import inspect import re from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union import click import rich.columns import rich.markdown import rich.text # Due to how rich_click.cli.patch() works, it is safer to import Command types directly # rather than use the click module e.g. click.Command from click import Command, Group from rich import box from rich.align import Align from rich.columns import Columns from rich.emoji import Emoji from rich.highlighter import RegexHighlighter from rich.markdown import Markdown from rich.padding import Padding from rich.panel import Panel from import StyleType from rich.table import Table from rich.text import Text from typing_extensions import Literal from rich_click._compat_click import CLICK_IS_BEFORE_VERSION_8X, CLICK_IS_BEFORE_VERSION_9X, CLICK_IS_VERSION_80 from rich_click.rich_help_configuration import ( force_terminal_default, OptionHighlighter, RichHelpConfiguration, terminal_width_default, ) from rich_click.rich_help_formatter import RichHelpFormatter # Support rich <= 10.6.0 try: from rich.console import group except ImportError: from rich.console import render_group as group # type: ignore[attr-defined,no-redef] if CLICK_IS_BEFORE_VERSION_9X: from click import MultiCommand else: MultiCommand = Group # type: ignore[misc,assignment] # Default styles STYLE_OPTION: = "bold cyan" STYLE_ARGUMENT: = "bold cyan" STYLE_COMMAND: = "bold cyan" STYLE_SWITCH: = "bold green" STYLE_METAVAR: = "bold yellow" STYLE_METAVAR_APPEND: = "dim yellow" STYLE_METAVAR_SEPARATOR: = "dim" STYLE_HEADER_TEXT: = "" STYLE_EPILOG_TEXT: = "" STYLE_FOOTER_TEXT: = "" STYLE_USAGE: = "yellow" STYLE_USAGE_COMMAND: = "bold" STYLE_DEPRECATED: = "red" STYLE_HELPTEXT_FIRST_LINE: = "" STYLE_HELPTEXT: = "dim" STYLE_OPTION_HELP: = "" STYLE_OPTION_DEFAULT: = "dim" STYLE_OPTION_ENVVAR: = "dim yellow" STYLE_REQUIRED_SHORT: = "red" STYLE_REQUIRED_LONG: = "dim red" STYLE_OPTIONS_PANEL_BORDER: = "dim" ALIGN_OPTIONS_PANEL: rich.align.AlignMethod = "left" STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_SHOW_LINES: bool = False STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_LEADING: int = 0 STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_PAD_EDGE: bool = False STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_PADDING: rich.padding.PaddingDimensions = (0, 1) STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_BOX: = "" STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_ROW_STYLES: Optional[List[]] = None STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_BORDER_STYLE: Optional[] = None STYLE_COMMANDS_PANEL_BORDER: = "dim" ALIGN_COMMANDS_PANEL: rich.align.AlignMethod = "left" STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_SHOW_LINES: bool = False STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_LEADING: int = 0 STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_PAD_EDGE: bool = False STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_PADDING: rich.padding.PaddingDimensions = (0, 1) STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_BOX: = "" STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_ROW_STYLES: Optional[List[]] = None STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_BORDER_STYLE: Optional[] = None STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_COLUMN_WIDTH_RATIO: Optional[Union[Tuple[None, None], Tuple[int, int]]] = (None, None) STYLE_ERRORS_PANEL_BORDER: = "red" ALIGN_ERRORS_PANEL: rich.align.AlignMethod = "left" STYLE_ERRORS_SUGGESTION: = "dim" STYLE_ERRORS_SUGGESTION_COMMAND: = "blue" STYLE_ABORTED: = "red" WIDTH: Optional[int] = terminal_width_default() MAX_WIDTH: Optional[int] = terminal_width_default() COLOR_SYSTEM: Optional[ Literal["auto", "standard", "256", "truecolor", "windows"] ] = "auto" # Set to None to disable colors FORCE_TERMINAL: Optional[bool] = force_terminal_default() # Fixed strings HEADER_TEXT: Optional[str] = None FOOTER_TEXT: Optional[str] = None DEPRECATED_STRING: str = "(Deprecated) " DEFAULT_STRING: str = "[default: {}]" ENVVAR_STRING: str = "[env var: {}]" REQUIRED_SHORT_STRING: str = "*" REQUIRED_LONG_STRING: str = "[required]" RANGE_STRING: str = " [{}]" APPEND_METAVARS_HELP_STRING: str = "({})" ARGUMENTS_PANEL_TITLE: str = "Arguments" OPTIONS_PANEL_TITLE: str = "Options" COMMANDS_PANEL_TITLE: str = "Commands" ERRORS_PANEL_TITLE: str = "Error" ERRORS_SUGGESTION: Optional[str] = None # Default: Try 'cmd -h' for help. Set to False to disable. ERRORS_EPILOGUE: Optional[str] = None ABORTED_TEXT: str = "Aborted." # Behaviours SHOW_ARGUMENTS: bool = False # Show positional arguments SHOW_METAVARS_COLUMN: bool = True # Show a column with the option metavar (eg. INTEGER) APPEND_METAVARS_HELP: bool = False # Append metavar (eg. [TEXT]) after the help text GROUP_ARGUMENTS_OPTIONS: bool = False # Show arguments with options instead of in own panel OPTION_ENVVAR_FIRST: bool = False # Show env vars before option help text instead of avert USE_MARKDOWN: bool = False # Parse help strings as markdown USE_MARKDOWN_EMOJI: bool = True # Parse emoji codes in markdown :smile: USE_RICH_MARKUP: bool = False # Parse help strings for rich markup (eg. [red]my text[/]) # Define sorted groups of panels to display subcommands COMMAND_GROUPS: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]]] = {} # Define sorted groups of panels to display options and arguments OPTION_GROUPS: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, List[str]]]]]] = {} USE_CLICK_SHORT_HELP: bool = False # Use click's default function to truncate help text highlighter: rich.highlighter.Highlighter = OptionHighlighter() _formatter: Optional[RichHelpFormatter] = None def _get_rich_formatter(formatter: Optional[click.HelpFormatter] = None) -> RichHelpFormatter: """Get Rich Help Formatter. Resolves the rich help formatter from the following: - formatter, if exists and is a `RichHelpFormatter` object - cached, module-level formatter - active click Context, that is cached as module-level attr - module-level settings (default) Args: formatter: A possible Rich help formatter """ if formatter and isinstance(formatter, RichHelpFormatter): return formatter global _formatter if _formatter: return _formatter ctx = click.get_current_context(True) if ctx: formatter = ctx.make_formatter() if isinstance(formatter, RichHelpFormatter): _formatter = formatter return _formatter _formatter = RichHelpFormatter(config=get_module_help_configuration()) return _formatter def _make_rich_rext( text: str, style: StyleType = "", formatter: Optional[RichHelpFormatter] = None ) -> Union[rich.markdown.Markdown, Text]: """Take a string, remove indentations, and return styled text. By default, return the text as a Rich Text with the request style. If config.use_rich_markup is True, also parse the text for Rich markup strings. If config.use_markdown is True, parse as Markdown. Only one of config.use_markdown or config.use_rich_markup can be True. If both are True, config.use_markdown takes precedence. Args: text (str): Text to style style (str): Rich style to apply Returns: MarkdownElement or Text: Styled text object """ formatter = _get_rich_formatter(formatter) config = formatter.config # Remove indentations from input text text = inspect.cleandoc(text) if config.use_markdown: if config.use_markdown_emoji: text = Emoji.replace(text) return Markdown(text, style=style) if config.use_rich_markup: return config.highlighter(Text.from_markup(text, style=style)) else: return config.highlighter(Text(text, style=style)) @group() def _get_help_text( obj: Union[Command, Group], formatter: Optional[RichHelpFormatter] = None ) -> Iterable[Union[rich.markdown.Markdown, rich.text.Text]]: """Build primary help text for a click command or group. Returns the prose help text for a command or group, rendered either as a Rich Text object or as Markdown. If the command is marked as depreciated, the depreciated string will be prepended. Args: obj (click.Command or click.Group): Command or group to build help text for Yields: Text or Markdown: Multiple styled objects (depreciated, usage) """ if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(, str) formatter = _get_rich_formatter(formatter) config = formatter.config # Prepend deprecated status if obj.deprecated: yield Text(config.deprecated_string, style=config.style_deprecated) # Fetch and dedent the help text help_text = inspect.cleandoc( # Trim off anything that comes after \f on its own line help_text = help_text.partition("\f")[0] # Get the first paragraph first_line = help_text.split("\n\n")[0] # Remove single linebreaks if not config.use_markdown and not first_line.startswith("\b"): first_line = first_line.replace("\n", " ") yield _make_rich_rext(first_line.strip(), config.style_helptext_first_line, formatter) # Get remaining lines, remove single line breaks and format as dim remaining_paragraphs = help_text.split("\n\n")[1:] if len(remaining_paragraphs) > 0: if not config.use_markdown: # Remove single linebreaks remaining_paragraphs = [ x.replace("\n", " ").strip() if not x.startswith("\b") else "{}\n".format(x.strip("\b\n")) for x in remaining_paragraphs ] # Join back together remaining_lines = "\n".join(remaining_paragraphs) else: # Join with double linebreaks if markdown remaining_lines = "\n\n".join(remaining_paragraphs) yield _make_rich_rext(remaining_lines, config.style_helptext, formatter) def _get_option_help( param: Union[click.Argument, click.Option], ctx: click.Context, formatter: Optional[RichHelpFormatter] = None ) -> rich.columns.Columns: """Build primary help text for a click option or argument. Returns the prose help text for an option or argument, rendered either as a Rich Text object or as Markdown. Additional elements are appended to show the default and required status if applicable. Args: param (click.Argument or click.Option): Parameter to build help text for ctx (click.Context): Click Context object Returns: Columns: A columns element with multiple styled objects (help, default, required) """ formatter = _get_rich_formatter(formatter) config = formatter.config items: List[rich.console.RenderableType] = [] if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(, str) # Get the environment variable first envvar = getattr(param, "envvar", None) # if envvar is None: if ( getattr(param, "allow_from_autoenv", None) and getattr(ctx, "auto_envvar_prefix", None) is not None and is not None ): envvar = f"{ctx.auto_envvar_prefix}_{}" if envvar is not None: envvar = ", ".join(envvar) if type(envvar) is list else envvar # Environment variable config.before help text if getattr(param, "show_envvar", None) and config.option_envvar_first and envvar is not None: items.append(Text(config.envvar_string.format(envvar), style=config.style_option_envvar)) # Main help text if getattr(param, "help", None): if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(param, click.Option) assert hasattr(param, "help") assert isinstance(, str) paragraphs ="\n\n") # Remove single linebreaks if not config.use_markdown: paragraphs = [ x.replace("\n", " ").strip() if not x.startswith("\b") else "{}\n".format(x.strip("\b\n")) for x in paragraphs ] items.append(_make_rich_rext("\n".join(paragraphs).strip(), config.style_option_help, formatter)) # Append metavar if requested if config.append_metavars_help: metavar_str = param.make_metavar() # Do it ourselves if this is a positional argument if isinstance(param, click.core.Argument) and re.match(rf"\[?{}]?", metavar_str): metavar_str = # Attach metavar if param is a positional argument, or if it is a non boolean and non flag option if isinstance(param, click.core.Argument) or (metavar_str != "BOOLEAN" and not param.is_flag): metavar_str = metavar_str.replace("[", "").replace("]", "") items.append( Text( config.append_metavars_help_string.format(metavar_str), style=config.style_metavar_append, overflow="fold", ) ) # Environment variable config.after help text if getattr(param, "show_envvar", None) and not config.option_envvar_first and envvar is not None: items.append(Text(config.envvar_string.format(envvar), style=config.style_option_envvar)) # Default value # Click 7.x, 8.0, and 8.1 all behave slightly differently when handling the default value help text. if not hasattr(param, "show_default"): parse_default = False