path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/sslproto.pyx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/sslproto.pyx')
1 files changed, 950 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/sslproto.pyx b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/sslproto.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42bb764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/uvloop/sslproto.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+cdef _create_transport_context(server_side, server_hostname):
+ if server_side:
+ raise ValueError('Server side SSL needs a valid SSLContext')
+ # Client side may pass ssl=True to use a default
+ # context; in that case the sslcontext passed is None.
+ # The default is secure for client connections.
+ # Python 3.4+: use up-to-date strong settings.
+ sslcontext = ssl_create_default_context()
+ if not server_hostname:
+ sslcontext.check_hostname = False
+ return sslcontext
+cdef class _SSLProtocolTransport:
+ # TODO:
+ # _sendfile_compatible = constants._SendfileMode.FALLBACK
+ def __cinit__(self, Loop loop, ssl_protocol, context):
+ self._loop = loop
+ # SSLProtocol instance
+ self._ssl_protocol = ssl_protocol
+ self._closed = False
+ if context is None:
+ context = Context_CopyCurrent()
+ self.context = context
+ def get_extra_info(self, name, default=None):
+ """Get optional transport information."""
+ return self._ssl_protocol._get_extra_info(name, default)
+ def set_protocol(self, protocol):
+ self._ssl_protocol._set_app_protocol(protocol)
+ def get_protocol(self):
+ return self._ssl_protocol._app_protocol
+ def is_closing(self):
+ return self._closed
+ def close(self):
+ """Close the transport.
+ Buffered data will be flushed asynchronously. No more data
+ will be received. After all buffered data is flushed, the
+ protocol's connection_lost() method will (eventually) called
+ with None as its argument.
+ """
+ self._closed = True
+ self._ssl_protocol._start_shutdown(self.context.copy())
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ if not self._closed:
+ self._closed = True
+ warnings_warn(
+ "unclosed transport <uvloop.loop._SSLProtocolTransport "
+ "object>", ResourceWarning)
+ def is_reading(self):
+ return not self._ssl_protocol._app_reading_paused
+ def pause_reading(self):
+ """Pause the receiving end.
+ No data will be passed to the protocol's data_received()
+ method until resume_reading() is called.
+ """
+ self._ssl_protocol._pause_reading()
+ def resume_reading(self):
+ """Resume the receiving end.
+ Data received will once again be passed to the protocol's
+ data_received() method.
+ """
+ self._ssl_protocol._resume_reading(self.context.copy())
+ def set_write_buffer_limits(self, high=None, low=None):
+ """Set the high- and low-water limits for write flow control.
+ These two values control when to call the protocol's
+ pause_writing() and resume_writing() methods. If specified,
+ the low-water limit must be less than or equal to the
+ high-water limit. Neither value can be negative.
+ The defaults are implementation-specific. If only the
+ high-water limit is given, the low-water limit defaults to an
+ implementation-specific value less than or equal to the
+ high-water limit. Setting high to zero forces low to zero as
+ well, and causes pause_writing() to be called whenever the
+ buffer becomes non-empty. Setting low to zero causes
+ resume_writing() to be called only once the buffer is empty.
+ Use of zero for either limit is generally sub-optimal as it
+ reduces opportunities for doing I/O and computation
+ concurrently.
+ """
+ self._ssl_protocol._set_write_buffer_limits(high, low)
+ self._ssl_protocol._control_app_writing(self.context.copy())
+ def get_write_buffer_limits(self):
+ return (self._ssl_protocol._outgoing_low_water,
+ self._ssl_protocol._outgoing_high_water)
+ def get_write_buffer_size(self):
+ """Return the current size of the write buffers."""
+ return self._ssl_protocol._get_write_buffer_size()
+ def set_read_buffer_limits(self, high=None, low=None):
+ """Set the high- and low-water limits for read flow control.
+ These two values control when to call the upstream transport's
+ pause_reading() and resume_reading() methods. If specified,
+ the low-water limit must be less than or equal to the
+ high-water limit. Neither value can be negative.
+ The defaults are implementation-specific. If only the
+ high-water limit is given, the low-water limit defaults to an
+ implementation-specific value less than or equal to the
+ high-water limit. Setting high to zero forces low to zero as
+ well, and causes pause_reading() to be called whenever the
+ buffer becomes non-empty. Setting low to zero causes
+ resume_reading() to be called only once the buffer is empty.
