from __future__ import annotations from collections import abc, deque from copy import deepcopy from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass, replace from inspect import Parameter, Signature from typing import ( Any, AnyStr, Callable, Collection, ForwardRef, Literal, Mapping, Protocol, Sequence, TypeVar, cast, ) from msgspec import UnsetType from typing_extensions import NotRequired, Required, Self, get_args, get_origin, get_type_hints, is_typeddict from litestar.exceptions import ImproperlyConfiguredException from litestar.openapi.spec import Example from litestar.params import BodyKwarg, DependencyKwarg, KwargDefinition, ParameterKwarg from litestar.types import Empty from litestar.types.builtin_types import NoneType, UnionTypes from litestar.utils.predicates import ( is_annotated_type, is_any, is_class_and_subclass, is_generic, is_non_string_iterable, is_non_string_sequence, is_union, ) from litestar.utils.typing import ( get_instantiable_origin, get_safe_generic_origin, get_type_hints_with_generics_resolved, make_non_optional_union, unwrap_annotation, ) __all__ = ("FieldDefinition",) T = TypeVar("T", bound=KwargDefinition) class _KwargMetaExtractor(Protocol): @staticmethod def matches(annotation: Any, name: str | None, default: Any) -> bool: ... @staticmethod def extract(annotation: Any, default: Any) -> Any: ... _KWARG_META_EXTRACTORS: set[_KwargMetaExtractor] = set() def _unpack_predicate(value: Any) -> dict[str, Any]: try: from annotated_types import Predicate if isinstance(value, Predicate): if value.func == str.islower: return {"lower_case": True} if value.func == str.isupper: return {"upper_case": True} if value.func == str.isascii: return {"pattern": "[[:ascii:]]"} if value.func == str.isdigit: return {"pattern": "[[:digit:]]"} except ImportError: pass return {} def _parse_metadata(value: Any, is_sequence_container: bool, extra: dict[str, Any] | None) -> dict[str, Any]: """Parse metadata from a value. Args: value: A metadata value from annotation, namely anything stored under Annotated[x, metadata...] is_sequence_container: Whether the type is a sequence container (list, tuple etc...) extra: Extra key values to parse. Returns: A dictionary of constraints, which fulfill the kwargs of a KwargDefinition class. """ extra = { **cast("dict[str, Any]", extra or getattr(value, "extra", None) or {}), **(getattr(value, "json_schema_extra", None) or {}), } example_list: list[Any] | None if example := extra.pop("example", None): example_list = [Example(value=example)] elif examples := getattr(value, "examples", None): example_list = [Example(value=example) for example in cast("list[str]", examples)] else: example_list = None return { k: v for k, v in { "gt": getattr(value, "gt", None), "ge": getattr(value, "ge", None), "lt": getattr(value, "lt", None), "le": getattr(value, "le", None), "multiple_of": getattr(value, "multiple_of", None), "min_length": None if is_sequence_container else getattr(value, "min_length", None), "max_length": None if is_sequence_container else getattr(value, "max_length", None), "description": getattr(value, "description", None), "examples": example_list, "title": getattr(value, "title", None), "lower_case": getattr(value, "to_lower", None), "upper_case": getattr(value, "to_upper", None), "pattern": getattr(value, "regex", getattr(value, "pattern", None)), "min_items": getattr(value, "min_items", getattr(value, "min_length", None)) if is_sequence_container else None, "max_items": getattr(value, "max_items", getattr(value, "max_length", None)) if is_sequence_container else None, "const": getattr(value, "const", None) is not None, **extra, }.items() if v is not None } def _traverse_metadata( metadata: Sequence[Any], is_sequence_container: bool, extra: dict[str, Any] | None ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Recursively traverse metadata from a value. Args: metadata: A list of metadata values from annotation, namely anything stored under Annotated[x, metadata...] is_sequence_container: Whether the container is a sequence container (list, tuple etc...) extra: Extra key values to parse. Returns: A dictionary of constraints, which fulfill the kwargs of a KwargDefinition class. """ constraints: dict[str, Any] = {} for value in metadata: if isinstance(value, (list, set, frozenset, deque)): constraints.update( _traverse_metadata( metadata=cast("Sequence[Any]", value), is_sequence_container=is_sequence_container, extra=extra ) ) elif is_annotated_type(value) and (type_args := [v for v in get_args(value) if v is not None]): # annotated values can be nested inside other annotated values # this behaviour is buggy in python 3.8, hence we need to guard here. if len(type_args) > 1: constraints.update( _traverse_metadata(metadata=type_args[1:], is_sequence_container=is_sequence_container, extra=extra) ) elif unpacked_predicate := _unpack_predicate(value): constraints.update(unpacked_predicate) else: constraints.update(_parse_metadata(value=value, is_sequence_container=is_sequence_container, extra=extra)) return constraints def _create_metadata_from_type( metadata: Sequence[Any], model: type[T], annotation: Any, extra: dict[str, Any] | None ) -> tuple[T | None, dict[str, Any]]: is_sequence_container = is_non_string_sequence(annotation) result = _traverse_metadata(metadata=metadata, is_sequence_container=is_sequence_container, extra=extra) constraints = {k: v for k, v in result.items() if k in dir(model)} extra = {k: v for k, v in result.items() if k not in constraints} return model(**constraints) if constraints else None, extra @dataclass(frozen=True) class FieldDefinition: """Represents a function parameter or type annotation.""" __slots__ = ( "annotation", "args", "default", "extra", "inner_types", "instantiable_origin", "kwarg_definition", "metadata", "name", "origin", "raw", "safe_generic_origin", "type_wrappers", ) raw: Any """The annotation exactly as received.""" annotation: Any """The annotation with any "wrapper" types removed, e.g. Annotated.""" type_wrappers: tuple[type, ...] """A set of all "wrapper" types, e.g. Annotated.""" origin: Any """The result of calling ``get_origin(annotation)`` after unwrapping Annotated, e.g. list.""" args: tuple[Any, ...] """The result of calling ``get_args(annotation)`` after unwrapping Annotated, e.g. (int,).""" metadata: tuple[Any, ...] """Any metadata associated with the annotation via ``Annotated``.""" instantiable_origin: Any """An equivalent type to ``origin`` that can be safely instantiated. E.g., ``Sequence`` -> ``list``.""" safe_generic_origin: Any """An equivalent type to ``origin`` that can be safely used as a generic type across all supported Python versions. This is to serve safely rebuilding a generic outer type with different args at runtime. """ inner_types: tuple[FieldDefinition, ...] """The type's generic args parsed as ``FieldDefinition``, if applicable.""" default: Any """Default value of the field.""" extra: dict[str, Any] """A mapping of extra values.""" kwarg_definition: KwargDefinition | DependencyKwarg | None """Kwarg Parameter.""" name: str """Field name.""" def __deepcopy__(self, memo: dict[str, Any]) -> Self: return type(self)(**{attr: deepcopy(getattr(self, attr)) for attr in self.__slots__}) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, FieldDefinition): return False if self.origin: return self.origin == other.origin and self.inner_types == other.inner_types return self.annotation == other.annotation # type: ignore[no-any-return] def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((, self.raw, self.annotation, self.origin, self.inner_types)) @classmethod def _extract_metadata( cls, annotation: Any, name: str | None, default: Any, metadata: tuple[Any, ...], extra: dict[str, Any] | None ) -> tuple[KwargDefinition | None, dict[str, Any]]: model = BodyKwarg if name == "data" else ParameterKwarg for extractor in _KWARG_META_EXTRACTORS: if extractor.matches(annotation=annotation, name=name, default=default): return _create_metadata_from_type( extractor.extract(annotation=annotation, default=default), model=model, annotation=annotation, extra=extra, ) if any(isinstance(arg, KwargDefinition) for arg in get_args(annotation)): return next(arg for arg in get_args(annotation) if isinstance(arg, KwargDefinition)), extra or {} if metadata: return _create_metadata_from_type(metadata=metadata, model=model, annotation=annotation, extra=extra) return None, {} @property def has_default(self) -> bool: """Check if the field has a default value. Returns: True if the default is not Empty or Ellipsis otherwise False. """ return self.default is not Empty and self.default is not Ellipsis @property def is_non_string_iterable(self) -> bool: """Check if the field type is an Iterable. If ``self.annotation`` is an optional union, only the non-optional members of the union are evaluated. See: """ annotation = self.annotation if self.is_optional: annotation = make_non_optional_union(annotation) return is_non_string_iterable(annotation) @property def is_non_string_sequence(self) -> bool: """Check if the field type is a non-string Sequence. If ``self.annotation`` is an optional union, only the non-optional members of the union are evaluated. See: """ annotation = self.annotation if self.is_optional: annotation = make_non_optional_union(annotation) return is_non_string_sequence(annotation) @property def is_any(self) -> bool: """Check if the field type is Any.""" return is_any(self.annotation) @property def is_generic(self) -> bool: """Check if the field type is a custom class extending Generic.""" return is_generic(self.annotation) @property def is_simple_type(self) -> bool: """Check if the field type is a singleton value (e.g. int, str etc.).""" return not ( self.is_generic or self.is_optional or self.is_union or self.is_mapping or self.is_non_string_iterable ) @property def is_parameter_field(self) -> bool: """Check if the field type is a parameter kwarg value.""" return isinstance(self.kwarg_definition, ParameterKwarg) @property def is_const(self) -> bool: """Check if the field is defined as constant value.""" return bool(self.kwarg_definition and getattr(self.kwarg_definition, "const", False)) @property