""" pygments.lexers.markup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for non-HTML markup languages. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re from pygments.lexers.html import XmlLexer from pygments.lexers.javascript import JavascriptLexer from pygments.lexers.css import CssLexer from pygments.lexers.lilypond import LilyPondLexer from pygments.lexers.data import JsonLexer from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, DelegatingLexer, include, bygroups, \ using, this, do_insertions, default, words from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \ Number, Punctuation, Generic, Other, Whitespace from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, ClassNotFound __all__ = ['BBCodeLexer', 'MoinWikiLexer', 'RstLexer', 'TexLexer', 'GroffLexer', 'MozPreprocHashLexer', 'MozPreprocPercentLexer', 'MozPreprocXulLexer', 'MozPreprocJavascriptLexer', 'MozPreprocCssLexer', 'MarkdownLexer', 'TiddlyWiki5Lexer', 'WikitextLexer'] class BBCodeLexer(RegexLexer): """ A lexer that highlights BBCode(-like) syntax. .. versionadded:: 0.6 """ name = 'BBCode' aliases = ['bbcode'] mimetypes = ['text/x-bbcode'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'[^[]+', Text), # tag/end tag begin (r'\[/?\w+', Keyword, 'tag'), # stray bracket (r'\[', Text), ], 'tag': [ (r'\s+', Text), # attribute with value (r'(\w+)(=)("?[^\s"\]]+"?)', bygroups(Name.Attribute, Operator, String)), # tag argument (a la [color=green]) (r'(=)("?[^\s"\]]+"?)', bygroups(Operator, String)), # tag end (r'\]', Keyword, '#pop'), ], } class MoinWikiLexer(RegexLexer): """ For MoinMoin (and Trac) Wiki markup. .. versionadded:: 0.7 """ name = 'MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup' aliases = ['trac-wiki', 'moin'] filenames = [] mimetypes = ['text/x-trac-wiki'] flags = re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE tokens = { 'root': [ (r'^#.*$', Comment), (r'(!)(\S+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text)), # Ignore-next # Titles (r'^(=+)([^=]+)(=+)(\s*#.+)?$', bygroups(Generic.Heading, using(this), Generic.Heading, String)), # Literal code blocks, with optional shebang (r'(\{\{\{)(\n#!.+)?', bygroups(Name.Builtin, Name.Namespace), 'codeblock'), (r'(\'\'\'?|\|\||`|__|~~|\^|,,|::)', Comment), # Formatting # Lists (r'^( +)([.*-])( )', bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text)), (r'^( +)([a-z]{1,5}\.)( )', bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text)), # Other Formatting (r'\[\[\w+.*?\]\]', Keyword), # Macro (r'(\[[^\s\]]+)(\s+[^\]]+?)?(\])', bygroups(Keyword, String, Keyword)), # Link (r'^----+$', Keyword), # Horizontal rules (r'[^\n\'\[{!_~^,|]+', Text), (r'\n', Text), (r'.', Text), ], 'codeblock': [ (r'\}\}\}', Name.Builtin, '#pop'), # these blocks are allowed to be nested in Trac, but not MoinMoin (r'\{\{\{', Text, '#push'), (r'[^{}]+', Comment.Preproc), # slurp boring text (r'.', Comment.Preproc), # allow loose { or } ], } class RstLexer(RegexLexer): """ For reStructuredText markup. .. versionadded:: 0.7 Additional options accepted: `handlecodeblocks` Highlight the contents of ``.. sourcecode:: language``, ``.. code:: language`` and ``.. code-block:: language`` directives with a lexer for the given language (default: ``True``). .. versionadded:: 0.8 """ name = 'reStructuredText' url = 'https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html' aliases = ['restructuredtext', 'rst', 'rest'] filenames = ['*.rst', '*.rest'] mimetypes = ["text/x-rst", "text/prs.fallenstein.rst"] flags = re.MULTILINE def _handle_sourcecode(self, match): from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name # section header yield match.start(1), Punctuation, match.group(1) yield match.start(2), Text, match.group(2) yield match.start(3), Operator.Word, match.group(3) yield match.start(4), Punctuation, match.group(4) yield match.start(5), Text, match.group(5) yield match.start(6), Keyword, match.group(6) yield match.start(7), Text, match.group(7) # lookup lexer if wanted and existing lexer = None if self.handlecodeblocks: try: lexer = get_lexer_by_name(match.group(6).strip()) except ClassNotFound: pass indention = match.group(8) indention_size = len(indention) code = (indention + match.group(9) + match.group(10) + match.group(11)) # no lexer for this language. handle it like it was a code block if lexer is None: yield match.start(8), String, code return # highlight the lines with the lexer. ins = [] codelines = code.splitlines(True) code = '' for line in codelines: if len(line) > indention_size: ins.append((len(code), [(0, Text, line[:indention_size])])) code += line[indention_size:] else: code += line yield from do_insertions(ins, lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(code)) # from docutils.parsers.rst.states closers = '\'")]}>\u2019\u201d\xbb!?' unicode_delimiters = '\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u00a0' end_string_suffix = (r'((?=$)|(?=[-/:.,; \n\x00%s%s]))' % (re.escape(unicode_delimiters), re.escape(closers))) tokens = { 'root': [ # Heading with overline (r'^(=+|-+|`+|:+|\.+|\'+|"+|~+|\^+|_+|\*+|\++|#+)([ \t]*\n)' r'(.+)(\n)(\1)(\n)', bygroups(Generic.Heading, Text, Generic.Heading, Text, Generic.Heading, Text)), # Plain heading (r'^(\S.*)(\n)(={3,}|-{3,}|`{3,}|:{3,}|\.{3,}|\'{3,}|"{3,}|' r'~{3,}|\^{3,}|_{3,}|\*{3,}|\+{3,}|#{3,})(\n)', bygroups(Generic.Heading, Text, Generic.Heading, Text)), # Bulleted lists (r'^(\s*)([-*+])( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)*)', bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))), # Numbered lists (r'^(\s*)([0-9#ivxlcmIVXLCM]+\.)( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)*)', bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))), (r'^(\s*)(\(?[0-9#ivxlcmIVXLCM]+\))( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)*)', bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))), # Numbered, but keep words at BOL from becoming lists (r'^(\s*)([A-Z]+\.)( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)+)', bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))), (r'^(\s*)(\(?[A-Za-z]+\))( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)+)', bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))), # Line blocks (r'^(\s*)(\|)( .+\n(?:\| .+\n)*)', bygroups(Text, Operator, using(this, state='inline'))), # Sourcecode directives (r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)((?:source)?code(?:-block)?)(::)([ \t]*)([^\n]+)' r'(\n[ \t]*\n)([ \t]+)(.*)(\n)((?:(?:\8.*)?\n)+)', _handle_sourcecode), # A directive (r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)([\w:-]+?)(::)(?:([ \t]*)(.*))', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Operator.Word, Punctuation, Text, using(this, state='inline'))), # A reference target (r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)(_(?:[^:\\]|\\.)+:)(.*?)$', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name.Tag, using(this, state='inline'))), # A footnote/citation target (r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)(\[.+\])(.*?)$', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name.Tag, using(this, state='inline'))), # A substitution def (r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)(\|.+\|)(\s*)([\w:-]+?)(::)(?:([ \t]*)(.*))', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name.Tag, Text, Operator.Word, Punctuation, Text, using(this, state='inline'))), # Comments (r'^ *\.\..*(\n( +.*\n|\n)+)?', Comment.Preproc), # Field list marker (r'^( *)(:(?:\\\\|\\:|[^:\n])+:(?=\s))([ \t]*)', bygroups(Text, Name.Class, Text)), # Definition list (r'^(\S.*(?)(`__?)', # reference with inline target bygroups(String, String.Interpol, String)), (r'`.+?`__?', String), # reference (r'(`.+?`)(:[a-zA-Z0-9:-]+?:)?', bygroups(Name.Variable, Name.Attribute)), # role (r'(:[a-zA-Z0-9:-]+?:)(`.+?`)', bygroups(Name.Attribute, Name.Variable)), # role (content first) (r'\*\*.+?\*\*', Generic.Strong), # Strong emphasis (r'\*.+?\*', Generic.Emph), # Emphasis (r'\[.*?\]_', String), # Footnote or citation (r'<.+?>', Name.Tag), # Hyperlink (r'[^\\\n\[*`:]+', Text), (r'.', Text), ], 'literal': [ (r'[^`]+', String), (r'``' + end_string_suffix, String, '#pop'), (r'`', String), ] } def __init__(self, **options): self.handlecodeblocks = get_bool_opt(options, 'handlecodeblocks', True) RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options) def analyse_text(text): if text[:2] == '..' and text[2:3] != '.': return 0.3 p1 = text.find("\n") p2 = text.find("\n", p1 + 1) if (p2 > -1 and # has two lines p1 * 2 + 1 == p2 and # they are the same length text[p1+1] in '-=' and # the next line both starts and ends with text[p1+1] == text[p2-1]): # ...a sufficiently high header return 0.5 class TexLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for the TeX and LaTeX typesetting languages. """ name = 'TeX' aliases = ['tex', 'latex'] filenames = ['*.tex', '*.aux', '*.toc'] mimetypes = ['text/x-tex', 'text/x-latex'] tokens = { 'general': [ (r'%.*?\n', Comment), (r'[{}]', Name.Builtin), (r'[&_^]', Name.Builtin), ], 'root': [ (r'\\\[', String.Backtick, 'displaymath'), (r'\\\(', String, 'inlinemath'), (r'\$\$', String.Backtick, 'displaymath'), (r'\$', String, 'inlinemath'), (r'\\([a-zA-Z]+|.)', Keyword, 'command'), (r'\\$', Keyword), include('general'), (r'[^\\$%&_^{}]+', Text), ], 'math': [ (r'\\([a-zA-Z]+|.)', Name.Variable), include('general'), (r'[0-9]+', Number), (r'[-=!+*/()\[\]]', Operator), (r'[^=!+*/()\[\]\\$%&_^{}0-9-]+', Name.Builtin), ], 'inlinemath': [ (r'\\\)', String, '#pop'), (r'\$', String, '#pop'), include('math'), ], 'displaymath': [ (r'\\\]', String, '#pop'), (r'\$\$', String, '#pop'), (r'\$', Name.Builtin), include('math'), ], 'command': [ (r'\[.*?\]', Name.Attribute), (r'\*', Keyword), default('#pop'), ], } def analyse_text(text): for start in ("\\documentclass", "\\input", "\\documentstyle", "\\relax"): if text[:len(start)] == start: return True class GroffLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for the (g)roff typesetting language, supporting groff extensions. Mainly useful for highlighting manpage sources. .. versionadded:: 0.6 """ name = 'Groff' aliases = ['groff', 'nroff', 'man'] filenames = ['*.[1-9]', '*.man', '*.1p', '*.3pm'] mimetypes = ['application/x-troff', 'text/troff'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'(\.)(\w+)', bygroups(Text, Keyword), 'request'), (r'\.', Punctuation, 'request'), # Regular characters, slurp till we find a backslash or newline (r'[^\\\n]+', Text, 'textline'), default('textline'), ], 'textline': [ include('escapes'), (r'[^\\\n]+', Text), (r'\n', Text, '#pop'), ], 'escapes': [ # groff has many ways to write escapes. (r'\\"[^\n]*', Comment), (r'\\[fn]\w', String.Escape), (r'\\\(.{2}', String.Escape), (r'\\.\[.*\]', String.Escape), (r'\\.', String.Escape), (r'\\\n', Text, 'request'), ], 'request': [ (r'\n', Text, '#pop'), include('escapes'), (r'"[^\n"]+"', String.Double), (r'\d+', Number), (r'\S+', String), (r'\s+', Text), ], } def analyse_text(text): if text[:1] != '.': return False if text[:3] == '.\\"': return True if text[:4] == '.TH ': return True if text[1:3].isalnum() and text[3].isspace(): return 0.9 class MozPreprocHashLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for Mozilla Preprocessor files (with '#' as the marker). Other data is left untouched. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = 'mozhashpreproc' aliases = [name] filenames = [] mimetypes = [] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'^#', Comment.Preproc, ('expr', 'exprstart')), (r'.+', Other), ], 'exprstart': [ (r'(literal)(.*)', bygroups(Comment.Preproc, Text), '#pop:2'), (words(( 'define', 'undef', 'if', 'ifdef', 'ifndef', 'else', 'elif', 'elifdef', 'elifndef', 'endif', 'expand', 'filter', 'unfilter', 'include', 'includesubst', 'error')), Comment.Preproc, '#pop'), ], 'expr': [ (words(('!', '!=', '==', '&&', '||')), Operator), (r'(defined)(\()', bygroups(Keyword, Punctuation)), (r'\)', Punctuation), (r'[0-9]+', Number.Decimal), (r'__\w+?__', Name.Variable), (r'@\w+?@', Name.Class), (r'\w+', Name), (r'\n', Text, '#pop'), (r'\s+', Text), (r'\S', Punctuation), ], } class MozPreprocPercentLexer(MozPreprocHashLexer): """ Lexer for Mozilla Preprocessor files (with '%' as the marker). Other data is left untouched. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = 'mozpercentpreproc' aliases = [name] filenames = [] mimetypes = [] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'^%', Comment.Preproc, ('expr', 'exprstart')), (r'.+', Other), ], } class MozPreprocXulLexer(DelegatingLexer): """ Subclass of the `MozPreprocHashLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `XmlLexer`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = "XUL+mozpreproc" aliases = ['xul+mozpreproc'] filenames = ['*.xul.in'] mimetypes = [] def __init__(self, **options): super().__init__(XmlLexer, MozPreprocHashLexer, **options) class MozPreprocJavascriptLexer(DelegatingLexer): """ Subclass of the `MozPreprocHashLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `JavascriptLexer`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = "Javascript+mozpreproc" aliases = ['javascript+mozpreproc'] filenames = ['*.js.in'] mimetypes = [] def __init__(self, **options): super().__init__(JavascriptLexer, MozPreprocHashLexer, **options) class MozPreprocCssLexer(DelegatingLexer): """ Subclass of the `MozPreprocHashLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `CssLexer`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = "CSS+mozpreproc" aliases = ['css+mozpreproc'] filenames = ['*.css.in'] mimetypes = [] def __init__(self, **options): super().__init__(CssLexer, MozPreprocPercentLexer, **options) class MarkdownLexer(RegexLexer): """ For Markdown markup. .. versionadded:: 2.2 """ name = 'Markdown' url = 'https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/' aliases = ['markdown', 'md'] filenames = ['*.md', '*.markdown'] mimetypes = ["text/x-markdown"] flags = re.MULTILINE def _handle_codeblock(self, match): from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name yield match.start('initial'), String.Backtick, match.group('initial') yield match.start('lang'), String.Backtick, match.group('lang') if match.group('afterlang') is not None: yield match.start('whitespace'), Whitespace, match.group('whitespace') yield match.start('extra'), Text, match.group('extra') yield match.start('newline'), Whitespace, match.group('newline') # lookup lexer if wanted and existing lexer = None if self.handlecodeblocks: try: lexer = get_lexer_by_name(match.group('lang').strip()) except ClassNotFound: pass code = match.group('code') # no lexer for this language. handle it like it was a code block if lexer is None: yield match.start('code'), String, code else: # FIXME: aren't the offsets wrong? yield from do_insertions([], lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(code)) yield match.start('terminator'), String.Backtick, match.group('terminator') tokens = { 'root': [ # heading with '#' prefix (atx-style) (r'(^#[^#].+)(\n)', bygroups(Generic.Heading, Text)), # subheading with '#' prefix (atx-style) (r'(^#{2,6}[^#].+)(\n)', bygroups(Generic.Subheading, Text)), # heading with '=' underlines (Setext-style) (r'^(.+)(\n)(=+)(\n)', bygroups(Generic.Heading, Text, Generic.Heading, Text)), # subheading with '-' underlines (Setext-style) (r'^(.+)(\n)(-+)(\n)', bygroups(Generic.Subheading, Text, Generic.Subheading, Text)), # task list (r'^(\s*)([*-] )(\[[ xX]\])( .+\n)', bygroups(Whitespace, Keyword, Keyword, using(this, state='inline'))), # bulleted list (r'^(\s*)([*-])(\s)(.+\n)', bygroups(Whitespace, Keyword, Whitespace, using(this, state='inline'))), # numbered list (r'^(\s*)([0-9]+\.)( .+\n)', bygroups(Whitespace, Keyword, using(this, state='inline'))), # quote (r'^(\s*>\s)(.+\n)', bygroups(Keyword, Generic.Emph)), # code block fenced by 3 backticks (r'^(\s*```\n[\w\W]*?^\s*```$\n)', String.Backtick), # code block with language # Some tools include extra stuff after the language name, just # highlight that as text. For example: https://docs.enola.dev/use/execmd (r'''(?x) ^(?P\s*```) (?P[\w\-]+) (?P (?P[^\S\n]+) (?P.*))? (?P\n) (?P(.|\n)*?) (?P^\s*```$\n) ''', _handle_codeblock), include('inline'), ], 'inline': [ # escape (r'\\.', Text), # inline code (r'([^`]?)(`[^`\n]+`)', bygroups(Text, String.Backtick)), # warning: the following rules eat outer tags. # eg. **foo _bar_ baz** => foo and baz are not recognized as bold # bold fenced by '**' (r'([^\*]?)(\*\*[^* \n][^*\n]*\*\*)', bygroups(Text, Generic.Strong)), # bold fenced by '__' (r'([^_]?)(__[^_ \n][^_\n]*__)', bygroups(Text, Generic.Strong)), # italics fenced by '*' (r'([^\*]?)(\*[^* \n][^*\n]*\*)', bygroups(Text, Generic.Emph)), # italics fenced by '_' (r'([^_]?)(_[^_ \n][^_\n]*_)', bygroups(Text, Generic.Emph)), # strikethrough (r'([^~]?)