from __future__ import annotations import datetime import email.message import json as jsonlib import typing import urllib.request from import Mapping from http.cookiejar import Cookie, CookieJar from ._content import ByteStream, UnattachedStream, encode_request, encode_response from ._decoders import ( SUPPORTED_DECODERS, ByteChunker, ContentDecoder, IdentityDecoder, LineDecoder, MultiDecoder, TextChunker, TextDecoder, ) from ._exceptions import ( CookieConflict, HTTPStatusError, RequestNotRead, ResponseNotRead, StreamClosed, StreamConsumed, request_context, ) from ._multipart import get_multipart_boundary_from_content_type from ._status_codes import codes from ._types import ( AsyncByteStream, CookieTypes, HeaderTypes, QueryParamTypes, RequestContent, RequestData, RequestExtensions, RequestFiles, ResponseContent, ResponseExtensions, SyncByteStream, ) from ._urls import URL from ._utils import ( is_known_encoding, normalize_header_key, normalize_header_value, obfuscate_sensitive_headers, parse_content_type_charset, parse_header_links, ) class Headers(typing.MutableMapping[str, str]): """ HTTP headers, as a case-insensitive multi-dict. """ def __init__( self, headers: HeaderTypes | None = None, encoding: str | None = None, ) -> None: if headers is None: self._list = [] # type: typing.List[typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes, bytes]] elif isinstance(headers, Headers): self._list = list(headers._list) elif isinstance(headers, Mapping): self._list = [ ( normalize_header_key(k, lower=False, encoding=encoding), normalize_header_key(k, lower=True, encoding=encoding), normalize_header_value(v, encoding), ) for k, v in headers.items() ] else: self._list = [ ( normalize_header_key(k, lower=False, encoding=encoding), normalize_header_key(k, lower=True, encoding=encoding), normalize_header_value(v, encoding), ) for k, v in headers ] self._encoding = encoding @property def encoding(self) -> str: """ Header encoding is mandated as ascii, but we allow fallbacks to utf-8 or iso-8859-1. """ if self._encoding is None: for encoding in ["ascii", "utf-8"]: for key, value in self.raw: try: key.decode(encoding) value.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: break else: # The else block runs if 'break' did not occur, meaning # all values fitted the encoding. self._encoding = encoding break else: # The ISO-8859-1 encoding covers all 256 code points in a byte, # so will never raise decode errors. self._encoding = "iso-8859-1" return self._encoding @encoding.setter def encoding(self, value: str) -> None: self._encoding = value @property def raw(self) -> list[tuple[bytes, bytes]]: """ Returns a list of the raw header items, as byte pairs. """ return [(raw_key, value) for raw_key, _, value in self._list] def keys(self) -> typing.KeysView[str]: return {key.decode(self.encoding): None for _, key, value in self._list}.keys() def values(self) -> typing.ValuesView[str]: values_dict: dict[str, str] = {} for _, key, value in self._list: str_key = key.decode(self.encoding) str_value = value.decode(self.encoding) if str_key in values_dict: values_dict[str_key] += f", {str_value}" else: values_dict[str_key] = str_value return values_dict.values() def items(self) -> typing.ItemsView[str, str]: """ Return `(key, value)` items of headers. Concatenate headers into a single comma separated value when a key occurs multiple times. """ values_dict: dict[str, str] = {} for _, key, value in self._list: str_key = key.decode(self.encoding) str_value = value.decode(self.encoding) if str_key in values_dict: values_dict[str_key] += f", {str_value}" else: values_dict[str_key] = str_value return values_dict.items() def multi_items(self) -> list[tuple[str, str]]: """ Return a list of `(key, value)` pairs of headers. Allow multiple occurrences of the same key without concatenating into a single comma separated value. """ return [ (key.decode(self.encoding), value.decode(self.encoding)) for _, key, value in self._list ] def get(self, key: str, default: typing.Any = None) -> typing.Any: """ Return a header value. If multiple occurrences of the header occur then concatenate them together with commas. """ try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default def get_list(self, key: str, split_commas: bool = False) -> list[str]: """ Return a list of all header values for a given key. If `split_commas=True` is passed, then any comma separated header values are split into multiple return strings. """ get_header_key = key.lower().encode(self.encoding) values = [ item_value.decode(self.encoding) for _, item_key, item_value in self._list if item_key.lower() == get_header_key ] if not split_commas: return values split_values = [] for value in values: split_values.extend([item.strip() for item in value.split(",")]) return split_values def update(self, headers: HeaderTypes | None = None) -> None: # type: ignore headers = Headers(headers) for key in headers.keys(): if key in self: self.pop(key) self._list.extend(headers._list) def copy(self) -> Headers: return Headers(self, encoding=self.encoding) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str: """ Return a single header value. If there are multiple headers with the same key, then we concatenate them with commas. See: """ normalized_key = key.lower().encode(self.encoding) items = [ header_value.decode(self.encoding) for _, header_key, header_value in self._list if header_key == normalized_key ] if items: return ", ".join(items) raise KeyError(key) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: str) -> None: """ Set the header `key` to `value`, removing any duplicate entries. Retains insertion order. """ set_key = key.encode(self._encoding or "utf-8") set_value = value.encode(self._encoding or "utf-8") lookup_key = set_key.lower() found_indexes = [ idx for idx, (_, item_key, _) in enumerate(self._list) if item_key == lookup_key ] for idx in reversed(found_indexes[1:]): del self._list[idx] if found_indexes: idx = found_indexes[0] self._list[idx] = (set_key, lookup_key, set_value) else: self._list.append((set_key, lookup_key, set_value)) def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: """ Remove the header `key`. """ del_key = key.lower().encode(self.encoding) pop_indexes = [ idx for idx, (_, item_key, _) in enumerate(self._list) if item_key.lower() == del_key ] if not pop_indexes: raise KeyError(key) for idx in reversed(pop_indexes): del self._list[idx] def __contains__(self, key: typing.Any) -> bool: header_key = key.lower().encode(self.encoding) return header_key in [key for _, key, _ in self._list] def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Any]: return iter(self.keys()) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._list) def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: try: other_headers = Headers(other) except ValueError: return False self_list = [(key, value) for _, key, value in self._list] other_list = [(key, value) for _, key, value in other_headers._list] return sorted(self_list) == sorted(other_list) def __repr__(self) -> str: class_name = self.__class__.__name__ encoding_str = "" if self.encoding != "ascii": encoding_str = f", encoding={self.encoding!r}" as_list = list(obfuscate_sensitive_headers(self.multi_items())) as_dict = dict(as_list) no_duplicate_keys = len(as_dict) == len(as_list) if no_duplicate_keys: return f"{class_name}({as_dict!r}{encoding_str})" return f"{class_name}({as_list!r}{encoding_str})" class Request: def __init__( self, method: str | bytes, url: URL | str, *, params: QueryParamTypes | None = None, headers: HeaderTypes | None = None, cookies: CookieTypes | None = None, content: RequestContent | None = None, data: RequestData | None = None, files: RequestFiles | None = None, json: typing.Any | None = None, stream: SyncByteStream | AsyncByteStream | None = None, extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None, ) -> None: self.method = ( method.decode("ascii").upper() if isinstance(method, bytes) else method.upper() ) self.url = URL(url) if params is not None: self.url = self.url.copy_merge_params(params=params) self.headers = Headers(headers) self.extensions = {} if extensions is None else extensions if cookies: Cookies(cookies).set_cookie_header(self) if stream is None: content_type: str | None = self.headers.get("content-type") headers, stream = encode_request( content=content, data=data, files=files, json=json, boundary=get_multipart_boundary_from_content_type( content_type=content_type.encode(self.headers.encoding) if content_type else None ), ) self._prepare(headers) = stream # Load the request body, except for streaming content. if isinstance(stream, ByteStream): else: # There's an important distinction between `Request(content=...)`, # and `Request(stream=...)`. # # Using `content=...` implies automatically populated `Host` and content # headers, of either `Content-Length: ...` or `Transfer-Encoding: chunked`. # # Using `stream=...` will not automatically include *any* # auto-populated headers. # # As an end-user you don't really need `stream=...