def is_required(self) -> bool: """Check if the field should be marked as a required parameter.""" if Required in self.type_wrappers: # type: ignore[comparison-overlap] return True if NotRequired in self.type_wrappers or UnsetType in self.args: # type: ignore[comparison-overlap] return False if isinstance(self.kwarg_definition, ParameterKwarg) and self.kwarg_definition.required is not None: return self.kwarg_definition.required return not self.is_optional and not self.is_any and (not self.has_default or self.default is None) @property def is_annotated(self) -> bool: """Check if the field type is Annotated.""" return bool(self.metadata) @property def is_literal(self) -> bool: """Check if the field type is Literal.""" return self.origin is Literal @property def is_forward_ref(self) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is a forward reference or not.""" return isinstance(self.annotation, (str, ForwardRef)) @property def is_mapping(self) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is a mapping or not.""" return self.is_subclass_of(Mapping) @property def is_tuple(self) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is a ``tuple`` or not.""" return self.is_subclass_of(tuple) @property def is_type_var(self) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is a TypeVar or not.""" return isinstance(self.annotation, TypeVar) @property def is_union(self) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is a union type or not.""" return self.origin in UnionTypes @property def is_optional(self) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is Optional or not.""" return bool(self.is_union and NoneType in self.args) @property def is_none_type(self) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is NoneType or not.""" return self.annotation is NoneType @property def is_collection(self) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is a collection type or not.""" return self.is_subclass_of(Collection) @property def is_non_string_collection(self) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is a non-string collection type or not.""" return self.is_collection and not self.is_subclass_of((str, bytes)) @property def bound_types(self) -> tuple[FieldDefinition, ...] | None: """A tuple of bound types - if the annotation is a TypeVar with bound types, otherwise None.""" if self.is_type_var and (bound := getattr(self.annotation, "__bound__", None)): if is_union(bound): return tuple(FieldDefinition.from_annotation(t) for t in get_args(bound)) return (FieldDefinition.from_annotation(bound),) return None @property def generic_types(self) -> tuple[FieldDefinition, ...] | None: """A tuple of generic types passed into the annotation - if its generic.""" if not (bases := getattr(self.annotation, "__orig_bases__", None)): return None args: list[FieldDefinition] = [] for base_args in [getattr(base, "__args__", ()) for base in bases]: for arg in base_args: field_definition = FieldDefinition.from_annotation(arg) if field_definition.generic_types: args.extend(field_definition.generic_types) else: args.append(field_definition) return tuple(args) @property def is_dataclass_type(self) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is a dataclass type or not.""" return is_dataclass(cast("type", self.origin or self.annotation)) @property def is_typeddict_type(self) -> bool: """Whether the type is TypedDict or not.""" return is_typeddict(self.origin or self.annotation) @property def type_(self) -> Any: """The type of the annotation with all the wrappers removed, including the generic types.""" return self.origin or self.annotation def is_subclass_of(self, cl: type[Any] | tuple[type[Any], ...]) -> bool: """Whether the annotation is a subclass of the given type. Where ``self.annotation`` is a union type, this method will return ``True`` when all members of the union are a subtype of ``cl``, otherwise, ``False``. Args: cl: The type to check, or tuple of types. Passed as 2nd argument to ``issubclass()``. Returns: Whether the annotation is a subtype of the given type(s). """ if self.origin: if self.origin in UnionTypes: return all(t.is_subclass_of(cl) for t in self.inner_types) return self.origin not in UnionTypes and is_class_and_subclass(self.origin, cl) if self.annotation is AnyStr: return is_class_and_subclass(str, cl) or is_class_and_subclass(bytes, cl) return self.annotation is not Any and not self.is_type_var and is_class_and_subclass(self.annotation, cl) def has_inner_subclass_of(self, cl: type[Any] | tuple[type[Any], ...]) -> bool: """Whether any generic args are a subclass of the given type. Args: cl: The type to check, or tuple of types. Passed as 2nd argument to ``issubclass()``. Returns: Whether any of the type's generic args are a subclass of the given type. """ return any(t.is_subclass_of(cl) for t in self.inner_types) def get_type_hints(self, *, include_extras: bool = False, resolve_generics: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get the type hints for the annotation. Args: include_extras: Flag to indicate whether to include ``Annotated[T, ...]