# dialects/mysql/mysqldb.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # mypy: ignore-errors """ .. dialect:: mysql+mysqldb :name: mysqlclient (maintained fork of MySQL-Python) :dbapi: mysqldb :connectstring: mysql+mysqldb://:@[:]/ :url: https://pypi.org/project/mysqlclient/ Driver Status ------------- The mysqlclient DBAPI is a maintained fork of the `MySQL-Python `_ DBAPI that is no longer maintained. `mysqlclient`_ supports Python 2 and Python 3 and is very stable. .. _mysqlclient: https://github.com/PyMySQL/mysqlclient-python .. _mysqldb_unicode: Unicode ------- Please see :ref:`mysql_unicode` for current recommendations on unicode handling. .. _mysqldb_ssl: SSL Connections ---------------- The mysqlclient and PyMySQL DBAPIs accept an additional dictionary under the key "ssl", which may be specified using the :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.connect_args` dictionary:: engine = create_engine( "mysql+mysqldb://scott:tiger@", connect_args={ "ssl": { "ca": "/home/gord/client-ssl/ca.pem", "cert": "/home/gord/client-ssl/client-cert.pem", "key": "/home/gord/client-ssl/client-key.pem" } } ) For convenience, the following keys may also be specified inline within the URL where they will be interpreted into the "ssl" dictionary automatically: "ssl_ca", "ssl_cert", "ssl_key", "ssl_capath", "ssl_cipher", "ssl_check_hostname". An example is as follows:: connection_uri = ( "mysql+mysqldb://scott:tiger@" "?ssl_ca=/home/gord/client-ssl/ca.pem" "&ssl_cert=/home/gord/client-ssl/client-cert.pem" "&ssl_key=/home/gord/client-ssl/client-key.pem" ) .. seealso:: :ref:`pymysql_ssl` in the PyMySQL dialect Using MySQLdb with Google Cloud SQL ----------------------------------- Google Cloud SQL now recommends use of the MySQLdb dialect. Connect using a URL like the following:: mysql+mysqldb://root@/?unix_socket=/cloudsql/: Server Side Cursors ------------------- The mysqldb dialect supports server-side cursors. See :ref:`mysql_ss_cursors`. """ import re from .base import MySQLCompiler from .base import MySQLDialect from .base import MySQLExecutionContext from .base import MySQLIdentifierPreparer from .base import TEXT from ... import sql from ... import util class MySQLExecutionContext_mysqldb(MySQLExecutionContext): pass class MySQLCompiler_mysqldb(MySQLCompiler): pass class MySQLDialect_mysqldb(MySQLDialect): driver = "mysqldb" supports_statement_cache = True supports_unicode_statements = True supports_sane_rowcount = True supports_sane_multi_rowcount = True supports_native_decimal = True default_paramstyle = "format" execution_ctx_cls = MySQLExecutionContext_mysqldb statement_compiler = MySQLCompiler_mysqldb preparer = MySQLIdentifierPreparer def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._mysql_dbapi_version = ( self._parse_dbapi_version(self.dbapi.__version__) if self.dbapi is not None and hasattr(self.dbapi, "__version__") else (0, 0, 0) ) def _parse_dbapi_version(self, version): m = re.match(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?", version) if m: return tuple(int(x) for x in m.group(1, 2, 3) if x is not None) else: return (0, 0, 0) @util.langhelpers.memoized_property def supports_server_side_cursors(self): try: cursors = __import__("MySQLdb.cursors").cursors self._sscursor = cursors.SSCursor return True except (ImportError, AttributeError): return False @classmethod def import_dbapi(cls): return __import__("MySQLdb") def on_connect(self): super_ = super().on_connect() def on_connect(conn): if super_ is not None: super_(conn) charset_name = conn.character_set_name() if charset_name is not None: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SET NAMES %s" % charset_name) cursor.close() return on_connect def do_ping(self, dbapi_connection): dbapi_connection.ping() return True def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): rowcount = cursor.executemany(statement, parameters) if context is not None: context._rowcount = rowcount def _check_unicode_returns(self, connection): # work around issue fixed in # https://github.com/farcepest/MySQLdb1/commit/cd44524fef63bd3fcb71947392326e9742d520e8 # specific issue w/ the utf8mb4_bin collation and unicode returns collation = connection.exec_driver_sql( "show collation where %s = 'utf8mb4' and %s = 'utf8mb4_bin'" % ( self.identifier_preparer.quote("Charset"), self.identifier_preparer.quote("Collation"), ) ).scalar() has_utf8mb4_bin = self.server_version_info > (5,) and collation if has_utf8mb4_bin: additional_tests = [ sql.collate( sql.cast( sql.literal_column("'test collated returns'"), TEXT(charset="utf8mb4"), ), "utf8mb4_bin", ) ] else: additional_tests = [] return super()._check_unicode_returns(connection, additional_tests) def create_connect_args(self, url, _translate_args=None): if _translate_args is None: _translate_args = dict( database="db", username="user", password="passwd" ) opts = url.translate_connect_args(**_translate_args) opts.update(url.query) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "compress", bool) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "connect_timeout", int) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "read_timeout", int) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "write_timeout", int) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "client_flag", int) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "local_infile", int) # Note: using either of the below will cause all strings to be # returned as Unicode, both in raw SQL operations and with column # types like String and MSString. util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "use_unicode", bool) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "charset", str) # Rich values 'cursorclass' and 'conv' are not supported via # query string. ssl = {} keys = [ ("ssl_ca", str), ("ssl_key", str), ("ssl_cert", str), ("ssl_capath", str), ("ssl_cipher", str), ("ssl_check_hostname", bool), ] for key, kw_type in keys: if key in opts: ssl[key[4:]] = opts[key] util.coerce_kw_type(ssl, key[4:], kw_type) del opts[key] if ssl: opts["ssl"] = ssl # FOUND_ROWS must be set in CLIENT_FLAGS to enable # supports_sane_rowcount. client_flag = opts.get("client_flag", 0) client_flag_found_rows = self._found_rows_client_flag() if client_flag_found_rows is not None: client_flag |= client_flag_found_rows opts["client_flag"] = client_flag return [[], opts] def _found_rows_client_flag(self): if self.dbapi is not None: try: CLIENT_FLAGS = __import__( self.dbapi.__name__ + ".constants.CLIENT" ).constants.CLIENT except (AttributeError, ImportError): return None else: return CLIENT_FLAGS.FOUND_ROWS else: return None def _extract_error_code(self, exception): return exception.args[0] def _detect_charset(self, connection): """Sniff out the character set in use for connection results.""" try: # note: the SQL here would be # "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%%'" cset_name = connection.connection.character_set_name except AttributeError: util.warn( "No 'character_set_name' can be detected with " "this MySQL-Python version; " "please upgrade to a recent version of MySQL-Python. " "Assuming latin1." ) return "latin1" else: return cset_name() def get_isolation_level_values(self, dbapi_connection): return ( "SERIALIZABLE", "READ UNCOMMITTED", "READ COMMITTED", "REPEATABLE READ", "AUTOCOMMIT", ) def set_isolation_level(self, dbapi_connection, level): if level == "AUTOCOMMIT": dbapi_connection.autocommit(True) else: dbapi_connection.autocommit(False) super().set_isolation_level(dbapi_connection, level) dialect = MySQLDialect_mysqldb