path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 7811 deletions
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index c354ba8..0000000
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-# sql/
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
-# <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License:
-# mypy: allow-untyped-defs, allow-untyped-calls
-"""Base SQL and DDL compiler implementations.
-Classes provided include:
-:class:`.compiler.SQLCompiler` - renders SQL
-:class:`.compiler.DDLCompiler` - renders DDL
-(data definition language) strings
-:class:`.compiler.GenericTypeCompiler` - renders
-type specification strings.
-To generate user-defined SQL strings, see
-from __future__ import annotations
-import collections
-import as collections_abc
-import contextlib
-from enum import IntEnum
-import functools
-import itertools
-import operator
-import re
-from time import perf_counter
-import typing
-from typing import Any
-from typing import Callable
-from typing import cast
-from typing import ClassVar
-from typing import Dict
-from typing import FrozenSet
-from typing import Iterable
-from typing import Iterator
-from typing import List
-from typing import Mapping
-from typing import MutableMapping
-from typing import NamedTuple
-from typing import NoReturn
-from typing import Optional
-from typing import Pattern
-from typing import Sequence
-from typing import Set
-from typing import Tuple
-from typing import Type
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from typing import Union
-from . import base
-from . import coercions
-from . import crud
-from . import elements
-from . import functions
-from . import operators
-from . import roles
-from . import schema
-from . import selectable
-from . import sqltypes
-from . import util as sql_util
-from ._typing import is_column_element
-from ._typing import is_dml
-from .base import _de_clone
-from .base import _from_objects
-from .base import _NONE_NAME
-from .base import _SentinelDefaultCharacterization
-from .base import Executable
-from .base import NO_ARG
-from .elements import ClauseElement
-from .elements import quoted_name
-from .schema import Column
-from .sqltypes import TupleType
-from .type_api import TypeEngine
-from .visitors import prefix_anon_map
-from .visitors import Visitable
-from .. import exc
-from .. import util
-from ..util import FastIntFlag
-from ..util.typing import Literal
-from ..util.typing import Protocol
-from ..util.typing import TypedDict
-if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
- from .annotation import _AnnotationDict
- from .base import _AmbiguousTableNameMap
- from .base import CompileState
- from .cache_key import CacheKey
- from .ddl import ExecutableDDLElement
- from .dml import Insert
- from .dml import UpdateBase
- from .dml import ValuesBase
- from .elements import _truncated_label
- from .elements import BindParameter
- from .elements import ColumnClause
- from .elements import ColumnElement
- from .elements import Label
- from .functions import Function
- from .schema import Table
- from .selectable import AliasedReturnsRows
- from .selectable import CompoundSelectState
- from .selectable import CTE
- from .selectable import FromClause
- from .selectable import NamedFromClause
- from .selectable import ReturnsRows
- from .selectable import Select
- from .selectable import SelectState
- from .type_api import _BindProcessorType
- from ..engine.cursor import CursorResultMetaData
- from ..engine.interfaces import _CoreSingleExecuteParams
- from ..engine.interfaces import _DBAPIAnyExecuteParams
- from ..engine.interfaces import _DBAPIMultiExecuteParams
- from ..engine.interfaces import _DBAPISingleExecuteParams
- from ..engine.interfaces import _ExecuteOptions
- from ..engine.interfaces import _GenericSetInputSizesType
- from ..engine.interfaces import _MutableCoreSingleExecuteParams
- from ..engine.interfaces import Dialect
- from ..engine.interfaces import SchemaTranslateMapType
-_FromHintsType = Dict["FromClause", str]
- "all",
- "analyse",
- "analyze",
- "and",
- "any",
- "array",
- "as",
- "asc",
- "asymmetric",
- "authorization",
- "between",
- "binary",
- "both",
- "case",
- "cast",
- "check",
- "collate",
- "column",
- "constraint",
- "create",
- "cross",
- "current_date",
- "current_role",
- "current_time",
- "current_timestamp",
- "current_user",
- "default",
- "deferrable",
- "desc",
- "distinct",
- "do",
- "else",
- "end",
- "except",
- "false",
- "for",
- "foreign",
- "freeze",
- "from",
- "full",
- "grant",
- "group",
- "having",
- "ilike",
- "in",
- "initially",
- "inner",
- "intersect",
- "into",
- "is",
- "isnull",
- "join",
- "leading",
- "left",
- "like",
- "limit",
- "localtime",
- "localtimestamp",
- "natural",
- "new",
- "not",
- "notnull",
- "null",
- "off",
- "offset",
- "old",
- "on",
- "only",
- "or",
- "order",
- "outer",
- "overlaps",
- "placing",
- "primary",
- "references",
- "right",
- "select",
- "session_user",
- "set",
- "similar",
- "some",
- "symmetric",
- "table",
- "then",
- "to",
- "trailing",
- "true",
- "union",
- "unique",
- "user",
- "using",
- "verbose",
- "when",
- "where",
-LEGAL_CHARACTERS = re.compile(r"^[A-Z0-9_$]+$", re.I)
-LEGAL_CHARACTERS_PLUS_SPACE = re.compile(r"^[A-Z0-9_ $]+$", re.I)
-ILLEGAL_INITIAL_CHARACTERS = {str(x) for x in range(0, 10)}.union(["$"])
-FK_ON_DELETE = re.compile(
-FK_ON_UPDATE = re.compile(
-FK_INITIALLY = re.compile(r"^(?:DEFERRED|IMMEDIATE)$", re.I)
-BIND_PARAMS = re.compile(r"(?<![:\w\$\x5c]):([\w\$]+)(?![:\w\$])", re.UNICODE)
-BIND_PARAMS_ESC = re.compile(r"\x5c(:[\w\$]*)(?![:\w\$])", re.UNICODE)
-_pyformat_template = "%%(%(name)s)s"
- "pyformat": _pyformat_template,
- "qmark": "?",
- "format": "%%s",
- "numeric": ":[_POSITION]",
- "numeric_dollar": "$[_POSITION]",
- "named": ":%(name)s",
- # binary
- operators.and_: " AND ",
- operators.or_: " OR ",
- operators.add: " + ",
- operators.mul: " * ",
- operators.sub: " - ",
- operators.mod: " % ",
- operators.neg: "-",
- " < ",
- operators.le: " <= ",
- " != ",
- " > ",
- " >= ",
- operators.eq: " = ",
- operators.is_distinct_from: " IS DISTINCT FROM ",
- operators.is_not_distinct_from: " IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ",
- operators.concat_op: " || ",
- operators.match_op: " MATCH ",
- operators.not_match_op: " NOT MATCH ",
- operators.in_op: " IN ",
- operators.not_in_op: " NOT IN ",
- operators.comma_op: ", ",
- operators.from_: " FROM ",
- operators.as_: " AS ",
- operators.is_: " IS ",
- operators.is_not: " IS NOT ",
- operators.collate: " COLLATE ",
- # unary
- operators.exists: "EXISTS ",
- operators.distinct_op: "DISTINCT ",
- operators.inv: "NOT ",
- operators.any_op: "ANY ",
- operators.all_op: "ALL ",
- # modifiers
- operators.desc_op: " DESC",
- operators.asc_op: " ASC",
- operators.nulls_first_op: " NULLS FIRST",
- operators.nulls_last_op: " NULLS LAST",
- # bitwise
- operators.bitwise_xor_op: " ^ ",
- operators.bitwise_or_op: " | ",
- operators.bitwise_and_op: " & ",
- operators.bitwise_not_op: "~",
- operators.bitwise_lshift_op: " << ",
- operators.bitwise_rshift_op: " >> ",
-FUNCTIONS: Dict[Type[Function[Any]], str] = {
- functions.coalesce: "coalesce",
- functions.current_date: "CURRENT_DATE",
- functions.current_time: "CURRENT_TIME",
- functions.current_timestamp: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
- functions.current_user: "CURRENT_USER",
- functions.localtime: "LOCALTIME",
- functions.localtimestamp: "LOCALTIMESTAMP",
- functions.random: "random",
- functions.sysdate: "sysdate",
- functions.session_user: "SESSION_USER",
- functions.user: "USER",
- functions.cube: "CUBE",
- functions.rollup: "ROLLUP",
- functions.grouping_sets: "GROUPING SETS",
- "month": "month",
- "day": "day",
- "year": "year",
- "second": "second",
- "hour": "hour",
- "doy": "doy",
- "minute": "minute",
- "quarter": "quarter",
- "dow": "dow",
- "week": "week",
- "epoch": "epoch",
- "milliseconds": "milliseconds",
- "microseconds": "microseconds",
- "timezone_hour": "timezone_hour",
- "timezone_minute": "timezone_minute",
- selectable._CompoundSelectKeyword.UNION: "UNION",
- selectable._CompoundSelectKeyword.UNION_ALL: "UNION ALL",
- selectable._CompoundSelectKeyword.EXCEPT: "EXCEPT",
- selectable._CompoundSelectKeyword.EXCEPT_ALL: "EXCEPT ALL",
- selectable._CompoundSelectKeyword.INTERSECT: "INTERSECT",
- selectable._CompoundSelectKeyword.INTERSECT_ALL: "INTERSECT ALL",
-class ResultColumnsEntry(NamedTuple):
- """Tracks a column expression that is expected to be represented
- in the result rows for this statement.
- This normally refers to the columns clause of a SELECT statement
- but may also refer to a RETURNING clause, as well as for dialect-specific
- emulations.
- """
- keyname: str
- """string name that's expected in cursor.description"""
- name: str
- """column name, may be labeled"""
- objects: Tuple[Any, ...]
- """sequence of objects that should be able to locate this column
- in a RowMapping. This is typically string names and aliases
- as well as Column objects.
- """
- type: TypeEngine[Any]
- """Datatype to be associated with this column. This is where
- the "result processing" logic directly links the compiled statement
- to the rows that come back from the cursor.
- """
-class _ResultMapAppender(Protocol):
- def __call__(
- self,
- keyname: str,
- name: str,
- objects: Sequence[Any],
- type_: TypeEngine[Any],
- ) -> None: ...
-# integer indexes into ResultColumnsEntry used by
-# some profiling showed integer access faster than named tuple
-RM_RENDERED_NAME: Literal[0] = 0
-RM_NAME: Literal[1] = 1
-RM_OBJECTS: Literal[2] = 2
-RM_TYPE: Literal[3] = 3
-class _BaseCompilerStackEntry(TypedDict):
- asfrom_froms: Set[FromClause]
- correlate_froms: Set[FromClause]
- selectable: ReturnsRows
-class _CompilerStackEntry(_BaseCompilerStackEntry, total=False):
- compile_state: CompileState
- need_result_map_for_nested: bool
- need_result_map_for_compound: bool
- select_0: ReturnsRows
- insert_from_select: Select[Any]
-class ExpandedState(NamedTuple):
- """represents state to use when producing "expanded" and
- "post compile" bound parameters for a statement.
- "expanded" parameters are parameters that are generated at
- statement execution time to suit a number of parameters passed, the most
- prominent example being the individual elements inside of an IN expression.
- "post compile" parameters are parameters where the SQL literal value
- will be rendered into the SQL statement at execution time, rather than
- being passed as separate parameters to the driver.
- To create an :class:`.ExpandedState` instance, use the
- :meth:`.SQLCompiler.construct_expanded_state` method on any
- :class:`.SQLCompiler` instance.
- """
- statement: str
- """String SQL statement with parameters fully expanded"""
- parameters: _CoreSingleExecuteParams
- """Parameter dictionary with parameters fully expanded.
- For a statement that uses named parameters, this dictionary will map
- exactly to the names in the statement. For a statement that uses
- positional parameters, the :attr:`.ExpandedState.positional_parameters`
- will yield a tuple with the positional parameter set.
- """
- processors: Mapping[str, _BindProcessorType[Any]]
- """mapping of bound value processors"""
- positiontup: Optional[Sequence[str]]
- """Sequence of string names indicating the order of positional
- parameters"""
- parameter_expansion: Mapping[str, List[str]]
- """Mapping representing the intermediary link from original parameter
- name to list of "expanded" parameter names, for those parameters that
- were expanded."""
- @property
- def positional_parameters(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
- """Tuple of positional parameters, for statements that were compiled
- using a positional paramstyle.
- """
- if self.positiontup is None:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "statement does not use a positional paramstyle"
- )
- return tuple(self.parameters[key] for key in self.positiontup)
- @property
- def additional_parameters(self) -> _CoreSingleExecuteParams:
- """synonym for :attr:`.ExpandedState.parameters`."""
- return self.parameters
-class _InsertManyValues(NamedTuple):
- """represents state to use for executing an "insertmanyvalues" statement.
- The primary consumers of this object are the
- :meth:`.SQLCompiler._deliver_insertmanyvalues_batches` and
- :meth:`.DefaultDialect._deliver_insertmanyvalues_batches` methods.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- is_default_expr: bool
- """if True, the statement is of the form
- ``INSERT INTO TABLE DEFAULT VALUES``, and can't be rewritten as a "batch"
- """
- single_values_expr: str
- """The rendered "values" clause of the INSERT statement.
- This is typically the parenthesized section e.g. "(?, ?, ?)" or similar.
- The insertmanyvalues logic uses this string as a search and replace
- target.
- """
- insert_crud_params: List[crud._CrudParamElementStr]
- """List of Column / bind names etc. used while rewriting the statement"""
- num_positional_params_counted: int
- """the number of bound parameters in a single-row statement.
- This count may be larger or smaller than the actual number of columns
- targeted in the INSERT, as it accommodates for SQL expressions
- in the values list that may have zero or more parameters embedded
- within them.
- This count is part of what's used to organize rewritten parameter lists
- when batching.
- """
- sort_by_parameter_order: bool = False
- """if the deterministic_returnined_order parameter were used on the
- insert.
- All of the attributes following this will only be used if this is True.
- """
- includes_upsert_behaviors: bool = False
- """if True, we have to accommodate for upsert behaviors.
- This will in some cases downgrade "insertmanyvalues" that requests
- deterministic ordering.
- """
- sentinel_columns: Optional[Sequence[Column[Any]]] = None
- """List of sentinel columns that were located.
- This list is only here if the INSERT asked for
- sort_by_parameter_order=True,
- and dialect-appropriate sentinel columns were located.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.10
- """
- num_sentinel_columns: int = 0
- """how many sentinel columns are in the above list, if any.
- This is the same as
- ``len(sentinel_columns) if sentinel_columns is not None else 0``
- """
- sentinel_param_keys: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
- """parameter str keys in each param dictionary / tuple
- that would link to the client side "sentinel" values for that row, which
- we can use to match up parameter sets to result rows.
- This is only present if sentinel_columns is present and the INSERT
- statement actually refers to client side values for these sentinel
- columns.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.10
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0.29 - the sequence is now string dictionary keys
- only, used against the "compiled parameteters" collection before
- the parameters were converted by bound parameter processors
- """
- implicit_sentinel: bool = False
- """if True, we have exactly one sentinel column and it uses a server side
- value, currently has to generate an incrementing integer value.
- The dialect in question would have asserted that it supports receiving
- these values back and sorting on that value as a means of guaranteeing
- correlation with the incoming parameter list.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.10
- """
- embed_values_counter: bool = False
- """Whether to embed an incrementing integer counter in each parameter
- set within the VALUES clause as parameters are batched over.
- This is only used for a specific INSERT..SELECT..VALUES..RETURNING syntax
- where a subquery is used to produce value tuples. Current support
- includes PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.10
- """
-class _InsertManyValuesBatch(NamedTuple):
- """represents an individual batch SQL statement for insertmanyvalues.
- This is passed through the
- :meth:`.SQLCompiler._deliver_insertmanyvalues_batches` and
- :meth:`.DefaultDialect._deliver_insertmanyvalues_batches` methods out
- to the :class:`.Connection` within the
- :meth:`.Connection._exec_insertmany_context` method.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.10
- """
- replaced_statement: str
- replaced_parameters: _DBAPIAnyExecuteParams
- processed_setinputsizes: Optional[_GenericSetInputSizesType]
- batch: Sequence[_DBAPISingleExecuteParams]
- sentinel_values: Sequence[Tuple[Any, ...]]
- current_batch_size: int
- batchnum: int
- total_batches: int
- rows_sorted: bool
- is_downgraded: bool
-class InsertmanyvaluesSentinelOpts(FastIntFlag):
- """bitflag enum indicating styles of PK defaults
- which can work as implicit sentinel columns
- """
-class CompilerState(IntEnum):
- """statement is present, compilation phase in progress"""
- """statement is present, string form of the statement has been applied.
- Additional processors by subclasses may still be pending.
- """
- """compiler does not have a statement to compile, is used
- for method access"""
-class Linting(IntEnum):
- """represent preferences for the 'SQL linting' feature.
- this feature currently includes support for flagging cartesian products
- in SQL statements.
- """
- "Disable all linting."
- """Collect data on FROMs and cartesian products and gather into
- 'self.from_linter'"""
- "Emit warnings for linters that find problems"
- """Warn for cartesian products; combines COLLECT_CARTESIAN_PRODUCTS
- Linting
-class FromLinter(collections.namedtuple("FromLinter", ["froms", "edges"])):
- """represents current state for the "cartesian product" detection
- feature."""
- def lint(self, start=None):
- froms = self.froms
- if not froms:
- return None, None
- edges = set(self.edges)
- the_rest = set(froms)
- if start is not None:
- start_with = start
- the_rest.remove(start_with)
- else:
- start_with = the_rest.pop()
- stack = collections.deque([start_with])
- while stack and the_rest:
- node = stack.popleft()
- the_rest.discard(node)
- # comparison of nodes in edges here is based on hash equality, as
- # there are "annotated" elements that match the non-annotated ones.
- # to remove the need for in-python hash() calls, use native
- # containment routines (e.g. "node in edge", "edge.index(node)")
- to_remove = {edge for edge in edges if node in edge}
- # appendleft the node in each edge that is not
- # the one that matched.
- stack.extendleft(edge[not edge.index(node)] for edge in to_remove)
- edges.difference_update(to_remove)
- # FROMS left over? boom
- if the_rest:
- return the_rest, start_with
- else:
- return None, None
- def warn(self, stmt_type="SELECT"):
- the_rest, start_with = self.lint()
- # FROMS left over? boom
- if the_rest:
- froms = the_rest
- if froms:
- template = (
- "{stmt_type} statement has a cartesian product between "
- "FROM element(s) {froms} and "
- 'FROM element "{start}". Apply join condition(s) '
- "between each element to resolve."
- )
- froms_str = ", ".join(
- f'"{self.froms[from_]}"' for from_ in froms
- )
- message = template.format(
- stmt_type=stmt_type,
- froms=froms_str,
- start=self.froms[start_with],
- )
- util.warn(message)
-class Compiled:
- """Represent a compiled SQL or DDL expression.
- The ``__str__`` method of the ``Compiled`` object should produce
- the actual text of the statement. ``Compiled`` objects are
- specific to their underlying database dialect, and also may
- or may not be specific to the columns referenced within a
- particular set of bind parameters. In no case should the
- ``Compiled`` object be dependent on the actual values of those
- bind parameters, even though it may reference those values as
- defaults.
- """
- statement: Optional[ClauseElement] = None
- "The statement to compile."
- string: str = ""
- "The string representation of the ``statement``"
- state: CompilerState
- """description of the compiler's state"""
- is_sql = False
- is_ddl = False
- _cached_metadata: Optional[CursorResultMetaData] = None
- _result_columns: Optional[List[ResultColumnsEntry]] = None
- schema_translate_map: Optional[SchemaTranslateMapType] = None
- execution_options: _ExecuteOptions = util.EMPTY_DICT
- """
- Execution options propagated from the statement. In some cases,
- sub-elements of the statement can modify these.
- """
- preparer: IdentifierPreparer
- _annotations: _AnnotationDict = util.EMPTY_DICT
- compile_state: Optional[CompileState] = None
- """Optional :class:`.CompileState` object that maintains additional
- state used by the compiler.
- Major executable objects such as :class:`_expression.Insert`,
- :class:`_expression.Update`, :class:`_expression.Delete`,
- :class:`_expression.Select` will generate this
- state when compiled in order to calculate additional information about the
- object. For the top level object that is to be executed, the state can be
- stored here where it can also have applicability towards result set
- processing.
- .. versionadded:: 1.4
- """
- dml_compile_state: Optional[CompileState] = None
- """Optional :class:`.CompileState` assigned at the same point that
- .isinsert, .isupdate, or .isdelete is assigned.
- This will normally be the same object as .compile_state, with the
- exception of cases like the :class:`.ORMFromStatementCompileState`
- object.
- .. versionadded:: 1.4.40
- """
- cache_key: Optional[CacheKey] = None
- """The :class:`.CacheKey` that was generated ahead of creating this
- :class:`.Compiled` object.
- This is used for routines that need access to the original
- :class:`.CacheKey` instance generated when the :class:`.Compiled`
- instance was first cached, typically in order to reconcile
- the original list of :class:`.BindParameter` objects with a
- per-statement list that's generated on each call.
- """
- _gen_time: float
- """Generation time of this :class:`.Compiled`, used for reporting
- cache stats."""
- def __init__(
- self,
- dialect: Dialect,
- statement: Optional[ClauseElement],
- schema_translate_map: Optional[SchemaTranslateMapType] = None,
- render_schema_translate: bool = False,
- compile_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = util.immutabledict(),
- ):
- """Construct a new :class:`.Compiled` object.
- :param dialect: :class:`.Dialect` to compile against.
- :param statement: :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` to be compiled.
- :param schema_translate_map: dictionary of schema names to be
- translated when forming the resultant SQL
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`schema_translating`
- :param compile_kwargs: additional kwargs that will be
- passed to the initial call to :meth:`.Compiled.process`.