`. It's only # useful when: # # * Preserving the request stream when copying requests, eg for redirects. # * Creating request instances on the *server-side* of the transport API. = stream def _prepare(self, default_headers: dict[str, str]) -> None: for key, value in default_headers.items(): # Ignore Transfer-Encoding if the Content-Length has been set explicitly. if key.lower() == "transfer-encoding" and "Content-Length" in self.headers: continue self.headers.setdefault(key, value) auto_headers: list[tuple[bytes, bytes]] = [] has_host = "Host" in self.headers has_content_length = ( "Content-Length" in self.headers or "Transfer-Encoding" in self.headers ) if not has_host and auto_headers.append((b"Host", self.url.netloc)) if not has_content_length and self.method in ("POST", "PUT", "PATCH"): auto_headers.append((b"Content-Length", b"0")) self.headers = Headers(auto_headers + self.headers.raw) @property def content(self) -> bytes: if not hasattr(self, "_content"): raise RequestNotRead() return self._content def read(self) -> bytes: """ Read and return the request content. """ if not hasattr(self, "_content"): assert isinstance(, typing.Iterable) self._content = b"".join( if not isinstance(, ByteStream): # If a streaming request has been read entirely into memory, then # we can replace the stream with a raw bytes implementation, # to ensure that any non-replayable streams can still be used. = ByteStream(self._content) return self._content async def aread(self) -> bytes: """ Read and return the request content. """ if not hasattr(self, "_content"): assert isinstance(, typing.AsyncIterable) self._content = b"".join([part async for part in]) if not isinstance(, ByteStream): # If a streaming request has been read entirely into memory, then # we can replace the stream with a raw bytes implementation, # to ensure that any non-replayable streams can still be used. = ByteStream(self._content) return self._content def __repr__(self) -> str: class_name = self.__class__.__name__ url = str(self.url) return f"<{class_name}({self.method!r}, {url!r})>" def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, typing.Any]: return { name: value for name, value in self.__dict__.items() if name not in ["extensions", "stream"] } def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None: for name, value in state.items(): setattr(self, name, value) self.extensions = {} = UnattachedStream() class Response: def __init__( self, status_code: int, *, headers: HeaderTypes | None = None, content: ResponseContent | None = None, text: str | None = None, html: str | None = None, json: typing.Any = None, stream: SyncByteStream | AsyncByteStream | None = None, request: Request | None = None, extensions: ResponseExtensions | None = None, history: list[Response] | None = None, default_encoding: str | typing.Callable[[bytes], str] = "utf-8", ) -> None: self.status_code = status_code self.headers = Headers(headers) self._request: Request | None = request # When follow_redirects=False and a redirect is received, # the client will set `response.next_request`. self.next_request: Request | None = None self.extensions: ResponseExtensions = {} if extensions is None else extensions self.history = [] if history is None else list(history) self.is_closed = False self.is_stream_consumed = False self.default_encoding = default_encoding if stream is None: headers, stream = encode_response(content, text, html, json) self._prepare(headers) = stream if isinstance(stream, ByteStream): # Load the response body, except for streaming content. else: # There's an important distinction between `Response(content=...)`, # and `Response(stream=...)`. # # Using `content=...` implies automatically populated content headers, # of either `Content-Length: ...` or `Transfer-Encoding: chunked`. # # Using `stream=...` will not automatically include any content headers. # # As an end-user you don't really need `stream=...