elif CLICK_IS_BEFORE_VERSION_8X: parse_default = bool(param.default is not None and (param.show_default or getattr(ctx, "show_default", None))) elif CLICK_IS_VERSION_80: show_default_is_str = isinstance(param.show_default, str) parse_default = bool( show_default_is_str or (param.default is not None and (param.show_default or ctx.show_default)) ) else: show_default_is_str = False if param.show_default is not None: if isinstance(param.show_default, str): show_default_is_str = show_default = True else: show_default = bool(param.show_default) else: show_default = bool(getattr(ctx, "show_default", False)) parse_default = bool(show_default_is_str or (show_default and (param.default is not None))) if parse_default: help_record = param.get_help_record(ctx) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(help_record, tuple) default_str_match ="\[(?:.+; )?default: (.*)\]", help_record[-1]) if default_str_match: # Don't show the required string, as we show that afterwards anyway default_str ="; required", "") items.append( Text( config.default_string.format(default_str), style=config.style_option_default, ) ) # Required? if param.required: items.append(Text(config.required_long_string, style=config.style_required_long)) # Use Columns - this allows us to group different renderable types # (Text, Markdown) onto a single line. return Columns(items) def _make_command_help( help_text: str, formatter: Optional[RichHelpFormatter] = None ) -> Union[rich.text.Text, rich.markdown.Markdown]: """Build cli help text for a click group command. That is, when calling help on groups with multiple subcommands (not the main help text when calling the subcommand help). Returns the first paragraph of help text for a command, rendered either as a Rich Text object or as Markdown. Ignores single newlines as paragraph markers, looks for double only. Args: help_text (str): Help text Returns: Text or Markdown: Styled object """ formatter = _get_rich_formatter(formatter) config = formatter.config paragraphs = inspect.cleandoc(help_text).split("\n\n") # Remove single linebreaks if not config.use_markdown and not paragraphs[0].startswith("\b"): paragraphs[0] = paragraphs[0].replace("\n", " ") elif paragraphs[0].startswith("\b"): paragraphs[0] = paragraphs[0].replace("\b\n", "") return _make_rich_rext(paragraphs[0].strip(), config.style_option_help, formatter) def get_rich_usage( obj: Union[Command, Group], ctx: click.Context, formatter: click.HelpFormatter, ) -> None: """Get usage text for a command.""" formatter = _get_rich_formatter(formatter) config = formatter.config console = formatter.console # Highlighter for options and arguments class UsageHighlighter(RegexHighlighter): highlights = [ r"(?P\w+)", ] usage_highlighter = UsageHighlighter() # Print usage console.print( Padding( Columns( ( Text("Usage:", style=config.style_usage), Text(ctx.command_path, style=config.style_usage_command), usage_highlighter(" ".join(obj.collect_usage_pieces(ctx))), ) ), 1, ), ) def rich_format_help( obj: Command, ctx: click.Context, formatter: click.HelpFormatter, ) -> None: """Print nicely formatted help text using rich. Based on original code from rich-cli, by @willmcgugan. Replacement for the click function format_help(). Takes a command or group and builds the help text output. Args: obj (click.Command or click.Group): Command or group to build help text for ctx (click.Context): Click Context object formatter (click.HelpFormatter): Click HelpFormatter object """ formatter = _get_rich_formatter(formatter) config = formatter.config console = formatter.console highlighter = formatter.config.highlighter # Header text if we have it if config.header_text: console.print( Padding( _make_rich_rext(config.header_text, config.style_header_text, formatter), (1, 1, 0, 1), ), ) # Print usage get_rich_usage(obj, ctx, formatter) # Print command / group help if we have some if # Print with some padding console.print( Padding( Align(_get_help_text(obj, formatter), pad=False), (0, 1, 1, 1), ) ) # Look through config.option_groups for this command # stick anything unmatched into