+ Use of zero for either limit is generally sub-optimal as it
+ reduces opportunities for doing I/O and computation
+ concurrently.
+ """
+ self._ssl_protocol._set_read_buffer_limits(high, low)
+ self._ssl_protocol._control_ssl_reading()
+ def get_read_buffer_limits(self):
+ return (self._ssl_protocol._incoming_low_water,
+ self._ssl_protocol._incoming_high_water)
+ def get_read_buffer_size(self):
+ """Return the current size of the read buffer."""
+ return self._ssl_protocol._get_read_buffer_size()
+ @property
+ def _protocol_paused(self):
+ # Required for sendfile fallback pause_writing/resume_writing logic
+ return self._ssl_protocol._app_writing_paused
+ def write(self, data):
+ """Write some data bytes to the transport.
+ This does not block; it buffers the data and arranges for it
+ to be sent out asynchronously.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
+ raise TypeError(f"data: expecting a bytes-like instance, "
+ f"got {type(data).__name__}")
+ if not data:
+ return
+ self._ssl_protocol._write_appdata((data,), self.context.copy())
+ def writelines(self, list_of_data):
+ """Write a list (or any iterable) of data bytes to the transport.
+ The default implementation concatenates the arguments and
+ calls write() on the result.
+ """
+ self._ssl_protocol._write_appdata(list_of_data, self.context.copy())
+ def write_eof(self):
+ """Close the write end after flushing buffered data.
+ This raises :exc:`NotImplementedError` right now.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def can_write_eof(self):
+ """Return True if this transport supports write_eof(), False if not."""
+ return False
+ def abort(self):
+ """Close the transport immediately.
+ Buffered data will be lost. No more data will be received.
+ The protocol's connection_lost() method will (eventually) be
+ called with None as its argument.
+ """
+ self._force_close(None)
+ def _force_close(self, exc):
+ self._closed = True
+ self._ssl_protocol._abort(exc)
+ def _test__append_write_backlog(self, data):
+ # for test only
+ self._ssl_protocol._write_backlog.append(data)
+ self._ssl_protocol._write_buffer_size += len(data)
+cdef class SSLProtocol:
+ """SSL protocol.
+ Implementation of SSL on top of a socket using incoming and outgoing
+ buffers which are ssl.MemoryBIO objects.
+ """
+ def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._ssl_buffer_len = SSL_READ_MAX_SIZE
+ self._ssl_buffer = <char*>PyMem_RawMalloc(self._ssl_buffer_len)
+ if not self._ssl_buffer:
+ raise MemoryError()
+ self._ssl_buffer_view = PyMemoryView_FromMemory(
+ self._ssl_buffer, self._ssl_buffer_len, PyBUF_WRITE)
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ self._ssl_buffer_view = None
+ PyMem_RawFree(self._ssl_buffer)
+ self._ssl_buffer = NULL
+ self._ssl_buffer_len = 0
+ def __init__(self, loop, app_protocol, sslcontext, waiter,
+ server_side=False, server_hostname=None,
+ call_connection_made=True,
+ ssl_handshake_timeout=None,
+ ssl_shutdown_timeout=None):
+ if ssl_handshake_timeout is None:
+ ssl_handshake_timeout = SSL_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT
+ elif ssl_handshake_timeout <= 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"ssl_handshake_timeout should be a positive number, "
+ f"got {ssl_handshake_timeout}")
+ if ssl_shutdown_timeout is None:
+ ssl_shutdown_timeout = SSL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT
+ elif ssl_shutdown_timeout <= 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"ssl_shutdown_timeout should be a positive number, "
+ f"got {ssl_shutdown_timeout}")
+ if not sslcontext:
+ sslcontext = _create_transport_context(
+ server_side, server_hostname)
+ self._server_side = server_side
+ if server_hostname and not server_side:
+ self._server_hostname = server_hostname
+ else:
+ self._server_hostname = None
+ self._sslcontext = sslcontext
+ # SSL-specific extra info. More info are set when the handshake
+ # completes.
