path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/
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Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/')
1 files changed, 708 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..765e6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/websockets/
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+from __future__ import annotations
+import enum
+import logging
+import uuid
+from typing import Generator, List, Optional, Type, Union
+from .exceptions import (
+ ConnectionClosed,
+ ConnectionClosedError,
+ ConnectionClosedOK,
+ InvalidState,
+ PayloadTooBig,
+ ProtocolError,
+from .extensions import Extension
+from .frames import (
+ Close,
+ CloseCode,
+ Frame,
+from .http11 import Request, Response
+from .streams import StreamReader
+from .typing import LoggerLike, Origin, Subprotocol
+__all__ = [
+ "Protocol",
+ "Side",
+ "State",
+Event = Union[Request, Response, Frame]
+"""Events that :meth:`~Protocol.events_received` may return."""
+class Side(enum.IntEnum):
+ """A WebSocket connection is either a server or a client."""
+ SERVER, CLIENT = range(2)
+class State(enum.IntEnum):
+ """A WebSocket connection is in one of these four states."""
+OPEN = State.OPEN
+SEND_EOF = b""
+"""Sentinel signaling that the TCP connection must be half-closed."""
+class Protocol:
+ """
+ Sans-I/O implementation of a WebSocket connection.
+ Args:
+ side: :attr:`~Side.CLIENT` or :attr:`~Side.SERVER`.
+ state: initial state of the WebSocket connection.
+ max_size: maximum size of incoming messages in bytes;
+ :obj:`None` disables the limit.
+ logger: logger for this connection; depending on ``side``,
+ defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.client")``
+ or ``logging.getLogger("websockets.server")``;
+ see the :doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ side: Side,
+ *,
+ state: State = OPEN,
+ max_size: Optional[int] = 2**20,
+ logger: Optional[LoggerLike] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ # Unique identifier. For logs.
+ uuid.UUID = uuid.uuid4()
+ """Unique identifier of the connection. Useful in logs."""
+ # Logger or LoggerAdapter for this connection.
+ if logger is None:
+ logger = logging.getLogger(f"websockets.{}")
+ self.logger: LoggerLike = logger
+ """Logger for this connection."""
+ # Track if DEBUG is enabled. Shortcut logging calls if it isn't.
+ self.debug = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
+ # Connection side. CLIENT or SERVER.
+ self.side = side
+ # Connection state. Initially OPEN because subclasses handle CONNECTING.
+ self.state = state
+ # Maximum size of incoming messages in bytes.
+ self.max_size = max_size
+ # Current size of incoming message in bytes. Only set while reading a
+ # fragmented message i.e. a data frames with the FIN bit not set.
+ self.cur_size: Optional[int] = None
+ # True while sending a fragmented message i.e. a data frames with the
+ # FIN bit not set.
+ self.expect_continuation_frame = False
+ # WebSocket protocol parameters.
+ self.origin: Optional[Origin] = None
+ self.extensions: List[Extension] = []
+ self.subprotocol: Optional[Subprotocol] = None
+ # Close code and reason, set when a close frame is sent or received.
+ self.close_rcvd: Optional[Close] = None
+ self.close_sent: Optional[Close] = None
+ self.close_rcvd_then_sent: Optional[bool] = None
+ # Track if an exception happened during the handshake.
+ self.handshake_exc: Optional[Exception] = None
+ """
+ Exception to raise if the opening handshake failed.
+ :obj:`None` if the opening handshake succeeded.
+ """
+ # Track if send_eof() was called.
+ self.eof_sent = False
+ # Parser state.
+ self.reader = StreamReader()
+ List[Event] = []
+ self.writes: List[bytes] = []
+ self.parser = self.parse()
+ next(self.parser) # start coroutine
+ self.parser_exc: Optional[Exception] = None
+ @property
+ def state(self) -> State:
+ """
+ WebSocket connection state.
+ Defined in 4.1, 4.2, 7.1.3, and 7.1.4 of :rfc:`6455`.
