from __future__ import annotations import contextlib import importlib import inspect import os import re import sys from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from functools import wraps from importlib.util import find_spec from itertools import chain from os import getenv from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Generator, Iterable, Sequence, TypeVar, cast from click import ClickException, Command, Context, Group, pass_context from rich import get_console from rich.table import Table from typing_extensions import ParamSpec, get_type_hints from litestar import Litestar, __version__ from litestar.middleware import DefineMiddleware from litestar.utils import get_name if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): from importlib.metadata import entry_points else: from importlib_metadata import entry_points if TYPE_CHECKING: from litestar.openapi import OpenAPIConfig from litestar.routes import ASGIRoute, HTTPRoute, WebSocketRoute from litestar.types import AnyCallable UVICORN_INSTALLED = find_spec("uvicorn") is not None JSBEAUTIFIER_INSTALLED = find_spec("jsbeautifier") is not None __all__ = ( "UVICORN_INSTALLED", "JSBEAUTIFIER_INSTALLED", "LoadedApp", "LitestarCLIException", "LitestarEnv", "LitestarExtensionGroup", "LitestarGroup", "show_app_info", ) P = ParamSpec("P") T = TypeVar("T") AUTODISCOVERY_FILE_NAMES = ["app", "application"] console = get_console() class LitestarCLIException(ClickException): """Base class for Litestar CLI exceptions.""" def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: """Initialize exception and style error message.""" super().__init__(message) @dataclass class LitestarEnv: """Information about the current Litestar environment variables.""" app_path: str debug: bool app: Litestar cwd: Path host: str | None = None port: int | None = None fd: int | None = None uds: str | None = None reload: bool | None = None reload_dirs: tuple[str, ...] | None = None reload_include: tuple[str, ...] | None = None reload_exclude: tuple[str, ...] | None = None web_concurrency: int | None = None is_app_factory: bool = False certfile_path: str | None = None keyfile_path: str | None = None create_self_signed_cert: bool = False @classmethod def from_env(cls, app_path: str | None, app_dir: Path | None = None) -> LitestarEnv: """Load environment variables. If ``python-dotenv`` is installed, use it to populate environment first """ cwd = Path().cwd() if app_dir is None else app_dir cwd_str_path = str(cwd) if cwd_str_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(cwd_str_path) with contextlib.suppress(ImportError): import dotenv dotenv.load_dotenv() app_path = app_path or getenv("LITESTAR_APP") if app_path and getenv("LITESTAR_APP") is None: os.environ["LITESTAR_APP"] = app_path if app_path: console.print(f"Using Litestar app from env: [bright_blue]{app_path!r}") loaded_app = _load_app_from_path(app_path) else: loaded_app = _autodiscover_app(cwd) port = getenv("LITESTAR_PORT") web_concurrency = getenv("WEB_CONCURRENCY") uds = getenv("LITESTAR_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET") fd = getenv("LITESTAR_FILE_DESCRIPTOR") reload_dirs = tuple(s.strip() for s in getenv("LITESTAR_RELOAD_DIRS", "").split(",") if s) or None reload_include = tuple(s.strip() for s in getenv("LITESTAR_RELOAD_INCLUDES", "").split(",") if s) or None reload_exclude = tuple(s.strip() for s in getenv("LITESTAR_RELOAD_EXCLUDES", "").split(",") if s) or None return cls( app_path=loaded_app.app_path,, debug=_bool_from_env("LITESTAR_DEBUG"), host=getenv("LITESTAR_HOST"), port=int(port) if port else None, uds=uds, fd=int(fd) if fd else None, reload=_bool_from_env("LITESTAR_RELOAD"), reload_dirs=reload_dirs, reload_include=reload_include, reload_exclude=reload_exclude, web_concurrency=int(web_concurrency) if web_concurrency else None, is_app_factory=loaded_app.is_factory, cwd=cwd, certfile_path=getenv("LITESTAR_SSL_CERT_PATH"), keyfile_path=getenv("LITESTAR_SSL_KEY_PATH"), create_self_signed_cert=_bool_from_env("LITESTAR_CREATE_SELF_SIGNED_CERT"), ) @dataclass class LoadedApp: """Information about a loaded Litestar app.""" app: Litestar app_path: str is_factory: bool class LitestarGroup(Group): """:class:`click.Group` subclass that automatically injects ``app`` and ``env` kwargs into commands that request it. Use this as the ``cls`` for :class:`click.Group` if you're extending the internal CLI with a group. For ``command``s added directly to the root group this is not needed. """ def __init__( self, name: str | None = None, commands: dict[str, Command] | Sequence[Command] | None = None, **attrs: Any, ) -> None: """Init ``LitestarGroup``""" self.group_class = LitestarGroup super().