#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MODIFY. Script: test/generate-tests.js Template: test/data/javascript/python.mustache Data: test/data/javascript/tests.js The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Einar Lielmanis, Liam Newman, and contributors. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' import re import unittest import jsbeautifier import six import copy class TestJSBeautifier(unittest.TestCase): options = None @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): pass cls.wrapregex = re.compile('^(.+)$', re.MULTILINE) def reset_options(self): true = True false = False default_options = jsbeautifier.default_options() default_options.indent_size = 4 default_options.indent_char = ' ' default_options.preserve_newlines = true default_options.jslint_happy = false default_options.indent_level = 0 default_options.break_chained_methods = false default_options.eol = '\n' default_options.indent_size = 4 default_options.indent_char = ' ' default_options.preserve_newlines = true default_options.jslint_happy = false self.options = copy.copy(default_options) def test_unescape(self): # Test cases contributed by test_fragment = self.decodesto self.reset_options() bt = self.bt def unicode_char(value): return six.unichr(value) bt('"\\\\s"') # == "\\s" in the js source bt("'\\\\s'") # == '\\s' in the js source bt("'\\\\\\s'") # == '\\\s' in the js source bt("'\\s'") # == '\s' in the js source bt('"•"') bt('"—"') bt('"\\x41\\x42\\x43\\x01"', '"\\x41\\x42\\x43\\x01"') bt('"\\u2022"', '"\\u2022"') bt('"\\u{2022}"', '"\\u{2022}"') bt('a = /\s+/') #bt('a = /\\x41/','a = /A/') bt('"\\u2022";a = /\s+/;"\\x41\\x42\\x43\\x01".match(/\\x41/);','"\\u2022";\na = /\s+/;\n"\\x41\\x42\\x43\\x01".match(/\\x41/);') test_fragment('"\\x41\\x42\\x01\\x43"') test_fragment('"\\x41\\x42\\u0001\\x43"') test_fragment('"\\x41\\x42\\u{0001}\\x43"') test_fragment('"\\x20\\x40\\x4a"') test_fragment('"\\xff\\x40\\x4a"') test_fragment('"\\u0072\\u016B\\u0137\\u012B\\u0074\\u0069\\u0073"') test_fragment('"\\u{0072}\\u{016B}\\u{110000}\\u{137}\\u012B\\x74\\u{0000069}\\u{073}"') test_fragment('"Google Chrome est\\u00E1 actualizado."') test_fragment( '"\\x22\\x27",\'\\x22\\x27\',"\\x5c",\'\\x5c\',"\\xff and \\xzz","unicode \\u0000 \\u0022 \\u0027 \\u005c \\uffff \\uzzzz"', '"\\x22\\x27", \'\\x22\\x27\', "\\x5c", \'\\x5c\', "\\xff and \\xzz", "unicode \\u0000 \\u0022 \\u0027 \\u005c \\uffff \\uzzzz"') self.options.unescape_strings = True bt('"\\x41\\x42\\x01\\x43"', '"AB\\x01C"') bt('"\\x41\\x42\\u0001\\x43"', '"AB\\u0001C"') bt('"\\x41\\x42\\u{0001}\\x43"', '"AB\\u{0001}C"') test_fragment('"\\x20\\x40\\x4a"', '" @J"') test_fragment('"\\xff\\x40\\x4a"') test_fragment('"\\u0072\\u016B\\u0137\\u012B\\u0074\\u0069\\u0073"', six.u('"\u0072\u016B\u0137\u012B\u0074\u0069\u0073"')) test_fragment('"\\u{0072}\\u{016B}\\u{110000}\\u{137}\\u012B\\x74\\u{0000069}\\u{073}"', six.u('"\u0072\u016B\\u{110000}\u0137\u012B\u0074\u0069\u0073"')) bt('a = /\s+/') test_fragment('"\\x22\\x27",\'\\x22\\x27\',"\\x5c",\'\\x5c\',"\\xff","unicode \\u0000 \\u0022 \\u0027 \\u005c \\uffff"', '"\\"\\\'", \'\\"\\\'\', "\\\\", \'\\\\\', "\\xff", "unicode \\u0000 \\" \\\' \\\\ ' + unicode_char(0xffff) + '"') # For error case, return the string unchanged test_fragment('"\\x22\\x27",\'\\x22\\x27\',"\\x5c",\'\\x5c\',"\\xff and \\xzz","unicode \\u0000 \\u0022 \\u0027 \\u005c \\uffff \\uzzzz"', '"\\"\\\'", \'\\"\\\'\', "\\\\", \'\\\\\', "\\xff and \\xzz", "unicode \\u0000 \\u0022 \\u0027 \\u005c \\uffff \\uzzzz"') self.options.unescape_strings = False def test_beautifier(self): test_fragment = self.decodesto bt = self.bt true = True false = False def unicode_char(value): return six.unichr(value) ##============================================================ # Line wrap test inputs #....---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7 #....1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 wrap_input_1=( 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n.but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n.okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' + '}'); #....---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7 #....1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 wrap_input_2=( '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n.but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n.okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' + ' }' + '}'); #============================================================ # Unicode Support self.reset_options() bt('var ' + unicode_char(3232) + '_' + unicode_char(3232) + ' = "hi";') bt( 'var ' + unicode_char(228) + 'x = {\n' + ' ' + unicode_char(228) + 'rgerlich: true\n' + '};') bt( 'var \\u00E4\\u0ca0\\u0cA0\\u0Ca0 = {\n' + ' \\u0ca0rgerlich: true\n' + '};') bt( 'var \\u00E4add\\u0025 = {\n' + ' \\u0044rgerlich\\u0ca0: true\n' + '};') bt( 'var' + unicode_char(160) + unicode_char(3232) + '_' + unicode_char(3232) + ' = "hi";', # -- output -- 'var ' + unicode_char(3232) + '_' + unicode_char(3232) + ' = "hi";') # Issue #2159: Invalid prettification of object with unicode escape character as object key - test scenario: object with unicode as key bt( '{\\u{1d4b6}:"ascr"}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' \\u{1d4b6}: "ascr"\n' + '}') bt( 'var \\u{E4}\\u{ca0}\\u{0cA0}\\u{000000Ca0} = {\n' + ' \\u{ca0}rgerlich: true\n' + '};') #============================================================ # Test template and continuation strings self.reset_options() bt('`This is a ${template} string.`') bt( '`This\n' + ' is\n' + ' a\n' + ' ${template}\n' + ' string.`') bt( 'a = `This is a continuation\\\n' + 'string.`') bt( 'a = "This is a continuation\\\n' + 'string."') bt( '`SELECT\n' + ' nextval(\'${this.options.schema ? `${this.options.schema}.` : \'\'}"${this.tableName}_${this.autoIncrementField}_seq"\'::regclass\n' + ' ) nextval;`') # Tests for #1030 bt( 'const composeUrl = (host) => {\n' + ' return `${host `test`}`;\n' + '};') bt( 'const composeUrl = (host, api, key, data) => {\n' + ' switch (api) {\n' + ' case "Init":\n' + ' return `${host}/vwapi/Init?VWID=${key}&DATA=${encodeURIComponent(\n' + ' Object.keys(data).map((k) => `${k}=${ data[k]}` ).join(";")\n' + ' )}`;\n' + ' case "Pay":\n' + ' return `${host}/vwapi/Pay?SessionId=${par}`;\n' + ' };\n' + '};') #============================================================ # Private Class Fields self.reset_options() bt('#foo') bt( 'class X {\n' + ' #foo = null;\n' + ' get foo() {\n' + ' return this.#foo;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( 'class X {#foo=null;}', # -- output -- 'class X {\n' + ' #foo = null;\n' + '}') #============================================================ # ES7 Decorators self.reset_options() bt('@foo') bt('@foo(bar)') bt( '@foo(function(k, v) {\n' + ' implementation();\n' + '})') #============================================================ # ES7 exponential self.reset_options() bt('x ** 2') bt('x ** -2') #============================================================ # Spread operator self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = "collapse,preserve-inline" bt('const m = { ...item, c: 3 };') bt( 'const m = {\n' + ' ...item,\n' + ' c: 3\n' + '};') bt('const m = { c: 3, ...item };') bt('const m = [...item, 3];') bt('const m = [3, ...item];') #============================================================ # Object literal shorthand functions self.reset_options() bt( 'return {\n' + ' foo() {\n' + ' return 42;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( 'var foo = {\n' + ' * bar() {\n' + ' yield 42;\n' + ' }\n' + '};') bt( 'var foo = {bar(){return 42;},*barGen(){yield 42;}};', # -- output -- 'var foo = {\n' + ' bar() {\n' + ' return 42;\n' + ' },\n' + ' * barGen() {\n' + ' yield 42;\n' + ' }\n' + '};') # also handle generator shorthand in class - #1013 bt( 'class A {\n' + ' fn() {\n' + ' return true;\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' * gen() {\n' + ' return true;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( 'class A {\n' + ' * gen() {\n' + ' return true;\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' fn() {\n' + ' return true;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # End With Newline - (end_with_newline = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.end_with_newline = true test_fragment('', '\n') test_fragment(' return .5', ' return .5\n') test_fragment( ' \n' + '\n' + 'return .5\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n', # -- output -- ' return .5\n') test_fragment('\n') # End With Newline - (end_with_newline = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.end_with_newline = false test_fragment('') test_fragment(' return .5') test_fragment( ' \n' + '\n' + 'return .5\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n', # -- output -- ' return .5') test_fragment('\n', '') #============================================================ # Support Indent Level Options and Base Indent Autodetection - () self.reset_options() test_fragment(' a') test_fragment( ' function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- ' function test() {\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + ' }') test_fragment( ' // This is a random comment\n' + 'function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- ' // This is a random comment\n' + ' function test() {\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + ' }') # Support Indent Level Options and Base Indent Autodetection - (indent_level = "0") self.reset_options() self.options.indent_level = 0 test_fragment(' a') test_fragment( ' function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- ' function test() {\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + ' }') test_fragment( ' // This is a random comment\n' + 'function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- ' // This is a random comment\n' + ' function test() {\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + ' }') # Support Indent Level Options and Base Indent Autodetection - (indent_level = "1") self.reset_options() self.options.indent_level = 1 test_fragment(' a', ' a') test_fragment( ' function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- ' function test() {\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + ' }') test_fragment( ' // This is a random comment\n' + 'function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- ' // This is a random comment\n' + ' function test() {\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + ' }') # Support Indent Level Options and Base Indent Autodetection - (indent_level = "2") self.reset_options() self.options.indent_level = 2 test_fragment('a', ' a') test_fragment( 'function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- ' function test() {\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + ' }') test_fragment( '// This is a random comment\n' + 'function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- ' // This is a random comment\n' + ' function test() {\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + ' }') # Support Indent Level Options and Base Indent Autodetection - (indent_with_tabs = "true", indent_level = "2") self.reset_options() self.options.indent_with_tabs = true self.options.indent_level = 2 test_fragment('a', '\t\ta') test_fragment( 'function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- '\t\tfunction test() {\n' + '\t\t\tconsole.log("this is a test");\n' + '\t\t}') test_fragment( '// This is a random comment\n' + 'function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- '\t\t// This is a random comment\n' + '\t\tfunction test() {\n' + '\t\t\tconsole.log("this is a test");\n' + '\t\t}') # Support Indent Level Options and Base Indent Autodetection - (indent_level = "0") self.reset_options() self.options.indent_level = 0 test_fragment('\t a') test_fragment( '\t function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- '\t function test() {\n' + '\t console.log("this is a test");\n' + '\t }') test_fragment( '\t // This is a random comment\n' + 'function test(){\n' + ' console.log("this is a test");\n' + '}', # -- output -- '\t // This is a random comment\n' + '\t function test() {\n' + '\t console.log("this is a test");\n' + '\t }') #============================================================ # Support simple language specific option inheritance/overriding - (js = "{ "indent_size": 3 }", css = "{ "indent_size": 5 }") self.reset_options() self.options.js = { 'indent_size': 3 } self.options.css = { 'indent_size': 5 } bt( 'if (a == b) {\n' + ' test();\n' + '}') # Support simple language specific option inheritance/overriding - (html = "{ "js": { "indent_size": 3 }, "css": { "indent_size": 5 } }") self.reset_options() self.options.html = { 'js': { 'indent_size': 3 }, 'css': { 'indent_size': 5 } } bt( 'if (a == b) {\n' + ' test();\n' + '}') # Support simple language specific option inheritance/overriding - (indent_size = "9", html = "{ "js": { "indent_size": 3 }, "css": { "indent_size": 5 }, "indent_size": 2}", js = "{ "indent_size": 4 }", css = "{ "indent_size": 3 }") self.reset_options() self.options.indent_size = 9 self.options.html = { 'js': { 'indent_size': 3 }, 'css': { 'indent_size': 5 }, 'indent_size': 2} self.options.js = { 'indent_size': 4 } self.options.css = { 'indent_size': 3 } bt( 'if (a == b) {\n' + ' test();\n' + '}') #============================================================ # Brace style permutations - (brace_style = ""collapse,preserve-inline"") self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = 'collapse,preserve-inline' bt( 'var a ={a: 2};\n' + 'var a ={a: 2};', # -- output -- 'var a = { a: 2 };\n' + 'var a = { a: 2 };') bt( '//case 1\n' + 'if (a == 1){}\n' + '//case 2\n' + 'else if (a == 2){}', # -- output -- '//case 1\n' + 'if (a == 1) {}\n' + '//case 2\n' + 'else if (a == 2) {}') bt('if(1){2}else{3}', 'if (1) { 2 } else { 3 }') bt('try{a();}catch(b){c();}catch(d){}finally{e();}', 'try { a(); } catch (b) { c(); } catch (d) {} finally { e(); }') # Brace style permutations - (brace_style = ""collapse,preserve-inline"") self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = 'collapse,preserve-inline' bt( 'var a =\n' + '{\n' + 'a: 2\n' + '}\n' + ';\n' + 'var a =\n' + '{\n' + 'a: 2\n' + '}\n' + ';', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' a: 2\n' + '};\n' + 'var a = {\n' + ' a: 2\n' + '};') bt( '//case 1\n' + 'if (a == 1)\n' + '{}\n' + '//case 2\n' + 'else if (a == 2)\n' + '{}', # -- output -- '//case 1\n' + 'if (a == 1) {}\n' + '//case 2\n' + 'else if (a == 2) {}') bt( 'if(1)\n' + '{\n' + '2\n' + '}\n' + 'else\n' + '{\n' + '3\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'if (1) {\n' + ' 2\n' + '} else {\n' + ' 3\n' + '}') bt( 'try\n' + '{\n' + 'a();\n' + '}\n' + 'catch(b)\n' + '{\n' + 'c();\n' + '}\n' + 'catch(d)\n' + '{}\n' + 'finally\n' + '{\n' + 'e();\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'try {\n' + ' a();\n' + '} catch (b) {\n' + ' c();\n' + '} catch (d) {} finally {\n' + ' e();\n' + '}') # Brace style permutations - () self.reset_options() bt( 'var a ={a: 2};\n' + 'var a ={a: 2};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' a: 2\n' + '};\n' + 'var a = {\n' + ' a: 2\n' + '};') bt( '//case 1\n' + 'if (a == 1){}\n' + '//case 2\n' + 'else if (a == 2){}', # -- output -- '//case 1\n' + 'if (a == 1) {}\n' + '//case 2\n' + 'else if (a == 2) {}') bt( 'if(1){2}else{3}', # -- output -- 'if (1) {\n' + ' 2\n' + '} else {\n' + ' 3\n' + '}') bt( 'try{a();}catch(b){c();}catch(d){}finally{e();}', # -- output -- 'try {\n' + ' a();\n' + '} catch (b) {\n' + ' c();\n' + '} catch (d) {} finally {\n' + ' e();\n' + '}') # Brace style permutations - (brace_style = ""collapse"") self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = 'collapse' bt( 'var a ={a: 2};\n' + 'var a ={a: 2};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' a: 2\n' + '};\n' + 'var a = {\n' + ' a: 2\n' + '};') bt( '//case 1\n' + 'if (a == 1){}\n' + '//case 2\n' + 'else if (a == 2){}', # -- output -- '//case 1\n' + 'if (a == 1) {}\n' + '//case 2\n' + 'else if (a == 2) {}') bt( 'if(1){2}else{3}', # -- output -- 'if (1) {\n' + ' 2\n' + '} else {\n' + ' 3\n' + '}') bt( 'try{a();}catch(b){c();}catch(d){}finally{e();}', # -- output -- 'try {\n' + ' a();\n' + '} catch (b) {\n' + ' c();\n' + '} catch (d) {} finally {\n' + ' e();\n' + '}') # Brace style permutations - (brace_style = ""collapse"") self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = 'collapse' bt( 'var a =\n' + '{\n' + 'a: 2\n' + '}\n' + ';\n' + 'var a =\n' + '{\n' + 'a: 2\n' + '}\n' + ';', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' a: 2\n' + '};\n' + 'var a = {\n' + ' a: 2\n' + '};') bt( '//case 1\n' + 'if (a == 1)\n' + '{}\n' + '//case 2\n' + 'else if (a == 2)\n' + '{}', # -- output -- '//case 1\n' + 'if (a == 1) {}\n' + '//case 2\n' + 'else if (a == 2) {}') bt( 'if(1)\n' + '{\n' + '2\n' + '}\n' + 'else\n' + '{\n' + '3\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'if (1) {\n' + ' 2\n' + '} else {\n' + ' 3\n' + '}') bt( 'try\n' + '{\n' + 'a();\n' + '}\n' + 'catch(b)\n' + '{\n' + 'c();\n' + '}\n' + 'catch(d)\n' + '{}\n' + 'finally\n' + '{\n' + 'e();\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'try {\n' + ' a();\n' + '} catch (b) {\n' + ' c();\n' + '} catch (d) {} finally {\n' + ' e();\n' + '}') #============================================================ # Comma-first option - (comma_first = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.comma_first = false bt( '{a:1, b:2}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a: 1,\n' + ' b: 2\n' + '}') bt( 'var a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', # -- output -- 'var a = 1,\n' + ' b = c[d],\n' + ' e = 6;') bt( 'for(var a=1,b=2,c=3;d<3;d++)\n' + 'e', # -- output -- 'for (var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; d < 3; d++)\n' + ' e') bt( 'for(var a=1,b=2,\n' + 'c=3;d<3;d++)\n' + 'e', # -- output -- 'for (var a = 1, b = 2,\n' + ' c = 3; d < 3; d++)\n' + ' e') bt( 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' "one",\n' + ' "two"\n' + ' ];\n' + '}') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2],\n' + ' [4, 5],\n' + ' [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],[7,8],]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2],\n' + ' [4, 5],\n' + ' [7, 8],\n' + ']') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2],\n' + ' [4, 5],\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},function(){},[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2],\n' + ' [4, 5],\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2],\n' + ' [4, 5],\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt('a=[b,c,function(){},function(){},d]', 'a = [b, c, function() {}, function() {}, d]') bt( 'a=[b,c,\n' + 'function(){},function(){},d]', # -- output -- 'a = [b, c,\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' d\n' + ']') bt('a=[a[1],b[4],c[d[7]]]', 'a = [a[1], b[4], c[d[7]]]') bt('[1,2,[3,4,[5,6],7],8]', '[1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6], 7], 8]') bt( '[[["1","2"],["3","4"]],[["5","6","7"],["8","9","0"]],[["1","2","3"],["4","5","6","7"],["8","9","0"]]]', # -- output -- '[\n' + ' [\n' + ' ["1", "2"],\n' + ' ["3", "4"]\n' + ' ],\n' + ' [\n' + ' ["5", "6", "7"],\n' + ' ["8", "9", "0"]\n' + ' ],\n' + ' [\n' + ' ["1", "2", "3"],\n' + ' ["4", "5", "6", "7"],\n' + ' ["8", "9", "0"]\n' + ' ]\n' + ']') bt( 'changeCollection.add({\n' + ' name: "Jonathan" // New line inserted after this line on every save\n' + ' , age: 25\n' + '});', # -- output -- 'changeCollection.add({\n' + ' name: "Jonathan" // New line inserted after this line on every save\n' + ' ,\n' + ' age: 25\n' + '});') bt( 'changeCollection.add(\n' + ' function() {\n' + ' return true;\n' + ' },\n' + ' function() {\n' + ' return true;\n' + ' }\n' + ');') # Comma-first option - (comma_first = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.comma_first = true bt( '{a:1, b:2}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a: 1\n' + ' , b: 2\n' + '}') bt( 'var a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', # -- output -- 'var a = 1\n' + ' , b = c[d]\n' + ' , e = 6;') bt( 'for(var a=1,b=2,c=3;d<3;d++)\n' + 'e', # -- output -- 'for (var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; d < 3; d++)\n' + ' e') bt( 'for(var a=1,b=2,\n' + 'c=3;d<3;d++)\n' + 'e', # -- output -- 'for (var a = 1, b = 2\n' + ' , c = 3; d < 3; d++)\n' + ' e') bt( 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' "one"\n' + ' , "two"\n' + ' ];\n' + '}') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2]\n' + ' , [4, 5]\n' + ' , [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],[7,8],]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2]\n' + ' , [4, 5]\n' + ' , [7, 8]\n' + ', ]') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2]\n' + ' , [4, 5]\n' + ' , function() {}\n' + ' , [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},function(){},[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2]\n' + ' , [4, 5]\n' + ' , function() {}\n' + ' , function() {}\n' + ' , [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2]\n' + ' , [4, 5]\n' + ' , function() {}\n' + ' , [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt('a=[b,c,function(){},function(){},d]', 'a = [b, c, function() {}, function() {}, d]') bt( 'a=[b,c,\n' + 'function(){},function(){},d]', # -- output -- 'a = [b, c\n' + ' , function() {}\n' + ' , function() {}\n' + ' , d\n' + ']') bt('a=[a[1],b[4],c[d[7]]]', 'a = [a[1], b[4], c[d[7]]]') bt('[1,2,[3,4,[5,6],7],8]', '[1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6], 7], 8]') bt( '[[["1","2"],["3","4"]],[["5","6","7"],["8","9","0"]],[["1","2","3"],["4","5","6","7"],["8","9","0"]]]', # -- output -- '[\n' + ' [\n' + ' ["1", "2"]\n' + ' , ["3", "4"]\n' + ' ]\n' + ' , [\n' + ' ["5", "6", "7"]\n' + ' , ["8", "9", "0"]\n' + ' ]\n' + ' , [\n' + ' ["1", "2", "3"]\n' + ' , ["4", "5", "6", "7"]\n' + ' , ["8", "9", "0"]\n' + ' ]\n' + ']') bt( 'changeCollection.add({\n' + ' name: "Jonathan" // New line inserted after this line on every save\n' + ' , age: 25\n' + '});') bt( 'changeCollection.add(\n' + ' function() {\n' + ' return true;\n' + ' },\n' + ' function() {\n' + ' return true;\n' + ' }\n' + ');', # -- output -- 'changeCollection.add(\n' + ' function() {\n' + ' return true;\n' + ' }\n' + ' , function() {\n' + ' return true;\n' + ' }\n' + ');') #============================================================ # Unindent chained functions - (unindent_chained_methods = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.unindent_chained_methods = true bt( 'f().f().f()\n' + ' .f().f();', # -- output -- 'f().f().f()\n' + '.f().f();') bt( 'f()\n' + ' .f()\n' + ' .f();', # -- output -- 'f()\n' + '.f()\n' + '.f();') bt( 'f(function() {\n' + ' f()\n' + ' .f()\n' + ' .f();\n' + '});', # -- output -- 'f(function() {\n' + ' f()\n' + ' .f()\n' + ' .f();\n' + '});') # regression test for fix #1378 bt( 'f(function() {\n' + ' if(g === 1)\n' + ' g = 0;\n' + ' else\n' + ' g = 1;\n' + '\n' + ' f()\n' + ' .f()\n' + ' .f();\n' + '});', # -- output -- 'f(function() {\n' + ' if (g === 1)\n' + ' g = 0;\n' + ' else\n' + ' g = 1;\n' + '\n' + ' f()\n' + ' .f()\n' + ' .f();\n' + '});') # regression test for fix #1533 bt( 'angular.module("test").controller("testCtrl", function($scope) {\n' + ' $scope.tnew;\n' + ' $scope.toggle_tnew = function() {\n' + ' $scope.mode = 0;\n' + ' if (!$scope.tnew) {\n' + ' $scope.tnew = {};\n' + ' } else $scope.tnew = null;\n' + ' }\n' + ' $scope.fn = function() {\n' + ' return null;\n' + ' }\n' + '});') #============================================================ # Space in parens tests - (space_in_paren = "false", space_in_empty_paren = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.space_in_paren = false self.options.space_in_empty_paren = false bt('if(p) foo(a,b);', 'if (p) foo(a, b);') bt( 'try{while(true){willThrow()}}catch(result)switch(result){case 1:++result }', # -- output -- 'try {\n' + ' while (true) {\n' + ' willThrow()\n' + ' }\n' + '} catch (result) switch (result) {\n' + ' case 1:\n' + ' ++result\n' + '}') bt('((e/((a+(b)*c)-d))^2)*5;', '((e / ((a + (b) * c) - d)) ^ 2) * 5;') bt( 'function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}', # -- output -- 'function f(a, b) {\n' + ' if (a) b()\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'function g(a, b) {\n' + ' if (!a) b()\n' + '}') bt('a=[][ ]( );', 'a = [][]();') bt('a=()( )[ ];', 'a = ()()[];') bt('a=[b,c,d];', 'a = [b, c, d];') bt('a= f[b];', 'a = f[b];') # Issue #1151 - inside class methods bt( 'export default class Test extends Component {\n' + ' render() {\n' + ' someOther();\n' + ' return null;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( '{\n' + ' files: a[][ {\n' + ' expand: true,\n' + ' cwd: "www/gui/",\n' + ' src: b(c)[ "im/design_standards/*.