a default group at the end option_groups = config.option_groups.get(ctx.command_path, []).copy() option_groups.append({"options": []}) argument_group_options = [] for param in obj.get_params(ctx): # Skip positional arguments - they don't have opts or helptext and are covered in usage # See if isinstance(param, click.core.Argument) and not config.show_arguments: continue # Skip if option is hidden if getattr(param, "hidden", False): continue # Already mentioned in a config option group for option_group in option_groups: if any([opt in option_group.get("options", []) for opt in param.opts]): break # No break, no mention - add to the default group else: if isinstance(param, click.core.Argument) and not config.group_arguments_options: argument_group_options.append(param.opts[0]) else: list_of_option_groups: List[str] = option_groups[-1]["options"] # type: ignore[assignment] list_of_option_groups.append(param.opts[0]) # If we're not grouping arguments and we got some, prepend before default options if len(argument_group_options) > 0: extra_option_group = {"name": config.arguments_panel_title, "options": argument_group_options} option_groups.insert(len(option_groups) - 1, extra_option_group) # print("!", option_groups) # Print each option group panel for option_group in option_groups: options_rows = [] for opt in option_group.get("options", []): # Get the param for param in obj.get_params(ctx): if any([opt in param.opts]): break # Skip if option is not listed in this group else: continue # Short and long form opt_long_strs = [] opt_short_strs = [] for idx, opt in enumerate(param.opts): opt_str = opt try: opt_str += "/" + param.secondary_opts[idx] except IndexError: pass if isinstance(param, click.core.Argument): opt_long_strs.append(opt_str.upper()) elif "--" in opt: opt_long_strs.append(opt_str) else: opt_short_strs.append(opt_str) # Column for a metavar, if we have one metavar = Text(style=config.style_metavar, overflow="fold") metavar_str = param.make_metavar() if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(, str) assert isinstance(param, click.Option) # Do it ourselves if this is a positional argument if isinstance(param, click.core.Argument) and re.match(rf"\[?{}]?", metavar_str): metavar_str = # Attach metavar if param is a positional argument, or if it is a non boolean and non flag option if isinstance(param, click.core.Argument) or ( metavar_str != "BOOLEAN" and not getattr(param, "is_flag", None) ): metavar.append(metavar_str) # Range - from # # noqa: E501 try: # skip count with default range type if isinstance(param.type, click.types._NumberRangeBase) and not ( param.count and param.type.min == 0 and param.type.max is None ): range_str = param.type._describe_range() if range_str: metavar.append(config.range_string.format(range_str)) except AttributeError: # click.types._NumberRangeBase is only in Click 8x onwards pass # Required asterisk required: Union[Text, str] = "" if param.required: required = Text(config.required_short_string, style=config.style_required_short) # Highlighter to make [ | ] and <> dim class MetavarHighlighter(RegexHighlighter): highlights = [ r"^(?P(\[|<))", r"(?P\|)", r"(?P(\]|>)$)", ] metavar_highlighter = MetavarHighlighter() rows = [ required, highlighter(highlighter(",".join(opt_long_strs))), highlighter(highlighter(",".join(opt_short_strs))), metavar_highlighter(metavar), _get_option_help(param, ctx, formatter), ] # Remove metavar if specified in config if not config.show_metavars_column: rows.pop(3) options_rows.append(rows) if len(options_rows) > 0: t_styles = { "show_lines": config.style_options_table_show_lines, "leading": config.style_options_table_leading, "box": config.style_options_table_box, "border_style": config.style_options_table_border_style, "row_styles": config.style_options_table_row_styles, "pad_edge": config.style_options_table_pad_edge, "padding": config.style_options_table_padding, } t_styles.update(option_group.get("table_styles", {})) # type: ignore[arg-type] box_style = getattr(box, t_styles.pop("box"), None) # type: ignore[arg-type] options_table = Table( highlight=True, show_header=False, expand=True, box=box_style, **t_styles, # type: ignore[arg-type] ) # Strip the required column if none are required if all([x[0] == "" for x in options_rows]): options_rows = [x[1:] for x in options_rows] for row in options_rows: options_table.add_row(*row) console.print( Panel( options_table, border_style=config.style_options_panel_border, title=option_group.get("name", config.options_panel_title), title_align=config.align_options_panel, ) ) # # Groups only: # List click command groups # if isinstance(obj, MultiCommand): # Look through COMMAND_GROUPS for this command # stick anything unmatched into a default group at the end cmd_groups = config.command_groups.get(ctx.command_path, []).copy() cmd_groups.append({"commands": []}) for command in obj.list_commands(ctx): for cmd_group in cmd_groups: if command in cmd_group.get("commands", []): break else: commands: List[str] = cmd_groups[-1]["commands"] # type: ignore[assignment] commands.append(command) # Print each command group panel for cmd_group in cmd_groups: t_styles = { "show_lines": config.style_commands_table_show_lines, "leading": config.style_commands_table_leading, "box": config.style_commands_table_box, "border_style": config.style_commands_table_border_style, "row_styles": config.style_commands_table_row_styles, "pad_edge": config.style_commands_table_pad_edge, "padding": config.style_commands_table_padding, } t_styles.update(cmd_group.get("table_styles", {})) # type: ignore[arg-type] box_style = getattr(box, t_styles.pop("box"), None) # type: ignore[arg-type] commands_table = Table( highlight=False, show_header=False, expand=True, box=box_style, **t_styles, # type: ignore[arg-type] ) # Define formatting in first column, as commands don't match highlighter regex # and set column ratio for first and second column, if a ratio has been set if config.style_commands_table_column_width_ratio is None: table_column_width_ratio: Union[Tuple[None, None], Tuple[int, int]] = (None, None) else: table_column_width_ratio = config.style_commands_table_column_width_ratio commands_table.add_column(style=config.style_command, no_wrap=True, ratio=table_column_width_ratio[0]) commands_table.add_column( no_wrap=False, ratio=table_column_width_ratio[1], ) for command in cmd_group.get("commands", []): # Skip if command does not exist if command not in obj.list_commands(ctx): continue cmd = obj.get_command(ctx, command) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert cmd is not None if cmd.hidden: continue # Use the truncated short text as with vanilla text if requested if config.use_click_short_help: helptext = cmd.get_short_help_str() else: # Use short_help function argument if used, or the full help helptext = cmd.short_help or or "" commands_table.add_row(command, _make_command_help(helptext, formatter)) if commands_table.row_count > 0: console.print( Panel( commands_table, border_style=config.style_commands_panel_border, title=cmd_group.get("name", config.commands_panel_title), title_align=config.align_commands_panel, ) ) # Epilogue if we have it if isinstance(obj, Command) and obj.epilog: # Remove single linebreaks, replace double with single lines = obj.epilog.split("\n\n") epilogue = "\n".join([x.replace("\n", " ").strip() for x in lines]) console.print(Padding(Align(_make_rich_rext(epilogue, config.style_epilog_text, formatter), pad=False), 1)) # Footer text if we have it if config.footer_text: console.print(Padding(_make_rich_rext(config.footer_text, config.style_footer_text, formatter), (1, 1, 0, 1))) def rich_format_error(self: click.ClickException, formatter: Optional[RichHelpFormatter] = None) -> None: """Print richly formatted click errors. Called by custom exception handler to print richly formatted click errors. Mimics original click.ClickException.echo() function but with rich formatting. Args: click.ClickException: Click exception to format. """ formatter = _get_rich_formatter(formatter) console = formatter.console config = formatter.config highlighter = formatter.config.highlighter # Print usage if getattr(self, "ctx", None) is