__init__(name=name, commands=commands, **attrs) def add_command(self, cmd: Command, name: str | None = None) -> None: """Add command. If necessary, inject ``app`` and ``env`` kwargs """ if cmd.callback: cmd.callback = _inject_args(cmd.callback) super().add_command(cmd) def command(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[AnyCallable], Command] | Command: # type: ignore[override] # For some reason, even when copying the overloads + signature from click 1:1, mypy goes haywire """Add a function as a command. If necessary, inject ``app`` and ``env`` kwargs """ def decorator(f: AnyCallable) -> Command: f = _inject_args(f) return cast("Command", Group.command(self, *args, **kwargs)(f)) return decorator class LitestarExtensionGroup(LitestarGroup): """``LitestarGroup`` subclass that will load Litestar-CLI extensions from the `litestar.commands` entry_point. This group class should not be used on any group besides the root ``litestar_group``. """ def __init__( self, name: str | None = None, commands: dict[str, Command] | Sequence[Command] | None = None, **attrs: Any, ) -> None: """Init ``LitestarExtensionGroup``""" super().__init__(name=name, commands=commands, **attrs) self._prepare_done = False for entry_point in entry_points(group="litestar.commands"): command = entry_point.load() _wrap_commands([command]) self.add_command(command, def _prepare(self, ctx: Context) -> None: if self._prepare_done: return if isinstance(ctx.obj, LitestarEnv): env: LitestarEnv | None = ctx.obj else: try: env = ctx.obj = LitestarEnv.from_env(ctx.params.get("app_path"), ctx.params.get("app_dir")) except LitestarCLIException: env = None if env: for plugin in plugin.on_cli_init(self) self._prepare_done = True def make_context( self, info_name: str | None, args: list[str], parent: Context | None = None, **extra: Any, ) -> Context: ctx = super().make_context(info_name, args, parent, **extra) self._prepare(ctx) return ctx def list_commands(self, ctx: Context) -> list[str]: self._prepare(ctx) return super().list_commands(ctx) def _inject_args(func: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]: """Inject the app instance into a ``Command``""" params = inspect.signature(func).parameters @wraps(func) def wrapped(ctx: Context, /, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: needs_app = "app" in params needs_env = "env" in params if needs_env or needs_app: # only resolve this if actually requested. Commands that don't need an env or app should be able to run # without if not isinstance(ctx.obj, LitestarEnv): ctx.obj = ctx.obj() env = ctx.ensure_object(LitestarEnv) if needs_app: kwargs["app"] = if needs_env: kwargs["env"] = env if "ctx" in params: kwargs["ctx"] = ctx return func(*args, **kwargs) return pass_context(wrapped) def _wrap_commands(commands: Iterable[Command]) -> None: for command in commands: if isinstance(command, Group): _wrap_commands(command.commands.values()) elif command.callback: command.callback = _inject_args(command.callback) def _bool_from_env(key: str, default: bool = False) -> bool: value = getenv(key) if not value: return default value = value.lower() return value in ("true", "1") def _load_app_from_path(app_path: str) -> LoadedApp: module_path, app_name = app_path.split(":") module = importlib.import_module(module_path) app = getattr(module, app_name) is_factory = False if not isinstance(app, Litestar) and callable(app): app = app() is_factory = True return LoadedApp(app=app, app_path=app_path, is_factory=is_factory) def _path_to_dotted_path(path: Path) -> str: if path.stem == "__init__": path = path.parent return ".".join(path.with_suffix("").parts) def _arbitrary_autodiscovery_paths(base_dir: Path) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: yield from _autodiscovery_paths(base_dir, arbitrary=False) for path in base_dir.iterdir(): if".") or"_"): continue if path.is_file() and path.suffix == ".py": yield path