- """
- self.dialect = dialect
- self.preparer = self.dialect.identifier_preparer
- if schema_translate_map:
- self.schema_translate_map = schema_translate_map
- self.preparer = self.preparer._with_schema_translate(
- schema_translate_map
- )
- if statement is not None:
- self.state = CompilerState.COMPILING
- self.statement = statement
- self.can_execute = statement.supports_execution
- self._annotations = statement._annotations
- if self.can_execute:
- assert isinstance(statement, Executable)
- self.execution_options = statement._execution_options
- self.string = self.process(self.statement, **compile_kwargs)
- if render_schema_translate:
- self.string = self.preparer._render_schema_translates(
- self.string, schema_translate_map
- )
- self.state = CompilerState.STRING_APPLIED
- else:
- self.state = CompilerState.NO_STATEMENT
- self._gen_time = perf_counter()
- def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
- cls._init_compiler_cls()
- return super().__init_subclass__()
- @classmethod
- def _init_compiler_cls(cls):
- pass
- def _execute_on_connection(
- self, connection, distilled_params, execution_options
- ):
- if self.can_execute:
- return connection._execute_compiled(
- self, distilled_params, execution_options
- )
- else:
- raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(self.statement)
- def visit_unsupported_compilation(self, element, err, **kw):
- raise exc.UnsupportedCompilationError(self, type(element)) from err
- @property
- def sql_compiler(self):
- """Return a Compiled that is capable of processing SQL expressions.
- If this compiler is one, it would likely just return 'self'.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def process(self, obj: Visitable, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
- return obj._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- """Return the string text of the generated SQL or DDL."""
- if self.state is CompilerState.STRING_APPLIED:
- return self.string
- else:
- return ""
- def construct_params(
- self,
- params: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None,
- extracted_parameters: Optional[Sequence[BindParameter[Any]]] = None,
- escape_names: bool = True,
- ) -> Optional[_MutableCoreSingleExecuteParams]:
- """Return the bind params for this compiled object.
- :param params: a dict of string/object pairs whose values will
- override bind values compiled in to the
- statement.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- @property
- def params(self):
- """Return the bind params for this compiled object."""
- return self.construct_params()
-class TypeCompiler(util.EnsureKWArg):
- """Produces DDL specification for TypeEngine objects."""
- ensure_kwarg = r"visit_\w+"
- def __init__(self, dialect: Dialect):
- self.dialect = dialect
- def process(self, type_: TypeEngine[Any], **kw: Any) -> str:
- if (
- type_._variant_mapping
- and in type_._variant_mapping
- ):
- type_ = type_._variant_mapping[]
- return type_._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- def visit_unsupported_compilation(
- self, element: Any, err: Exception, **kw: Any
- ) -> NoReturn:
- raise exc.UnsupportedCompilationError(self, element) from err
-# this was a Visitable, but to allow accurate detection of
-# column elements this is actually a column element
-class _CompileLabel(
- roles.BinaryElementRole[Any], elements.CompilerColumnElement
- """lightweight label object which acts as an expression.Label."""
- __visit_name__ = "label"
- __slots__ = "element", "name", "_alt_names"
- def __init__(self, col, name, alt_names=()):
- self.element = col
- = name
- self._alt_names = (col,) + alt_names
- @property
- def proxy_set(self):
- return self.element.proxy_set
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self.element.type
- def self_group(self, **kw):
- return self
-class ilike_case_insensitive(
- roles.BinaryElementRole[Any], elements.CompilerColumnElement
- """produce a wrapping element for a case-insensitive portion of
- an ILIKE construct.
- The construct usually renders the ``lower()`` function, but on
- PostgreSQL will pass silently with the assumption that "ILIKE"
- is being used.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- __visit_name__ = "ilike_case_insensitive_operand"
- __slots__ = "element", "comparator"
- def __init__(self, element):
- self.element = element
- self.comparator = element.comparator
- @property
- def proxy_set(self):
- return self.element.proxy_set
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self.element.type
- def self_group(self, **kw):
- return self
- def _with_binary_element_type(self, type_):
- return ilike_case_insensitive(
- self.element._with_binary_element_type(type_)
- )
-class SQLCompiler(Compiled):
- """Default implementation of :class:`.Compiled`.
- Compiles :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` objects into SQL strings.
- """
- extract_map = EXTRACT_MAP
- bindname_escape_characters: ClassVar[Mapping[str, str]] = (
- util.immutabledict(
- {
- "%": "P",
- "(": "A",
- ")": "Z",
- ":": "C",
- ".": "_",
- "[": "_",
- "]": "_",
- " ": "_",
- }
- )
- )
- """A mapping (e.g. dict or similar) containing a lookup of
- characters keyed to replacement characters which will be applied to all
- 'bind names' used in SQL statements as a form of 'escaping'; the given
- characters are replaced entirely with the 'replacement' character when
- rendered in the SQL statement, and a similar translation is performed
- on the incoming names used in parameter dictionaries passed to methods
- like :meth:`_engine.Connection.execute`.
- This allows bound parameter names used in :func:`_sql.bindparam` and
- other constructs to have any arbitrary characters present without any
- concern for characters that aren't allowed at all on the target database.
- Third party dialects can establish their own dictionary here to replace the
- default mapping, which will ensure that the particular characters in the
- mapping will never appear in a bound parameter name.
- The dictionary is evaluated at **class creation time**, so cannot be
- modified at runtime; it must be present on the class when the class
- is first declared.
- Note that for dialects that have additional bound parameter rules such
- as additional restrictions on leading characters, the
- :meth:`_sql.SQLCompiler.bindparam_string` method may need to be augmented.
- See the cx_Oracle compiler for an example of this.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.0rc1
- """
- _bind_translate_re: ClassVar[Pattern[str]]
- _bind_translate_chars: ClassVar[Mapping[str, str]]
- is_sql = True
- compound_keywords = COMPOUND_KEYWORDS
- isdelete: bool = False
- isinsert: bool = False
- isupdate: bool = False
- """class-level defaults which can be set at the instance
- level to define if this Compiled instance represents
- """
- postfetch: Optional[List[Column[Any]]]
- """list of columns that can be post-fetched after INSERT or UPDATE to
- receive server-updated values"""
- insert_prefetch: Sequence[Column[Any]] = ()
- """list of columns for which default values should be evaluated before
- an INSERT takes place"""
- update_prefetch: Sequence[Column[Any]] = ()
- """list of columns for which onupdate default values should be evaluated
- before an UPDATE takes place"""
- implicit_returning: Optional[Sequence[ColumnElement[Any]]] = None
- """list of "implicit" returning columns for a toplevel INSERT or UPDATE
- statement, used to receive newly generated values of columns.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0 ``implicit_returning`` replaces the previous
- ``returning`` collection, which was not a generalized RETURNING
- collection and instead was in fact specific to the "implicit returning"
- feature.
- """
- isplaintext: bool = False
- binds: Dict[str, BindParameter[Any]]
- """a dictionary of bind parameter keys to BindParameter instances."""
- bind_names: Dict[BindParameter[Any], str]
- """a dictionary of BindParameter instances to "compiled" names
- that are actually present in the generated SQL"""
- stack: List[_CompilerStackEntry]
- """major statements such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE are
- tracked in this stack using an entry format."""
- returning_precedes_values: bool = False
- """set to True classwide to generate RETURNING
- clauses before the VALUES or WHERE clause (i.e. MSSQL)
- """
- render_table_with_column_in_update_from: bool = False
- """set to True classwide to indicate the SET clause
- in a multi-table UPDATE statement should qualify
- columns with the table name (i.e. MySQL only)
- """
- ansi_bind_rules: bool = False
- """SQL 92 doesn't allow bind parameters to be used
- in the columns clause of a SELECT, nor does it allow
- ambiguous expressions like "? = ?". A compiler
- subclass can set this flag to False if the target
- driver/DB enforces this
- """
- bindtemplate: str
- """template to render bound parameters based on paramstyle."""
- compilation_bindtemplate: str
- """template used by compiler to render parameters before positional
- paramstyle application"""
- _numeric_binds_identifier_char: str
- """Character that's used to as the identifier of a numerical bind param.
- For example if this char is set to ``$``, numerical binds will be rendered
- in the form ``$1, $2, $3``.
- """
- _result_columns: List[ResultColumnsEntry]
- """relates label names in the final SQL to a tuple of local
- column/label name, ColumnElement object (if any) and
- TypeEngine. CursorResult uses this for type processing and
- column targeting"""
- _textual_ordered_columns: bool = False
- """tell the result object that the column names as rendered are important,
- but they are also "ordered" vs. what is in the compiled object here.
- As of 1.4.42 this condition is only present when the statement is a
- TextualSelect, e.g. text("....").columns(...), where it is required
- that the columns are considered positionally and not by name.
- """
- _ad_hoc_textual: bool = False
- """tell the result that we encountered text() or '*' constructs in the
- middle of the result columns, but we also have compiled columns, so
- if the number of columns in cursor.description does not match how many
- expressions we have, that means we can't rely on positional at all and
- should match on name.
- """
- _ordered_columns: bool = True
- """
- if False, means we can't be sure the list of entries
- in _result_columns is actually the rendered order. Usually
- True unless using an unordered TextualSelect.
- """
- _loose_column_name_matching: bool = False
- """tell the result object that the SQL statement is textual, wants to match
- up to Column objects, and may be using the ._tq_label in the SELECT rather
- than the base name.
- """
- _numeric_binds: bool = False
- """
- True if paramstyle is "numeric". This paramstyle is trickier than
- all the others.
- """
- _render_postcompile: bool = False
- """
- whether to render out POSTCOMPILE params during the compile phase.
- This attribute is used only for end-user invocation of stmt.compile();
- it's never used for actual statement execution, where instead the
- dialect internals access and render the internal postcompile structure
- directly.
- """
- _post_compile_expanded_state: Optional[ExpandedState] = None
- """When render_postcompile is used, the ``ExpandedState`` used to create
- the "expanded" SQL is assigned here, and then used by the ``.params``
- accessor and ``.construct_params()`` methods for their return values.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.0rc1
- """
- _pre_expanded_string: Optional[str] = None
- """Stores the original string SQL before 'post_compile' is applied,
- for cases where 'post_compile' were used.
- """
- _pre_expanded_positiontup: Optional[List[str]] = None
- _insertmanyvalues: Optional[_InsertManyValues] = None
- _insert_crud_params: Optional[crud._CrudParamSequence] = None
- literal_execute_params: FrozenSet[BindParameter[Any]] = frozenset()
- """bindparameter objects that are rendered as literal values at statement
- execution time.
- """
- post_compile_params: FrozenSet[BindParameter[Any]] = frozenset()
- """bindparameter objects that are rendered as bound parameter placeholders
- at statement execution time.
- """
- escaped_bind_names: util.immutabledict[str, str] = util.EMPTY_DICT
- """Late escaping of bound parameter names that has to be converted
- to the original name when looking in the parameter dictionary.
- """
- has_out_parameters = False
- """if True, there are bindparam() objects that have the isoutparam
- flag set."""
- postfetch_lastrowid = False
- """if True, and this in insert, use cursor.lastrowid to populate
- result.inserted_primary_key. """
- _cache_key_bind_match: Optional[
- Tuple[
- Dict[
- BindParameter[Any],
- List[BindParameter[Any]],
- ],
- Dict[
- str,
- BindParameter[Any],
- ],
- ]
- ] = None
- """a mapping that will relate the BindParameter object we compile
- to those that are part of the extracted collection of parameters
- in the cache key, if we were given a cache key.
- """
- positiontup: Optional[List[str]] = None
- """for a compiled construct that uses a positional paramstyle, will be
- a sequence of strings, indicating the names of bound parameters in order.
- This is used in order to render bound parameters in their correct order,
- and is combined with the :attr:`_sql.Compiled.params` dictionary to
- render parameters.
- This sequence always contains the unescaped name of the parameters.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`faq_sql_expression_string` - includes a usage example for
- debugging use cases.
- """
- _values_bindparam: Optional[List[str]] = None
- _visited_bindparam: Optional[List[str]] = None
- inline: bool = False
- ctes: Optional[MutableMapping[CTE, str]]
- # Detect same CTE references - Dict[(level, name), cte]
- # Level is required for supporting nesting
- ctes_by_level_name: Dict[Tuple[int, str], CTE]
- # To retrieve key/level in ctes_by_level_name -
- # Dict[cte_reference, (level, cte_name, cte_opts)]
- level_name_by_cte: Dict[CTE, Tuple[int, str, selectable._CTEOpts]]
- ctes_recursive: bool
- _post_compile_pattern = re.compile(r"__\[POSTCOMPILE_(\S+?)(~~.+?~~)?\]")
- _pyformat_pattern = re.compile(r"%\(([^)]+?)\)s")
- _positional_pattern = re.compile(
- f"{_pyformat_pattern.pattern}|{_post_compile_pattern.pattern}"
- )
- @classmethod
- def _init_compiler_cls(cls):
- cls._init_bind_translate()
- @classmethod
- def _init_bind_translate(cls):
- reg = re.escape("".join(cls.bindname_escape_characters))
- cls._bind_translate_re = re.compile(f"[{reg}]")
- cls._bind_translate_chars = cls.bindname_escape_characters
- def __init__(
- self,
- dialect: Dialect,
- statement: Optional[ClauseElement],
- cache_key: Optional[CacheKey] = None,
- column_keys: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
- for_executemany: bool = False,
- linting: Linting = NO_LINTING,
- _supporting_against: Optional[SQLCompiler] = None,
- **kwargs: Any,
- ):
- """Construct a new :class:`.SQLCompiler` object.
- :param dialect: :class:`.Dialect` to be used
- :param statement: :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` to be compiled
- :param column_keys: a list of column names to be compiled into an
- INSERT or UPDATE statement.
- :param for_executemany: whether INSERT / UPDATE statements should
- expect that they are to be invoked in an "executemany" style,
- which may impact how the statement will be expected to return the
- values of defaults and autoincrement / sequences and similar.
- Depending on the backend and driver in use, support for retrieving
- these values may be disabled which means SQL expressions may
- be rendered inline, RETURNING may not be rendered, etc.
- :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be consumed by the
- superclass.
- """
- self.column_keys = column_keys
- self.cache_key = cache_key
- if cache_key:
- cksm = {b.key: b for b in cache_key[1]}
- ckbm = {b: [b] for b in cache_key[1]}
- self._cache_key_bind_match = (ckbm, cksm)
- # compile INSERT/UPDATE defaults/sequences to expect executemany
- # style execution, which may mean no pre-execute of defaults,
- # or no RETURNING
- self.for_executemany = for_executemany
- self.linting = linting
- # a dictionary of bind parameter keys to BindParameter
- # instances.
- self.binds = {}
- # a dictionary of BindParameter instances to "compiled" names
- # that are actually present in the generated SQL
- self.bind_names = util.column_dict()
- # stack which keeps track of nested SELECT statements
- self.stack = []
- self._result_columns = []
- # true if the paramstyle is positional
- self.positional = dialect.positional
- if self.positional:
- self._numeric_binds = nb = dialect.paramstyle.startswith("numeric")
- if nb:
- self._numeric_binds_identifier_char = (
- "$" if dialect.paramstyle == "numeric_dollar" else ":"
- )
- self.compilation_bindtemplate = _pyformat_template
- else:
- self.compilation_bindtemplate = BIND_TEMPLATES[dialect.paramstyle]
- self.ctes = None
- self.label_length = (
- dialect.label_length or dialect.max_identifier_length
- )
- # a map which tracks "anonymous" identifiers that are created on
- # the fly here
- self.anon_map = prefix_anon_map()
- # a map which tracks "truncated" names based on
- # dialect.label_length or dialect.max_identifier_length
- self.truncated_names: Dict[Tuple[str, str], str] = {}
- self._truncated_counters: Dict[str, int] = {}
- Compiled.__init__(self, dialect, statement, **kwargs)
- if self.isinsert or self.isupdate or self.isdelete:
- assert isinstance(statement, UpdateBase)
- if self.isinsert or self.isupdate:
- assert isinstance(statement, ValuesBase)
- if statement._inline:
- self.inline = True
- elif self.for_executemany and (
- not self.isinsert
- or (
- self.dialect.insert_executemany_returning
- and statement._return_defaults
- )
- ):
- self.inline = True
- self.bindtemplate = BIND_TEMPLATES[dialect.paramstyle]
- if _supporting_against:
- self.__dict__.update(
- {
- k: v
- for k, v in _supporting_against.__dict__.items()
- if k
- not in {
- "state",
- "dialect",
- "preparer",
- "positional",
- "_numeric_binds",
- "compilation_bindtemplate",
- "bindtemplate",
- }
- }
- )
- if self.state is CompilerState.STRING_APPLIED:
- if self.positional:
- if self._numeric_binds:
- self._process_numeric()
- else:
- self._process_positional()
- if self._render_postcompile:
- parameters = self.construct_params(
- escape_names=False,
- _no_postcompile=True,
- )
- self._process_parameters_for_postcompile(
- parameters, _populate_self=True
- )
- @property
- def insert_single_values_expr(self) -> Optional[str]:
- """When an INSERT is compiled with a single set of parameters inside
- a VALUES expression, the string is assigned here, where it can be
- used for insert batching schemes to rewrite the VALUES expression.
- .. versionadded:: 1.3.8
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0 This collection is no longer used by
- SQLAlchemy's built-in dialects, in favor of the currently
- internal ``_insertmanyvalues`` collection that is used only by
- :class:`.SQLCompiler`.
- """
- if self._insertmanyvalues is None:
- return None
- else:
- return self._insertmanyvalues.single_values_expr
- @util.ro_memoized_property
- def effective_returning(self) -> Optional[Sequence[ColumnElement[Any]]]:
- """The effective "returning" columns for INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.
- This is either the so-called "implicit returning" columns which are
- calculated by the compiler on the fly, or those present based on what's
- present in ``self.statement._returning`` (expanded into individual
- columns using the ``._all_selected_columns`` attribute) i.e. those set
- explicitly using the :meth:`.UpdateBase.returning` method.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- if self.implicit_returning:
- return self.implicit_returning
- elif self.statement is not None and is_dml(self.statement):
- return [
- c
- for c in self.statement._all_selected_columns
- if is_column_element(c)
- ]
- else:
- return None
- @property
- def returning(self):
- """backwards compatibility; returns the
- effective_returning collection.
- """
- return self.effective_returning
- @property
- def current_executable(self):
- """Return the current 'executable' that is being compiled.
- This is currently the :class:`_sql.Select`, :class:`_sql.Insert`,
- :class:`_sql.Update`, :class:`_sql.Delete`,
- :class:`_sql.CompoundSelect` object that is being compiled.
- Specifically it's assigned to the ``self.stack`` list of elements.
- When a statement like the above is being compiled, it normally
- is also assigned to the ``.statement`` attribute of the
- :class:`_sql.Compiler` object. However, all SQL constructs are
- ultimately nestable, and this attribute should never be consulted
- by a ``visit_`` method, as it is not guaranteed to be assigned
- nor guaranteed to correspond to the current statement being compiled.
- .. versionadded:: 1.3.21
- For compatibility with previous versions, use the following
- recipe::
- statement = getattr(self, "current_executable", False)
- if statement is False:
- statement = self.stack[-1]["selectable"]
- For versions 1.4 and above, ensure only .current_executable
- is used; the format of "self.stack" may change.
- """
- try:
- return self.stack[-1]["selectable"]
- except IndexError as ie:
- raise IndexError("Compiler does not have a stack entry") from ie
- @property
- def prefetch(self):
- return list(self.insert_prefetch) + list(self.update_prefetch)
- @util.memoized_property
- def _global_attributes(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
- return {}
- @util.memoized_instancemethod
- def _init_cte_state(self) -> MutableMapping[CTE, str]:
- """Initialize collections related to CTEs only if
- a CTE is located, to save on the overhead of
- these collections otherwise.
- """
- # collect CTEs to tack on top of a SELECT
- # To store the query to print - Dict[cte, text_query]
- ctes: MutableMapping[CTE, str] = util.OrderedDict()
- self.ctes = ctes
- # Detect same CTE references - Dict[(level, name), cte]
- # Level is required for supporting nesting
- self.ctes_by_level_name = {}
- # To retrieve key/level in ctes_by_level_name -
- # Dict[cte_reference, (level, cte_name, cte_opts)]
- self.level_name_by_cte = {}
- self.ctes_recursive = False
- return ctes
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def _nested_result(self):
- """special API to support the use case of 'nested result sets'"""
- result_columns, ordered_columns = (
- self._result_columns,
- self._ordered_columns,
- )
- self._result_columns, self._ordered_columns = [], False
- try:
- if self.stack:
- entry = self.stack[-1]
- entry["need_result_map_for_nested"] = True
- else:
- entry = None
- yield self._result_columns, self._ordered_columns
- finally:
- if entry:
- entry.pop("need_result_map_for_nested")
- self._result_columns, self._ordered_columns = (
- result_columns,
- ordered_columns,
- )
- def _process_positional(self):
- assert not self.positiontup
- assert self.state is CompilerState.STRING_APPLIED
- assert not self._numeric_binds
- if self.dialect.paramstyle == "format":
- placeholder = "%s"
- else:
- assert self.dialect.paramstyle == "qmark"
- placeholder = "?"