*" ],\n' + ' dest: "www/gui/build"\n' + ' } ]\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' files: a[][{\n' + ' expand: true,\n' + ' cwd: "www/gui/",\n' + ' src: b(c)["im/design_standards/*.*"],\n' + ' dest: "www/gui/build"\n' + ' }]\n' + '}') # Space in parens tests - (space_in_paren = "false", space_in_empty_paren = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.space_in_paren = false self.options.space_in_empty_paren = true bt('if(p) foo(a,b);', 'if (p) foo(a, b);') bt( 'try{while(true){willThrow()}}catch(result)switch(result){case 1:++result }', # -- output -- 'try {\n' + ' while (true) {\n' + ' willThrow()\n' + ' }\n' + '} catch (result) switch (result) {\n' + ' case 1:\n' + ' ++result\n' + '}') bt('((e/((a+(b)*c)-d))^2)*5;', '((e / ((a + (b) * c) - d)) ^ 2) * 5;') bt( 'function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}', # -- output -- 'function f(a, b) {\n' + ' if (a) b()\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'function g(a, b) {\n' + ' if (!a) b()\n' + '}') bt('a=[][ ]( );', 'a = [][]();') bt('a=()( )[ ];', 'a = ()()[];') bt('a=[b,c,d];', 'a = [b, c, d];') bt('a= f[b];', 'a = f[b];') # Issue #1151 - inside class methods bt( 'export default class Test extends Component {\n' + ' render() {\n' + ' someOther();\n' + ' return null;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( '{\n' + ' files: a[][ {\n' + ' expand: true,\n' + ' cwd: "www/gui/",\n' + ' src: b(c)[ "im/design_standards/*.*" ],\n' + ' dest: "www/gui/build"\n' + ' } ]\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' files: a[][{\n' + ' expand: true,\n' + ' cwd: "www/gui/",\n' + ' src: b(c)["im/design_standards/*.*"],\n' + ' dest: "www/gui/build"\n' + ' }]\n' + '}') # Space in parens tests - (space_in_paren = "true", space_in_empty_paren = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.space_in_paren = true self.options.space_in_empty_paren = false bt('if(p) foo(a,b);', 'if ( p ) foo( a, b );') bt( 'try{while(true){willThrow()}}catch(result)switch(result){case 1:++result }', # -- output -- 'try {\n' + ' while ( true ) {\n' + ' willThrow()\n' + ' }\n' + '} catch ( result ) switch ( result ) {\n' + ' case 1:\n' + ' ++result\n' + '}') bt('((e/((a+(b)*c)-d))^2)*5;', '( ( e / ( ( a + ( b ) * c ) - d ) ) ^ 2 ) * 5;') bt( 'function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}', # -- output -- 'function f( a, b ) {\n' + ' if ( a ) b()\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'function g( a, b ) {\n' + ' if ( !a ) b()\n' + '}') bt('a=[][ ]( );', 'a = [][]();') bt('a=()( )[ ];', 'a = ()()[];') bt('a=[b,c,d];', 'a = [ b, c, d ];') bt('a= f[b];', 'a = f[ b ];') # Issue #1151 - inside class methods bt( 'export default class Test extends Component {\n' + ' render() {\n' + ' someOther();\n' + ' return null;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( '{\n' + ' files: a[][ {\n' + ' expand: true,\n' + ' cwd: "www/gui/",\n' + ' src: b(c)[ "im/design_standards/*.*" ],\n' + ' dest: "www/gui/build"\n' + ' } ]\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' files: a[][ {\n' + ' expand: true,\n' + ' cwd: "www/gui/",\n' + ' src: b( c )[ "im/design_standards/*.*" ],\n' + ' dest: "www/gui/build"\n' + ' } ]\n' + '}') # Space in parens tests - (space_in_paren = "true", space_in_empty_paren = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.space_in_paren = true self.options.space_in_empty_paren = true bt('if(p) foo(a,b);', 'if ( p ) foo( a, b );') bt( 'try{while(true){willThrow()}}catch(result)switch(result){case 1:++result }', # -- output -- 'try {\n' + ' while ( true ) {\n' + ' willThrow( )\n' + ' }\n' + '} catch ( result ) switch ( result ) {\n' + ' case 1:\n' + ' ++result\n' + '}') bt('((e/((a+(b)*c)-d))^2)*5;', '( ( e / ( ( a + ( b ) * c ) - d ) ) ^ 2 ) * 5;') bt( 'function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}', # -- output -- 'function f( a, b ) {\n' + ' if ( a ) b( )\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'function g( a, b ) {\n' + ' if ( !a ) b( )\n' + '}') bt('a=[][ ]( );', 'a = [ ][ ]( );') bt('a=()( )[ ];', 'a = ( )( )[ ];') bt('a=[b,c,d];', 'a = [ b, c, d ];') bt('a= f[b];', 'a = f[ b ];') # Issue #1151 - inside class methods bt( 'export default class Test extends Component {\n' + ' render() {\n' + ' someOther();\n' + ' return null;\n' + ' }\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'export default class Test extends Component {\n' + ' render( ) {\n' + ' someOther( );\n' + ' return null;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( '{\n' + ' files: a[][ {\n' + ' expand: true,\n' + ' cwd: "www/gui/",\n' + ' src: b(c)[ "im/design_standards/*.*" ],\n' + ' dest: "www/gui/build"\n' + ' } ]\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' files: a[ ][ {\n' + ' expand: true,\n' + ' cwd: "www/gui/",\n' + ' src: b( c )[ "im/design_standards/*.*" ],\n' + ' dest: "www/gui/build"\n' + ' } ]\n' + '}') #============================================================ # general preserve_newlines tests - (preserve_newlines = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = false bt( 'if (foo) // comment\n' + ' bar();') bt( 'if (foo) // comment\n' + ' bar();') bt( 'if (foo) // comment\n' + ' (bar());') bt( 'if (foo) // comment\n' + ' (bar());') bt( 'if (foo) // comment\n' + ' /asdf/;') bt( 'this.oa = new OAuth(\n' + ' _requestToken,\n' + ' _accessToken,\n' + ' consumer_key\n' + ');', # -- output -- 'this.oa = new OAuth(_requestToken, _accessToken, consumer_key);') bt( 'foo = {\n' + ' x: y, // #44\n' + ' w: z // #44\n' + '}') bt( 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case "a":\n' + ' // comment on newline\n' + ' break;\n' + ' case "b": // comment on same line\n' + ' break;\n' + '}') bt( 'this.type =\n' + ' this.options =\n' + ' // comment\n' + ' this.enabled null;', # -- output -- 'this.type = this.options =\n' + ' // comment\n' + ' this.enabled null;') bt( 'someObj\n' + ' .someFunc1()\n' + ' // This comment should not break the indent\n' + ' .someFunc2();', # -- output -- 'someObj.someFunc1()\n' + ' // This comment should not break the indent\n' + ' .someFunc2();') bt( 'if (true ||\n' + '!true) return;', # -- output -- 'if (true || !true) return;') bt( 'if\n' + '(foo)\n' + 'if\n' + '(bar)\n' + 'if\n' + '(baz)\n' + 'whee();\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo)\n' + ' if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();') bt( 'if\n' + '(foo)\n' + 'if\n' + '(bar)\n' + 'if\n' + '(baz)\n' + 'whee();\n' + 'else\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo)\n' + ' if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz) whee();\n' + ' else a();') bt( 'if (foo)\n' + 'bar();\n' + 'else\n' + 'car();', # -- output -- 'if (foo) bar();\n' + 'else car();') bt( 'if (foo) if (bar) if (baz);\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo)\n' + ' if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz);\n' + 'a();') bt( 'if (foo) if (bar) if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo)\n' + ' if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();') bt( 'if (foo) a()\n' + 'if (bar) if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo) a()\n' + 'if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();') bt( 'if (foo);\n' + 'if (bar) if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo);\n' + 'if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();') bt( 'if (options)\n' + ' for (var p in options)\n' + ' this[p] = options[p];', # -- output -- 'if (options)\n' + ' for (var p in options) this[p] = options[p];') bt( 'if (options) for (var p in options) this[p] = options[p];', # -- output -- 'if (options)\n' + ' for (var p in options) this[p] = options[p];') bt( 'if (options) do q(); while (b());', # -- output -- 'if (options)\n' + ' do q(); while (b());') bt( 'if (options) while (b()) q();', # -- output -- 'if (options)\n' + ' while (b()) q();') bt( 'if (options) do while (b()) q(); while (a());', # -- output -- 'if (options)\n' + ' do\n' + ' while (b()) q(); while (a());') bt( 'function f(a, b, c,\n' + 'd, e) {}', # -- output -- 'function f(a, b, c, d, e) {}') bt( 'function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}', # -- output -- 'function f(a, b) {\n' + ' if (a) b()\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'function g(a, b) {\n' + ' if (!a) b()\n' + '}') bt( 'function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}', # -- output -- 'function f(a, b) {\n' + ' if (a) b()\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'function g(a, b) {\n' + ' if (!a) b()\n' + '}') bt( '(if(a) b())(if(a) b())', # -- output -- '(\n' + ' if (a) b())(\n' + ' if (a) b())') bt( '(if(a) b())\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '(if(a) b())', # -- output -- '(\n' + ' if (a) b())\n' + '(\n' + ' if (a) b())') bt( 'if\n' + '(a)\n' + 'b();', # -- output -- 'if (a) b();') bt( 'var a =\n' + 'foo', # -- output -- 'var a = foo') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '"a":1,\n' + '"b":2}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' "a": 1,\n' + ' "b": 2\n' + '}') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '\'a\':1,\n' + '\'b\':2}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' \'a\': 1,\n' + ' \'b\': 2\n' + '}') bt('var a = /*i*/ "b";') bt( 'var a = /*i*/\n' + '"b";', # -- output -- 'var a = /*i*/ "b";') bt( '{\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '"x"\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' "x"\n' + '}') bt( 'if(a &&\n' + 'b\n' + '||\n' + 'c\n' + '||d\n' + '&&\n' + 'e) e = f', # -- output -- 'if (a && b || c || d && e) e = f') bt( 'if(a &&\n' + '(b\n' + '||\n' + 'c\n' + '||d)\n' + '&&\n' + 'e) e = f', # -- output -- 'if (a && (b || c || d) && e) e = f') test_fragment( '\n' + '\n' + '"x"', # -- output -- '"x"') test_fragment( '{\n' + '\n' + '"x"\n' + 'h=5;\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' "x"\n' + ' h = 5;\n' + '}') bt( 'var a = "foo" +\n' + ' "bar";', # -- output -- 'var a = "foo" + "bar";') bt( 'var a = 42; // foo\n' + '\n' + 'var b;', # -- output -- 'var a = 42; // foo\n' + 'var b;') bt( 'var a = 42; // foo\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'var b;', # -- output -- 'var a = 42; // foo\n' + 'var b;') bt( 'a = 1;\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'b = 2;', # -- output -- 'a = 1;\n' + 'b = 2;') # general preserve_newlines tests - (preserve_newlines = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = true bt( 'if (foo) // comment\n' + ' bar();') bt( 'if (foo) // comment\n' + ' bar();') bt( 'if (foo) // comment\n' + ' (bar());') bt( 'if (foo) // comment\n' + ' (bar());') bt( 'if (foo) // comment\n' + ' /asdf/;') bt( 'this.oa = new OAuth(\n' + ' _requestToken,\n' + ' _accessToken,\n' + ' consumer_key\n' + ');') bt( 'foo = {\n' + ' x: y, // #44\n' + ' w: z // #44\n' + '}') bt( 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case "a":\n' + ' // comment on newline\n' + ' break;\n' + ' case "b": // comment on same line\n' + ' break;\n' + '}') bt( 'this.type =\n' + ' this.options =\n' + ' // comment\n' + ' this.enabled null;') bt( 'someObj\n' + ' .someFunc1()\n' + ' // This comment should not break the indent\n' + ' .someFunc2();') bt( 'if (true ||\n' + '!true) return;', # -- output -- 'if (true ||\n' + ' !true) return;') bt( 'if\n' + '(foo)\n' + 'if\n' + '(bar)\n' + 'if\n' + '(baz)\n' + 'whee();\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo)\n' + ' if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz)\n' + ' whee();\n' + 'a();') bt( 'if\n' + '(foo)\n' + 'if\n' + '(bar)\n' + 'if\n' + '(baz)\n' + 'whee();\n' + 'else\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo)\n' + ' if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz)\n' + ' whee();\n' + ' else\n' + ' a();') bt( 'if (foo)\n' + 'bar();\n' + 'else\n' + 'car();', # -- output -- 'if (foo)\n' + ' bar();\n' + 'else\n' + ' car();') bt( 'if (foo) if (bar) if (baz);\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo)\n' + ' if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz);\n' + 'a();') bt( 'if (foo) if (bar) if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo)\n' + ' if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();') bt( 'if (foo) a()\n' + 'if (bar) if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo) a()\n' + 'if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();') bt( 'if (foo);\n' + 'if (bar) if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();', # -- output -- 'if (foo);\n' + 'if (bar)\n' + ' if (baz) whee();\n' + 'a();') bt( 'if (options)\n' + ' for (var p in options)\n' + ' this[p] = options[p];') bt( 'if (options) for (var p in options) this[p] = options[p];', # -- output -- 'if (options)\n' + ' for (var p in options) this[p] = options[p];') bt( 'if (options) do q(); while (b());', # -- output -- 'if (options)\n' + ' do q(); while (b());') bt( 'if (options) while (b()) q();', # -- output -- 'if (options)\n' + ' while (b()) q();') bt( 'if (options) do while (b()) q(); while (a());', # -- output -- 'if (options)\n' + ' do\n' + ' while (b()) q(); while (a());') bt( 'function f(a, b, c,\n' + 'd, e) {}', # -- output -- 'function f(a, b, c,\n' + ' d, e) {}') bt( 'function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}', # -- output -- 'function f(a, b) {\n' + ' if (a) b()\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'function g(a, b) {\n' + ' if (!a) b()\n' + '}') bt( 'function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}', # -- output -- 'function f(a, b) {\n' + ' if (a) b()\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'function g(a, b) {\n' + ' if (!a) b()\n' + '}') bt( '(if(a) b())(if(a) b())', # -- output -- '(\n' + ' if (a) b())(\n' + ' if (a) b())') bt( '(if(a) b())\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '(if(a) b())', # -- output -- '(\n' + ' if (a) b())\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '(\n' + ' if (a) b())') bt( 'if\n' + '(a)\n' + 'b();', # -- output -- 'if (a)\n' + ' b();') bt( 'var a =\n' + 'foo', # -- output -- 'var a =\n' + ' foo') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '"a":1,\n' + '"b":2}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' "a": 1,\n' + ' "b": 2\n' + '}') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '\'a\':1,\n' + '\'b\':2}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' \'a\': 1,\n' + ' \'b\': 2\n' + '}') bt('var a = /*i*/ "b";') bt( 'var a = /*i*/\n' + '"b";', # -- output -- 'var a = /*i*/\n' + ' "b";') bt( '{\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '"x"\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' "x"\n' + '}') bt( 'if(a &&\n' + 'b\n' + '||\n' + 'c\n' + '||d\n' + '&&\n' + 'e) e = f', # -- output -- 'if (a &&\n' + ' b ||\n' + ' c ||\n' + ' d &&\n' + ' e) e = f') bt( 'if(a &&\n' + '(b\n' + '||\n' + 'c\n' + '||d)\n' + '&&\n' + 'e) e = f', # -- output -- 'if (a &&\n' + ' (b ||\n' + ' c ||\n' + ' d) &&\n' + ' e) e = f') test_fragment( '\n' + '\n' + '"x"', # -- output -- '"x"') test_fragment( '{\n' + '\n' + '"x"\n' + 'h=5;\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + '\n' + ' "x"\n' + ' h = 5;\n' + '}') bt( 'var a = "foo" +\n' + ' "bar";') bt( 'var a = 42; // foo\n' + '\n' + 'var b;') bt( 'var a = 42; // foo\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'var b;') bt( 'a = 1;\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'b = 2;') #============================================================ # break chained methods - (break_chained_methods = "false", preserve_newlines = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.break_chained_methods = false self.options.preserve_newlines = false bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat); foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat);\n' + 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)\n' + 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)') bt( 'this\n' + '.something = foo.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'this.something = foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)') bt('this.something.xxx = foo.moo.bar()') bt( 'this\n' + '.something\n' + '.xxx = foo.moo\n' + '.bar()', # -- output -- 'this.something.xxx = foo.moo.bar()') # optional chaining operator bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat); foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat);\n' + 'foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)\n' + ' foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)\n' + 'foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'this\n' + '?.something = foo?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'this?.something = foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)') bt('this?.something?.xxx = foo?.moo?.bar()') bt( 'this\n' + '?.something\n' + '?.xxx = foo?.moo\n' + '?.bar()', # -- output -- 'this?.something?.xxx = foo?.moo?.bar()') # break chained methods - (break_chained_methods = "false", preserve_newlines = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.break_chained_methods = false self.options.preserve_newlines = true bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' .bar()\n' + ' .baz().cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat); foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' .bar()\n' + ' .baz().cucumber(fat);\n' + 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' .bar()\n' + ' .baz().cucumber(fat)\n' + 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)') bt( 'this\n' + '.something = foo.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'this\n' + ' .something = foo.bar()\n' + ' .baz().cucumber(fat)') bt('this.something.xxx = foo.moo.bar()') bt( 'this\n' + '.something\n' + '.xxx = foo.moo\n' + '.bar()', # -- output -- 'this\n' + ' .something\n' + ' .xxx = foo.moo\n' + ' .bar()') # optional chaining operator bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' ?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat); foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' ?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()?.cucumber(fat);\n' + 'foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)\n' + ' foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' ?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)\n' + 'foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'this\n' + '?.something = foo?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'this\n' + ' ?.something = foo?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)') bt('this?.something?.xxx = foo?.moo?.bar()') bt( 'this\n' + '?.something\n' + '?.xxx = foo?.moo\n' + '?.bar()', # -- output -- 'this\n' + ' ?.something\n' + ' ?.xxx = foo?.moo\n' + ' ?.bar()') # break chained methods - (break_chained_methods = "true", preserve_newlines = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.break_chained_methods = true self.options.preserve_newlines = false bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo.bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat); foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo.bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat);\n' + 'foo.bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo.bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat)\n' + 'foo.bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat)') bt( 'this\n' + '.something = foo.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'this.something = foo.bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat)') bt('this.something.xxx = foo.moo.bar()') bt( 'this\n' + '.something\n' + '.xxx = foo.moo\n' + '.bar()', # -- output -- 'this.something.xxx = foo.moo.bar()') # optional chaining operator bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat); foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat);\n' + 'foo?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)\n' + ' foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat)\n' + 'foo?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'this\n' + '?.something = foo?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'this?.something = foo?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat)') bt('this?.something?.xxx = foo?.moo?.bar()') bt( 'this\n' + '?.something\n' + '?.xxx = foo?.moo\n' + '?.bar()', # -- output -- 'this?.something?.xxx = foo?.moo?.bar()') # break chained methods - (break_chained_methods = "true", preserve_newlines = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.break_chained_methods = true self.options.preserve_newlines = true bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' .bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat); foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' .bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat);\n' + 'foo.bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' .bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat)\n' + 'foo.bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat)') bt( 'this\n' + '.something = foo.bar()\n' + '.baz().cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'this\n' + ' .something = foo.bar()\n' + ' .baz()\n' + ' .cucumber(fat)') bt('this.something.xxx = foo.moo.bar()') bt( 'this\n' + '.something\n' + '.xxx = foo.moo\n' + '.bar()', # -- output -- 'this\n' + ' .something\n' + ' .xxx = foo.moo\n' + ' .bar()') # optional chaining operator bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' ?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat); foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' ?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat);\n' + 'foo?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'foo\n' + '?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)\n' + ' foo?.bar()?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'foo\n' + ' ?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat)\n' + 'foo?