name(row) for row in result] else: return result.all() @reflection.cache def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, dblink=None, **kw): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link.""" if not schema: schema = self.default_schema_name query = select(dictionary.all_views.c.view_name).where( dictionary.all_views.c.owner == self.denormalize_schema_name(schema) ) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ).scalars() return [self.normalize_name(row) for row in result] @reflection.cache def get_sequence_names(self, connection, schema=None, dblink=None, **kw): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link.""" if not schema: schema = self.default_schema_name query = select(dictionary.all_sequences.c.sequence_name).where( dictionary.all_sequences.c.sequence_owner == self.denormalize_schema_name(schema) ) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ).scalars() return [self.normalize_name(row) for row in result] def _value_or_raise(self, data, table, schema): table = self.normalize_name(str(table)) try: return dict(data)[(schema, table)] except KeyError: raise exc.NoSuchTableError( f"{schema}.{table}" if schema else table ) from None def _prepare_filter_names(self, filter_names): if filter_names: fn = [self.denormalize_name(name) for name in filter_names] return True, {"filter_names": fn} else: return False, {} @reflection.cache def get_table_options(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ data = self.get_multi_table_options( connection, schema=schema, filter_names=[table_name], scope=ObjectScope.ANY, kind=ObjectKind.ANY, **kw, ) return self._value_or_raise(data, table_name, schema) @lru_cache() def _table_options_query( self, owner, scope, kind, has_filter_names, has_mat_views ): query = select( dictionary.all_tables.c.table_name, dictionary.all_tables.c.compression, dictionary.all_tables.c.compress_for, ).where(dictionary.all_tables.c.owner == owner) if has_filter_names: query = query.where( dictionary.all_tables.c.table_name.in_( bindparam("filter_names") ) ) if scope is ObjectScope.DEFAULT: query = query.where(dictionary.all_tables.c.duration.is_(null())) elif scope is ObjectScope.TEMPORARY: query = query.where( dictionary.all_tables.c.duration.is_not(null()) ) if ( has_mat_views and ObjectKind.TABLE in kind and ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW not in kind ): # cant use EXCEPT ALL / MINUS here because we don't have an # excludable row vs. the query above # outerjoin + where null works better on oracle 21 but 11 does # not like it at all. this is the next best thing query = query.where( dictionary.all_tables.c.table_name.not_in( bindparam("mat_views") ) ) elif ( ObjectKind.TABLE not in kind and ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW in kind ): query = query.where( dictionary.all_tables.c.table_name.in_(bindparam("mat_views")) ) return query @_handle_synonyms_decorator def get_multi_table_options( self, connection, *, schema, filter_names, scope, kind, dblink=None, **kw, ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ owner = self.denormalize_schema_name( schema or self.default_schema_name ) has_filter_names, params = self._prepare_filter_names(filter_names) has_mat_views = False if ( ObjectKind.TABLE in kind and ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW not in kind ): # see note in _table_options_query mat_views = self.get_materialized_view_names( connection, schema, dblink, _normalize=False, **kw ) if mat_views: params["mat_views"] = mat_views has_mat_views = True elif ( ObjectKind.TABLE not in kind and ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW in kind ): mat_views = self.get_materialized_view_names( connection, schema, dblink, _normalize=False, **kw ) params["mat_views"] = mat_views options = {} default = ReflectionDefaults.table_options if ObjectKind.TABLE in kind or ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW in kind: query = self._table_options_query( owner, scope, kind, has_filter_names, has_mat_views ) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False, params=params ) for table, compression, compress_for in result: if compression == "ENABLED": data = {"oracle_compress": compress_for} else: data = default() options[(schema, self.normalize_name(table))] = data if ObjectKind.VIEW in kind and ObjectScope.DEFAULT in scope: # add the views (no temporary views) for view in self.get_view_names(connection, schema, dblink, **kw): if