from __future__ import annotations import inspect import logging import os from contextlib import ( AbstractAsyncContextManager, AsyncExitStack, asynccontextmanager, suppress, ) from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta from functools import partial from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AsyncGenerator, Callable, Iterable, Mapping, Sequence, TypedDict, cast from litestar._asgi import ASGIRouter from litestar._asgi.utils import get_route_handlers, wrap_in_exception_handler from litestar._openapi.plugin import OpenAPIPlugin from litestar._openapi.schema_generation import openapi_schema_plugins from litestar.config.allowed_hosts import AllowedHostsConfig from import AppConfig from litestar.config.response_cache import ResponseCacheConfig from litestar.connection import Request, WebSocket from litestar.datastructures.state import State from import BaseEventEmitterBackend, SimpleEventEmitter from litestar.exceptions import ( MissingDependencyException, NoRouteMatchFoundException, ) from litestar.logging.config import LoggingConfig, get_logger_placeholder from litestar.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from litestar.openapi.config import OpenAPIConfig from litestar.plugins import ( CLIPluginProtocol, InitPluginProtocol, OpenAPISchemaPluginProtocol, PluginProtocol, PluginRegistry, SerializationPluginProtocol, ) from litestar.plugins.base import CLIPlugin from litestar.router import Router from litestar.routes import ASGIRoute, HTTPRoute, WebSocketRoute from litestar.static_files.base import StaticFiles from litestar.stores.registry import StoreRegistry from litestar.types import Empty, TypeDecodersSequence from litestar.types.internal_types import PathParameterDefinition, TemplateConfigType from litestar.utils import deprecated, ensure_async_callable, join_paths, unique from litestar.utils.dataclass import extract_dataclass_items from litestar.utils.predicates import is_async_callable from litestar.utils.warnings import warn_pdb_on_exception if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Self from import ExperimentalFeatures from litestar.config.compression import CompressionConfig from litestar.config.cors import CORSConfig from litestar.config.csrf import CSRFConfig from litestar.datastructures import CacheControlHeader, ETag from litestar.dto import AbstractDTO from import EventListener from litestar.logging.config import BaseLoggingConfig from litestar.openapi.spec import SecurityRequirement from litestar.openapi.spec.open_api import OpenAPI from litestar.response import Response from litestar.static_files.config import StaticFilesConfig from litestar.stores.base import Store from litestar.types import ( AfterExceptionHookHandler, AfterRequestHookHandler, AfterResponseHookHandler, AnyCallable, ASGIApp, BeforeMessageSendHookHandler, BeforeRequestHookHandler, ControllerRouterHandler, Dependencies, EmptyType, ExceptionHandlersMap, GetLogger, Guard, LifeSpanReceive, LifeSpanScope, LifeSpanSend, Logger, Message, Middleware, OnAppInitHandler, ParametersMap, Receive, ResponseCookies, ResponseHeaders, RouteHandlerType, Scope, Send, TypeEncodersMap, ) from litestar.types.callable_types import LifespanHook __all__ = ("HandlerIndex", "Litestar", "DEFAULT_OPENAPI_CONFIG") DEFAULT_OPENAPI_CONFIG = OpenAPIConfig(title="Litestar API", version="1.0.0") """The default OpenAPI config used if not configuration is explicitly passed to the :class:`Litestar <.app.Litestar>` instance constructor. """ class HandlerIndex(TypedDict): """Map route handler names to a mapping of paths + route handler. It's returned from the 'get_handler_index_by_name' utility method. """ paths: list[str] """Full route paths to the route handler.""" handler: RouteHandlerType """Route handler instance.""" identifier: str """Unique identifier of the handler. Either equal to :attr`__name__ ` attribute or ``__str__`` value of the handler. """ class Litestar(Router): """The Litestar application. ``Litestar`` is the root level of the app - it has the base path of ``/`` and all root level Controllers, Routers and Route Handlers should be registered on it. """ __slots__ = ( "_lifespan_managers", "_server_lifespan_managers", "_debug", "_openapi_schema", "_static_files_config", "plugins", "after_exception", "allowed_hosts", "asgi_handler", "asgi_router", "before_send", "compression_config", "cors_config", "csrf_config", "event_emitter", "get_logger", "include_in_schema", "logger", "logging_config", "multipart_form_part_limit", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "openapi_config", "request_class", "response_cache_config", "route_map", "signature_namespace", "state", "stores", "template_engine", "websocket_class", "pdb_on_exception", "experimental_features", ) def __init__( self, route_handlers: Sequence[ControllerRouterHandler] | None = None, *, after_exception: Sequence[AfterExceptionHookHandler] | None = None, after_request: AfterRequestHookHandler | None = None, after_response: AfterResponseHookHandler | None = None, allowed_hosts: Sequence[str] | AllowedHostsConfig | None = None, before_request: BeforeRequestHookHandler | None = None, before_send: Sequence[BeforeMessageSendHookHandler] | None = None, cache_control: CacheControlHeader | None = None, compression_config: CompressionConfig | None = None, cors_config: CORSConfig | None = None, csrf_config: CSRFConfig | None = None, dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None | EmptyType = Empty, debug: bool | None = None, dependencies: Dependencies | None = None, etag: ETag | None = None, event_emitter_backend: type[BaseEventEmitterBackend] = SimpleEventEmitter, exception_handlers: ExceptionHandlersMap | None = None, guards: Sequence[Guard] | None = None, include_in_schema: bool | EmptyType = Empty, listeners: Sequence[EventListener] | None = None, logging_config: BaseLoggingConfig | EmptyType | None = Empty, middleware: Sequence[Middleware] | None = None, multipart_form_part_limit: int = 1000, on_app_init: Sequence[OnAppInitHandler] | None = None, on_shutdown: Sequence[LifespanHook] | None = None, on_startup: Sequence[LifespanHook] | None = None, openapi_config: OpenAPIConfig | None = DEFAULT_OPENAPI_CONFIG, opt: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, parameters: ParametersMap | None = None, plugins: Sequence[PluginProtocol] | None = None, request_class: type[Request] | None = None, response_cache_config: ResponseCacheConfig | None = None, response_class: type[Response] | None = None, response_cookies: ResponseCookies | None = None, response_headers: ResponseHeaders | None = None, return_dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None | EmptyType = Empty, security: Sequence[SecurityRequirement] | None = None, signature_namespace: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, signature_types: Sequence[Any] | None = None, state: State | None = None, static_files_config: Sequence[StaticFilesConfig] | None = None, stores: StoreRegistry | dict[str, Store] | None = None, tags: Sequence[str] | None = None, template_config: TemplateConfigType | None = None, type_decoders: TypeDecodersSequence | None = None, type_encoders: TypeEncodersMap | None = None, websocket_class: type[WebSocket] | None = None, lifespan: Sequence[Callable[[Litestar], AbstractAsyncContextManager] | AbstractAsyncContextManager] | None = None, pdb_on_exception: bool | None = None, experimental_features: Iterable[ExperimentalFeatures] | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize a ``Litestar`` application. Args: after_exception: A sequence of :class:`exception hook handlers <.types.AfterExceptionHookHandler>`. This hook is called after an exception occurs. In difference to exception handlers, it is not meant to return a response - only to process the exception (e.g. log it, send it to Sentry etc.). after_request: A sync or async function executed after the route handler function returned and the response object has been resolved. Receives the response object. after_response: A sync or async function called after the response has been awaited. It receives the :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` object and should not return any values. allowed_hosts: A sequence of allowed hosts, or an :class:`AllowedHostsConfig <.config.allowed_hosts.AllowedHostsConfig>` instance. Enables the builtin allowed hosts middleware. before_request: A sync or async function called immediately before calling the route handler. Receives the :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` instance and any non-``None`` return value is used for the response, bypassing the route handler. before_send: A sequence of :class:`before send hook handlers <.types.BeforeMessageSendHookHandler>`. Called when the ASGI send function is called. cache_control: A ``cache-control`` header of type :class:`CacheControlHeader ` to add to route handlers of this app. Can be overridden by route handlers. compression_config: Configures compression behaviour of the application, this enabled a builtin or user defined Compression middleware. cors_config: If set, configures :class:`CORSMiddleware <.middleware.cors.CORSMiddleware>`. csrf_config: If set, configures :class:`CSRFMiddleware <.middleware.csrf.CSRFMiddleware>`. debug: If ``True``, app errors rendered as HTML with a stack trace. dependencies: A string keyed mapping of dependency :class:`Providers <.di.Provide>`. dto: :class:`AbstractDTO <.dto.base_dto.AbstractDTO>` to use for (de)serializing and validation of request data. etag: An ``etag`` header of type :class:`ETag <.datastructures.ETag>` to add to route handlers of this app. Can be overridden by route handlers. event_emitter_backend: A subclass of :class:`BaseEventEmitterBackend <.events.emitter.BaseEventEmitterBackend>`. exception_handlers: A mapping of status codes and/or exception types to handler functions. guards: A sequence of :class:`Guard <.types.Guard>` callables. include_in_schema: A boolean flag dictating whether the route handler should be documented in the OpenAPI schema. lifespan: A list of callables returning async context managers, wrapping the lifespan of the ASGI application listeners: A sequence of :class:`EventListener <.events.listener.EventListener>`. logging_config: A subclass of :class:`BaseLoggingConfig <.logging.config.BaseLoggingConfig>`. middleware: A sequence of :class:`Middleware <.types.Middleware>`. multipart_form_part_limit: The maximal number of allowed parts in a multipart/formdata request. This limit is intended to protect from DoS attacks. on_app_init: A sequence of :class:`OnAppInitHandler <.types.OnAppInitHandler>` instances. Handlers receive an instance of :class:`AppConfig <>` that will have been initially populated with the parameters passed to :class:`Litestar `, and must return an instance of same. If more than one handler is registered they are called in the order they are provided. on_shutdown: A sequence of :class:`LifespanHook <.types.LifespanHook>` called during application shutdown. on_startup: A sequence of :class:`LifespanHook ` called during application startup. openapi_config: Defaults to :attr:`DEFAULT_OPENAPI_CONFIG` opt: A string keyed mapping of arbitrary values that can be accessed in :class:`Guards <.types.Guard>` or wherever you have access to :class:`Request ` or :class:`ASGI Scope <.types.Scope>`. parameters: A mapping of :class:`Parameter <.params.Parameter>` definitions available to all application paths. pdb_on_exception: Drop into the PDB when an exception occurs. plugins: Sequence of plugins. request_class: An optional subclass of :class:`Request <.connection.Request>` to use for http connections. response_class: A custom subclass of :class:`Response <.response.Response>` to be used as the app's default response. response_cookies: A sequence of :class:`Cookie <.datastructures.Cookie>`. response_headers: A string keyed mapping of :class:`ResponseHeader <.datastructures.ResponseHeader>` response_cache_config: Configures caching behavior of the application. return_dto: :class:`AbstractDTO <.dto.base_dto.AbstractDTO>` to use for serializing outbound response data. route_handlers: A sequence of route handlers, which can include instances of :class:`Router <.router.Router>`, subclasses of :class:`Controller <.controller.Controller>` or any callable decorated by the route handler decorators. security: A sequence of dicts that will be added to the schema of all route handlers in the application. See :data:`SecurityRequirement <.openapi.spec.SecurityRequirement>` for details. signature_namespace: A mapping of names to types for use in forward reference resolution during signature modeling. signature_types: A sequence of types for use in forward reference resolution during signature modeling. These types will be added to the signature namespace using their ``__name__`` attribute. state: An optional :class:`State <.datastructures.State>` for application state. static_files_config: A sequence of :class:`StaticFilesConfig <.static_files.StaticFilesConfig>` stores: Central registry of :class:`Store <.stores.base.Store>` that will be available throughout the application. If this is a dictionary to it will be passed to a :class:`StoreRegistry <.stores.registry.StoreRegistry>`. If it is a :class:`StoreRegistry <.stores.registry.StoreRegistry>`, this instance will be used directly. tags: A sequence of string tags that will be appended to the schema of all route handlers under the application. template_config: An instance of :class:`TemplateConfig <.template.TemplateConfig>` type_decoders: A sequence of tuples, each composed of a