+ self._extra = dict(sslcontext=sslcontext)
+ # App data write buffering
+ self._write_backlog = col_deque()
+ self._write_buffer_size = 0
+ self._waiter = waiter
+ self._loop = loop
+ self._set_app_protocol(app_protocol)
+ self._app_transport = None
+ self._app_transport_created = False
+ # transport, ex: SelectorSocketTransport
+ self._transport = None
+ self._ssl_handshake_timeout = ssl_handshake_timeout
+ self._ssl_shutdown_timeout = ssl_shutdown_timeout
+ # SSL and state machine
+ self._sslobj = None
+ self._incoming = ssl_MemoryBIO()
+ self._incoming_write = self._incoming.write
+ self._outgoing = ssl_MemoryBIO()
+ self._outgoing_read =
+ self._state = UNWRAPPED
+ self._conn_lost = 0 # Set when connection_lost called
+ if call_connection_made:
+ self._app_state = STATE_INIT
+ else:
+ self._app_state = STATE_CON_MADE
+ # Flow Control
+ self._ssl_writing_paused = False
+ self._app_reading_paused = False
+ self._ssl_reading_paused = False
+ self._incoming_high_water = 0
+ self._incoming_low_water = 0
+ self._set_read_buffer_limits()
+ self._app_writing_paused = False
+ self._outgoing_high_water = 0
+ self._outgoing_low_water = 0
+ self._set_write_buffer_limits()
+ cdef _set_app_protocol(self, app_protocol):
+ self._app_protocol = app_protocol
+ if (hasattr(app_protocol, 'get_buffer') and
+ not isinstance(app_protocol, aio_Protocol)):
+ self._app_protocol_get_buffer = app_protocol.get_buffer
+ self._app_protocol_buffer_updated = app_protocol.buffer_updated
+ self._app_protocol_is_buffer = True
+ else:
+ self._app_protocol_is_buffer = False
+ cdef _wakeup_waiter(self, exc=None):
+ if self._waiter is None:
+ return
+ if not self._waiter.cancelled():
+ if exc is not None:
+ self._waiter.set_exception(exc)
+ else:
+ self._waiter.set_result(None)
+ self._waiter = None
+ def _get_app_transport(self, context=None):
+ if self._app_transport is None:
+ if self._app_transport_created:
+ raise RuntimeError('Creating _SSLProtocolTransport twice')
+ self._app_transport = _SSLProtocolTransport(self._loop, self,
+ context)
+ self._app_transport_created = True
+ return self._app_transport
+ def connection_made(self, transport):
+ """Called when the low-level connection is made.
+ Start the SSL handshake.
+ """
+ self._transport = transport
+ self._start_handshake()
+ def connection_lost(self, exc):
+ """Called when the low-level connection is lost or closed.
+ The argument is an exception object or None (the latter
+ meaning a regular EOF is received or the connection was
+ aborted or closed).
+ """
+ self._write_backlog.clear()
+ self._outgoing_read()
+ self._conn_lost += 1
+ # Just mark the app transport as closed so that its __dealloc__
+ # doesn't complain.
+ if self._app_transport is not None:
+ self._app_transport._closed = True
+ if self._state != DO_HANDSHAKE:
+ if self._app_state == STATE_CON_MADE or \
+ self._app_state == STATE_EOF:
+ self._app_state = STATE_CON_LOST
+ self._loop.call_soon(self._app_protocol.connection_lost, exc)
+ self._set_state(UNWRAPPED)
+ self._transport = None
+ self._app_transport = None
+ self._app_protocol = None
+ self._wakeup_waiter(exc)
+ if self._shutdown_timeout_handle:
+ self._shutdown_timeout_handle.cancel()
+ self._shutdown_timeout_handle = None
+ if self._handshake_timeout_handle:
+ self._handshake_timeout_handle.cancel()
+ self._handshake_timeout_handle = None
+ def get_buffer(self, n):
+ cdef size_t want = n
+ if want > SSL_READ_MAX_SIZE:
+ if self._ssl_buffer_len < want:
+ self._ssl_buffer = <char*>PyMem_RawRealloc(self._ssl_buffer, want)
+ if not self._ssl_buffer:
+ raise MemoryError()
+ self._ssl_buffer_len = want
+ self._ssl_buffer_view = PyMemoryView_FromMemory(
+ self._ssl_buffer, want, PyBUF_WRITE)
+ return self._ssl_buffer_view
+ def buffer_updated(self, nbytes):
+ self._incoming_write(PyMemoryView_FromMemory(
+ self._ssl_buffer, nbytes, PyBUF_WRITE))
+ if self._state == DO_HANDSHAKE:
+ self._do_handshake()
+ elif self._state == WRAPPED:
+ self._do_read()
+ elif self._state == FLUSHING:
+ self._do_flush()
+ elif self._state == SHUTDOWN:
+ self._do_shutdown()
+ def eof_received(self):
+ """Called when the other end of the low-level stream
+ is half-closed.