- positions = []
- def find_position(m: re.Match[str]) -> str:
- normal_bind =
- if normal_bind:
- positions.append(normal_bind)
- return placeholder
- else:
- # this a post-compile bind
- positions.append(
- return
- self.string = re.sub(
- self._positional_pattern, find_position, self.string
- )
- if self.escaped_bind_names:
- reverse_escape = {v: k for k, v in self.escaped_bind_names.items()}
- assert len(self.escaped_bind_names) == len(reverse_escape)
- self.positiontup = [
- reverse_escape.get(name, name) for name in positions
- ]
- else:
- self.positiontup = positions
- if self._insertmanyvalues:
- positions = []
- single_values_expr = re.sub(
- self._positional_pattern,
- find_position,
- self._insertmanyvalues.single_values_expr,
- )
- insert_crud_params = [
- (
- v[0],
- v[1],
- re.sub(self._positional_pattern, find_position, v[2]),
- v[3],
- )
- for v in self._insertmanyvalues.insert_crud_params
- ]
- self._insertmanyvalues = self._insertmanyvalues._replace(
- single_values_expr=single_values_expr,
- insert_crud_params=insert_crud_params,
- )
- def _process_numeric(self):
- assert self._numeric_binds
- assert self.state is CompilerState.STRING_APPLIED
- num = 1
- param_pos: Dict[str, str] = {}
- order: Iterable[str]
- if self._insertmanyvalues and self._values_bindparam is not None:
- # bindparams that are not in values are always placed first.
- # this avoids the need of changing them when using executemany
- # values () ()
- order = itertools.chain(
- (
- name
- for name in self.bind_names.values()
- if name not in self._values_bindparam
- ),
- self.bind_names.values(),
- )
- else:
- order = self.bind_names.values()
- for bind_name in order:
- if bind_name in param_pos:
- continue
- bind = self.binds[bind_name]
- if (
- bind in self.post_compile_params
- or bind in self.literal_execute_params
- ):
- # set to None to just mark the in positiontup, it will not
- # be replaced below.
- param_pos[bind_name] = None # type: ignore
- else:
- ph = f"{self._numeric_binds_identifier_char}{num}"
- num += 1
- param_pos[bind_name] = ph
- self.next_numeric_pos = num
- self.positiontup = list(param_pos)
- if self.escaped_bind_names:
- len_before = len(param_pos)
- param_pos = {
- self.escaped_bind_names.get(name, name): pos
- for name, pos in param_pos.items()
- }
- assert len(param_pos) == len_before
- # Can't use format here since % chars are not escaped.
- self.string = self._pyformat_pattern.sub(
- lambda m: param_pos[], self.string
- )
- if self._insertmanyvalues:
- single_values_expr = (
- # format is ok here since single_values_expr includes only
- # place-holders
- self._insertmanyvalues.single_values_expr
- % param_pos
- )
- insert_crud_params = [
- (v[0], v[1], "%s", v[3])
- for v in self._insertmanyvalues.insert_crud_params
- ]
- self._insertmanyvalues = self._insertmanyvalues._replace(
- # This has the numbers (:1, :2)
- single_values_expr=single_values_expr,
- # The single binds are instead %s so they can be formatted
- insert_crud_params=insert_crud_params,
- )
- @util.memoized_property
- def _bind_processors(
- self,
- ) -> MutableMapping[
- str, Union[_BindProcessorType[Any], Sequence[_BindProcessorType[Any]]]
- ]:
- # mypy is not able to see the two value types as the above Union,
- # it just sees "object". don't know how to resolve
- return {
- key: value # type: ignore
- for key, value in (
- (
- self.bind_names[bindparam],
- (
- bindparam.type._cached_bind_processor(self.dialect)
- if not bindparam.type._is_tuple_type
- else tuple(
- elem_type._cached_bind_processor(self.dialect)
- for elem_type in cast(
- TupleType, bindparam.type
- ).types
- )
- ),
- )
- for bindparam in self.bind_names
- )
- if value is not None
- }
- def is_subquery(self):
- return len(self.stack) > 1
- @property
- def sql_compiler(self):
- return self
- def construct_expanded_state(
- self,
- params: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None,
- escape_names: bool = True,
- ) -> ExpandedState:
- """Return a new :class:`.ExpandedState` for a given parameter set.
- For queries that use "expanding" or other late-rendered parameters,
- this method will provide for both the finalized SQL string as well
- as the parameters that would be used for a particular parameter set.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.0rc1
- """
- parameters = self.construct_params(
- params,
- escape_names=escape_names,
- _no_postcompile=True,
- )
- return self._process_parameters_for_postcompile(
- parameters,
- )
- def construct_params(
- self,
- params: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None,
- extracted_parameters: Optional[Sequence[BindParameter[Any]]] = None,
- escape_names: bool = True,
- _group_number: Optional[int] = None,
- _check: bool = True,
- _no_postcompile: bool = False,
- ) -> _MutableCoreSingleExecuteParams:
- """return a dictionary of bind parameter keys and values"""
- if self._render_postcompile and not _no_postcompile:
- assert self._post_compile_expanded_state is not None
- if not params:
- return dict(self._post_compile_expanded_state.parameters)
- else:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "can't construct new parameters when render_postcompile "
- "is used; the statement is hard-linked to the original "
- "parameters. Use construct_expanded_state to generate a "
- "new statement and parameters."
- )
- has_escaped_names = escape_names and bool(self.escaped_bind_names)
- if extracted_parameters:
- # related the bound parameters collected in the original cache key
- # to those collected in the incoming cache key. They will not have
- # matching names but they will line up positionally in the same
- # way. The parameters present in self.bind_names may be clones of
- # these original cache key params in the case of DML but the .key
- # will be guaranteed to match.
- if self.cache_key is None:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "This compiled object has no original cache key; "
- "can't pass extracted_parameters to construct_params"
- )
- else:
- orig_extracted = self.cache_key[1]
- ckbm_tuple = self._cache_key_bind_match
- assert ckbm_tuple is not None
- ckbm, _ = ckbm_tuple
- resolved_extracted = {
- bind: extracted
- for b, extracted in zip(orig_extracted, extracted_parameters)
- for bind in ckbm[b]
- }
- else:
- resolved_extracted = None
- if params:
- pd = {}
- for bindparam, name in self.bind_names.items():
- escaped_name = (
- self.escaped_bind_names.get(name, name)
- if has_escaped_names
- else name
- )
- if bindparam.key in params:
- pd[escaped_name] = params[bindparam.key]
- elif name in params:
- pd[escaped_name] = params[name]
- elif _check and bindparam.required:
- if _group_number:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "A value is required for bind parameter %r, "
- "in parameter group %d"
- % (bindparam.key, _group_number),
- code="cd3x",
- )
- else:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "A value is required for bind parameter %r"
- % bindparam.key,
- code="cd3x",
- )
- else:
- if resolved_extracted:
- value_param = resolved_extracted.get(
- bindparam, bindparam
- )
- else:
- value_param = bindparam
- if bindparam.callable:
- pd[escaped_name] = value_param.effective_value
- else:
- pd[escaped_name] = value_param.value
- return pd
- else:
- pd = {}
- for bindparam, name in self.bind_names.items():
- escaped_name = (
- self.escaped_bind_names.get(name, name)
- if has_escaped_names
- else name
- )
- if _check and bindparam.required:
- if _group_number:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "A value is required for bind parameter %r, "
- "in parameter group %d"
- % (bindparam.key, _group_number),
- code="cd3x",
- )
- else:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "A value is required for bind parameter %r"
- % bindparam.key,
- code="cd3x",
- )
- if resolved_extracted:
- value_param = resolved_extracted.get(bindparam, bindparam)
- else:
- value_param = bindparam
- if bindparam.callable:
- pd[escaped_name] = value_param.effective_value
- else:
- pd[escaped_name] = value_param.value
- return pd
- @util.memoized_instancemethod
- def _get_set_input_sizes_lookup(self):
- dialect = self.dialect
- include_types = dialect.include_set_input_sizes
- exclude_types = dialect.exclude_set_input_sizes
- dbapi = dialect.dbapi
- def lookup_type(typ):
- dbtype = typ._unwrapped_dialect_impl(dialect).get_dbapi_type(dbapi)
- if (
- dbtype is not None
- and (exclude_types is None or dbtype not in exclude_types)
- and (include_types is None or dbtype in include_types)
- ):
- return dbtype
- else:
- return None
- inputsizes = {}
- literal_execute_params = self.literal_execute_params
- for bindparam in self.bind_names:
- if bindparam in literal_execute_params:
- continue
- if bindparam.type._is_tuple_type:
- inputsizes[bindparam] = [
- lookup_type(typ)
- for typ in cast(TupleType, bindparam.type).types
- ]
- else:
- inputsizes[bindparam] = lookup_type(bindparam.type)
- return inputsizes
- @property
- def params(self):
- """Return the bind param dictionary embedded into this
- compiled object, for those values that are present.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`faq_sql_expression_string` - includes a usage example for
- debugging use cases.
- """
- return self.construct_params(_check=False)
- def _process_parameters_for_postcompile(
- self,
- parameters: _MutableCoreSingleExecuteParams,
- _populate_self: bool = False,
- ) -> ExpandedState:
- """handle special post compile parameters.
- These include:
- * "expanding" parameters -typically IN tuples that are rendered
- on a per-parameter basis for an otherwise fixed SQL statement string.
- * literal_binds compiled with the literal_execute flag. Used for
- things like SQL Server "TOP N" where the driver does not accommodate
- N as a bound parameter.
- """
- expanded_parameters = {}
- new_positiontup: Optional[List[str]]
- pre_expanded_string = self._pre_expanded_string
- if pre_expanded_string is None:
- pre_expanded_string = self.string
- if self.positional:
- new_positiontup = []
- pre_expanded_positiontup = self._pre_expanded_positiontup
- if pre_expanded_positiontup is None:
- pre_expanded_positiontup = self.positiontup
- else:
- new_positiontup = pre_expanded_positiontup = None
- processors = self._bind_processors
- single_processors = cast(
- "Mapping[str, _BindProcessorType[Any]]", processors
- )
- tuple_processors = cast(
- "Mapping[str, Sequence[_BindProcessorType[Any]]]", processors
- )
- new_processors: Dict[str, _BindProcessorType[Any]] = {}
- replacement_expressions: Dict[str, Any] = {}
- to_update_sets: Dict[str, Any] = {}
- # notes:
- # *unescaped* parameter names in:
- # self.bind_names, self.binds, self._bind_processors, self.positiontup
- #
- # *escaped* parameter names in:
- # construct_params(), replacement_expressions
- numeric_positiontup: Optional[List[str]] = None
- if self.positional and pre_expanded_positiontup is not None:
- names: Iterable[str] = pre_expanded_positiontup
- if self._numeric_binds:
- numeric_positiontup = []
- else:
- names = self.bind_names.values()
- ebn = self.escaped_bind_names
- for name in names:
- escaped_name = ebn.get(name, name) if ebn else name
- parameter = self.binds[name]
- if parameter in self.literal_execute_params:
- if escaped_name not in replacement_expressions:
- replacement_expressions[escaped_name] = (
- self.render_literal_bindparam(
- parameter,
- render_literal_value=parameters.pop(escaped_name),
- )
- )
- continue
- if parameter in self.post_compile_params:
- if escaped_name in replacement_expressions:
- to_update = to_update_sets[escaped_name]
- values = None
- else:
- # we are removing the parameter from parameters
- # because it is a list value, which is not expected by
- # TypeEngine objects that would otherwise be asked to
- # process it. the single name is being replaced with
- # individual numbered parameters for each value in the
- # param.
- #
- # note we are also inserting *escaped* parameter names
- # into the given dictionary. default dialect will
- # use these param names directly as they will not be
- # in the escaped_bind_names dictionary.
- values = parameters.pop(name)
- leep_res = self._literal_execute_expanding_parameter(
- escaped_name, parameter, values
- )
- (to_update, replacement_expr) = leep_res
- to_update_sets[escaped_name] = to_update
- replacement_expressions[escaped_name] = replacement_expr
- if not parameter.literal_execute:
- parameters.update(to_update)
- if parameter.type._is_tuple_type:
- assert values is not None
- new_processors.update(
- (
- "%s_%s_%s" % (name, i, j),
- tuple_processors[name][j - 1],
- )
- for i, tuple_element in enumerate(values, 1)
- for j, _ in enumerate(tuple_element, 1)
- if name in tuple_processors
- and tuple_processors[name][j - 1] is not None
- )
- else:
- new_processors.update(
- (key, single_processors[name])
- for key, _ in to_update
- if name in single_processors
- )
- if numeric_positiontup is not None:
- numeric_positiontup.extend(
- name for name, _ in to_update
- )
- elif new_positiontup is not None:
- # to_update has escaped names, but that's ok since
- # these are new names, that aren't in the
- # escaped_bind_names dict.
- new_positiontup.extend(name for name, _ in to_update)
- expanded_parameters[name] = [
- expand_key for expand_key, _ in to_update
- ]
- elif new_positiontup is not None:
- new_positiontup.append(name)
- def process_expanding(m):
- key =
- expr = replacement_expressions[key]
- # if POSTCOMPILE included a bind_expression, render that
- # around each element
- if
- tok ="~~")
- be_left, be_right = tok[1], tok[3]
- expr = ", ".join(
- "%s%s%s" % (be_left, exp, be_right)
- for exp in expr.split(", ")
- )
- return expr
- statement = re.sub(
- self._post_compile_pattern, process_expanding, pre_expanded_string
- )
- if numeric_positiontup is not None:
- assert new_positiontup is not None
- param_pos = {
- key: f"{self._numeric_binds_identifier_char}{num}"
- for num, key in enumerate(
- numeric_positiontup, self.next_numeric_pos
- )
- }
- # Can't use format here since % chars are not escaped.
- statement = self._pyformat_pattern.sub(
- lambda m: param_pos[], statement
- )
- new_positiontup.extend(numeric_positiontup)
- expanded_state = ExpandedState(
- statement,
- parameters,
- new_processors,
- new_positiontup,
- expanded_parameters,
- )
- if _populate_self:
- # this is for the "render_postcompile" flag, which is not
- # otherwise used internally and is for end-user debugging and
- # special use cases.
- self._pre_expanded_string = pre_expanded_string
- self._pre_expanded_positiontup = pre_expanded_positiontup
- self.string = expanded_state.statement
- self.positiontup = (
- list(expanded_state.positiontup or ())
- if self.positional
- else None
- )
- self._post_compile_expanded_state = expanded_state
- return expanded_state
- @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.engine.cursor")
- def _create_result_map(self):
- """utility method used for unit tests only."""
- cursor = util.preloaded.engine_cursor
- return cursor.CursorResultMetaData._create_description_match_map(
- self._result_columns
- )
- # assigned by for insert/update statements
- _get_bind_name_for_col: _BindNameForColProtocol
- @util.memoized_property
- def _within_exec_param_key_getter(self) -> Callable[[Any], str]:
- getter = self._get_bind_name_for_col
- return getter
- @util.memoized_property
- @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.engine.result")
- def _inserted_primary_key_from_lastrowid_getter(self):
- result = util.preloaded.engine_result
- param_key_getter = self._within_exec_param_key_getter
- assert self.compile_state is not None
- statement = self.compile_state.statement
- assert isinstance(statement, Insert)
- table = statement.table
- getters = [
- (operator.methodcaller("get", param_key_getter(col), None), col)
- for col in table.primary_key
- ]
- autoinc_getter = None
- autoinc_col = table._autoincrement_column
- if autoinc_col is not None:
- # apply type post processors to the lastrowid
- lastrowid_processor = autoinc_col.type._cached_result_processor(
- self.dialect, None
- )
- autoinc_key = param_key_getter(autoinc_col)
- # if a bind value is present for the autoincrement column
- # in the parameters, we need to do the logic dictated by
- # #7998; honor a non-None user-passed parameter over lastrowid.
- # previously in the 1.4 series we weren't fetching lastrowid
- # at all if the key were present in the parameters
- if autoinc_key in self.binds:
- def _autoinc_getter(lastrowid, parameters):
- param_value = parameters.get(autoinc_key, lastrowid)
- if param_value is not None:
- # they supplied non-None parameter, use that.
- # SQLite at least is observed to return the wrong
- # cursor.lastrowid for INSERT..ON CONFLICT so it
- # can't be used in all cases
- return param_value
- else:
- # use lastrowid
- return lastrowid
- # work around mypy
- autoinc_getter = _autoinc_getter
- else:
- lastrowid_processor = None
- row_fn = result.result_tuple([col.key for col in table.primary_key])
- def get(lastrowid, parameters):
- """given cursor.lastrowid value and the parameters used for INSERT,
- return a "row" that represents the primary key, either by
- using the "lastrowid" or by extracting values from the parameters
- that were sent along with the INSERT.
- """
- if lastrowid_processor is not None:
- lastrowid = lastrowid_processor(lastrowid)
- if lastrowid is None:
- return row_fn(getter(parameters) for getter, col in getters)
- else:
- return row_fn(
- (
- (
- autoinc_getter(lastrowid, parameters)
- if autoinc_getter is not None
- else lastrowid
- )
- if col is autoinc_col
- else getter(parameters)
- )
- for getter, col in getters
- )
- return get
- @util.memoized_property
- @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.engine.result")
- def _inserted_primary_key_from_returning_getter(self):
- if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
- from ..engine import result
- else:
- result = util.preloaded.engine_result
- assert self.compile_state is not None
- statement = self.compile_state.statement
- assert isinstance(statement, Insert)
- param_key_getter = self._within_exec_param_key_getter
- table = statement.table
- returning = self.implicit_returning
- assert returning is not None
- ret = {col: idx for idx, col in enumerate(returning)}
- getters = cast(
- "List[Tuple[Callable[[Any], Any], bool]]",
- [
- (
- (operator.itemgetter(ret[col]), True)
- if col in ret
- else (
- operator.methodcaller(
- "get", param_key_getter(col), None
- ),
- False,
- )
- )
- for col in table.primary_key
- ],
- )
- row_fn = result.result_tuple([col.key for col in table.primary_key])
- def get(row, parameters):
- return row_fn(
- getter(row) if use_row else getter(parameters)
- for getter, use_row in getters
- )
- return get
- def default_from(self):
- """Called when a SELECT statement has no froms, and no FROM clause is
- to be appended.
- Gives Oracle a chance to tack on a ``FROM DUAL`` to the string output.
- """
- return ""
- def visit_override_binds(self, override_binds, **kw):
- """SQL compile the nested element of an _OverrideBinds with
- bindparams swapped out.
- The _OverrideBinds is not normally expected to be compiled; it
- is meant to be used when an already cached statement is to be used,
- the compilation was already performed, and only the bound params should
- be swapped in at execution time.
- However, there are test cases that exericise this object, and
- additionally the ORM subquery loader is known to feed in expressions
- which include this construct into new queries (discovered in #11173),
- so it has to do the right thing at compile time as well.
- """
- # get SQL text first
- sqltext = override_binds.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- # for a test compile that is not for caching, change binds after the
- # fact. note that we don't try to
- # swap the bindparam as we compile, because our element may be
- # elsewhere in the statement already (e.g. a subquery or perhaps a
- # CTE) and was already visited / compiled. See
- # ->
- # test_selectinload_local_criteria_subquery
- for k in override_binds.translate:
- if k not in self.binds:
- continue
- bp = self.binds[k]
- # so this would work, just change the value of bp in place.
- # but we dont want to mutate things outside.
- # bp.value = override_binds.translate[bp.key]
- # continue
- # instead, need to replace bp with new_bp or otherwise accommodate
- # in all internal collections
- new_bp = bp._with_value(
- override_binds.translate[bp.key],
- maintain_key=True,
- required=False,
- )
- name = self.bind_names[bp]
- self.binds[k] = self.binds[name] = new_bp
- self.bind_names[new_bp] = name
- self.bind_names.pop(bp, None)
- if bp in self.post_compile_params:
- self.post_compile_params |= {new_bp}
- if bp in self.literal_execute_params:
- self.literal_execute_params |= {new_bp}
- ckbm_tuple = self._cache_key_bind_match
- if ckbm_tuple:
- ckbm, cksm = ckbm_tuple
- for bp in bp._cloned_set:
- if bp.key in cksm:
- cb = cksm[bp.key]
- ckbm[cb].append(new_bp)
- return sqltext
- def visit_grouping(self, grouping, asfrom=False, **kwargs):
- return "(" + grouping.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + ")"
- def visit_select_statement_grouping(self, grouping, **kwargs):
- return "(" + grouping.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + ")"
- def visit_label_reference(
- self, element, within_columns_clause=False, **kwargs
- ):
- if self.stack and self.dialect.supports_simple_order_by_label:
- try:
- compile_state = cast(
- "Union[SelectState, CompoundSelectState]",
- self.stack[-1]["compile_state"],
- )
- except KeyError as ke:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Can't resolve label reference for ORDER BY / "
- ) from ke
- (
- with_cols,
- only_froms,
- only_cols,
- ) = compile_state._label_resolve_dict
- if within_columns_clause:
- resolve_dict = only_froms
- else:
- resolve_dict = only_cols
- # this can be None in the case that a _label_reference()
- # were subject to a replacement operation, in which case
- # the replacement of the Label element may have changed
- # to something else like a ColumnClause expression.
- order_by_elem = element.element._order_by_label_element
- if (
- order_by_elem is not None
- and in resolve_dict
- and order_by_elem.shares_lineage(
- resolve_dict[]
- )
- ):
- kwargs["render_label_as_label"] = (
- element.element._order_by_label_element
- )
- return self.process(
- element.element,
- within_columns_clause=within_columns_clause,
- **kwargs,
- )
- def visit_textual_label_reference(
- self, element, within_columns_clause=False, **kwargs
- ):
- if not self.stack:
- # compiling the element outside of the context of a SELECT
- return self.process(element._text_clause)
- try:
- compile_state = cast(
- "Union[SelectState, CompoundSelectState]",
- self.stack[-1]["compile_state"],
- )
- except KeyError as ke:
- coercions._no_text_coercion(
- element.element,
- extra=(
- "Can't resolve label reference for ORDER BY / "
- ),
- exc_cls=exc.CompileError,
- err=ke,
- )
- with_cols, only_froms, only_cols = compile_state._label_resolve_dict
- try:
- if within_columns_clause:
- col = only_froms[element.element]
- else:
- col = with_cols[element.element]
- except KeyError as err:
- coercions._no_text_coercion(
- element.element,
- extra=(
- "Can't resolve label reference for ORDER BY / "
- ),
- exc_cls=exc.CompileError,
- err=err,
- )
- else:
- kwargs["render_label_as_label"] = col
- return self.process(
- col, within_columns_clause=within_columns_clause, **kwargs
- )
- def visit_label(
- self,
- label,
- add_to_result_map=None,
- within_label_clause=False,
- within_columns_clause=False,
- render_label_as_label=None,
- result_map_targets=(),
- **kw,
- ):
- # only render labels within the columns clause
- # or ORDER BY clause of a select. dialect-specific compilers
- # can modify this behavior.
