from __future__ import annotations import re from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta from decimal import Decimal from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable from uuid import UUID import msgspec from litestar._kwargs import KwargsModel from litestar.exceptions import ImproperlyConfiguredException from litestar.types.internal_types import PathParameterDefinition from litestar.utils import join_paths, normalize_path if TYPE_CHECKING: from litestar.enums import ScopeType from litestar.handlers.base import BaseRouteHandler from litestar.types import Method, Receive, Scope, Send def _parse_datetime(value: str) -> datetime: return msgspec.convert(value, datetime) def _parse_date(value: str) -> date: return msgspec.convert(value, date) def _parse_time(value: str) -> time: return msgspec.convert(value, time) def _parse_timedelta(value: str) -> timedelta: try: return msgspec.convert(value, timedelta) except msgspec.ValidationError: return timedelta(seconds=int(float(value))) param_match_regex = re.compile(r"{(.*?)}") param_type_map = { "str": str, "int": int, "float": float, "uuid": UUID, "decimal": Decimal, "date": date, "datetime": datetime, "time": time, "timedelta": timedelta, "path": Path, } parsers_map: dict[Any, Callable[[Any], Any]] = { float: float, int: int, Decimal: Decimal, UUID: UUID, date: _parse_date, datetime: _parse_datetime, time: _parse_time, timedelta: _parse_timedelta, } class BaseRoute(ABC): """Base Route class used by Litestar. It's an abstract class meant to be extended. """ __slots__ = ( "app", "handler_names", "methods", "path", "path_format", "path_parameters", "path_components", "scope_type", ) def __init__( self, *, handler_names: list[str], path: str, scope_type: ScopeType, methods: list[Method] | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the route. Args: handler_names: Names of the associated handler functions path: Base path of the route scope_type: Type of the ASGI scope methods: Supported methods """ self.path, self.path_format, self.path_components = self._parse_path(path) self.path_parameters: tuple[PathParameterDefinition, ...] = tuple( component for component in self.path_components if isinstance(component, PathParameterDefinition) ) self.handler_names = handler_names self.scope_type = scope_type self.methods = set(methods or []) @abstractmethod async def handle(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None: """ASGI App of the route. Args: scope: The ASGI connection scope. receive: The ASGI receive function. send: The ASGI send function. Returns: None """ raise NotImplementedError("Route subclasses must implement handle which serves as the ASGI app entry point") def create_handler_kwargs_model(self, route_handler: BaseRouteHandler) -> KwargsModel: """Create a `KwargsModel` for a given route handler.""" path_parameters = set() for param in self.path_parameters: if in path_parameters: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException(f"Duplicate parameter '{}' detected in '{self.path}'.") path_parameters.add( return KwargsModel.create_for_signature_model( signature_model=route_handler.signature_model, parsed_signature=route_handler.parsed_fn_signature, dependencies=route_handler.resolve_dependencies(), path_parameters=path_parameters, layered_parameters=route_handler.resolve_layered_parameters(), ) @staticmethod def _validate_path_parameter(param: str, path: str) -> None: """Validate that a path parameter adheres to the required format and datatypes. Raises: ImproperlyConfiguredException: If the parameter has an invalid format. """ if len(param.split(":")) != 2: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException( f"Path parameters should be declared with a type using the following pattern: '{{parameter_name:type}}', e.g. '/my-path/{{my_param:int}}' in path: '{path}'" ) param_name, param_type = (p.strip() for p in param.split(":")) if not param_name: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("Path parameter names should be of length greater than zero") if param_type not in param_type_map: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException( f"Path parameters should be declared with an allowed type, i.e. one of {', '.join(param_type_map.keys())} in path: '{path}'" ) @classmethod def _parse_path(cls, path: str) -> tuple[str, str, list[str | PathParameterDefinition]]: """Normalize and parse a path. Splits the path into a list of components, parsing any that are path parameters. Also builds the OpenAPI compatible path, which does not include the type of the path parameters. Returns: A 3-tuple of the normalized path, the OpenAPI formatted path, and the list of parsed components. """ path = normalize_path(path) parsed_components: list[str | PathParameterDefinition] = [] path_format_components = [] components = [component for component in path.split("/") if component] for component in components: if param_match := param_match_regex.fullmatch(component): param = cls._validate_path_parameter(param, path) param_name, param_type = (p.strip() for p in param.split(":")) type_class = param_type_map[param_type] parser = parsers_map[type_class] if type_class not in {str, Path} else None parsed_components.append( PathParameterDefinition(name=param_name, type=type_class, full=param, parser=parser) ) path_format_components.append("{" + param_name + "}") else: parsed_components.append(component) path_format_components.append(component) path_format = join_paths(path_format_components) return path, path_format, parsed_components