+ If this returns a false value (including None), the transport
+ will close itself. If it returns a true value, closing the
+ transport is up to the protocol.
+ """
+ try:
+ if self._loop.get_debug():
+ aio_logger.debug("%r received EOF", self)
+ if self._state == DO_HANDSHAKE:
+ self._on_handshake_complete(ConnectionResetError)
+ elif self._state == WRAPPED or self._state == FLUSHING:
+ # We treat a low-level EOF as a critical situation similar to a
+ # broken connection - just send whatever is in the buffer and
+ # close. No application level eof_received() is called -
+ # because we don't want the user to think that this is a
+ # graceful shutdown triggered by SSL "close_notify".
+ self._set_state(SHUTDOWN)
+ self._on_shutdown_complete(None)
+ elif self._state == SHUTDOWN:
+ self._on_shutdown_complete(None)
+ except Exception:
+ self._transport.close()
+ raise
+ cdef _get_extra_info(self, name, default=None):
+ if name == 'uvloop.sslproto':
+ return self
+ elif name in self._extra:
+ return self._extra[name]
+ elif self._transport is not None:
+ return self._transport.get_extra_info(name, default)
+ else:
+ return default
+ cdef _set_state(self, SSLProtocolState new_state):
+ cdef bint allowed = False
+ if new_state == UNWRAPPED:
+ allowed = True
+ elif self._state == UNWRAPPED and new_state == DO_HANDSHAKE:
+ allowed = True
+ elif self._state == DO_HANDSHAKE and new_state == WRAPPED:
+ allowed = True
+ elif self._state == WRAPPED and new_state == FLUSHING:
+ allowed = True
+ elif self._state == WRAPPED and new_state == SHUTDOWN:
+ allowed = True
+ elif self._state == FLUSHING and new_state == SHUTDOWN:
+ allowed = True
+ if allowed:
+ self._state = new_state
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'cannot switch state from {} to {}'.format(
+ self._state, new_state))
+ # Handshake flow
+ cdef _start_handshake(self):
+ if self._loop.get_debug():
+ aio_logger.debug("%r starts SSL handshake", self)
+ self._handshake_start_time = self._loop.time()
+ else:
+ self._handshake_start_time = None
+ self._set_state(DO_HANDSHAKE)
+ # start handshake timeout count down
+ self._handshake_timeout_handle = \
+ self._loop.call_later(self._ssl_handshake_timeout,
+ lambda: self._check_handshake_timeout())
+ try:
+ self._sslobj = self._sslcontext.wrap_bio(
+ self._incoming, self._outgoing,
+ server_side=self._server_side,
+ server_hostname=self._server_hostname)
+ self._sslobj_read =
+ self._sslobj_write = self._sslobj.write
+ except Exception as ex:
+ self._on_handshake_complete(ex)
+ else:
+ self._do_handshake()
+ cdef _check_handshake_timeout(self):
+ if self._state == DO_HANDSHAKE:
+ msg = (
+ f"SSL handshake is taking longer than "
+ f"{self._ssl_handshake_timeout} seconds: "
+ f"aborting the connection"
+ )
+ self._fatal_error(ConnectionAbortedError(msg))
+ cdef _do_handshake(self):
+ try:
+ self._sslobj.do_handshake()
+ except ssl_SSLAgainErrors as exc:
+ self._process_outgoing()
+ except ssl_SSLError as exc:
+ self._on_handshake_complete(exc)
+ else:
+ self._on_handshake_complete(None)
+ cdef _on_handshake_complete(self, handshake_exc):
+ if self._handshake_timeout_handle is not None:
+ self._handshake_timeout_handle.cancel()
+ self._handshake_timeout_handle = None
+ sslobj = self._sslobj
+ try:
+ if handshake_exc is None:
+ self._set_state(WRAPPED)
+ else:
+ raise handshake_exc
+ peercert = sslobj.getpeercert()
+ except Exception as exc:
+ self._set_state(UNWRAPPED)
+ if isinstance(exc, ssl_CertificateError):
+ msg = 'SSL handshake failed on verifying the certificate'
+ else:
+ msg = 'SSL handshake failed'
+ self._fatal_error(exc, msg)
+ self._wakeup_waiter(exc)
+ return
+ if self._loop.get_debug():
+ dt = self._loop.time() - self._handshake_start_time
+ aio_logger.debug("%r: SSL handshake took %.1f ms", self, dt * 1e3)
+ # Add extra info that becomes available after handshake.
