import datetime as _datetime from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union, overload, Literal from . import ( DecodeError as _DecodeError, convert as _convert, to_builtins as _to_builtins, ) __all__ = ("encode", "decode") def __dir__(): return __all__ def _import_tomllib(): try: import tomllib # type: ignore return tomllib except ImportError: pass try: import tomli # type: ignore return tomli except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`msgspec.toml.decode` requires `tomli` be installed.\n\n" "Please either `pip` or `conda` install it as follows:\n\n" " $ python -m pip install tomli # using pip\n" " $ conda install tomli # or using conda" ) from None def _import_tomli_w(): try: import tomli_w # type: ignore return tomli_w except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`msgspec.toml.encode` requires `tomli_w` be installed.\n\n" "Please either `pip` or `conda` install it as follows:\n\n" " $ python -m pip install tomli_w # using pip\n" " $ conda install tomli_w # or using conda" ) from None def encode( obj: Any, *, enc_hook: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, order: Literal[None, "deterministic", "sorted"] = None, ) -> bytes: """Serialize an object as TOML. Parameters ---------- obj : Any The object to serialize. enc_hook : callable, optional A callable to call for objects that aren't supported msgspec types. Takes the unsupported object and should return a supported object, or raise a ``NotImplementedError`` if unsupported. order : {None, 'deterministic', 'sorted'}, optional The ordering to use when encoding unordered compound types. - ``None``: All objects are encoded in the most efficient manner matching their in-memory representations. The default. - `'deterministic'`: Unordered collections (sets, dicts) are sorted to ensure a consistent output between runs. Useful when comparison/hashing of the encoded binary output is necessary. - `'sorted'`: Like `'deterministic'`, but *all* object-like types (structs, dataclasses, ...) are also sorted by field name before encoding. This is slower than `'deterministic'`, but may produce more human-readable output. Returns ------- data : bytes The serialized object. See Also -------- decode """ toml = _import_tomli_w() msg = _to_builtins( obj, builtin_types=(_datetime.datetime,, _datetime.time), str_keys=True, enc_hook=enc_hook, order=order, ) return toml.dumps(msg).encode("utf-8") T = TypeVar("T") @overload def decode( buf: Union[bytes, str], *, strict: bool = True, dec_hook: Optional[Callable[[type, Any], Any]] = None, ) -> Any: pass @overload def decode( buf: Union[bytes, str], *, type: Type[T] = ..., strict: bool = True, dec_hook: Optional[Callable[[type, Any], Any]] = None, ) -> T: pass @overload def decode( buf: Union[bytes, str], *, type: Any = ..., strict: bool = True, dec_hook: Optional[Callable[[type, Any], Any]] = None, ) -> Any: pass def decode(buf, *, type=Any, strict=True, dec_hook=None): """Deserialize an object from TOML. Parameters ---------- buf : bytes-like or str The message to decode. type : type, optional A Python type (in type annotation form) to decode the object as. If provided, the message will be type checked and decoded as the specified type. Defaults to `Any`, in which case the message will be decoded using the default TOML types. strict : bool, optional Whether type coercion rules should be strict. Setting to False enables a wider set of coercion rules from string to non-string types for all values. Default is True. dec_hook : callable, optional An optional callback for handling decoding custom types. Should have the signature ``dec_hook(type: Type, obj: Any) -> Any``, where ``type`` is the expected message type, and ``obj`` is the decoded representation composed of only basic TOML types. This hook should transform ``obj`` into type ``type``, or raise a ``NotImplementedError`` if unsupported. Returns ------- obj : Any The deserialized object. See Also -------- encode """ toml = _import_tomllib() if isinstance(buf, str): str_buf = buf elif isinstance(buf, (bytes, bytearray)): str_buf = buf.decode("utf-8") else: # call `memoryview` first, since `bytes(1)` is actually valid str_buf = bytes(memoryview(buf)).decode("utf-8") try: obj = toml.loads(str_buf) except toml.TOMLDecodeError as exc: raise _DecodeError(str(exc)) from None if type is Any: return obj return _convert( obj, type, builtin_types=(_datetime.datetime,, _datetime.time), str_keys=True, strict=strict, dec_hook=dec_hook, )