(~~[^~ \n][^~\n]*~~)', bygroups(Text, Generic.Deleted)), # mentions and topics (twitter and github stuff) (r'[@#][\w/:]+', Name.Entity), # (image?) links eg: ![Image of Yaktocat](https://octodex.github.com/images/yaktocat.png) (r'(!?\[)([^]]+)(\])(\()([^)]+)(\))', bygroups(Text, Name.Tag, Text, Text, Name.Attribute, Text)), # reference-style links, e.g.: # [an example][id] # [id]: http://example.com/ (r'(\[)([^]]+)(\])(\[)([^]]*)(\])', bygroups(Text, Name.Tag, Text, Text, Name.Label, Text)), (r'^(\s*\[)([^]]*)(\]:\s*)(.+)', bygroups(Text, Name.Label, Text, Name.Attribute)), # general text, must come last! (r'[^\\\s]+', Text), (r'.', Text), ], } def __init__(self, **options): self.handlecodeblocks = get_bool_opt(options, 'handlecodeblocks', True) RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options) class TiddlyWiki5Lexer(RegexLexer): """ For TiddlyWiki5 markup. .. versionadded:: 2.7 """ name = 'tiddler' url = 'https://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFiles' aliases = ['tid'] filenames = ['*.tid'] mimetypes = ["text/vnd.tiddlywiki"] flags = re.MULTILINE def _handle_codeblock(self, match): """ match args: 1:backticks, 2:lang_name, 3:newline, 4:code, 5:backticks """ from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name # section header yield match.start(1), String, match.group(1) yield match.start(2), String, match.group(2) yield match.start(3), Text, match.group(3) # lookup lexer if wanted and existing lexer = None if self.handlecodeblocks: try: lexer = get_lexer_by_name(match.group(2).strip()) except ClassNotFound: pass code = match.group(4) # no lexer for this language. handle it like it was a code block if lexer is None: yield match.start(4), String, code return yield from do_insertions([], lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(code)) yield match.start(5), String, match.group(5) def _handle_cssblock(self, match): """ match args: 1:style tag 2:newline, 3:code, 4:closing style tag """ from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name # section header yield match.start(1), String, match.group(1) yield match.start(2), String, match.group(2) lexer = None if self.handlecodeblocks: try: lexer = get_lexer_by_name('css') except ClassNotFound: pass code = match.group(3) # no lexer for this language. handle it like it was a code block if lexer is None: yield match.start(3), String, code return yield from do_insertions([], lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(code)) yield match.start(4), String, match.group(4) tokens = { 'root': [ # title in metadata section (r'^(title)(:\s)(.+\n)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Generic.Heading)), # headings (r'^(!)([^!].+\n)', bygroups(Generic.Heading, Text)), (r'^(!{2,6})(.+\n)', bygroups(Generic.Subheading, Text)), # bulleted or numbered lists or single-line block quotes # (can be mixed) (r'^(\s*)([*#>]+)(\s*)(.+\n)', bygroups(Text, Keyword, Text, using(this, state='inline'))), # multi-line block quotes (r'^(<<<.*\n)([\w\W]*?)(^<<<.*$)', bygroups(String, Text, String)), # table header (r'^(\|.*?\|h)$', bygroups(Generic.Strong)), # table footer or caption (r'^(\|.*?\|[cf])$', bygroups(Generic.Emph)), # table class (r'^(\|.*?\|k)$', bygroups(Name.Tag)), # definitions (r'^(;.*)$', bygroups(Generic.Strong)), # text block (r'^(```\n)([\w\W]*?)(^```$)', bygroups(String, Text, String)), # code block with language (r'^(```)(\w+)(\n)([\w\W]*?)(^```$)', _handle_codeblock), # CSS style block (r'^($)', _handle_cssblock), include('keywords'), include('inline'), ], 'keywords': [ (words(( '\\define', '\\end', 'caption', 'created', 'modified', 'tags', 'title', 'type'), prefix=r'^', suffix=r'\b'), Keyword), ], 'inline': [ # escape (r'\\.', Text), # created or modified date (r'\d{17}', Number.Integer), # italics (r'(\s)(//[^/]+//)((?=\W|\n))', bygroups(Text, Generic.Emph, Text)), # superscript (r'(\s)(\^\^[^\^]+\^\^)', bygroups(Text, Generic.Emph)), # subscript (r'(\s)(,,[^,]+,,)', bygroups(Text, Generic.Emph)), # underscore (r'(\s)(__[^_]+__)', bygroups(Text, Generic.Strong)), # bold (r"(\s)(''[^']+'')((?=\W|\n))", bygroups(Text, Generic.Strong, Text)), # strikethrough (r'(\s)(~~[^~]+~~)((?=\W|\n))', bygroups(Text, Generic.Deleted, Text)), # TiddlyWiki variables (r'<<[^>]+>>', Name.Tag), (r'\$\$[^$]+\$\$', Name.Tag), (r'\$\([^)]+\)\$', Name.Tag), # TiddlyWiki style or class (r'^@@.*$', Name.Tag), # HTML tags (r']+>', Name.Tag), # inline code (r'`[^`]+`', String.Backtick), # HTML escaped symbols (r'&\S*?;', String.Regex), # Wiki links (r'(\[{2})([^]\|]+)(\]{2})', bygroups(Text, Name.Tag, Text)), # External links (r'(\[{2})([^]\|]+)(\|)([^]\|]+)(\]{2})', bygroups(Text, Name.Tag, Text, Name.Attribute, Text)), # Transclusion (r'(\{{2})([^}]+)(\}{2})', bygroups(Text, Name.Tag, Text)), # URLs (r'(\b.?.?tps?://[^\s"]+)', bygroups(Name.Attribute)), # general text, must come last! (r'[\w]+', Text), (r'.', Text) ], } def __init__(self, **options): self.handlecodeblocks = get_bool_opt(options, 'handlecodeblocks', True) RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options) class WikitextLexer(RegexLexer): """ For MediaWiki Wikitext. Parsing Wikitext is tricky, and results vary between different MediaWiki installations, so we only highlight common syntaxes (built-in or from popular extensions), and also assume templates produce no unbalanced syntaxes. .. versionadded:: 2.15 """ name = 'Wikitext' url = 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikitext' aliases = ['wikitext', 'mediawiki'] filenames = [] mimetypes = ['text/x-wiki'] flags = re.MULTILINE def nowiki_tag_rules(tag_name): return [ (r'(?i)()'.format(tag_name), bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Tag, Whitespace, Punctuation), '#pop'), include('entity'), include('text'), ] def plaintext_tag_rules(tag_name): return [ (r'(?si)(.