from __future__ import annotations import re import textwrap from import Iterable from typing import Any, Optional, Callable from . import inspect as mi, to_builtins __all__ = ("schema", "schema_components") def schema( type: Any, *, schema_hook: Optional[Callable[[type], dict[str, Any]]] = None ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Generate a JSON Schema for a given type. Any schemas for (potentially) shared components are extracted and stored in a top-level ``"$defs"`` field. If you want to generate schemas for multiple types, or to have more control over the generated schema you may want to use ``schema_components`` instead. Parameters ---------- type : type The type to generate the schema for. schema_hook : callable, optional An optional callback to use for generating JSON schemas of custom types. Will be called with the custom type, and should return a dict representation of the JSON schema for that type. Returns ------- schema : dict The generated JSON Schema. See Also -------- schema_components """ (out,), components = schema_components((type,), schema_hook=schema_hook) if components: out["$defs"] = components return out def schema_components( types: Iterable[Any], *, schema_hook: Optional[Callable[[type], dict[str, Any]]] = None, ref_template: str = "#/$defs/{name}", ) -> tuple[tuple[dict[str, Any], ...], dict[str, Any]]: """Generate JSON Schemas for one or more types. Any schemas for (potentially) shared components are extracted and returned in a separate ``components`` dict. Parameters ---------- types : Iterable[type] An iterable of one or more types to generate schemas for. schema_hook : callable, optional An optional callback to use for generating JSON schemas of custom types. Will be called with the custom type, and should return a dict representation of the JSON schema for that type. ref_template : str, optional A template to use when generating ``"$ref"`` fields. This template is formatted with the type name as ``template.format(name=name)``. This can be useful if you intend to store the ``components`` mapping somewhere other than a top-level ``"$defs"`` field. For example, you might use ``ref_template="#/components/{name}"`` if generating an OpenAPI schema. Returns ------- schemas : tuple[dict] A tuple of JSON Schemas, one for each type in ``types``. components : dict A mapping of name to schema for any shared components used by ``schemas``. See Also -------- schema """ type_infos = mi.multi_type_info(types) component_types = _collect_component_types(type_infos) name_map = _build_name_map(component_types) gen = _SchemaGenerator(name_map, schema_hook, ref_template) schemas = tuple(gen.to_schema(t) for t in type_infos) components = { name_map[cls]: gen.to_schema(t, False) for cls, t in component_types.items() } return schemas, components def _collect_component_types(type_infos: Iterable[mi.Type]) -> dict[Any, mi.Type]: """Find all types in the type tree that are "nameable" and worthy of being extracted out into a shared top-level components mapping. Currently this looks for Struct, Dataclass, NamedTuple, TypedDict, and Enum types. """ components = {} def collect(t): if isinstance( t, (mi.StructType, mi.TypedDictType, mi.DataclassType, mi.NamedTupleType) ): if t.cls not in components: components[t.cls] = t for f in t.fields: collect(f.type) elif isinstance(t, mi.EnumType): components[t.cls] = t elif isinstance(t, mi.Metadata): collect(t.type) elif isinstance(t, mi.CollectionType): collect(t.item_type) elif isinstance(t, mi.TupleType): for st in t.item_types: collect(st) elif isinstance(t, mi.DictType): collect(t.key_type) collect(t.value_type) elif isinstance(t, mi.UnionType): for st in t.types: collect(st) for t in type_infos: collect(t) return components def _type_repr(obj): return obj.__name__ if isinstance(obj, type) else repr(obj) def _get_class_name(cls: Any) -> str: if hasattr(cls, "__origin__"): name = cls.__origin__.__name__ args = ", ".join(_type_repr(a) for a in cls.__args__) return f"{name}[{args}]" return cls.