not filter_names or view in filter_names: options[(schema, view)] = default() return options.items() @reflection.cache def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ data = self.get_multi_columns( connection, schema=schema, filter_names=[table_name], scope=ObjectScope.ANY, kind=ObjectKind.ANY, **kw, ) return self._value_or_raise(data, table_name, schema) def _run_batches( self, connection, query, dblink, returns_long, mappings, all_objects ): each_batch = 500 batches = list(all_objects) while batches: batch = batches[0:each_batch] batches[0:each_batch] = [] result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=returns_long, params={"all_objects": batch}, ) if mappings: yield from result.mappings() else: yield from result @lru_cache() def _column_query(self, owner): all_cols = dictionary.all_tab_cols all_comments = dictionary.all_col_comments all_ids = dictionary.all_tab_identity_cols if self.server_version_info >= (12,): add_cols = ( all_cols.c.default_on_null, sql.case( (all_ids.c.table_name.is_(None), sql.null()), else_=all_ids.c.generation_type + "," + all_ids.c.identity_options, ).label("identity_options"), ) join_identity_cols = True else: add_cols = ( sql.null().label("default_on_null"), sql.null().label("identity_options"), ) join_identity_cols = False # NOTE: on oracle cannot create tables/views without columns and # a table cannot have all column hidden: # ORA-54039: table must have at least one column that is not invisible # all_tab_cols returns data for tables/views/mat-views. # all_tab_cols does not return recycled tables query = ( select( all_cols.c.table_name, all_cols.c.column_name, all_cols.c.data_type, all_cols.c.char_length, all_cols.c.data_precision, all_cols.c.data_scale, all_cols.c.nullable, all_cols.c.data_default, all_comments.c.comments, all_cols.c.virtual_column, *add_cols, ).select_from(all_cols) # NOTE: all_col_comments has a row for each column even if no # comment is present, so a join could be performed, but there # seems to be no difference compared to an outer join .outerjoin( all_comments, and_( all_cols.c.table_name == all_comments.c.table_name, all_cols.c.column_name == all_comments.c.column_name, all_cols.c.owner == all_comments.c.owner, ), ) ) if join_identity_cols: query = query.outerjoin( all_ids, and_( all_cols.c.table_name == all_ids.c.table_name, all_cols.c.column_name == all_ids.c.column_name, all_cols.c.owner == all_ids.c.owner, ), ) query = query.where( all_cols.c.table_name.in_(bindparam("all_objects")), all_cols.c.hidden_column == "NO", all_cols.c.owner == owner, ).order_by(all_cols.c.table_name, all_cols.c.column_id) return query @_handle_synonyms_decorator def get_multi_columns( self, connection, *, schema, filter_names, scope, kind, dblink=None, **kw, ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ owner = self.denormalize_schema_name( schema or self.default_schema_name ) query = self._column_query(owner) if ( filter_names and kind is ObjectKind.ANY and scope is ObjectScope.ANY ): all_objects = [self.denormalize_name(n) for n in filter_names] else: all_objects = self._get_all_objects( connection, schema, scope, kind, filter_names, dblink, **kw ) columns = defaultdict(list) # all_tab_cols.data_default is LONG result = self._run_batches( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=True, mappings=True, all_objects=all_objects, ) def maybe_int(value): if isinstance(value, float) and value.is_integer(): return int(value) else: return value remove_size = re.compile(r"\(\d+\)") for row_dict in result: table_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["table_name"]) orig_colname = row_dict["column_name"] colname = self.normalize_name(orig_colname) coltype = row_dict["data_type"] precision = maybe_int(row_dict["data_precision"]) if coltype == "NUMBER": scale = maybe_int(row_dict["data_scale"]) if precision is None and scale == 0: coltype = INTEGER() else: coltype = NUMBER(precision, scale) elif coltype == "FLOAT": # https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B14117_01/server.101/b10758/sqlqr06.htm if precision == 126: # The DOUBLE PRECISION datatype is a floating-point # number with binary precision 126. coltype = DOUBLE_PRECISION() elif precision == 63: # The REAL datatype is a floating-point number with a # binary precision of 63, or 18 decimal. coltype = REAL() else: # non standard precision coltype = FLOAT(binary_precision=precision) elif