*?)()'.format(tag_name), bygroups(Text, Punctuation, Name.Tag, Whitespace, Punctuation), '#pop'), ] def delegate_tag_rules(tag_name, lexer): return [ (r'(?i)()'.format(tag_name), bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Tag, Whitespace, Punctuation), '#pop'), (r'(?si).+?(?=)'.format(tag_name), using(lexer)), ] def text_rules(token): return [ (r'\w+', token), (r'[^\S\n]+', token), (r'(?s).', token), ] def handle_syntaxhighlight(self, match, ctx): from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name attr_content = match.group() start = 0 index = 0 while True: index = attr_content.find('>', start) # Exclude comment end (-->) if attr_content[index-2:index] != '--': break start = index + 1 if index == -1: # No tag end yield from self.get_tokens_unprocessed(attr_content, stack=['root', 'attr']) return attr = attr_content[:index] yield from self.get_tokens_unprocessed(attr, stack=['root', 'attr']) yield match.start(3) + index, Punctuation, '>' lexer = None content = attr_content[index+1:] lang_match = re.findall(r'\blang=("|\'|)(\w+)(\1)', attr) if len(lang_match) >= 1: # Pick the last match in case of multiple matches lang = lang_match[-1][1] try: lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang) except ClassNotFound: pass if lexer is None: yield match.start() + index + 1, Text, content else: yield from lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(content) def handle_score(self, match, ctx): attr_content = match.group() start = 0 index = 0 while True: index = attr_content.find('>', start) # Exclude comment end (-->) if attr_content[index-2:index] != '--': break start = index + 1 if index == -1: # No tag end yield from self.get_tokens_unprocessed(attr_content, stack=['root', 'attr']) return attr = attr_content[:index] content = attr_content[index+1:] yield from self.get_tokens_unprocessed(attr, stack=['root', 'attr']) yield match.start(3) + index, Punctuation, '>' lang_match = re.findall(r'\blang=("|\'|)(\w+)(\1)', attr) # Pick the last match in case of multiple matches lang = lang_match[-1][1] if len(lang_match) >= 1 else 'lilypond' if lang == 'lilypond': # Case sensitive yield from LilyPondLexer().get_tokens_unprocessed(content) else: # ABC # FIXME: Use ABC lexer in the future yield match.start() + index + 1, Text, content # a-z removed to prevent linter from complaining, REMEMBER to use (?i) title_char = r' %!"$&\'()*,\-./0-9:;=?@A-Z\\\^_`~+\u0080-\uFFFF' nbsp_char = r'(?:\t| |&\#0*160;|&\#[Xx]0*[Aa]0;|[ \xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000])' link_address = r'(?:[0-9.]+|\[[0-9a-f:.]+\]|[^\x00-\x20"<>\[\]\x7F\xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFFFD])' link_char_class = r'[^\x00-\x20"<>\[\]\x7F\xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFFFD]' double_slashes_i = { '__FORCETOC__', '__NOCONTENTCONVERT__', '__NOCC__', '__NOEDITSECTION__', '__NOGALLERY__', '__NOTITLECONVERT__', '__NOTC__', '__NOTOC__', '__TOC__', } double_slashes = { '__EXPECTUNUSEDCATEGORY__', '__HIDDENCAT__', '__INDEX__', '__NEWSECTIONLINK__', '__NOINDEX__', '__NONEWSECTIONLINK__', '__STATICREDIRECT__', '__NOGLOBAL__', '__DISAMBIG__', '__EXPECTED_UNCONNECTED_PAGE__', } protocols = { 'bitcoin:', 'ftp://', 'ftps://', 'geo:', 'git://', 'gopher://', 'http://', 'https://', 'irc://', 'ircs://', 'magnet:', 'mailto:', 'mms://', 'news:', 'nntp://', 'redis://', 'sftp://', 'sip:', 'sips:', 'sms:', 'ssh://', 'svn://', 'tel:', 'telnet://', 'urn:', 'worldwind://', 'xmpp:', '//', } non_relative_protocols = protocols - {'//'} html_tags = { 'abbr', 'b', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'big', 'blockquote', 'br', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code', 'data', 'dd', 'del', 'dfn', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'font', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'hr', 'i', 'ins', 'kbd', 'li', 'link', 'mark', 'meta', 'ol', 'p', 'q', 'rb', 'rp', 'rt', 'rtc', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', 'small', 'span', 'strike', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'td', 'th', 'time', 'tr', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'wbr', } parser_tags = { 'graph', 'charinsert', 'rss', 'chem', 'categorytree', 'nowiki', 'inputbox', 'math', 'hiero', 'score', 'pre', 'ref', 'translate', 'imagemap', 'templatestyles', 'languages', 'noinclude', 'mapframe', 'section', 'poem', 'syntaxhighlight', 'includeonly', 'tvar', 'onlyinclude', 'templatedata', 'langconvert', 'timeline', 'dynamicpagelist', 'gallery', 'maplink', 'ce', 'references', } variant_langs = { # ZhConverter.php 'zh', 'zh-hans', 'zh-hant', 'zh-cn', 'zh-hk', 'zh-mo', 'zh-my', 'zh-sg', 'zh-tw', # WuuConverter.php 'wuu', 'wuu-hans', 'wuu-hant', # UzConverter.php 'uz', 'uz-latn', 'uz-cyrl', # TlyConverter.php 'tly', 'tly-cyrl', # TgConverter.php 'tg', 'tg-latn', # SrConverter.php 'sr', 'sr-ec', 'sr-el', # ShiConverter.php 'shi', 'shi-tfng', 'shi-latn', # ShConverter.php 'sh-latn', 'sh-cyrl', # KuConverter.php 'ku', 'ku-arab', 'ku-latn', # KkConverter.php 'kk', 'kk-cyrl', 'kk-latn', 'kk-arab', 'kk-kz', 'kk-tr', 'kk-cn', # IuConverter.php 'iu', 'ike-cans', 'ike-latn', # GanConverter.php 'gan', 'gan-hans', 'gan-hant', # EnConverter.php 'en', 'en-x-piglatin', # CrhConverter.php 'crh', 'crh-cyrl', 'crh-latn', # BanConverter.php 'ban', 'ban-bali', 'ban-x-dharma', 'ban-x-palmleaf', 'ban-x-pku', } magic_vars_i = { 'ARTICLEPATH', 'INT', 'PAGEID', 'SCRIPTPATH', 'SERVER', 'SERVERNAME', 'STYLEPATH', } magic_vars = { '!', '=', 