+ self._extra.update(peercert=peercert,
+ cipher=sslobj.cipher(),
+ compression=sslobj.compression(),
+ ssl_object=sslobj)
+ if self._app_state == STATE_INIT:
+ self._app_state = STATE_CON_MADE
+ self._app_protocol.connection_made(self._get_app_transport())
+ self._wakeup_waiter()
+ # We should wakeup user code before sending the first data below. In
+ # case of `start_tls()`, the user can only get the SSLTransport in the
+ # wakeup callback, because `connection_made()` is not called again.
+ # We should schedule the first data later than the wakeup callback so
+ # that the user get a chance to e.g. check ALPN with the transport
+ # before having to handle the first data.
+ self._loop._call_soon_handle(
+ new_MethodHandle(self._loop,
+ "SSLProtocol._do_read",
+ <method_t> self._do_read,
+ None, # current context is good
+ self))
+ # Shutdown flow
+ cdef _start_shutdown(self, object context=None):
+ if self._state in (FLUSHING, SHUTDOWN, UNWRAPPED):
+ return
+ # we don't need the context for _abort or the timeout, because
+ # TCP transport._force_close() should be able to call
+ # connection_lost() in the right context
+ if self._app_transport is not None:
+ self._app_transport._closed = True
+ if self._state == DO_HANDSHAKE:
+ self._abort(None)
+ else:
+ self._set_state(FLUSHING)
+ self._shutdown_timeout_handle = \
+ self._loop.call_later(self._ssl_shutdown_timeout,
+ lambda: self._check_shutdown_timeout())
+ self._do_flush(context)
+ cdef _check_shutdown_timeout(self):
+ if self._state in (FLUSHING, SHUTDOWN):
+ self._transport._force_close(
+ aio_TimeoutError('SSL shutdown timed out'))
+ cdef _do_read_into_void(self, object context):
+ """Consume and discard incoming application data.
+ If close_notify is received for the first time, call eof_received.
+ """
+ cdef:
+ bint close_notify = False
+ try:
+ while True:
+ if not self._sslobj_read(SSL_READ_MAX_SIZE):
+ close_notify = True
+ break
+ except ssl_SSLAgainErrors as exc:
+ pass
+ except ssl_SSLZeroReturnError:
+ close_notify = True
+ if close_notify:
+ self._call_eof_received(context)
+ cdef _do_flush(self, object context=None):
+ """Flush the write backlog, discarding new data received.
+ We don't send close_notify in FLUSHING because we still want to send
+ the remaining data over SSL, even if we received a close_notify. Also,
+ no application-level resume_writing() or pause_writing() will be called
+ in FLUSHING, as we could fully manage the flow control internally.
+ """
+ try:
+ self._do_read_into_void(context)
+ self._do_write()
+ self._process_outgoing()
+ self._control_ssl_reading()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ self._on_shutdown_complete(ex)
+ else:
+ if not self._get_write_buffer_size():
+ self._set_state(SHUTDOWN)
+ self._do_shutdown(context)
+ cdef _do_shutdown(self, object context=None):
+ """Send close_notify and wait for the same from the peer."""
+ try:
+ # we must skip all application data (if any) before unwrap
+ self._do_read_into_void(context)
+ try:
+ self._sslobj.unwrap()
+ except ssl_SSLAgainErrors as exc:
+ self._process_outgoing()
+ else:
+ self._process_outgoing()
+ if not self._get_write_buffer_size():
+ self._on_shutdown_complete(None)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ self._on_shutdown_complete(ex)
+ cdef _on_shutdown_complete(self, shutdown_exc):
+ if self._shutdown_timeout_handle is not None:
+ self._shutdown_timeout_handle.cancel()
+ self._shutdown_timeout_handle = None
+ # we don't need the context here because TCP transport.close() should
+ # be able to call connection_made() in the right context
+ if shutdown_exc:
+ self._fatal_error(shutdown_exc, 'Error occurred during shutdown')
+ else:
+ self._transport.close()
+ cdef _abort(self, exc):
+ self._set_state(UNWRAPPED)
+ if self._transport is not None:
+ self._transport._force_close(exc)
+ # Outgoing flow
+ cdef _write_appdata(self, list_of_data, object context):
+ if self._state in (FLUSHING, SHUTDOWN, UNWRAPPED):
+ if self._conn_lost >= LOG_THRESHOLD_FOR_CONNLOST_WRITES:
+ aio_logger.warning('SSL connection is closed')
+ self._conn_lost += 1
+ return
+ for data in list_of_data:
+ self._write_backlog.append(data)
+ self._write_buffer_size += len(data)
+ try:
+ if self._state == WRAPPED:
+ self._do_write()
+ self._process_outgoing()
+ self._control_app_writing(context)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ self._fatal_error(ex, 'Fatal error on SSL protocol')
+ cdef _do_write(self):
+ """Do SSL write, consumes write backlog and fills outgoing BIO."""