`. It's only # useful when creating response instances having received a stream # from the transport API. = stream self._num_bytes_downloaded = 0 def _prepare(self, default_headers: dict[str, str]) -> None: for key, value in default_headers.items(): # Ignore Transfer-Encoding if the Content-Length has been set explicitly. if key.lower() == "transfer-encoding" and "content-length" in self.headers: continue self.headers.setdefault(key, value) @property def elapsed(self) -> datetime.timedelta: """ Returns the time taken for the complete request/response cycle to complete. """ if not hasattr(self, "_elapsed"): raise RuntimeError( "'.elapsed' may only be accessed after the response " "has been read or closed." ) return self._elapsed @elapsed.setter def elapsed(self, elapsed: datetime.timedelta) -> None: self._elapsed = elapsed @property def request(self) -> Request: """ Returns the request instance associated to the current response. """ if self._request is None: raise RuntimeError( "The request instance has not been set on this response." ) return self._request @request.setter def request(self, value: Request) -> None: self._request = value @property def http_version(self) -> str: try: http_version: bytes = self.extensions["http_version"] except KeyError: return "HTTP/1.1" else: return http_version.decode("ascii", errors="ignore") @property def reason_phrase(self) -> str: try: reason_phrase: bytes = self.extensions["reason_phrase"] except KeyError: return codes.get_reason_phrase(self.status_code) else: return reason_phrase.decode("ascii", errors="ignore") @property def url(self) -> URL: """ Returns the URL for which the request was made. """ return self.request.url @property def content(self) -> bytes: if not hasattr(self, "_content"): raise ResponseNotRead() return self._content @property def text(self) -> str: if not hasattr(self, "_text"): content = self.content if not content: self._text = "" else: decoder = TextDecoder(encoding=self.encoding or "utf-8") self._text = "".join([decoder.decode(self.content), decoder.flush()]) return self._text @property def encoding(self) -> str | None: """ Return an encoding to use for decoding the byte content into text. The priority for determining this is given by... * `.encoding = <>` has been set explicitly. * The encoding as specified by the charset parameter in the Content-Type header. * The encoding as determined by `default_encoding`, which may either be a string like "utf-8" indicating the encoding to use, or may be a callable which enables charset autodetection. """ if not hasattr(self, "_encoding"): encoding = self.charset_encoding if encoding is None or not is_known_encoding(encoding): if isinstance(self.default_encoding, str): encoding = self.default_encoding elif hasattr(self, "_content"): encoding = self.default_encoding(self._content) self._encoding = encoding or "utf-8" return self._encoding @encoding.setter def encoding(self, value: str) -> None: """ Set the encoding to use for decoding the byte content into text. If the `text` attribute has been accessed, attempting to set the encoding will throw a ValueError. """ if hasattr(self, "_text"): raise ValueError( "Setting encoding after `text` has been accessed is not allowed." ) self._encoding = value @property def charset_encoding(self) -> str | None: """ Return the encoding, as specified by the Content-Type header. """ content_type = self.headers.get("Content-Type") if content_type is None: return None return parse_content_type_charset(content_type) def _get_content_decoder(self) -> ContentDecoder: """ Returns a decoder instance which can be used to decode the raw byte content, depending on the Content-Encoding used in the response. """ if not hasattr(self, "_decoder"): decoders: list[ContentDecoder] = [] values = self.headers.get_list("content-encoding", split_commas=True) for value in values: value = value.strip().lower() try: decoder_cls = SUPPORTED_DECODERS[value] decoders.append(decoder_cls()) except KeyError: continue if len(decoders) == 1: self._decoder = decoders[0] elif len(decoders) > 1: self._decoder = MultiDecoder(children=decoders) else: self._decoder = IdentityDecoder() return self._decoder @property def is_informational(self) -> bool: """ A property which is `True` for 1xx status codes, `False` otherwise. """ return codes.is_informational(self.status_code) @property def is_success(self) -> bool: """ A property which is `True` for 2xx status codes, `False` otherwise. """ return codes.is_success(self.status_code) @property def is_redirect(self) -> bool: """ A property which is `True` for 3xx status codes, `False` otherwise. Note that not all responses with a 3xx status code indicate a URL redirect. Use `response.has_redirect_location` to determine responses with a properly formed URL redirection. """ return codes.is_redirect(self.status_code) @property def is_client_error(self) -> bool: """ A property which is `True` for 4xx status codes, `False` otherwise. """ return codes.is_client_error(self.status_code) @property def is_server_error(self) -> bool: """ A property which is `True` for 5xx status codes, `False` otherwise. """ return codes.is_server_error(self.status_code) @property def is_error(self) -> bool: """ A property which is `True` for 4xx and 5xx status codes, `False` otherwise. """ return codes.is_error(self.status_code) @property def has_redirect_location(self) -> bool: """ Returns True for 3xx responses with a properly formed URL redirection, `False` otherwise. """ return ( self.status_code in ( # 301 (Cacheable redirect. Method may change to GET.) codes.MOVED_PERMANENTLY, # 302 (Uncacheable redirect. Method may change to GET.) codes.FOUND, # 303 (Client should make a GET or HEAD request.) codes.SEE_OTHER, # 307 (Equiv. 