'BASEPAGENAME', 'BASEPAGENAMEE', 'CASCADINGSOURCES', 'CONTENTLANGUAGE', 'CONTENTLANG', 'CURRENTDAY', 'CURRENTDAY2', 'CURRENTDAYNAME', 'CURRENTDOW', 'CURRENTHOUR', 'CURRENTMONTH', 'CURRENTMONTH2', 'CURRENTMONTH1', 'CURRENTMONTHABBREV', 'CURRENTMONTHNAME', 'CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN', 'CURRENTTIME', 'CURRENTTIMESTAMP', 'CURRENTVERSION', 'CURRENTWEEK', 'CURRENTYEAR', 'DIRECTIONMARK', 'DIRMARK', 'FULLPAGENAME', 'FULLPAGENAMEE', 'LOCALDAY', 'LOCALDAY2', 'LOCALDAYNAME', 'LOCALDOW', 'LOCALHOUR', 'LOCALMONTH', 'LOCALMONTH2', 'LOCALMONTH1', 'LOCALMONTHABBREV', 'LOCALMONTHNAME', 'LOCALMONTHNAMEGEN', 'LOCALTIME', 'LOCALTIMESTAMP', 'LOCALWEEK', 'LOCALYEAR', 'NAMESPACE', 'NAMESPACEE', 'NAMESPACENUMBER', 'NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS', 'NUMBEROFADMINS', 'NUMBEROFARTICLES', 'NUMBEROFEDITS', 'NUMBEROFFILES', 'NUMBEROFPAGES', 'NUMBEROFUSERS', 'PAGELANGUAGE', 'PAGENAME', 'PAGENAMEE', 'REVISIONDAY', 'REVISIONDAY2', 'REVISIONID', 'REVISIONMONTH', 'REVISIONMONTH1', 'REVISIONSIZE', 'REVISIONTIMESTAMP', 'REVISIONUSER', 'REVISIONYEAR', 'ROOTPAGENAME', 'ROOTPAGENAMEE', 'SITENAME', 'SUBJECTPAGENAME', 'ARTICLEPAGENAME', 'SUBJECTPAGENAMEE', 'ARTICLEPAGENAMEE', 'SUBJECTSPACE', 'ARTICLESPACE', 'SUBJECTSPACEE', 'ARTICLESPACEE', 'SUBPAGENAME', 'SUBPAGENAMEE', 'TALKPAGENAME', 'TALKPAGENAMEE', 'TALKSPACE', 'TALKSPACEE', } parser_functions_i = { 'ANCHORENCODE', 'BIDI', 'CANONICALURL', 'CANONICALURLE', 'FILEPATH', 'FORMATNUM', 'FULLURL', 'FULLURLE', 'GENDER', 'GRAMMAR', 'INT', r'\#LANGUAGE', 'LC', 'LCFIRST', 'LOCALURL', 'LOCALURLE', 'NS', 'NSE', 'PADLEFT', 'PADRIGHT', 'PAGEID', 'PLURAL', 'UC', 'UCFIRST', 'URLENCODE', } parser_functions = { 'BASEPAGENAME', 'BASEPAGENAMEE', 'CASCADINGSOURCES', 'DEFAULTSORT', 'DEFAULTSORTKEY', 'DEFAULTCATEGORYSORT', 'FULLPAGENAME', 'FULLPAGENAMEE', 'NAMESPACE', 'NAMESPACEE', 'NAMESPACENUMBER', 'NUMBERINGROUP', 'NUMINGROUP', 'NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS', 'NUMBEROFADMINS', 'NUMBEROFARTICLES', 'NUMBEROFEDITS', 'NUMBEROFFILES', 'NUMBEROFPAGES', 'NUMBEROFUSERS', 'PAGENAME', 'PAGENAMEE', 'PAGESINCATEGORY', 'PAGESINCAT', 'PAGESIZE', 'PROTECTIONEXPIRY', 'PROTECTIONLEVEL', 'REVISIONDAY', 'REVISIONDAY2', 'REVISIONID', 'REVISIONMONTH', 'REVISIONMONTH1', 'REVISIONTIMESTAMP', 'REVISIONUSER', 'REVISIONYEAR', 'ROOTPAGENAME', 'ROOTPAGENAMEE', 'SUBJECTPAGENAME', 'ARTICLEPAGENAME', 'SUBJECTPAGENAMEE', 'ARTICLEPAGENAMEE', 'SUBJECTSPACE', 'ARTICLESPACE', 'SUBJECTSPACEE', 'ARTICLESPACEE', 'SUBPAGENAME', 'SUBPAGENAMEE', 'TALKPAGENAME', 'TALKPAGENAMEE', 'TALKSPACE', 'TALKSPACEE', 'INT', 'DISPLAYTITLE', 'PAGESINNAMESPACE', 'PAGESINNS', } tokens = { 'root': [ # Redirects (r"""(?xi) (\A\s*?)(\#REDIRECT:?) # may contain a colon (\s+)(\[\[) (?=[^\]\n]* \]\]$) """, bygroups(Whitespace, Keyword, Whitespace, Punctuation), 'redirect-inner'), # Subheadings (r'^(={2,6})(.+?)(\1)(\s*$\n)', bygroups(Generic.Subheading, Generic.Subheading, Generic.Subheading, Whitespace)), # Headings (r'^(=.+?=)(\s*$\n)', bygroups(Generic.Heading, Whitespace)), # Double-slashed magic words (words(double_slashes_i, prefix=r'(?i)'), Name.Function.Magic), (words(double_slashes), Name.Function.Magic), # Raw URLs (r'(?i)\b(?:{}){}{}*'.format('|'.join(protocols), link_address, link_char_class), Name.Label), # Magic links (r'\b(?:RFC|PMID){}+[0-9]+\b'.format(nbsp_char), Name.Function.Magic), (r"""(?x) \bISBN {nbsp_char} (?: 97[89] {nbsp_dash}? )? (?: [0-9] {nbsp_dash}? ){{9}} # escape format() [0-9Xx]\b """.format(nbsp_char=nbsp_char, nbsp_dash=f'(?:-|{nbsp_char})'), Name.Function.Magic), include('list'), include('inline'), include('text'), ], 'redirect-inner': [ (r'(\]\])(\s*?\n)', bygroups(Punctuation, Whitespace), '#pop'), (r'(\#)([^#]*?)', bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Label)), (r'(?i)[{}]+'.format(title_char), Name.Tag), ], 'list': [ # Description lists (r'^;', Keyword, 'dt'), # Ordered lists, unordered lists and indents (r'^[#:*]+', Keyword), # Horizontal rules (r'^-{4,}', Keyword), ], 'inline': [ # Signatures (r'~{3,5}', Keyword), # Entities include('entity'), # Bold & italic (r"('')(''')(?!')", bygroups(Generic.Emph, Generic.EmphStrong), 'inline-italic-bold'), (r"'''(?!')", Generic.Strong, 'inline-bold'), (r"''(?!')", Generic.Emph, 'inline-italic'), # Comments & parameters & templates include('replaceable'), # Media links ( r"""(?xi) (\[\[) (File|Image) (:) ((?: [%s] | \{{2,3}[^{}]*?\}{2,3} | )*) (?: (\#) ([%s]*?) )? """ % (title_char, f'{title_char}#'), bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Namespace, Punctuation, using(this, state=['wikilink-name']), Punctuation, Name.Label), 'medialink-inner' ), # Wikilinks ( r"""(?xi) (\[\[)(?!%s) # Should not contain URLs (?: ([%s]*) (:))? ((?: [%s] | \{{2,3}[^{}]*?\}{2,3} | )*?) (?: (\#) ([%s]*?) )? (\]\]) """ % ('|'.join(protocols), title_char.replace('/', ''), title_char, f'{title_char}#'), bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Namespace, Punctuation, using(this, state=['wikilink-name']), Punctuation, Name.Label, Punctuation) ), ( r"""(?xi) (\[\[)(?!%s) (?: ([%s]*) (:))? ((?: [%s] | \{{2,3}[^{}]*?\}{2,3} | )*?) (?: (\#) ([%s]*?) )? (\|) """ % ('|'.join(protocols), title_char.replace('/', ''), title_char, f'{title_char}#'), bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Namespace, Punctuation, using(this, state=['wikilink-name']), Punctuation, Name.Label, Punctuation), 'wikilink-inner' ), # External links ( r"""(?xi) (\[) ((?:{}) {} {}*) (\s*) """.format('|'.join(protocols), link_address, link_char_class), bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Label, Whitespace), 'extlink-inner' ), # Tables (r'^(:*)(\s*?)(\{\|)([^\n]*)$', bygroups(Keyword, Whitespace, Punctuation, using(this, state=['root', 'attr'])), 'table'), # HTML tags (r'(?i)(<)({})\b'.format('|'.join(html_tags)), bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Tag), 'tag-inner-ordinary'), (r'(?i)()'.format('|'.join(html_tags)), bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Tag, Whitespace, Punctuation)), # (r'(?i)(<)(nowiki)\b', bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Tag), ('tag-nowiki', 'tag-inner')), #