- render_label_with_as = (
- within_columns_clause and not within_label_clause
- )
- render_label_only = render_label_as_label is label
- if render_label_only or render_label_with_as:
- if isinstance(, elements._truncated_label):
- labelname = self._truncated_identifier("colident",
- else:
- labelname =
- if render_label_with_as:
- if add_to_result_map is not None:
- add_to_result_map(
- labelname,
- (label, labelname) + label._alt_names + result_map_targets,
- label.type,
- )
- return (
- label.element._compiler_dispatch(
- self,
- within_columns_clause=True,
- within_label_clause=True,
- **kw,
- )
- + OPERATORS[operators.as_]
- + self.preparer.format_label(label, labelname)
- )
- elif render_label_only:
- return self.preparer.format_label(label, labelname)
- else:
- return label.element._compiler_dispatch(
- self, within_columns_clause=False, **kw
- )
- def _fallback_column_name(self, column):
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Cannot compile Column object until its 'name' is assigned."
- )
- def visit_lambda_element(self, element, **kw):
- sql_element = element._resolved
- return self.process(sql_element, **kw)
- def visit_column(
- self,
- column: ColumnClause[Any],
- add_to_result_map: Optional[_ResultMapAppender] = None,
- include_table: bool = True,
- result_map_targets: Tuple[Any, ...] = (),
- ambiguous_table_name_map: Optional[_AmbiguousTableNameMap] = None,
- **kwargs: Any,
- ) -> str:
- name = orig_name =
- if name is None:
- name = self._fallback_column_name(column)
- is_literal = column.is_literal
- if not is_literal and isinstance(name, elements._truncated_label):
- name = self._truncated_identifier("colident", name)
- if add_to_result_map is not None:
- targets = (column, name, column.key) + result_map_targets
- if column._tq_label:
- targets += (column._tq_label,)
- add_to_result_map(name, orig_name, targets, column.type)
- if is_literal:
- # note we are not currently accommodating for
- # literal_column(quoted_name('ident', True)) here
- name = self.escape_literal_column(name)
- else:
- name = self.preparer.quote(name)
- table = column.table
- if table is None or not include_table or not table.named_with_column:
- return name
- else:
- effective_schema = self.preparer.schema_for_object(table)
- if effective_schema:
- schema_prefix = (
- self.preparer.quote_schema(effective_schema) + "."
- )
- else:
- schema_prefix = ""
- assert isinstance(table, NamedFromClause)
- tablename =
- if (
- not effective_schema
- and ambiguous_table_name_map
- and tablename in ambiguous_table_name_map
- ):
- tablename = ambiguous_table_name_map[tablename]
- if isinstance(tablename, elements._truncated_label):
- tablename = self._truncated_identifier("alias", tablename)
- return schema_prefix + self.preparer.quote(tablename) + "." + name
- def visit_collation(self, element, **kw):
- return self.preparer.format_collation(element.collation)
- def visit_fromclause(self, fromclause, **kwargs):
- return
- def visit_index(self, index, **kwargs):
- return
- def visit_typeclause(self, typeclause, **kw):
- kw["type_expression"] = typeclause
- kw["identifier_preparer"] = self.preparer
- return self.dialect.type_compiler_instance.process(
- typeclause.type, **kw
- )
- def post_process_text(self, text):
- if self.preparer._double_percents:
- text = text.replace("%", "%%")
- return text
- def escape_literal_column(self, text):
- if self.preparer._double_percents:
- text = text.replace("%", "%%")
- return text
- def visit_textclause(self, textclause, add_to_result_map=None, **kw):
- def do_bindparam(m):
- name =
- if name in textclause._bindparams:
- return self.process(textclause._bindparams[name], **kw)
- else:
- return self.bindparam_string(name, **kw)
- if not self.stack:
- self.isplaintext = True
- if add_to_result_map:
- # text() object is present in the columns clause of a
- # select(). Add a no-name entry to the result map so that
- # row[text()] produces a result
- add_to_result_map(None, None, (textclause,), sqltypes.NULLTYPE)
- # un-escape any \:params
- return BIND_PARAMS_ESC.sub(
- lambda m:,
- do_bindparam, self.post_process_text(textclause.text)
- ),
- )
- def visit_textual_select(
- self, taf, compound_index=None, asfrom=False, **kw
- ):
- toplevel = not self.stack
- entry = self._default_stack_entry if toplevel else self.stack[-1]
- new_entry: _CompilerStackEntry = {
- "correlate_froms": set(),
- "asfrom_froms": set(),
- "selectable": taf,
- }
- self.stack.append(new_entry)
- if taf._independent_ctes:
- self._dispatch_independent_ctes(taf, kw)
- populate_result_map = (
- toplevel
- or (
- compound_index == 0
- and entry.get("need_result_map_for_compound", False)
- )
- or entry.get("need_result_map_for_nested", False)
- )
- if populate_result_map:
- self._ordered_columns = self._textual_ordered_columns = (
- taf.positional
- )
- # enable looser result column matching when the SQL text links to
- # Column objects by name only
- self._loose_column_name_matching = not taf.positional and bool(
- taf.column_args
- )
- for c in taf.column_args:
- self.process(
- c,
- within_columns_clause=True,
- add_to_result_map=self._add_to_result_map,
- )
- text = self.process(taf.element, **kw)
- if self.ctes:
- nesting_level = len(self.stack) if not toplevel else None
- text = self._render_cte_clause(nesting_level=nesting_level) + text
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- return text
- def visit_null(self, expr, **kw):
- return "NULL"
- def visit_true(self, expr, **kw):
- if self.dialect.supports_native_boolean:
- return "true"
- else:
- return "1"
- def visit_false(self, expr, **kw):
- if self.dialect.supports_native_boolean:
- return "false"
- else:
- return "0"
- def _generate_delimited_list(self, elements, separator, **kw):
- return separator.join(
- s
- for s in (c._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) for c in elements)
- if s
- )
- def _generate_delimited_and_list(self, clauses, **kw):
- lcc, clauses = elements.BooleanClauseList._process_clauses_for_boolean(
- operators.and_,
- elements.True_._singleton,
- elements.False_._singleton,
- clauses,
- )
- if lcc == 1:
- return clauses[0]._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- else:
- separator = OPERATORS[operators.and_]
- return separator.join(
- s
- for s in (c._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) for c in clauses)
- if s
- )
- def visit_tuple(self, clauselist, **kw):
- return "(%s)" % self.visit_clauselist(clauselist, **kw)
- def visit_clauselist(self, clauselist, **kw):
- sep = clauselist.operator
- if sep is None:
- sep = " "
- else:
- sep = OPERATORS[clauselist.operator]
- return self._generate_delimited_list(clauselist.clauses, sep, **kw)
- def visit_expression_clauselist(self, clauselist, **kw):
- operator_ = clauselist.operator
- disp = self._get_operator_dispatch(
- operator_, "expression_clauselist", None
- )
- if disp:
- return disp(clauselist, operator_, **kw)
- try:
- opstring = OPERATORS[operator_]
- except KeyError as err:
- raise exc.UnsupportedCompilationError(self, operator_) from err
- else:
- kw["_in_operator_expression"] = True
- return self._generate_delimited_list(
- clauselist.clauses, opstring, **kw
- )
- def visit_case(self, clause, **kwargs):
- x = "CASE "
- if clause.value is not None:
- x += clause.value._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + " "
- for cond, result in clause.whens:
- x += (
- "WHEN "
- + cond._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- + " THEN "
- + result._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- + " "
- )
- if clause.else_ is not None:
- x += (
- "ELSE " + clause.else_._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + " "
- )
- x += "END"
- return x
- def visit_type_coerce(self, type_coerce, **kw):
- return type_coerce.typed_expression._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- def visit_cast(self, cast, **kwargs):
- type_clause = cast.typeclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- match = re.match("(.*)( COLLATE .*)", type_clause)
- return "CAST(%s AS %s)%s" % (
- cast.clause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs),
- if match else type_clause,
- if match else "",
- )
- def _format_frame_clause(self, range_, **kw):
- return "%s AND %s" % (
- (
- if range_[0] is elements.RANGE_UNBOUNDED
- else (
- if range_[0] is elements.RANGE_CURRENT
- else (
- % (
- self.process(
- elements.literal(abs(range_[0])), **kw
- ),
- )
- if range_[0] < 0
- else "%s FOLLOWING"
- % (self.process(elements.literal(range_[0]), **kw),)
- )
- )
- ),
- (
- if range_[1] is elements.RANGE_UNBOUNDED
- else (
- if range_[1] is elements.RANGE_CURRENT
- else (
- % (
- self.process(
- elements.literal(abs(range_[1])), **kw
- ),
- )
- if range_[1] < 0
- else "%s FOLLOWING"
- % (self.process(elements.literal(range_[1]), **kw),)
- )
- )
- ),
- )
- def visit_over(self, over, **kwargs):
- text = over.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- if over.range_:
- range_ = "RANGE BETWEEN %s" % self._format_frame_clause(
- over.range_, **kwargs
- )
- elif over.rows:
- range_ = "ROWS BETWEEN %s" % self._format_frame_clause(
- over.rows, **kwargs
- )
- else:
- range_ = None
- return "%s OVER (%s)" % (
- text,
- " ".join(
- [
- "%s BY %s"
- % (word, clause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs))
- for word, clause in (
- ("PARTITION", over.partition_by),
- ("ORDER", over.order_by),
- )
- if clause is not None and len(clause)
- ]
- + ([range_] if range_ else [])
- ),
- )
- def visit_withingroup(self, withingroup, **kwargs):
- return "%s WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY %s)" % (
- withingroup.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs),
- withingroup.order_by._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs),
- )
- def visit_funcfilter(self, funcfilter, **kwargs):
- return "%s FILTER (WHERE %s)" % (
- funcfilter.func._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs),
- funcfilter.criterion._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs),
- )
- def visit_extract(self, extract, **kwargs):
- field = self.extract_map.get(extract.field, extract.field)
- return "EXTRACT(%s FROM %s)" % (
- field,
- extract.expr._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs),
- )
- def visit_scalar_function_column(self, element, **kw):
- compiled_fn = self.visit_function(element.fn, **kw)
- compiled_col = self.visit_column(element, **kw)
- return "(%s).%s" % (compiled_fn, compiled_col)
- def visit_function(
- self,
- func: Function[Any],
- add_to_result_map: Optional[_ResultMapAppender] = None,
- **kwargs: Any,
- ) -> str:
- if add_to_result_map is not None:
- add_to_result_map(,, (), func.type)
- disp = getattr(self, "visit_%s_func" %, None)
- text: str
- if disp:
- text = disp(func, **kwargs)
- else:
- name = FUNCTIONS.get(func._deannotate().__class__, None)
- if name:
- if func._has_args:
- name += "%(expr)s"
- else:
- name =
- name = (
- self.preparer.quote(name)
- if self.preparer._requires_quotes_illegal_chars(name)
- or isinstance(name, elements.quoted_name)
- else name
- )
- name = name + "%(expr)s"
- text = ".".join(
- [
- (
- self.preparer.quote(tok)
- if self.preparer._requires_quotes_illegal_chars(tok)
- or isinstance(name, elements.quoted_name)
- else tok
- )
- for tok in func.packagenames
- ]
- + [name]
- ) % {"expr": self.function_argspec(func, **kwargs)}
- if func._with_ordinality:
- text += " WITH ORDINALITY"
- return text
- def visit_next_value_func(self, next_value, **kw):
- return self.visit_sequence(next_value.sequence)
- def visit_sequence(self, sequence, **kw):
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "Dialect '%s' does not support sequence increments."
- %
- )
- def function_argspec(self, func, **kwargs):
- return func.clause_expr._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- def visit_compound_select(
- self, cs, asfrom=False, compound_index=None, **kwargs
- ):
- toplevel = not self.stack
- compile_state = cs._compile_state_factory(cs, self, **kwargs)
- if toplevel and not self.compile_state:
- self.compile_state = compile_state
- compound_stmt = compile_state.statement
- entry = self._default_stack_entry if toplevel else self.stack[-1]
- need_result_map = toplevel or (
- not compound_index
- and entry.get("need_result_map_for_compound", False)
- )
- # indicates there is already a CompoundSelect in play
- if compound_index == 0:
- entry["select_0"] = cs
- self.stack.append(
- {
- "correlate_froms": entry["correlate_froms"],
- "asfrom_froms": entry["asfrom_froms"],
- "selectable": cs,
- "compile_state": compile_state,
- "need_result_map_for_compound": need_result_map,
- }
- )
- if compound_stmt._independent_ctes:
- self._dispatch_independent_ctes(compound_stmt, kwargs)
- keyword = self.compound_keywords[cs.keyword]
- text = (" " + keyword + " ").join(
- (
- c._compiler_dispatch(
- self, asfrom=asfrom, compound_index=i, **kwargs
- )
- for i, c in enumerate(cs.selects)
- )
- )
- kwargs["include_table"] = False
- text += self.group_by_clause(cs, **dict(asfrom=asfrom, **kwargs))
- text += self.order_by_clause(cs, **kwargs)
- if cs._has_row_limiting_clause:
- text += self._row_limit_clause(cs, **kwargs)
- if self.ctes:
- nesting_level = len(self.stack) if not toplevel else None
- text = (
- self._render_cte_clause(
- nesting_level=nesting_level,
- include_following_stack=True,
- )
- + text
- )
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- return text
- def _row_limit_clause(self, cs, **kwargs):
- if cs._fetch_clause is not None:
- return self.fetch_clause(cs, **kwargs)
- else:
- return self.limit_clause(cs, **kwargs)
- def _get_operator_dispatch(self, operator_, qualifier1, qualifier2):
- attrname = "visit_%s_%s%s" % (
- operator_.__name__,
- qualifier1,
- "_" + qualifier2 if qualifier2 else "",
- )
- return getattr(self, attrname, None)
- def visit_unary(
- self, unary, add_to_result_map=None, result_map_targets=(), **kw
- ):
- if add_to_result_map is not None:
- result_map_targets += (unary,)
- kw["add_to_result_map"] = add_to_result_map
- kw["result_map_targets"] = result_map_targets
- if unary.operator:
- if unary.modifier:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Unary expression does not support operator "
- "and modifier simultaneously"
- )
- disp = self._get_operator_dispatch(
- unary.operator, "unary", "operator"
- )
- if disp:
- return disp(unary, unary.operator, **kw)
- else:
- return self._generate_generic_unary_operator(
- unary, OPERATORS[unary.operator], **kw
- )
- elif unary.modifier:
- disp = self._get_operator_dispatch(
- unary.modifier, "unary", "modifier"
- )
- if disp:
- return disp(unary, unary.modifier, **kw)
- else:
- return self._generate_generic_unary_modifier(
- unary, OPERATORS[unary.modifier], **kw
- )
- else:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Unary expression has no operator or modifier"
- )
- def visit_truediv_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- if self.dialect.div_is_floordiv:
- return (
- self.process(binary.left, **kw)
- + " / "
- # TODO: would need a fast cast again here,
- # unless we want to use an implicit cast like "+ 0.0"
- + self.process(
- elements.Cast(
- binary.right,
- (
- binary.right.type
- if binary.right.type._type_affinity
- is sqltypes.Numeric
- else sqltypes.Numeric()
- ),
- ),
- **kw,
- )
- )
- else:
- return (
- self.process(binary.left, **kw)
- + " / "
- + self.process(binary.right, **kw)
- )
- def visit_floordiv_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- if (
- self.dialect.div_is_floordiv
- and binary.right.type._type_affinity is sqltypes.Integer
- ):
- return (
- self.process(binary.left, **kw)
- + " / "
- + self.process(binary.right, **kw)
- )
- else:
- return "FLOOR(%s)" % (
- self.process(binary.left, **kw)
- + " / "
- + self.process(binary.right, **kw)
- )
- def visit_is_true_unary_operator(self, element, operator, **kw):
- if (
- element._is_implicitly_boolean
- or self.dialect.supports_native_boolean
- ):
- return self.process(element.element, **kw)
- else:
- return "%s = 1" % self.process(element.element, **kw)
- def visit_is_false_unary_operator(self, element, operator, **kw):
- if (
- element._is_implicitly_boolean
- or self.dialect.supports_native_boolean
- ):
- return "NOT %s" % self.process(element.element, **kw)
- else:
- return "%s = 0" % self.process(element.element, **kw)
- def visit_not_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- return "NOT %s" % self.visit_binary(
- binary, override_operator=operators.match_op
- )
- def visit_not_in_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- # The brackets are required in the NOT IN operation because the empty
- # case is handled using the form "(col NOT IN (null) OR 1 = 1)".
- # The presence of the OR makes the brackets required.
- return "(%s)" % self._generate_generic_binary(
- binary, OPERATORS[operator], **kw
- )
- def visit_empty_set_op_expr(self, type_, expand_op, **kw):
- if expand_op is operators.not_in_op:
- if len(type_) > 1:
- return "(%s)) OR (1 = 1" % (
- ", ".join("NULL" for element in type_)
- )
- else:
- return "NULL) OR (1 = 1"
- elif expand_op is operators.in_op:
- if len(type_) > 1:
- return "(%s)) AND (1 != 1" % (
- ", ".join("NULL" for element in type_)
- )
- else:
- return "NULL) AND (1 != 1"
- else:
- return self.visit_empty_set_expr(type_)
- def visit_empty_set_expr(self, element_types, **kw):
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "Dialect '%s' does not support empty set expression."
- %
- )
- def _literal_execute_expanding_parameter_literal_binds(
- self, parameter, values, bind_expression_template=None
- ):
- typ_dialect_impl = parameter.type._unwrapped_dialect_impl(self.dialect)
- if not values:
- # empty IN expression. note we don't need to use
- # bind_expression_template here because there are no
- # expressions to render.
