from __future__ import annotations from functools import cached_property from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Final, Literal from yaml import dump as dump_yaml from litestar.constants import OPENAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED from litestar.controller import Controller from litestar.enums import MediaType, OpenAPIMediaType from litestar.exceptions import ImproperlyConfiguredException from litestar.handlers import get from litestar.response.base import ASGIResponse from litestar.serialization import encode_json from litestar.serialization.msgspec_hooks import decode_json from litestar.status_codes import HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND __all__ = ("OpenAPIController",) if TYPE_CHECKING: from litestar.connection.request import Request from litestar.openapi.spec.open_api import OpenAPI _OPENAPI_JSON_ROUTER_NAME: Final = "__litestar_openapi_json" class OpenAPIController(Controller): """Controller for OpenAPI endpoints.""" path: str = "/schema" """Base path for the OpenAPI documentation endpoints.""" style: str = "body { margin: 0; padding: 0 }" """Base styling of the html body.""" redoc_version: str = "next" """Redoc version to download from the CDN.""" swagger_ui_version: str = "5.1.3" """SwaggerUI version to download from the CDN.""" stoplight_elements_version: str = "7.7.18" """StopLight Elements version to download from the CDN.""" rapidoc_version: str = "9.3.4" """RapiDoc version to download from the CDN.""" favicon_url: str = "" """URL to download a favicon from.""" redoc_google_fonts: bool = True """Download google fonts via CDN. Should be set to ``False`` when not using a CDN. """ redoc_js_url: str = f"{redoc_version}/bundles/redoc.standalone.js" """Download url for the Redoc JS bundle.""" swagger_css_url: str = f"{swagger_ui_version}/swagger-ui.css" """Download url for the Swagger UI CSS bundle.""" swagger_ui_bundle_js_url: str = ( f"{swagger_ui_version}/swagger-ui-bundle.js" ) """Download url for the Swagger UI JS bundle.""" swagger_ui_standalone_preset_js_url: str = ( f"{swagger_ui_version}/swagger-ui-standalone-preset.js" ) """Download url for the Swagger Standalone Preset JS bundle.""" swagger_ui_init_oauth: dict[Any, Any] | bytes = {} """ JSON to initialize Swagger UI OAuth2 by calling the `initOAuth` method. Refer to the following URL for details: `Swagger-UI `_. """ stoplight_elements_css_url: str = ( f"{stoplight_elements_version}/styles.min.css" ) """Download url for the Stoplight Elements CSS bundle.""" stoplight_elements_js_url: str = ( f"{stoplight_elements_version}/web-components.min.js" ) """Download url for the Stoplight Elements JS bundle.""" rapidoc_js_url: str = f"{rapidoc_version}/dist/rapidoc-min.js" """Download url for the RapiDoc JS bundle.""" # internal _dumped_json_schema: str = "" _dumped_yaml_schema: bytes = b"" # until swagger-ui supports v3.1.* of OpenAPI officially, we need to modify the schema for it and keep it # separate from the redoc version of the schema, which is unmodified. dto = None return_dto = None @staticmethod def get_schema_from_request(request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> OpenAPI: """Return the OpenAPI pydantic model from the request instance. Args: request: A :class:`Litestar <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: An :class:`OpenAPI ` instance. """ return def should_serve_endpoint(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> bool: """Verify that the requested path is within the enabled endpoints in the openapi_config. Args: request: To be tested if endpoint enabled. Returns: A boolean. Raises: ImproperlyConfiguredException: If the application ``openapi_config`` attribute is ``None``. """ if not # pragma: no cover raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("Litestar has not been instantiated with an OpenAPIConfig") asgi_root_path = set(filter(None, request.scope.get("root_path", "").split("/"))) full_request_path = set(filter(None, request.url.path.split("/"))) request_path = full_request_path.difference(asgi_root_path) root_path = set(filter(None, self.path.split("/"))) config = if request_path == root_path and config.root_schema_site in config.enabled_endpoints: return True return bool(request_path & config.enabled_endpoints) @property def favicon(self) -> str: """Return favicon ```` tag, if applicable. Returns: A ```` tag if ``self.favicon_url`` is not empty, otherwise returns a placeholder meta tag. """ return f"" if self.favicon_url else "" @cached_property def render_methods_map( self, ) -> dict[Literal["redoc", "swagger", "elements", "rapidoc"], Callable[[Request], bytes]]: """Map render method names to render methods. Returns: A mapping of string keys to render methods. """ return { "redoc": self.render_redoc, "swagger": self.render_swagger_ui, "elements": self.render_stoplight_elements, "rapidoc": self.render_rapidoc, } @get( path=["/openapi.yaml", "openapi.yml"], media_type=OpenAPIMediaType.OPENAPI_YAML, include_in_schema=False, sync_to_thread=False, ) def retrieve_schema_yaml(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> ASGIResponse: """Return the OpenAPI schema as YAML with an ``application/vnd.oai.openapi`` Content-Type header. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A Response instance with the YAML object rendered into a string. """ if self.should_serve_endpoint(request): if not self._dumped_json_schema: schema_json = decode_json(self._get_schema_as_json(request)) schema_yaml = dump_yaml(schema_json, default_flow_style=False) self._dumped_yaml_schema = schema_yaml.encode("utf-8") return ASGIResponse(body=self._dumped_yaml_schema, media_type=OpenAPIMediaType.OPENAPI_YAML) return ASGIResponse(body=b"", status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, media_type=MediaType.HTML) @get( path="/openapi.json", media_type=OpenAPIMediaType.OPENAPI_JSON, include_in_schema=False, sync_to_thread=False, name=_OPENAPI_JSON_ROUTER_NAME, ) def retrieve_schema_json(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> ASGIResponse: """Return the OpenAPI schema as JSON with an ``application/vnd.oai.openapi+json`` Content-Type header. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A Response instance with the JSON object rendered into a string. """ if self.should_serve_endpoint(request): return ASGIResponse( body=self._get_schema_as_json(request), media_type=OpenAPIMediaType.OPENAPI_JSON, ) return ASGIResponse(body=b"", status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, media_type=MediaType.HTML) @get(path="/", include_in_schema=False, sync_to_thread=False) def root(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> ASGIResponse: """Render a static documentation site. The site to be rendered is based on the ``root_schema_site`` value set in the application's :class:`OpenAPIConfig <.openapi.OpenAPIConfig>`. Defaults to ``redoc``. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A response with the rendered site defined in root_schema_site. Raises: ImproperlyConfiguredException: If the application ``openapi_config`` attribute is ``None``. """ config = if not config: # pragma: no cover raise ImproperlyConfiguredException(OPENAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED) render_method = self.render_methods_map[config.root_schema_site] if self.should_serve_endpoint(request): return ASGIResponse(body=render_method(request), media_type=MediaType.HTML) return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_404_page(), status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, media_type=MediaType.HTML) @get(path="/swagger", include_in_schema=False, sync_to_thread=False) def swagger_ui(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> ASGIResponse: """Route handler responsible for rendering Swagger-UI. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A response with a rendered swagger documentation site """ if self.should_serve_endpoint(request): return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_swagger_ui(request), media_type=MediaType.HTML) return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_404_page(), status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, media_type=MediaType.HTML) @get(path="/elements", media_type=MediaType.HTML, include_in_schema=False, sync_to_thread=False) def stoplight_elements(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> ASGIResponse: """Route handler responsible for rendering StopLight Elements. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A response with a rendered stoplight elements documentation site """ if self.should_serve_endpoint(request): return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_stoplight_elements(request), media_type=MediaType.HTML) return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_404_page(), status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, media_type=MediaType.HTML) @get(path="/redoc", media_type=MediaType.HTML, include_in_schema=False, sync_to_thread=False) def redoc(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> ASGIResponse: # pragma: no cover """Route handler responsible for rendering Redoc. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A response with a rendered redoc documentation site """ if self.should_serve_endpoint(request): return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_redoc(request), media_type=MediaType.HTML) return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_404_page(), status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, media_type=MediaType.HTML) @get(path="/rapidoc", media_type=MediaType.HTML, include_in_schema=False, sync_to_thread=False) def rapidoc(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> ASGIResponse: if self.should_serve_endpoint(request): return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_rapidoc(request), media_type=MediaType.HTML) return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_404_page(), status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, media_type=MediaType.HTML) @get(path="/oauth2-redirect.html", media_type=MediaType.HTML, include_in_schema=False, sync_to_thread=False) def swagger_ui_oauth2_redirect(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> ASGIResponse: # pragma: no cover """Route handler responsible for rendering oauth2-redirect.html page for Swagger-UI. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A response with a rendered oauth2-redirect.html page for Swagger-UI. """ if self.should_serve_endpoint(request): return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_swagger_ui_oauth2_redirect(request), media_type=MediaType.HTML) return ASGIResponse(body=self.render_404_page(), status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, media_type=MediaType.HTML) def render_swagger_ui_oauth2_redirect(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> bytes: """Render an HTML oauth2-redirect.html page for Swagger-UI. Notes: - override this method to customize the template. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A rendered html string. """ return rb""" Swagger UI: OAuth2 Redirect """ def render_swagger_ui(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> bytes: """Render an HTML page for Swagger-UI. Notes: - override this method to customize the template. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A rendered html string. """ schema = self.get_schema_from_request(request) head = f""" {} {self.favicon} """ body = f"""
""" return f""" {head} {body} """.encode() def render_stoplight_elements(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> bytes: """Render an HTML page for StopLight Elements. Notes: - override this method to customize the template. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A rendered html string. """ schema = self.get_schema_from_request(request) head = f""" {} {self.favicon} """ body = f""" """ return f""" {head} {body} """.encode() def render_rapidoc(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> bytes: # pragma: no cover schema = self.get_schema_from_request(request) head = f""" {} {self.favicon} """ body = f""" """ return f""" {head} {body} """.encode() def render_redoc(self, request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> bytes: # pragma: no cover """Render an HTML page for Redoc. Notes: - override this method to customize the template. Args: request: A :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance. Returns: A rendered html string. """ schema = self.get_schema_from_request(request) head = f""" {} {self.favicon} """ if self.redoc_google_fonts: head += """ """ head += f""" """ body = f"""
""" return f""" {head} {body} """.encode() def render_404_page(self) -> bytes: """Render an HTML 404 page. Returns: A rendered html string. """ return f""" 404 Not found {self.favicon}

Error 404

""".encode() def _get_schema_as_json(self, request: Request) -> str: """Get the schema encoded as a JSON string.""" if not self._dumped_json_schema: schema = self.get_schema_from_request(request).to_schema() json_encoded_schema = encode_json(schema, request.route_handler.default_serializer) self._dumped_json_schema = json_encoded_schema.decode("utf-8") return self._dumped_json_schema