            (r'(?i)(<)(pre)\b', bygroups(Punctuation,
             Name.Tag), ('tag-pre', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(categorytree)\b', bygroups(
                Punctuation, Name.Tag), ('tag-categorytree', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(hiero)\b', bygroups(Punctuation,
             Name.Tag), ('tag-hiero', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(math)\b', bygroups(Punctuation,
             Name.Tag), ('tag-math', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(chem)\b', bygroups(Punctuation,
             Name.Tag), ('tag-chem', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(ce)\b', bygroups(Punctuation,
             Name.Tag), ('tag-ce', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(charinsert)\b', bygroups(
                Punctuation, Name.Tag), ('tag-charinsert', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(templatedata)\b', bygroups(
                Punctuation, Name.Tag), ('tag-templatedata', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(gallery)\b', bygroups(
                Punctuation, Name.Tag), ('tag-gallery', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(gallery)\b', bygroups(
                Punctuation, Name.Tag), ('tag-graph', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(dynamicpagelist)\b', bygroups(
                Punctuation, Name.Tag), ('tag-dynamicpagelist', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(inputbox)\b', bygroups(
                Punctuation, Name.Tag), ('tag-inputbox', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(rss)\b', bygroups(
                Punctuation, Name.Tag), ('tag-rss', 'tag-inner')),
            (r'(?i)(<)(imagemap)\b', bygroups(
                Punctuation, Name.Tag), ('tag-imagemap', 'tag-inner')),
             bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Tag, Whitespace, Punctuation)),
             bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Tag, handle_syntaxhighlight)),
            # : Fallback case for self-closing tags
            (r'(?i)(<)(syntaxhighlight)\b(\s*?)((?:[^>]|-->)*?)(/\s*?(?)*?)(/\s*?(?)*?)(/\s*?(?|\Z)', Comment.Multiline),
            # Parameters
                bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Variable),
            # Magic variables
            (r'(?i)(\{\{)(\s*)(%s)(\s*)(\}\})' % '|'.join(magic_vars_i),
             bygroups(Punctuation, Whitespace, Name.Function, Whitespace, Punctuation)),
            (r'(\{\{)(\s*)(%s)(\s*)(\}\})' % '|'.join(magic_vars),
                bygroups(Punctuation, Whitespace, Name.Function, Whitespace, Punctuation)),
            # Parser functions & templates
            (r'\{\{', Punctuation, 'template-begin-space'),
            #  legacy syntax
            (r'(?i)(<)(tvar)\b(\|)([^>]*?)(>)', bygroups(Punctuation,
             Name.Tag, Punctuation, String, Punctuation)),
            (r'', Punctuation, '#pop'),
            (r'(?i)(<)(tvar)\b', bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Tag), 'tag-inner-ordinary'),
             bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Tag, Whitespace, Punctuation)),
        'parameter-inner': [
            (r'\}{3}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
            (r'\|', Punctuation),
        'template-begin-space': [
            # Templates allow line breaks at the beginning, and due to how MediaWiki handles
            # comments, an extra state is required to handle things like {{\n\n name}}
            (r'|\Z)', Comment.Multiline),
            (r'\s+', Whitespace),
            # Parser functions
                r'(?i)(\#[%s]*?|%s)(:)' % (title_char,
                bygroups(Name.Function, Punctuation), ('#pop', 'template-inner')
                r'(%s)(:)' % ('|'.join(parser_functions)),
                bygroups(Name.Function, Punctuation), ('#pop', 'template-inner')
            # Templates
                r'(?i)([%s]*?)(:)' % title_char,
                bygroups(Name.Namespace, Punctuation), ('#pop', 'template-name')
            default(('#pop', 'template-name'),),
        'template-name': [
            (r'(\s*?)(\|)', bygroups(Text, Punctuation), ('#pop', 'template-inner')),
            (r'\}\}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
            (r'\n', Text, '#pop'),
        'template-inner': [
            (r'\}\}', Punctuation, '#pop'),
            (r'\|', Punctuation),
                    ( (?: (?! \{\{ | \}\} )[^=\|<])*? ) # Exclude templates and tags
                bygroups(Name.Label, Operator)
        'table': [
            # Use [ \t\n\r\0\x0B] instead of \s to follow PHP trim() behavior
            # Endings
            (r'^([ \t\n\r\0\x0B]*?)(\|\})',
             bygroups(Whitespace, Punctuation), '#pop'),
            # Table rows
            (r'^([ \t\n\r\0\x0B]*?)(\|-+)(.*)$', bygroups(Whitespace, Punctuation,
             using(this, state=['root', 'attr']))),
            # Captions
                ^([ \t\n\r\0\x0B]*?)(\|\+)
                # Exclude links, template and tags
                (?: ( (?: (?! \[\[ | \{\{ )[^|\n<] )*? )(\|) )?