predicate testing for type identity and a msgspec hook for deserialization. type_encoders: A mapping of types to callables that transform them into types supported for serialization. websocket_class: An optional subclass of :class:`WebSocket <.connection.WebSocket>` to use for websocket connections. experimental_features: An iterable of experimental features to enable """ if logging_config is Empty: logging_config = LoggingConfig() if debug is None: debug = os.getenv("LITESTAR_DEBUG", "0") == "1" if pdb_on_exception is None: pdb_on_exception = os.getenv("LITESTAR_PDB", "0") == "1" config = AppConfig( after_exception=list(after_exception or []), after_request=after_request, after_response=after_response, allowed_hosts=allowed_hosts if isinstance(allowed_hosts, AllowedHostsConfig) else list(allowed_hosts or []), before_request=before_request, before_send=list(before_send or []), cache_control=cache_control, compression_config=compression_config, cors_config=cors_config, csrf_config=csrf_config, debug=debug, dependencies=dict(dependencies or {}), dto=dto, etag=etag, event_emitter_backend=event_emitter_backend, exception_handlers=exception_handlers or {}, guards=list(guards or []), include_in_schema=include_in_schema, lifespan=list(lifespan or []), listeners=list(listeners or []), logging_config=logging_config, middleware=list(middleware or []), multipart_form_part_limit=multipart_form_part_limit, on_shutdown=list(on_shutdown or []), on_startup=list(on_startup or []), openapi_config=openapi_config, opt=dict(opt or {}), parameters=parameters or {}, pdb_on_exception=pdb_on_exception, plugins=self._get_default_plugins(list(plugins or [])), request_class=request_class, response_cache_config=response_cache_config or ResponseCacheConfig(), response_class=response_class, response_cookies=response_cookies or [], response_headers=response_headers or [], return_dto=return_dto, route_handlers=list(route_handlers) if route_handlers is not None else [], security=list(security or []), signature_namespace=dict(signature_namespace or {}), signature_types=list(signature_types or []), state=state or State(), static_files_config=list(static_files_config or []), stores=stores, tags=list(tags or []), template_config=template_config, type_encoders=type_encoders, type_decoders=type_decoders, websocket_class=websocket_class, experimental_features=list(experimental_features or []), ) config.plugins.extend([OpenAPIPlugin(self), *openapi_schema_plugins]) for handler in chain( on_app_init or [], (p.on_app_init for p in config.plugins if isinstance(p, InitPluginProtocol)), ): config = handler(config) # pyright: ignore self.plugins = PluginRegistry(config.plugins) self._openapi_schema: OpenAPI | None = None self._debug: bool = True self.stores: StoreRegistry = ( config.stores if isinstance(config.stores, StoreRegistry) else StoreRegistry(config.stores) ) self._lifespan_managers = config.lifespan for store in self.stores._stores.values(): self._lifespan_managers.append(store) self._server_lifespan_managers = [p.server_lifespan for p in config.plugins or [] if isinstance(p, CLIPlugin)] self.experimental_features = frozenset(config.experimental_features or []) self.get_logger: GetLogger = get_logger_placeholder self.logger: Logger | None = None self.routes: list[HTTPRoute | ASGIRoute | WebSocketRoute] = [] self.asgi_router = ASGIRouter(app=self) self.after_exception = [ensure_async_callable(h) for h in config.after_exception] self.allowed_hosts = cast("AllowedHostsConfig | None", config.allowed_hosts) self.before_send = [ensure_async_callable(h) for h in config.before_send] self.compression_config = config.compression_config self.cors_config = config.cors_config self.csrf_config = config.csrf_config self.event_emitter = config.event_emitter_backend(listeners=config.listeners) self.logging_config = config.logging_config self.multipart_form_part_limit = config.multipart_form_part_limit self.on_shutdown = config.on_shutdown self.on_startup = config.on_startup self.openapi_config = config.openapi_config self.request_class: type[Request] = config.request_class or Request self.response_cache_config = config.response_cache_config self.state = config.state self._static_files_config = config.static_files_config self.template_engine = config.template_config.engine_instance if config.template_config else None self.websocket_class: type[WebSocket] = config.websocket_class or WebSocket self.debug = config.debug self.pdb_on_exception: bool = config.pdb_on_exception self.include_in_schema = include_in_schema if self.pdb_on_exception: warn_pdb_on_exception() try: from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException as StarletteHTTPException from litestar.middleware.exceptions.middleware import _starlette_exception_handler config.exception_handlers.setdefault(StarletteHTTPException, _starlette_exception_handler) except ImportError: pass super().