coltype in ("VARCHAR2", "NVARCHAR2", "CHAR", "NCHAR"): char_length = maybe_int(row_dict["char_length"]) coltype = self.ischema_names.get(coltype)(char_length) elif "WITH TIME ZONE" in coltype: coltype = TIMESTAMP(timezone=True) elif "WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE" in coltype: coltype = TIMESTAMP(local_timezone=True) else: coltype = re.sub(remove_size, "", coltype) try: coltype = self.ischema_names[coltype] except KeyError: util.warn( "Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" % (coltype, colname) ) coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE default = row_dict["data_default"] if row_dict["virtual_column"] == "YES": computed = dict(sqltext=default) default = None else: computed = None identity_options = row_dict["identity_options"] if identity_options is not None: identity = self._parse_identity_options( identity_options, row_dict["default_on_null"] ) default = None else: identity = None cdict = { "name": colname, "type": coltype, "nullable": row_dict["nullable"] == "Y", "default": default, "comment": row_dict["comments"], } if orig_colname.lower() == orig_colname: cdict["quote"] = True if computed is not None: cdict["computed"] = computed if identity is not None: cdict["identity"] = identity columns[(schema, table_name)].append(cdict) # NOTE: default not needed since all tables have columns # default = ReflectionDefaults.columns # return ( # (key, value if value else default()) # for key, value in columns.items() # ) return columns.items() def _parse_identity_options(self, identity_options, default_on_null): # identity_options is a string that starts with 'ALWAYS,' or # 'BY DEFAULT,' and continues with # START WITH: 1, INCREMENT BY: 1, MAX_VALUE: 123, MIN_VALUE: 1, # CYCLE_FLAG: N, CACHE_SIZE: 1, ORDER_FLAG: N, SCALE_FLAG: N, # EXTEND_FLAG: N, SESSION_FLAG: N, KEEP_VALUE: N parts = [p.strip() for p in identity_options.split(",")] identity = { "always": parts[0] == "ALWAYS", "on_null": default_on_null == "YES", } for part in parts[1:]: option, value = part.split(":") value = value.strip() if "START WITH" in option: identity["start"] = int(value) elif "INCREMENT BY" in option: identity["increment"] = int(value) elif "MAX_VALUE" in option: identity["maxvalue"] = int(value) elif "MIN_VALUE" in option: identity["minvalue"] = int(value) elif "CYCLE_FLAG" in option: identity["cycle"] = value == "Y" elif "CACHE_SIZE" in option: identity["cache"] = int(value) elif "ORDER_FLAG" in option: identity["order"] = value == "Y" return identity @reflection.cache def get_table_comment(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ data = self.get_multi_table_comment( connection, schema=schema, filter_names=[table_name], scope=ObjectScope.ANY, kind=ObjectKind.ANY, **kw, ) return self._value_or_raise(data, table_name, schema) @lru_cache() def _comment_query(self, owner, scope, kind, has_filter_names): # NOTE: all_tab_comments / all_mview_comments have a row for all # object even if they don't have comments queries = [] if ObjectKind.TABLE in kind or ObjectKind.VIEW in kind: # all_tab_comments returns also plain views tbl_view = select( dictionary.all_tab_comments.c.table_name, dictionary.all_tab_comments.c.comments, ).where( dictionary.all_tab_comments.c.owner == owner, dictionary.all_tab_comments.c.table_name.not_like("BIN$%"), ) if ObjectKind.VIEW not in kind: tbl_view = tbl_view.where( dictionary.all_tab_comments.c.table_type == "TABLE" ) elif ObjectKind.TABLE not in kind: tbl_view = tbl_view.where( dictionary.all_tab_comments.c.table_type == "VIEW" ) queries.append(tbl_view) if ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW in kind: mat_view = select( dictionary.all_mview_comments.c.mview_name.label("table_name"), dictionary.all_mview_comments.c.comments, ).where( dictionary.all_mview_comments.c.owner == owner, dictionary.all_mview_comments.c.mview_name.not_like("BIN$%"), ) queries.append(mat_view) if len(queries) == 1: query = queries[0] else: union = sql.union_all(*queries).subquery("tables_and_views") query = select(union.c.table_name, union.c.comments) name_col = query.selected_columns.table_name if scope in (ObjectScope.DEFAULT, ObjectScope.TEMPORARY): temp = "Y" if scope is ObjectScope.TEMPORARY else "N" # need distinct since materialized view are listed also # as tables in all_objects query = query.distinct().join( dictionary.all_objects, and_( dictionary.all_objects.c.owner == owner, dictionary.all_objects.c.object_name == name_col, dictionary.all_objects.c.temporary == temp, ), ) if has_filter_names: query = query.where(name_col.in_(bindparam("filter_names"))) return query @_handle_synonyms_decorator def get_multi_table_comment( self, connection, *, schema, filter_names, scope, kind, dblink=None, **kw, ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ owner = self.denormalize_schema_name( schema or self.default_schema_name ) has_filter_names, params = self._prepare_filter_names(filter_names) query = self._comment_query(owner, scope, kind, has_filter_names) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False, params=params ) default = ReflectionDefaults.table_comment # materialized views by default seem to have a comment like # "snapshot table for snapshot owner.mat_view_name" ignore_mat_view = "snapshot table for snapshot " return ( ( (schema, self.normalize_name(table)), ( {"text": comment} if comment is not None and not comment.startswith(ignore_mat_view) else default() ), ) for table, comment in result ) @reflection.cache def get_indexes(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ data = self.get_multi_indexes( connection, schema=schema, filter_names=[table_name], scope=ObjectScope.ANY, kind=ObjectKind.ANY, **kw, ) return self._value_or_raise(data, table_name, schema) @lru_cache() def _index_query(self, owner): return ( select( dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.table_name, dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.index_name, dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.column_name, dictionary.all_indexes.c.index_type, dictionary.all_indexes.c.uniqueness, dictionary.all_indexes.c.compression, dictionary.all_indexes.c.prefix_length, dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.descend, dictionary.all_ind_expressions.c.column_expression, ) .select_from(dictionary.all_ind_columns) .join( dictionary.all_indexes, sql.and_( dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.index_name == dictionary.all_indexes.c.index_name, dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.index_owner == dictionary.all_indexes.c.owner, ), ) .outerjoin( # NOTE: this adds about 20% to the query time. Using a # case expression with a scalar subquery only when needed # with the assumption that most indexes are not expression # would be faster but oracle does not like that with # LONG datatype. It errors with: # ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype dictionary.all_ind_expressions, sql.and_( dictionary.all_ind_expressions.c.index_name == dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.index_name, dictionary.all_ind_expressions.c.index_owner == dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.index_owner, dictionary.all_ind_expressions.c.column_position == dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.column_position, ), ) .where( dictionary.all_indexes.c.table_owner == owner, dictionary.all_indexes.c.table_name.in_( bindparam("all_objects") ), ) .order_by( dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.index_name, dictionary.all_ind_columns.c.column_position, ) ) @reflection.flexi_cache( ("schema", InternalTraversal.dp_string), ("dblink", InternalTraversal.dp_string), ("all_objects", InternalTraversal.dp_string_list), ) def _get_indexes_rows(self, connection, schema, dblink, all_objects, **kw): owner = self.denormalize_schema_name( schema or self.default_schema_name ) query = self._index_query(owner) pks = { row_dict["constraint_name"] for row_dict in self._get_all_constraint_rows( connection, schema, dblink, all_objects, **kw ) if row_dict["constraint_type"] == "P" } # all_ind_expressions.column_expression is LONG result = self._run_batches( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=True, mappings=True, all_objects=all_objects, ) return [ row_dict for row_dict in result if row_dict["index_name"] not in pks ] @_handle_synonyms_decorator def get_multi_indexes( self, connection, *, schema, filter_names, scope, kind, dblink=None, **kw, ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ all_objects = self._get_all_objects( connection, schema, scope, kind, filter_names, dblink, **kw ) uniqueness = {"NONUNIQUE": False, "UNIQUE": True} enabled = {"DISABLED": False, "ENABLED": True} is_bitmap = {"BITMAP", "FUNCTION-BASED BITMAP"} indexes = defaultdict(dict) for row_dict in self._get_indexes_rows( connection, schema, dblink, all_objects, **kw ): index_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["index_name"]) table_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["table_name"]) table_indexes = indexes[(schema, table_name)] if index_name not in table_indexes: table_indexes[index_name] = index_dict = { "name": index_name, "column_names": [], "dialect_options": {}, "unique": uniqueness.get(row_dict["uniqueness"], False), } do = index_dict["dialect_options"] if row_dict["index_type"] in is_bitmap: do["oracle_bitmap"] = True if enabled.get(row_dict["compression"], False): do["oracle_compress"] = row_dict["prefix_length"] else: index_dict = table_indexes[index_name] expr = row_dict["column_expression"] if expr is not None: index_dict["column_names"].append(None) if "expressions" in index_dict: index_dict["expressions"].append(expr) else: index_dict["expressions"] = index_dict["column_names"][:-1] index_dict["expressions"].append(expr) if row_dict["descend"].lower() != "asc": assert row_dict["descend"].lower() == "desc" cs = index_dict.setdefault("column_sorting", {}) cs[expr] = ("desc",) else: assert row_dict["descend"].lower() == "asc" cn = self.normalize_name(row_dict["column_name"]) index_dict["column_names"].append(cn) if "expressions" in index_dict: index_dict["expressions"].append(cn) default = ReflectionDefaults.indexes return ( (key, list(indexes[key].values()) if key in indexes else default()) for key in ( (schema, self.normalize_name(obj_name)) for obj_name in all_objects ) ) @reflection.cache def get_pk_constraint(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ data = self.get_multi_pk_constraint( connection, schema=schema, filter_names=[table_name], scope=ObjectScope.ANY, kind=ObjectKind.ANY, **kw, ) return self._value_or_raise(data, table_name, schema) @lru_cache() def _constraint_query(self, owner): local = dictionary.all_cons_columns.alias("local") remote = dictionary.all_cons_columns.alias("remote") return ( select( dictionary.all_constraints.c.table_name, dictionary.all_constraints.c.constraint_type, dictionary.all_constraints.c.constraint_name, local.c.column_name.label("local_column"), remote.c.table_name.label("remote_table"), remote.c.column_name.label("remote_column"), remote.c.owner.label("remote_owner"), dictionary.all_constraints.c.search_condition, dictionary.all_constraints.c.delete_rule, ) .select_from(dictionary.all_constraints) .join( local, and_( local.c.owner == dictionary.all_constraints.c.owner, dictionary.all_constraints.c.constraint_name == local.c.constraint_name, ), ) .outerjoin( remote, and_( dictionary.all_constraints.c.r_owner == remote.c.owner, dictionary.all_constraints.c.r_constraint_name == remote.c.constraint_name, or_( remote.c.position.is_(sql.null()), local.c.position == remote.c.position, ), ), ) .where( dictionary.all_constraints.c.owner == owner, dictionary.all_constraints.c.table_name.in_( bindparam("all_objects") ), dictionary.all_constraints.c.constraint_type.in_( ("R", "P", "U", "C") ), ) .order_by( dictionary.all_constraints.c.constraint_name, local.c.position ) ) @reflection.flexi_cache( ("schema", InternalTraversal.dp_string), ("dblink", InternalTraversal.dp_string), ("all_objects", InternalTraversal.dp_string_list), ) def _get_all_constraint_rows( self, connection, schema, dblink, all_objects, **kw ): owner = self.denormalize_schema_name( schema or self.default_schema_name ) query = self._constraint_query(owner) # since the result is cached a list must be created values = list( self._run_batches( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False, mappings=True, all_objects=all_objects, ) ) return values @_handle_synonyms_decorator def get_multi_pk_constraint( self, connection, *, scope, schema, filter_names, kind, dblink=None, **kw, ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ all_objects = self._get_all_objects( connection, schema, scope, kind, filter_names, dblink, **kw ) primary_keys = defaultdict(dict) default = ReflectionDefaults.pk_constraint for row_dict in self._get_all_constraint_rows( connection, schema, dblink, all_objects, **kw ): if row_dict["constraint_type"] != "P": continue table_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["table_name"]) constraint_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["constraint_name"]) column_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["local_column"]) table_pk = primary_keys[(schema, table_name)] if not