+ cdef size_t data_len, count
+ try:
+ while self._write_backlog:
+ data = self._write_backlog[0]
+ count = self._sslobj_write(data)
+ data_len = len(data)
+ if count < data_len:
+ if not PyMemoryView_Check(data):
+ data = PyMemoryView_FromObject(data)
+ self._write_backlog[0] = data[count:]
+ self._write_buffer_size -= count
+ else:
+ del self._write_backlog[0]
+ self._write_buffer_size -= data_len
+ except ssl_SSLAgainErrors as exc:
+ pass
+ cdef _process_outgoing(self):
+ """Send bytes from the outgoing BIO."""
+ if not self._ssl_writing_paused:
+ data = self._outgoing_read()
+ if len(data):
+ self._transport.write(data)
+ # Incoming flow
+ cdef _do_read(self):
+ if self._state != WRAPPED:
+ return
+ try:
+ if not self._app_reading_paused:
+ if self._app_protocol_is_buffer:
+ self._do_read__buffered()
+ else:
+ self._do_read__copied()
+ if self._write_backlog:
+ self._do_write()
+ self._process_outgoing()
+ self._control_app_writing()
+ self._control_ssl_reading()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ self._fatal_error(ex, 'Fatal error on SSL protocol')
+ cdef _do_read__buffered(self):
+ cdef:
+ Py_buffer pybuf
+ bint pybuf_inited = False
+ size_t wants, offset = 0
+ int count = 1
+ object buf
+ buf = self._app_protocol_get_buffer(self._get_read_buffer_size())
+ wants = len(buf)
+ try:
+ count = self._sslobj_read(wants, buf)
+ if count > 0:
+ offset = count
+ if offset < wants:
+ PyObject_GetBuffer(buf, &pybuf, PyBUF_WRITABLE)
+ pybuf_inited = True
+ while offset < wants:
+ buf = PyMemoryView_FromMemory(
+ (<char*>pybuf.buf) + offset,
+ wants - offset,
+ count = self._sslobj_read(wants - offset, buf)
+ if count > 0:
+ offset += count
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ self._loop._call_soon_handle(
+ new_MethodHandle(self._loop,
+ "SSLProtocol._do_read",
+ <method_t>self._do_read,
+ None, # current context is good
+ self))
+ except ssl_SSLAgainErrors as exc:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ if pybuf_inited:
+ PyBuffer_Release(&pybuf)
+ if offset > 0:
+ self._app_protocol_buffer_updated(offset)
+ if not count:
+ # close_notify
+ self._call_eof_received()
+ self._start_shutdown()
+ cdef _do_read__copied(self):
+ cdef:
+ list data
+ bytes first, chunk = b'1'
+ bint zero = True, one = False
+ try:
+ while True:
+ chunk = self._sslobj_read(SSL_READ_MAX_SIZE)
+ if not chunk:
+ break
+ if zero:
+ zero = False
+ one = True
+ first = chunk
+ elif one:
+ one = False
+ data = [first, chunk]
+ else:
+ data.append(chunk)
+ except ssl_SSLAgainErrors as exc:
+ pass
+ if one:
+ self._app_protocol.data_received(first)
+ elif not zero:
+ self._app_protocol.data_received(b''.join(data))
+ if not chunk:
+ # close_notify
+ self._call_eof_received()
+ self._start_shutdown()
+ cdef _call_eof_received(self, object context=None):
+ if self._app_state == STATE_CON_MADE:
+ self._app_state = STATE_EOF
+ try:
+ if context is None:
+ # If the caller didn't provide a context, we assume the
+ # caller is already in the right context, which is usually
+ # inside the upstream callbacks like buffer_updated()
+ keep_open = self._app_protocol.eof_received()
+ else:
+ keep_open = run_in_context(
+ context, self._app_protocol.eof_received,
+ )
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ raise
+ except BaseException as ex:
+ self._fatal_error(ex, 'Error calling eof_received()')
+ else:
+ if keep_open:
+ aio_logger.warning('returning true from eof_received() '
+ 'has no effect when using ssl')
+ # Flow control for writes from APP socket
+ cdef _control_app_writing(self, object context=None):
+ cdef size_t size = self._get_write_buffer_size()
+ if size >= self._outgoing_high_water and not self._app_writing_paused:
+ self._app_writing_paused = True
