import re from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from contextlib import suppress from copy import copy from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Pattern, Tuple, Union, cast, ) from multidict import CIMultiDict, CIMultiDictProxy, MultiMapping from typing_extensions import get_type_hints from litestar._multipart import parse_content_header from litestar.datastructures.multi_dicts import MultiMixin from litestar.dto.base_dto import AbstractDTO from litestar.exceptions import ImproperlyConfiguredException, ValidationException from litestar.types.empty import Empty from litestar.typing import FieldDefinition from litestar.utils.dataclass import simple_asdict from litestar.utils.scope.state import ScopeState if TYPE_CHECKING: from litestar.types.asgi_types import ( HeaderScope, Message, RawHeaders, RawHeadersList, Scope, ) __all__ = ("Accept", "CacheControlHeader", "ETag", "Header", "Headers", "MutableScopeHeaders") ETAG_RE = re.compile(r'([Ww]/)?"(.+)"') PRINTABLE_ASCII_RE: Pattern[str] = re.compile(r"^[ -~]+$") def _encode_headers(headers: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]) -> "RawHeadersList": return [(key.lower().encode("latin-1"), value.encode("latin-1")) for key, value in headers] class Headers(CIMultiDictProxy[str], MultiMixin[str]): """An immutable, case-insensitive multi dict for HTTP headers.""" def __init__(self, headers: Optional[Union[Mapping[str, str], "RawHeaders", MultiMapping]] = None) -> None: """Initialize ``Headers``. Args: headers: Initial value. """ if not isinstance(headers, MultiMapping): headers_: Union[Mapping[str, str], List[Tuple[str, str]]] = {} if headers: if isinstance(headers, Mapping): headers_ = headers # pyright: ignore else: headers_ = [(key.decode("latin-1"), value.decode("latin-1")) for key, value in headers] super().__init__(CIMultiDict(headers_)) else: super().__init__(headers) self._header_list: Optional[RawHeadersList] = None @classmethod def from_scope(cls, scope: "Scope") -> "Headers": """Create headers from a send-message. Args: scope: The ASGI connection scope. Returns: Headers Raises: ValueError: If the message does not have a ``headers`` key """ connection_state = ScopeState.from_scope(scope) if (headers := connection_state.headers) is Empty: headers = connection_state.headers = cls(scope["headers"]) return headers def to_header_list(self) -> "RawHeadersList": """Raw header value. Returns: A list of tuples contain the header and header-value as bytes """ # Since ``Headers`` are immutable, this can be cached if not self._header_list: self._header_list = _encode_headers((key, value) for key in set(self) for value in self.getall(key)) return self._header_list class MutableScopeHeaders(MutableMapping): """A case-insensitive, multidict-like structure that can be used to mutate headers within a :class:`Scope <.types.Scope>` """ def __init__(self, scope: Optional["HeaderScope"] = None) -> None: """Initialize ``MutableScopeHeaders`` from a ``HeaderScope``. Args: scope: The ASGI connection scope. """ self.headers: RawHeadersList if scope is not None: if not isinstance(scope["headers"], list): scope["headers"] = list(scope["headers"]) self.headers = cast("RawHeadersList", scope["headers"]) else: self.headers = [] @classmethod def from_message(cls, message: "Message") -> "MutableScopeHeaders": """Construct a header from a message object. Args: message: :class:`Message <.types.Message>`. Returns: MutableScopeHeaders. Raises: ValueError: If the message does not have a ``headers`` key. """ if "headers" not in message: raise ValueError(f"Invalid message type: {message['type']!r}") return cls(cast("HeaderScope", message)) def add(self, key: str, value: str) -> None: """Add a header to the scope. Notes: - This method keeps duplicates. Args: key: Header key. value: Header value. Returns: None. """ self.headers.append((key.lower().encode("latin-1"), value.encode("latin-1"))) def getall(self, key: str, default: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[str]: """Get all values of a header. Args: key: Header key. default: Default value to return if ``name`` is not found. Returns: A list of strings. Raises: KeyError: if no header for ``name`` was found and ``default`` is not given. """ name = key.lower() values = [ header_value.decode("latin-1") for header_name, header_value in self.headers if header_name.decode("latin-1").lower() == name ] if not values: if default: return default raise KeyError return values def extend_header_value(self, key: str, value: str) -> None: """Extend a multivalued header. Notes: - A multivalues header is a header that can take a comma separated list. - If the header previously did not exist, it will be added. Args: key: Header key. value: Header value to add, Returns: None """ existing = self.get(key) if existing is not None: value = ",".join([*existing.split(","), value]) self[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str: """Get the first header matching ``name``""" name = key.lower() for header in self.headers: if header[0].decode("latin-1").lower() == name: return header[1].decode("latin-1") raise KeyError def _find_indices(self, key: str) -> List[int]: name = key.lower() return [i for i, (name_, _) in