+ """
+ return self._state
+ @state.setter
+ def state(self, state: State) -> None:
+ if self.debug:
+ self.logger.debug("= connection is %s",
+ self._state = state
+ @property
+ def close_code(self) -> Optional[int]:
+ """
+ `WebSocket close code`_.
+ .. _WebSocket close code:
+ :obj:`None` if the connection isn't closed yet.
+ """
+ if self.state is not CLOSED:
+ return None
+ elif self.close_rcvd is None:
+ return CloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE
+ else:
+ return self.close_rcvd.code
+ @property
+ def close_reason(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """
+ `WebSocket close reason`_.
+ .. _WebSocket close reason:
+ :obj:`None` if the connection isn't closed yet.
+ """
+ if self.state is not CLOSED:
+ return None
+ elif self.close_rcvd is None:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ return self.close_rcvd.reason
+ @property
+ def close_exc(self) -> ConnectionClosed:
+ """
+ Exception to raise when trying to interact with a closed connection.
+ Don't raise this exception while the connection :attr:`state`
+ is :attr:`~websockets.protocol.State.CLOSING`; wait until
+ it's :attr:`~websockets.protocol.State.CLOSED`.
+ Indeed, the exception includes the close code and reason, which are
+ known only once the connection is closed.
+ Raises:
+ AssertionError: if the connection isn't closed yet.
+ """
+ assert self.state is CLOSED, "connection isn't closed yet"
+ exc_type: Type[ConnectionClosed]
+ if (
+ self.close_rcvd is not None
+ and self.close_sent is not None
+ and self.close_rcvd.code in OK_CLOSE_CODES
+ and self.close_sent.code in OK_CLOSE_CODES
+ ):
+ exc_type = ConnectionClosedOK
+ else:
+ exc_type = ConnectionClosedError
+ exc: ConnectionClosed = exc_type(
+ self.close_rcvd,
+ self.close_sent,
+ self.close_rcvd_then_sent,
+ )
+ # Chain to the exception raised in the parser, if any.
+ exc.__cause__ = self.parser_exc
+ return exc
+ # Public methods for receiving data.
+ def receive_data(self, data: bytes) -> None:
+ """
+ Receive data from the network.
+ After calling this method:
+ - You must call :meth:`data_to_send` and send this data to the network.
+ - You should call :meth:`events_received` and process resulting events.
+ Raises:
+ EOFError: if :meth:`receive_eof` was called earlier.
+ """
+ self.reader.feed_data(data)
+ next(self.parser)
+ def receive_eof(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Receive the end of the data stream from the network.
+ After calling this method:
+ - You must call :meth:`data_to_send` and send this data to the network;
+ it will return ``[b""]``, signaling the end of the stream, or ``[]``.
+ - You aren't expected to call :meth:`events_received`; it won't return
+ any new events.
+ Raises:
+ EOFError: if :meth:`receive_eof` was called earlier.
+ """
+ self.reader.feed_eof()
+ next(self.parser)
+ # Public methods for sending events.
+ def send_continuation(self, data: bytes, fin: bool) -> None:
+ """
+ Send a `Continuation frame`_.
+ .. _Continuation frame:
+ Parameters:
+ data: payload containing the same kind of data
+ as the initial frame.
+ fin: FIN bit; set it to :obj:`True` if this is the last frame
+ of a fragmented message and to :obj:`False` otherwise.
+ Raises:
+ ProtocolError: if a fragmented message isn't in progress.
+ """
+ if not self.expect_continuation_frame:
+ raise ProtocolError("unexpected continuation frame")
+ self.expect_continuation_frame = not fin
+ self.send_frame(Frame(OP_CONT, data, fin))
+ def send_text(self, data: bytes, fin: bool = True) -> None:
+ """
+ Send a `Text frame`_.
+ .. _Text frame:
+ Parameters:
+ data: payload containing text encoded with UTF-8.
+ fin: FIN bit; set it to :obj:`False` if this is the first frame of
+ a fragmented message.
+ Raises:
+ ProtocolError: if a fragmented message is in progress.