- if typ_dialect_impl._is_tuple_type:
- replacement_expression = (
- "VALUES " if self.dialect.tuple_in_values else ""
- ) + self.visit_empty_set_op_expr(
- parameter.type.types, parameter.expand_op
- )
- else:
- replacement_expression = self.visit_empty_set_op_expr(
- [parameter.type], parameter.expand_op
- )
- elif typ_dialect_impl._is_tuple_type or (
- typ_dialect_impl._isnull
- and isinstance(values[0], collections_abc.Sequence)
- and not isinstance(values[0], (str, bytes))
- ):
- if typ_dialect_impl._has_bind_expression:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "bind_expression() on TupleType not supported with "
- "literal_binds"
- )
- replacement_expression = (
- "VALUES " if self.dialect.tuple_in_values else ""
- ) + ", ".join(
- "(%s)"
- % (
- ", ".join(
- self.render_literal_value(value, param_type)
- for value, param_type in zip(
- tuple_element, parameter.type.types
- )
- )
- )
- for i, tuple_element in enumerate(values)
- )
- else:
- if bind_expression_template:
- post_compile_pattern = self._post_compile_pattern
- m =
- assert m and
- 2
- ), "unexpected format for expanding parameter"
- tok ="~~")
- be_left, be_right = tok[1], tok[3]
- replacement_expression = ", ".join(
- "%s%s%s"
- % (
- be_left,
- self.render_literal_value(value, parameter.type),
- be_right,
- )
- for value in values
- )
- else:
- replacement_expression = ", ".join(
- self.render_literal_value(value, parameter.type)
- for value in values
- )
- return (), replacement_expression
- def _literal_execute_expanding_parameter(self, name, parameter, values):
- if parameter.literal_execute:
- return self._literal_execute_expanding_parameter_literal_binds(
- parameter, values
- )
- dialect = self.dialect
- typ_dialect_impl = parameter.type._unwrapped_dialect_impl(dialect)
- if self._numeric_binds:
- bind_template = self.compilation_bindtemplate
- else:
- bind_template = self.bindtemplate
- if (
- self.dialect._bind_typing_render_casts
- and typ_dialect_impl.render_bind_cast
- ):
- def _render_bindtemplate(name):
- return self.render_bind_cast(
- parameter.type,
- typ_dialect_impl,
- bind_template % {"name": name},
- )
- else:
- def _render_bindtemplate(name):
- return bind_template % {"name": name}
- if not values:
- to_update = []
- if typ_dialect_impl._is_tuple_type:
- replacement_expression = self.visit_empty_set_op_expr(
- parameter.type.types, parameter.expand_op
- )
- else:
- replacement_expression = self.visit_empty_set_op_expr(
- [parameter.type], parameter.expand_op
- )
- elif typ_dialect_impl._is_tuple_type or (
- typ_dialect_impl._isnull
- and isinstance(values[0], collections_abc.Sequence)
- and not isinstance(values[0], (str, bytes))
- ):
- assert not typ_dialect_impl._is_array
- to_update = [
- ("%s_%s_%s" % (name, i, j), value)
- for i, tuple_element in enumerate(values, 1)
- for j, value in enumerate(tuple_element, 1)
- ]
- replacement_expression = (
- "VALUES " if dialect.tuple_in_values else ""
- ) + ", ".join(
- "(%s)"
- % (
- ", ".join(
- _render_bindtemplate(
- to_update[i * len(tuple_element) + j][0]
- )
- for j, value in enumerate(tuple_element)
- )
- )
- for i, tuple_element in enumerate(values)
- )
- else:
- to_update = [
- ("%s_%s" % (name, i), value)
- for i, value in enumerate(values, 1)
- ]
- replacement_expression = ", ".join(
- _render_bindtemplate(key) for key, value in to_update
- )
- return to_update, replacement_expression
- def visit_binary(
- self,
- binary,
- override_operator=None,
- eager_grouping=False,
- from_linter=None,
- lateral_from_linter=None,
- **kw,
- ):
- if from_linter and operators.is_comparison(binary.operator):
- if lateral_from_linter is not None:
- enclosing_lateral = kw["enclosing_lateral"]
- lateral_from_linter.edges.update(
- itertools.product(
- _de_clone(
- binary.left._from_objects + [enclosing_lateral]
- ),
- _de_clone(
- binary.right._from_objects + [enclosing_lateral]
- ),
- )
- )
- else:
- from_linter.edges.update(
- itertools.product(
- _de_clone(binary.left._from_objects),
- _de_clone(binary.right._from_objects),
- )
- )
- # don't allow "? = ?" to render
- if (
- self.ansi_bind_rules
- and isinstance(binary.left, elements.BindParameter)
- and isinstance(binary.right, elements.BindParameter)
- ):
- kw["literal_execute"] = True
- operator_ = override_operator or binary.operator
- disp = self._get_operator_dispatch(operator_, "binary", None)
- if disp:
- return disp(binary, operator_, **kw)
- else:
- try:
- opstring = OPERATORS[operator_]
- except KeyError as err:
- raise exc.UnsupportedCompilationError(self, operator_) from err
- else:
- return self._generate_generic_binary(
- binary,
- opstring,
- from_linter=from_linter,
- lateral_from_linter=lateral_from_linter,
- **kw,
- )
- def visit_function_as_comparison_op_binary(self, element, operator, **kw):
- return self.process(element.sql_function, **kw)
- def visit_mod_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- if self.preparer._double_percents:
- return (
- self.process(binary.left, **kw)
- + " %% "
- + self.process(binary.right, **kw)
- )
- else:
- return (
- self.process(binary.left, **kw)
- + " % "
- + self.process(binary.right, **kw)
- )
- def visit_custom_op_binary(self, element, operator, **kw):
- kw["eager_grouping"] = operator.eager_grouping
- return self._generate_generic_binary(
- element,
- " " + self.escape_literal_column(operator.opstring) + " ",
- **kw,
- )
- def visit_custom_op_unary_operator(self, element, operator, **kw):
- return self._generate_generic_unary_operator(
- element, self.escape_literal_column(operator.opstring) + " ", **kw
- )
- def visit_custom_op_unary_modifier(self, element, operator, **kw):
- return self._generate_generic_unary_modifier(
- element, " " + self.escape_literal_column(operator.opstring), **kw
- )
- def _generate_generic_binary(
- self, binary, opstring, eager_grouping=False, **kw
- ):
- _in_operator_expression = kw.get("_in_operator_expression", False)
- kw["_in_operator_expression"] = True
- kw["_binary_op"] = binary.operator
- text = (
- binary.left._compiler_dispatch(
- self, eager_grouping=eager_grouping, **kw
- )
- + opstring
- + binary.right._compiler_dispatch(
- self, eager_grouping=eager_grouping, **kw
- )
- )
- if _in_operator_expression and eager_grouping:
- text = "(%s)" % text
- return text
- def _generate_generic_unary_operator(self, unary, opstring, **kw):
- return opstring + unary.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- def _generate_generic_unary_modifier(self, unary, opstring, **kw):
- return unary.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) + opstring
- @util.memoized_property
- def _like_percent_literal(self):
- return elements.literal_column("'%'", type_=sqltypes.STRINGTYPE)
- def visit_ilike_case_insensitive_operand(self, element, **kw):
- return f"lower({element.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)})"
- def visit_contains_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.right = percent.concat(binary.right).concat(percent)
- return self.visit_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_not_contains_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.right = percent.concat(binary.right).concat(percent)
- return self.visit_not_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_icontains_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.left = ilike_case_insensitive(binary.left)
- binary.right = percent.concat(
- ilike_case_insensitive(binary.right)
- ).concat(percent)
- return self.visit_ilike_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_not_icontains_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.left = ilike_case_insensitive(binary.left)
- binary.right = percent.concat(
- ilike_case_insensitive(binary.right)
- ).concat(percent)
- return self.visit_not_ilike_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_startswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.right = percent._rconcat(binary.right)
- return self.visit_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_not_startswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.right = percent._rconcat(binary.right)
- return self.visit_not_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_istartswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.left = ilike_case_insensitive(binary.left)
- binary.right = percent._rconcat(ilike_case_insensitive(binary.right))
- return self.visit_ilike_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_not_istartswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.left = ilike_case_insensitive(binary.left)
- binary.right = percent._rconcat(ilike_case_insensitive(binary.right))
- return self.visit_not_ilike_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_endswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.right = percent.concat(binary.right)
- return self.visit_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_not_endswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.right = percent.concat(binary.right)
- return self.visit_not_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_iendswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.left = ilike_case_insensitive(binary.left)
- binary.right = percent.concat(ilike_case_insensitive(binary.right))
- return self.visit_ilike_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_not_iendswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- binary = binary._clone()
- percent = self._like_percent_literal
- binary.left = ilike_case_insensitive(binary.left)
- binary.right = percent.concat(ilike_case_insensitive(binary.right))
- return self.visit_not_ilike_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_like_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None)
- return "%s LIKE %s" % (
- binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- ) + (
- " ESCAPE " + self.render_literal_value(escape, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE)
- if escape is not None
- else ""
- )
- def visit_not_like_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None)
- return "%s NOT LIKE %s" % (
- binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- ) + (
- " ESCAPE " + self.render_literal_value(escape, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE)
- if escape is not None
- else ""
- )
- def visit_ilike_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- if operator is operators.ilike_op:
- binary = binary._clone()
- binary.left = ilike_case_insensitive(binary.left)
- binary.right = ilike_case_insensitive(binary.right)
- # else we assume ilower() has been applied
- return self.visit_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_not_ilike_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- if operator is operators.not_ilike_op:
- binary = binary._clone()
- binary.left = ilike_case_insensitive(binary.left)
- binary.right = ilike_case_insensitive(binary.right)
- # else we assume ilower() has been applied
- return self.visit_not_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_between_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- symmetric = binary.modifiers.get("symmetric", False)
- return self._generate_generic_binary(
- binary, " BETWEEN SYMMETRIC " if symmetric else " BETWEEN ", **kw
- )
- def visit_not_between_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- symmetric = binary.modifiers.get("symmetric", False)
- return self._generate_generic_binary(
- binary,
- " NOT BETWEEN SYMMETRIC " if symmetric else " NOT BETWEEN ",
- **kw,
- )
- def visit_regexp_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "%s dialect does not support regular expressions"
- %
- )
- def visit_not_regexp_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "%s dialect does not support regular expressions"
- %
- )
- def visit_regexp_replace_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "%s dialect does not support regular expression replacements"
- %
- )
- def visit_bindparam(
- self,
- bindparam,
- within_columns_clause=False,
- literal_binds=False,
- skip_bind_expression=False,
- literal_execute=False,
- render_postcompile=False,
- **kwargs,
- ):
- if not skip_bind_expression:
- impl = bindparam.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect)
- if impl._has_bind_expression:
- bind_expression = impl.bind_expression(bindparam)
- wrapped = self.process(
- bind_expression,
- skip_bind_expression=True,
- within_columns_clause=within_columns_clause,
- literal_binds=literal_binds and not bindparam.expanding,
- literal_execute=literal_execute,
- render_postcompile=render_postcompile,
- **kwargs,
- )
- if bindparam.expanding:
- # for postcompile w/ expanding, move the "wrapped" part
- # of this into the inside
- m = re.match(
- r"^(.*)\(__\[POSTCOMPILE_(\S+?)\]\)(.*)$", wrapped
- )
- assert m, "unexpected format for expanding parameter"
- wrapped = "(__[POSTCOMPILE_%s~~%s~~REPL~~%s~~])" % (
- )
- if literal_binds:
- ret = self.render_literal_bindparam(
- bindparam,
- within_columns_clause=True,
- bind_expression_template=wrapped,
- **kwargs,
- )
- return "(%s)" % ret
- return wrapped
- if not literal_binds:
- literal_execute = (
- literal_execute
- or bindparam.literal_execute
- or (within_columns_clause and self.ansi_bind_rules)
- )
- post_compile = literal_execute or bindparam.expanding
- else:
- post_compile = False
- if literal_binds:
- ret = self.render_literal_bindparam(
- bindparam, within_columns_clause=True, **kwargs
- )
- if bindparam.expanding:
- ret = "(%s)" % ret
- return ret
- name = self._truncate_bindparam(bindparam)
- if name in self.binds:
- existing = self.binds[name]
- if existing is not bindparam:
- if (
- (existing.unique or bindparam.unique)
- and not existing.proxy_set.intersection(
- bindparam.proxy_set
- )
- and not existing._cloned_set.intersection(
- bindparam._cloned_set
- )
- ):
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Bind parameter '%s' conflicts with "
- "unique bind parameter of the same name" % name
- )
- elif existing.expanding != bindparam.expanding:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Can't reuse bound parameter name '%s' in both "
- "'expanding' (e.g. within an IN expression) and "
- "non-expanding contexts. If this parameter is to "
- "receive a list/array value, set 'expanding=True' on "
- "it for expressions that aren't IN, otherwise use "
- "a different parameter name." % (name,)
- )
- elif existing._is_crud or bindparam._is_crud:
- if existing._is_crud and bindparam._is_crud:
- # TODO: this condition is not well understood.
- # see tests in test/sql/
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Encountered unsupported case when compiling an "
- "INSERT or UPDATE statement. If this is a "
- "multi-table "
- "UPDATE statement, please provide string-named "
- "arguments to the "
- "values() method with distinct names; support for "
- "multi-table UPDATE statements that "
- "target multiple tables for UPDATE is very "
- "limited",
- )
- else:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- f"bindparam() name '{bindparam.key}' is reserved "
- "for automatic usage in the VALUES or SET "
- "clause of this "
- "insert/update statement. Please use a "
- "name other than column name when using "
- "bindparam() "
- "with insert() or update() (for example, "
- f"'b_{bindparam.key}')."
- )
- self.binds[bindparam.key] = self.binds[name] = bindparam
- # if we are given a cache key that we're going to match against,
- # relate the bindparam here to one that is most likely present
- # in the "extracted params" portion of the cache key. this is used
- # to set up a positional mapping that is used to determine the
- # correct parameters for a subsequent use of this compiled with
- # a different set of parameter values. here, we accommodate for
- # parameters that may have been cloned both before and after the cache
- # key was been generated.
- ckbm_tuple = self._cache_key_bind_match
- if ckbm_tuple:
- ckbm, cksm = ckbm_tuple
- for bp in bindparam._cloned_set:
- if bp.key in cksm:
- cb = cksm[bp.key]
- ckbm[cb].append(bindparam)
- if bindparam.isoutparam:
- self.has_out_parameters = True
- if post_compile:
- if render_postcompile:
- self._render_postcompile = True
- if literal_execute:
- self.literal_execute_params |= {bindparam}
- else:
- self.post_compile_params |= {bindparam}
- ret = self.bindparam_string(
- name,
- post_compile=post_compile,
- expanding=bindparam.expanding,
- bindparam_type=bindparam.type,
- **kwargs,
- )
- if bindparam.expanding:
- ret = "(%s)" % ret
- return ret
- def render_bind_cast(self, type_, dbapi_type, sqltext):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def render_literal_bindparam(
- self,
- bindparam,
- render_literal_value=NO_ARG,
- bind_expression_template=None,
- **kw,
- ):
- if render_literal_value is not NO_ARG:
- value = render_literal_value
- else:
- if bindparam.value is None and bindparam.callable is None:
- op = kw.get("_binary_op", None)
- if op and op not in (operators.is_, operators.is_not):
- util.warn_limited(
- "Bound parameter '%s' rendering literal NULL in a SQL "
- "expression; comparisons to NULL should not use "
- "operators outside of 'is' or 'is not'",
- (bindparam.key,),
- )
- return self.process(sqltypes.NULLTYPE, **kw)
- value = bindparam.effective_value
- if bindparam.expanding:
- leep = self._literal_execute_expanding_parameter_literal_binds
- to_update, replacement_expr = leep(
- bindparam,
- value,
- bind_expression_template=bind_expression_template,
- )
- return replacement_expr
- else:
- return self.render_literal_value(value, bindparam.type)
- def render_literal_value(self, value, type_):
- """Render the value of a bind parameter as a quoted literal.
- This is used for statement sections that do not accept bind parameters
- on the target driver/database.
- This should be implemented by subclasses using the quoting services
- of the DBAPI.
- """
- if value is None and not type_.should_evaluate_none:
- # issue #10535 - handle NULL in the compiler without placing
- # this onto each type, except for "evaluate None" types
- # (e.g. JSON)
- return self.process(elements.Null._instance())
- processor = type_._cached_literal_processor(self.dialect)
- if processor:
- try:
- return processor(value)
- except Exception as e:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- f"Could not render literal value "
- f'"{sql_util._repr_single_value(value)}" '
- f"with datatype "
- f"{type_}; see parent stack trace for "
- "more detail."
- ) from e
- else:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- f"No literal value renderer is available for literal value "
- f'"{sql_util._repr_single_value(value)}" '
- f"with datatype {type_}"
- )
- def _truncate_bindparam(self, bindparam):
- if bindparam in self.bind_names:
- return self.bind_names[bindparam]
- bind_name = bindparam.key
- if isinstance(bind_name, elements._truncated_label):
- bind_name = self._truncated_identifier("bindparam", bind_name)
- # add to bind_names for translation
- self.bind_names[bindparam] = bind_name
- return bind_name
- def _truncated_identifier(
- self, ident_class: str, name: _truncated_label
- ) -> str:
- if (ident_class, name) in self.truncated_names:
- return self.truncated_names[(ident_class, name)]
- anonname = name.apply_map(self.anon_map)
- if len(anonname) > self.label_length - 6:
- counter = self._truncated_counters.get(ident_class, 1)
- truncname = (
- anonname[0 : max(self.label_length - 6, 0)]
- + "_"
- + hex(counter)[2:]
- )
- self._truncated_counters[ident_class] = counter + 1
- else:
- truncname = anonname
- self.truncated_names[(ident_class, name)] = truncname
- return truncname
- def _anonymize(self, name: str) -> str:
- return name % self.anon_map
- def bindparam_string(
- self,
- name: str,
- post_compile: bool = False,
- expanding: bool = False,
- escaped_from: Optional[str] = None,
- bindparam_type: Optional[TypeEngine[Any]] = None,
- accumulate_bind_names: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
- visited_bindparam: Optional[List[str]] = None,
- **kw: Any,
- ) -> str:
- # TODO: accumulate_bind_names is passed by to gather
- # names on a per-value basis, visited_bindparam is passed by
- # visit_insert() to collect all parameters in the statement.
- # see if this gathering can be simplified somehow
- if accumulate_bind_names is not None:
- accumulate_bind_names.add(name)
- if visited_bindparam is not None:
- visited_bindparam.append(name)
- if not escaped_from:
- if
- # not quite the translate use case as we want to
- # also get a quick boolean if we even found
- # unusual characters in the name
- new_name = self._bind_translate_re.sub(
- lambda m: self._bind_translate_chars[],
- name,
- )
- escaped_from = name
- name = new_name
- if escaped_from:
- self.escaped_bind_names = self.escaped_bind_names.union(
- {escaped_from: name}
- )
- if post_compile:
- ret = "__[POSTCOMPILE_%s]" % name
- if expanding:
- # for expanding, bound parameters or literal values will be
- # rendered per item
- return ret
- # otherwise, for non-expanding "literal execute", apply
- # bind casts as determined by the datatype
- if bindparam_type is not None:
- type_impl = bindparam_type._unwrapped_dialect_impl(
- self.dialect
- )
- if type_impl.render_literal_cast:
- ret = self.render_bind_cast(bindparam_type, type_impl, ret)
- return ret
- elif self.state is CompilerState.COMPILING:
- ret = self.compilation_bindtemplate % {"name": name}
- else:
- ret = self.bindtemplate % {"name": name}
- if (
- bindparam_type is not None
- and self.dialect._bind_typing_render_casts
- ):
- type_impl = bindparam_type._unwrapped_dialect_impl(self.dialect)
- if type_impl.render_bind_cast:
- ret = self.render_bind_cast(bindparam_type, type_impl, ret)
- return ret
- def _dispatch_independent_ctes(self, stmt, kw):
- local_kw = kw.copy()
- local_kw.pop("cte_opts", None)
- for cte, opt in zip(
- stmt._independent_ctes, stmt._independent_ctes_opts
- ):
- cte._compiler_dispatch(self, cte_opts=opt, **local_kw)
- def visit_cte(
- self,
- cte: CTE,
- asfrom: bool = False,
- ashint: bool = False,
- fromhints: Optional[_FromHintsType] = None,
- visiting_cte: Optional[CTE] = None,
- from_linter: Optional[FromLinter] = None,
- cte_opts: selectable._CTEOpts = selectable._CTEOpts(False),
- **kwargs: Any,
- ) -> Optional[str]:
- self_ctes = self._init_cte_state()
- assert self_ctes is self.ctes
- kwargs["visiting_cte"] = cte
- cte_name =
- if isinstance(cte_name, elements._truncated_label):
- cte_name = self._truncated_identifier("alias", cte_name)
- is_new_cte = True
- embedded_in_current_named_cte = False
- _reference_cte = cte._get_reference_cte()
- nesting = cte.nesting or cte_opts.nesting
- # check for CTE already encountered
- if _reference_cte in self.level_name_by_cte:
- cte_level, _, existing_cte_opts = self.level_name_by_cte[
- _reference_cte
- ]
- assert _ == cte_name
- cte_level_name = (cte_level, cte_name)
- existing_cte = self.ctes_by_level_name[cte_level_name]
- # check if we are receiving it here with a specific
- # "nest_here" location; if so, move it to this location
- if cte_opts.nesting:
- if existing_cte_opts.nesting:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "CTE is stated as 'nest_here' in "
- "more than one location"
- )
- old_level_name = (cte_level, cte_name)
- cte_level = len(self.stack) if nesting else 1
- cte_level_name = new_level_name = (cte_level, cte_name)
- del self.ctes_by_level_name[old_level_name]
- self.ctes_by_level_name[new_level_name] = existing_cte
- self.level_name_by_cte[_reference_cte] = new_level_name + (
- cte_opts,
- )
- else:
- cte_level = len(self.stack) if nesting else 1
- cte_level_name = (cte_level, cte_name)
- if cte_level_name in self.ctes_by_level_name:
- existing_cte = self.ctes_by_level_name[cte_level_name]
- else:
- existing_cte = None
- if existing_cte is not None:
- embedded_in_current_named_cte = visiting_cte is existing_cte
- # we've generated a same-named CTE that we are enclosed in,
- # or this is the same CTE. just return the name.
- if cte is existing_cte._restates or cte is existing_cte:
- is_new_cte = False
- elif existing_cte is cte._restates:
- # we've generated a same-named CTE that is
- # enclosed in us - we take precedence, so
- # discard the text for the "inner".
- del self_ctes[existing_cte]
- existing_cte_reference_cte = existing_cte._get_reference_cte()
- assert existing_cte_reference_cte is _reference_cte
- assert existing_cte_reference_cte is existing_cte
- del self.level_name_by_cte[existing_cte_reference_cte]
- else:
- # if the two CTEs are deep-copy identical, consider them
- # the same, **if** they are clones, that is, they came from
- # the ORM or other visit method
- if (
- cte._is_clone_of is not None
- or existing_cte._is_clone_of is not None
- ) and
- is_new_cte = False
- else:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Multiple, unrelated CTEs found with "
- "the same name: %r" % cte_name
- )
- if not asfrom and not is_new_cte:
- return None
- if cte._cte_alias is not None:
- pre_alias_cte = cte._cte_alias
- cte_pre_alias_name =
- if isinstance(cte_pre_alias_name, elements._truncated_label):
- cte_pre_alias_name = self._truncated_identifier(
- "alias", cte_pre_alias_name
- )
- else:
- pre_alias_cte = cte
- cte_pre_alias_name = None
- if is_new_cte:
- self.ctes_by_level_name[cte_level_name] = cte
- self.level_name_by_cte[_reference_cte] = cte_level_name + (
- cte_opts,
- )
- if pre_alias_cte not in self.ctes:
- self.visit_cte(pre_alias_cte, **kwargs)
- if not cte_pre_alias_name and cte not in self_ctes:
- if cte.recursive:
- self.ctes_recursive = True
- text = self.preparer.format_alias(cte, cte_name)
- if cte.recursive:
- col_source = cte.element
- # TODO: can we get at the .columns_plus_names collection
- # that is already (or will be?) generated for the SELECT
- # rather than calling twice?
- recur_cols = [
- # TODO: proxy_name is not technically safe,
- # see test_cte->
- # test_with_recursive_no_name_currently_buggy. not
- # clear what should be done with such a case
- fallback_label_name or proxy_name
- for (
- _,
- proxy_name,
- fallback_label_name,
- c,
- repeated,
- ) in (col_source._generate_columns_plus_names(True))
- if not repeated
- ]
- text += "(%s)" % (
- ", ".join(
- self.preparer.format_label_name(
- ident, anon_map=self.anon_map
- )
- for ident in recur_cols
- )
- )
- assert kwargs.get("subquery", False) is False
- if not self.stack:
- # toplevel, this is a stringify of the
- # cte directly. just compile the inner
- # the way alias() does.