__name__ def _get_doc(t: mi.Type) -> str: assert hasattr(t, "cls") cls = getattr(t.cls, "__origin__", t.cls) doc = getattr(cls, "__doc__", "") if not doc: return "" doc = textwrap.dedent(doc).strip("\r\n") if isinstance(t, mi.EnumType): if doc == "An enumeration.": return "" elif isinstance(t, (mi.NamedTupleType, mi.DataclassType)): if doc.startswith(f"{cls.__name__}(") and doc.endswith(")"): return "" return doc def _build_name_map(component_types: dict[Any, mi.Type]) -> dict[Any, str]: """A mapping from nameable subcomponents to a generated name. The generated name is usually a normalized version of the class name. In the case of conflicts, the name will be expanded to also include the full import path. """ def normalize(name): return re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-_]", "_", name) def fullname(cls): return normalize(f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}") conflicts = set() names: dict[str, Any] = {} for cls in component_types: name = normalize(_get_class_name(cls)) if name in names: old = names.pop(name) conflicts.add(name) names[fullname(old)] = old if name in conflicts: names[fullname(cls)] = cls else: names[name] = cls return {v: k for k, v in names.items()} class _SchemaGenerator: def __init__( self, name_map: dict[Any, str], schema_hook: Optional[Callable[[type], dict[str, Any]]] = None, ref_template: str = "#/$defs/{name}", ): self.name_map = name_map self.schema_hook = schema_hook self.ref_template = ref_template def to_schema(self, t: mi.Type, check_ref: bool = True) -> dict[str, Any]: """Converts a Type to a json-schema.""" schema: dict[str, Any] = {} while isinstance(t, mi.Metadata): schema = mi._merge_json(schema, t.extra_json_schema) t = t.type if check_ref and hasattr(t, "cls"): if name := self.name_map.get(t.cls): schema["$ref"] = self.ref_template.format(name=name) return schema if isinstance(t, (mi.AnyType, mi.RawType)): pass elif isinstance(t, mi.NoneType): schema["type"] = "null" elif isinstance(t, mi.BoolType): schema["type"] = "boolean" elif isinstance(t, (mi.IntType, mi.FloatType)): schema["type"] = "integer" if isinstance(t, mi.IntType) else "number" if is not None: schema["minimum"] = if is not None: schema["exclusiveMinimum"] = if t.le is not None: schema["maximum"] = t.le if is not None: schema["exclusiveMaximum"] = if t.multiple_of is not None: schema["multipleOf"] = t.multiple_of elif isinstance(t, mi.StrType): schema["type"] = "string" if t.max_length is not None: schema["maxLength"] = t.max_length if t.min_length is not None: schema["minLength"] = t.min_length if t.pattern is not None: schema["pattern"] = t.pattern elif isinstance(t, (mi.BytesType, mi.ByteArrayType, mi.MemoryViewType)): schema["type"] = "string" schema["contentEncoding"] = "base64" if t.max_length is not None: schema["maxLength"] = 4 * ((t.max_length + 2) // 3) if t.min_length is not None: schema["minLength"] = 4 * ((t.min_length + 2) // 3) elif isinstance(t, mi.DateTimeType): schema["type"] = "string" if is True: schema["format"] = "date-time" elif isinstance(t, mi.TimeType): schema["type"] = "string" if is True: schema["format"] = "time" elif is False: schema["format"] = "partial-time" elif isinstance(t, mi.DateType): schema["type"] = "string" schema["format"] = "date" elif isinstance(t, mi.TimeDeltaType): schema["type"] = "string" schema["format"] = "duration" elif isinstance(t, mi.UUIDType): schema["type"] = "string" schema["format"] = "uuid" elif isinstance(t, mi.DecimalType): schema["type"] = "string" schema["format"] = "decimal" elif isinstance(t, mi.CollectionType): schema["type"] = "array" if not isinstance(t.item_type, mi.AnyType): schema["items"] = self.to_schema(t.item_type) if t.max_length is not None: schema["maxItems"] = t.max_length if t.min_length is not None: schema["minItems"] = t.min_length elif isinstance(t, mi.TupleType): schema["type"] = "array" schema["minItems"] = schema["maxItems"] = len(t.item_types) if t.item_types: schema["prefixItems"] = [self.to_schema(i) for i in t.item_types] schema["items"] = False elif isinstance(t, mi.DictType): schema["type"] = "object" # If there are restrictions on the keys, specify them as propertyNames if isinstance(key_type := t.key_type, mi.StrType): property_names: dict[str, Any] = {} if key_type.min_length is not None: property_names["minLength"] = key_type.min_length