+ """
+ if self.expect_continuation_frame:
+ raise ProtocolError("expected a continuation frame")
+ self.expect_continuation_frame = not fin
+ self.send_frame(Frame(OP_TEXT, data, fin))
+ def send_binary(self, data: bytes, fin: bool = True) -> None:
+ """
+ Send a `Binary frame`_.
+ .. _Binary frame:
+ Parameters:
+ data: payload containing arbitrary binary data.
+ fin: FIN bit; set it to :obj:`False` if this is the first frame of
+ a fragmented message.
+ Raises:
+ ProtocolError: if a fragmented message is in progress.
+ """
+ if self.expect_continuation_frame:
+ raise ProtocolError("expected a continuation frame")
+ self.expect_continuation_frame = not fin
+ self.send_frame(Frame(OP_BINARY, data, fin))
+ def send_close(self, code: Optional[int] = None, reason: str = "") -> None:
+ """
+ Send a `Close frame`_.
+ .. _Close frame:
+ Parameters:
+ code: close code.
+ reason: close reason.
+ Raises:
+ ProtocolError: if a fragmented message is being sent, if the code
+ isn't valid, or if a reason is provided without a code
+ """
+ if self.expect_continuation_frame:
+ raise ProtocolError("expected a continuation frame")
+ if code is None:
+ if reason != "":
+ raise ProtocolError("cannot send a reason without a code")
+ close = Close(CloseCode.NO_STATUS_RCVD, "")
+ data = b""
+ else:
+ close = Close(code, reason)
+ data = close.serialize()
+ # send_frame() guarantees that self.state is OPEN at this point.
+ # 7.1.3. The WebSocket Closing Handshake is Started
+ self.send_frame(Frame(OP_CLOSE, data))
+ self.close_sent = close
+ self.state = CLOSING
+ def send_ping(self, data: bytes) -> None:
+ """
+ Send a `Ping frame`_.
+ .. _Ping frame:
+ Parameters:
+ data: payload containing arbitrary binary data.
+ """
+ self.send_frame(Frame(OP_PING, data))
+ def send_pong(self, data: bytes) -> None:
+ """
+ Send a `Pong frame`_.
+ .. _Pong frame:
+ Parameters:
+ data: payload containing arbitrary binary data.
+ """
+ self.send_frame(Frame(OP_PONG, data))
+ def fail(self, code: int, reason: str = "") -> None:
+ """
+ `Fail the WebSocket connection`_.
+ .. _Fail the WebSocket connection:
+ Parameters:
+ code: close code
+ reason: close reason
+ Raises:
+ ProtocolError: if the code isn't valid.
+ """
+ # 7.1.7. Fail the WebSocket Connection
+ # Send a close frame when the state is OPEN (a close frame was already
+ # sent if it's CLOSING), except when failing the connection because
+ # of an error reading from or writing to the network.
+ if self.state is OPEN:
+ if code != CloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE:
+ close = Close(code, reason)
+ data = close.serialize()
+ self.send_frame(Frame(OP_CLOSE, data))
+ self.close_sent = close
+ self.state = CLOSING
+ # When failing the connection, a server closes the TCP connection
+ # without waiting for the client to complete the handshake, while a
+ # client waits for the server to close the TCP connection, possibly
+ # after sending a close frame that the client will ignore.
+ if self.side is SERVER and not self.eof_sent:
+ self.send_eof()
+ # 7.1.7. Fail the WebSocket Connection "An endpoint MUST NOT continue
+ # to attempt to process data(including a responding Close frame) from
+ # the remote endpoint after being instructed to _Fail the WebSocket
+ # Connection_."
+ self.parser = self.discard()
+ next(self.parser) # start coroutine
+ # Public method for getting incoming events after receiving data.
+ def events_received(self) -> List[Event]:
+ """
+ Fetch events generated from data received from the network.
+ Call this method immediately after any of the ``receive_*()`` methods.
+ Process resulting events, likely by passing them to the application.
+ Returns:
+ List[Event]: Events read from the connection.
+ """
+ events, =, []
+ return events
+ # Public method for getting outgoing data after receiving data or sending events.
+ def data_to_send(self) -> List[bytes]:
+ """
+ Obtain data to send to the network.