                bygroups(Whitespace, Punctuation, using(this, state=[
                         'root', 'attr']), Punctuation, Generic.Heading),
            # Table data
                ( ^(?:[ \t\n\r\0\x0B]*?)\| | \|\| )
                (?: ( (?: (?! \[\[ | \{\{ )[^|\n<] )*? )(\|)(?!\|) )?
                bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state=[
                         'root', 'attr']), Punctuation),
            # Table headers
                ( ^(?:[ \t\n\r\0\x0B]*?)!  )
                (?: ( (?: (?! \[\[ | \{\{ )[^|\n<] )*? )(\|)(?!\|) )?
                bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state=[
                         'root', 'attr']), Punctuation),
        'table-header': [
            # Requires another state for || handling inside headers
            (r'\n', Text, '#pop'),
                    ( (?: (?! \[\[ | \{\{ )[^|\n<] )*? )
                bygroups(Punctuation, using(this, state=[
                         'root', 'attr']), Punctuation)
        'entity': [
            (r'&\S*?;', Name.Entity),
        'dt': [
            (r'\n', Text, '#pop'),
            (r':', Keyword, '#pop'),
        'extlink-inner': [
            (r'\]', Punctuation, '#pop'),
        'nowiki-ish': [
        'attr': [
            (r'\s+', Whitespace),
            (r'(=)(\s*)(")', bygroups(Operator, Whitespace, String.Double), 'attr-val-2'),
            (r"(=)(\s*)(')", bygroups(Operator, Whitespace, String.Single), 'attr-val-1'),
            (r'(=)(\s*)', bygroups(Operator, Whitespace), 'attr-val-0'),
            (r'[\w:-]+', Name.Attribute),

        'attr-val-0': [
            (r'\s', Whitespace, '#pop'),
        'attr-val-1': [
            (r"'", String.Single, '#pop'),
        'attr-val-2': [
            (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
        'tag-inner-ordinary': [
            (r'/?\s*>', Punctuation, '#pop'),
        'tag-inner': [
            # Return to root state for self-closing tags
            (r'/\s*>', Punctuation, '#pop:2'),
            (r'\s*>', Punctuation, '#pop'),
        # There states below are just like their non-tag variants, the key difference is
        # they forcibly quit when encountering tag closing markup
        'tag-attr': [
            (r'\s+', Whitespace),
            (r'(=)(\s*)(")', bygroups(Operator,
             Whitespace, String.Double), 'tag-attr-val-2'),
            (r"(=)(\s*)(')", bygroups(Operator,
             Whitespace, String.Single), 'tag-attr-val-1'),
            (r'(=)(\s*)', bygroups(Operator, Whitespace), 'tag-attr-val-0'),
            (r'[\w:-]+', Name.Attribute),

        'tag-attr-val-0': [
            (r'\s', Whitespace, '#pop'),
            (r'/?>', Punctuation, '#pop:2'),
        'tag-attr-val-1': [
            (r"'", String.Single, '#pop'),
            (r'/?>', Punctuation, '#pop:2'),
        'tag-attr-val-2': [
            (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
            (r'/?>', Punctuation, '#pop:2'),
        'tag-nowiki': nowiki_tag_rules('nowiki'),
        'tag-pre': nowiki_tag_rules('pre'),
        'tag-categorytree': plaintext_tag_rules('categorytree'),
        'tag-dynamicpagelist': plaintext_tag_rules('dynamicpagelist'),
        'tag-hiero': plaintext_tag_rules('hiero'),
        'tag-inputbox': plaintext_tag_rules('inputbox'),
        'tag-imagemap': plaintext_tag_rules('imagemap'),
        'tag-charinsert': plaintext_tag_rules('charinsert'),
        'tag-timeline': plaintext_tag_rules('timeline'),
        'tag-gallery': plaintext_tag_rules('gallery'),
        'tag-graph': plaintext_tag_rules('graph'),
        'tag-rss': plaintext_tag_rules('rss'),
        'tag-math': delegate_tag_rules('math', TexLexer),
        'tag-chem': delegate_tag_rules('chem', TexLexer),
        'tag-ce': delegate_tag_rules('ce', TexLexer),
        'tag-templatedata': delegate_tag_rules('templatedata', JsonLexer),
        'text-italic': text_rules(Generic.Emph),
        'text-bold': text_rules(Generic.Strong),
        'text-bold-italic': text_rules(Generic.EmphStrong),
        'text': text_rules(Text),