table_pk: table_pk["name"] = constraint_name table_pk["constrained_columns"] = [column_name] else: table_pk["constrained_columns"].append(column_name) return ( (key, primary_keys[key] if key in primary_keys else default()) for key in ( (schema, self.normalize_name(obj_name)) for obj_name in all_objects ) ) @reflection.cache def get_foreign_keys( self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw, ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ data = self.get_multi_foreign_keys( connection, schema=schema, filter_names=[table_name], scope=ObjectScope.ANY, kind=ObjectKind.ANY, **kw, ) return self._value_or_raise(data, table_name, schema) @_handle_synonyms_decorator def get_multi_foreign_keys( self, connection, *, scope, schema, filter_names, kind, dblink=None, **kw, ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ all_objects = self._get_all_objects( connection, schema, scope, kind, filter_names, dblink, **kw ) resolve_synonyms = kw.get("oracle_resolve_synonyms", False) owner = self.denormalize_schema_name( schema or self.default_schema_name ) all_remote_owners = set() fkeys = defaultdict(dict) for row_dict in self._get_all_constraint_rows( connection, schema, dblink, all_objects, **kw ): if row_dict["constraint_type"] != "R": continue table_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["table_name"]) constraint_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["constraint_name"]) table_fkey = fkeys[(schema, table_name)] assert constraint_name is not None local_column = self.normalize_name(row_dict["local_column"]) remote_table = self.normalize_name(row_dict["remote_table"]) remote_column = self.normalize_name(row_dict["remote_column"]) remote_owner_orig = row_dict["remote_owner"] remote_owner = self.normalize_name(remote_owner_orig) if remote_owner_orig is not None: all_remote_owners.add(remote_owner_orig) if remote_table is None: # ticket 363 if dblink and not dblink.startswith("@"): dblink = f"@{dblink}" util.warn( "Got 'None' querying 'table_name' from " f"all_cons_columns{dblink or ''} - does the user have " "proper rights to the table?" ) continue if constraint_name not in table_fkey: table_fkey[constraint_name] = fkey = { "name": constraint_name, "constrained_columns": [], "referred_schema": None, "referred_table": remote_table, "referred_columns": [], "options": {}, } if resolve_synonyms: # will be removed below fkey["_ref_schema"] = remote_owner if schema is not None or remote_owner_orig != owner: fkey["referred_schema"] = remote_owner delete_rule = row_dict["delete_rule"] if delete_rule != "NO ACTION": fkey["options"]["ondelete"] = delete_rule else: fkey = table_fkey[constraint_name] fkey["constrained_columns"].append(local_column) fkey["referred_columns"].append(remote_column) if resolve_synonyms and all_remote_owners: query = select( dictionary.all_synonyms.c.owner, dictionary.all_synonyms.c.table_name, dictionary.all_synonyms.c.table_owner, dictionary.all_synonyms.c.synonym_name, ).where(dictionary.all_synonyms.c.owner.in_(all_remote_owners)) result = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ).mappings() remote_owners_lut = {} for row in result: synonym_owner = self.normalize_name(row["owner"]) table_name = self.normalize_name(row["table_name"]) remote_owners_lut[(synonym_owner, table_name)] = ( row["table_owner"], row["synonym_name"], ) empty = (None, None) for table_fkeys in fkeys.values(): for table_fkey in table_fkeys.values(): key = ( table_fkey.pop("_ref_schema"), table_fkey["referred_table"], ) remote_owner, syn_name = remote_owners_lut.get(key, empty) if syn_name: sn = self.normalize_name(syn_name) table_fkey["referred_table"] = sn if schema is not None or remote_owner != owner: ro = self.normalize_name(remote_owner) table_fkey["referred_schema"] = ro else: table_fkey["referred_schema"] = None default = ReflectionDefaults.foreign_keys return ( (key, list(fkeys[key].values()) if key in fkeys else default()) for key in ( (schema, self.normalize_name(obj_name)) for obj_name in all_objects ) ) @reflection.cache def get_unique_constraints( self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ data = self.get_multi_unique_constraints( connection, schema=schema, filter_names=[table_name], scope=ObjectScope.ANY, kind=ObjectKind.ANY, **kw, ) return self._value_or_raise(data, table_name, schema) @_handle_synonyms_decorator def get_multi_unique_constraints( self, connection, *, scope, schema, filter_names, kind, dblink=None, **kw, ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ all_objects = self._get_all_objects( connection, schema, scope, kind, filter_names, dblink, **kw ) unique_cons = defaultdict(dict) index_names = { row_dict["index_name"] for row_dict in self._get_indexes_rows( connection, schema, dblink, all_objects, **kw ) } for row_dict in self._get_all_constraint_rows( connection, schema, dblink, all_objects, **kw ): if row_dict["constraint_type"] != "U": continue table_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["table_name"]) constraint_name_orig = row_dict["constraint_name"] constraint_name = self.normalize_name(constraint_name_orig) column_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["local_column"]) table_uc = unique_cons[(schema, table_name)] assert constraint_name is not None if constraint_name not in table_uc: table_uc[constraint_name] = uc = { "name": constraint_name, "column_names": [], "duplicates_index": ( constraint_name if constraint_name_orig in index_names else None ), } else: uc = table_uc[constraint_name] uc["column_names"].append(column_name) default = ReflectionDefaults.unique_constraints return ( ( key, ( list(unique_cons[key].values()) if key in unique_cons else default() ), ) for key in ( (schema, self.normalize_name(obj_name)) for obj_name in all_objects ) ) @reflection.cache def get_view_definition( self, connection, view_name, schema=None, dblink=None, **kw, ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ if kw.get("oracle_resolve_synonyms", False): synonyms = self._get_synonyms( connection, schema, filter_names=[view_name], dblink=dblink ) if synonyms: assert len(synonyms) == 1 row_dict = synonyms[0] dblink = self.normalize_name(row_dict["db_link"]) schema = row_dict["table_owner"] view_name = row_dict["table_name"] name = self.denormalize_name(view_name) owner = self.denormalize_schema_name( schema or self.default_schema_name ) query = ( select(dictionary.all_views.c.text) .where( dictionary.all_views.c.view_name == name, dictionary.all_views.c.owner == owner, ) .union_all( select(dictionary.all_mviews.c.query).where( dictionary.all_mviews.c.mview_name == name, dictionary.all_mviews.c.owner == owner, ) ) ) rp = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ).scalar() if rp is None: raise exc.NoSuchTableError( f"{schema}.{view_name}" if schema else view_name ) else: return rp @reflection.cache def get_check_constraints( self, connection, table_name, schema=None, include_all=False, **kw ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ data = self.get_multi_check_constraints( connection, schema=schema, filter_names=[table_name], scope=ObjectScope.ANY, include_all=include_all, kind=ObjectKind.ANY, **kw, ) return self._value_or_raise(data, table_name, schema) @_handle_synonyms_decorator def get_multi_check_constraints( self, connection, *, schema, filter_names, dblink=None, scope, kind, include_all=False, **kw, ): """Supported kw arguments are: ``dblink`` to reflect via a db link; ``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` to resolve names to synonyms """ all_objects = self._get_all_objects( connection, schema, scope, kind, filter_names, dblink, **kw ) not_null = re.compile(r"..+?. IS NOT NULL$") check_constraints = defaultdict(list) for row_dict in self._get_all_constraint_rows( connection, schema, dblink, all_objects, **kw ): if row_dict["constraint_type"] != "C": continue table_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["table_name"]) constraint_name = self.normalize_name(row_dict["constraint_name"]) search_condition = row_dict["search_condition"] table_checks = check_constraints[(schema, table_name)] if constraint_name is not None and ( include_all or not not_null.match(search_condition) ): table_checks.append( {"name": constraint_name, "sqltext": search_condition} ) default = ReflectionDefaults.check_constraints return ( ( key, ( check_constraints[key] if key in check_constraints else default() ), ) for key in ( (schema, self.normalize_name(obj_name)) for obj_name in all_objects ) ) def _list_dblinks(self, connection, dblink=None): query = select(dictionary.all_db_links.c.db_link) links = self._execute_reflection( connection, query, dblink, returns_long=False ).scalars() return [self.normalize_name(link) for link in links] class _OuterJoinColumn(sql.ClauseElement): __visit_name__ = "outer_join_column" def __init__(self, column): self.column = column