def _autodiscovery_paths(base_dir: Path, arbitrary: bool = True) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: for name in AUTODISCOVERY_FILE_NAMES: path = base_dir / name if path.exists() or path.with_suffix(".py").exists(): yield path if arbitrary and path.is_dir(): yield from _arbitrary_autodiscovery_paths(path) def _autodiscover_app(cwd: Path) -> LoadedApp: for file_path in _autodiscovery_paths(cwd): import_path = _path_to_dotted_path(file_path.relative_to(cwd)) module = importlib.import_module(import_path) for attr, value in chain( [("app", getattr(module, "app", None)), ("application", getattr(module, "application", None))], module.__dict__.items(), ): if isinstance(value, Litestar): app_string = f"{import_path}:{attr}" os.environ["LITESTAR_APP"] = app_string console.print(f"Using Litestar app from [bright_blue]{app_string}") return LoadedApp(app=value, app_path=app_string, is_factory=False) if hasattr(module, "create_app"): app_string = f"{import_path}:create_app" os.environ["LITESTAR_APP"] = app_string console.print(f"Using Litestar factory [bright_blue]{app_string}") return LoadedApp(app=module.create_app(), app_path=app_string, is_factory=True) for attr, value in module.__dict__.items(): if not callable(value): continue return_annotation = ( get_type_hints(value, include_extras=True).get("return") if hasattr(value, "__annotations__") else None ) if not return_annotation: continue if return_annotation in ("Litestar", Litestar): app_string = f"{import_path}:{attr}" os.environ["LITESTAR_APP"] = app_string console.print(f"Using Litestar factory [bright_blue]{app_string}") return LoadedApp(app=value(), app_path=f"{app_string}", is_factory=True) raise LitestarCLIException("Could not find a Litestar app or factory") def _format_is_enabled(value: Any) -> str: """Return a coloured string `"Enabled" if ``value`` is truthy, else "Disabled".""" return "[green]Enabled[/]" if value else "[red]Disabled[/]" def show_app_info(app: Litestar) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Display basic information about the application and its configuration.""" table = Table(show_header=False) table.add_column("title", style="cyan") table.add_column("value", style="bright_blue") table.add_row("Litestar version", f"{__version__.major}.{__version__.minor}.{__version__.patch}") table.add_row("Debug mode", _format_is_enabled(app.debug)) table.add_row("Python Debugger on exception", _format_is_enabled(app.pdb_on_exception)) table.add_row("CORS", _format_is_enabled(app.cors_config)) table.add_row("CSRF", _format_is_enabled(app.csrf_config)) if app.allowed_hosts: allowed_hosts = app.allowed_hosts table.add_row("Allowed hosts", ", ".join(allowed_hosts.allowed_hosts)) openapi_enabled = _format_is_enabled(app.openapi_config) if app.openapi_config: openapi_enabled += f" path=[yellow]{app.openapi_config.openapi_controller.path}" table.add_row("OpenAPI", openapi_enabled) table.add_row("Compression", app.compression_config.backend if app.compression_config else "[red]Disabled") if app.template_engine: table.add_row("Template engine", type(app.template_engine).__name__) if app.static_files_config: static_files_configs = app.static_files_config static_files_info = [ f"path=[yellow]{static_files.path}[/] dirs=[yellow]{', '.join(map(str, static_files.directories))}[/] " f"html_mode={_format_is_enabled(static_files.html_mode)}" for static_files in static_files_configs ] table.add_row("Static files", "\n".join(static_files_info)) middlewares = [] for middleware in app.middleware: updated_middleware = middleware.middleware if isinstance(middleware, DefineMiddleware) else middleware middlewares.append(get_name(updated_middleware)) if middlewares: table.add_row("Middlewares", ", ".join(middlewares)) console.print(table) def validate_ssl_file_paths(certfile_arg: str | None, keyfile_arg: str | None) -> tuple[str, str] | tuple[None, None]: """Validate whether given paths exist, are not directories and were both provided or none was. Return the resolved paths. Args: certfile_arg: path argument for the certificate file keyfile_arg: path argument for the key file Returns: tuple of resolved paths converted to str or tuple of None's if no argument was provided """ if certfile_arg is None and keyfile_arg is None: return (None, None) resolved_paths = [] for argname, arg in {"--ssl-certfile": certfile_arg, "--ssl-keyfile": keyfile_arg}.items(): if arg is None: raise LitestarCLIException(f"No value provided for {argname}") path = Path(arg).resolve() if path.is_dir(): raise LitestarCLIException(f"Path provided for {argname} is a directory: {path}") if not path.exists(): raise LitestarCLIException(f"File provided for {argname} was not found: {path}") resolved_paths.append(str(path)) return tuple(resolved_paths) # type: ignore[return-value] def create_ssl_files( certfile_arg: str | None, keyfile_arg: str | None, common_name: str = "localhost" ) -> tuple[str, str]: """Validate whether both files were provided, are not directories, their parent dirs exist and either both files exists or none does. If neither file exists, create a self-signed ssl certificate and a passwordless key at the location. Args: certfile_arg: path argument for the certificate file keyfile_arg: path argument for the key file common_name: the CN to be used as cert issuer and subject Returns: resolved paths of the found or generated files """ resolved_paths = [] for argname, arg in {"--ssl-certfile": certfile_arg, "--ssl-keyfile": keyfile_arg}.items(): if arg is None: raise LitestarCLIException(f"No value provided for {argname}") path = Path(arg).resolve() if path.is_dir(): raise LitestarCLIException(f"Path provided for {argname} is a directory: {path}") if not (parent_dir := path.parent).exists(): raise LitestarCLIException( f"Could not create file, parent directory for {argname} doesn't exist: {parent_dir}" ) resolved_paths.append(path) if (not resolved_paths[0].exists()) ^ (not resolved_paths[1].exists()): raise LitestarCLIException( "Both certificate and key file must exists or both must not exists when using --create-self-signed-cert" ) if (not resolved_paths[0].exists()) and (not resolved_paths[1].exists()): _generate_self_signed_cert(resolved_paths[0], resolved_paths[1], common_name) return (str(resolved_paths[0]), str(resolved_paths[1])) def _generate_self_signed_cert(certfile_path: Path, keyfile_path: Path, common_name: str) -> None: """Create a self-signed certificate using the cryptography modules at given paths""" try: from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID except ImportError as err: raise LitestarCLIException( "Cryptography must be installed when using --create-self-signed-cert\nPlease install the litestar[cryptography] extras" ) from err subject = x509.Name( [ x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, common_name), x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, "Development Certificate"), ] ) key = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend()) cert = ( x509.CertificateBuilder() .subject_name(subject) .issuer_name(subject) .public_key(key.public_key()) .serial_number(x509.random_serial_number()) .not_valid_before( .not_valid_after( + timedelta(days=365)) .add_extension(x509.SubjectAlternativeName([x509.DNSName(common_name)]), critical=False) .add_extension(x509.ExtendedKeyUsage([x509.OID_SERVER_AUTH]), critical=False) .sign(key, hashes.SHA256(), default_backend()) ) with"wb") as cert_file: cert_file.write(cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM)) with"wb") as key_file: key_file.write( key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption(), ) ) def remove_routes_with_patterns( routes: list[HTTPRoute | ASGIRoute | WebSocketRoute], patterns: tuple[str, ...] ) -> list[HTTPRoute | ASGIRoute | WebSocketRoute]: regex_routes = [] valid_patterns = [] for pattern in patterns: try: check_pattern = re.compile(pattern) valid_patterns.append(check_pattern) except re.error as e: console.print(f"Error: {e}. Invalid regex pattern supplied: '{pattern}'. Omitting from querying results.") for route in routes: checked_pattern_route_matches = [] for pattern_compile in valid_patterns: matches = pattern_compile.match(route.path) checked_pattern_route_matches.append(matches) if not any(checked_pattern_route_matches): regex_routes.append(route) return regex_routes def remove_default_schema_routes( routes: list[HTTPRoute | ASGIRoute | WebSocketRoute], openapi_config: OpenAPIConfig ) -> list[HTTPRoute | ASGIRoute | WebSocketRoute]: schema_path = openapi_config.openapi_controller.path return remove_routes_with_patterns(routes, (schema_path,))