- return cte.element._compiler_dispatch(
- self, asfrom=asfrom, **kwargs
- )
- else:
- prefixes = self._generate_prefixes(
- cte, cte._prefixes, **kwargs
- )
- inner = cte.element._compiler_dispatch(
- self, asfrom=True, **kwargs
- )
- text += " AS %s\n(%s)" % (prefixes, inner)
- if cte._suffixes:
- text += " " + self._generate_prefixes(
- cte, cte._suffixes, **kwargs
- )
- self_ctes[cte] = text
- if asfrom:
- if from_linter:
- from_linter.froms[cte._de_clone()] = cte_name
- if not is_new_cte and embedded_in_current_named_cte:
- return self.preparer.format_alias(cte, cte_name)
- if cte_pre_alias_name:
- text = self.preparer.format_alias(cte, cte_pre_alias_name)
- if self.preparer._requires_quotes(cte_name):
- cte_name = self.preparer.quote(cte_name)
- text += self.get_render_as_alias_suffix(cte_name)
- return text
- else:
- return self.preparer.format_alias(cte, cte_name)
- return None
- def visit_table_valued_alias(self, element, **kw):
- if element.joins_implicitly:
- kw["from_linter"] = None
- if element._is_lateral:
- return self.visit_lateral(element, **kw)
- else:
- return self.visit_alias(element, **kw)
- def visit_table_valued_column(self, element, **kw):
- return self.visit_column(element, **kw)
- def visit_alias(
- self,
- alias,
- asfrom=False,
- ashint=False,
- iscrud=False,
- fromhints=None,
- subquery=False,
- lateral=False,
- enclosing_alias=None,
- from_linter=None,
- **kwargs,
- ):
- if lateral:
- if "enclosing_lateral" not in kwargs:
- # if lateral is set and enclosing_lateral is not
- # present, we assume we are being called directly
- # from visit_lateral() and we need to set enclosing_lateral.
- assert alias._is_lateral
- kwargs["enclosing_lateral"] = alias
- # for lateral objects, we track a second from_linter that is...
- # lateral! to the level above us.
- if (
- from_linter
- and "lateral_from_linter" not in kwargs
- and "enclosing_lateral" in kwargs
- ):
- kwargs["lateral_from_linter"] = from_linter
- if enclosing_alias is not None and enclosing_alias.element is alias:
- inner = alias.element._compiler_dispatch(
- self,
- asfrom=asfrom,
- ashint=ashint,
- iscrud=iscrud,
- fromhints=fromhints,
- lateral=lateral,
- enclosing_alias=alias,
- **kwargs,
- )
- if subquery and (asfrom or lateral):
- inner = "(%s)" % (inner,)
- return inner
- else:
- enclosing_alias = kwargs["enclosing_alias"] = alias
- if asfrom or ashint:
- if isinstance(, elements._truncated_label):
- alias_name = self._truncated_identifier("alias",
- else:
- alias_name =
- if ashint:
- return self.preparer.format_alias(alias, alias_name)
- elif asfrom:
- if from_linter:
- from_linter.froms[alias._de_clone()] = alias_name
- inner = alias.element._compiler_dispatch(
- self, asfrom=True, lateral=lateral, **kwargs
- )
- if subquery:
- inner = "(%s)" % (inner,)
- ret = inner + self.get_render_as_alias_suffix(
- self.preparer.format_alias(alias, alias_name)
- )
- if alias._supports_derived_columns and alias._render_derived:
- ret += "(%s)" % (
- ", ".join(
- "%s%s"
- % (
- self.preparer.quote(,
- (
- " %s"
- % self.dialect.type_compiler_instance.process(
- col.type, **kwargs
- )
- if alias._render_derived_w_types
- else ""
- ),
- )
- for col in alias.c
- )
- )
- if fromhints and alias in fromhints:
- ret = self.format_from_hint_text(
- ret, alias, fromhints[alias], iscrud
- )
- return ret
- else:
- # note we cancel the "subquery" flag here as well
- return alias.element._compiler_dispatch(
- self, lateral=lateral, **kwargs
- )
- def visit_subquery(self, subquery, **kw):
- kw["subquery"] = True
- return self.visit_alias(subquery, **kw)
- def visit_lateral(self, lateral_, **kw):
- kw["lateral"] = True
- return "LATERAL %s" % self.visit_alias(lateral_, **kw)
- def visit_tablesample(self, tablesample, asfrom=False, **kw):
- text = "%s TABLESAMPLE %s" % (
- self.visit_alias(tablesample, asfrom=True, **kw),
- tablesample._get_method()._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- )
- if tablesample.seed is not None:
- text += " REPEATABLE (%s)" % (
- tablesample.seed._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- )
- return text
- def _render_values(self, element, **kw):
- kw.setdefault("literal_binds", element.literal_binds)
- tuples = ", ".join(
- self.process(
- elements.Tuple(
- types=element._column_types, *elem
- ).self_group(),
- **kw,
- )
- for chunk in element._data
- for elem in chunk
- )
- return f"VALUES {tuples}"
- def visit_values(self, element, asfrom=False, from_linter=None, **kw):
- v = self._render_values(element, **kw)
- if element._unnamed:
- name = None
- elif isinstance(, elements._truncated_label):
- name = self._truncated_identifier("values",
- else:
- name =
- if element._is_lateral:
- lateral = "LATERAL "
- else:
- lateral = ""
- if asfrom:
- if from_linter:
- from_linter.froms[element._de_clone()] = (
- name if name is not None else "(unnamed VALUES element)"
- )
- if name:
- kw["include_table"] = False
- v = "%s(%s)%s (%s)" % (
- lateral,
- v,
- self.get_render_as_alias_suffix(self.preparer.quote(name)),
- (
- ", ".join(
- c._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- for c in element.columns
- )
- ),
- )
- else:
- v = "%s(%s)" % (lateral, v)
- return v
- def visit_scalar_values(self, element, **kw):
- return f"({self._render_values(element, **kw)})"
- def get_render_as_alias_suffix(self, alias_name_text):
- return " AS " + alias_name_text
- def _add_to_result_map(
- self,
- keyname: str,
- name: str,
- objects: Tuple[Any, ...],
- type_: TypeEngine[Any],
- ) -> None:
- if keyname is None or keyname == "*":
- self._ordered_columns = False
- self._ad_hoc_textual = True
- if type_._is_tuple_type:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Most backends don't support SELECTing "
- "from a tuple() object. If this is an ORM query, "
- "consider using the Bundle object."
- )
- self._result_columns.append(
- ResultColumnsEntry(keyname, name, objects, type_)
- )
- def _label_returning_column(
- self, stmt, column, populate_result_map, column_clause_args=None, **kw
- ):
- """Render a column with necessary labels inside of a RETURNING clause.
- This method is provided for individual dialects in place of calling
- the _label_select_column method directly, so that the two use cases
- of RETURNING vs. SELECT can be disambiguated going forward.
- .. versionadded:: 1.4.21
- """
- return self._label_select_column(
- None,
- column,
- populate_result_map,
- False,
- {} if column_clause_args is None else column_clause_args,
- **kw,
- )
- def _label_select_column(
- self,
- select,
- column,
- populate_result_map,
- asfrom,
- column_clause_args,
- name=None,
- proxy_name=None,
- fallback_label_name=None,
- within_columns_clause=True,
- column_is_repeated=False,
- need_column_expressions=False,
- include_table=True,
- ):
- """produce labeled columns present in a select()."""
- impl = column.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect)
- if impl._has_column_expression and (
- need_column_expressions or populate_result_map
- ):
- col_expr = impl.column_expression(column)
- else:
- col_expr = column
- if populate_result_map:
- # pass an "add_to_result_map" callable into the compilation
- # of embedded columns. this collects information about the
- # column as it will be fetched in the result and is coordinated
- # with cursor.description when the query is executed.
- add_to_result_map = self._add_to_result_map
- # if the SELECT statement told us this column is a repeat,
- # wrap the callable with one that prevents the addition of the
- # targets
- if column_is_repeated:
- _add_to_result_map = add_to_result_map
- def add_to_result_map(keyname, name, objects, type_):
- _add_to_result_map(keyname, name, (), type_)
- # if we redefined col_expr for type expressions, wrap the
- # callable with one that adds the original column to the targets
- elif col_expr is not column:
- _add_to_result_map = add_to_result_map
- def add_to_result_map(keyname, name, objects, type_):
- _add_to_result_map(
- keyname, name, (column,) + objects, type_
- )
- else:
- add_to_result_map = None
- # this method is used by some of the dialects for RETURNING,
- # which has different inputs. _label_returning_column was added
- # as the better target for this now however for 1.4 we will keep
- # _label_select_column directly compatible with this use case.
- # these assertions right now set up the current expected inputs
- assert within_columns_clause, (
- "_label_select_column is only relevant within "
- "the columns clause of a SELECT or RETURNING"
- )
- if isinstance(column, elements.Label):
- if col_expr is not column:
- result_expr = _CompileLabel(
- col_expr,, alt_names=(column.element,)
- )
- else:
- result_expr = col_expr
- elif name:
- # here, _columns_plus_names has determined there's an explicit
- # label name we need to use. this is the default for
- # tablenames_plus_columnnames as well as when columns are being
- # deduplicated on name
- assert (
- proxy_name is not None
- ), "proxy_name is required if 'name' is passed"
- result_expr = _CompileLabel(
- col_expr,
- name,
- alt_names=(
- proxy_name,
- # this is a hack to allow legacy result column lookups
- # to work as they did before; this goes away in 2.0.
- # TODO: this only seems to be tested indirectly
- # via test/orm/ should be a
- # resultset test for this
- column._tq_label,
- ),
- )
- else:
- # determine here whether this column should be rendered in
- # a labelled context or not, as we were given no required label
- # name from the caller. Here we apply heuristics based on the kind
- # of SQL expression involved.
- if col_expr is not column:
- # type-specific expression wrapping the given column,
- # so we render a label
- render_with_label = True
- elif isinstance(column, elements.ColumnClause):
- # table-bound column, we render its name as a label if we are
- # inside of a subquery only
- render_with_label = (
- asfrom
- and not column.is_literal
- and column.table is not None
- )
- elif isinstance(column, elements.TextClause):
- render_with_label = False
- elif isinstance(column, elements.UnaryExpression):
- render_with_label = column.wraps_column_expression or asfrom
- elif (
- # general class of expressions that don't have a SQL-column
- # addressible name. includes scalar selects, bind parameters,
- # SQL functions, others
- not isinstance(column, elements.NamedColumn)
- # deeper check that indicates there's no natural "name" to
- # this element, which accommodates for custom SQL constructs
- # that might have a ".name" attribute (but aren't SQL
- # functions) but are not implementing this more recently added
- # base class. in theory the "NamedColumn" check should be
- # enough, however here we seek to maintain legacy behaviors
- # as well.
- and column._non_anon_label is None
- ):
- render_with_label = True
- else:
- render_with_label = False
- if render_with_label:
- if not fallback_label_name:
- # used by the RETURNING case right now. we generate it
- # here as 3rd party dialects may be referring to
- # _label_select_column method directly instead of the
- # just-added _label_returning_column method
- assert not column_is_repeated
- fallback_label_name = column._anon_name_label
- fallback_label_name = (
- elements._truncated_label(fallback_label_name)
- if not isinstance(
- fallback_label_name, elements._truncated_label
- )
- else fallback_label_name
- )
- result_expr = _CompileLabel(
- col_expr, fallback_label_name, alt_names=(proxy_name,)
- )
- else:
- result_expr = col_expr
- column_clause_args.update(
- within_columns_clause=within_columns_clause,
- add_to_result_map=add_to_result_map,
- include_table=include_table,
- )
- return result_expr._compiler_dispatch(self, **column_clause_args)
- def format_from_hint_text(self, sqltext, table, hint, iscrud):
- hinttext = self.get_from_hint_text(table, hint)
- if hinttext:
- sqltext += " " + hinttext
- return sqltext
- def get_select_hint_text(self, byfroms):
- return None
- def get_from_hint_text(self, table, text):
- return None
- def get_crud_hint_text(self, table, text):
- return None
- def get_statement_hint_text(self, hint_texts):
- return " ".join(hint_texts)
- _default_stack_entry: _CompilerStackEntry
- if not typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
- _default_stack_entry = util.immutabledict(
- [("correlate_froms", frozenset()), ("asfrom_froms", frozenset())]
- )
- def _display_froms_for_select(
- self, select_stmt, asfrom, lateral=False, **kw
- ):
- # utility method to help external dialects
- # get the correct from list for a select.
- # specifically the oracle dialect needs this feature
- # right now.
- toplevel = not self.stack
- entry = self._default_stack_entry if toplevel else self.stack[-1]
- compile_state = select_stmt._compile_state_factory(select_stmt, self)
- correlate_froms = entry["correlate_froms"]
- asfrom_froms = entry["asfrom_froms"]
- if asfrom and not lateral:
- froms = compile_state._get_display_froms(
- explicit_correlate_froms=correlate_froms.difference(
- asfrom_froms
- ),
- implicit_correlate_froms=(),
- )
- else:
- froms = compile_state._get_display_froms(
- explicit_correlate_froms=correlate_froms,
- implicit_correlate_froms=asfrom_froms,
- )
- return froms
- translate_select_structure: Any = None
- """if not ``None``, should be a callable which accepts ``(select_stmt,
- **kw)`` and returns a select object. this is used for structural changes
- mostly to accommodate for LIMIT/OFFSET schemes
- """
- def visit_select(
- self,
- select_stmt,
- asfrom=False,
- insert_into=False,
- fromhints=None,
- compound_index=None,
- select_wraps_for=None,
- lateral=False,
- from_linter=None,
- **kwargs,
- ):
- assert select_wraps_for is None, (
- "SQLAlchemy 1.4 requires use of "
- "the translate_select_structure hook for structural "
- "translations of SELECT objects"
- )
- # initial setup of SELECT. the compile_state_factory may now
- # be creating a totally different SELECT from the one that was
- # passed in. for ORM use this will convert from an ORM-state
- # SELECT to a regular "Core" SELECT. other composed operations
- # such as computation of joins will be performed.
- kwargs["within_columns_clause"] = False
- compile_state = select_stmt._compile_state_factory(
- select_stmt, self, **kwargs
- )
- kwargs["ambiguous_table_name_map"] = (
- compile_state._ambiguous_table_name_map
- )
- select_stmt = compile_state.statement
- toplevel = not self.stack
- if toplevel and not self.compile_state:
- self.compile_state = compile_state
- is_embedded_select = compound_index is not None or insert_into
- # translate step for Oracle, SQL Server which often need to
- # restructure the SELECT to allow for LIMIT/OFFSET and possibly
- # other conditions
- if self.translate_select_structure:
- new_select_stmt = self.translate_select_structure(
- select_stmt, asfrom=asfrom, **kwargs
- )
- # if SELECT was restructured, maintain a link to the originals
- # and assemble a new compile state
- if new_select_stmt is not select_stmt:
- compile_state_wraps_for = compile_state
- select_wraps_for = select_stmt
- select_stmt = new_select_stmt
- compile_state = select_stmt._compile_state_factory(
- select_stmt, self, **kwargs
- )
- select_stmt = compile_state.statement
- entry = self._default_stack_entry if toplevel else self.stack[-1]
- populate_result_map = need_column_expressions = (
- toplevel
- or entry.get("need_result_map_for_compound", False)
- or entry.get("need_result_map_for_nested", False)
- )
- # indicates there is a CompoundSelect in play and we are not the
- # first select
- if compound_index:
- populate_result_map = False
- # this was first proposed as part of #3372; however, it is not
- # reached in current tests and could possibly be an assertion
- # instead.
- if not populate_result_map and "add_to_result_map" in kwargs:
- del kwargs["add_to_result_map"]
- froms = self._setup_select_stack(
- select_stmt, compile_state, entry, asfrom, lateral, compound_index
- )
- column_clause_args = kwargs.copy()
- column_clause_args.update(
- {"within_label_clause": False, "within_columns_clause": False}
- )
- text = "SELECT " # we're off to a good start !
- if select_stmt._hints:
- hint_text, byfrom = self._setup_select_hints(select_stmt)
- if hint_text:
- text += hint_text + " "
- else:
- byfrom = None
- if select_stmt._independent_ctes:
- self._dispatch_independent_ctes(select_stmt, kwargs)
- if select_stmt._prefixes:
- text += self._generate_prefixes(
- select_stmt, select_stmt._prefixes, **kwargs
- )
- text += self.get_select_precolumns(select_stmt, **kwargs)
- # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list.
- inner_columns = [
- c
- for c in [
- self._label_select_column(
- select_stmt,
- column,
- populate_result_map,
- asfrom,
- column_clause_args,
- name=name,
- proxy_name=proxy_name,
- fallback_label_name=fallback_label_name,
- column_is_repeated=repeated,
- need_column_expressions=need_column_expressions,
- )
- for (
- name,
- proxy_name,
- fallback_label_name,
- column,
- repeated,
- ) in compile_state.columns_plus_names
- ]
- if c is not None
- ]
- if populate_result_map and select_wraps_for is not None:
- # if this select was generated from translate_select,
- # rewrite the targeted columns in the result map
- translate = dict(
- zip(
- [
- name
- for (
- key,
- proxy_name,
- fallback_label_name,
- name,
- repeated,
- ) in compile_state.columns_plus_names
- ],
- [
- name
- for (
- key,
- proxy_name,
- fallback_label_name,
- name,
- repeated,
- ) in compile_state_wraps_for.columns_plus_names
- ],
- )
- )
- self._result_columns = [
- ResultColumnsEntry(
- key, name, tuple(translate.get(o, o) for o in obj), type_
- )
- for key, name, obj, type_ in self._result_columns
- ]
- text = self._compose_select_body(
- text,
- select_stmt,
- compile_state,
- inner_columns,
- froms,
- byfrom,
- toplevel,
- kwargs,
- )
- if select_stmt._statement_hints:
- per_dialect = [
- ht
- for (dialect_name, ht) in select_stmt._statement_hints
- if dialect_name in ("*",
- ]
- if per_dialect:
- text += " " + self.get_statement_hint_text(per_dialect)
- # In compound query, CTEs are shared at the compound level
- if self.ctes and (not is_embedded_select or toplevel):
- nesting_level = len(self.stack) if not toplevel else None
- text = self._render_cte_clause(nesting_level=nesting_level) + text
- if select_stmt._suffixes:
- text += " " + self._generate_prefixes(
- select_stmt, select_stmt._suffixes, **kwargs
- )
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- return text
- def _setup_select_hints(
- self, select: Select[Any]
- ) -> Tuple[str, _FromHintsType]:
- byfrom = {
- from_: hinttext
- % {"name": from_._compiler_dispatch(self, ashint=True)}
- for (from_, dialect), hinttext in select._hints.items()
- if dialect in ("*",
- }
- hint_text = self.get_select_hint_text(byfrom)
- return hint_text, byfrom
- def _setup_select_stack(
- self, select, compile_state, entry, asfrom, lateral, compound_index
- ):
- correlate_froms = entry["correlate_froms"]
- asfrom_froms = entry["asfrom_froms"]
- if compound_index == 0:
- entry["select_0"] = select
- elif compound_index:
- select_0 = entry["select_0"]
- numcols = len(select_0._all_selected_columns)
- if len(compile_state.columns_plus_names) != numcols:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "All selectables passed to "
- "CompoundSelect must have identical numbers of "
- "columns; select #%d has %d columns, select "
- "#%d has %d"
- % (
- 1,
- numcols,
- compound_index + 1,
- len(select._all_selected_columns),
- )
- )
- if asfrom and not lateral:
- froms = compile_state._get_display_froms(
- explicit_correlate_froms=correlate_froms.difference(
- asfrom_froms
- ),
- implicit_correlate_froms=(),
- )
- else:
- froms = compile_state._get_display_froms(
- explicit_correlate_froms=correlate_froms,
- implicit_correlate_froms=asfrom_froms,
- )
- new_correlate_froms = set(_from_objects(*froms))
- all_correlate_froms = new_correlate_froms.union(correlate_froms)
- new_entry: _CompilerStackEntry = {
- "asfrom_froms": new_correlate_froms,
- "correlate_froms": all_correlate_froms,
- "selectable": select,
- "compile_state": compile_state,
- }
- self.stack.append(new_entry)
- return froms
- def _compose_select_body(
- self,
- text,
- select,
- compile_state,
- inner_columns,
- froms,
- byfrom,
- toplevel,
- kwargs,
- ):
- text += ", ".join(inner_columns)
- from_linter = FromLinter({}, set())
- warn_linting = self.linting & WARN_LINTING
- if toplevel:
- self.from_linter = from_linter
- else:
- from_linter = None
- warn_linting = False
- # adjust the whitespace for no inner columns, part of #9440,
- # so that a no-col SELECT comes out as "SELECT WHERE..." or
- # "SELECT FROM ...".
- # while it would be better to have built the SELECT starting string
- # without trailing whitespace first, then add whitespace only if inner
- # cols were present, this breaks compatibility with various custom
- # compilation schemes that are currently being tested.
- if not inner_columns:
- text = text.rstrip()
- if froms:
- text += " \nFROM "
- if select._hints:
- text += ", ".join(
- [
- f._compiler_dispatch(
- self,
- asfrom=True,
- fromhints=byfrom,
- from_linter=from_linter,
- **kwargs,
- )
- for f in froms
- ]
- )
- else:
- text += ", ".join(
- [
- f._compiler_dispatch(
- self,
- asfrom=True,
- from_linter=from_linter,
- **kwargs,
- )
- for f in froms
- ]
- )
- else:
- text += self.default_from()
- if select._where_criteria:
- t = self._generate_delimited_and_list(
- select._where_criteria, from_linter=from_linter, **kwargs
- )
- if t:
- text += " \nWHERE " + t
- if warn_linting:
- assert from_linter is not None
- from_linter.warn()
- if select._group_by_clauses:
- text += self.group_by_clause(select, **kwargs)
- if select._having_criteria:
- t = self._generate_delimited_and_list(
- select._having_criteria, **kwargs
- )
- if t:
- text += " \nHAVING " + t
- if select._order_by_clauses:
- text += self.order_by_clause(select, **kwargs)
- if select._has_row_limiting_clause:
- text += self._row_limit_clause(select, **kwargs)
- if select._for_update_arg is not None:
- text += self.for_update_clause(select, **kwargs)
- return text
- def _generate_prefixes(self, stmt, prefixes, **kw):
- clause = " ".join(
- prefix._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- for prefix, dialect_name in prefixes
- if dialect_name in (None, "*") or dialect_name ==
- )
- if clause:
- clause += " "
- return clause
- def _render_cte_clause(
- self,
- nesting_level=None,
- include_following_stack=False,
- ):
- """
- include_following_stack
- Also render the nesting CTEs on the next stack. Useful for
- SQL structures like UNION or INSERT that can wrap SELECT
- statements containing nesting CTEs.