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat)') bt( 'this\n' + '?.something = foo?.bar()\n' + '?.baz()?.cucumber(fat)', # -- output -- 'this\n' + ' ?.something = foo?.bar()\n' + ' ?.baz()\n' + ' ?.cucumber(fat)') bt('this?.something?.xxx = foo?.moo?.bar()') bt( 'this\n' + '?.something\n' + '?.xxx = foo?.moo\n' + '?.bar()', # -- output -- 'this\n' + ' ?.something\n' + ' ?.xxx = foo?.moo\n' + ' ?.bar()') #============================================================ # line wrapping 0 self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = false self.options.wrap_line_length = 0 test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_1 + '', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' + '}') test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_2 + '', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # line wrapping 70 self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = false self.options.wrap_line_length = 70 test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_1 + '', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' + '}') test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_2 + '', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # line wrapping 40 self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = false self.options.wrap_line_length = 40 test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_1 + '', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f &&\n' + ' "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' + ' inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + '}') # Issue #1932 - Javascript object property with -/+ symbol wraps issue bt( '{\n' + ' "1234567891234567891234567891234": -433,\n' + ' "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12345": +11\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' "1234567891234567891234567891234": -433,\n' + ' "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12345": +11\n' + '}') test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_2 + '', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f &&\n' + ' "sass") || (leans &&\n' + ' mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' + ' inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # line wrapping 41 self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = false self.options.wrap_line_length = 41 test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_1 + '', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") ||\n' + ' (leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' + ' inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + '}') test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_2 + '', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f &&\n' + ' "sass") || (leans &&\n' + ' mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' + ' inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # line wrapping 45 self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = false self.options.wrap_line_length = 45 test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_1 + '', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (\n' + ' leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block)\n' + ' that_is_.okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + '}') test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_2 + '', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") ||\n' + ' (leans && mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' + ' inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # line wrapping 0 self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = true self.options.wrap_line_length = 0 test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_1 + '', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' + '}') test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_2 + '', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # line wrapping 70 self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = true self.options.wrap_line_length = 70 test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_1 + '', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' + '}') test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_2 + '', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # line wrapping 40 self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = true self.options.wrap_line_length = 40 test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_1 + '', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f &&\n' + ' "sass") || (leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' + ' inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + '}') test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_2 + '', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f &&\n' + ' "sass") || (leans &&\n' + ' mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' + ' inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # line wrapping 41 self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = true self.options.wrap_line_length = 41 test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_1 + '', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") ||\n' + ' (leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' + ' inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + '}') test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_2 + '', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f &&\n' + ' "sass") || (leans &&\n' + ' mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' + ' inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # line wrapping 45 self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = true self.options.wrap_line_length = 45 test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_1 + '', # -- output -- 'foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") || (\n' + ' leans && mean));\n' + 'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + 'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block)\n' + ' that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + 'object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + '}') test_fragment( '' + wrap_input_2 + '', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo.bar().baz().cucumber((f && "sass") ||\n' + ' (leans && mean));\n' + ' Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' return between_return_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' throw between_throw_and_expression_should_never_wrap\n' + ' .but_this_can\n' + ' if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' + ' inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' + ' .okay();\n' + ' object_literal = {\n' + ' propertx: first_token +\n' + ' 12345678.99999E-6,\n' + ' property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' but_this_can,\n' + ' propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' + ' !but_this_can,\n' + ' proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' + ' "but_this_can"\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # general preserve_newlines tests preserve limit self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = true self.options.max_preserve_newlines = 8 bt( 'a = 1;\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'b = 2;', # -- output -- 'a = 1;\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + 'b = 2;') #============================================================ # more random test self.reset_options() bt('return function();') bt('var a = function();') bt('var a = 5 + function();') # actionscript import bt('import foo.*;') # actionscript bt('function f(a: a, b: b)') bt( 'function a(a) {} function b(b) {} function c(c) {}', # -- output -- 'function a(a) {}\n' + '\n' + 'function b(b) {}\n' + '\n' + 'function c(c) {}') bt('foo(a, function() {})') bt('foo(a, /regex/)') bt( '/* foo */\n' + '"x"') test_fragment( 'roo = {\n' + ' /*\n' + ' ****\n' + ' FOO\n' + ' ****\n' + ' */\n' + ' BAR: 0\n' + '};') test_fragment( 'if (zz) {\n' + ' // ....\n' + '}\n' + '(function') bt( 'a = //comment\n' + ' /regex/;') bt('var a = new function();') bt('new function') bt( 'if (a)\n' + '{\n' + 'b;\n' + '}\n' + 'else\n' + '{\n' + 'c;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'if (a) {\n' + ' b;\n' + '} else {\n' + ' c;\n' + '}') bt('fn`tagged`') bt('fn()`tagged`') bt('fn`${algo} ${`6string`}`') bt('fn`${fn2()} more text ${`${`more text`}`} banana ${fn3`test`} ${fn4()`moretest banana2`}`') bt('`untagged`+`untagged`', '`untagged` + `untagged`') bt('fun() `taggedd`') bt('fn[0]`tagged`', 'fn[0] `tagged`') #============================================================ # operator_position option - ensure no newlines if preserve_newlines is false - (preserve_newlines = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.preserve_newlines = false bt( 'var res = a + b - c / d * e % f;\n' + 'var res = g & h | i ^ j |> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k && l || m) ? n ?? nn : o;\n' + 'var res = p >> q << r >>> s;\n' + 'var res = t === u !== v != w == x >= y <= z > aa < ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac + -ad') bt( 'var res = a + b\n' + '- c /\n' + 'd * e\n' + '%\n' + 'f;\n' + ' var res = g & h\n' + '| i ^\n' + 'j\n' + '|> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + 'l\n' + '|| m) ?\n' + 'n\n' + '?? nn\n' + ': o\n' + ';\n' + 'var res = p\n' + '>> q <<\n' + 'r\n' + '>>> s;\n' + 'var res\n' + ' = t\n' + '\n' + ' === u !== v\n' + ' !=\n' + 'w\n' + '== x >=\n' + 'y <= z > aa <\n' + 'ab;\n' + 'res??=a;res||=b;res&&=c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + '-ad', # -- output -- 'var res = a + b - c / d * e % f;\n' + 'var res = g & h | i ^ j |> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k && l || m) ? n ?? nn : o;\n' + 'var res = p >> q << r >>> s;\n' + 'var res = t === u !== v != w == x >= y <= z > aa < ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac + -ad') # operator_position option - ensure no newlines if preserve_newlines is false - (operator_position = ""before-newline"", preserve_newlines = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.operator_position = 'before-newline' self.options.preserve_newlines = false bt( 'var res = a + b - c / d * e % f;\n' + 'var res = g & h | i ^ j |> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k && l || m) ? n ?? nn : o;\n' + 'var res = p >> q << r >>> s;\n' + 'var res = t === u !== v != w == x >= y <= z > aa < ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac + -ad') bt( 'var res = a + b\n' + '- c /\n' + 'd * e\n' + '%\n' + 'f;\n' + ' var res = g & h\n' + '| i ^\n' + 'j\n' + '|> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + 'l\n' + '|| m) ?\n' + 'n\n' + '?? nn\n' + ': o\n' + ';\n' + 'var res = p\n' + '>> q <<\n' + 'r\n' + '>>> s;\n' + 'var res\n' + ' = t\n' + '\n' + ' === u !== v\n' + ' !=\n' + 'w\n' + '== x >=\n' + 'y <= z > aa <\n' + 'ab;\n' + 'res??=a;res||=b;res&&=c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + '-ad', # -- output -- 'var res = a + b - c / d * e % f;\n' + 'var res = g & h | i ^ j |> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k && l || m) ? n ?? nn : o;\n' + 'var res = p >> q << r >>> s;\n' + 'var res = t === u !== v != w == x >= y <= z > aa < ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac + -ad') # operator_position option - ensure no newlines if preserve_newlines is false - (operator_position = ""after-newline"", preserve_newlines = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.operator_position = 'after-newline' self.options.preserve_newlines = false bt( 'var res = a + b - c / d * e % f;\n' + 'var res = g & h | i ^ j |> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k && l || m) ? n ?? nn : o;\n' + 'var res = p >> q << r >>> s;\n' + 'var res = t === u !== v != w == x >= y <= z > aa < ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac + -ad') bt( 'var res = a + b\n' + '- c /\n' + 'd * e\n' + '%\n' + 'f;\n' + ' var res = g & h\n' + '| i ^\n' + 'j\n' + '|> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + 'l\n' + '|| m) ?\n' + 'n\n' + '?? nn\n' + ': o\n' + ';\n' + 'var res = p\n' + '>> q <<\n' + 'r\n' + '>>> s;\n' + 'var res\n' + ' = t\n' + '\n' + ' === u !== v\n' + ' !=\n' + 'w\n' + '== x >=\n' + 'y <= z > aa <\n' + 'ab;\n' + 'res??=a;res||=b;res&&=c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + '-ad', # -- output -- 'var res = a + b - c / d * e % f;\n' + 'var res = g & h | i ^ j |> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k && l || m) ? n ?? nn : o;\n' + 'var res = p >> q << r >>> s;\n' + 'var res = t === u !== v != w == x >= y <= z > aa < ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac + -ad') # operator_position option - ensure no newlines if preserve_newlines is false - (operator_position = ""preserve-newline"", preserve_newlines = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.operator_position = 'preserve-newline' self.options.preserve_newlines = false bt( 'var res = a + b - c / d * e % f;\n' + 'var res = g & h | i ^ j |> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k && l || m) ? n ?? nn : o;\n' + 'var res = p >> q << r >>> s;\n' + 'var res = t === u !== v != w == x >= y <= z > aa < ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac + -ad') bt( 'var res = a + b\n' + '- c /\n' + 'd * e\n' + '%\n' + 'f;\n' + ' var res = g & h\n' + '| i ^\n' + 'j\n' + '|> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + 'l\n' + '|| m) ?\n' + 'n\n' + '?? nn\n' + ': o\n' + ';\n' + 'var res = p\n' + '>> q <<\n' + 'r\n' + '>>> s;\n' + 'var res\n' + ' = t\n' + '\n' + ' === u !== v\n' + ' !=\n' + 'w\n' + '== x >=\n' + 'y <= z > aa <\n' + 'ab;\n' + 'res??=a;res||=b;res&&=c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + '-ad', # -- output -- 'var res = a + b - c / d * e % f;\n' + 'var res = g & h | i ^ j |> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k && l || m) ? n ?? nn : o;\n' + 'var res = p >> q << r >>> s;\n' + 'var res = t === u !== v != w == x >= y <= z > aa < ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac + -ad') #============================================================ # operator_position option - set to "before-newline" (default value) - () self.reset_options() # comprehensive, various newlines bt( 'var res = a + b\n' + '- c /\n' + 'd * e\n' + '%\n' + 'f;\n' + ' var res = g & h\n' + '| i ^\n' + 'j\n' + '|> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + 'l\n' + '|| m) ?\n' + 'n\n' + '?? nn\n' + ': o\n' + ';\n' + 'var res = p\n' + '>> q <<\n' + 'r\n' + '>>> s;\n' + 'var res\n' + ' = t\n' + '\n' + ' === u !== v\n' + ' !=\n' + 'w\n' + '== x >=\n' + 'y <= z > aa <\n' + 'ab;\n' + 'res??=a;res||=b;res&&=c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + '-ad', # -- output -- 'var res = a + b -\n' + ' c /\n' + ' d * e %\n' + ' f;\n' + 'var res = g & h |\n' + ' i ^\n' + ' j |>\n' + ' console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + ' l ||\n' + ' m) ?\n' + ' n ??\n' + ' nn :\n' + ' o;\n' + 'var res = p >>\n' + ' q <<\n' + ' r >>>\n' + ' s;\n' + 'var res = t\n' + '\n' + ' ===\n' + ' u !== v !=\n' + ' w ==\n' + ' x >=\n' + ' y <= z > aa <\n' + ' ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + ' -ad') # colon special case bt( 'var a = {\n' + ' b\n' + ': bval,\n' + ' c:\n' + 'cval\n' + ' ,d: dval\n' + '};\n' + 'var e = f ? g\n' + ': h;\n' + 'var i = j ? k :\n' + 'l;', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' b: bval,\n' + ' c: cval,\n' + ' d: dval\n' + '};\n' + 'var e = f ? g :\n' + ' h;\n' + 'var i = j ? k :\n' + ' l;') # catch-all, includes brackets and other various code bt( 'var d = 1;\n' + 'if (a === b\n' + ' && c) {\n' + ' d = (c * everything\n' + ' / something_else) %\n' + ' b;\n' + ' e\n' + ' += d;\n' + '\n' + '} else if (!(complex && simple) ||\n' + ' (emotion && emotion.name === "happy")) {\n' + ' cryTearsOfJoy(many ||\n' + ' anOcean\n' + ' || aRiver);\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'var d = 1;\n' + 'if (a === b &&\n' + ' c) {\n' + ' d = (c * everything /\n' + ' something_else) %\n' + ' b;\n' + ' e\n' + ' += d;\n' + '\n' + '} else if (!(complex && simple) ||\n' + ' (emotion && emotion.name === "happy")) {\n' + ' cryTearsOfJoy(many ||\n' + ' anOcean ||\n' + ' aRiver);\n' + '}') # operator_position option - set to "before-newline" (default value) - (operator_position = ""before-newline"") self.reset_options() self.options.operator_position = 'before-newline' # comprehensive, various newlines bt( 'var res = a + b\n' + '- c /\n' + 'd * e\n' + '%\n' + 'f;\n' + ' var res = g & h\n' + '| i ^\n' + 'j\n' + '|> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + 'l\n' + '|| m) ?\n' + 'n\n' + '?? nn\n' + ': o\n' + ';\n' + 'var res = p\n' + '>> q <<\n' + 'r\n' + '>>> s;\n' + 'var res\n' + ' = t\n' + '\n' + ' === u !== v\n' + ' !=\n' + 'w\n' + '== x >=\n' + 'y <= z > aa <\n' + 'ab;\n' + 'res??=a;res||=b;res&&=c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + '-ad', # -- output -- 'var res = a + b -\n' + ' c /\n' + ' d * e %\n' + ' f;\n' + 'var res = g & h |\n' + ' i ^\n' + ' j |>\n' + ' console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + ' l ||\n' + ' m) ?\n' + ' n ??\n' + ' nn :\n' + ' o;\n' + 'var res = p >>\n' + ' q <<\n' + ' r >>>\n' + ' s;\n' + 'var res = t\n' + '\n' + ' ===\n' + ' u !== v !=\n' + ' w ==\n' + ' x >=\n' + ' y <= z > aa <\n' + ' ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + ' -ad') # colon special case bt( 'var a = {\n' + ' b\n' + ': bval,\n' + ' c:\n' + 'cval\n' + ' ,d: dval\n' + '};\n' + 'var e = f ? g\n' + ': h;\n' + 'var i = j ? k :\n' + 'l;', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' b: bval,\n' + ' c: cval,\n' + ' d: dval\n' + '};\n' + 'var e = f ? g :\n' + ' h;\n' + 'var i = j ? k :\n' + ' l;') # catch-all, includes brackets and other various code bt( 'var d = 1;\n' + 'if (a === b\n' + ' && c) {\n' + ' d = (c * everything\n' + ' / something_else) %\n' + ' b;\n' + ' e\n' + ' += d;\n' + '\n' + '} else if (!(complex && simple) ||\n' + ' (emotion && emotion.name === "happy")) {\n' + ' cryTearsOfJoy(many ||\n' + ' anOcean\n' + ' || aRiver);\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'var d = 1;\n' + 'if (a === b &&\n' + ' c) {\n' + ' d = (c * everything /\n' + ' something_else) %\n' + ' b;\n' + ' e\n' + ' += d;\n' + '\n' + '} else if (!(complex && simple) ||\n' + ' (emotion && emotion.name === "happy")) {\n' + ' cryTearsOfJoy(many ||\n' + ' anOcean ||\n' + ' aRiver);\n' + '}') #============================================================ # operator_position option - set to "after_newline" self.reset_options() self.options.operator_position = 'after-newline' # comprehensive, various newlines bt( 'var res = a + b\n' + '- c /\n' + 'd * e\n' + '%\n' + 'f;\n' + ' var res = g & h\n' + '| i ^\n' + 'j\n' + '|> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + 'l\n' + '|| m) ?\n' + 'n\n' + '?? nn\n' + ': o\n' + ';\n' + 'var res = p\n' + '>> q <<\n' + 'r\n' + '>>> s;\n' + 'var res\n' + ' = t\n' + '\n' + ' === u !== v\n' + ' !=\n' + 'w\n' + '== x >=\n' + 'y <= z > aa <\n' + 'ab;\n' + 'res??=a;res||=b;res&&=c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + '-ad', # -- output -- 'var res = a + b\n' + ' - c\n' + ' / d * e\n' + ' % f;\n' + 'var res = g & h\n' + ' | i\n' + ' ^ j\n' + ' |> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k\n' + ' && l\n' + ' || m)\n' + ' ? n\n' + ' ?? nn\n' + ' : o;\n' + 'var res = p\n' + ' >> q\n' + ' << r\n' + ' >>> s;\n' + 'var res = t\n' + '\n' + ' === u !== v\n' + ' != w\n' + ' == x\n' + ' >= y <= z > aa\n' + ' < ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac\n' + ' + -ad') # colon special case bt( 'var a = {\n' + ' b\n' + ': bval,\n' + ' c:\n' + 'cval\n' + ' ,d: dval\n' + '};\n' + 'var e = f ? g\n' + ': h;\n' + 'var i = j ? k :\n' + 'l;', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' b: bval,\n' + ' c: cval,\n' + ' d: dval\n' + '};\n' + 'var e = f ? g\n' + ' : h;\n' + 'var i = j ? k\n' + ' : l;') # catch-all, includes brackets and other various code bt( 'var d = 1;\n' + 'if (a === b\n' + ' && c) {\n' + ' d = (c * everything\n' + ' / something_else) %\n' + ' b;\n' + ' e\n' + ' += d;\n' + '\n' + '} else if (!(complex && simple) ||\n' + ' (emotion && emotion.name === "happy")) {\n' + ' cryTearsOfJoy(many ||\n' + ' anOcean\n' + ' || aRiver);\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'var d = 1;\n' + 'if (a === b\n' + ' && c) {\n' + ' d = (c * everything\n' + ' / something_else)\n' + ' % b;\n' + ' e\n' + ' += d;\n' + '\n' + '} else if (!(complex && simple)\n' + ' || (emotion && emotion.name === "happy")) {\n' + ' cryTearsOfJoy(many\n' + ' || anOcean\n' + ' || aRiver);\n' + '}') #============================================================ # operator_position option - set to "preserve-newline" self.reset_options() self.options.operator_position = 'preserve-newline' # comprehensive, various newlines bt( 'var res = a + b\n' + '- c /\n' + 'd * e\n' + '%\n' + 'f;\n' + ' var res = g & h\n' + '| i ^\n' + 'j\n' + '|> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + 'l\n' + '|| m) ?\n' + 'n\n' + '?? nn\n' + ': o\n' + ';\n' + 'var res = p\n' + '>> q <<\n' + 'r\n' + '>>> s;\n' + 'var res\n' + ' = t\n' + '\n' + ' === u !== v\n' + ' !=\n' + 'w\n' + '== x >=\n' + 'y <= z > aa <\n' + 'ab;\n' + 'res??=a;res||=b;res&&=c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + '-ad', # -- output -- 'var res = a + b\n' + ' - c /\n' + ' d * e\n' + ' %\n' + ' f;\n' + 'var res = g & h\n' + ' | i ^\n' + ' j\n' + ' |> console.log;\n' + 'var res = (k &&\n' + ' l\n' + ' || m) ?\n' + ' n\n' + ' ?? nn\n' + ' : o;\n' + 'var res = p\n' + ' >> q <<\n' + ' r\n' + ' >>> s;\n' + 'var res = t\n' + '\n' + ' === u !== v\n' + ' !=\n' + ' w\n' + ' == x >=\n' + ' y <= z > aa <\n' + ' ab;\n' + 'res ??= a;\n' + 'res ||= b;\n' + 'res &&= c;\n' + 'ac +\n' + ' -ad') # colon special case bt( 'var a = {\n' + ' b\n' + ': bval,\n' + ' c:\n' + 'cval\n' + ' ,d: dval\n' + '};\n' + 'var e = f ? g\n' + ': h;\n' + 'var i = j ? k :\n' + 'l;', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' b: bval,\n' + ' c: cval,\n' + ' d: dval\n' + '};\n' + 'var e = f ? g\n' + ' : h;\n' + 'var i = j ? k :\n' + ' l;') # catch-all, includes brackets and other various code bt( 'var d = 1;\n' + 'if (a === b\n' + ' && c) {\n' + ' d = (c * everything\n' + ' / something_else) %\n' + ' b;\n' + ' e\n' + ' += d;\n' + '\n' + '} else if (!(complex && simple) ||\n' + ' (emotion && emotion.name === "happy")) {\n' + ' cryTearsOfJoy(many ||\n' + ' anOcean\n' + ' || aRiver);\n' + '}') #============================================================ # Yield tests self.reset_options() bt('yield /foo\\//;') bt('result = yield pgClient.query_(queryString);') bt('yield [1, 2]') bt('yield function() {};') bt('yield* bar();') # yield should have no space between yield and star bt('yield * bar();', 'yield* bar();') # yield should have space between star and generator bt('yield *bar();', 'yield* bar();') #============================================================ # Async / await tests self.reset_options() bt('async function foo() {}') bt('let w = async function foo() {}') bt( 'async function foo() {}\n' + 'var x = await foo();') # async function as an input to another function bt('wrapper(async function foo() {})') # await on inline anonymous function. should have a space after await bt( 'async function() {\n' + ' var w = await(async function() {\n' + ' return await foo();\n' + ' })();\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'async function() {\n' + ' var w = await (async function() {\n' + ' return await foo();\n' + ' })();\n' + '}') # Regression test #1228 bt('const module = await import("...")') # Regression test #1658 bt('.') # ensure that this doesn't break anyone with the async library bt('async.map(function(t) {})') # async on arrow function. should have a space after async bt( 'async() => {}', # -- output -- 'async () => {}') # async on arrow function. should have a space after async bt( 'async() => {\n' + ' return 5;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'async () => {\n' + ' return 5;\n' + '}') # async on arrow function returning expression. should have a space after async bt( 'async() => 5;', # -- output -- 'async () => 5;') # async on arrow function returning object literal. should have a space after async bt( 'async(x) => ({\n' + ' foo: "5"\n' + '})', # -- output -- 'async (x) => ({\n' + ' foo: "5"\n' + '})') bt( 'async (x) => {\n' + ' return x * 2;\n' + '}') bt('async () => 5;') bt('async x => x * 2;') bt( 'async function() {\n' + ' const obj = {\n' + ' a: 1,\n' + ' b: await fn(),\n' + ' c: 2\n' + ' };\n' + '}') bt( 'const a = 1,\n' + ' b = a ? await foo() : b,\n' + ' c = await foo(),\n' + ' d = 3,\n' + ' e = (await foo()),\n' + ' f = 4;') bt( 'a = {\n' + ' myVar: async function() {\n' + ' return a;\n' + ' },\n' + ' myOtherVar: async function() {\n' + ' yield b;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( 'a = {\n' + ' myVar: async () => {\n' + ' return a;\n' + ' },\n' + ' myOtherVar: async async () => {\n' + ' yield b;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # e4x - Test that e4x literals passed through when e4x-option is enabled self.reset_options() self.options.e4x = true bt( 'xml=\n' + ' foox;', # -- output -- 'xml = \n' + ' foox;') bt('') bt('') bt('') bt('') bt('') # Handles inline expressions bt( 'xml=<{a} b="c">\n' + ' foox;', # -- output -- 'xml = <{a} b="c">\n' + ' foox;') bt( 'xml=<{a} b="c">\n' + ' \n' + ' foox;', # -- output -- 'xml = <{a} b="c">\n' + ' \n' + ' foox;') # xml literals with special characters in elem names - see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-NameChar bt('xml = <_:.valid.xml- _:.valid.xml-="123"/>;') # xml literals with attributes without equal sign bt('xml = ;') # Handles CDATA bt( 'xml=\n' + ' foox/]]>;', # -- output -- 'xml = \n' + ' foox/]]>;') bt('xml=;', 'xml = ;') bt('xml=;', 'xml = ;') # JSX - working jsx from http://prettydiff.com/unit_tests/beautification_javascript_jsx.txt bt( 'var ListItem = React.createClass({\n' + ' render: function() {\n' + ' return (\n' + '
  • \n' + ' \n' + ' this.props.item.name\n' + ' \n' + '
  • \n' + ' );\n' + ' }\n' + '});') bt( 'var List = React.createClass({\n' + ' renderList: function() {\n' + ' return this.props.items.map(function(item) {\n' + ' return ;\n' + ' });\n' + ' },\n' + '\n' + ' render: function() {\n' + ' return \n' + ' }\n' + '});') bt( 'var Mist = React.createClass({\n' + ' renderList: function() {\n' + ' return this.props.items.map(function(item) {\n' + ' return {item}} key={item.id} />;\n' + ' });\n' + ' }\n' + '});') bt( '// JSX\n' + 'var box = \n' + ' {shouldShowAnswer(user) ?\n' + ' no : \n' + ' Text Content\n' + ' }\n' + ' ;\n' + 'var a = function() {\n' + ' return asdf;\n' + '};\n' + '\n' + 'var HelloMessage = React.createClass({\n' + ' render: function() {\n' + ' return
    Hello {this.props.name}
    ;\n' + ' }\n' + '});\n' + 'React.render(, mountNode);') bt( 'var Timer = React.createClass({\n' + ' getInitialState: function() {\n' + ' return {\n' + ' secondsElapsed: 0\n' + ' };\n' + ' },\n' + ' tick: function() {\n' + ' this.setState({\n' + ' secondsElapsed: this.state.secondsElapsed + 1\n' + ' });\n' + ' },\n' + ' componentDidMount: function() {\n' + ' this.interval = setInterval(this.tick, 1000);\n' + ' },\n' + ' componentWillUnmount: function() {\n' + ' clearInterval(this.interval);\n' + ' },\n' + ' render: function() {\n' + ' return (\n' + '