if key_type.max_length is not None: property_names["maxLength"] = key_type.max_length if key_type.pattern is not None: property_names["pattern"] = key_type.pattern if property_names: schema["propertyNames"] = property_names if not isinstance(t.value_type, mi.AnyType): schema["additionalProperties"] = self.to_schema(t.value_type) if t.max_length is not None: schema["maxProperties"] = t.max_length if t.min_length is not None: schema["minProperties"] = t.min_length elif isinstance(t, mi.UnionType): structs = {} other = [] tag_field = None for subtype in t.types: real_type = subtype while isinstance(real_type, mi.Metadata): real_type = real_type.type if isinstance(real_type, mi.StructType) and not real_type.array_like: tag_field = real_type.tag_field structs[real_type.tag] = real_type else: other.append(subtype) options = [self.to_schema(a) for a in other] if len(structs) >= 2: mapping = { k: self.ref_template.format(name=self.name_map[v.cls]) for k, v in structs.items() } struct_schema = { "anyOf": [self.to_schema(v) for v in structs.values()], "discriminator": {"propertyName": tag_field, "mapping": mapping}, } if options: options.append(struct_schema) schema["anyOf"] = options else: schema.update(struct_schema) elif len(structs) == 1: _, subtype = structs.popitem() options.append(self.to_schema(subtype)) schema["anyOf"] = options else: schema["anyOf"] = options elif isinstance(t, mi.LiteralType): schema["enum"] = sorted(t.values) elif isinstance(t, mi.EnumType): schema.setdefault("title", t.cls.__name__) if doc := _get_doc(t): schema.setdefault("description", doc) schema["enum"] = sorted(e.value for e in t.cls) elif isinstance(t, mi.StructType): schema.setdefault("title", _get_class_name(t.cls)) if doc := _get_doc(t): schema.setdefault("description", doc) required = [] names = [] fields = [] if t.tag_field is not None: required.append(t.tag_field) names.append(t.tag_field) fields.append({"enum": [t.tag]}) for field in t.fields: field_schema = self.to_schema(field.type) if field.required: required.append(field.encode_name) elif field.default is not mi.NODEFAULT: field_schema["default"] = to_builtins(field.default, str_keys=True) elif field.default_factory in (list, dict, set, bytearray): field_schema["default"] = field.default_factory() names.append(field.encode_name) fields.append(field_schema) if t.array_like: n_trailing_defaults = 0 for n_trailing_defaults, f in enumerate(reversed(t.fields)): if f.required: break schema["type"] = "array" schema["prefixItems"] = fields schema["minItems"] = len(fields) - n_trailing_defaults if t.forbid_unknown_fields: schema["maxItems"] = len(fields) else: schema["type"] = "object" schema["properties"] = dict(zip(names, fields)) schema["required"] = required if t.forbid_unknown_fields: schema["additionalProperties"] = False elif isinstance(t, (mi.TypedDictType, mi.DataclassType, mi.NamedTupleType)): schema.setdefault("title", _get_class_name(t.cls)) if doc := _get_doc(t): schema.setdefault("description", doc) names = [] fields = [] required = [] for field in t.fields: field_schema = self.to_schema(field.type) if field.required: required.append(field.encode_name) elif field.default is not mi.NODEFAULT: field_schema["default"] = to_builtins(field.default, str_keys=True) names.append(field.encode_name) fields.append(field_schema) if isinstance(t, mi.NamedTupleType): schema["type"] = "array" schema["prefixItems"] = fields schema["minItems"] = len(required) schema["maxItems"] = len(fields) else: schema["type"] = "object" schema["properties"] = dict(zip(names, fields)) schema["required"] = required elif isinstance(t, mi.ExtType): raise TypeError("json-schema doesn't support msgpack Ext types") elif isinstance(t, mi.CustomType): if self.schema_hook: try: schema = mi._merge_json(self.schema_hook(t.cls), schema) except NotImplementedError: pass if not schema: raise TypeError( "Generating JSON schema for custom types requires either:\n" "- specifying a `schema_hook`\n" "- annotating the type with `Meta(extra_json_schema=...)`\n" "\n" f"type {t.cls!r} is not supported" ) else: # This should be unreachable raise TypeError(f"json-schema doesn't support type {t!r}") return schema