__init__( after_request=config.after_request, after_response=config.after_response, before_request=config.before_request, cache_control=config.cache_control, dependencies=config.dependencies, dto=config.dto, etag=config.etag, exception_handlers=config.exception_handlers, guards=config.guards, middleware=config.middleware, opt=config.opt, parameters=config.parameters, path="", request_class=self.request_class, response_class=config.response_class, response_cookies=config.response_cookies, response_headers=config.response_headers, return_dto=config.return_dto, # route handlers are registered below route_handlers=[],, signature_namespace=config.signature_namespace, signature_types=config.signature_types, tags=config.tags, type_encoders=config.type_encoders, type_decoders=config.type_decoders, include_in_schema=config.include_in_schema, websocket_class=self.websocket_class, ) for route_handler in config.route_handlers: self.register(route_handler) if self.logging_config: self.get_logger = self.logging_config.configure() self.logger = self.get_logger("litestar") for static_config in self._static_files_config: self.register(static_config.to_static_files_app()) self.asgi_handler = self._create_asgi_handler() @property @deprecated(version="2.6.0", kind="property", info="Use create_static_files router instead") def static_files_config(self) -> list[StaticFilesConfig]: return self._static_files_config @property @deprecated(version="2.0", alternative="Litestar.plugins.cli", kind="property") def cli_plugins(self) -> list[CLIPluginProtocol]: return list(self.plugins.cli) @property @deprecated(version="2.0", alternative="Litestar.plugins.openapi", kind="property") def openapi_schema_plugins(self) -> list[OpenAPISchemaPluginProtocol]: return list(self.plugins.openapi) @property @deprecated(version="2.0", alternative="Litestar.plugins.serialization", kind="property") def serialization_plugins(self) -> list[SerializationPluginProtocol]: return list(self.plugins.serialization) @staticmethod def _get_default_plugins(plugins: list[PluginProtocol]) -> list[PluginProtocol]: from litestar.plugins.core import MsgspecDIPlugin plugins.append(MsgspecDIPlugin()) with suppress(MissingDependencyException): from litestar.contrib.pydantic import ( PydanticDIPlugin, PydanticInitPlugin, PydanticPlugin, PydanticSchemaPlugin, ) pydantic_plugin_found = any(isinstance(plugin, PydanticPlugin) for plugin in plugins) pydantic_init_plugin_found = any(isinstance(plugin, PydanticInitPlugin) for plugin in plugins) pydantic_schema_plugin_found = any(isinstance(plugin, PydanticSchemaPlugin) for plugin in plugins) pydantic_serialization_plugin_found = any(isinstance(plugin, PydanticDIPlugin) for plugin in plugins) if not pydantic_plugin_found and not pydantic_init_plugin_found and not pydantic_schema_plugin_found: plugins.append(PydanticPlugin()) elif not pydantic_plugin_found and pydantic_init_plugin_found and not pydantic_schema_plugin_found: plugins.append(PydanticSchemaPlugin()) elif not pydantic_plugin_found and not pydantic_init_plugin_found: plugins.append(PydanticInitPlugin()) if not pydantic_plugin_found and not pydantic_serialization_plugin_found: plugins.append(PydanticDIPlugin()) with suppress(MissingDependencyException): from litestar.contrib.attrs import AttrsSchemaPlugin pre_configured = any(isinstance(plugin, AttrsSchemaPlugin) for plugin in plugins) if not pre_configured: plugins.append(AttrsSchemaPlugin()) return plugins @property def debug(self) -> bool: return self._debug @debug.setter def debug(self, value: bool) -> None: """Sets the debug logging level for the application. When possible, it calls the `self.logging_config.set_level` method. This allows for implementation specific code and APIs to be called. """ if self.logger and self.logging_config: self.logging_config.set_level(self.logger, logging.DEBUG if value else logging.INFO) elif self.logger and hasattr(self.logger, "setLevel"): # pragma: no cover self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if value else logging.INFO) # pragma: no cover if isinstance(self.logging_config, LoggingConfig): self.logging_config.loggers["litestar"]["level"] = "DEBUG" if value else "INFO" self._debug = value async def __call__( self, scope: Scope | LifeSpanScope, receive: Receive | LifeSpanReceive, send: Send | LifeSpanSend, ) -> None: """Application entry point. Lifespan events (startup / shutdown) are sent to the lifespan handler, otherwise the ASGI handler is used Args: scope: The ASGI connection scope. receive: The ASGI receive function. send: The ASGI send function. Returns: None """ if scope["type"] == "lifespan": await self.asgi_router.lifespan(receive=receive, send=send) # type: ignore[arg-type] return scope["app"] = self scope.setdefault("state", {}) await self.asgi_handler(scope, receive, self._wrap_send(send=send, scope=scope)) # type: ignore[arg-type] async def _call_lifespan_hook(self, hook: LifespanHook) -> None: ret = hook(self) if inspect.signature(hook).parameters else hook() # type: ignore[call-arg] if is_async_callable(hook): # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] await ret @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan(self) -> AsyncGenerator[None, None]: """Context manager handling the ASGI lifespan. It will be entered when the ``lifespan`` message has been received from the server, and exit after the ``asgi.shutdown`` message. During this period, it is responsible for calling the ``on_startup``, ``on_shutdown`` hooks, as well as custom lifespan managers. """ async with AsyncExitStack() as exit_stack: for hook in self.on_shutdown[::-1]: exit_stack.push_async_callback(partial(self._call_lifespan_hook, hook)) await exit_stack.enter_async_context(self.event_emitter) for manager in self._lifespan_managers: if not isinstance(manager, AbstractAsyncContextManager): manager = manager(self) await exit_stack.enter_async_context(manager) for hook in self.on_startup: await self._call_lifespan_hook(hook) yield @property def openapi_schema(self) -> OpenAPI: """Access the OpenAPI schema of the application. Returns: The :class:`OpenAPI` instance of the application. Raises: ImproperlyConfiguredException: If the application ``openapi_config`` attribute is ``None``. """ return self.plugins.get(OpenAPIPlugin).provide_openapi() @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: AppConfig) -> Self: """Initialize a ``Litestar`` application from a configuration instance. Args: config: An instance of :class:`AppConfig` <.config.AppConfig> Returns: An instance of ``Litestar`` application. """ return cls(**dict(extract_dataclass_items(config))) def register(self, value: ControllerRouterHandler) -> None: # type: ignore[override] """Register a route handler on the app. This method can be used to dynamically add endpoints to an application. Args: value: An instance of :class:`Router <.router.Router>`, a subclass of :class:`Controller <.controller.Controller>` or any function decorated by the route handler decorators. Returns: None """ routes = super().register(value=value) for route in routes: route_handlers = get_route_handlers(route) for route_handler in route_handlers: route_handler.on_registration(self) if isinstance(route, HTTPRoute): route.create_handler_map() elif isinstance(route, WebSocketRoute): route.handler_parameter_model = route.create_handler_kwargs_model(route.route_handler) for plugin in self.plugins.receive_route: plugin.receive_route(route) self.asgi_router.construct_routing_trie() def get_handler_index_by_name(self, name: str) -> HandlerIndex | None: """Receives a route handler name and returns an optional dictionary containing the route handler instance and list of paths sorted lexically. Examples: .. code-block:: python from litestar import Litestar, get @get("/", name="my-handler") def handler() -> None: pass app = Litestar(route_handlers=[handler]) handler_index = app.get_handler_index_by_name("my-handler") # { "paths": ["/"], "handler" ... } Args: name: A route handler unique name. Returns: A :class:`HandlerIndex <.app.HandlerIndex>` instance or ``None``. """ handler = self.asgi_router.route_handler_index.get(name) if not handler: return None identifier = or str(handler) routes = self.asgi_router.route_mapping[identifier] paths = sorted(unique([route.path for route in routes])) return HandlerIndex(handler=handler, paths=paths, identifier=identifier) def route_reverse(self, name: str, **path_parameters: Any) -> str: """Receives a route handler name, path parameter values and returns url path to the handler with filled path parameters. Examples: .. code-block:: python from litestar import Litestar, get @get("/group/{group_id:int}/user/{user_id:int}", name="get_membership_details") def