from __future__ import annotations from enum import Enum from functools import partial from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, cast from urllib.parse import quote from litestar.utils.typing import get_origin_or_inner_type if TYPE_CHECKING: from import Container from litestar.types import MaybePartial __all__ = ( "get_enum_string_value", "get_name", "unwrap_partial", "url_quote", "unique_name_for_scope", ) T = TypeVar("T") def get_name(value: object) -> str: """Get the ``__name__`` of an object. Args: value: An arbitrary object. Returns: A name string. """ name = getattr(value, "__name__", None) if name is not None: return cast("str", name) # On Python 3.8 and 3.9, Foo[int] does not have the __name__ attribute. if origin := get_origin_or_inner_type(value): return cast("str", origin.__name__) return type(value).__name__ def get_enum_string_value(value: Enum | str) -> str: """Return the string value of a string enum. See: Args: value: An enum or string. Returns: A string. """ return value.value if isinstance(value, Enum) else value # type: ignore[no-any-return] def unwrap_partial(value: MaybePartial[T]) -> T: """Unwraps a partial, returning the underlying callable. Args: value: A partial function. Returns: Callable """ from litestar.utils.sync import AsyncCallable return cast("T", value.func if isinstance(value, (partial, AsyncCallable)) else value) def url_quote(value: str | bytes) -> str: """Quote a URL. Args: value: A URL. Returns: A quoted URL. """ return quote(value, safe="/#%[]=:;$&()+,!?*@'~") def unique_name_for_scope(base_name: str, scope: Container[str]) -> str: """Create a name derived from ``base_name`` that's unique within ``scope``""" i = 0 while True: if (unique_name := f"{base_name}_{i}") not in scope: return unique_name i += 1 def get_exception_group() -> type[BaseException]: """Get the exception group class with version compatibility.""" try: return cast("type[BaseException]", ExceptionGroup) # type:ignore[name-defined] except NameError: from exceptiongroup import ExceptionGroup as _ExceptionGroup # pyright: ignore return cast("type[BaseException]", _ExceptionGroup)