not None: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert hasattr(self, "ctx") get_rich_usage(self.ctx.command, self.ctx, formatter) if config.errors_suggestion: console.print( Padding( config.errors_suggestion, (0, 1, 0, 1), ), style=config.style_errors_suggestion, ) elif ( config.errors_suggestion is None and getattr(self, "ctx", None) is not None and self.ctx.command.get_help_option(self.ctx) is not None # type: ignore[attr-defined] ): cmd_path = self.ctx.command_path # type: ignore[attr-defined] help_option = self.ctx.help_option_names[0] # type: ignore[attr-defined] console.print( Padding( Columns( ( Text("Try"), Text(f"'{cmd_path} {help_option}'", style=config.style_errors_suggestion_command), Text("for help"), ) ), (0, 1, 0, 1), ), style=config.style_errors_suggestion, ) # A major Python library using click (dbt-core) has its own exception # logic that subclasses ClickException, but does not use the message # attribute. Checking for the 'message' attribute works to make the # rich-click CLI compatible. if hasattr(self, "message"): console.print( Padding( Panel( highlighter(self.format_message()), border_style=config.style_errors_panel_border, title=config.errors_panel_title, title_align=config.align_errors_panel, ), (0, 0, 1, 0), ) ) if config.errors_epilogue: console.print(Padding(config.errors_epilogue, (0, 1, 1, 1))) def rich_abort_error(formatter: Optional[RichHelpFormatter] = None) -> None: """Print richly formatted abort error.""" formatter = _get_rich_formatter(formatter) config = formatter.config formatter.console.print(config.aborted_text, style=config.style_aborted) module_config: Optional[RichHelpConfiguration] = None def get_module_help_configuration() -> RichHelpConfiguration: """Get Module-level help configuration resolved into a `RichHelpConfiguration` instance.""" global module_config if module_config: return module_config module_config = RichHelpConfiguration( STYLE_OPTION, STYLE_ARGUMENT, STYLE_COMMAND, STYLE_SWITCH, STYLE_METAVAR, STYLE_METAVAR_APPEND, STYLE_METAVAR_SEPARATOR, STYLE_HEADER_TEXT, STYLE_EPILOG_TEXT, STYLE_FOOTER_TEXT, STYLE_USAGE, STYLE_USAGE_COMMAND, STYLE_DEPRECATED, STYLE_HELPTEXT_FIRST_LINE, STYLE_HELPTEXT, STYLE_OPTION_HELP, STYLE_OPTION_DEFAULT, STYLE_OPTION_ENVVAR, STYLE_REQUIRED_SHORT, STYLE_REQUIRED_LONG, STYLE_OPTIONS_PANEL_BORDER, ALIGN_OPTIONS_PANEL, STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_SHOW_LINES, STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_LEADING, STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_PAD_EDGE, STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_PADDING, STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_BOX, STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_ROW_STYLES, STYLE_OPTIONS_TABLE_BORDER_STYLE, STYLE_COMMANDS_PANEL_BORDER, ALIGN_COMMANDS_PANEL, STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_SHOW_LINES, STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_LEADING, STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_PAD_EDGE, STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_PADDING, STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_BOX, STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_ROW_STYLES, STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_BORDER_STYLE, STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_COLUMN_WIDTH_RATIO, STYLE_ERRORS_PANEL_BORDER, ALIGN_ERRORS_PANEL, STYLE_ERRORS_SUGGESTION, STYLE_ERRORS_SUGGESTION_COMMAND, STYLE_ABORTED, WIDTH, MAX_WIDTH, COLOR_SYSTEM, FORCE_TERMINAL, HEADER_TEXT, FOOTER_TEXT, DEPRECATED_STRING, DEFAULT_STRING, ENVVAR_STRING, REQUIRED_SHORT_STRING, REQUIRED_LONG_STRING, RANGE_STRING, APPEND_METAVARS_HELP_STRING, ARGUMENTS_PANEL_TITLE, OPTIONS_PANEL_TITLE, COMMANDS_PANEL_TITLE, ERRORS_PANEL_TITLE, ERRORS_SUGGESTION, ERRORS_EPILOGUE, ABORTED_TEXT, SHOW_ARGUMENTS, SHOW_METAVARS_COLUMN, APPEND_METAVARS_HELP, GROUP_ARGUMENTS_OPTIONS, OPTION_ENVVAR_FIRST, USE_MARKDOWN, USE_MARKDOWN_EMOJI, USE_RICH_MARKUP, COMMAND_GROUPS, OPTION_GROUPS, USE_CLICK_SHORT_HELP, highlighter, ) return module_config