- """
- if not self.ctes:
- return ""
- ctes: MutableMapping[CTE, str]
- if nesting_level and nesting_level > 1:
- ctes = util.OrderedDict()
- for cte in list(self.ctes.keys()):
- cte_level, cte_name, cte_opts = self.level_name_by_cte[
- cte._get_reference_cte()
- ]
- nesting = cte.nesting or cte_opts.nesting
- is_rendered_level = cte_level == nesting_level or (
- include_following_stack and cte_level == nesting_level + 1
- )
- if not (nesting and is_rendered_level):
- continue
- ctes[cte] = self.ctes[cte]
- else:
- ctes = self.ctes
- if not ctes:
- return ""
- ctes_recursive = any([cte.recursive for cte in ctes])
- cte_text = self.get_cte_preamble(ctes_recursive) + " "
- cte_text += ", \n".join([txt for txt in ctes.values()])
- cte_text += "\n "
- if nesting_level and nesting_level > 1:
- for cte in list(ctes.keys()):
- cte_level, cte_name, cte_opts = self.level_name_by_cte[
- cte._get_reference_cte()
- ]
- del self.ctes[cte]
- del self.ctes_by_level_name[(cte_level, cte_name)]
- del self.level_name_by_cte[cte._get_reference_cte()]
- return cte_text
- def get_cte_preamble(self, recursive):
- if recursive:
- else:
- return "WITH"
- def get_select_precolumns(self, select, **kw):
- """Called when building a ``SELECT`` statement, position is just
- before column list.
- """
- if select._distinct_on:
- util.warn_deprecated(
- "DISTINCT ON is currently supported only by the PostgreSQL "
- "dialect. Use of DISTINCT ON for other backends is currently "
- "silently ignored, however this usage is deprecated, and will "
- "raise CompileError in a future release for all backends "
- "that do not support this syntax.",
- version="1.4",
- )
- return "DISTINCT " if select._distinct else ""
- def group_by_clause(self, select, **kw):
- """allow dialects to customize how GROUP BY is rendered."""
- group_by = self._generate_delimited_list(
- select._group_by_clauses, OPERATORS[operators.comma_op], **kw
- )
- if group_by:
- return " GROUP BY " + group_by
- else:
- return ""
- def order_by_clause(self, select, **kw):
- """allow dialects to customize how ORDER BY is rendered."""
- order_by = self._generate_delimited_list(
- select._order_by_clauses, OPERATORS[operators.comma_op], **kw
- )
- if order_by:
- return " ORDER BY " + order_by
- else:
- return ""
- def for_update_clause(self, select, **kw):
- return " FOR UPDATE"
- def returning_clause(
- self,
- stmt: UpdateBase,
- returning_cols: Sequence[ColumnElement[Any]],
- *,
- populate_result_map: bool,
- **kw: Any,
- ) -> str:
- columns = [
- self._label_returning_column(
- stmt,
- column,
- populate_result_map,
- fallback_label_name=fallback_label_name,
- column_is_repeated=repeated,
- name=name,
- proxy_name=proxy_name,
- **kw,
- )
- for (
- name,
- proxy_name,
- fallback_label_name,
- column,
- repeated,
- ) in stmt._generate_columns_plus_names(
- True, cols=base._select_iterables(returning_cols)
- )
- ]
- return "RETURNING " + ", ".join(columns)
- def limit_clause(self, select, **kw):
- text = ""
- if select._limit_clause is not None:
- text += "\n LIMIT " + self.process(select._limit_clause, **kw)
- if select._offset_clause is not None:
- if select._limit_clause is None:
- text += "\n LIMIT -1"
- text += " OFFSET " + self.process(select._offset_clause, **kw)
- return text
- def fetch_clause(
- self,
- select,
- fetch_clause=None,
- require_offset=False,
- use_literal_execute_for_simple_int=False,
- **kw,
- ):
- if fetch_clause is None:
- fetch_clause = select._fetch_clause
- fetch_clause_options = select._fetch_clause_options
- else:
- fetch_clause_options = {"percent": False, "with_ties": False}
- text = ""
- if select._offset_clause is not None:
- offset_clause = select._offset_clause
- if (
- use_literal_execute_for_simple_int
- and select._simple_int_clause(offset_clause)
- ):
- offset_clause = offset_clause.render_literal_execute()
- offset_str = self.process(offset_clause, **kw)
- text += "\n OFFSET %s ROWS" % offset_str
- elif require_offset:
- text += "\n OFFSET 0 ROWS"
- if fetch_clause is not None:
- if (
- use_literal_execute_for_simple_int
- and select._simple_int_clause(fetch_clause)
- ):
- fetch_clause = fetch_clause.render_literal_execute()
- text += "\n FETCH FIRST %s%s ROWS %s" % (
- self.process(fetch_clause, **kw),
- " PERCENT" if fetch_clause_options["percent"] else "",
- "WITH TIES" if fetch_clause_options["with_ties"] else "ONLY",
- )
- return text
- def visit_table(
- self,
- table,
- asfrom=False,
- iscrud=False,
- ashint=False,
- fromhints=None,
- use_schema=True,
- from_linter=None,
- ambiguous_table_name_map=None,
- **kwargs,
- ):
- if from_linter:
- from_linter.froms[table] = table.fullname
- if asfrom or ashint:
- effective_schema = self.preparer.schema_for_object(table)
- if use_schema and effective_schema:
- ret = (
- self.preparer.quote_schema(effective_schema)
- + "."
- + self.preparer.quote(
- )
- else:
- ret = self.preparer.quote(
- if (
- not effective_schema
- and ambiguous_table_name_map
- and in ambiguous_table_name_map
- ):
- anon_name = self._truncated_identifier(
- "alias", ambiguous_table_name_map[]
- )
- ret = ret + self.get_render_as_alias_suffix(
- self.preparer.format_alias(None, anon_name)
- )
- if fromhints and table in fromhints:
- ret = self.format_from_hint_text(
- ret, table, fromhints[table], iscrud
- )
- return ret
- else:
- return ""
- def visit_join(self, join, asfrom=False, from_linter=None, **kwargs):
- if from_linter:
- from_linter.edges.update(
- itertools.product(
- _de_clone(join.left._from_objects),
- _de_clone(join.right._from_objects),
- )
- )
- if join.full:
- join_type = " FULL OUTER JOIN "
- elif join.isouter:
- join_type = " LEFT OUTER JOIN "
- else:
- join_type = " JOIN "
- return (
- join.left._compiler_dispatch(
- self, asfrom=True, from_linter=from_linter, **kwargs
- )
- + join_type
- + join.right._compiler_dispatch(
- self, asfrom=True, from_linter=from_linter, **kwargs
- )
- + " ON "
- # TODO: likely need asfrom=True here?
- + join.onclause._compiler_dispatch(
- self, from_linter=from_linter, **kwargs
- )
- )
- def _setup_crud_hints(self, stmt, table_text):
- dialect_hints = {
- table: hint_text
- for (table, dialect), hint_text in stmt._hints.items()
- if dialect in ("*",
- }
- if stmt.table in dialect_hints:
- table_text = self.format_from_hint_text(
- table_text, stmt.table, dialect_hints[stmt.table], True
- )
- return dialect_hints, table_text
- # within the realm of "insertmanyvalues sentinel columns",
- # these lookups match different kinds of Column() configurations
- # to specific backend capabilities. they are broken into two
- # lookups, one for autoincrement columns and the other for non
- # autoincrement columns
- _sentinel_col_non_autoinc_lookup = util.immutabledict(
- {
- _SentinelDefaultCharacterization.CLIENTSIDE: (
- InsertmanyvaluesSentinelOpts._SUPPORTED_OR_NOT
- ),
- _SentinelDefaultCharacterization.SENTINEL_DEFAULT: (
- InsertmanyvaluesSentinelOpts._SUPPORTED_OR_NOT
- ),
- _SentinelDefaultCharacterization.NONE: (
- InsertmanyvaluesSentinelOpts._SUPPORTED_OR_NOT
- ),
- _SentinelDefaultCharacterization.IDENTITY: (
- InsertmanyvaluesSentinelOpts.IDENTITY
- ),
- _SentinelDefaultCharacterization.SEQUENCE: (
- InsertmanyvaluesSentinelOpts.SEQUENCE
- ),
- }
- )
- _sentinel_col_autoinc_lookup = _sentinel_col_non_autoinc_lookup.union(
- {
- _SentinelDefaultCharacterization.NONE: (
- InsertmanyvaluesSentinelOpts.AUTOINCREMENT
- ),
- }
- )
- def _get_sentinel_column_for_table(
- self, table: Table
- ) -> Optional[Sequence[Column[Any]]]:
- """given a :class:`.Table`, return a usable sentinel column or
- columns for this dialect if any.
- Return None if no sentinel columns could be identified, or raise an
- error if a column was marked as a sentinel explicitly but isn't
- compatible with this dialect.
- """
- sentinel_opts = self.dialect.insertmanyvalues_implicit_sentinel
- sentinel_characteristics = table._sentinel_column_characteristics
- sent_cols = sentinel_characteristics.columns
- if sent_cols is None:
- return None
- if sentinel_characteristics.is_autoinc:
- bitmask = self._sentinel_col_autoinc_lookup.get(
- sentinel_characteristics.default_characterization, 0
- )
- else:
- bitmask = self._sentinel_col_non_autoinc_lookup.get(
- sentinel_characteristics.default_characterization, 0
- )
- if sentinel_opts & bitmask:
- return sent_cols
- if sentinel_characteristics.is_explicit:
- # a column was explicitly marked as insert_sentinel=True,
- # however it is not compatible with this dialect. they should
- # not indicate this column as a sentinel if they need to include
- # this dialect.
- # TODO: do we want non-primary key explicit sentinel cols
- # that can gracefully degrade for some backends?
- # insert_sentinel="degrade" perhaps. not for the initial release.
- # I am hoping people are generally not dealing with this sentinel
- # business at all.
- # if is_explicit is True, there will be only one sentinel column.
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- f"Column {sent_cols[0]} can't be explicitly "
- "marked as a sentinel column when using the "
- f"{} dialect, as the "
- "particular type of default generation on this column is "
- "not currently compatible with this dialect's specific "
- f"INSERT..RETURNING syntax which can receive the "
- "server-generated value in "
- "a deterministic way. To remove this error, remove "
- "insert_sentinel=True from primary key autoincrement "
- "columns; these columns are automatically used as "
- "sentinels for supported dialects in any case."
- )
- return None
- def _deliver_insertmanyvalues_batches(
- self,
- statement: str,
- parameters: _DBAPIMultiExecuteParams,
- compiled_parameters: List[_MutableCoreSingleExecuteParams],
- generic_setinputsizes: Optional[_GenericSetInputSizesType],
- batch_size: int,
- sort_by_parameter_order: bool,
- schema_translate_map: Optional[SchemaTranslateMapType],
- ) -> Iterator[_InsertManyValuesBatch]:
- imv = self._insertmanyvalues
- assert imv is not None
- if not imv.sentinel_param_keys:
- _sentinel_from_params = None
- else:
- _sentinel_from_params = operator.itemgetter(
- *imv.sentinel_param_keys
- )
- lenparams = len(parameters)
- if imv.is_default_expr and not self.dialect.supports_default_metavalue:
- # backend doesn't support
- # INSERT INTO table (pk_col) VALUES (DEFAULT), (DEFAULT), ...
- # at the moment this is basically SQL Server due to
- # not being able to use DEFAULT for identity column
- # just yield out that many single statements! still
- # faster than a whole connection.execute() call ;)
- #
- # note we still are taking advantage of the fact that we know
- # we are using RETURNING. The generalized approach of fetching
- # cursor.lastrowid etc. still goes through the more heavyweight
- # "ExecutionContext per statement" system as it isn't usable
- # as a generic "RETURNING" approach
- use_row_at_a_time = True
- downgraded = False
- elif not self.dialect.supports_multivalues_insert or (
- sort_by_parameter_order
- and self._result_columns
- and (imv.sentinel_columns is None or imv.includes_upsert_behaviors)
- ):
- # deterministic order was requested and the compiler could
- # not organize sentinel columns for this dialect/statement.
- # use row at a time
- use_row_at_a_time = True
- downgraded = True
- else:
- use_row_at_a_time = False
- downgraded = False
- if use_row_at_a_time:
- for batchnum, (param, compiled_param) in enumerate(
- cast(
- "Sequence[Tuple[_DBAPISingleExecuteParams, _MutableCoreSingleExecuteParams]]", # noqa: E501
- zip(parameters, compiled_parameters),
- ),
- 1,
- ):
- yield _InsertManyValuesBatch(
- statement,
- param,
- generic_setinputsizes,
- [param],
- (
- [_sentinel_from_params(compiled_param)]
- if _sentinel_from_params
- else []
- ),
- 1,
- batchnum,
- lenparams,
- sort_by_parameter_order,
- downgraded,
- )
- return
- if schema_translate_map:
- rst = functools.partial(
- self.preparer._render_schema_translates,
- schema_translate_map=schema_translate_map,
- )
- else:
- rst = None
- imv_single_values_expr = imv.single_values_expr
- if rst:
- imv_single_values_expr = rst(imv_single_values_expr)
- executemany_values = f"({imv_single_values_expr})"
- statement = statement.replace(executemany_values, "__EXECMANY_TOKEN__")
- # Use optional insertmanyvalues_max_parameters
- # to further shrink the batch size so that there are no more than
- # insertmanyvalues_max_parameters params.
- # Currently used by SQL Server, which limits statements to 2100 bound
- # parameters (actually 2099).
- max_params = self.dialect.insertmanyvalues_max_parameters
- if max_params:
- total_num_of_params = len(self.bind_names)
- num_params_per_batch = len(imv.insert_crud_params)
- num_params_outside_of_batch = (
- total_num_of_params - num_params_per_batch
- )
- batch_size = min(
- batch_size,
- (
- (max_params - num_params_outside_of_batch)
- // num_params_per_batch
- ),
- )
- batches = cast("List[Sequence[Any]]", list(parameters))
- compiled_batches = cast(
- "List[Sequence[Any]]", list(compiled_parameters)
- )
- processed_setinputsizes: Optional[_GenericSetInputSizesType] = None
- batchnum = 1
- total_batches = lenparams // batch_size + (
- 1 if lenparams % batch_size else 0
- )
- insert_crud_params = imv.insert_crud_params
- assert insert_crud_params is not None
- if rst:
- insert_crud_params = [
- (col, key, rst(expr), st)
- for col, key, expr, st in insert_crud_params
- ]
- escaped_bind_names: Mapping[str, str]
- expand_pos_lower_index = expand_pos_upper_index = 0
- if not self.positional:
- if self.escaped_bind_names:
- escaped_bind_names = self.escaped_bind_names
- else:
- escaped_bind_names = {}
- all_keys = set(parameters[0])
- def apply_placeholders(keys, formatted):
- for key in keys:
- key = escaped_bind_names.get(key, key)
- formatted = formatted.replace(
- self.bindtemplate % {"name": key},
- self.bindtemplate
- % {"name": f"{key}__EXECMANY_INDEX__"},
- )
- return formatted
- if imv.embed_values_counter:
- imv_values_counter = ", _IMV_VALUES_COUNTER"
- else:
- imv_values_counter = ""
- formatted_values_clause = f"""({', '.join(
- apply_placeholders(bind_keys, formatted)
- for _, _, formatted, bind_keys in insert_crud_params
- )}{imv_values_counter})"""
- keys_to_replace = all_keys.intersection(
- escaped_bind_names.get(key, key)
- for _, _, _, bind_keys in insert_crud_params
- for key in bind_keys
- )
- base_parameters = {
- key: parameters[0][key]
- for key in all_keys.difference(keys_to_replace)
- }
- executemany_values_w_comma = ""
- else:
- formatted_values_clause = ""
- keys_to_replace = set()
- base_parameters = {}
- if imv.embed_values_counter:
- executemany_values_w_comma = (
- f"({imv_single_values_expr}, _IMV_VALUES_COUNTER), "
- )
- else:
- executemany_values_w_comma = f"({imv_single_values_expr}), "
- all_names_we_will_expand: Set[str] = set()
- for elem in imv.insert_crud_params:
- all_names_we_will_expand.update(elem[3])
- # get the start and end position in a particular list
- # of parameters where we will be doing the "expanding".
- # statements can have params on either side or both sides,
- # given RETURNING and CTEs
- if all_names_we_will_expand:
- positiontup = self.positiontup
- assert positiontup is not None
- all_expand_positions = {
- idx
- for idx, name in enumerate(positiontup)
- if name in all_names_we_will_expand
- }
- expand_pos_lower_index = min(all_expand_positions)
- expand_pos_upper_index = max(all_expand_positions) + 1
- assert (
- len(all_expand_positions)
- == expand_pos_upper_index - expand_pos_lower_index
- )
- if self._numeric_binds:
- escaped = re.escape(self._numeric_binds_identifier_char)
- executemany_values_w_comma = re.sub(
- rf"{escaped}\d+", "%s", executemany_values_w_comma
- )
- while batches:
- batch = batches[0:batch_size]
- compiled_batch = compiled_batches[0:batch_size]
- batches[0:batch_size] = []
- compiled_batches[0:batch_size] = []
- if batches:
- current_batch_size = batch_size
- else:
- current_batch_size = len(batch)
- if generic_setinputsizes:
- # if setinputsizes is present, expand this collection to
- # suit the batch length as well
- # currently this will be mssql+pyodbc for internal dialects
- processed_setinputsizes = [
- (new_key, len_, typ)
- for new_key, len_, typ in (
- (f"{key}_{index}", len_, typ)
- for index in range(current_batch_size)
- for key, len_, typ in generic_setinputsizes
- )
- ]
- replaced_parameters: Any
- if self.positional:
- num_ins_params = imv.num_positional_params_counted
- batch_iterator: Iterable[Sequence[Any]]
- extra_params_left: Sequence[Any]
- extra_params_right: Sequence[Any]
- if num_ins_params == len(batch[0]):
- extra_params_left = extra_params_right = ()
- batch_iterator = batch
- else:
- extra_params_left = batch[0][:expand_pos_lower_index]
- extra_params_right = batch[0][expand_pos_upper_index:]
- batch_iterator = (
- b[expand_pos_lower_index:expand_pos_upper_index]
- for b in batch
- )
- if imv.embed_values_counter:
- expanded_values_string = (
- "".join(
- executemany_values_w_comma.replace(
- )
- for i, _ in enumerate(batch)
- )
- )[:-2]
- else:
- expanded_values_string = (
- (executemany_values_w_comma * current_batch_size)
- )[:-2]
- if self._numeric_binds and num_ins_params > 0:
- # numeric will always number the parameters inside of
- # VALUES (and thus order self.positiontup) to be higher
- # than non-VALUES parameters, no matter where in the
- # statement those non-VALUES parameters appear (this is
- # ensured in _process_numeric by numbering first all
- # params that are not in _values_bindparam)
- # therefore all extra params are always
- # on the left side and numbered lower than the VALUES
- # parameters
- assert not extra_params_right
- start = expand_pos_lower_index + 1
- end = num_ins_params * (current_batch_size) + start
- # need to format here, since statement may contain
- # unescaped %, while values_string contains just (%s, %s)
- positions = tuple(
- f"{self._numeric_binds_identifier_char}{i}"
- for i in range(start, end)
- )
- expanded_values_string = expanded_values_string % positions
- replaced_statement = statement.replace(
- "__EXECMANY_TOKEN__", expanded_values_string
- )
- replaced_parameters = tuple(
- itertools.chain.from_iterable(batch_iterator)
- )
- replaced_parameters = (
- extra_params_left
- + replaced_parameters
- + extra_params_right
- )
- else:
- replaced_values_clauses = []
- replaced_parameters = base_parameters.copy()
- for i, param in enumerate(batch):
- fmv = formatted_values_clause.replace(
- "EXECMANY_INDEX__", str(i)
- )
- if imv.embed_values_counter:
- fmv = fmv.replace("_IMV_VALUES_COUNTER", str(i))
- replaced_values_clauses.append(fmv)
- replaced_parameters.update(
- {f"{key}__{i}": param[key] for key in keys_to_replace}
- )
- replaced_statement = statement.replace(
- ", ".join(replaced_values_clauses),
- )
- yield _InsertManyValuesBatch(
- replaced_statement,
- replaced_parameters,
- processed_setinputsizes,
- batch,
- (
- [_sentinel_from_params(cb) for cb in compiled_batch]
- if _sentinel_from_params
- else []
- ),
- current_batch_size,
- batchnum,
- total_batches,
- sort_by_parameter_order,
- False,
- )
- batchnum += 1
- def visit_insert(
- self, insert_stmt, visited_bindparam=None, visiting_cte=None, **kw
- ):
- compile_state = insert_stmt._compile_state_factory(
- insert_stmt, self, **kw
- )
- insert_stmt = compile_state.statement
- if visiting_cte is not None:
- kw["visiting_cte"] = visiting_cte
- toplevel = False
- else:
- toplevel = not self.stack
- if toplevel:
- self.isinsert = True
- if not self.dml_compile_state:
- self.dml_compile_state = compile_state
- if not self.compile_state:
- self.compile_state = compile_state
- self.stack.append(
- {
- "correlate_froms": set(),
- "asfrom_froms": set(),
- "selectable": insert_stmt,
- }
- )
- counted_bindparam = 0
- # reset any incoming "visited_bindparam" collection
- visited_bindparam = None
- # for positional, insertmanyvalues needs to know how many
- # bound parameters are in the VALUES sequence; there's no simple
- # rule because default expressions etc. can have zero or more
- # params inside them. After multiple attempts to figure this out,
- # this very simplistic "count after" works and is
- # likely the least amount of callcounts, though looks clumsy
- if self.positional and visiting_cte is None:
- # if we are inside a CTE, don't count parameters
- # here since they wont be for insertmanyvalues. keep
- # visited_bindparam at None so no counting happens.
