from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from copy import copy, deepcopy from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Mapping, Sequence, cast from litestar._layers.utils import narrow_response_cookies, narrow_response_headers from litestar.controller import Controller from litestar.exceptions import ImproperlyConfiguredException from litestar.handlers.asgi_handlers import ASGIRouteHandler from litestar.handlers.http_handlers import HTTPRouteHandler from litestar.handlers.websocket_handlers import WebsocketListener, WebsocketRouteHandler from litestar.routes import ASGIRoute, HTTPRoute, WebSocketRoute from litestar.types.empty import Empty from litestar.utils import find_index, is_class_and_subclass, join_paths, normalize_path, unique from litestar.utils.signature import add_types_to_signature_namespace from litestar.utils.sync import ensure_async_callable __all__ = ("Router",) if TYPE_CHECKING: from litestar.connection import Request, WebSocket from litestar.datastructures import CacheControlHeader, ETag from litestar.dto import AbstractDTO from litestar.openapi.spec import SecurityRequirement from litestar.response import Response from litestar.routes import BaseRoute from litestar.types import ( AfterRequestHookHandler, AfterResponseHookHandler, BeforeRequestHookHandler, ControllerRouterHandler, ExceptionHandlersMap, Guard, Middleware, ParametersMap, ResponseCookies, RouteHandlerMapItem, RouteHandlerType, TypeEncodersMap, ) from litestar.types.composite_types import Dependencies, ResponseHeaders, TypeDecodersSequence from litestar.types.empty import EmptyType class Router: """The Litestar Router class. A Router instance is used to group controller, routers and route handler functions under a shared path fragment """ __slots__ = ( "after_request", "after_response", "before_request", "cache_control", "dependencies", "dto", "etag", "exception_handlers", "guards", "include_in_schema", "middleware", "opt", "owner", "parameters", "path", "registered_route_handler_ids", "request_class", "response_class", "response_cookies", "response_headers", "return_dto", "routes", "security", "signature_namespace", "tags", "type_decoders", "type_encoders", "websocket_class", ) def __init__( self, path: str, *, after_request: AfterRequestHookHandler | None = None, after_response: AfterResponseHookHandler | None = None, before_request: BeforeRequestHookHandler | None = None, cache_control: CacheControlHeader | None = None, dependencies: Dependencies | None = None, dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None | EmptyType = Empty, etag: ETag | None = None, exception_handlers: ExceptionHandlersMap | None = None, guards: Sequence[Guard] | None = None, include_in_schema: bool | EmptyType = Empty, middleware: Sequence[Middleware] | None = None, opt: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, parameters: ParametersMap | None = None, request_class: type[Request] | None = None, response_class: type[Response] | None = None, response_cookies: ResponseCookies | None = None, response_headers: ResponseHeaders | None = None, return_dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None | EmptyType = Empty, route_handlers: Sequence[ControllerRouterHandler], security: Sequence[SecurityRequirement] | None = None, signature_namespace: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, signature_types: Sequence[Any] | None = None, tags: Sequence[str] | None = None, type_decoders: TypeDecodersSequence | None = None, type_encoders: TypeEncodersMap | None = None, websocket_class: type[WebSocket] | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize a ``Router``. Args: after_request: A sync or async function executed before a :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` is passed to any route handler. If this function returns a value, the request will not reach the route handler, and instead this value will be used. after_response: A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` object and should not return any values. before_request: A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the :class:`litestar.connection.Request` instance and any non-``None`` return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler. cache_control: A ``cache-control`` header of type :class:`CacheControlHeader <.datastructures.CacheControlHeader>` to add to route handlers of this router. Can be overridden by route handlers. dependencies: A string keyed mapping of dependency :class:`Provide <.di.Provide>` instances. dto: :class:`AbstractDTO <.dto.base_dto.AbstractDTO>` to use for (de)serializing and validation of request data. etag: An ``etag`` header of type :class:`ETag <.datastructures.ETag>` to add to route handlers of this app. exception_handlers: A mapping of status codes and/or exception types to handler functions. guards: A sequence of :data:`Guard <.types.Guard>` callables. include_in_schema: A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema. middleware: A sequence of :data:`Middleware <.types.Middleware>`. opt: A string keyed mapping of arbitrary values that can be accessed in :data:`Guards <.types.Guard>` or wherever you have access to :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` or :data:`ASGI Scope <.types.Scope>`. parameters: A mapping of :func:`Parameter <.params.Parameter>` definitions available to all application paths. path: A path fragment that is prefixed to all route handlers, controllers and other routers associated with the router instance. request_class: A custom subclass of :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` to be used as the default for all route handlers, controllers and other routers associated with the router instance. response_class: A custom subclass of :class:`Response <.response.Response>` to be used as the default for all route handlers, controllers and other routers associated with the router instance. response_cookies: A sequence of :class:`Cookie <.datastructures.Cookie>` instances. response_headers: A string keyed mapping of :class:`ResponseHeader <.datastructures.ResponseHeader>` instances. return_dto: :class:`AbstractDTO <.dto.base_dto.AbstractDTO>` to use for serializing outbound response data. route_handlers: A required sequence of route handlers, which can include instances of :class:`Router <.router.Router>`, subclasses of :class:`Controller <.controller.Controller>` or any function decorated by the route handler decorators. security: A sequence of dicts that will be added to the schema of all route handlers in the application. See :data:`SecurityRequirement <.openapi.spec.SecurityRequirement>` for details. signature_namespace: A mapping of names to types for use in forward reference resolution during signature modeling. signature_types: A sequence of types for use in forward reference resolution during signature modeling. These types will be added to the signature namespace using their ``__name__`` attribute. tags: A sequence of string tags that will be appended to the schema of all route handlers under the application. type_decoders: A sequence of tuples, each composed of a predicate testing for type identity and a msgspec hook for deserialization. type_encoders: A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization. websocket_class: A custom subclass of :class:`WebSocket <.connection.WebSocket>` to be used as the default for all route handlers, controllers and other routers associated with the router instance. """ self.after_request = ensure_async_callable(after_request) if after_request else None # pyright: ignore self.after_response = ensure_async_callable(after_response) if after_response else None self.before_request = ensure_async_callable(before_request) if before_request else None self.cache_control = cache_control self.dto = dto self.etag = etag self.dependencies = dict(dependencies or {}) self.exception_handlers = dict(exception_handlers or {}) self.guards = list(guards or []) self.include_in_schema = include_in_schema self.middleware = list(middleware or []) self.opt = dict(opt or {}) self.owner: Router | None = None self.parameters = dict(parameters or {}) self.path = normalize_path(path) self.request_class = request_class self.response_class = response_class self.response_cookies = narrow_response_cookies(response_cookies) self.response_headers = narrow_response_headers(response_headers) self.return_dto = return_dto self.routes: list[HTTPRoute | ASGIRoute | WebSocketRoute] = [] = list(security or []) self.signature_namespace = add_types_to_signature_namespace( signature_types or [], dict(signature_namespace or {}) ) self.tags = list(tags or []) self.registered_route_handler_ids: set[int] = set() self.type_encoders = dict(type_encoders) if type_encoders is not None else None self.type_decoders = list(type_decoders) if type_decoders is not None else None self.websocket_class = websocket_class for route_handler in route_handlers or []: self.register(value=route_handler) def register(self, value: ControllerRouterHandler) -> list[BaseRoute]: """Register a Controller, Route instance or RouteHandler on the router. Args: value: a subclass or instance of Controller, an instance of :class:`Router` or a function/method that has been decorated by any of the routing decorators, e.g. :class:`get <.handlers.get>`, :class:`post <>`. Returns: Collection of handlers added to the router. """ validated_value = self._validate_registration_value(value) routes: list[BaseRoute] = [] for route_path, handlers_map in self.get_route_handler_map(value=validated_value).items(): path = join_paths([self.path, route_path]) if http_handlers := unique( [handler for handler in handlers_map.values() if isinstance(handler, HTTPRouteHandler)] ): if existing_handlers := unique( [ handler for handler in self.route_handler_method_map.get(path, {}).values() if isinstance(handler, HTTPRouteHandler) ] ): http_handlers.extend(existing_handlers) existing_route_index = find_index(self.routes, lambda x: x.path == path) # noqa: B023 if existing_route_index == -1: # pragma: no cover raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("unable to find_index existing route index") route: WebSocketRoute | ASGIRoute | HTTPRoute = HTTPRoute( path=path, route_handlers=http_handlers, ) self.routes[existing_route_index] = route else: route = HTTPRoute(path=path, route_handlers=http_handlers) self.routes.append(route) routes.append(route) if websocket_handler := handlers_map.get("websocket"): route = WebSocketRoute(path=path, route_handler=cast("WebsocketRouteHandler", websocket_handler)) self.routes.append(route) routes.append(route) if asgi_handler := handlers_map.get("asgi"): route = ASGIRoute(path=path, route_handler=cast("ASGIRouteHandler", asgi_handler)) self.routes.append(route) routes.append(route) return routes @property def route_handler_method_map(self) -> dict[str, RouteHandlerMapItem]: """Map route paths to :class:`RouteHandlerMapItem ` Returns: A dictionary mapping paths to route handlers """ route_map: dict[str, RouteHandlerMapItem] = defaultdict(dict) for route in self.routes: if isinstance(route, HTTPRoute): for route_handler in route.route_handlers: for method in route_handler.http_methods: route_map[route.path][method] = route_handler else: route_map[route.path]["websocket" if isinstance(route, WebSocketRoute) else "asgi"] = ( route.route_handler ) return route_map @classmethod def get_route_handler_map( cls, value: Controller | RouteHandlerType | Router, ) -> dict[str, RouteHandlerMapItem]: """Map route handlers to HTTP methods.""" if isinstance(value, Router): return value.route_handler_method_map if isinstance(value, (HTTPRouteHandler, ASGIRouteHandler, WebsocketRouteHandler)): copied_value = copy(value) if isinstance(value, HTTPRouteHandler): return {path: {http_method: copied_value for http_method in value.http_methods} for path in value.paths} return { path: {"websocket" if isinstance(value, WebsocketRouteHandler) else "asgi": copied_value} for path in value.paths } handlers_map: defaultdict[str, RouteHandlerMapItem] = defaultdict(dict) for route_handler in value.get_route_handlers(): for handler_path in route_handler.paths: path = join_paths([value.path, handler_path]) if handler_path else value.path if isinstance(route_handler, HTTPRouteHandler): for http_method in route_handler.http_methods: handlers_map[path][http_method] = route_handler else: handlers_map[path]["websocket" if isinstance(route_handler, WebsocketRouteHandler) else "asgi"] = ( cast("WebsocketRouteHandler | ASGIRouteHandler", route_handler) ) return handlers_map def _validate_registration_value(self, value: ControllerRouterHandler) -> Controller | RouteHandlerType | Router: """Ensure values passed to the register method are supported.""" if is_class_and_subclass(value, Controller): return value(owner=self) # this narrows down to an ABC, but we assume a non-abstract subclass of the ABC superclass if is_class_and_subclass(value, WebsocketListener): return value(owner=self).to_handler() # pyright: ignore if isinstance(value, Router): if value is self: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("Cannot register a router on itself") router_copy = deepcopy(value) router_copy.owner = self return router_copy if isinstance(value, (ASGIRouteHandler, HTTPRouteHandler, WebsocketRouteHandler)): value.owner = self return value raise ImproperlyConfiguredException( "Unsupported value passed to `Router.register`. " "If you passed in a function or method, " "make sure to decorate it first with one of the routing decorators" )