    Seconds Elapsed: {this.state.secondsElapsed}
    \n' + ' );\n' + ' }\n' + '});\n' + 'React.render(, mountNode);') bt( 'var TodoList = React.createClass({\n' + ' render: function() {\n' + ' var createItem = function(itemText) {\n' + ' return
  • {itemText}
  • ;\n' + ' };\n' + ' return
    ;\n' + ' }\n' + '});') bt( 'var TodoApp = React.createClass({\n' + ' getInitialState: function() {\n' + ' return {\n' + ' items: [],\n' + ' text: \'\'\n' + ' };\n' + ' },\n' + ' onChange: function(e) {\n' + ' this.setState({\n' + ' text: e.target.value\n' + ' });\n' + ' },\n' + ' handleSubmit: function(e) {\n' + ' e.preventDefault();\n' + ' var nextItems = this.state.items.concat([this.state.text]);\n' + ' var nextText = \'\';\n' + ' this.setState({\n' + ' items: nextItems,\n' + ' text: nextText\n' + ' });\n' + ' },\n' + ' render: function() {\n' + ' return (\n' + '
    \n' + '


    \n' + ' \n' + '
    \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + '
    \n' + '
    \n' + ' );\n' + ' }\n' + '});\n' + 'React.render(, mountNode);') bt( 'var converter = new Showdown.converter();\n' + 'var MarkdownEditor = React.createClass({\n' + ' getInitialState: function() {\n' + ' return {value: \'Type some *markdown* here!\'};\n' + ' },\n' + ' handleChange: function() {\n' + ' this.setState({value: this.refs.textarea.getDOMNode().value});\n' + ' },\n' + ' render: function() {\n' + ' return (\n' + '
    \n' + '


    \n' + ' \n' + '


    \n' + ' \n' + '
    \n' + ' );\n' + ' }\n' + '});\n' + 'React.render(, mountNode);', # -- output -- 'var converter = new Showdown.converter();\n' + 'var MarkdownEditor = React.createClass({\n' + ' getInitialState: function() {\n' + ' return {\n' + ' value: \'Type some *markdown* here!\'\n' + ' };\n' + ' },\n' + ' handleChange: function() {\n' + ' this.setState({\n' + ' value: this.refs.textarea.getDOMNode().value\n' + ' });\n' + ' },\n' + ' render: function() {\n' + ' return (\n' + '
    \n' + '


    \n' + ' \n' + '


    \n' + ' \n' + '
    \n' + ' );\n' + ' }\n' + '});\n' + 'React.render(, mountNode);') # JSX - Not quite correct jsx formatting that still works bt( 'var content = (\n' + ' \n' + ' );\n' + 'var qwer = A dropdown list Do Something Do Something Fun! Do Something Else ;\n' + 'render(dropdown);', # -- output -- 'var content = (\n' + ' \n' + ');\n' + 'var qwer = A dropdown list Do Something Do Something Fun! Do Something Else ;\n' + 'render(dropdown);') # Handles messed up tags, as long as it isn't the same name # as the root tag. Also handles tags of same name as root tag # as long as nesting matches. bt( 'xml=;', # -- output -- 'xml = ;') # If xml is not terminated, the remainder of the file is treated # as part of the xml-literal (passed through unaltered) test_fragment( 'xml=\n' + 'c\n' + 'c\n' + ' c\n' + '

    \n' + ' );\n' + ' }\n' + '});') bt( 'let a = React.createClass({\n' + ' render() {\n' + ' return (\n' + '

    \n' + ' c\n' + '

    \n' + ' );\n' + ' }\n' + '});') bt( 'let a = React.createClass({\n' + ' render() {\n' + ' return (\n' + '

    \n' + ' c\n' + '

    \n' + ' );\n' + ' }\n' + '});') bt( 'let a = React.createClass({\n' + ' render() {\n' + ' return (\n' + ' <{e} className = {d}>\n' + ' c\n' + ' \n' + ' );\n' + ' }\n' + '});') # Issue #914 - Multiline attribute in root tag bt( 'return (\n' + '
    {\n' + ' e.preventDefault()\n' + ' onClick()\n' + ' }}>\n' + ' {children}\n' + ' \n' + ');') bt( 'return (\n' + ' <{\n' + ' a + b\n' + ' } href="#"\n' + ' onClick={e => {\n' + ' e.preventDefault()\n' + ' onClick()\n' + ' }}>\n' + ' {children}\n' + ' \n' + ');') bt( 'return (\n' + ' <{\n' + ' a + b\n' + ' } href="#"\n' + ' onClick={e => {\n' + ' e.preventDefault()\n' + ' onClick()\n' + ' }}>\n' + ' {children}\n' + ' \n' + ' );', # -- output -- 'return (\n' + ' <{\n' + ' a + b\n' + ' } href="#"\n' + ' onClick={e => {\n' + ' e.preventDefault()\n' + ' onClick()\n' + ' }}>\n' + ' {children}\n' + ' \n' + ');') bt( 'class Columns extends React.Component {\n' + ' render() {\n' + ' return (\n' + ' <>\n' + ' Hello\n' + ' World\n' + ' \n' + ' );\n' + ' }\n' + '}') #============================================================ # self.reset_options() #============================================================ # e4x disabled self.reset_options() self.options.e4x = false bt( 'xml=\n' + ' foox;', # -- output -- 'xml = < a b = "c" > < d / > < e >\n' + ' foo < /e>x ;') #============================================================ # Multiple braces self.reset_options() bt( '{{}/z/}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' {}\n' + ' /z/\n' + '}') #============================================================ # Space before conditional - (space_before_conditional = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.space_before_conditional = false bt('if(a) b()') bt('while(a) b()') bt( 'do\n' + ' c();\n' + 'while(a) b()') bt('switch(a) b()') bt( 'if(a)\n' + 'b();', # -- output -- 'if(a)\n' + ' b();') bt( 'while(a)\n' + 'b();', # -- output -- 'while(a)\n' + ' b();') bt( 'do\n' + 'c();\n' + 'while(a);', # -- output -- 'do\n' + ' c();\n' + 'while(a);') bt( 'switch(a)\n' + 'b()', # -- output -- 'switch(a)\n' + ' b()') bt('return [];') bt('return ();') # Space before conditional - (space_before_conditional = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.space_before_conditional = true bt('if (a) b()') bt('while (a) b()') bt( 'do\n' + ' c();\n' + 'while (a) b()') bt('switch (a) b()') bt( 'if(a)\n' + 'b();', # -- output -- 'if (a)\n' + ' b();') bt( 'while(a)\n' + 'b();', # -- output -- 'while (a)\n' + ' b();') bt( 'do\n' + 'c();\n' + 'while(a);', # -- output -- 'do\n' + ' c();\n' + 'while (a);') bt( 'switch(a)\n' + 'b()', # -- output -- 'switch (a)\n' + ' b()') bt('return [];') bt('return ();') #============================================================ # Beautify preserve formatting self.reset_options() bt( '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */') bt( '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */') bt( 'var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */') bt('/* beautify preserve:start */ {asdklgh;y;;{}dd2d}/* beautify preserve:end */') bt( 'var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */', # -- output -- 'var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */') bt( 'var a = 1;\n' + ' /* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */', # -- output -- 'var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */') bt( 'var a = {\n' + ' /* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' one : 1\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' three : 3,\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + ' /* beautify preserve:end */\n' + '};') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' one : 1,\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' three : 3,\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */\n' + '};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' /* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' one : 1,\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' three : 3,\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */\n' + '};') # one space before and after required, only single spaces inside. bt( 'var a = {\n' + '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' one : 1,\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' three : 3,\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' /* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' one: 1,\n' + ' two: 2,\n' + ' three: 3,\n' + ' ten: 10\n' + '};') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '/*beautify preserve:start*/\n' + ' one : 1,\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' three : 3,\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' /*beautify preserve:start*/\n' + ' one: 1,\n' + ' two: 2,\n' + ' three: 3,\n' + ' ten: 10\n' + '};') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '/*beautify preserve:start*/\n' + ' one : 1,\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' three : 3,\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' /*beautify preserve:start*/\n' + ' one: 1,\n' + ' two: 2,\n' + ' three: 3,\n' + ' ten: 10\n' + '};') # Directive: ignore bt( '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */') bt( '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' var a,,,{ 1;\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:end */') bt( 'var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */') # ignore starts _after_ the start comment, ends after the end comment bt('/* beautify ignore:start */ {asdklgh;y;+++;dd2d}/* beautify ignore:end */') bt('/* beautify ignore:start */ {asdklgh;y;+++;dd2d} /* beautify ignore:end */') bt( 'var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' var a,,,{ 1;\n' + '/*beautify ignore:end*/', # -- output -- 'var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' var a,,,{ 1;\n' + '/*beautify ignore:end*/') bt( 'var a = 1;\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' var a,,,{ 1;\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */', # -- output -- 'var a = 1;\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' var a,,,{ 1;\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */') bt( 'var a = {\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' one : 1\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' three : {\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:end */\n' + '};') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' one : 1\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' three : {\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */\n' + '};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' one : 1\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' three : {\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */\n' + '};') # Directives - multiple and interacting bt( 'var a = {\n' + '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' one : 1,\n' + ' /* beautify preserve:end */\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' three : 3,\n' + '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */\n' + '};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' /* beautify preserve:start */\n' + '/* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' one : 1,\n' + ' /* beautify preserve:end */\n' + ' two: 2,\n' + ' three: 3,\n' + ' /* beautify preserve:start */\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */\n' + '};') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' one : 1\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:end */\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' three : {\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */\n' + '};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' one : 1\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:end */\n' + ' two: 2,\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' three : {\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */\n' + '};') # Starts can occur together, ignore:end must occur alone. bt( 'var a = {\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' one : 1\n' + ' NOTE: ignore end block does not support starting other directives\n' + ' This does not match the ending the ignore...\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:end preserve:start */\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' three : {\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + ' ==The next comment ends the starting ignore==\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */\n' + '};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' one : 1\n' + ' NOTE: ignore end block does not support starting other directives\n' + ' This does not match the ending the ignore...\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:end preserve:start */\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' three : {\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + ' ==The next comment ends the starting ignore==\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */\n' + '};') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start preserve:start */\n' + ' one : {\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:end */\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' three : {\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + ' // This is all preserved\n' + '};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start preserve:start */\n' + ' one : {\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:end */\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' three : {\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */\n' + ' ten : 10\n' + ' // This is all preserved\n' + '};') bt( 'var a = {\n' + '/* beautify ignore:start preserve:start */\n' + ' one : {\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:end */\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' three : {\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */\n' + ' ten : 10,\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */\n' + ' eleven: 11\n' + '};', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start preserve:start */\n' + ' one : {\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:end */\n' + ' two : 2,\n' + ' /* beautify ignore:start */\n' + ' three : {\n' + '/* beautify ignore:end */\n' + ' ten : 10,\n' + '/* beautify preserve:end */\n' + ' eleven: 11\n' + '};') #============================================================ # Comments and tests self.reset_options() # #913 bt( 'class test {\n' + ' method1() {\n' + ' let resp = null;\n' + ' }\n' + ' /**\n' + ' * @param {String} id\n' + ' */\n' + ' method2(id) {\n' + ' let resp2 = null;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # #1090 bt( 'for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i) // loop\n' + ' if (i % 3) {\n' + ' console.log(i);\n' + ' }\n' + 'console.log("done");') # #1043 bt( 'var o = {\n' + ' k: 0\n' + '}\n' + '// ...\n' + 'foo(o)') # #713 and #964 bt( 'Meteor.call("foo", bar, function(err, result) {\n' + ' Session.set("baz", result.lorem)\n' + '})\n' + '//blah blah') # #815 bt( 'foo()\n' + '// this is a comment\n' + 'bar()\n' + '\n' + 'const foo = 5\n' + '// comment\n' + 'bar()') # This shows current behavior. Note #1069 is not addressed yet. bt( 'if (modulus === 2) {\n' + ' // i might be odd here\n' + ' i += (i & 1);\n' + ' // now i is guaranteed to be even\n' + ' // this block is obviously about the statement above\n' + '\n' + ' // #1069 This should attach to the block below\n' + ' // this comment is about the block after it.\n' + '} else {\n' + ' // rounding up using integer arithmetic only\n' + ' if (i % modulus)\n' + ' i += modulus - (i % modulus);\n' + ' // now i is divisible by modulus\n' + ' // behavior of comments should be different for single statements vs block statements/expressions\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'if (modulus === 2)\n' + ' // i might be odd here\n' + ' i += (i & 1);\n' + '// now i is guaranteed to be even\n' + '// non-braced comments unindent immediately\n' + '\n' + '// this comment is about the block after it.\n' + 'else\n' + ' // rounding up using integer arithmetic only\n' + ' if (i % modulus)\n' + ' i += modulus - (i % modulus);\n' + '// behavior of comments should be different for single statements vs block statements/expressions') #============================================================ # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = ;', 'var a = ;') bt( 'a = abc");\n' + '}\n' + '?>;') test_fragment( '\n' + 'test.method();') bt( 'abc;\n' + '.test();\n' + '" "') bt( ';\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = ;', 'var a = ;') bt( 'a = abc");\n' + '}\n' + '?>;') test_fragment( '\n' + 'test.method();') bt( 'abc;\n' + '.test();\n' + '" "') bt( ';\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = <%$view["name"]; %>;', 'var a = <%$view["name"]; %>;') bt( 'a = abc<%\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '%>;') test_fragment( '<% %>\n' + 'test.met<% someValue %>hod();') bt( '<% "A" %>abc<% "D" %>;\n' + '<% "B" %>.test();\n' + '" <% "C" \'D\' %> "') bt( '<%\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '%>;\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"<%";if(0){}"%>";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = <%=$view["name"]; %>;', 'var a = <%=$view["name"]; %>;') bt( 'a = abc<%=\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '%>;') test_fragment( '<%= %>\n' + 'test.met<%= someValue %>hod();') bt( '<%= "A" %>abc<%= "D" %>;\n' + '<%= "B" %>.test();\n' + '" <%= "C" \'D\' %> "') bt( '<%=\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '%>;\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"<%=";if(0){}"%>";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = {{$view["name"]; }};', 'var a = {{$view["name"]; }};') bt( 'a = abc{{\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '}};') test_fragment( '{{ }}\n' + 'test.met{{ someValue }}hod();') bt( '{{ "A" }}abc{{ "D" }};\n' + '{{ "B" }}.test();\n' + '" {{ "C" \'D\' }} "') bt( '{{\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '}};\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"{{";if(0){}"}}";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = {#$view["name"]; #};', 'var a = {#$view["name"]; #};') bt( 'a = abc{#\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '#};') test_fragment( '{# #}\n' + 'test.met{# someValue #}hod();') bt( '{# "A" #}abc{# "D" #};\n' + '{# "B" #}.test();\n' + '" {# "C" \'D\' #} "') bt( '{#\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '#};\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"{#";if(0){}"#}";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = {%$view["name"]; %};', 'var a = {%$view["name"]; %};') bt( 'a = abc{%\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '%};') test_fragment( '{% %}\n' + 'test.met{% someValue %}hod();') bt( '{% "A" %}abc{% "D" %};\n' + '{% "B" %}.test();\n' + '" {% "C" \'D\' %} "') bt( '{%\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '%};\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"{%";if(0){}"%}";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = {{$view["name"]; }};', 'var a = {{$view["name"]; }};') bt( 'a = abc{{\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '}};') test_fragment( '{{ }}\n' + 'test.met{{ someValue }}hod();') bt( '{{ "A" }}abc{{ "D" }};\n' + '{{ "B" }}.test();\n' + '" {{ "C" \'D\' }} "') bt( '{{\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '}};\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"{{";if(0){}"}}";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = {{{$view["name"]; }}};', 'var a = {{{$view["name"]; }}};') bt( 'a = abc{{{\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '}}};') test_fragment( '{{{ }}}\n' + 'test.met{{{ someValue }}}hod();') bt( '{{{ "A" }}}abc{{{ "D" }}};\n' + '{{{ "B" }}}.test();\n' + '" {{{ "C" \'D\' }}} "') bt( '{{{\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '}}};\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"{{{";if(0){}"}}}";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = {{^$view["name"]; }};', 'var a = {{^$view["name"]; }};') bt( 'a = abc{{^\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '}};') test_fragment( '{{^ }}\n' + 'test.met{{^ someValue }}hod();') bt( '{{^ "A" }}abc{{^ "D" }};\n' + '{{^ "B" }}.test();\n' + '" {{^ "C" \'D\' }} "') bt( '{{^\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '}};\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"{{^";if(0){}"}}";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = {{#$view["name"]; }};', 'var a = {{#$view["name"]; }};') bt( 'a = abc{{#\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '}};') test_fragment( '{{# }}\n' + 'test.met{{# someValue }}hod();') bt( '{{# "A" }}abc{{# "D" }};\n' + '{{# "B" }}.test();\n' + '" {{# "C" \'D\' }} "') bt( '{{#\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '}};\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"{{#";if(0){}"}}";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = {{!$view["name"]; }};', 'var a = {{!$view["name"]; }};') bt( 'a = abc{{!\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '}};') test_fragment( '{{! }}\n' + 'test.met{{! someValue }}hod();') bt( '{{! "A" }}abc{{! "D" }};\n' + '{{! "B" }}.test();\n' + '" {{! "C" \'D\' }} "') bt( '{{!\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '}};\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"{{!";if(0){}"}}";') # minimal template handling - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['django', 'erb', 'handlebars', 'php'] bt('var a = {{!--$view["name"]; --}};', 'var a = {{!--$view["name"]; --}};') bt( 'a = abc{{!--\n' + 'for($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++;) {\n' + ' #count to 100!\n' + ' echo($i . "
