from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from functools import lru_cache, partial from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Coroutine, Mapping, NamedTuple, cast from litestar._multipart import parse_multipart_form from litestar._parsers import ( parse_query_string, parse_url_encoded_form_data, ) from litestar.datastructures import Headers from litestar.datastructures.upload_file import UploadFile from litestar.datastructures.url import URL from litestar.enums import ParamType, RequestEncodingType from litestar.exceptions import ValidationException from litestar.params import BodyKwarg from litestar.types import Empty from litestar.utils.predicates import is_non_string_sequence from litestar.utils.scope.state import ScopeState if TYPE_CHECKING: from litestar._kwargs import KwargsModel from litestar._kwargs.parameter_definition import ParameterDefinition from litestar.connection import ASGIConnection, Request from litestar.dto import AbstractDTO from litestar.typing import FieldDefinition __all__ = ( "body_extractor", "cookies_extractor", "create_connection_value_extractor", "create_data_extractor", "create_multipart_extractor", "create_query_default_dict", "create_url_encoded_data_extractor", "headers_extractor", "json_extractor", "msgpack_extractor", "parse_connection_headers", "parse_connection_query_params", "query_extractor", "request_extractor", "scope_extractor", "socket_extractor", "state_extractor", ) class ParamMappings(NamedTuple): alias_and_key_tuples: list[tuple[str, str]] alias_defaults: dict[str, Any] alias_to_param: dict[str, ParameterDefinition] def _create_param_mappings(expected_params: set[ParameterDefinition]) -> ParamMappings: alias_and_key_tuples = [] alias_defaults = {} alias_to_params: dict[str, ParameterDefinition] = {} for param in expected_params: alias = param.field_alias if param.param_type == ParamType.HEADER: alias = alias.lower() alias_and_key_tuples.append((alias, param.field_name)) if not (param.is_required or param.default is Ellipsis): alias_defaults[alias] = param.default alias_to_params[alias] = param return ParamMappings( alias_and_key_tuples=alias_and_key_tuples, alias_defaults=alias_defaults, alias_to_param=alias_to_params, ) def create_connection_value_extractor( kwargs_model: KwargsModel, connection_key: str, expected_params: set[ParameterDefinition], parser: Callable[[ASGIConnection, KwargsModel], Mapping[str, Any]] | None = None, ) -> Callable[[dict[str, Any], ASGIConnection], None]: """Create a kwargs extractor function. Args: kwargs_model: The KwargsModel instance. connection_key: The attribute key to use. expected_params: The set of expected params. parser: An optional parser function. Returns: An extractor function. """ alias_and_key_tuples, alias_defaults, alias_to_params = _create_param_mappings(expected_params) def extractor(values: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> None: data = parser(connection, kwargs_model) if parser else getattr(connection, connection_key, {}) try: connection_mapping: dict[str, Any] = { key: data[alias] if alias in data else alias_defaults[alias] for alias, key in alias_and_key_tuples } values.update(connection_mapping) except KeyError as e: param = alias_to_params[e.args[0]] path = URL.from_components( path=connection.url.path, query=connection.url.query, ) raise ValidationException( f"Missing required {param.param_type.value} parameter {param.field_alias!r} for path {path}" ) from e return extractor @lru_cache(1024) def create_query_default_dict( parsed_query: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...], sequence_query_parameter_names: tuple[str, ...] ) -> defaultdict[str, list[str] | str]: """Transform a list of tuples into a default dict. Ensures non-list values are not wrapped in a list. Args: parsed_query: The parsed query list of tuples. sequence_query_parameter_names: A set of query parameters that should be wrapped in list. Returns: A default dict """ output: defaultdict[str, list[str] | str] = defaultdict(list) for k, v in parsed_query: if k in sequence_query_parameter_names: output[k].append(v) # type: ignore[union-attr] else: output[k] = v return output def parse_connection_query_params(connection: ASGIConnection, kwargs_model: KwargsModel) -> dict[str, Any]: """Parse query params and cache the result in scope. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. kwargs_model: The KwargsModel instance. Returns: A dictionary of parsed values. """ parsed_query = ( connection._parsed_query if connection._parsed_query is not Empty else parse_query_string(connection.scope.get("query_string", b"")) ) ScopeState.from_scope(connection.scope).parsed_query = parsed_query return create_query_default_dict( parsed_query=parsed_query, sequence_query_parameter_names=kwargs_model.sequence_query_parameter_names, ) def parse_connection_headers(connection: ASGIConnection, _: KwargsModel) -> Headers: """Parse header parameters and cache the result in scope. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. _: The KwargsModel instance. Returns: A Headers instance """ return Headers.from_scope(connection.scope) def state_extractor(values: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> None: """Extract the app state from the connection and insert it to the kwargs injected to the handler. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. values: The kwargs that are extracted from the connection and will be injected into the handler. Returns: None """ values["state"] = def headers_extractor(values: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> None: """Extract the headers from the connection and insert them to the kwargs injected to the handler. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. values: The kwargs that are extracted from the connection and will be injected into the handler. Returns: None """ # TODO: This should be removed in 3.0 and instead Headers should be injected # directly. We are only keeping this one around to not break things values["headers"] = dict(connection.headers.items()) def cookies_extractor(values: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> None: """Extract the cookies from the connection and insert them to the kwargs injected to the handler. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. values: The kwargs that are extracted from the connection and will be injected into the handler. Returns: None """ values["cookies"] = connection.cookies def query_extractor(values: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> None: """Extract the query params from the connection and insert them to the kwargs injected to the handler. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. values: The kwargs that are extracted from the connection and will be injected into the handler. Returns: None """ values["query"] = connection.query_params def scope_extractor(values: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> None: """Extract the scope from the connection and insert it into the kwargs injected to the handler. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. values: The kwargs that are extracted from the connection and will be injected into the handler. Returns: None """ values["scope"] = connection.scope def request_extractor(values: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> None: """Set the connection instance as the 'request' value in the kwargs injected to the handler. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. values: The kwargs that are extracted from the connection and will be injected into the handler. Returns: None """ values["request"] = connection def socket_extractor(values: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection) -> None: """Set the connection instance as the 'socket' value in the kwargs injected to the handler. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. values: The kwargs that are extracted from the connection and will be injected into the handler. Returns: None """ values["socket"] = connection def body_extractor( values: dict[str, Any], connection: Request[Any, Any, Any], ) -> None: """Extract the body from the request instance. Notes: - this extractor sets a Coroutine as the value in the kwargs. These are resolved at a later stage. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. values: The kwargs that are extracted from the connection and will be injected into the handler. Returns: The Body value. """ values["body"] = connection.body() async def json_extractor(connection: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> Any: """Extract the data from request and insert it into the kwargs injected to the handler. Notes: - this extractor sets a Coroutine as the value in the kwargs. These are resolved at a later stage. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. Returns: The JSON value. """ if not await connection.body(): return Empty return await connection.json() async def msgpack_extractor(connection: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> Any: """Extract the data from request and insert it into the kwargs injected to the handler. Notes: - this extractor sets a Coroutine as the value in the kwargs. These are resolved at a later stage. Args: connection: The ASGI connection instance. Returns: The MessagePack value. """ if not await connection.body(): return Empty return await connection.msgpack() async def _extract_multipart( connection: Request[Any, Any, Any], body_kwarg_multipart_form_part_limit: int | None, field_definition: FieldDefinition, is_data_optional: bool, data_dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None, ) -> Any: multipart_form_part_limit = ( body_kwarg_multipart_form_part_limit if body_kwarg_multipart_form_part_limit is not None else ) connection.scope["_form"] = form_values = ( # type: ignore[typeddict-unknown-key] connection.scope["_form"] # type: ignore[typeddict-item] if "_form" in connection.scope else parse_multipart_form( body=await connection.body(), boundary=connection.content_type[-1].get("boundary", "").encode(), multipart_form_part_limit=multipart_form_part_limit, type_decoders=connection.route_handler.resolve_type_decoders(), ) ) if field_definition.is_non_string_sequence: values = list(form_values.values()) if field_definition.has_inner_subclass_of(UploadFile) and isinstance(values[0], list): return values[0] return values if field_definition.is_simple_type and field_definition.annotation is UploadFile and form_values: return next(v for v in form_values.values() if isinstance(v, UploadFile)) if not form_values and is_data_optional: return None if data_dto: return data_dto(connection).decode_builtins(form_values) for name, tp in field_definition.get_type_hints().items(): value = form_values.get(name) if value is not None and is_non_string_sequence(tp) and not isinstance(value, list): form_values[name] = [value] return form_values def create_multipart_extractor( field_definition: FieldDefinition, is_data_optional: bool, data_dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None ) -> Callable[[ASGIConnection[Any, Any, Any, Any]], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]: """Create a multipart form-data extractor. Args: field_definition: A FieldDefinition instance. is_data_optional: Boolean dictating whether the field is optional. data_dto: A data DTO type, if configured for handler. Returns: An extractor function. """ body_kwarg_multipart_form_part_limit: int | None = None if field_definition.kwarg_definition and isinstance(field_definition.kwarg_definition, BodyKwarg): body_kwarg_multipart_form_part_limit = field_definition.kwarg_definition.multipart_form_part_limit extract_multipart = partial( _extract_multipart, body_kwarg_multipart_form_part_limit=body_kwarg_multipart_form_part_limit, is_data_optional=is_data_optional, data_dto=data_dto, field_definition=field_definition, ) return cast("Callable[[ASGIConnection[Any, Any, Any, Any]], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]", extract_multipart) def create_url_encoded_data_extractor( is_data_optional: bool, data_dto: type[AbstractDTO] | None ) -> Callable[[ASGIConnection[Any, Any, Any, Any]], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]: """Create extractor for url encoded form-data. Args: is_data_optional: Boolean dictating whether the field is optional. data_dto: A data DTO type, if configured for handler. Returns: An extractor function. """ async def extract_url_encoded_extractor( connection: Request[Any, Any, Any], ) -> Any: connection.scope["_form"] = form_values = ( # type: ignore[typeddict-unknown-key] connection.scope["_form"] # type: ignore[typeddict-item] if "_form" in connection.scope else parse_url_encoded_form_data(await connection.body()) ) if not form_values and is_data_optional: return None return data_dto(connection).decode_builtins(form_values) if data_dto else form_values return cast( "Callable[[ASGIConnection[Any, Any, Any, Any]], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]", extract_url_encoded_extractor ) def create_data_extractor(kwargs_model: KwargsModel) -> Callable[[dict[str, Any], ASGIConnection], None]: """Create an extractor for a request's body. Args: kwargs_model: The KwargsModel instance. Returns: An extractor for the request's body. """ if kwargs_model.expected_form_data: media_type, field_definition = kwargs_model.expected_form_data if media_type == RequestEncodingType.MULTI_PART: data_extractor = create_multipart_extractor( field_definition=field_definition, is_data_optional=kwargs_model.is_data_optional, data_dto=kwargs_model.expected_data_dto, ) else: data_extractor = create_url_encoded_data_extractor( is_data_optional=kwargs_model.is_data_optional, data_dto=kwargs_model.expected_data_dto, ) elif kwargs_model.expected_msgpack_data: data_extractor = cast( "Callable[[ASGIConnection[Any, Any, Any, Any]], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]", msgpack_extractor ) elif kwargs_model.expected_data_dto: data_extractor = create_dto_extractor(data_dto=kwargs_model.expected_data_dto) else: data_extractor = cast( "Callable[[ASGIConnection[Any, Any, Any, Any]], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]", json_extractor ) def extractor( values: dict[str, Any], connection: ASGIConnection[Any, Any, Any, Any], ) -> None: values["data"] = data_extractor(connection) return extractor def create_dto_extractor( data_dto: type[AbstractDTO], ) -> Callable[[ASGIConnection[Any, Any, Any, Any]], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]: """Create a DTO data extractor. Returns: An extractor function. """ async def dto_extractor(connection: Request[Any, Any, Any]) -> Any: if not (body := await connection.body()): return Empty return data_dto(connection).decode_bytes(body) return dto_extractor # type:ignore[return-value]