# The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Einar Lielmanis, Liam Newman, and contributors. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import re from ..core.inputscanner import InputScanner from ..core.tokenizer import TokenTypes as BaseTokenTypes from ..core.tokenizer import Tokenizer as BaseTokenizer from ..core.tokenizer import TokenizerPatterns as BaseTokenizerPatterns from ..core.directives import Directives from ..core.pattern import Pattern from ..core.templatablepattern import TemplatablePattern __all__ = ["TOKEN", "Tokenizer", "TokenTypes"] class TokenTypes(BaseTokenTypes): START_EXPR = "TK_START_EXPR" END_EXPR = "TK_END_EXPR" START_BLOCK = "TK_START_BLOCK" END_BLOCK = "TK_END_BLOCK" WORD = "TK_WORD" RESERVED = "TK_RESERVED" SEMICOLON = "TK_SEMICOLON" STRING = "TK_STRING" EQUALS = "TK_EQUALS" OPERATOR = "TK_OPERATOR" COMMA = "TK_COMMA" BLOCK_COMMENT = "TK_BLOCK_COMMENT" COMMENT = "TK_COMMENT" DOT = "TK_DOT" UNKNOWN = "TK_UNKNOWN" def __init__(self): pass TOKEN = TokenTypes() dot_pattern = re.compile(r"[^\d\.]") number_pattern = re.compile( r"0[xX][0123456789abcdefABCDEF_]*n?|0[oO][01234567_]*n?|0[bB][01_]*n?|\d[\d_]*n|(?:\.\d[\d_]*|\d[\d_]*\.?[\d_]*)(?:[eE][+-]?[\d_]+)?" ) digit = re.compile(r"[0-9]") positionable_operators = frozenset( ( ">>> === !== &&= ??= ||= " + "<< && >= ** != == <= >> || ?? |> " + "< / - + > : & % ? ^ | *" ).split(" ") ) punct = ( ">>>= " + "... >>= <<= === >>> !== **= &&= ??= ||= " + "=> ^= :: /= << <= == && -= >= >> != -- += ** || ?? ++ %= &= *= |= |> " + "= ! ? > < : / ^ - + * & % ~ |" ) punct = re.compile(r"([-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#])").sub(r"\\\1", punct) # ?. but not if followed by a number punct = "\\?\\.(?!\\d) " + punct punct = punct.replace(" ", "|") punct_pattern = re.compile(punct) # Words which always should start on a new line line_starters = frozenset( ( "continue,try,throw,return,var,let,const,if,switch,case,default,for," + "while,break,function,import,export" ).split(",") ) reserved_words = line_starters | frozenset( [ "do", "in", "of", "else", "get", "set", "new", "catch", "finally", "typeof", "yield", "async", "await", "from", "as", "class", "extends", ] ) reserved_word_pattern = re.compile(r"^(?:" + "|".join(reserved_words) + r")$") directives_core = Directives(r"/\*", r"\*/") xmlRegExp = re.compile( r'[\s\S]*?<(\/?)([-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]+|{[^}]+?}|!\[CDATA\[[^\]]*?\]\]|)(\s*{[^}]+?}|\s+[-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]+|\s+[-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]+\s*=\s*(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*"|{([^{}]|{[^}]+?})+?}))*\s*(\/?)\s*>' ) class TokenizerPatterns(BaseTokenizerPatterns): def __init__(self, input_scanner, acorn, options): BaseTokenizerPatterns.__init__(self, input_scanner) # This is not pretty, but given how we did the version import # it is the only way to do this without having setup.py fail on a missing # six dependency. six = __import__("six") # IMPORTANT: This string must be run through six to handle \u chars self.whitespace = self.whitespace.matching( six.u(r"\u00A0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff"), six.u(r"\u2028\u2029"), ) pattern = Pattern(input_scanner) templatable = TemplatablePattern(input_scanner).read_options(options) self.identifier = templatable.starting_with(acorn.identifier).matching( acorn.identifierMatch ) self.number = pattern.matching(number_pattern) self.punct = pattern.matching(punct_pattern) self.comment = pattern.starting_with(r"//").until(six.u(r"[\n\r\u2028\u2029]")) self.block_comment = pattern.starting_with(r"/\*").until_after(r"\*/") self.html_comment_start = pattern.matching(r"") self.include = pattern.starting_with(r"#include").until_after(acorn.lineBreak) self.shebang = pattern.starting_with(r"#!").until_after(acorn.lineBreak) self.xml = pattern.matching(xmlRegExp) self.single_quote = templatable.until(six.u(r"['\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]")) self.double_quote = templatable.until(six.u(r'["\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]')) self.template_text = templatable.until(r"[`\\$]") self.template_expression = templatable.until(r"[`}\\]") class Tokenizer(BaseTokenizer): positionable_operators = positionable_operators line_starters = line_starters def __init__(self, input_string, opts): BaseTokenizer.