    ");\n' + '}\n' + '--}};') test_fragment( '{{!-- --}}\n' + 'test.met{{!-- someValue --}}hod();') bt( '{{!-- "A" --}}abc{{!-- "D" --}};\n' + '{{!-- "B" --}}.test();\n' + '" {{!-- "C" \'D\' --}} "') bt( '{{!--\n' + 'echo "A";\n' + '--}};\n' + 'test.method();') bt('"{{!--";if(0){}"--}}";') #============================================================ # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"";', # -- output -- '"";') bt( '"";', # -- output -- '"";') bt( '"";', # -- output -- '"<%";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"%>";') bt( '"<%";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"<%";\n' + 'if (0) {}') # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"<%=";if(0){}"%>";', # -- output -- '"<%=";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"%>";') bt( '"<%=";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"<%=";\n' + 'if (0) {}') # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"{{";if(0){}"}}";', # -- output -- '"{{";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"}}";') bt( '"{{";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"{{";\n' + 'if (0) {}') # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"{#";if(0){}"#}";', # -- output -- '"{#";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"#}";') bt( '"{#";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"{#";\n' + 'if (0) {}') # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"{%";if(0){}"%}";', # -- output -- '"{%";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"%}";') bt( '"{%";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"{%";\n' + 'if (0) {}') # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"{{";if(0){}"}}";', # -- output -- '"{{";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"}}";') bt( '"{{";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"{{";\n' + 'if (0) {}') # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"{{{";if(0){}"}}}";', # -- output -- '"{{{";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"}}}";') bt( '"{{{";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"{{{";\n' + 'if (0) {}') # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"{{^";if(0){}"}}";', # -- output -- '"{{^";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"}}";') bt( '"{{^";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"{{^";\n' + 'if (0) {}') # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"{{#";if(0){}"}}";', # -- output -- '"{{#";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"}}";') bt( '"{{#";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"{{#";\n' + 'if (0) {}') # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"{{!";if(0){}"}}";', # -- output -- '"{{!";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"}}";') bt( '"{{!";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"{{!";\n' + 'if (0) {}') # Templating disabled - ensure formatting - () self.reset_options() self.options.templating = ['auto'] bt( '"{{!--";if(0){}"--}}";', # -- output -- '"{{!--";\n' + 'if (0) {}\n' + '"--}}";') bt( '"{{!--";if(0){}', # -- output -- '"{{!--";\n' + 'if (0) {}') #============================================================ # jslint and space after anon function - (jslint_happy = "true", space_after_anon_function = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.jslint_happy = true self.options.space_after_anon_function = true bt( 'a=typeof(x)', # -- output -- 'a = typeof (x)') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function(){}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function () {}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function y(){}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function y() {}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + 'x: function(){}\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + ' x: function () {}\n' + '}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + 'x: function y(){}\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + ' x: function y() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'function () {\n' + ' var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n' + ' f;\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + 'case 0:\n' + 'case 1:\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + 'default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + 'case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + 'case !y:\n' + ' break;\n' + '}') # Issue #1357 bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1:{a(); break;} default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + 'case 0:\n' + 'case 1: {\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + '}\n' + 'default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') # Issue #1357 bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:{break;}}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + 'case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + 'case !y: {\n' + ' break;\n' + '}\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - basic class with function definitions bt( 'class blah {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.doStuff()\n' + ' }\n' + ' doStuff() {\n' + ' console.log("stuff")\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - class with extends and function definitions bt( 'class blah extends something {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.zz = 2 + 2;\n' + ' }\n' + ' someOtherFunction() {\n' + 'this.y = 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'class blah extends something {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.zz = 2 + 2;\n' + ' }\n' + ' someOtherFunction() {\n' + ' this.y = 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - class/extends as a property bt( 'var a.class = {\n' + ' ...abc(),\n' + '}\n' + 'b.extends({\n' + ' bb.s(),\n' + '})', # -- output -- 'var a.class = {\n' + ' ...abc(),\n' + '}\n' + 'b.extends({\n' + ' bb.s(),\n' + '})') # typical greasemonkey start test_fragment( '// comment 2\n' + '(function ()') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {}, d = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function () {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function yoohoo() {}, d = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function yoohoo() {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {},\n' + 'd = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function () {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var o2=$.extend(a);function(){alert(x);}', # -- output -- 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n' + '\n' + 'function () {\n' + ' alert(x);\n' + '}') bt( 'var o2=$.extend(a);function yoohoo(){alert(x);}', # -- output -- 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n' + '\n' + 'function yoohoo() {\n' + ' alert(x);\n' + '}') bt( 'function*() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function* () {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'function* yoohoo() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'function* x() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'async x() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'var a={data(){},\n' + 'data2(){}}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'new Vue({\n' + 'data(){},\n' + 'data2(){}, a:1})', # -- output -- 'new Vue({\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '})') bt( 'export default {data(){},\n' + 'data2(){},\n' + 'a:1}', # -- output -- 'export default {\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}') bt( 'var a={*data(){},*data2(){}}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'new Vue({\n' + '*data(){},*data2(){}, a:1})', # -- output -- 'new Vue({\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '})') bt( 'export default {*data(){},*data2(){},\n' + 'a:1}', # -- output -- 'export default {\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}') # jslint and space after anon function - (jslint_happy = "true", space_after_anon_function = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.jslint_happy = true self.options.space_after_anon_function = false bt( 'a=typeof(x)', # -- output -- 'a = typeof (x)') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function(){}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function () {}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function y(){}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function y() {}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + 'x: function(){}\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + ' x: function () {}\n' + '}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + 'x: function y(){}\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + ' x: function y() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'function () {\n' + ' var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n' + ' f;\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + 'case 0:\n' + 'case 1:\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + 'default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + 'case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + 'case !y:\n' + ' break;\n' + '}') # Issue #1357 bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1:{a(); break;} default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + 'case 0:\n' + 'case 1: {\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + '}\n' + 'default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') # Issue #1357 bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:{break;}}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + 'case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + 'case !y: {\n' + ' break;\n' + '}\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - basic class with function definitions bt( 'class blah {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.doStuff()\n' + ' }\n' + ' doStuff() {\n' + ' console.log("stuff")\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - class with extends and function definitions bt( 'class blah extends something {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.zz = 2 + 2;\n' + ' }\n' + ' someOtherFunction() {\n' + 'this.y = 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'class blah extends something {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.zz = 2 + 2;\n' + ' }\n' + ' someOtherFunction() {\n' + ' this.y = 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - class/extends as a property bt( 'var a.class = {\n' + ' ...abc(),\n' + '}\n' + 'b.extends({\n' + ' bb.s(),\n' + '})', # -- output -- 'var a.class = {\n' + ' ...abc(),\n' + '}\n' + 'b.extends({\n' + ' bb.s(),\n' + '})') # typical greasemonkey start test_fragment( '// comment 2\n' + '(function ()') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {}, d = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function () {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function yoohoo() {}, d = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function yoohoo() {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {},\n' + 'd = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function () {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var o2=$.extend(a);function(){alert(x);}', # -- output -- 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n' + '\n' + 'function () {\n' + ' alert(x);\n' + '}') bt( 'var o2=$.extend(a);function yoohoo(){alert(x);}', # -- output -- 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n' + '\n' + 'function yoohoo() {\n' + ' alert(x);\n' + '}') bt( 'function*() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function* () {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'function* yoohoo() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'function* x() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'async x() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'var a={data(){},\n' + 'data2(){}}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'new Vue({\n' + 'data(){},\n' + 'data2(){}, a:1})', # -- output -- 'new Vue({\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '})') bt( 'export default {data(){},\n' + 'data2(){},\n' + 'a:1}', # -- output -- 'export default {\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}') bt( 'var a={*data(){},*data2(){}}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'new Vue({\n' + '*data(){},*data2(){}, a:1})', # -- output -- 'new Vue({\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '})') bt( 'export default {*data(){},*data2(){},\n' + 'a:1}', # -- output -- 'export default {\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}') # jslint and space after anon function - (jslint_happy = "false", space_after_anon_function = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.jslint_happy = false self.options.space_after_anon_function = true bt( 'a=typeof(x)', # -- output -- 'a = typeof (x)') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function(){}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function () {}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function y(){}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function y() {}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + 'x: function(){}\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + ' x: function () {}\n' + '}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + 'x: function y(){}\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + ' x: function y() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'function () {\n' + ' var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n' + ' f;\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case 0:\n' + ' case 1:\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + ' default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + ' case !y:\n' + ' break;\n' + '}') # Issue #1357 bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1:{a(); break;} default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case 0:\n' + ' case 1: {\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + ' }\n' + ' default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') # Issue #1357 bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:{break;}}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + ' case !y: {\n' + ' break;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - basic class with function definitions bt( 'class blah {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.doStuff()\n' + ' }\n' + ' doStuff() {\n' + ' console.log("stuff")\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - class with extends and function definitions bt( 'class blah extends something {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.zz = 2 + 2;\n' + ' }\n' + ' someOtherFunction() {\n' + 'this.y = 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'class blah extends something {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.zz = 2 + 2;\n' + ' }\n' + ' someOtherFunction() {\n' + ' this.y = 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - class/extends as a property bt( 'var a.class = {\n' + ' ...abc(),\n' + '}\n' + 'b.extends({\n' + ' bb.s(),\n' + '})', # -- output -- 'var a.class = {\n' + ' ...abc(),\n' + '}\n' + 'b.extends({\n' + ' bb.s(),\n' + '})') # typical greasemonkey start test_fragment( '// comment 2\n' + '(function ()') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {}, d = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function () {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function yoohoo() {}, d = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function yoohoo() {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {},\n' + 'd = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function () {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var o2=$.extend(a);function(){alert(x);}', # -- output -- 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n' + '\n' + 'function () {\n' + ' alert(x);\n' + '}') bt( 'var o2=$.extend(a);function yoohoo(){alert(x);}', # -- output -- 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n' + '\n' + 'function yoohoo() {\n' + ' alert(x);\n' + '}') bt( 'function*() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function* () {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'function* yoohoo() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'function* x() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'async x() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'var a={data(){},\n' + 'data2(){}}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'new Vue({\n' + 'data(){},\n' + 'data2(){}, a:1})', # -- output -- 'new Vue({\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '})') bt( 'export default {data(){},\n' + 'data2(){},\n' + 'a:1}', # -- output -- 'export default {\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}') bt( 'var a={*data(){},*data2(){}}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'new Vue({\n' + '*data(){},*data2(){}, a:1})', # -- output -- 'new Vue({\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '})') bt( 'export default {*data(){},*data2(){},\n' + 'a:1}', # -- output -- 'export default {\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}') # jslint and space after anon function - (jslint_happy = "false", space_after_anon_function = "false") self.reset_options() self.options.jslint_happy = false self.options.space_after_anon_function = false bt( 'a=typeof(x)', # -- output -- 'a = typeof(x)') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function(){}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function() {}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function y(){}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function y() {}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + 'x: function(){}\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + ' x: function() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + 'x: function y(){}\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + ' x: function y() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'function () {\n' + ' var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n' + ' f;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function() {\n' + ' var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n' + ' f;\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case 0:\n' + ' case 1:\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + ' default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + ' case !y:\n' + ' break;\n' + '}') # Issue #1357 bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1:{a(); break;} default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case 0:\n' + ' case 1: {\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + ' }\n' + ' default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') # Issue #1357 bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:{break;}}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + ' case !y: {\n' + ' break;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - basic class with function definitions bt( 'class blah {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.doStuff()\n' + ' }\n' + ' doStuff() {\n' + ' console.log("stuff")\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - class with extends and function definitions bt( 'class blah extends something {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.zz = 2 + 2;\n' + ' }\n' + ' someOtherFunction() {\n' + 'this.y = 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'class blah extends something {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.zz = 2 + 2;\n' + ' }\n' + ' someOtherFunction() {\n' + ' this.y = 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - class/extends as a property bt( 'var a.class = {\n' + ' ...abc(),\n' + '}\n' + 'b.extends({\n' + ' bb.s(),\n' + '})', # -- output -- 'var a.class = {\n' + ' ...abc(),\n' + '}\n' + 'b.extends({\n' + ' bb.s(),\n' + '})') # typical greasemonkey start test_fragment( '// comment 2\n' + '(function()') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {}, d = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function() {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function yoohoo() {}, d = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function yoohoo() {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {},\n' + 'd = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function() {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var o2=$.extend(a);function(){alert(x);}', # -- output -- 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n' + '\n' + 'function() {\n' + ' alert(x);\n' + '}') bt( 'var o2=$.extend(a);function yoohoo(){alert(x);}', # -- output -- 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n' + '\n' + 'function yoohoo() {\n' + ' alert(x);\n' + '}') bt( 'function*() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'function* yoohoo() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'function* x() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'async x() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'var a={data(){},\n' + 'data2(){}}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'new Vue({\n' + 'data(){},\n' + 'data2(){}, a:1})', # -- output -- 'new Vue({\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '})') bt( 'export default {data(){},\n' + 'data2(){},\n' + 'a:1}', # -- output -- 'export default {\n' + ' data() {},\n' + ' data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}') bt( 'var a={*data(){},*data2(){}}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'new Vue({\n' + '*data(){},*data2(){}, a:1})', # -- output -- 'new Vue({\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '})') bt( 'export default {*data(){},*data2(){},\n' + 'a:1}', # -- output -- 'export default {\n' + ' * data() {},\n' + ' * data2() {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}') # jslint and space after anon function - (space_after_named_function = "true") self.reset_options() self.options.space_after_named_function = true bt( 'a=typeof(x)', # -- output -- 'a = typeof(x)') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function(){}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function() {}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function y(){}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'function y () {}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + 'x: function(){}\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + ' x: function() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + 'x: function y(){}\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '\n' + 'var x = {\n' + ' x: function y () {}\n' + '}') bt( 'function () {\n' + ' var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n' + ' f;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function() {\n' + ' var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n' + ' f;\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case 0:\n' + ' case 1:\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + ' default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + ' case !y:\n' + ' break;\n' + '}') # Issue #1357 bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1:{a(); break;} default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case 0:\n' + ' case 1: {\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + ' }\n' + ' default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') # Issue #1357 bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:{break;}}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + ' case !y: {\n' + ' break;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - basic class with function definitions bt( 'class blah {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.doStuff()\n' + ' }\n' + ' doStuff() {\n' + ' console.log("stuff")\n' + ' }\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'class blah {\n' + ' constructor () {\n' + ' this.doStuff()\n' + ' }\n' + ' doStuff () {\n' + ' console.log("stuff")\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - class with extends and function definitions bt( 'class blah extends something {\n' + ' constructor() {\n' + ' this.zz = 2 + 2;\n' + ' }\n' + ' someOtherFunction() {\n' + 'this.y = 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'class blah extends something {\n' + ' constructor () {\n' + ' this.zz = 2 + 2;\n' + ' }\n' + ' someOtherFunction () {\n' + ' this.y = 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1622 - class/extends as a property bt( 'var a.class = {\n' + ' ...abc(),\n' + '}\n' + 'b.extends({\n' + ' bb.s(),\n' + '})', # -- output -- 'var a.class = {\n' + ' ...abc(),\n' + '}\n' + 'b.extends({\n' + ' bb.s(),\n' + '})') # typical greasemonkey start test_fragment( '// comment 2\n' + '(function()') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {}, d = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function() {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function yoohoo() {}, d = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function yoohoo () {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {},\n' + 'd = \'\';', # -- output -- 'var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n' + ' c = function() {},\n' + ' d = \'\';') bt( 'var o2=$.extend(a);function(){alert(x);}', # -- output -- 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n' + '\n' + 'function() {\n' + ' alert(x);\n' + '}') bt( 'var o2=$.extend(a);function yoohoo(){alert(x);}', # -- output -- 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n' + '\n' + 'function yoohoo () {\n' + ' alert(x);\n' + '}') bt( 'function*() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'function* yoohoo() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function* yoohoo () {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'function* x() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function* x () {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'async x() {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'async x () {\n' + ' yield 1;\n' + '}') bt( 'var a={data(){},\n' + 'data2(){}}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' data () {},\n' + ' data2 () {}\n' + '}') bt( 'new Vue({\n' + 'data(){},\n' + 'data2(){}, a:1})', # -- output -- 'new Vue({\n' + ' data () {},\n' + ' data2 () {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '})') bt( 'export default {data(){},\n' + 'data2(){},\n' + 'a:1}', # -- output -- 'export default {\n' + ' data () {},\n' + ' data2 () {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}') bt( 'var a={*data(){},*data2(){}}', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' * data () {},\n' + ' * data2 () {}\n' + '}') bt( 'new Vue({\n' + '*data(){},*data2(){}, a:1})', # -- output -- 'new Vue({\n' + ' * data () {},\n' + ' * data2 () {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '})') bt( 'export default {*data(){},*data2(){},\n' + 'a:1}', # -- output -- 'export default {\n' + ' * data () {},\n' + ' * data2 () {},\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}') #============================================================ # Regression tests self.reset_options() # Issue 241 bt( 'obj\n' + ' .last({\n' + ' foo: 1,\n' + ' bar: 2\n' + ' });\n' + 'var test = 1;') # Issue #1852 - semicolon followed by block statement bt( '(function() {\n' + ' some_code_here();\n' + ' {\n' + ' /* IE11 let bug bypass */\n' + ' let index;\n' + ' for (index in a) {\n' + ' a[index];\n' + ' }\n' + ' }\n' + '})();') # Issue #1852 - semicolon followed by block statement 2 bt( 'let x = { A: 1 }; { console.log("hello"); }', # -- output -- 'let x = {\n' + ' A: 1\n' + '};\n' + '{\n' + ' console.log("hello");\n' + '}') # Issue #772 bt( 'this.initAttributes([\n' + '"name",\n' + '["parent", null, "parentName"],\n' + '"length",\n' + '["id", this.name],\n' + ']);', # -- output -- 'this.initAttributes([\n' + ' "name",\n' + ' ["parent", null, "parentName"],\n' + ' "length",\n' + ' ["id", this.name],\n' + ']);') # Issue #1663 bt( '{\n' + ' /* howdy\n' + ' \n' + ' */\n' + '}') # #1095 - Return without semicolon followed by prefix on a new line bt( 'function x(){\n' + 'return\n' + '++a\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'while(true) {\n' + 'return\n' + '--b\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function