enumerate(self.headers) if name_.decode("latin-1").lower() == name] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: str) -> None: """Set a header in the scope, overwriting duplicates.""" name_encoded = key.lower().encode("latin-1") value_encoded = value.encode("latin-1") if indices := self._find_indices(key): for i in indices[1:]: del self.headers[i] self.headers[indices[0]] = (name_encoded, value_encoded) else: self.headers.append((name_encoded, value_encoded)) def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: """Delete all headers matching ``name``""" indices = self._find_indices(key) for i in indices[::-1]: del self.headers[i] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the length of the internally stored headers, including duplicates.""" return len(self.headers) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Create an iterator of header names including duplicates.""" return iter(h[0].decode("latin-1") for h in self.headers) @dataclass class Header(ABC): """An abstract type for HTTP headers.""" HEADER_NAME: ClassVar[str] = "" documentation_only: bool = False """Defines the header instance as for OpenAPI documentation purpose only.""" @abstractmethod def _get_header_value(self) -> str: """Get the header value as string.""" raise NotImplementedError @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_header(cls, header_value: str) -> "Header": """Construct a header from its string representation.""" def to_header(self, include_header_name: bool = False) -> str: """Get the header as string. Args: include_header_name: should include the header name in the return value. If set to false the return value will only include the header value. if set to true the return value will be: ``
``. Defaults to false. """ if not self.HEADER_NAME: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("Missing header name") return (f"{self.HEADER_NAME}: " if include_header_name else "") + self._get_header_value() @dataclass class CacheControlHeader(Header): """A ``cache-control`` header.""" HEADER_NAME: ClassVar[str] = "cache-control" max_age: Optional[int] = None """Accessor for the ``max-age`` directive.""" s_maxage: Optional[int] = None """Accessor for the ``s-maxage`` directive.""" no_cache: Optional[bool] = None """Accessor for the ``no-cache`` directive.""" no_store: Optional[bool] = None """Accessor for the ``no-store`` directive.""" private: Optional[bool] = None """Accessor for the ``private`` directive.""" public: Optional[bool] = None """Accessor for the ``public`` directive.""" no_transform: Optional[bool] = None """Accessor for the ``no-transform`` directive.""" must_revalidate: Optional[bool] = None """Accessor for the ``must-revalidate`` directive.""" proxy_revalidate: Optional[bool] = None """Accessor for the ``proxy-revalidate`` directive.""" must_understand: Optional[bool] = None """Accessor for the ``must-understand`` directive.""" immutable: Optional[bool] = None """Accessor for the ``immutable`` directive.""" stale_while_revalidate: Optional[int] = None """Accessor for the ``stale-while-revalidate`` directive.""" _field_definitions: ClassVar[Optional[Dict[str, FieldDefinition]]] = None def _get_header_value(self) -> str: """Get the header value as string.""" cc_items = [ key.replace("_", "-") if isinstance(value, bool) else f"{key.replace('_', '-')}={value}" for key, value in simple_asdict(self, exclude_none=True, exclude={"documentation_only"}).items() ] return ", ".join(cc_items) @classmethod def from_header(cls, header_value: str) -> "CacheControlHeader": """Create a ``CacheControlHeader`` instance from the header value. Args: header_value: the header value as string Returns: An instance of ``CacheControlHeader`` """ cc_items = [v.strip() for v in header_value.split(",")] kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} field_definitions = cls._get_field_definitions() for cc_item in cc_items: key_value = cc_item.split("=") key_value[0] = key_value[0].replace("-", "_") if len(key_value) == 1: kwargs[key_value[0]] = True elif len(key_value) == 2: key, value = key_value if key not in field_definitions: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("Invalid cache-control header") kwargs[key] = cls._convert_to_type(value, field_definition=field_definitions[key]) else: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("Invalid cache-control header value") try: return CacheControlHeader(**kwargs) except TypeError as exc: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException from exc @classmethod def prevent_storing(cls) -> "CacheControlHeader": """Create a ``cache-control`` header with the ``no-store`` directive which indicates that any caches of any kind (private or shared) should not store this response. """ return cls(no_store=True) @classmethod def _get_field_definitions(cls) -> Dict[str, FieldDefinition]: """Get the type annotations for the ``CacheControlHeader`` class properties. This is needed due to the conversion from pydantic models to dataclasses. Dataclasses do not support automatic conversion of types like pydantic models do. Returns: A dictionary of type annotations """ if cls._field_definitions is None: cls._field_definitions = {} for key, value in