get_membership_details(group_id: int, user_id: int) -> None: pass app = Litestar(route_handlers=[get_membership_details]) path = app.route_reverse("get_membership_details", user_id=100, group_id=10) # /group/10/user/100 Args: name: A route handler unique name. **path_parameters: Actual values for path parameters in the route. Raises: NoRouteMatchFoundException: If route with 'name' does not exist, path parameters are missing in ``**path_parameters or have wrong type``. Returns: A fully formatted url path. """ handler_index = self.get_handler_index_by_name(name) if handler_index is None: raise NoRouteMatchFoundException(f"Route {name} can not be found") allow_str_instead = {datetime, date, time, timedelta, float, Path} routes = sorted( self.asgi_router.route_mapping[handler_index["identifier"]], key=lambda r: len(r.path_parameters), reverse=True, ) passed_parameters = set(path_parameters.keys()) selected_route = next( ( route for route in routes if passed_parameters.issuperset({ for param in route.path_parameters}) ), routes[-1], ) output: list[str] = [] for component in selected_route.path_components: if isinstance(component, PathParameterDefinition): val = path_parameters.get( if not isinstance(val, component.type) and ( component.type not in allow_str_instead or not isinstance(val, str) ): raise NoRouteMatchFoundException( f"Received type for path parameter {} doesn't match declared type {component.type}" ) output.append(str(val)) else: output.append(component) return join_paths(output) @deprecated( "2.6.0", info="Use create_static_files router instead of StaticFilesConfig, which works with route_reverse" ) def url_for_static_asset(self, name: str, file_path: str) -> str: """Receives a static files handler name, an asset file path and returns resolved url path to the asset. Examples: .. code-block:: python from litestar import Litestar from litestar.static_files.config import StaticFilesConfig app = Litestar( static_files_config=[ StaticFilesConfig(directories=["css"], path="/static/css", name="css") ] ) path = app.url_for_static_asset("css", "main.css") # /static/css/main.css Args: name: A static handler unique name. file_path: a string containing path to an asset. Raises: NoRouteMatchFoundException: If static files handler with ``name`` does not exist. Returns: A url path to the asset. """ handler_index = self.get_handler_index_by_name(name) if handler_index is None: raise NoRouteMatchFoundException(f"Static handler {name} can not be found") handler_fn = cast("AnyCallable", handler_index["handler"].fn) if not isinstance(handler_fn, StaticFiles): raise NoRouteMatchFoundException(f"Handler with name {name} is not a static files handler") return join_paths([handler_index["paths"][0], file_path]) # type: ignore[unreachable] @property def route_handler_method_view(self) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """Map route handlers to paths. Returns: A dictionary of router handlers and lists of paths as strings """ route_map: dict[str, list[str]] = { handler: [route.path for route in routes] for handler, routes in self.asgi_router.route_mapping.items() } return route_map def _create_asgi_handler(self) -> ASGIApp: """Create an ASGIApp that wraps the ASGI router inside an exception handler. If CORS or TrustedHost configs are provided to the constructor, they will wrap the router as well. """ asgi_handler: ASGIApp = self.asgi_router if self.cors_config: asgi_handler = CORSMiddleware(app=asgi_handler, config=self.cors_config) return wrap_in_exception_handler( app=asgi_handler, exception_handlers=self.exception_handlers or {}, # pyright: ignore ) def _wrap_send(self, send: Send, scope: Scope) -> Send: """Wrap the ASGI send and handles any 'before send' hooks. Args: send: The ASGI send function. scope: The ASGI scope. Returns: An ASGI send function. """ if self.before_send: async def wrapped_send(message: Message) -> None: for hook in self.before_send: await hook(message, scope) await send(message) return wrapped_send return send def update_openapi_schema(self) -> None: """Update the OpenAPI schema to reflect the route handlers registered on the app. Returns: None """ self.plugins.get(OpenAPIPlugin)._build_openapi_schema() def emit(self, event_id: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Emit an event to all attached listeners. Args: event_id: The ID of the event to emit, e.g ``my_event``. args: args to pass to the listener(s). kwargs: kwargs to pass to the listener(s) Returns: None """ self.event_emitter.emit(event_id, *args, **kwargs)