`` or not. resolve_generics: Flag to indicate whether to resolve the generic types in the type hints or not. Returns: The type hints. """ if self.origin is not None or self.is_generic: if resolve_generics: return get_type_hints_with_generics_resolved(self.annotation, include_extras=include_extras) return get_type_hints(self.origin or self.annotation, include_extras=include_extras) return get_type_hints(self.annotation, include_extras=include_extras) @classmethod def from_annotation(cls, annotation: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> FieldDefinition: """Initialize FieldDefinition. Args: annotation: The type annotation. This should be extracted from the return of ``get_type_hints(..., include_extras=True)`` so that forward references are resolved and recursive ``Annotated`` types are flattened. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the ``FieldDefinition`` constructor. Returns: FieldDefinition """ unwrapped, metadata, wrappers = unwrap_annotation(annotation if annotation is not Empty else Any) origin = get_origin(unwrapped) args = () if origin is abc.Callable else get_args(unwrapped) if not kwargs.get("kwarg_definition"): if isinstance(kwargs.get("default"), (KwargDefinition, DependencyKwarg)): kwargs["kwarg_definition"] = kwargs.pop("default") elif any(isinstance(v, (KwargDefinition, DependencyKwarg)) for v in metadata): kwargs["kwarg_definition"] = next( # pragma: no cover # see v for v in metadata if isinstance(v, (KwargDefinition, DependencyKwarg)) ) metadata = tuple(v for v in metadata if not isinstance(v, (KwargDefinition, DependencyKwarg))) elif (extra := kwargs.get("extra", {})) and "kwarg_definition" in extra: kwargs["kwarg_definition"] = extra.pop("kwarg_definition") else: kwargs["kwarg_definition"], kwargs["extra"] = cls._extract_metadata( annotation=annotation, name=kwargs.get("name", ""), default=kwargs.get("default", Empty), metadata=metadata, extra=kwargs.get("extra"), ) kwargs.setdefault("annotation", unwrapped) kwargs.setdefault("args", args) kwargs.setdefault("default", Empty) kwargs.setdefault("extra", {}) kwargs.setdefault("inner_types", tuple(FieldDefinition.from_annotation(arg) for arg in args)) kwargs.setdefault("instantiable_origin", get_instantiable_origin(origin, unwrapped)) kwargs.setdefault("kwarg_definition", None) kwargs.setdefault("metadata", metadata) kwargs.setdefault("name", "") kwargs.setdefault("origin", origin) kwargs.setdefault("raw", annotation) kwargs.setdefault("safe_generic_origin", get_safe_generic_origin(origin, unwrapped)) kwargs.setdefault("type_wrappers", wrappers) instance = FieldDefinition(**kwargs) if not instance.has_default and instance.kwarg_definition: return replace(instance, default=instance.kwarg_definition.default) return instance @classmethod def from_kwarg( cls, annotation: Any, name: str, default: Any = Empty, inner_types: tuple[FieldDefinition, ...] | None = None, kwarg_definition: KwargDefinition | DependencyKwarg | None = None, extra: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> FieldDefinition: """Create a new FieldDefinition instance. Args: annotation: The type of the kwarg. name: Field name. default: A default value. inner_types: A tuple of FieldDefinition instances representing the inner types, if any. kwarg_definition: Kwarg Parameter. extra: A mapping of extra values. Returns: FieldDefinition instance. """ return cls.from_annotation( annotation, name=name, default=default, **{ k: v for k, v in { "inner_types": inner_types, "kwarg_definition": kwarg_definition, "extra": extra, }.items() if v is not None }, ) @classmethod def from_parameter(cls, parameter: Parameter, fn_type_hints: dict[str, Any]) -> FieldDefinition: """Initialize ParsedSignatureParameter. Args: parameter: inspect.Parameter fn_type_hints: mapping of names to types. Should be result of ``get_type_hints()``, preferably via the :attr:``get_fn_type_hints() <.utils.signature_parsing.get_fn_type_hints>`` helper. Returns: ParsedSignatureParameter. """ from litestar.datastructures import ImmutableState try: annotation = fn_type_hints[] except KeyError as e: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException( f"'{}' does not have a type annotation. If it should receive any value, use 'Any'." ) from e if == "state" and not issubclass(annotation, ImmutableState): raise ImproperlyConfiguredException( f"The type annotation `{annotation}` is an invalid type for the 'state' reserved kwarg. " "It must be typed to a subclass of `litestar.datastructures.ImmutableState` or " "`litestar.datastructures.State`." ) return FieldDefinition.from_kwarg( annotation=annotation,, default=Empty if parameter.default is Signature.empty else parameter.default, ) def match_predicate_recursively(self, predicate: Callable[[FieldDefinition], bool]) -> bool: """Recursively test the passed in predicate against the field and any of its inner fields. Args: predicate: A callable that receives a field definition instance as an arg and returns a boolean. Returns: A boolean. """ return predicate(self) or any(t.match_predicate_recursively(predicate) for t in self.inner_types)