get_type_hints(cls, include_extras=True).items(): definition = FieldDefinition.from_kwarg(annotation=value, name=key) # resolve_model_type so that field_definition.raw has the real raw type e.g. cls._field_definitions[key] = AbstractDTO.resolve_model_type(definition) return cls._field_definitions @classmethod def _convert_to_type(cls, value: str, field_definition: FieldDefinition) -> Any: """Convert the value to the expected type. Args: value: the value of the cache-control directive field_definition: the field definition for the value to convert Returns: The value converted to the expected type """ # bool values shouldn't be initiated since they should have been caught earlier in the from_header method and # set with a value of True expected_type = field_definition.raw if expected_type is bool: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("Invalid cache-control header value") return expected_type(value) @dataclass class ETag(Header): """An ``etag`` header.""" HEADER_NAME: ClassVar[str] = "etag" weak: bool = False value: Optional[str] = None # only ASCII characters def _get_header_value(self) -> str: value = f'"{self.value}"' return f"W/{value}" if self.weak else value @classmethod def from_header(cls, header_value: str) -> "ETag": """Construct an ``etag`` header from its string representation. Note that this will unquote etag-values """ match = ETAG_RE.match(header_value) if not match: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException weak, value =, 2) try: return cls(weak=bool(weak), value=value) except ValueError as exc: raise ImproperlyConfiguredException from exc def __post_init__(self) -> None: if self.documentation_only is False and self.value is None: raise ValidationException("value must be set if documentation_only is false") if self.value and not PRINTABLE_ASCII_RE.fullmatch(self.value): raise ValidationException("value must only contain ASCII printable characters") class MediaTypeHeader: """A helper class for ``Accept`` header parsing.""" __slots__ = ("maintype", "subtype", "params", "_params_str") def __init__(self, type_str: str) -> None: # preserve the original parameters, because the order might be # changed in the dict self._params_str = "".join(type_str.partition(";")[1:]) full_type, self.params = parse_content_header(type_str) self.maintype, _, self.subtype = full_type.partition("/") def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.maintype}/{self.subtype}{self._params_str}" @property def priority(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: # Use fixed point values with two decimals to avoid problems # when comparing float values quality = 100 if "q" in self.params: with suppress(ValueError): quality = int(100 * float(self.params["q"])) if self.maintype == "*": specificity = 0 elif self.subtype == "*": specificity = 1 elif not self.params or ("q" in self.params and len(self.params) == 1): # no params or 'q' is the only one which we ignore specificity = 2 else: specificity = 3 return quality, specificity def match(self, other: "MediaTypeHeader") -> bool: return next( (False for key, value in self.params.items() if key != "q" and value != other.params.get(key)), False if self.subtype != "*" and other.subtype != "*" and self.subtype != other.subtype else self.maintype == "*" or other.maintype == "*" or self.maintype == other.maintype, ) class Accept: """An ``Accept`` header.""" __slots__ = ("_accepted_types",) def __init__(self, accept_value: str) -> None: self._accepted_types = [MediaTypeHeader(t) for t in accept_value.split(",")] self._accepted_types.sort(key=lambda t: t.priority, reverse=True) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._accepted_types) def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> str: return str(self._accepted_types[key]) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return map(str, self._accepted_types) def best_match(self, provided_types: List[str], default: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: """Find the best matching media type for the request. Args: provided_types: A list of media types that can be provided as a response. These types can contain a wildcard ``*`` character in the main- or subtype part. default: The media type that is returned if none of the provided types match. Returns: The best matching media type. If the matching provided type contains wildcard characters, they are replaced with the corresponding part of the accepted type. Otherwise the provided type is returned as-is. """ types = [MediaTypeHeader(t) for t in provided_types] for accepted in self._accepted_types: for provided in types: if provided.match(accepted): # Return the accepted type with wildcards replaced # by concrete parts from the provided type result = copy(provided) if result.subtype == "*": result.subtype = accepted.subtype if result.maintype == "*": result.maintype = accepted.maintype return str(result) return default def accepts(self, media_type: str) -> bool: """Check if the request accepts the specified media type. If multiple media types can be provided, it is better to use :func:`best_match`. Args: media_type: The media type to check for. Returns: True if the request accepts ``media_type``. """ return self.best_match([media_type]) == media_type