302, but retain method) codes.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, # 308 (Equiv. 301, but retain method) codes.PERMANENT_REDIRECT, ) and "Location" in self.headers ) def raise_for_status(self) -> Response: """ Raise the `HTTPStatusError` if one occurred. """ request = self._request if request is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot call `raise_for_status` as the request " "instance has not been set on this response." ) if self.is_success: return self if self.has_redirect_location: message = ( "{error_type} '{0.status_code} {0.reason_phrase}' for url '{0.url}'\n" "Redirect location: '{0.headers[location]}'\n" "For more information check:{0.status_code}" ) else: message = ( "{error_type} '{0.status_code} {0.reason_phrase}' for url '{0.url}'\n" "For more information check:{0.status_code}" ) status_class = self.status_code // 100 error_types = { 1: "Informational response", 3: "Redirect response", 4: "Client error", 5: "Server error", } error_type = error_types.get(status_class, "Invalid status code") message = message.format(self, error_type=error_type) raise HTTPStatusError(message, request=request, response=self) def json(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: return jsonlib.loads(self.content, **kwargs) @property def cookies(self) -> Cookies: if not hasattr(self, "_cookies"): self._cookies = Cookies() self._cookies.extract_cookies(self) return self._cookies @property def links(self) -> dict[str | None, dict[str, str]]: """ Returns the parsed header links of the response, if any """ header = self.headers.get("link") if header is None: return {} return { (link.get("rel") or link.get("url")): link for link in parse_header_links(header) } @property def num_bytes_downloaded(self) -> int: return self._num_bytes_downloaded def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"" def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, typing.Any]: return { name: value for name, value in self.__dict__.items() if name not in ["extensions", "stream", "is_closed", "_decoder"] } def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None: for name, value in state.items(): setattr(self, name, value) self.is_closed = True self.extensions = {} = UnattachedStream() def read(self) -> bytes: """ Read and return the response content. """ if not hasattr(self, "_content"): self._content = b"".join(self.iter_bytes()) return self._content def iter_bytes(self, chunk_size: int | None = None) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]: """ A byte-iterator over the decoded response content. This allows us to handle gzip, deflate, and brotli encoded responses. """ if hasattr(self, "_content"): chunk_size = len(self._content) if chunk_size is None else chunk_size for i in range(0, len(self._content), max(chunk_size, 1)): yield self._content[i : i + chunk_size] else: decoder = self._get_content_decoder() chunker = ByteChunker(chunk_size=chunk_size) with request_context(request=self._request): for raw_bytes in self.iter_raw(): decoded = decoder.decode(raw_bytes) for chunk in chunker.decode(decoded): yield chunk decoded = decoder.flush() for chunk in chunker.decode(decoded): yield chunk # pragma: no cover for chunk in chunker.flush(): yield chunk def iter_text(self, chunk_size: int | None = None) -> typing.Iterator[str]: """ A str-iterator over the decoded response content that handles both gzip, deflate, etc but also detects the content's string encoding. """ decoder = TextDecoder(encoding=self.encoding or "utf-8") chunker = TextChunker(chunk_size=chunk_size) with request_context(request=self._request): for byte_content in self.iter_bytes(): text_content = decoder.decode(byte_content) for chunk in chunker.decode(text_content): yield chunk text_content = decoder.flush() for chunk in chunker.decode(text_content): yield chunk # pragma: no cover for chunk in chunker.flush(): yield chunk def iter_lines(self) -> typing.Iterator[str]: decoder = LineDecoder() with