x() {\n' + ' return\n' + ' ++a\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'while (true) {\n' + ' return\n' + ' --b\n' + '}') # #1095 bt( 'function test(){\n' + 'if(x) return\n' + '++x\n' + 'var y= 1;\n' + '}\n' + 'function t1(){\n' + 'if(cc) return;\n' + 'else return\n' + '--cc\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function test() {\n' + ' if (x) return\n' + ' ++x\n' + ' var y = 1;\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'function t1() {\n' + ' if (cc) return;\n' + ' else return\n' + ' --cc\n' + '}') # #1095 - Return with semicolon followed by a prefix on a new line bt( 'function x(){\n' + 'return; ++a\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'while(true){return; --b\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function x() {\n' + ' return;\n' + ' ++a\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'while (true) {\n' + ' return;\n' + ' --b\n' + '}') # #1838 - handle class and interface word as an object property bt( '{\n' + ' class: {\n' + ' a: 1,\n' + ' b: 2,\n' + ' c: 3,\n' + ' }\n' + ' interface: {\n' + ' a: 1,\n' + ' b: 2,\n' + ' c: 3,\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # #1838 - handle class word as an object property but with space after colon bt( '{\n' + ' class : { a: 1,\n' + 'b: 2,c : 3\n' + ' }\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' class: {\n' + ' a: 1,\n' + ' b: 2,\n' + ' c: 3\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # #1838 - handle class word as an object property but without spaces bt( '{class:{a:1,b:2,c:3,}}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' class: {\n' + ' a: 1,\n' + ' b: 2,\n' + ' c: 3,\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # #1838 - handle class word as a nested object property bt( '{x:{a:1,class:2,c:3,}}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' x: {\n' + ' a: 1,\n' + ' class: 2,\n' + ' c: 3,\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( 'obj\n' + ' .last(a, function() {\n' + ' var test;\n' + ' });\n' + 'var test = 1;') bt( 'obj.first()\n' + ' .second()\n' + ' .last(function(err, response) {\n' + ' console.log(err);\n' + ' });') # Issue 268 and 275 bt( 'obj.last(a, function() {\n' + ' var test;\n' + '});\n' + 'var test = 1;') bt( 'obj.last(a,\n' + ' function() {\n' + ' var test;\n' + ' });\n' + 'var test = 1;') bt( '(function() {if (!window.FOO) window.FOO || (window.FOO = function() {var b = {bar: "zort"};});})();', # -- output -- '(function() {\n' + ' if (!window.FOO) window.FOO || (window.FOO = function() {\n' + ' var b = {\n' + ' bar: "zort"\n' + ' };\n' + ' });\n' + '})();') # Issue 281 bt( 'define(["dojo/_base/declare", "my/Employee", "dijit/form/Button",\n' + ' "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/Deferred"\n' + '], function(declare, Employee, Button, lang, Deferred) {\n' + ' return declare(Employee, {\n' + ' constructor: function() {\n' + ' new Button({\n' + ' onClick: lang.hitch(this, function() {\n' + ' new Deferred().then(lang.hitch(this, function() {\n' + ' this.salary * 0.25;\n' + ' }));\n' + ' })\n' + ' });\n' + ' }\n' + ' });\n' + '});') bt( 'define(["dojo/_base/declare", "my/Employee", "dijit/form/Button",\n' + ' "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/Deferred"\n' + ' ],\n' + ' function(declare, Employee, Button, lang, Deferred) {\n' + ' return declare(Employee, {\n' + ' constructor: function() {\n' + ' new Button({\n' + ' onClick: lang.hitch(this, function() {\n' + ' new Deferred().then(lang.hitch(this, function() {\n' + ' this.salary * 0.25;\n' + ' }));\n' + ' })\n' + ' });\n' + ' }\n' + ' });\n' + ' });') # Issue 459 bt( '(function() {\n' + ' return {\n' + ' foo: function() {\n' + ' return "bar";\n' + ' },\n' + ' bar: ["bar"]\n' + ' };\n' + '}());') # Issue 505 - strings should end at newline unless continued by backslash bt( 'var name = "a;\n' + 'name = "b";') bt( 'var name = "a;\\\n' + ' name = b";') # Issue 514 - some operators require spaces to distinguish them bt('var c = "_ACTION_TO_NATIVEAPI_" + ++g++ + +new Date;') bt('var c = "_ACTION_TO_NATIVEAPI_" - --g-- - -new Date;') # Issue 440 - reserved words can be used as object property names bt( 'a = {\n' + ' function: {},\n' + ' "function": {},\n' + ' throw: {},\n' + ' "throw": {},\n' + ' var: {},\n' + ' "var": {},\n' + ' set: {},\n' + ' "set": {},\n' + ' get: {},\n' + ' "get": {},\n' + ' if: {},\n' + ' "if": {},\n' + ' then: {},\n' + ' "then": {},\n' + ' else: {},\n' + ' "else": {},\n' + ' yay: {}\n' + '};') # Issue 331 - if-else with braces edge case bt( 'if(x){a();}else{b();}if(y){c();}', # -- output -- 'if (x) {\n' + ' a();\n' + '} else {\n' + ' b();\n' + '}\n' + 'if (y) {\n' + ' c();\n' + '}') # Issue #1683 - switch-case wrong indentation bt( 'switch (x) { case 0: if (y == z) { a(); } else { b(); } case 1: c(); }', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case 0:\n' + ' if (y == z) {\n' + ' a();\n' + ' } else {\n' + ' b();\n' + ' }\n' + ' case 1:\n' + ' c();\n' + '}') # Issue 485 - ensure function declarations behave the same in arrays as elsewhere bt( 'var v = ["a",\n' + ' function() {\n' + ' return;\n' + ' }, {\n' + ' id: 1\n' + ' }\n' + '];') bt( 'var v = ["a", function() {\n' + ' return;\n' + '}, {\n' + ' id: 1\n' + '}];') # Issue 382 - initial totally cursory support for es6 module export bt( 'module "Even" {\n' + ' import odd from "Odd";\n' + ' export function sum(x, y) {\n' + ' return x + y;\n' + ' }\n' + ' export var pi = 3.141593;\n' + ' export default moduleName;\n' + '}') bt( 'module "Even" {\n' + ' export default function div(x, y) {}\n' + '}') # Issue 889 - export default { ... } bt( 'export default {\n' + ' func1() {},\n' + ' func2() {}\n' + ' func3() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'export default {\n' + ' a() {\n' + ' return 1;\n' + ' },\n' + ' b() {\n' + ' return 2;\n' + ' },\n' + ' c() {\n' + ' return 3;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue 508 bt('set["name"]') bt('get["name"]') test_fragment( 'a = {\n' + ' set b(x) {},\n' + ' c: 1,\n' + ' d: function() {}\n' + '};') test_fragment( 'a = {\n' + ' get b() {\n' + ' retun 0;\n' + ' },\n' + ' c: 1,\n' + ' d: function() {}\n' + '};') # Issue 298 - do not under indent if/while/for condtionals experesions bt( '\'use strict\';\n' + 'if ([].some(function() {\n' + ' return false;\n' + ' })) {\n' + ' console.log("hello");\n' + '}') # Issue 298 - do not under indent if/while/for condtionals experesions bt( '\'use strict\';\n' + 'if ([].some(function() {\n' + ' return false;\n' + ' })) {\n' + ' console.log("hello");\n' + '}') # Issue 552 - Typescript? Okay... we didn't break it before, so try not to break it now. bt( 'class Test {\n' + ' blah: string[];\n' + ' foo(): number {\n' + ' return 0;\n' + ' }\n' + ' bar(): number {\n' + ' return 0;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue 1544 - Typescript declare formatting (no newline). bt( 'declare const require: any;\n' + 'declare function greet(greeting: string): void;\n' + 'declare var foo: number;\n' + 'declare namespace myLib {\n' + ' function makeGreeting(s: string): string;\n' + ' let numberOfGreetings: number;\n' + '}\n' + 'declare let test: any;') bt( 'interface Test {\n' + ' blah: string[];\n' + ' foo(): number {\n' + ' return 0;\n' + ' }\n' + ' bar(): number {\n' + ' return 0;\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue 583 - Functions with comments after them should still indent correctly. bt( 'function exit(code) {\n' + ' setTimeout(function() {\n' + ' phantom.exit(code);\n' + ' }, 0);\n' + ' phantom.onError = function() {};\n' + '}\n' + '// Comment') # Issue 806 - newline arrow functions bt( 'a.b("c",\n' + ' () => d.e\n' + ')') # Issue 810 - es6 object literal detection bt( 'function badFormatting() {\n' + ' return {\n' + ' a,\n' + ' b: c,\n' + ' d: e,\n' + ' f: g,\n' + ' h,\n' + ' i,\n' + ' j: k\n' + ' }\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + 'function goodFormatting() {\n' + ' return {\n' + ' a: b,\n' + ' c,\n' + ' d: e,\n' + ' f: g,\n' + ' h,\n' + ' i,\n' + ' j: k\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue 602 - ES6 object literal shorthand functions bt( 'return {\n' + ' fn1() {},\n' + ' fn2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'throw {\n' + ' fn1() {},\n' + ' fn2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'foo({\n' + ' fn1(a) {}\n' + ' fn2(a) {}\n' + '})') bt( 'foo("text", {\n' + ' fn1(a) {}\n' + ' fn2(a) {}\n' + '})') bt( 'oneArg = {\n' + ' fn1(a) {\n' + ' do();\n' + ' },\n' + ' fn2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'multiArg = {\n' + ' fn1(a, b, c) {\n' + ' do();\n' + ' },\n' + ' fn2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'noArgs = {\n' + ' fn1() {\n' + ' do();\n' + ' },\n' + ' fn2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'emptyFn = {\n' + ' fn1() {},\n' + ' fn2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'nested = {\n' + ' fns: {\n' + ' fn1() {},\n' + ' fn2() {}\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( 'array = [{\n' + ' fn1() {},\n' + ' prop: val,\n' + ' fn2() {}\n' + '}]') bt( 'expr = expr ? expr : {\n' + ' fn1() {},\n' + ' fn2() {}\n' + '}') bt( 'strange = valid + {\n' + ' fn1() {},\n' + ' fn2() {\n' + ' return 1;\n' + ' }\n' + '}.fn2()') # Issue 854 - Arrow function with statement block bt( 'test(() => {\n' + ' var a = {}\n' + '\n' + ' a.what = () => true ? 1 : 2\n' + '\n' + ' a.thing = () => {\n' + ' b();\n' + ' }\n' + '})') # Issue 1727 - Optional chaining bt('true?.1:.2', 'true ? .1 : .2') # Issue 406 - Multiline array bt( 'var tempName = [\n' + ' "temp",\n' + ' process.pid,\n' + ' (Math.random() * 0x1000000000).toString(36),\n' + ' new Date().getTime()\n' + '].join("-");') # Issue 1801 - Optional chaining w/ obj?.[expr] syntax bt( 'let nestedProp = obj?.["prop" + "Name"];\n' + 'let arrayItem = arr?.[42];') # Issue 1374 - Parameters starting with ! or [ merged into single line bt( 'fn(\n' + ' 1,\n' + ' !1,\n' + ' 1,\n' + ' [1]\n' + ')') # Issue 1288 - Negative numbers remove newlines in array bt( 'var array = [\n' + ' -1,\n' + ' 0,\n' + ' "a",\n' + ' -2,\n' + ' 1,\n' + ' -3,\n' + '];') # Issue 1229 - Negated expressions in array bt( 'a = [\n' + ' true && 1,\n' + ' true && 1,\n' + ' true && 1\n' + ']\n' + 'a = [\n' + ' !true && 1,\n' + ' !true && 1,\n' + ' !true && 1\n' + ']') # Issue #996 - Input ends with backslash throws exception test_fragment( 'sd = 1;\n' + '/') # Issue #1079 - unbraced if with comments should still look right bt( 'if (console.log)\n' + ' for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i)\n' + ' if (i % 3)\n' + ' console.log(i);\n' + '// all done\n' + 'console.log("done");') # Issue #1085 - function should not have blank line in a number of cases bt( 'var transformer =\n' + ' options.transformer ||\n' + ' globalSettings.transformer ||\n' + ' function(x) {\n' + ' return x;\n' + ' };') # Issue #1794 - support nullish-coalescing bt('a = b ?? c') # Issue #569 - function should not have blank line in a number of cases bt( '(function(global) {\n' + ' "use strict";\n' + '\n' + ' /* jshint ignore:start */\n' + ' include "somefile.js"\n' + ' /* jshint ignore:end */\n' + '}(this));') bt( 'function bindAuthEvent(eventName) {\n' + ' self.auth.on(eventName, function(event, meta) {\n' + ' self.emit(eventName, event, meta);\n' + ' });\n' + '}\n' + '["logged_in", "logged_out", "signed_up", "updated_user"].forEach(bindAuthEvent);\n' + '\n' + 'function bindBrowserEvent(eventName) {\n' + ' browser.on(eventName, function(event, meta) {\n' + ' self.emit(eventName, event, meta);\n' + ' });\n' + '}\n' + '["navigating"].forEach(bindBrowserEvent);') # Issue #892 - new line between chained methods bt( 'foo\n' + ' .who()\n' + '\n' + ' .knows()\n' + ' // comment\n' + ' .nothing() // comment\n' + '\n' + ' .more()') # Issue #1107 - Missing space between words for label bt( 'function f(a) {c: do if (x) {} else if (y) {} while(0); return 0;}', # -- output -- 'function f(a) {\n' + ' c: do\n' + ' if (x) {} else if (y) {}\n' + ' while (0);\n' + ' return 0;\n' + '}') bt( 'function f(a) {c: if (x) {} else if (y) {} return 0;}', # -- output -- 'function f(a) {\n' + ' c: if (x) {} else if (y) {}\n' + ' return 0;\n' + '}') #============================================================ # Test non-positionable-ops self.reset_options() bt('a += 2;') bt('a -= 2;') bt('a *= 2;') bt('a /= 2;') bt('a %= 2;') bt('a &= 2;') bt('a ^= 2;') bt('a |= 2;') bt('a **= 2;') bt('a <<= 2;') bt('a >>= 2;') #============================================================ # self.reset_options() # exponent literals bt('a = 1e10') bt('a = 1.3e10') bt('a = 1.3e-10') bt('a = -12345.3e-10') bt('a = .12345e-10') bt('a = 06789e-10') bt('a = e - 10') bt('a = 1.3e+10') bt('a = 1.e-7') bt('a = -12345.3e+10') bt('a = .12345e+10') bt('a = 06789e+10') bt('a = e + 10') bt('a=0e-12345.3e-10', 'a = 0e-12345 .3e-10') bt('a=0.e-12345.3e-10', 'a = 0.e-12345 .3e-10') bt('a=0x.e-12345.3e-10', 'a = 0x.e - 12345.3e-10') bt('a=0x0.e-12345.3e-10', 'a = 0x0.e - 12345.3e-10') bt('a=0x0.0e-12345.3e-10', 'a = 0x0 .0e-12345 .3e-10') bt('a=0g-12345.3e-10', 'a = 0 g - 12345.3e-10') bt('a=0.g-12345.3e-10', 'a = 0. g - 12345.3e-10') bt('a=0x.g-12345.3e-10', 'a = 0x.g - 12345.3e-10') bt('a=0x0.g-12345.3e-10', 'a = 0x0.g - 12345.3e-10') bt('a=0x0.0g-12345.3e-10', 'a = 0x0 .0 g - 12345.3e-10') # exponent literals with underscore bt('a = 1_1e10') bt('a = 1_.3e10') bt('a = 1_1.3e10') bt('a = 1__1.3e10') bt('a = 1._3e10') bt('a = 1.3_e10') bt('a = 1.3e_10') bt('a = 1.3e1_0') bt('a = 1.3e10_') # Decimal literals bt('a = 0123456789;') bt('a = 9876543210;') bt('a = 5647308291;') bt('a=030e-5', 'a = 030e-5') bt('a=00+4', 'a = 00 + 4') bt('a=32+4', 'a = 32 + 4') bt('a=0.6g+4', 'a = 0.6 g + 4') bt('a=01.10', 'a = 01.10') bt('a=a.10', 'a = a .10') bt('a=00B0x0', 'a = 00 B0x0') bt('a=00B0xb0', 'a = 00 B0xb0') bt('a=00B0x0b0', 'a = 00 B0x0b0') bt('a=0090x0', 'a = 0090 x0') bt('a=0g0b0o0', 'a = 0 g0b0o0') # Decimal literals with underscore bt('a = 0_123456789') bt('a = 0__123456789') bt('a = 0__') bt('a = 0_1_2_3') bt('a = 0_1_2_3_') # Hexadecimal literals bt('a = 0x0123456789abcdef;') bt('a = 0X0123456789ABCDEF;') bt('a = 0xFeDcBa9876543210;') bt('a=0x30e-5', 'a = 0x30e - 5') bt('a=0xF0+4', 'a = 0xF0 + 4') bt('a=0Xff+4', 'a = 0Xff + 4') bt('a=0Xffg+4', 'a = 0Xff g + 4') bt('a=0x01.10', 'a = 0x01 .10') bt('a = 0xb0ce;') bt('a = 0x0b0;') bt('a=0x0B0x0', 'a = 0x0B0 x0') bt('a=0x0B0xb0', 'a = 0x0B0 xb0') bt('a=0x0B0x0b0', 'a = 0x0B0 x0b0') bt('a=0X090x0', 'a = 0X090 x0') bt('a=0Xg0b0o0', 'a = 0X g0b0o0') # Hexadecimal literals with underscore bt('a = 0x0_123456789abcdef') bt('a = 0x0__0123456789abcdef') bt('a = 0x_0123456789abcdef') bt('a = 0x__') bt('a = 0x0_1_a_3') bt('a = 0x_1_2_F_') # Octal literals bt('a = 0o01234567;') bt('a = 0O01234567;') bt('a = 0o34120675;') bt('a=0o30e-5', 'a = 0o30 e - 5') bt('a=0o70+4', 'a = 0o70 + 4') bt('a=0O77+4', 'a = 0O77 + 4') bt('a=0O778+4', 'a = 0O77 8 + 4') bt('a=0O77a+4', 'a = 0O77 a + 4') bt('a=0o01.10', 'a = 0o01 .10') bt('a=0o0B0x0', 'a = 0o0 B0x0') bt('a=0o0B0xb0', 'a = 0o0 B0xb0') bt('a=0o0B0x0b0', 'a = 0o0 B0x0b0') bt('a=0O090x0', 'a = 0O0 90 x0') bt('a=0Og0b0o0', 'a = 0O g0b0o0') # Octal literals with underscore bt('a = 0o0_1234567') bt('a = 0o0__1234567') bt('a = 0o_01234567') bt('a = 0o__') bt('a = 0o0_1_2_3') bt('a = 0o_1_2_3_') # Binary literals bt('a = 0b010011;') bt('a = 0B010011;') bt('a = 0b01001100001111;') bt('a=0b10e-5', 'a = 0b10 e - 5') bt('a=0b10+4', 'a = 0b10 + 4') bt('a=0B11+4', 'a = 0B11 + 4') bt('a=0B112+4', 'a = 0B11 2 + 4') bt('a=0B11a+4', 'a = 0B11 a + 4') bt('a=0b01.10', 'a = 0b01 .10') bt('a=0b0B0x0', 'a = 0b0 B0x0') bt('a=0b0B0xb0', 'a = 0b0 B0xb0') bt('a=0b0B0x0b0', 'a = 0b0 B0x0b0') bt('a=0B090x0', 'a = 0B0 90 x0') bt('a=0Bg0b0o0', 'a = 0B g0b0o0') # Binary literals with underscore bt('a = 0b0_10011') bt('a = 0b0__10011') bt('a = 0b_010011') bt('a = 0b__') bt('a = 0b0_1_1_1') bt('a = 0b_1_0_1_') bt('a = 0B010_0_11;') bt('a = 0b01_0011_0000_1111;') # BigInt literals bt('a = 1n;') bt('a = 1234567890123456789n;') bt('a = -1234567890123456789n;') bt('a = 1234567890123456789 N;') bt('a=0b10e-5n', 'a = 0b10 e - 5n') bt('a=.0n', 'a = .0 n') bt('a=1.0n', 'a = 1.0 n') bt('a=1e0n', 'a = 1e0 n') bt('a=0n11a+4', 'a = 0n 11 a + 4') # BigInt literals with underscore bt('a = 0_123456789n') bt('a = 0__123456789n') bt('a = 0__n') bt('a = 0_1_2_3n') bt('a = 0_1_2_3_n') # BigInt hexadecimal literals bt('a = 0x0123456789abcdefn;') bt('a = 0X0123456789ABCDEFn;') bt('a = 0xFeDcBa9876543210n;') bt('a=0x30en-5', 'a = 0x30en - 5') bt('a=0xF0n+4', 'a = 0xF0n + 4') bt('a=0Xffn+4', 'a = 0Xffn + 4') bt('a=0Xffng+4', 'a = 0Xffn g + 4') bt('a=0x01n.10', 'a = 0x01n .10') bt('a = 0xb0cen;') bt('a = 0x0b0n;') bt('a=0x0B0nx0', 'a = 0x0B0n x0') bt('a=0x0B0nxb0', 'a = 0x0B0n xb0') bt('a=0x0B0nx0b0', 'a = 0x0B0n x0b0') bt('a=0X090nx0', 'a = 0X090n x0') # BigInt hexadecimal literals with underscore bt('a = 0x0_123456789abcdefn') bt('a = 0x0__0123456789abcdefn') bt('a = 0x_0123456789abcdefn') bt('a = 0x__n') bt('a = 0x0_1_a_3n') bt('a = 0x_1_2_F_n') # BigInt octal literals bt('a = 0o01234567n;') bt('a = 0O01234567n;') bt('a = 0o34120675n;') bt('a=0o30ne-5', 'a = 0o30n e - 5') bt('a=0o70n+4', 'a = 0o70n + 4') bt('a=0O77n+4', 'a = 0O77n + 4') bt('a=0O77n8+4', 'a = 0O77n 8 + 4') bt('a=0O77na+4', 'a = 0O77n a + 4') bt('a=0o01n.10', 'a = 0o01n .10') bt('a=0o0nB0x0', 'a = 0o0n B0x0') bt('a=0o0nB0xb0', 'a = 0o0n B0xb0') bt('a=0o0nB0x0b0', 'a = 0o0n B0x0b0') bt('a=0O0n90x0', 'a = 0O0n 90 x0') # BigInt octal literals with underscore bt('a = 0o0_1234567n') bt('a = 0o0__1234567n') bt('a = 0o_01234567n') bt('a = 0o__n') bt('a = 0o0_1_2_3n') bt('a = 0o_1_2_3_n') # BigInt binary literals bt('a = 0b010011n;') bt('a = 0B010011n;') bt('a = 0b01001100001111n;') bt('a=0b10ne-5', 'a = 0b10n e - 5') bt('a=0b10n+4', 'a = 0b10n + 4') bt('a=0B11n+4', 'a = 0B11n + 4') bt('a=0B11n2+4', 'a = 0B11n 2 + 4') bt('a=0B11na+4', 'a = 0B11n a + 4') bt('a=0b01n.10', 'a = 0b01n .10') bt('a=0b0nB0x0', 'a = 0b0n B0x0') bt('a=0b0nB0xb0', 'a = 0b0n B0xb0') bt('a=0b0nB0x0b0', 'a = 0b0n B0x0b0') bt('a=0B0n90x0', 'a = 0B0n 90 x0') # BigInt binary literals with underscore bt('a = 0b0_10011n') bt('a = 0b0__10011n') bt('a = 0b_010011') bt('a = 0b__n') bt('a = 0b0_1_1_1n') bt('a = 0b_1_0_1_n') bt('a = 0B010_0_11n;') bt('a = 0b01_0011_0000_1111n;') #============================================================ # brace_style ,preserve-inline tests - (brace_style = ""collapse,preserve-inline"") self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = 'collapse,preserve-inline' bt('import { asdf } from "asdf";') bt('import { get } from "asdf";') bt('function inLine() { console.log("oh em gee"); }') bt('if (cancer) { console.log("Im sorry but you only have so long to live..."); }') bt('if (ding) { console.log("dong"); } else { console.log("dang"); }') bt( 'function kindaComplex() {\n' + ' var a = 2;\n' + ' var obj = {};\n' + ' var obj2 = { a: "a", b: "b" };\n' + ' var obj3 = {\n' + ' c: "c",\n' + ' d: "d",\n' + ' e: "e"\n' + ' };\n' + '}') bt( 'function complex() {\n' + ' console.log("wowe");\n' + ' (function() { var a = 2; var b = 3; })();\n' + ' $.each(arr, function(el, idx) { return el; });\n' + ' var obj = {\n' + ' a: function() { console.log("test"); },\n' + ' b() {\n' + ' console.log("test2");\n' + ' }\n' + ' };\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function complex() {\n' + ' console.log("wowe");\n' + ' (function() { var a = 2; var b = 3; })();\n' + ' $.each(arr, function(el, idx) { return el; });\n' + ' var obj = {\n' + ' a: function() { console.log("test"); },\n' + ' b() {\n' + ' console.log("test2");\n' + ' }\n' + ' };\n' + '}') # brace_style ,preserve-inline tests - (brace_style = ""expand,preserve-inline"") self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = 'expand,preserve-inline' bt('import { asdf } from "asdf";') bt('import { get } from "asdf";') bt('function inLine() { console.log("oh em gee"); }') bt('if (cancer) { console.log("Im sorry but you only have so long to live..."); }') bt( 'if (ding) { console.log("dong"); } else { console.log("dang"); }', # -- output -- 'if (ding) { console.log("dong"); }\n' + 'else { console.log("dang"); }') bt( 'function kindaComplex() {\n' + ' var a = 2;\n' + ' var obj = {};\n' + ' var obj2 = { a: "a", b: "b" };\n' + ' var obj3 = {\n' + ' c: "c",\n' + ' d: "d",\n' + ' e: "e"\n' + ' };\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function kindaComplex()\n' + '{\n' + ' var a = 2;\n' + ' var obj = {};\n' + ' var obj2 = { a: "a", b: "b" };\n' + ' var obj3 = {\n' + ' c: "c",\n' + ' d: "d",\n' + ' e: "e"\n' + ' };\n' + '}') bt( 'function complex() {\n' + ' console.log("wowe");\n' + ' (function() { var a = 2; var b = 3; })();\n' + ' $.each(arr, function(el, idx) { return el; });\n' + ' var obj = {\n' + ' a: function() { console.log("test"); },\n' + ' b() {\n' + ' console.log("test2");\n' + ' }\n' + ' };\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function complex()\n' + '{\n' + ' console.log("wowe");\n' + ' (function() { var a = 2; var b = 3; })();\n' + ' $.each(arr, function(el, idx) { return el; });\n' + ' var obj = {\n' + ' a: function() { console.log("test"); },\n' + ' b()\n' + ' {\n' + ' console.log("test2");\n' + ' }\n' + ' };\n' + '}') # brace_style ,preserve-inline tests - (brace_style = ""end-expand,preserve-inline"") self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = 'end-expand,preserve-inline' bt('import { asdf } from "asdf";') bt('import { get } from "asdf";') bt('function inLine() { console.log("oh em gee"); }') bt('if (cancer) { console.log("Im sorry but you only have so long to live..."); }') bt( 'if (ding) { console.log("dong"); } else { console.log("dang"); }', # -- output -- 'if (ding) { console.log("dong"); }\n' + 'else { console.log("dang"); }') bt( 'function kindaComplex() {\n' + ' var a = 2;\n' + ' var obj = {};\n' + ' var obj2 = { a: "a", b: "b" };\n' + ' var obj3 = {\n' + ' c: "c",\n' + ' d: "d",\n' + ' e: "e"\n' + ' };\n' + '}') bt( 'function complex() {\n' + ' console.log("wowe");\n' + ' (function() { var a = 2; var b = 3; })();\n' + ' $.each(arr, function(el, idx) { return el; });\n' + ' var obj = {\n' + ' a: function() { console.log("test"); },\n' + ' b() {\n' + ' console.log("test2");\n' + ' }\n' + ' };\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function complex() {\n' + ' console.log("wowe");\n' + ' (function() { var a = 2; var b = 3; })();\n' + ' $.each(arr, function(el, idx) { return el; });\n' + ' var obj = {\n' + ' a: function() { console.log("test"); },\n' + ' b() {\n' + ' console.log("test2");\n' + ' }\n' + ' };\n' + '}') # brace_style ,preserve-inline tests - (brace_style = ""none,preserve-inline"") self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = 'none,preserve-inline' bt('import { asdf } from "asdf";') bt('import { get } from "asdf";') bt('function inLine() { console.log("oh em gee"); }') bt('if (cancer) { console.log("Im sorry but you only have so long to live..."); }') bt('if (ding) { console.log("dong"); } else { console.log("dang"); }') bt( 'function kindaComplex() {\n' + ' var a = 2;\n' + ' var obj = {};\n' + ' var obj2 = { a: "a", b: "b" };\n' + ' var obj3 = {\n' + ' c: "c",\n' + ' d: "d",\n' + ' e: "e"\n' + ' };\n' + '}') bt( 'function complex() {\n' + ' console.log("wowe");\n' + ' (function() { var a = 2; var b = 3; })();\n' + ' $.each(arr, function(el, idx) { return el; });\n' + ' var obj = {\n' + ' a: function() { console.log("test"); },\n' + ' b() {\n' + ' console.log("test2");\n' + ' }\n' + ' };\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function complex() {\n' + ' console.log("wowe");\n' + ' (function() { var a = 2; var b = 3; })();\n' + ' $.each(arr, function(el, idx) { return el; });\n' + ' var obj = {\n' + ' a: function() { console.log("test"); },\n' + ' b() {\n' + ' console.log("test2");\n' + ' }\n' + ' };\n' + '}') # brace_style ,preserve-inline tests - (brace_style = ""collapse-preserve-inline"") self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = 'collapse-preserve-inline' bt('import { asdf } from "asdf";') bt('import { get } from "asdf";') bt('function inLine() { console.log("oh em gee"); }') bt('if (cancer) { console.log("Im sorry but you only have so long to live..."); }') bt('if (ding) { console.log("dong"); } else { console.log("dang"); }') bt( 'function kindaComplex() {\n' + ' var a = 2;\n' + ' var obj = {};\n' + ' var obj2 = { a: "a", b: "b" };\n' + ' var obj3 = {\n' + ' c: "c",\n' + ' d: "d",\n' + ' e: "e"\n' + ' };\n' + '}') bt( 'function complex() {\n' + ' console.log("wowe");\n' + ' (function() { var a = 2; var