+ Call this method immediately after any of the ``receive_*()``,
+ ``send_*()``, or :meth:`fail` methods.
+ Write resulting data to the connection.
+ The empty bytestring :data:`~websockets.protocol.SEND_EOF` signals
+ the end of the data stream. When you receive it, half-close the TCP
+ connection.
+ Returns:
+ List[bytes]: Data to write to the connection.
+ """
+ writes, self.writes = self.writes, []
+ return writes
+ def close_expected(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Tell if the TCP connection is expected to close soon.
+ Call this method immediately after any of the ``receive_*()``,
+ ``send_close()``, or :meth:`fail` methods.
+ If it returns :obj:`True`, schedule closing the TCP connection after a
+ short timeout if the other side hasn't already closed it.
+ Returns:
+ bool: Whether the TCP connection is expected to close soon.
+ """
+ # We expect a TCP close if and only if we sent a close frame:
+ # * Normal closure: once we send a close frame, we expect a TCP close:
+ # server waits for client to complete the TCP closing handshake;
+ # client waits for server to initiate the TCP closing handshake.
+ # * Abnormal closure: we always send a close frame and the same logic
+ # applies, except on EOFError where we don't send a close frame
+ # because we already received the TCP close, so we don't expect it.
+ # We already got a TCP Close if and only if the state is CLOSED.
+ return self.state is CLOSING or self.handshake_exc is not None
+ # Private methods for receiving data.
+ def parse(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
+ """
+ Parse incoming data into frames.
+ :meth:`receive_data` and :meth:`receive_eof` run this generator
+ coroutine until it needs more data or reaches EOF.
+ :meth:`parse` never raises an exception. Instead, it sets the
+ :attr:`parser_exc` and yields control.
+ """
+ try:
+ while True:
+ if (yield from self.reader.at_eof()):
+ if self.debug:
+ self.logger.debug("< EOF")
+ # If the WebSocket connection is closed cleanly, with a
+ # closing handhshake, recv_frame() substitutes parse()
+ # with discard(). This branch is reached only when the
+ # connection isn't closed cleanly.
+ raise EOFError("unexpected end of stream")
+ if self.max_size is None:
+ max_size = None
+ elif self.cur_size is None:
+ max_size = self.max_size
+ else:
+ max_size = self.max_size - self.cur_size
+ # During a normal closure, execution ends here on the next
+ # iteration of the loop after receiving a close frame. At
+ # this point, recv_frame() replaced parse() by discard().
+ frame = yield from Frame.parse(
+ self.reader.read_exact,
+ mask=self.side is SERVER,
+ max_size=max_size,
+ extensions=self.extensions,
+ )
+ if self.debug:
+ self.logger.debug("< %s", frame)
+ self.recv_frame(frame)
+ except ProtocolError as exc:
+, str(exc))
+ self.parser_exc = exc
+ except EOFError as exc:
+, str(exc))
+ self.parser_exc = exc
+ except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
+, f"{exc.reason} at position {exc.start}")
+ self.parser_exc = exc
+ except PayloadTooBig as exc:
+, str(exc))
+ self.parser_exc = exc
+ except Exception as exc:
+ self.logger.error("parser failed", exc_info=True)
+ # Don't include exception details, which may be security-sensitive.
+ self.parser_exc = exc
+ # During an abnormal closure, execution ends here after catching an
+ # exception. At this point, fail() replaced parse() by discard().
+ yield
+ raise AssertionError("parse() shouldn't step after error")
+ def discard(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
+ """
+ Discard incoming data.
+ This coroutine replaces :meth:`parse`:
+ - after receiving a close frame, during a normal closure (1.4);
+ - after sending a close frame, during an abnormal closure (7.1.7).
+ """
+ # The server close the TCP connection in the same circumstances where
+ # discard() replaces parse(). The client closes the connection later,
+ # after the server closes the connection or a timeout elapses.
+ # (The latter case cannot be handled in this Sans-I/O layer.)