request_context(request=self._request): for text in self.iter_text(): for line in decoder.decode(text): yield line for line in decoder.flush(): yield line def iter_raw(self, chunk_size: int | None = None) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]: """ A byte-iterator over the raw response content. """ if self.is_stream_consumed: raise StreamConsumed() if self.is_closed: raise StreamClosed() if not isinstance(, SyncByteStream): raise RuntimeError("Attempted to call a sync iterator on an async stream.") self.is_stream_consumed = True self._num_bytes_downloaded = 0 chunker = ByteChunker(chunk_size=chunk_size) with request_context(request=self._request): for raw_stream_bytes in self._num_bytes_downloaded += len(raw_stream_bytes) for chunk in chunker.decode(raw_stream_bytes): yield chunk for chunk in chunker.flush(): yield chunk self.close() def close(self) -> None: """ Close the response and release the connection. Automatically called if the response body is read to completion. """ if not isinstance(, SyncByteStream): raise RuntimeError("Attempted to call an sync close on an async stream.") if not self.is_closed: self.is_closed = True with request_context(request=self._request): async def aread(self) -> bytes: """ Read and return the response content. """ if not hasattr(self, "_content"): self._content = b"".join([part async for part in self.aiter_bytes()]) return self._content async def aiter_bytes( self, chunk_size: int | None = None ) -> typing.AsyncIterator[bytes]: """ A byte-iterator over the decoded response content. This allows us to handle gzip, deflate, and brotli encoded responses. """ if hasattr(self, "_content"): chunk_size = len(self._content) if chunk_size is None else chunk_size for i in range(0, len(self._content), max(chunk_size, 1)): yield self._content[i : i + chunk_size] else: decoder = self._get_content_decoder() chunker = ByteChunker(chunk_size=chunk_size) with request_context(request=self._request): async for raw_bytes in self.aiter_raw(): decoded = decoder.decode(raw_bytes) for chunk in chunker.decode(decoded): yield chunk decoded = decoder.flush() for chunk in chunker.decode(decoded): yield chunk # pragma: no cover for chunk in chunker.flush(): yield chunk async def aiter_text( self, chunk_size: int | None = None ) -> typing.AsyncIterator[str]: """ A str-iterator over the decoded response content that handles both gzip, deflate, etc but also detects the content's string encoding. """ decoder = TextDecoder(encoding=self.encoding or "utf-8") chunker = TextChunker(chunk_size=chunk_size) with request_context(request=self._request): async for byte_content in self.aiter_bytes(): text_content = decoder.decode(byte_content) for chunk in chunker.decode(text_content): yield chunk text_content = decoder.flush() for chunk in chunker.decode(text_content): yield chunk # pragma: no cover for chunk in chunker.flush(): yield chunk async def aiter_lines(self) -> typing.AsyncIterator[str]: decoder = LineDecoder() with request_context(request=self._request): async for text in self.aiter_text(): for line in decoder.decode(text): yield line for line in decoder.flush(): yield line async def aiter_raw( self, chunk_size: int | None = None ) -> typing.AsyncIterator[bytes]: """ A byte-iterator over the raw response content. """ if self.is_stream_consumed: raise StreamConsumed() if self.is_closed: raise StreamClosed() if not isinstance(, AsyncByteStream): raise RuntimeError("Attempted to call an async iterator on an sync stream.") self.is_stream_consumed = True self._num_bytes_downloaded = 0 chunker = ByteChunker(chunk_size=chunk_size) with request_context(request=self._request): async for raw_stream_bytes in self._num_bytes_downloaded += len(raw_stream_bytes) for chunk in chunker.decode(raw_stream_bytes): yield chunk for chunk in chunker.flush(): yield chunk await self.aclose() async def aclose(self) -> None: """ Close the response and release the connection. Automatically called if the response body is read to completion. """ if not isinstance(, AsyncByteStream): raise RuntimeError("Attempted to call an async close on an sync stream.") if not self.is_closed: self.is_closed = True with request_context(request=self._request): await class Cookies(typing.MutableMapping[str, str]): """ HTTP Cookies, as a mutable mapping. """ def __init__(self, cookies: CookieTypes | None = None) -> None: if cookies is None or isinstance(cookies, dict): self.jar = CookieJar() if isinstance(cookies, dict): for key, value in cookies.items(): self.set(key, value) elif