b = 3; })();\n' + ' $.each(arr, function(el, idx) { return el; });\n' + ' var obj = {\n' + ' a: function() { console.log("test"); },\n' + ' b() {\n' + ' console.log("test2");\n' + ' }\n' + ' };\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function complex() {\n' + ' console.log("wowe");\n' + ' (function() { var a = 2; var b = 3; })();\n' + ' $.each(arr, function(el, idx) { return el; });\n' + ' var obj = {\n' + ' a: function() { console.log("test"); },\n' + ' b() {\n' + ' console.log("test2");\n' + ' }\n' + ' };\n' + '}') #============================================================ # Destructured and related self.reset_options() self.options.brace_style = 'collapse,preserve-inline' # Issue 382 - import destructured bt( 'module "Even" {\n' + ' import { odd, oddly } from "Odd";\n' + '}') bt( 'import defaultMember from "module-name";\n' + 'import * as name from "module-name";\n' + 'import { member } from "module-name";\n' + 'import { member as alias } from "module-name";\n' + 'import { member1, member2 } from "module-name";\n' + 'import { member1, member2 as alias2 } from "module-name";\n' + 'import defaultMember, { member, member2 } from "module-name";\n' + 'import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name";\n' + 'import "module-name";\n' + 'import("module-name")') # Issue #1393 - dynamic import() bt( 'if (from < to) {\n' + ' import(`dynamic${library}`);\n' + '} else {\n' + ' import("otherdynamic");\n' + '}') # Issue #1197 - dynamic import() arrow syntax bt('frontend = Async(() => import("../frontend").then(m => m.default ))', 'frontend = Async(() => import("../frontend").then(m => m.default))') # Issue #1978 - import.meta syntax support bt('let x = import.meta', 'let x = import.meta') # Issue 858 - from is a keyword only after import bt( 'if (from < to) {\n' + ' from++;\n' + '} else {\n' + ' from--;\n' + '}') # Issue 511 - destrutured bt( 'var { b, c } = require("../stores");\n' + 'var { ProjectStore } = require("../stores");\n' + '\n' + 'function takeThing({ prop }) {\n' + ' console.log("inner prop", prop)\n' + '}') # Issue 315 - Short objects bt('var a = { b: { c: { d: e } } };') bt( 'var a = {\n' + ' b: {\n' + ' c: { d: e }\n' + ' c3: { d: e }\n' + ' },\n' + ' b2: { c: { d: e } }\n' + '};') # Issue 370 - Short objects in array bt( 'var methods = [\n' + ' { name: "to" },\n' + ' { name: "step" },\n' + ' { name: "move" },\n' + ' { name: "min" },\n' + ' { name: "max" }\n' + '];') # Issue 838 - Short objects in array bt( 'function(url, callback) {\n' + ' var script = document.createElement("script")\n' + ' if (true) script.onreadystatechange = function() {\n' + ' foo();\n' + ' }\n' + ' else script.onload = callback;\n' + '}') # Issue 578 - Odd indenting after function bt( 'function bindAuthEvent(eventName) {\n' + ' self.auth.on(eventName, function(event, meta) {\n' + ' self.emit(eventName, event, meta);\n' + ' });\n' + '}\n' + '["logged_in", "logged_out", "signed_up", "updated_user"].forEach(bindAuthEvent);') # Issue #487 - some short expressions examples bt( 'if (a == 1) { a++; }\n' + 'a = { a: a };\n' + 'UserDB.findOne({ username: "xyz" }, function(err, user) {});\n' + 'import { fs } from "fs";') # Issue #982 - Fixed return expression collapse-preserve-inline bt( 'function foo(arg) {\n' + ' if (!arg) { a(); }\n' + ' if (!arg) { return false; }\n' + ' if (!arg) { throw "inline"; }\n' + ' return true;\n' + '}') # Issue #338 - Short expressions bt( 'if (someCondition) { return something; }\n' + 'if (someCondition) {\n' + ' return something;\n' + '}\n' + 'if (someCondition) { break; }\n' + 'if (someCondition) {\n' + ' return something;\n' + '}') # Issue #1283 - Javascript ++ Operator get wrong indent bt( '{this.foo++\n' + 'bar}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' this.foo++\n' + ' bar\n' + '}') # Issue #1283 - Javascript ++ Operator get wrong indent (2) bt( 'axios.interceptors.request.use(\n' + ' config => {\n' + ' // loading\n' + ' window.store.loading++\n' + ' let extraParams = {}\n' + ' }\n' + ')') # Issue ##1846 - in keyword in class method causes indentation problem bt( 'class {\n' + ' get a() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' in() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' b() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'class {\n' + ' get a() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' in() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' b() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Related to Issue ##1846 - Do not indent 'in' keyword if not a class method bt( 'function test() {\n' + 'for x in nums {}\n' + '"make" in car\n' + '3 in number;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function test() {\n' + ' for x in nums {}\n' + ' "make" in car\n' + ' 3 in number;\n' + '}') # Related to Issue ##1846 - of keyword in class method causes indentation problem bt( 'class {\n' + ' get a() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' of() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' b() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'class {\n' + ' get a() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' of() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' b() {\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '}') # Issue #1950: Do not remove whitespace after number - test scenario: number before a dot bt('1000000000000001000 .toFixed(0)!==1000000000000001024', '1000000000000001000 .toFixed(0) !== 1000000000000001024') # Issue #1950: Do not remove whitespace after number - test scenario: variable ends with a number before a dot bt('a.b21 . performAction()', 'a.b21.performAction()') #============================================================ # keep_array_indentation false self.reset_options() self.options.keep_array_indentation = false bt( 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f"]', # -- output -- 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f"\n' + ']') bt( 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f",\n' + ' "g", "h", "i"]', # -- output -- 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f",\n' + ' "g", "h", "i"\n' + ']') bt( 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f",\n' + ' "g", "h", "i"]', # -- output -- 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f",\n' + ' "g", "h", "i"\n' + ']') bt( 'var x = [{}\n' + ']', # -- output -- 'var x = [{}]') bt( 'var x = [{foo:bar}\n' + ']', # -- output -- 'var x = [{\n' + ' foo: bar\n' + '}]') bt( 'a = ["something",\n' + ' "completely",\n' + ' "different"];\n' + 'if (x);', # -- output -- 'a = ["something",\n' + ' "completely",\n' + ' "different"\n' + '];\n' + 'if (x);') bt('a = ["a","b","c"]', 'a = ["a", "b", "c"]') bt('a = ["a", "b","c"]', 'a = ["a", "b", "c"]') bt( 'x = [{"a":0}]', # -- output -- 'x = [{\n' + ' "a": 0\n' + '}]') bt( '{a([[a1]], {b;});}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a([\n' + ' [a1]\n' + ' ], {\n' + ' b;\n' + ' });\n' + '}') bt( 'a ();\n' + ' [\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + ' ].toString();', # -- output -- 'a();\n' + '[\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + '].toString();') bt( 'a ();\n' + 'a = [\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + ' ].toString();', # -- output -- 'a();\n' + 'a = [\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + '].toString();') bt( 'function() {\n' + ' Foo([\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + ' ]);\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function() {\n' + ' Foo([\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + ' ]);\n' + '}') bt( 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' "one",\n' + ' "two"\n' + ' ];\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' "one",\n' + ' "two"\n' + ' ];\n' + '}') bt( 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' {\n' + ' one: "x",\n' + ' two: [\n' + ' {\n' + ' id: "a",\n' + ' name: "apple"\n' + ' }, {\n' + ' id: "b",\n' + ' name: "banana"\n' + ' }\n' + ' ]\n' + ' }\n' + ' ];\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [{\n' + ' one: "x",\n' + ' two: [{\n' + ' id: "a",\n' + ' name: "apple"\n' + ' }, {\n' + ' id: "b",\n' + ' name: "banana"\n' + ' }]\n' + ' }];\n' + '}') bt( 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' {\n' + ' one: "x",\n' + ' two: [\n' + ' {\n' + ' id: "a",\n' + ' name: "apple"\n' + ' }, {\n' + ' id: "b",\n' + ' name: "banana"\n' + ' }\n' + ' ]\n' + ' }\n' + ' ];\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [{\n' + ' one: "x",\n' + ' two: [{\n' + ' id: "a",\n' + ' name: "apple"\n' + ' }, {\n' + ' id: "b",\n' + ' name: "banana"\n' + ' }]\n' + ' }];\n' + '}') #============================================================ # keep_array_indentation true self.reset_options() self.options.keep_array_indentation = true bt( 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f"]', # -- output -- 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f"]') bt( 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f",\n' + ' "g", "h", "i"]', # -- output -- 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f",\n' + ' "g", "h", "i"]') bt( 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f",\n' + ' "g", "h", "i"]', # -- output -- 'a = ["a", "b", "c",\n' + ' "d", "e", "f",\n' + ' "g", "h", "i"]') bt( 'var x = [{}\n' + ']', # -- output -- 'var x = [{}\n' + ']') bt( 'var x = [{foo:bar}\n' + ']', # -- output -- 'var x = [{\n' + ' foo: bar\n' + ' }\n' + ']') bt( 'a = ["something",\n' + ' "completely",\n' + ' "different"];\n' + 'if (x);', # -- output -- 'a = ["something",\n' + ' "completely",\n' + ' "different"];\n' + 'if (x);') bt('a = ["a","b","c"]', 'a = ["a", "b", "c"]') bt('a = ["a", "b","c"]', 'a = ["a", "b", "c"]') bt( 'x = [{"a":0}]', # -- output -- 'x = [{\n' + ' "a": 0\n' + '}]') bt( '{a([[a1]], {b;});}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a([[a1]], {\n' + ' b;\n' + ' });\n' + '}') bt( 'a ();\n' + ' [\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + ' ].toString();', # -- output -- 'a();\n' + ' [\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + ' ].toString();') bt( 'a ();\n' + 'a = [\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + ' ].toString();', # -- output -- 'a();\n' + 'a = [\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + ' ].toString();') bt( 'function() {\n' + ' Foo([\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + ' ]);\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function() {\n' + ' Foo([\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsd"],\n' + ' ["sdfsdfsdf"]\n' + ' ]);\n' + '}') bt( 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' "one",\n' + ' "two"\n' + ' ];\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' "one",\n' + ' "two"\n' + ' ];\n' + '}') bt( 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' {\n' + ' one: "x",\n' + ' two: [\n' + ' {\n' + ' id: "a",\n' + ' name: "apple"\n' + ' }, {\n' + ' id: "b",\n' + ' name: "banana"\n' + ' }\n' + ' ]\n' + ' }\n' + ' ];\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' {\n' + ' one: "x",\n' + ' two: [\n' + ' {\n' + ' id: "a",\n' + ' name: "apple"\n' + ' }, {\n' + ' id: "b",\n' + ' name: "banana"\n' + ' }\n' + ' ]\n' + ' }\n' + ' ];\n' + '}') #============================================================ # indent_empty_lines true self.reset_options() self.options.indent_empty_lines = true test_fragment( 'var a = 1;\n' + '\n' + 'var b = 1;') test_fragment( 'var a = 1;\n' + ' \n' + 'var b = 1;', # -- output -- 'var a = 1;\n' + '\n' + 'var b = 1;') test_fragment( '{\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + ' \n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + '\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + ' \n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + ' \n' + '}') test_fragment( '{\n' + '\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + '\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' \n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + ' \n' + '}') test_fragment( '{\n' + '\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '\n' + 'function A() {\n' + '\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + '\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' \n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + ' \n' + ' function A() {\n' + ' \n' + ' }\n' + ' \n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + ' \n' + '}') #============================================================ # indent_empty_lines false self.reset_options() self.options.indent_empty_lines = false test_fragment( 'var a = 1;\n' + '\n' + 'var b = 1;') test_fragment( 'var a = 1;\n' + ' \n' + 'var b = 1;', # -- output -- 'var a = 1;\n' + '\n' + 'var b = 1;') test_fragment( '{\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + ' \n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + '\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '\n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + '\n' + '}') test_fragment( '{\n' + '\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + '\n' + '}') test_fragment( '{\n' + '\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '\n' + 'function A() {\n' + '\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + '\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + '\n' + ' var a = 1;\n' + '\n' + ' function A() {\n' + '\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' var b = 1;\n' + '\n' + '}') #============================================================ # Record data type self.reset_options() # regular record with primitive bt( 'a = #{ b:"c", d:1, e:true };', # -- output -- 'a = #{\n' + ' b: "c",\n' + ' d: 1,\n' + ' e: true\n' + '};') # nested record bt( 'a = #{b:#{ c:1,d:2,}, e:"f"};', # -- output -- 'a = #{\n' + ' b: #{\n' + ' c: 1,\n' + ' d: 2,\n' + ' },\n' + ' e: "f"\n' + '};') # # not directly followed by { is not handled as record bt( 'a = # {\n' + ' b: 1,\n' + ' d: true\n' + '};') # example of already valid and beautified record bt( 'a = #{\n' + ' b: 1,\n' + ' d: true\n' + '};') #============================================================ # Old tests self.reset_options() bt('') test_fragment(' return .5') test_fragment( ' return .5;\n' + ' a();') test_fragment( ' return .5;\n' + ' a();') test_fragment( ' return .5;\n' + ' a();') test_fragment(' < div') bt('a = 1', 'a = 1') bt('a=1', 'a = 1') bt('(3) / 2') bt('["a", "b"].join("")') bt( 'a();\n' + '\n' + 'b();') bt( 'var a = 1 var b = 2', # -- output -- 'var a = 1\n' + 'var b = 2') bt( 'var a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', # -- output -- 'var a = 1,\n' + ' b = c[d],\n' + ' e = 6;') bt( 'var a,\n' + ' b,\n' + ' c;') bt( 'let a = 1 let b = 2', # -- output -- 'let a = 1\n' + 'let b = 2') bt( 'let a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', # -- output -- 'let a = 1,\n' + ' b = c[d],\n' + ' e = 6;') bt( 'let a,\n' + ' b,\n' + ' c;') bt( 'const a = 1 const b = 2', # -- output -- 'const a = 1\n' + 'const b = 2') bt( 'const a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', # -- output -- 'const a = 1,\n' + ' b = c[d],\n' + ' e = 6;') bt( 'const a,\n' + ' b,\n' + ' c;') bt('a = " 12345 "') bt('a = \' 12345 \'') bt('if (a == 1) b = 2;') bt( 'if(1){2}else{3}', # -- output -- 'if (1) {\n' + ' 2\n' + '} else {\n' + ' 3\n' + '}') bt('if(1||2);', 'if (1 || 2);') bt('(a==1)||(b==2)', '(a == 1) || (b == 2)') bt( 'var a = 1 if (2) 3;', # -- output -- 'var a = 1\n' + 'if (2) 3;') bt('a = a + 1') bt('a = a == 1') bt('/12345[^678]*9+/.match(a)') bt('a /= 5') bt('a = 0.5 * 3') bt('a *= 10.55') bt('a < .5') bt('a <= .5') bt('a<.5', 'a < .5') bt('a<=.5', 'a <= .5') bt('a = [1, 2, 3, 4]') bt('F*(g/=f)*g+b', 'F * (g /= f) * g + b') bt( 'a.b({c:d})', # -- output -- 'a.b({\n' + ' c: d\n' + '})') bt( 'a.b\n' + '(\n' + '{\n' + 'c:\n' + 'd\n' + '}\n' + ')', # -- output -- 'a.b({\n' + ' c: d\n' + '})') bt( 'a.b({c:"d"})', # -- output -- 'a.b({\n' + ' c: "d"\n' + '})') bt( 'a.b\n' + '(\n' + '{\n' + 'c:\n' + '"d"\n' + '}\n' + ')', # -- output -- 'a.b({\n' + ' c: "d"\n' + '})') bt('a=!b', 'a = !b') bt('a=!!b', 'a = !!b') bt('a?b:c', 'a ? b : c') bt('a?1:2', 'a ? 1 : 2') bt('a?(b):c', 'a ? (b) : c') bt( 'x={a:1,b:w=="foo"?x:y,c:z}', # -- output -- 'x = {\n' + ' a: 1,\n' + ' b: w == "foo" ? x : y,\n' + ' c: z\n' + '}') bt('x=a?b?c?d:e:f:g;', 'x = a ? b ? c ? d : e : f : g;') bt( 'x=a?b?c?d:{e1:1,e2:2}:f:g;', # -- output -- 'x = a ? b ? c ? d : {\n' + ' e1: 1,\n' + ' e2: 2\n' + '} : f : g;') bt('function void(void) {}') bt('if(!a)foo();', 'if (!a) foo();') bt('a=~a', 'a = ~a') bt( 'a;/*comment*/b;', # -- output -- 'a; /*comment*/\n' + 'b;') bt( 'a;/* comment */b;', # -- output -- 'a; /* comment */\n' + 'b;') # simple comments don't get touched at all test_fragment( 'a;/*\n' + 'comment\n' + '*/b;', # -- output -- 'a;\n' + '/*\n' + 'comment\n' + '*/\n' + 'b;') bt( 'a;/**\n' + '* javadoc\n' + '*/b;', # -- output -- 'a;\n' + '/**\n' + ' * javadoc\n' + ' */\n' + 'b;') test_fragment( 'a;/**\n' + '\n' + 'no javadoc\n' + '*/b;', # -- output -- 'a;\n' + '/**\n' + '\n' + 'no javadoc\n' + '*/\n' + 'b;') # comment blocks detected and reindented even w/o javadoc starter bt( 'a;/*\n' + '* javadoc\n' + '*/b;', # -- output -- 'a;\n' + '/*\n' + ' * javadoc\n' + ' */\n' + 'b;') bt('if(a)break;', 'if (a) break;') bt( 'if(a){break}', # -- output -- 'if (a) {\n' + ' break\n' + '}') bt('if((a))foo();', 'if ((a)) foo();') bt('for(var i=0;;) a', 'for (var i = 0;;) a') bt( 'for(var i=0;;)\n' + 'a', # -- output -- 'for (var i = 0;;)\n' + ' a') bt('a++;') bt('for(;;i++)a()', 'for (;; i++) a()') bt( 'for(;;i++)\n' + 'a()', # -- output -- 'for (;; i++)\n' + ' a()') bt('for(;;++i)a', 'for (;; ++i) a') bt('return(1)', 'return (1)') bt( 'try{a();}catch(b){c();}finally{d();}', # -- output -- 'try {\n' + ' a();\n' + '} catch (b) {\n' + ' c();\n' + '} finally {\n' + ' d();\n' + '}') # magic function call bt('(xx)()') # another magic function call bt('a[1]()') bt( 'if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();', # -- output -- 'if (a) {\n' + ' b();\n' + '} else if (c) foo();') bt( 'switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case 0:\n' + ' case 1:\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + ' default:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x) {default: case 1: a(); break; case 0: break}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' default:\n' + ' case 1:\n' + ' a();\n' + ' break;\n' + ' case 0:\n' + ' break\n' + '}') bt( 'switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}', # -- output -- 'switch (x) {\n' + ' case -1:\n' + ' break;\n' + ' case !y:\n' + ' break;\n' + '}') bt('a !== b') bt( 'if (a) b(); else c();', # -- output -- 'if (a) b();\n' + 'else c();') # typical greasemonkey start bt( '// comment\n' + '(function something() {})') # duplicating newlines bt( '{\n' + '\n' + ' x();\n' + '\n' + '}') bt('if (a in b) foo();') bt('if (a of b) foo();') bt('if (a of [1, 2, 3]) foo();') bt( 'if(X)if(Y)a();else b();else c();', # -- output -- 'if (X)\n' + ' if (Y) a();\n' + ' else b();\n' + 'else c();') bt( 'if (foo) bar();\n' + 'else break') bt('var a, b;') bt('var a = new function();') test_fragment('new function') bt('var a, b') bt( '{a:1, b:2}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a: 1,\n' + ' b: 2\n' + '}') bt( 'a={1:[-1],2:[+1]}', # -- output -- 'a = {\n' + ' 1: [-1],\n' + ' 2: [+1]\n' + '}') bt( 'var l = {\'a\':\'1\', \'b\':\'2\'}', # -- output -- 'var l = {\n' + ' \'a\': \'1\',\n' + ' \'b\': \'2\'\n' + '}') bt('if (template.user[n] in bk) foo();') bt('return 45') bt( 'return this.prevObject ||\n' + '\n' + ' this.constructor(null);') bt('If[1]') bt('Then[1]') bt('a = 1;// comment', 'a = 1; // comment') bt('a = 1; // comment') bt( 'a = 1;\n' + ' // comment', # -- output -- 'a = 1;\n' + '// comment') bt('a = [-1, -1, -1]') bt( '// a\n' + '// b\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '// c\n' + '// d') bt( '// func-comment\n' + '\n' + 'function foo() {}\n' + '\n' + '// end-func-comment') # The exact formatting these should have is open for discussion, but they are at least reasonable bt( 'a = [ // comment\n' + ' -1, -1, -1\n' + ']') bt( 'var a = [ // comment\n' + ' -1, -1, -1\n' + ']') bt( 'a = [ // comment\n' + ' -1, // comment\n' + ' -1, -1\n' + ']') bt( 'var a = [ // comment\n' + ' -1, // comment\n' + ' -1, -1\n' + ']') bt( 'o = [{a:b},{c:d}]', # -- output -- 'o = [{\n' + ' a: b\n' + '}, {\n' + ' c: d\n' + '}]') # was: extra space appended bt( 'if (a) {\n' + ' do();\n' + '}') # if/else statement with empty body bt( 'if (a) {\n' + '// comment\n' + '}else{\n' + '// comment\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'if (a) {\n' + ' // comment\n' + '} else {\n' + ' // comment\n' + '}') # multiple comments indentation bt( 'if (a) {\n' + '// comment\n' + '// comment\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'if (a) {\n' + ' // comment\n' + ' // comment\n' + '}') bt( 'if (a) b() else c();', # -- output -- 'if (a) b()\n' + 'else c();') bt( 'if (a) b() else if c() d();', # -- output -- 'if (a) b()\n' + 'else if c() d();') bt('{}') bt( '{\n' + '\n' + '}') bt( 'do { a(); } while ( 1 );', # -- output -- 'do {\n' + ' a();\n' + '} while (1);') bt('do {} while (1);') bt( 'do {\n' + '} while (1);', # -- output -- 'do {} while (1);') bt( 'do {\n' + '\n' + '} while (1);') bt('var a = x(a, b, c)') bt( 'delete x if (a) b();', # -- output -- 'delete x\n' + 'if (a) b();') bt( 'delete x[x] if (a) b();', # -- output -- 'delete x[x]\n' + 'if (a) b();') bt('for(var a=1,b=2)d', 'for (var a = 1, b = 2) d') bt('for(var a=1,b=2,c=3) d', 'for (var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) d') bt( 'for(var a=1,b=2,c=3;d<3;d++)\n' + 'e', # -- output -- 'for (var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; d < 3; d++)\n' + ' e') bt( 'function x(){(a||b).c()}', # -- output -- 'function x() {\n' + ' (a || b).c()\n' + '}') bt( 'function x(){return - 1}', # -- output -- 'function x() {\n' + ' return -1\n' + '}') bt( 'function x(){return ! a}', # -- output -- 'function x() {\n' + ' return !a\n' + '}') bt('x => x') bt('(x) => x') bt( 'x => { x }', # -- output -- 'x => {\n' + ' x\n' + '}') bt( '(x) => { x }', # -- output -- '(x) => {\n' + ' x\n' + '}') # a common snippet in jQuery plugins bt( 'settings = $.extend({},defaults,settings);', # -- output -- 'settings = $.extend({}, defaults, settings);') bt('$http().then().finally().default()') bt( '$http()\n' + '.then()\n' + '.finally()\n' + '.default()', # -- output -- '$http()\n' + ' .then()\n' + ' .finally()\n' + ' .default()') bt('$http().when.in.new.catch().throw()') bt( '$http()\n' + '.when\n' + '.in\n' + '.new\n' + '.catch()\n' + '.throw()', # -- output -- '$http()\n' + ' .when\n' + ' .in\n' + ' .new\n' + ' .catch()\n' + ' .throw()') bt( '{xxx;}()', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' xxx;\n' + '}()') bt( 'a = \'a\'\n' + 'b = \'b\'') bt('a = /reg/exp') bt('a = /reg/') bt('/abc/.test()') bt('/abc/i.test()') bt( '{/abc/i.test()}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' /abc/i.test()\n' + '}') bt('var x=(a)/a;', 'var x = (a) / a;') bt('x != -1') bt('for (; s-->0;)t', 'for (; s-- > 0;) t') bt('for (; s++>0;)u', 'for (; s++ > 0;) u') bt('a = s++>s--;', 'a = s++ > s--;') bt('a = s++>--s;', 'a = s++ > --s;') bt( '{x=#1=[]}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' x = #1=[]\n' + '}') bt( '{a:#1={}}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a: #1={}\n' + '}') bt( '{a:#1#}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a: #1#\n' + '}') test_fragment('"incomplete-string') test_fragment('\'incomplete-string') test_fragment('/incomplete-regex') test_fragment('`incomplete-template-string') test_fragment( '{a:1},{a:2}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}, {\n' + ' a: 2\n' + '}') test_fragment( 'var ary=[{a:1}, {a:2}];', # -- output -- 'var ary = [{\n' + ' a: 1\n' + '}, {\n' + ' a: 2\n' + '}];') # incomplete test_fragment( '{a:#1', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a: #1') # incomplete test_fragment( '{a:#', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a: #') # incomplete test_fragment( '}}}', # -- output -- '}\n' + '}\n' + '}') test_fragment( '') # incomplete regexp test_fragment('a=/regexp', 'a = /regexp') bt( '{a:#1=[],b:#1#,c:#999999#}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a: #1=[],\n' + ' b: #1#,\n' + ' c: #999999#\n' + '}') bt( 'do{x()}while(a>1)', # -- output -- 'do {\n' + ' x()\n' + '} while (a > 1)') bt( 'x(); /reg/exp.match(something)', # -- output -- 'x();\n' + '/reg/exp.match(something)') test_fragment( 'something();(', # -- output -- 'something();\n' + '(') test_fragment( '#!she/bangs, she bangs\n' + 