from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, final from urllib.parse import urlencode from litestar.status_codes import ( HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_300_MULTIPLE_CHOICES, HTTP_301_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, HTTP_308_PERMANENT_REDIRECT, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from litestar import Litestar from litestar.connection import Request from litestar.stores.base import Store from litestar.types import CacheKeyBuilder, HTTPScope __all__ = ("ResponseCacheConfig", "default_cache_key_builder", "CACHE_FOREVER") @final class CACHE_FOREVER: # noqa: N801 """Sentinel value indicating that a cached response should be stored without an expiration, explicitly skipping the default expiration """ def default_cache_key_builder(request: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> str: """Given a request object, returns a cache key by combining the request method and path with the sorted query params. Args: request: request used to generate cache key. Returns: A combination of url path and query parameters """ query_params: list[tuple[str, Any]] = list(request.query_params.dict().items()) query_params.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) return request.method + request.url.path + urlencode(query_params, doseq=True) def default_do_cache_predicate(_: HTTPScope, status_code: int) -> bool: """Given a status code, returns a boolean indicating whether the response should be cached. Args: _: ASGI scope. status_code: status code of the response. Returns: A boolean indicating whether the response should be cached. """ return HTTP_200_OK <= status_code < HTTP_300_MULTIPLE_CHOICES or status_code in ( HTTP_301_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, HTTP_308_PERMANENT_REDIRECT, ) @dataclass class ResponseCacheConfig: """Configuration for response caching. To enable response caching, pass an instance of this class to :class:`Litestar <.app.Litestar>` using the ``response_cache_config`` key. """ default_expiration: int | None = 60 """Default cache expiration in seconds used when a route handler is configured with ``cache=True``.""" key_builder: CacheKeyBuilder = field(default=default_cache_key_builder) """:class:`CacheKeyBuilder <.types.CacheKeyBuilder>`. Defaults to :func:`default_cache_key_builder`.""" store: str = "response_cache" """Name of the :class:`Store <.stores.base.Store>` to use.""" cache_response_filter: Callable[[HTTPScope, int], bool] = field(default=default_do_cache_predicate) """A callable that receives connection scope and a status code, and returns a boolean indicating whether the response should be cached.""" def get_store_from_app(self, app: Litestar) -> Store: """Get the store defined in :attr:`store` from an :class:`Litestar <.app.Litestar>` instance.""" return app.stores.get(