isinstance(cookies, list): self.jar = CookieJar() for key, value in cookies: self.set(key, value) elif isinstance(cookies, Cookies): self.jar = CookieJar() for cookie in cookies.jar: self.jar.set_cookie(cookie) else: self.jar = cookies def extract_cookies(self, response: Response) -> None: """ Loads any cookies based on the response `Set-Cookie` headers. """ urllib_response = self._CookieCompatResponse(response) urllib_request = self._CookieCompatRequest(response.request) self.jar.extract_cookies(urllib_response, urllib_request) # type: ignore def set_cookie_header(self, request: Request) -> None: """ Sets an appropriate 'Cookie:' HTTP header on the `Request`. """ urllib_request = self._CookieCompatRequest(request) self.jar.add_cookie_header(urllib_request) def set(self, name: str, value: str, domain: str = "", path: str = "/") -> None: """ Set a cookie value by name. May optionally include domain and path. """ kwargs = { "version": 0, "name": name, "value": value, "port": None, "port_specified": False, "domain": domain, "domain_specified": bool(domain), "domain_initial_dot": domain.startswith("."), "path": path, "path_specified": bool(path), "secure": False, "expires": None, "discard": True, "comment": None, "comment_url": None, "rest": {"HttpOnly": None}, "rfc2109": False, } cookie = Cookie(**kwargs) # type: ignore self.jar.set_cookie(cookie) def get( # type: ignore self, name: str, default: str | None = None, domain: str | None = None, path: str | None = None, ) -> str | None: """ Get a cookie by name. May optionally include domain and path in order to specify exactly which cookie to retrieve. """ value = None for cookie in self.jar: if == name: if domain is None or cookie.domain == domain: if path is None or cookie.path == path: if value is not None: message = f"Multiple cookies exist with name={name}" raise CookieConflict(message) value = cookie.value if value is None: return default return value def delete( self, name: str, domain: str | None = None, path: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Delete a cookie by name. May optionally include domain and path in order to specify exactly which cookie to delete. """ if domain is not None and path is not None: return self.jar.clear(domain, path, name) remove = [ cookie for cookie in self.jar if == name and (domain is None or cookie.domain == domain) and (path is None or cookie.path == path) ] for cookie in remove: self.jar.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path, def clear(self, domain: str | None = None, path: str | None = None) -> None: """ Delete all cookies. Optionally include a domain and path in order to only delete a subset of all the cookies. """ args = [] if domain is not None: args.append(domain) if path is not None: assert domain is not None args.append(path) self.jar.clear(*args) def update(self, cookies: CookieTypes | None = None) -> None: # type: ignore cookies = Cookies(cookies) for cookie in cookies.jar: self.jar.set_cookie(cookie) def __setitem__(self, name: str, value: str) -> None: return self.set(name, value) def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> str: value = self.get(name) if value is None: raise KeyError(name) return value def __delitem__(self, name: str) -> None: return self.delete(name) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.jar) def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[str]: return ( for cookie in self.jar) def __bool__(self) -> bool: for _ in self.jar: return True return False def __repr__(self) -> str: cookies_repr = ", ".join( [ f"" for cookie in self.jar ] ) return f"" class _CookieCompatRequest(urllib.request.Request): """ Wraps a `Request` instance up in a compatibility interface suitable for use with `CookieJar` operations. """ def __init__(self, request: Request) -> None: super().__init__( url=str(request.url), headers=dict(request.headers), method=request.method, ) self.request = request def add_unredirected_header(self, key: str, value: str) -> None: super().add_unredirected_header(key, value) self.request.headers[key] = value class _CookieCompatResponse: """ Wraps a `Request` instance up in a compatibility interface suitable for use with `CookieJar` operations. """ def __init__(self, response: Response) -> None: self.response = response def info(self) -> email.message.Message: info = email.message.Message() for key, value in self.response.headers.multi_items(): # Note that setting `info[key]` here is an "append" operation, # not a "replace" operation. # info[key] = value return info