__init__(self, input_string, opts) import jsbeautifier.javascript.acorn as acorn self.acorn = acorn self.in_html_comment = False self.has_char_escapes = False self._patterns = TokenizerPatterns(self._input, self.acorn, opts) def _reset(self): self.in_html_comment = False def _is_comment(self, current_token): return ( current_token.type == TOKEN.COMMENT or current_token.type == TOKEN.BLOCK_COMMENT or current_token.type == TOKEN.UNKNOWN ) def _is_opening(self, current_token): return ( current_token.type == TOKEN.START_BLOCK or current_token.type == TOKEN.START_EXPR ) def _is_closing(self, current_token, open_token): return ( current_token.type == TOKEN.END_BLOCK or current_token.type == TOKEN.END_EXPR ) and ( open_token is not None and ( (current_token.text == "]" and open_token.text == "[") or (current_token.text == ")" and open_token.text == "(") or (current_token.text == "}" and open_token.text == "{") ) ) def _get_next_token(self, previous_token, open_token): token = None self._readWhitespace() c = self._input.peek() if c is None: token = self._create_token(TOKEN.EOF, "") token = token or self._read_non_javascript(c) token = token or self._read_string(c) token = token or self._read_pair( c, self._input.peek(1) ) # Issue #2062 hack for record type '#{' token = token or self._read_word(previous_token) token = token or self._read_singles(c) token = token or self._read_comment(c) token = token or self._read_regexp(c, previous_token) token = token or self._read_xml(c, previous_token) token = token or self._read_punctuation() token = token or self._create_token(TOKEN.UNKNOWN, self._input.next()) return token def _read_singles(self, c): token = None if c == "(" or c == "[": token = self._create_token(TOKEN.START_EXPR, c) elif c == ")" or c == "]": token = self._create_token(TOKEN.END_EXPR, c) elif c == "{": token = self._create_token(TOKEN.START_BLOCK, c) elif c == "}": token = self._create_token(TOKEN.END_BLOCK, c) elif c == ";": token = self._create_token(TOKEN.SEMICOLON, c) elif ( c == "." and self._input.peek(1) is not None and bool(dot_pattern.match(self._input.peek(1))) ): token = self._create_token(TOKEN.DOT, c) elif c == ",": token = self._create_token(TOKEN.COMMA, c) if token is not None: self._input.next() return token def _read_pair(self, c, d): token = None if c == "#" and d == "{": token = self._create_token(TOKEN.START_BLOCK, c + d) if token is not None: self._input.next() self._input.next() return token def _read_word(self, previous_token): resulting_string = self._patterns.identifier.read() if bool(resulting_string): resulting_string = re.sub(self.acorn.allLineBreaks, "\n", resulting_string) if not ( previous_token.type == TOKEN.DOT or ( previous_token.type == TOKEN.RESERVED and (previous_token.text == "set" or previous_token.text == "get") ) ) and reserved_word_pattern.match(resulting_string): if (resulting_string == "in" or resulting_string == "of") and ( previous_token.type == TOKEN.WORD or previous_token.type == TOKEN.STRING ): # in and of are operators, need to hack return self._create_token(TOKEN.OPERATOR, resulting_string) return self._create_token(TOKEN.RESERVED, resulting_string) return self._create_token(TOKEN.WORD, resulting_string) resulting_string = self._patterns.number.read() if resulting_string != "": return self._create_token(TOKEN.WORD, resulting_string) def _read_comment(self, c): token = None if c == "/": comment = "" if self._input.peek(1) == "*": # peek /* .. */ comment comment = self._patterns.block_comment.read() directives = directives_core.get_directives(comment) if directives and directives.get("ignore") == "start": comment += directives_core.readIgnored(self._input) comment = re.sub(self.acorn.allLineBreaks, "\n", comment) token = self._create_token(TOKEN.BLOCK_COMMENT, comment) token.directives = directives elif self._input.peek(1) == "/": # peek // comment comment = self._patterns.comment.read() token = self._create_token(TOKEN.COMMENT, comment) return token def _read_string(self, c): if c == "`" or c == "'" or c == '"': resulting_string = self._input.next() self.has_char_escapes = False if c == "`": resulting_string += self.parse_string("`", True, "${") else: resulting_string += self.parse_string(c) if self.has_char_escapes and self._options.unescape_strings: resulting_string = self.unescape_string(resulting_string) if self._input.peek() == c: resulting_string += self._input.next() resulting_string = re.sub(self.acorn.allLineBreaks, "\n", resulting_string) return self._create_token(TOKEN.STRING, resulting_string) return None def _read_regexp(self, c, previous_token): if c == "/" and self.allowRegExOrXML(previous_token): # handle regexp resulting_string = self._input.next() esc = False in_char_class = False while ( self._input.hasNext() and (esc or in_char_class or self._input.peek() != c) and not self._input.testChar(self.acorn.newline) ): resulting_string += self._input.peek() if not esc: esc = self._input.peek() == "\\" if self._input.peek() == "[": in_char_class = True elif self._input.peek() == "]": in_char_class = False else: esc = False self._input.next() if self._input.peek() == c: resulting_string += self._input.next() if c == "/": # regexps may have modifiers /regexp/MOD, so fetch those too # Only [gim] are valid, but if the user puts in garbage, do # what we can to take it. resulting_string += self._input.read(self.acorn.identifier) return self._create_token(TOKEN.STRING, resulting_string) return None def _read_xml(self, c, previous_token): if self._options.e4x and c == "<" and self.allowRegExOrXML(previous_token): # handle e4x xml literals xmlStr = "" match = self._patterns.xml.read_match() if match and not match.group(1): rootTag = match.group(2) rootTag = re.sub(r"^{\s+", "{", re.sub(r"\s+}$", "}", rootTag)) isCurlyRoot = rootTag.startswith("{") depth = 0 while bool(match): isEndTag = match.group(1) tagName = match.group(2) isSingletonTag = (match.groups()[-1] != "") or ( match.group(2)[0:8] == "![CDATA[" ) if not isSingletonTag and ( tagName == rootTag or ( isCurlyRoot and re.sub(r"^{\s+", "{", re.sub(r"\s+}$", "}", tagName)) ) ): if isEndTag: depth -= 1 else: depth += 1 xmlStr += match.group(0) if depth <= 0: break match = self._patterns.xml.read_match() # if we didn't close correctly, keep unformatted. if not match: xmlStr += self._input.match(re.compile(r"[\s\S]*")).group(0) xmlStr = re.sub(self.acorn.allLineBreaks, "\n", xmlStr) return self._create_token(TOKEN.STRING, xmlStr) return None def _read_non_javascript(self, c): resulting_string = "" if c == "#": # she-bang if self._is_first_token(): resulting_string = self._patterns.shebang.read() if resulting_string: return self._create_token( TOKEN.UNKNOWN, resulting_string.strip() + "\n" ) # handles extendscript #includes resulting_string = self._patterns.include.read() if resulting_string: return self._create_token( TOKEN.UNKNOWN, resulting_string.strip() + "\n" ) c = self._input.next() # Spidermonkey-specific sharp variables for circular references # https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Sharp_variables_in_JavaScript # http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/js/src/jsscan.cpp # around line 1935 sharp = "#" if self._input.hasNext() and self._input.testChar(digit): while True: c = self._input.next() sharp += c if (not self._input.hasNext()) or c == "#" or c == "=": break if c == "#": pass elif self._input.peek() == "[" and self._input.peek(1) == "]": sharp += "[]" self._input.next() self._input.next() elif self._input.peek() == "{" and self._input.peek(1) == "}": sharp += "{}" self._input.next() self._input.next() return self._create_token(TOKEN.WORD, sharp) self._input.back() elif c == "<" and self._is_first_token(): if self._patterns.html_comment_start.read(): c = "") return None def _read_punctuation(self): token = None resulting_string = self._patterns.punct.read() if resulting_string != "": if resulting_string == "=": token = self._create_token(TOKEN.EQUALS, resulting_string) elif resulting_string == "?.": token = self._create_token(TOKEN.DOT, resulting_string) else: token = self._create_token(TOKEN.OPERATOR, resulting_string) return token __regexTokens = { TOKEN.COMMENT, TOKEN.START_EXPR, TOKEN.START_BLOCK, TOKEN.START, TOKEN.END_BLOCK, TOKEN.OPERATOR, TOKEN.EQUALS, TOKEN.EOF, TOKEN.SEMICOLON, TOKEN.COMMA, } def allowRegExOrXML(self, previous_token): return ( ( previous_token.type == TOKEN.RESERVED and previous_token.text in {"return", "case", "throw", "else", "do", "typeof", "yield"} ) or ( previous_token.type == TOKEN.END_EXPR and previous_token.text == ")" and previous_token.opened.previous.type == TOKEN.RESERVED and previous_token.opened.previous.text in {"if", "while", "for"} ) or (previous_token.type in self.__regexTokens) ) def parse_string(self, delimiter, allow_unescaped_newlines=False, start_sub=None): if delimiter == "'": pattern = self._patterns.single_quote elif delimiter == '"': pattern = self._patterns.double_quote elif delimiter == "`": pattern = self._patterns.template_text elif delimiter == "}": pattern = self._patterns.template_expression resulting_string = pattern.read() next = "" while self._input.hasNext(): next = self._input.next() if next == delimiter or ( not allow_unescaped_newlines and self.acorn.newline.match(next) ): self._input.back() break elif next == "\\" and self._input.hasNext(): current_char = self._input.peek() if current_char == "x" or current_char == "u": self.has_char_escapes = True elif current_char == "\r" and self._input.peek(1) == "\n": self._input.next() next += self._input.next() elif start_sub is not None: if start_sub == "${" and next == "$" and self._input.peek() == "{": next += self._input.next() if start_sub == next: if delimiter == "`": next += self.parse_string("}", allow_unescaped_newlines, "`") else: next += self.parse_string("`", allow_unescaped_newlines, "${") if self._input.hasNext(): next += self._input.next() next += pattern.read() resulting_string += next return resulting_string def unescape_string(self, s): # You think that a regex would work for this # return s.replace(/\\x([0-9a-f]{2})/gi, function(match, val) { # return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(val, 16)); # }) # However, dealing with '\xff', '\\xff', '\\\xff' makes this more fun. out = self.acorn.six.u("") escaped = 0 input_scan = InputScanner(s) matched = None while input_scan.hasNext(): # Keep any whitespace, non-slash characters # also keep slash pairs. matched = input_scan.match(re.compile(r"([\s]|[^\\]|\\\\)+")) if matched: out += matched.group(0) if input_scan.peek() != "\\": continue input_scan.next() if input_scan.peek() == "x": matched = input_scan.match(re.compile(r"x([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})")) elif input_scan.peek() == "u": matched = input_scan.match(re.compile(r"u([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})")) if not matched: matched = input_scan.match(re.compile(r"u\{([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\}")) else: out += "\\" if input_scan.hasNext(): out += input_scan.next() continue # If there's some error decoding, return the original string if not matched: return s escaped = int(matched.group(1), 16) if escaped > 0x7E and escaped <= 0xFF and matched.group(0).startswith("x"): # we bail out on \x7f..\xff, # leaving whole string escaped, # as it's probably completely binary return s elif escaped >= 0x00 and escaped < 0x20: # leave 0x00...0x1f escaped out += "\\" + matched.group(0) elif escaped > 0x10FFFF: # If the escape sequence is out of bounds, keep the original sequence and continue conversion out += "\\" + matched.group(0) elif escaped == 0x22 or escaped == 0x27 or escaped == 0x5C: # single-quote, apostrophe, backslash - escape these out += "\\" + chr(escaped) else: out += self.acorn.six.unichr(escaped) return out