+ try:
+ if context is None:
+ # If the caller didn't provide a context, we assume the
+ # caller is already in the right context, which is usually
+ # inside the upstream callbacks like buffer_updated()
+ self._app_protocol.pause_writing()
+ else:
+ run_in_context(context, self._app_protocol.pause_writing)
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ raise
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ self._loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'message': 'protocol.pause_writing() failed',
+ 'exception': exc,
+ 'transport': self._app_transport,
+ 'protocol': self,
+ })
+ elif size <= self._outgoing_low_water and self._app_writing_paused:
+ self._app_writing_paused = False
+ try:
+ if context is None:
+ # If the caller didn't provide a context, we assume the
+ # caller is already in the right context, which is usually
+ # inside the upstream callbacks like resume_writing()
+ self._app_protocol.resume_writing()
+ else:
+ run_in_context(context, self._app_protocol.resume_writing)
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ raise
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ self._loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'message': 'protocol.resume_writing() failed',
+ 'exception': exc,
+ 'transport': self._app_transport,
+ 'protocol': self,
+ })
+ cdef size_t _get_write_buffer_size(self):
+ return self._outgoing.pending + self._write_buffer_size
+ cdef _set_write_buffer_limits(self, high=None, low=None):
+ high, low = add_flowcontrol_defaults(
+ self._outgoing_high_water = high
+ self._outgoing_low_water = low
+ # Flow control for reads to APP socket
+ cdef _pause_reading(self):
+ self._app_reading_paused = True
+ cdef _resume_reading(self, object context):
+ if self._app_reading_paused:
+ self._app_reading_paused = False
+ if self._state == WRAPPED:
+ self._loop._call_soon_handle(
+ new_MethodHandle(self._loop,
+ "SSLProtocol._do_read",
+ <method_t>self._do_read,
+ context,
+ self))
+ # Flow control for reads from SSL socket
+ cdef _control_ssl_reading(self):
+ cdef size_t size = self._get_read_buffer_size()
+ if size >= self._incoming_high_water and not self._ssl_reading_paused:
+ self._ssl_reading_paused = True
+ self._transport.pause_reading()
+ elif size <= self._incoming_low_water and self._ssl_reading_paused:
+ self._ssl_reading_paused = False
+ self._transport.resume_reading()
+ cdef _set_read_buffer_limits(self, high=None, low=None):
+ high, low = add_flowcontrol_defaults(
+ self._incoming_high_water = high
+ self._incoming_low_water = low
+ cdef size_t _get_read_buffer_size(self):
+ return self._incoming.pending
+ # Flow control for writes to SSL socket
+ def pause_writing(self):
+ """Called when the low-level transport's buffer goes over
+ the high-water mark.
+ """
+ assert not self._ssl_writing_paused
+ self._ssl_writing_paused = True
+ def resume_writing(self):
+ """Called when the low-level transport's buffer drains below
+ the low-water mark.
+ """
+ assert self._ssl_writing_paused
+ self._ssl_writing_paused = False
+ if self._state == WRAPPED:
+ self._process_outgoing()
+ self._control_app_writing()
+ elif self._state == FLUSHING:
+ self._do_flush()
+ elif self._state == SHUTDOWN:
+ self._do_shutdown()
+ cdef _fatal_error(self, exc, message='Fatal error on transport'):
+ if self._app_transport:
+ self._app_transport._force_close(exc)
+ elif self._transport:
+ self._transport._force_close(exc)
+ if isinstance(exc, OSError):
+ if self._loop.get_debug():
+ aio_logger.debug("%r: %s", self, message, exc_info=True)
+ elif not isinstance(exc, aio_CancelledError):
+ self._loop.call_exception_handler({
+ 'message': message,
+ 'exception': exc,
+ 'transport': self._transport,
+ 'protocol': self,
+ })