'f=1', # -- output -- '#!she/bangs, she bangs\n' + '\n' + 'f = 1') test_fragment( '#!she/bangs, she bangs\n' + '\n' + 'f=1', # -- output -- '#!she/bangs, she bangs\n' + '\n' + 'f = 1') test_fragment( '#!she/bangs, she bangs\n' + '\n' + '/* comment */') test_fragment( '#!she/bangs, she bangs\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '/* comment */') test_fragment('#') test_fragment('#!') test_fragment('#include') test_fragment('#include "settings.jsxinc"') test_fragment( '#include "settings.jsxinc"\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '/* comment */') test_fragment( '#include "settings.jsxinc"\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '#include "settings.jsxinc"\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '/* comment */') bt('function namespace::something()') test_fragment( '') test_fragment( '', # -- output -- '') bt( '{foo();--bar;}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo();\n' + ' --bar;\n' + '}') bt( '{foo();++bar;}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo();\n' + ' ++bar;\n' + '}') bt( '{--bar;}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' --bar;\n' + '}') bt( '{++bar;}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' ++bar;\n' + '}') bt('if(true)++a;', 'if (true) ++a;') bt( 'if(true)\n' + '++a;', # -- output -- 'if (true)\n' + ' ++a;') bt('if(true)--a;', 'if (true) --a;') bt( 'if(true)\n' + '--a;', # -- output -- 'if (true)\n' + ' --a;') bt('elem[array]++;') bt('elem++ * elem[array]++;') bt('elem-- * -elem[array]++;') bt('elem-- + elem[array]++;') bt('elem-- - elem[array]++;') bt('elem-- - -elem[array]++;') bt('elem-- - +elem[array]++;') # Handling of newlines around unary ++ and -- operators bt( '{foo\n' + '++bar;}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo\n' + ' ++bar;\n' + '}') bt( '{foo++\n' + 'bar;}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo++\n' + ' bar;\n' + '}') # This is invalid, but harder to guard against. Issue #203. bt( '{foo\n' + '++\n' + 'bar;}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' foo\n' + ' ++\n' + ' bar;\n' + '}') # regexps bt( 'a(/abc\\/\\/def/);b()', # -- output -- 'a(/abc\\/\\/def/);\n' + 'b()') bt( 'a(/a[b\\[\\]c]d/);b()', # -- output -- 'a(/a[b\\[\\]c]d/);\n' + 'b()') # incomplete char class test_fragment('a(/a[b\\[') # allow unescaped / in char classes bt( 'a(/[a/b]/);b()', # -- output -- 'a(/[a/b]/);\n' + 'b()') bt('typeof /foo\\//;') bt('throw /foo\\//;') bt('do /foo\\//;') bt('return /foo\\//;') bt( 'switch (a) {\n' + ' case /foo\\//:\n' + ' b\n' + '}') bt( 'if (a) /foo\\//\n' + 'else /foo\\//;') bt('if (foo) /regex/.test();') bt('for (index in [1, 2, 3]) /^test$/i.test(s)') bt( 'function foo() {\n' + ' return [\n' + ' "one",\n' + ' "two"\n' + ' ];\n' + '}') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2],\n' + ' [4, 5],\n' + ' [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2],\n' + ' [4, 5],\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},function(){},[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2],\n' + ' [4, 5],\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt( 'a=[[1,2],[4,5],function(){},[7,8]]', # -- output -- 'a = [\n' + ' [1, 2],\n' + ' [4, 5],\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' [7, 8]\n' + ']') bt('a=[b,c,function(){},function(){},d]', 'a = [b, c, function() {}, function() {}, d]') bt( 'a=[b,c,\n' + 'function(){},function(){},d]', # -- output -- 'a = [b, c,\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' function() {},\n' + ' d\n' + ']') bt('a=[a[1],b[4],c[d[7]]]', 'a = [a[1], b[4], c[d[7]]]') bt('[1,2,[3,4,[5,6],7],8]', '[1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6], 7], 8]') bt( '[[["1","2"],["3","4"]],[["5","6","7"],["8","9","0"]],[["1","2","3"],["4","5","6","7"],["8","9","0"]]]', # -- output -- '[\n' + ' [\n' + ' ["1", "2"],\n' + ' ["3", "4"]\n' + ' ],\n' + ' [\n' + ' ["5", "6", "7"],\n' + ' ["8", "9", "0"]\n' + ' ],\n' + ' [\n' + ' ["1", "2", "3"],\n' + ' ["4", "5", "6", "7"],\n' + ' ["8", "9", "0"]\n' + ' ]\n' + ']') bt( '{[x()[0]];indent;}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' [x()[0]];\n' + ' indent;\n' + '}') bt( '/*\n' + ' foo trailing space \n' + ' * bar trailing space \n' + '**/') bt( '{\n' + ' /*\n' + ' foo \n' + ' * bar \n' + ' */\n' + '}') bt('return ++i') bt( 'obj.num++\n' + 'foo()\n' + 'bar()\n' + '\n' + 'obj.num--\n' + 'foo()\n' + 'bar()') bt('return !!x') bt('return !x') bt('return [1,2]', 'return [1, 2]') bt('return;') bt( 'return\n' + 'func') bt('catch(e)', 'catch (e)') bt( 'var a=1,b={foo:2,bar:3},{baz:4,wham:5},c=4;', # -- output -- 'var a = 1,\n' + ' b = {\n' + ' foo: 2,\n' + ' bar: 3\n' + ' },\n' + ' {\n' + ' baz: 4,\n' + ' wham: 5\n' + ' }, c = 4;') bt( 'var a=1,b={foo:2,bar:3},{baz:4,wham:5},\n' + 'c=4;', # -- output -- 'var a = 1,\n' + ' b = {\n' + ' foo: 2,\n' + ' bar: 3\n' + ' },\n' + ' {\n' + ' baz: 4,\n' + ' wham: 5\n' + ' },\n' + ' c = 4;') # inline comment bt( 'function x(/*int*/ start, /*string*/ foo)', # -- output -- 'function x( /*int*/ start, /*string*/ foo)') # javadoc comment bt( '/**\n' + '* foo\n' + '*/', # -- output -- '/**\n' + ' * foo\n' + ' */') bt( '{\n' + '/**\n' + '* foo\n' + '*/\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' /**\n' + ' * foo\n' + ' */\n' + '}') # starless block comment bt( '/**\n' + 'foo\n' + '*/') bt( '/**\n' + 'foo\n' + '**/') bt( '/**\n' + 'foo\n' + 'bar\n' + '**/') bt( '/**\n' + 'foo\n' + '\n' + 'bar\n' + '**/') bt( '/**\n' + 'foo\n' + ' bar\n' + '**/') bt( '{\n' + '/**\n' + 'foo\n' + '*/\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' /**\n' + ' foo\n' + ' */\n' + '}') bt( '{\n' + '/**\n' + 'foo\n' + '**/\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' /**\n' + ' foo\n' + ' **/\n' + '}') bt( '{\n' + '/**\n' + 'foo\n' + 'bar\n' + '**/\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' /**\n' + ' foo\n' + ' bar\n' + ' **/\n' + '}') bt( '{\n' + '/**\n' + 'foo\n' + '\n' + 'bar\n' + '**/\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' /**\n' + ' foo\n' + '\n' + ' bar\n' + ' **/\n' + '}') bt( '{\n' + '/**\n' + 'foo\n' + ' bar\n' + '**/\n' + '}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' /**\n' + ' foo\n' + ' bar\n' + ' **/\n' + '}') bt( '{\n' + ' /**\n' + ' foo\n' + 'bar\n' + ' **/\n' + '}') bt( 'var a,b,c=1,d,e,f=2;', # -- output -- 'var a, b, c = 1,\n' + ' d, e, f = 2;') bt( 'var a,b,c=[],d,e,f=2;', # -- output -- 'var a, b, c = [],\n' + ' d, e, f = 2;') bt( 'function() {\n' + ' var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n' + ' f;\n' + '}') bt( 'do/regexp/;\n' + 'while(1);', # -- output -- 'do /regexp/;\n' + 'while (1);') bt( 'var a = a,\n' + 'a;\n' + 'b = {\n' + 'b\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'var a = a,\n' + ' a;\n' + 'b = {\n' + ' b\n' + '}') bt( 'var a = a,\n' + ' /* c */\n' + ' b;') bt( 'var a = a,\n' + ' // c\n' + ' b;') # weird element referencing bt('foo.("bar");') bt( 'if (a) a()\n' + 'else b()\n' + 'newline()') bt( 'if (a) a()\n' + 'newline()') bt('a=typeof(x)', 'a = typeof(x)') bt( 'var a = function() {\n' + ' return null;\n' + ' },\n' + ' b = false;') bt( 'var a = function() {\n' + ' func1()\n' + '}') bt( 'var a = function() {\n' + ' func1()\n' + '}\n' + 'var b = function() {\n' + ' func2()\n' + '}') # code with and without semicolons bt( 'var whatever = require("whatever");\n' + 'function() {\n' + ' a = 6;\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'var whatever = require("whatever");\n' + '\n' + 'function() {\n' + ' a = 6;\n' + '}') bt( 'var whatever = require("whatever")\n' + 'function() {\n' + ' a = 6\n' + '}', # -- output -- 'var whatever = require("whatever")\n' + '\n' + 'function() {\n' + ' a = 6\n' + '}') bt( '{"x":[{"a":1,"b":3},\n' + '7,8,8,8,8,{"b":99},{"a":11}]}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' "x": [{\n' + ' "a": 1,\n' + ' "b": 3\n' + ' },\n' + ' 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, {\n' + ' "b": 99\n' + ' }, {\n' + ' "a": 11\n' + ' }\n' + ' ]\n' + '}') bt( '{"x":[{"a":1,"b":3},7,8,8,8,8,{"b":99},{"a":11}]}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' "x": [{\n' + ' "a": 1,\n' + ' "b": 3\n' + ' }, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, {\n' + ' "b": 99\n' + ' }, {\n' + ' "a": 11\n' + ' }]\n' + '}') bt( '{"1":{"1a":"1b"},"2"}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' "1": {\n' + ' "1a": "1b"\n' + ' },\n' + ' "2"\n' + '}') bt( '{a:{a:b},c}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' a: {\n' + ' a: b\n' + ' },\n' + ' c\n' + '}') bt( '{[y[a]];keep_indent;}', # -- output -- '{\n' + ' [y[a]];\n' + ' keep_indent;\n' + '}') bt( 'if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}', # -- output -- 'if (x) {\n' + ' y\n' + '} else {\n' + ' if (x) {\n' + ' y\n' + ' }\n' + '}') bt( 'if (foo) one()\n' + 'two()\n' + 'three()') bt( 'if (1 + foo() && bar(baz()) / 2) one()\n' + 'two()\n' + 'three()') bt( 'if (1 + foo() && bar(baz()) / 2) one();\n' + 'two();\n' + 'three();') bt( 'var a=1,b={bang:2},c=3;', # -- output -- 'var a = 1,\n' + ' b = {\n' + ' bang: 2\n' + ' },\n' + ' c = 3;') bt( 'var a={bing:1},b=2,c=3;', # -- output -- 'var a = {\n' + ' bing: 1\n' + ' },\n' + ' b = 2,\n' + ' c = 3;') # Issue #1896: Handle newlines with bitwise ~ operator bt( 'if (foo) {\n' + 'var bar = 1;\n' + '~bar ? 0 : 1\n' + ' }', # -- output -- 'if (foo) {\n' + ' var bar = 1;\n' + ' ~bar ? 0 : 1\n' + '}') def test_beautifier_unconverted(self): test_fragment = self.decodesto bt = self.bt self.reset_options() #============================================================ bt(None, "") self.reset_options() #============================================================ # Test user pebkac protection, converts dash names to underscored names setattr(self.options, 'end-with-newline', True) test_fragment(None, '\n') self.reset_options() #============================================================ # Test passing dictionary or tuple self.options = {'end_with_newline': True, 'eol': '\r\n' } test_fragment(None, '\r\n') self.options = {'end-with-newline': True} test_fragment(None, '\n') self.options = {'end-with-newline': False} test_fragment(None, '') self.options = ( ('end-with-newline', True), ('eol', '\r') ) test_fragment(None, '\r') self.reset_options() #============================================================ self.options.indent_size = 1 self.options.indent_char = ' ' bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n one_char()\n}") bt('var a,b=1,c=2', 'var a, b = 1,\n c = 2') self.options.indent_size = 4 self.options.indent_char = ' ' bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n one_char()\n}") self.options.indent_size = 1 self.options.indent_char = "\t" bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n\tone_char()\n}") bt('x = a ? b : c; x;', 'x = a ? b : c;\nx;') #set to something else than it should change to, but with tabs on, should override self.options.indent_size = 5 self.options.indent_char = ' ' self.options.indent_with_tabs = True bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n\tone_char()\n}") bt('x = a ? b : c; x;', 'x = a ? b : c;\nx;') self.reset_options() #============================================================ self.options.preserve_newlines = False bt('var\na=dont_preserve_newlines;', 'var a = dont_preserve_newlines;') # make sure the blank line between function definitions stays # even when preserve_newlines = False bt('function foo() {\n return 1;\n}\n\nfunction foo() {\n return 1;\n}') bt('function foo() {\n return 1;\n}\nfunction foo() {\n return 1;\n}', 'function foo() {\n return 1;\n}\n\nfunction foo() {\n return 1;\n}' ) bt('function foo() {\n return 1;\n}\n\n\nfunction foo() {\n return 1;\n}', 'function foo() {\n return 1;\n}\n\nfunction foo() {\n return 1;\n}' ) self.options.preserve_newlines = True bt('var\na=do_preserve_newlines;', 'var\n a = do_preserve_newlines;') bt('if (foo) // comment\n{\n bar();\n}') self.reset_options() #============================================================ # START tests for brace positioning # If this is ever supported, update tests for each brace style. # test_fragment('return\n{', 'return\n{') # can't support this?, but that's an improbable and extreme case anyway. self.options.brace_style = 'expand' bt('//case 1\nif (a == 1)\n{}\n//case 2\nelse if (a == 2)\n{}') bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1)\n{\n 2\n}\nelse\n{\n 3\n}") bt('try{a();}catch(b){c();}catch(d){}finally{e();}', "try\n{\n a();\n}\ncatch (b)\n{\n c();\n}\ncatch (d)\n{}\nfinally\n{\n e();\n}") bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();', "if (a)\n{\n b();\n}\nelse if (c) foo();") bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}", "if (a)\n{\n // comment\n}\nelse\n{\n // comment\n}") # if/else statement with empty body bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}', 'if (x)\n{\n y\n}\nelse\n{\n if (x)\n {\n y\n }\n}') bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a)\n{\n b;\n}\nelse\n{\n c;\n}') test_fragment(' /*\n* xx\n*/\n// xx\nif (foo) {\n bar();\n}', ' /*\n * xx\n */\n // xx\n if (foo)\n {\n bar();\n }') bt('if (foo)\n{}\nelse /regex/.test();') test_fragment('if (foo) {', 'if (foo)\n{') test_fragment('foo {', 'foo\n{') test_fragment('return {', 'return {') # return needs the brace. test_fragment('return /* inline */ {', 'return /* inline */ {') test_fragment('return;\n{', 'return;\n{') bt("throw {}") bt("throw {\n foo;\n}") bt('var foo = {}') bt('function x() {\n foo();\n}zzz', 'function x()\n{\n foo();\n}\nzzz') test_fragment('a: do {} while (); xxx', 'a: do {} while ();\nxxx') bt('{a: do {} while (); xxx}', '{\n a: do {} while ();xxx\n}') bt('var a = new function() {};') bt('var a = new function a() {};', 'var a = new function a()\n{};') bt('var a = new function()\n{};', 'var a = new function() {};') bt('var a = new function a()\n{};') bt('var a = new function a()\n {},\n b = new function b()\n {};') bt("foo({\n 'a': 1\n},\n10);", "foo(\n {\n 'a': 1\n },\n 10);") bt('(["foo","bar"]).each(function(i) {return i;});', '(["foo", "bar"]).each(function(i)\n{\n return i;\n});') bt('(function(i) {return i;})();', '(function(i)\n{\n return i;\n})();') bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") bt( "test(\n" + "/*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "},\n" + "/*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test(\n" + " /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") self.options.brace_style = 'collapse' bt('//case 1\nif (a == 1) {}\n//case 2\nelse if (a == 2) {}') bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1) {\n 2\n} else {\n 3\n}") bt('try{a();}catch(b){c();}catch(d){}finally{e();}', "try {\n a();\n} catch (b) {\n c();\n} catch (d) {} finally {\n e();\n}") bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();', "if (a) {\n b();\n} else if (c) foo();") bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}", "if (a) {\n // comment\n} else {\n // comment\n}") # if/else statement with empty body bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}', 'if (x) {\n y\n} else {\n if (x) {\n y\n }\n}') bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a) {\n b;\n} else {\n c;\n}') test_fragment(' /*\n* xx\n*/\n// xx\nif (foo) {\n bar();\n}', ' /*\n * xx\n */\n // xx\n if (foo) {\n bar();\n }') bt('if (foo) {} else /regex/.test();') test_fragment('if (foo) {', 'if (foo) {') test_fragment('foo {', 'foo {') test_fragment('return {', 'return {') # return needs the brace. test_fragment('return /* inline */ {', 'return /* inline */ {') test_fragment('return;\n{', 'return;\n{') bt("throw {}") bt("throw {\n foo;\n}") bt('var foo = {}') bt('function x() {\n foo();\n}zzz', 'function x() {\n foo();\n}\nzzz') test_fragment('a: do {} while (); xxx', 'a: do {} while ();\nxxx') bt('{a: do {} while (); xxx}', '{\n a: do {} while ();xxx\n}') bt('var a = new function() {};') bt('var a = new function a() {};') bt('var a = new function()\n{};', 'var a = new function() {};') bt('var a = new function a()\n{};', 'var a = new function a() {};') bt('var a = new function a()\n {},\n b = new function b()\n {};', 'var a = new function a() {},\n b = new function b() {};') bt("foo({\n 'a': 1\n},\n10);", "foo({\n 'a': 1\n },\n 10);") bt('(["foo","bar"]).each(function(i) {return i;});', '(["foo", "bar"]).each(function(i) {\n return i;\n});') bt('(function(i) {return i;})();', '(function(i) {\n return i;\n})();') bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") bt( "test(\n" + "/*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "},\n" + "/*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test(\n" + " /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") self.options.brace_style = "end-expand" bt('//case 1\nif (a == 1) {}\n//case 2\nelse if (a == 2) {}') bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1) {\n 2\n}\nelse {\n 3\n}") bt('try{a();}catch(b){c();}catch(d){}finally{e();}', "try {\n a();\n}\ncatch (b) {\n c();\n}\ncatch (d) {}\nfinally {\n e();\n}") bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();', "if (a) {\n b();\n}\nelse if (c) foo();") bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}", "if (a) {\n // comment\n}\nelse {\n // comment\n}") # if/else statement with empty body bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}', 'if (x) {\n y\n}\nelse {\n if (x) {\n y\n }\n}') bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a) {\n b;\n}\nelse {\n c;\n}') test_fragment(' /*\n* xx\n*/\n// xx\nif (foo) {\n bar();\n}', ' /*\n * xx\n */\n // xx\n if (foo) {\n bar();\n }') bt('if (foo) {}\nelse /regex/.test();') test_fragment('if (foo) {', 'if (foo) {') test_fragment('foo {', 'foo {') test_fragment('return {', 'return {') # return needs the brace. test_fragment('return /* inline */ {', 'return /* inline */ {') test_fragment('return;\n{', 'return;\n{') bt("throw {}") bt("throw {\n foo;\n}") bt('var foo = {}') bt('function x() {\n foo();\n}zzz', 'function x() {\n foo();\n}\nzzz') test_fragment('a: do {} while (); xxx', 'a: do {} while ();\nxxx') bt('{a: do {} while (); xxx}', '{\n a: do {} while ();xxx\n}') bt('var a = new function() {};') bt('var a = new function a() {};') bt('var a = new function()\n{};', 'var a = new function() {};') bt('var a = new function a()\n{};', 'var a = new function a() {};') bt('var a = new function a()\n {},\n b = new function b()\n {};', 'var a = new function a() {},\n b = new function b() {};') bt("foo({\n 'a': 1\n},\n10);", "foo({\n 'a': 1\n },\n 10);") bt('(["foo","bar"]).each(function(i) {return i;});', '(["foo", "bar"]).each(function(i) {\n return i;\n});') bt('(function(i) {return i;})();', '(function(i) {\n return i;\n})();') bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") bt( "test(\n" + "/*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "},\n" + "/*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test(\n" + " /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") self.options.brace_style = 'none' bt('//case 1\nif (a == 1)\n{}\n//case 2\nelse if (a == 2)\n{}') bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1) {\n 2\n} else {\n 3\n}") bt('try{a();}catch(b){c();}catch(d){}finally{e();}', "try {\n a();\n} catch (b) {\n c();\n} catch (d) {} finally {\n e();\n}") bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();', "if (a) {\n b();\n} else if (c) foo();") bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}", "if (a) {\n // comment\n} else {\n // comment\n}") # if/else statement with empty body bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}', 'if (x) {\n y\n} else {\n if (x) {\n y\n }\n}') bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a)\n{\n b;\n}\nelse\n{\n c;\n}') test_fragment(' /*\n* xx\n*/\n// xx\nif (foo) {\n bar();\n}', ' /*\n * xx\n */\n // xx\n if (foo) {\n bar();\n }') bt('if (foo)\n{}\nelse /regex/.test();') test_fragment('if (foo) {') test_fragment('foo {') test_fragment('return {') # return needs the brace. test_fragment('return /* inline */ {') test_fragment('return;\n{') bt("throw {}") bt("throw {\n foo;\n}") bt('var foo = {}') bt('function x() {\n foo();\n}zzz', 'function x() {\n foo();\n}\nzzz') test_fragment('a: do {} while (); xxx', 'a: do {} while ();\nxxx') bt('{a: do {} while (); xxx}', '{\n a: do {} while ();xxx\n}') bt('var a = new function() {};') bt('var a = new function a() {};') bt('var a = new function()\n{};', 'var a = new function() {};') bt('var a = new function a()\n{};') bt('var a = new function a()\n {},\n b = new function b()\n {};') bt("foo({\n 'a': 1\n},\n10);", "foo({\n 'a': 1\n },\n 10);") bt('(["foo","bar"]).each(function(i) {return i;});', '(["foo", "bar"]).each(function(i) {\n return i;\n});') bt('(function(i) {return i;})();', '(function(i) {\n return i;\n})();') bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") bt( "test(\n" + "/*Argument 1*/ {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "},\n" + "/*Argument 2\n" + " */ {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test(\n" + " /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + "}, /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + "{\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + "});", # expected "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value1': '1'\n" + " },\n" + " /*Argument 2\n" + " */\n" + " {\n" + " 'Value2': '2'\n" + " });") # END tests for brace position self.reset_options() #============================================================ self.options.preserve_newlines = True bt("var a = 'foo' +\n 'bar';") bt('"foo""bar""baz"', '"foo"\n"bar"\n"baz"') bt("'foo''bar''baz'", "'foo'\n'bar'\n'baz'") bt("{\n get foo() {}\n}") bt("{\n var a = get\n foo();\n}") bt("{\n set foo() {}\n}") bt("{\n var a = set\n foo();\n}") bt("var x = {\n get function()\n}") bt("var x = {\n set function()\n}") # According to my current research get/set have no special meaning outside of an object literal bt("var x = set\n\na() {}", "var x = set\n\na() {}") bt("var x = set\n\nfunction() {}", "var x = set\n\nfunction() {}") bt('for () /abc/.test()') bt('if (k) /aaa/m.test(v) && l();') bt('switch (true) {\n case /swf/i.test(foo):\n bar();\n}') bt('createdAt = {\n type: Date,\n default: Date.now\n}') bt('switch (createdAt) {\n case a:\n Date,\n default:\n Date.now\n}') self.reset_options() #============================================================ def decodesto(self, input, expectation=None): if expectation is None: expectation = input self.assertMultiLineEqual( jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation) # if the expected is different from input, run it again # expected output should be unchanged when run twice. if not expectation is None: self.assertMultiLineEqual( jsbeautifier.beautify(expectation, self.options), expectation) if self.options is None or not isinstance(self.options, (dict, tuple)): # Everywhere we do newlines, they should be replaced with opts.eol self.options.eol = '\r\\n' expectation = expectation.replace('\n', '\r\n') self.options.disabled = True self.assertMultiLineEqual( jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), input or '') self.assertMultiLineEqual( jsbeautifier.beautify('\n\n' + expectation, self.options), '\n\n' + expectation) self.options.disabled = False; self.assertMultiLineEqual( jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation) if input and input.find('\n') != -1: input = input.replace('\n', '\r\n') self.assertMultiLineEqual( jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation) # Ensure support for auto eol detection self.options.eol = 'auto' self.assertMultiLineEqual( jsbeautifier.beautify(input, self.options), expectation) self.options.eol = '\n' def wrap(self, text): return self.wrapregex.sub(' \\1', text) def bt(self, input, expectation=None): if expectation is None: expectation = input self.decodesto(input, expectation) # If we set raw, input should be unchanged self.options.test_output_raw = True if self.options.end_with_newline: self.decodesto(input, input) self.options.test_output_raw = False current_indent_size = None if self.options.js and self.options.js['indent_size']: current_indent_size = self.options.js['indent_size'] if not current_indent_size: current_indent_size = self.options.indent_size if current_indent_size == 4 and input: wrapped_input = '{\n%s\n foo = bar;\n}' % self.wrap(input) wrapped_expect = '{\n%s\n foo = bar;\n}' % self.wrap(expectation) self.decodesto(wrapped_input, wrapped_expect) # If we set raw, input should be unchanged self.options.test_output_raw = True if self.options.end_with_newline: self.decodesto(wrapped_input, wrapped_input) self.options.test_output_raw = False if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()