import random as random_module import re from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Hashable, List, Optional, Type, Union from .typing import SeedType if TYPE_CHECKING: from .providers import BaseProvider _re_token = re.compile(r"\{\{\s*(\w+)(:\s*\w+?)?\s*\}\}") random = random_module.Random() mod_random = random # compat with name released in 0.8 Sentinel = object() class Generator: __config: Dict[str, Dict[Hashable, Any]] = { "arguments": {}, } _is_seeded = False _global_seed = Sentinel def __init__(self, **config: Dict) -> None: self.providers: List["BaseProvider"] = [] self.__config = dict(list(self.__config.items()) + list(config.items())) self.__random = random def add_provider(self, provider: Union["BaseProvider", Type["BaseProvider"]]) -> None: if isinstance(provider, type): provider = provider(self) self.providers.insert(0, provider) for method_name in dir(provider): # skip 'private' method if method_name.startswith("_"): continue faker_function = getattr(provider, method_name) if callable(faker_function): # add all faker method to generator self.set_formatter(method_name, faker_function) def provider(self, name: str) -> Optional["BaseProvider"]: try: lst = [p for p in self.get_providers() if hasattr(p, "__provider__") and p.__provider__ == name.lower()] return lst[0] except IndexError: return None def get_providers(self) -> List["BaseProvider"]: """Returns added providers.""" return self.providers @property def random(self) -> random_module.Random: return self.__random @random.setter def random(self, value: random_module.Random) -> None: self.__random = value def seed_instance(self, seed: Optional[SeedType] = None) -> "Generator": """Calls random.seed""" if self.__random == random: # create per-instance random obj when first time seed_instance() is # called self.__random = random_module.Random() self.__random.seed(seed) self._is_seeded = True return self @classmethod def seed(cls, seed: Optional[SeedType] = None) -> None: random.seed(seed) cls._global_seed = seed cls._is_seeded = True def format(self, formatter: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """ This is a secure way to make a fake from another Provider. """ return self.get_formatter(formatter)(*args, **kwargs) def get_formatter(self, formatter: str) -> Callable: try: return getattr(self, formatter) except AttributeError: if "locale" in self.__config: msg = f'Unknown formatter {formatter!r} with locale {self.__config["locale"]!r}' else: raise AttributeError(f"Unknown formatter {formatter!r}") raise AttributeError(msg) def set_formatter(self, name: str, formatter: Callable) -> None: """ This method adds a provider method to generator. Override this method to add some decoration or logging stuff. """ setattr(self, name, formatter) def set_arguments(self, group: str, argument: str, value: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: """ Creates an argument group, with an individual argument or a dictionary of arguments. The argument groups is used to apply arguments to tokens, when using the generator.parse() method. To further manage argument groups, use get_arguments() and del_arguments() methods. generator.set_arguments('small', 'max_value', 10) generator.set_arguments('small', {'min_value': 5, 'max_value': 10}) """ if group not in self.__config["arguments"]: self.__config["arguments"][group] = {} if isinstance(argument, dict): self.__config["arguments"][group] = argument elif not isinstance(argument, str): raise ValueError("Arguments must be either a string or dictionary") else: self.__config["arguments"][group][argument] = value def get_arguments(self, group: str, argument: Optional[str] = None) -> Any: """ Get the value of an argument configured within a argument group, or the entire group as a dictionary. Used in conjunction with the set_arguments() method. generator.get_arguments('small', 'max_value') generator.get_arguments('small') """ if group in self.__config["arguments"] and argument: result = self.__config["arguments"][group].get(argument) else: result = self.__config["arguments"].get(group) return result def del_arguments(self, group: str, argument: Optional[str] = None) -> Any: """ Delete an argument from an argument group or the entire argument group. Used in conjunction with the set_arguments() method. generator.del_arguments('small') generator.del_arguments('small', 'max_value') """ if group in self.__config["arguments"]: if argument: result = self.__config["arguments"][group].pop(argument) else: result = self.__config["arguments"].pop(group) else: result = None return result def parse(self, text: str) -> str: """ Replaces tokens like '{{ tokenName }}' or '{{tokenName}}' in a string with the result from the token method call. Arguments can be parsed by using an argument group. For more information on the use of argument groups, please refer to the set_arguments() method. Example: generator.set_arguments('red_rgb', {'hue': 'red', 'color_format': 'rgb'}) generator.set_arguments('small', 'max_value', 10) generator.parse('{{ color:red_rgb }} - {{ pyint:small }}') """ return _re_token.sub(self.__format_token, text) def __format_token(self, matches): formatter, argument_group = list(matches.groups()) argument_group = argument_group.lstrip(":").strip() if argument_group else "" if argument_group: try: arguments = self.__config["arguments"][argument_group] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(f"Unknown argument group {argument_group!r}") formatted = str(self.format(formatter, **arguments)) else: formatted = str(self.format(formatter)) return "".join(formatted)