+ assert (self.side is SERVER) == (self.eof_sent)
+ while not (yield from self.reader.at_eof()):
+ self.reader.discard()
+ if self.debug:
+ self.logger.debug("< EOF")
+ # A server closes the TCP connection immediately, while a client
+ # waits for the server to close the TCP connection.
+ if self.side is CLIENT:
+ self.send_eof()
+ self.state = CLOSED
+ # If discard() completes normally, execution ends here.
+ yield
+ # Once the reader reaches EOF, its feed_data/eof() methods raise an
+ # error, so our receive_data/eof() methods don't step the generator.
+ raise AssertionError("discard() shouldn't step after EOF")
+ def recv_frame(self, frame: Frame) -> None:
+ """
+ Process an incoming frame.
+ """
+ if frame.opcode is OP_TEXT or frame.opcode is OP_BINARY:
+ if self.cur_size is not None:
+ raise ProtocolError("expected a continuation frame")
+ if frame.fin:
+ self.cur_size = None
+ else:
+ self.cur_size = len(
+ elif frame.opcode is OP_CONT:
+ if self.cur_size is None:
+ raise ProtocolError("unexpected continuation frame")
+ if frame.fin:
+ self.cur_size = None
+ else:
+ self.cur_size += len(
+ elif frame.opcode is OP_PING:
+ # 5.5.2. Ping: "Upon receipt of a Ping frame, an endpoint MUST
+ # send a Pong frame in response"
+ pong_frame = Frame(OP_PONG,
+ self.send_frame(pong_frame)
+ elif frame.opcode is OP_PONG:
+ # 5.5.3 Pong: "A response to an unsolicited Pong frame is not
+ # expected."
+ pass
+ elif frame.opcode is OP_CLOSE:
+ # 7.1.5. The WebSocket Connection Close Code
+ # 7.1.6. The WebSocket Connection Close Reason
+ self.close_rcvd = Close.parse(
+ if self.state is CLOSING:
+ assert self.close_sent is not None
+ self.close_rcvd_then_sent = False
+ if self.cur_size is not None:
+ raise ProtocolError("incomplete fragmented message")
+ # 5.5.1 Close: "If an endpoint receives a Close frame and did
+ # not previously send a Close frame, the endpoint MUST send a
+ # Close frame in response. (When sending a Close frame in
+ # response, the endpoint typically echos the status code it
+ # received.)"
+ if self.state is OPEN:
+ # Echo the original data instead of re-serializing it with
+ # Close.serialize() because that fails when the close frame
+ # is empty and Close.parse() synthesizes a 1005 close code.
+ # The rest is identical to send_close().
+ self.send_frame(Frame(OP_CLOSE,
+ self.close_sent = self.close_rcvd
+ self.close_rcvd_then_sent = True
+ self.state = CLOSING
+ # 7.1.2. Start the WebSocket Closing Handshake: "Once an
+ # endpoint has both sent and received a Close control frame,
+ # that endpoint SHOULD _Close the WebSocket Connection_"
+ # A server closes the TCP connection immediately, while a client
+ # waits for the server to close the TCP connection.
+ if self.side is SERVER:
+ self.send_eof()
+ # 1.4. Closing Handshake: "after receiving a control frame
+ # indicating the connection should be closed, a peer discards
+ # any further data received."
+ self.parser = self.discard()
+ next(self.parser) # start coroutine
+ else:
+ # This can't happen because Frame.parse() validates opcodes.
+ raise AssertionError(f"unexpected opcode: {frame.opcode:02x}")
+ # Private methods for sending events.
+ def send_frame(self, frame: Frame) -> None:
+ if self.state is not OPEN:
+ raise InvalidState(
+ f"cannot write to a WebSocket in the {} state"
+ )
+ if self.debug:
+ self.logger.debug("> %s", frame)
+ self.writes.append(
+ frame.serialize(mask=self.side is CLIENT, extensions=self.extensions)
+ )
+ def send_eof(self) -> None:
+ assert not self.eof_sent
+ self.eof_sent = True
+ if self.debug:
+ self.logger.debug("> EOF")
+ self.writes.append(SEND_EOF)