- # see #9173
- visited_bindparam = []
- crud_params_struct = crud._get_crud_params(
- self,
- insert_stmt,
- compile_state,
- toplevel,
- visited_bindparam=visited_bindparam,
- **kw,
- )
- if self.positional and visited_bindparam is not None:
- counted_bindparam = len(visited_bindparam)
- if self._numeric_binds:
- if self._values_bindparam is not None:
- self._values_bindparam += visited_bindparam
- else:
- self._values_bindparam = visited_bindparam
- crud_params_single = crud_params_struct.single_params
- if (
- not crud_params_single
- and not self.dialect.supports_default_values
- and not self.dialect.supports_default_metavalue
- and not self.dialect.supports_empty_insert
- ):
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "The '%s' dialect with current database "
- "version settings does not support empty "
- "inserts." %
- )
- if compile_state._has_multi_parameters:
- if not self.dialect.supports_multivalues_insert:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "The '%s' dialect with current database "
- "version settings does not support "
- "in-place multirow inserts." %
- )
- elif (
- self.implicit_returning or insert_stmt._returning
- ) and insert_stmt._sort_by_parameter_order:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "RETURNING cannot be determinstically sorted when "
- "using an INSERT which includes multi-row values()."
- )
- crud_params_single = crud_params_struct.single_params
- else:
- crud_params_single = crud_params_struct.single_params
- preparer = self.preparer
- supports_default_values = self.dialect.supports_default_values
- text = "INSERT "
- if insert_stmt._prefixes:
- text += self._generate_prefixes(
- insert_stmt, insert_stmt._prefixes, **kw
- )
- text += "INTO "
- table_text = preparer.format_table(insert_stmt.table)
- if insert_stmt._hints:
- _, table_text = self._setup_crud_hints(insert_stmt, table_text)
- if insert_stmt._independent_ctes:
- self._dispatch_independent_ctes(insert_stmt, kw)
- text += table_text
- if crud_params_single or not supports_default_values:
- text += " (%s)" % ", ".join(
- [expr for _, expr, _, _ in crud_params_single]
- )
- # look for insertmanyvalues attributes that would have been configured
- # by as it scanned through the columns to be part of the
- use_insertmanyvalues = crud_params_struct.use_insertmanyvalues
- named_sentinel_params: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
- add_sentinel_cols = None
- implicit_sentinel = False
- returning_cols = self.implicit_returning or insert_stmt._returning
- if returning_cols:
- add_sentinel_cols = crud_params_struct.use_sentinel_columns
- if add_sentinel_cols is not None:
- assert use_insertmanyvalues
- # search for the sentinel column explicitly present
- # in the INSERT columns list, and additionally check that
- # this column has a bound parameter name set up that's in the
- # parameter list. If both of these cases are present, it means
- # we will have a client side value for the sentinel in each
- # parameter set.
- _params_by_col = {
- col: param_names
- for col, _, _, param_names in crud_params_single
- }
- named_sentinel_params = []
- for _add_sentinel_col in add_sentinel_cols:
- if _add_sentinel_col not in _params_by_col:
- named_sentinel_params = None
- break
- param_name = self._within_exec_param_key_getter(
- _add_sentinel_col
- )
- if param_name not in _params_by_col[_add_sentinel_col]:
- named_sentinel_params = None
- break
- named_sentinel_params.append(param_name)
- if named_sentinel_params is None:
- # if we are not going to have a client side value for
- # the sentinel in the parameter set, that means it's
- # an autoincrement, an IDENTITY, or a server-side SQL
- # expression like nextval('seqname'). So this is
- # an "implicit" sentinel; we will look for it in
- # only, and then sort on it. For this case on PG,
- # SQL Server we have to use a special INSERT form
- # that guarantees the server side function lines up with
- # the entries in the VALUES.
- if (
- self.dialect.insertmanyvalues_implicit_sentinel
- & InsertmanyvaluesSentinelOpts.ANY_AUTOINCREMENT
- ):
- implicit_sentinel = True
- else:
- # here, we are not using a sentinel at all
- # and we are likely the SQLite dialect.
- # The first add_sentinel_col that we have should not
- # be marked as "insert_sentinel=True". if it was,
- # an error should have been raised in
- # _get_sentinel_column_for_table.
- assert not add_sentinel_cols[0]._insert_sentinel, (
- "sentinel selection rules should have prevented "
- "us from getting here for this dialect"
- )
- # always put the sentinel columns last. even if they are
- # in the returning list already, they will be there twice
- # then.
- returning_cols = list(returning_cols) + list(add_sentinel_cols)
- returning_clause = self.returning_clause(
- insert_stmt,
- returning_cols,
- populate_result_map=toplevel,
- )
- if self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + returning_clause
- else:
- returning_clause = None
- if is not None:
- # placed here by
- select_text = self.process(
- self.stack[-1]["insert_from_select"], insert_into=True, **kw
- )
- if self.ctes and self.dialect.cte_follows_insert:
- nesting_level = len(self.stack) if not toplevel else None
- text += " %s%s" % (
- self._render_cte_clause(
- nesting_level=nesting_level,
- include_following_stack=True,
- ),
- select_text,
- )
- else:
- text += " %s" % select_text
- elif not crud_params_single and supports_default_values:
- text += " DEFAULT VALUES"
- if use_insertmanyvalues:
- self._insertmanyvalues = _InsertManyValues(
- True,
- self.dialect.default_metavalue_token,
- cast(
- "List[crud._CrudParamElementStr]", crud_params_single
- ),
- counted_bindparam,
- sort_by_parameter_order=(
- insert_stmt._sort_by_parameter_order
- ),
- includes_upsert_behaviors=(
- insert_stmt._post_values_clause is not None
- ),
- sentinel_columns=add_sentinel_cols,
- num_sentinel_columns=(
- len(add_sentinel_cols) if add_sentinel_cols else 0
- ),
- implicit_sentinel=implicit_sentinel,
- )
- elif compile_state._has_multi_parameters:
- text += " VALUES %s" % (
- ", ".join(
- "(%s)"
- % (", ".join(value for _, _, value, _ in crud_param_set))
- for crud_param_set in crud_params_struct.all_multi_params
- ),
- )
- else:
- insert_single_values_expr = ", ".join(
- [
- value
- for _, _, value, _ in cast(
- "List[crud._CrudParamElementStr]",
- crud_params_single,
- )
- ]
- )
- if use_insertmanyvalues:
- if (
- implicit_sentinel
- and (
- self.dialect.insertmanyvalues_implicit_sentinel
- & InsertmanyvaluesSentinelOpts.USE_INSERT_FROM_SELECT
- )
- # this is checking if we have
- and not (crud_params_struct.is_default_metavalue_only)
- ):
- # if we have a sentinel column that is server generated,
- # then for selected backends render the VALUES list as a
- # subquery. This is the orderable form supported by
- # PostgreSQL and SQL Server.
- embed_sentinel_value = True
- render_bind_casts = (
- self.dialect.insertmanyvalues_implicit_sentinel
- & InsertmanyvaluesSentinelOpts.RENDER_SELECT_COL_CASTS
- )
- colnames = ", ".join(
- f"p{i}" for i, _ in enumerate(crud_params_single)
- )
- if render_bind_casts:
- # render casts for the SELECT list. For PG, we are
- # already rendering bind casts in the parameter list,
- # selectively for the more "tricky" types like ARRAY.
- # however, even for the "easy" types, if the parameter
- # is NULL for every entry, PG gives up and says
- # "it must be TEXT", which fails for other easy types
- # like ints. So we cast on this side too.
- colnames_w_cast = ", ".join(
- self.render_bind_cast(
- col.type,
- col.type._unwrapped_dialect_impl(self.dialect),
- f"p{i}",
- )
- for i, (col, *_) in enumerate(crud_params_single)
- )
- else:
- colnames_w_cast = colnames
- text += (
- f" SELECT {colnames_w_cast} FROM "
- f"(VALUES ({insert_single_values_expr})) "
- f"AS imp_sen({colnames}, sen_counter) "
- "ORDER BY sen_counter"
- )
- else:
- # otherwise, if no sentinel or backend doesn't support
- # orderable subquery form, use a plain VALUES list
- embed_sentinel_value = False
- text += f" VALUES ({insert_single_values_expr})"
- self._insertmanyvalues = _InsertManyValues(
- is_default_expr=False,
- single_values_expr=insert_single_values_expr,
- insert_crud_params=cast(
- "List[crud._CrudParamElementStr]",
- crud_params_single,
- ),
- num_positional_params_counted=counted_bindparam,
- sort_by_parameter_order=(
- insert_stmt._sort_by_parameter_order
- ),
- includes_upsert_behaviors=(
- insert_stmt._post_values_clause is not None
- ),
- sentinel_columns=add_sentinel_cols,
- num_sentinel_columns=(
- len(add_sentinel_cols) if add_sentinel_cols else 0
- ),
- sentinel_param_keys=named_sentinel_params,
- implicit_sentinel=implicit_sentinel,
- embed_values_counter=embed_sentinel_value,
- )
- else:
- text += f" VALUES ({insert_single_values_expr})"
- if insert_stmt._post_values_clause is not None:
- post_values_clause = self.process(
- insert_stmt._post_values_clause, **kw
- )
- if post_values_clause:
- text += " " + post_values_clause
- if returning_clause and not self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + returning_clause
- if self.ctes and not self.dialect.cte_follows_insert:
- nesting_level = len(self.stack) if not toplevel else None
- text = (
- self._render_cte_clause(
- nesting_level=nesting_level,
- include_following_stack=True,
- )
- + text
- )
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- return text
- def update_limit_clause(self, update_stmt):
- """Provide a hook for MySQL to add LIMIT to the UPDATE"""
- return None
- def update_tables_clause(self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, **kw):
- """Provide a hook to override the initial table clause
- in an UPDATE statement.
- MySQL overrides this.
- """
- kw["asfrom"] = True
- return from_table._compiler_dispatch(self, iscrud=True, **kw)
- def update_from_clause(
- self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw
- ):
- """Provide a hook to override the generation of an
- UPDATE..FROM clause.
- MySQL and MSSQL override this.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "This backend does not support multiple-table "
- "criteria within UPDATE"
- )
- def visit_update(self, update_stmt, visiting_cte=None, **kw):
- compile_state = update_stmt._compile_state_factory(
- update_stmt, self, **kw
- )
- update_stmt = compile_state.statement
- if visiting_cte is not None:
- kw["visiting_cte"] = visiting_cte
- toplevel = False
- else:
- toplevel = not self.stack
- if toplevel:
- self.isupdate = True
- if not self.dml_compile_state:
- self.dml_compile_state = compile_state
- if not self.compile_state:
- self.compile_state = compile_state
- from_linter = FromLinter({}, set())
- warn_linting = self.linting & WARN_LINTING
- if toplevel:
- self.from_linter = from_linter
- else:
- from_linter = None
- warn_linting = False
- extra_froms = compile_state._extra_froms
- is_multitable = bool(extra_froms)
- if is_multitable:
- # main table might be a JOIN
- main_froms = set(_from_objects(update_stmt.table))
- render_extra_froms = [
- f for f in extra_froms if f not in main_froms
- ]
- correlate_froms = main_froms.union(extra_froms)
- else:
- render_extra_froms = []
- correlate_froms = {update_stmt.table}
- self.stack.append(
- {
- "correlate_froms": correlate_froms,
- "asfrom_froms": correlate_froms,
- "selectable": update_stmt,
- }
- )
- text = "UPDATE "
- if update_stmt._prefixes:
- text += self._generate_prefixes(
- update_stmt, update_stmt._prefixes, **kw
- )
- table_text = self.update_tables_clause(
- update_stmt,
- update_stmt.table,
- render_extra_froms,
- from_linter=from_linter,
- **kw,
- )
- crud_params_struct = crud._get_crud_params(
- self, update_stmt, compile_state, toplevel, **kw
- )
- crud_params = crud_params_struct.single_params
- if update_stmt._hints:
- dialect_hints, table_text = self._setup_crud_hints(
- update_stmt, table_text
- )
- else:
- dialect_hints = None
- if update_stmt._independent_ctes:
- self._dispatch_independent_ctes(update_stmt, kw)
- text += table_text
- text += " SET "
- text += ", ".join(
- expr + "=" + value
- for _, expr, value, _ in cast(
- "List[Tuple[Any, str, str, Any]]", crud_params
- )
- )
- if self.implicit_returning or update_stmt._returning:
- if self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + self.returning_clause(
- update_stmt,
- self.implicit_returning or update_stmt._returning,
- populate_result_map=toplevel,
- )
- if extra_froms:
- extra_from_text = self.update_from_clause(
- update_stmt,
- update_stmt.table,
- render_extra_froms,
- dialect_hints,
- from_linter=from_linter,
- **kw,
- )
- if extra_from_text:
- text += " " + extra_from_text
- if update_stmt._where_criteria:
- t = self._generate_delimited_and_list(
- update_stmt._where_criteria, from_linter=from_linter, **kw
- )
- if t:
- text += " WHERE " + t
- limit_clause = self.update_limit_clause(update_stmt)
- if limit_clause:
- text += " " + limit_clause
- if (
- self.implicit_returning or update_stmt._returning
- ) and not self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + self.returning_clause(
- update_stmt,
- self.implicit_returning or update_stmt._returning,
- populate_result_map=toplevel,
- )
- if self.ctes:
- nesting_level = len(self.stack) if not toplevel else None
- text = self._render_cte_clause(nesting_level=nesting_level) + text
- if warn_linting:
- assert from_linter is not None
- from_linter.warn(stmt_type="UPDATE")
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- return text
- def delete_extra_from_clause(
- self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw
- ):
- """Provide a hook to override the generation of an
- DELETE..FROM clause.
- This can be used to implement DELETE..USING for example.
- MySQL and MSSQL override this.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "This backend does not support multiple-table "
- "criteria within DELETE"
- )
- def delete_table_clause(self, delete_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, **kw):
- return from_table._compiler_dispatch(
- self, asfrom=True, iscrud=True, **kw
- )
- def visit_delete(self, delete_stmt, visiting_cte=None, **kw):
- compile_state = delete_stmt._compile_state_factory(
- delete_stmt, self, **kw
- )
- delete_stmt = compile_state.statement
- if visiting_cte is not None:
- kw["visiting_cte"] = visiting_cte
- toplevel = False
- else:
- toplevel = not self.stack
- if toplevel:
- self.isdelete = True
- if not self.dml_compile_state:
- self.dml_compile_state = compile_state
- if not self.compile_state:
- self.compile_state = compile_state
- from_linter = FromLinter({}, set())
- warn_linting = self.linting & WARN_LINTING
- if toplevel:
- self.from_linter = from_linter
- else:
- from_linter = None
- warn_linting = False
- extra_froms = compile_state._extra_froms
- correlate_froms = {delete_stmt.table}.union(extra_froms)
- self.stack.append(
- {
- "correlate_froms": correlate_froms,
- "asfrom_froms": correlate_froms,
- "selectable": delete_stmt,
- }
- )
- text = "DELETE "
- if delete_stmt._prefixes:
- text += self._generate_prefixes(
- delete_stmt, delete_stmt._prefixes, **kw
- )
- text += "FROM "
- try:
- table_text = self.delete_table_clause(
- delete_stmt,
- delete_stmt.table,
- extra_froms,
- from_linter=from_linter,
- )
- except TypeError:
- # anticipate 3rd party dialects that don't include **kw
- # TODO: remove in 2.1
- table_text = self.delete_table_clause(
- delete_stmt, delete_stmt.table, extra_froms
- )
- if from_linter:
- _ = self.process(delete_stmt.table, from_linter=from_linter)
- crud._get_crud_params(self, delete_stmt, compile_state, toplevel, **kw)
- if delete_stmt._hints:
- dialect_hints, table_text = self._setup_crud_hints(
- delete_stmt, table_text
- )
- else:
- dialect_hints = None
- if delete_stmt._independent_ctes:
- self._dispatch_independent_ctes(delete_stmt, kw)
- text += table_text
- if (
- self.implicit_returning or delete_stmt._returning
- ) and self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + self.returning_clause(
- delete_stmt,
- self.implicit_returning or delete_stmt._returning,
- populate_result_map=toplevel,
- )
- if extra_froms:
- extra_from_text = self.delete_extra_from_clause(
- delete_stmt,
- delete_stmt.table,
- extra_froms,
- dialect_hints,
- from_linter=from_linter,
- **kw,
- )
- if extra_from_text:
- text += " " + extra_from_text
- if delete_stmt._where_criteria:
- t = self._generate_delimited_and_list(
- delete_stmt._where_criteria, from_linter=from_linter, **kw
- )
- if t:
- text += " WHERE " + t
- if (
- self.implicit_returning or delete_stmt._returning
- ) and not self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + self.returning_clause(
- delete_stmt,
- self.implicit_returning or delete_stmt._returning,
- populate_result_map=toplevel,
- )
- if self.ctes:
- nesting_level = len(self.stack) if not toplevel else None
- text = self._render_cte_clause(nesting_level=nesting_level) + text
- if warn_linting:
- assert from_linter is not None
- from_linter.warn(stmt_type="DELETE")
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- return text
- def visit_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt, **kw):
- return "SAVEPOINT %s" % self.preparer.format_savepoint(savepoint_stmt)
- def visit_rollback_to_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt, **kw):
- return "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT %s" % self.preparer.format_savepoint(
- savepoint_stmt
- )
- def visit_release_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt, **kw):
- return "RELEASE SAVEPOINT %s" % self.preparer.format_savepoint(
- savepoint_stmt
- )
-class StrSQLCompiler(SQLCompiler):
- """A :class:`.SQLCompiler` subclass which allows a small selection
- of non-standard SQL features to render into a string value.
- The :class:`.StrSQLCompiler` is invoked whenever a Core expression
- element is directly stringified without calling upon the
- :meth:`_expression.ClauseElement.compile` method.
- It can render a limited set
- of non-standard SQL constructs to assist in basic stringification,
- however for more substantial custom or dialect-specific SQL constructs,
- it will be necessary to make use of
- :meth:`_expression.ClauseElement.compile`
- directly.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`faq_sql_expression_string`
- """
- def _fallback_column_name(self, column):
- return "<name unknown>"
- @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.engine.url")
- def visit_unsupported_compilation(self, element, err, **kw):
- if element.stringify_dialect != "default":
- url = util.preloaded.engine_url
- dialect = url.URL.create(element.stringify_dialect).get_dialect()()
- compiler = dialect.statement_compiler(
- dialect, None, _supporting_against=self
- )
- if not isinstance(compiler, StrSQLCompiler):
- return compiler.process(element, **kw)
- return super().visit_unsupported_compilation(element, err)
- def visit_getitem_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- return "%s[%s]" % (
- self.process(binary.left, **kw),
- self.process(binary.right, **kw),
- )
- def visit_json_getitem_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- return self.visit_getitem_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_json_path_getitem_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- return self.visit_getitem_binary(binary, operator, **kw)
- def visit_sequence(self, seq, **kw):
- return "<next sequence value: %s>" % self.preparer.format_sequence(seq)
- def returning_clause(
- self,
- stmt: UpdateBase,
- returning_cols: Sequence[ColumnElement[Any]],
- *,
- populate_result_map: bool,
- **kw: Any,
- ) -> str:
- columns = [
- self._label_select_column(None, c, True, False, {})
- for c in base._select_iterables(returning_cols)
- ]
- return "RETURNING " + ", ".join(columns)
- def update_from_clause(
- self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw
- ):
- kw["asfrom"] = True
- return "FROM " + ", ".join(
- t._compiler_dispatch(self, fromhints=from_hints, **kw)
- for t in extra_froms
- )
- def delete_extra_from_clause(
- self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw
- ):
- kw["asfrom"] = True
- return ", " + ", ".join(
- t._compiler_dispatch(self, fromhints=from_hints, **kw)
- for t in extra_froms
- )
- def visit_empty_set_expr(self, type_, **kw):
- return "SELECT 1 WHERE 1!=1"
- def get_from_hint_text(self, table, text):
- return "[%s]" % text
- def visit_regexp_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- return self._generate_generic_binary(binary, " <regexp> ", **kw)
- def visit_not_regexp_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- return self._generate_generic_binary(binary, " <not regexp> ", **kw)
- def visit_regexp_replace_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw):
- return "<regexp replace>(%s, %s)" % (
- binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- )
- def visit_try_cast(self, cast, **kwargs):
- return "TRY_CAST(%s AS %s)" % (
- cast.clause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs),
- cast.typeclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs),
- )
-class DDLCompiler(Compiled):
- is_ddl = True
- def __init__(
- self,
- dialect: Dialect,
- statement: ExecutableDDLElement,
- schema_translate_map: Optional[SchemaTranslateMapType] = ...,
- render_schema_translate: bool = ...,
- compile_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = ...,
- ): ...
- @util.memoized_property
- def sql_compiler(self):
- return self.dialect.statement_compiler(
- self.dialect, None, schema_translate_map=self.schema_translate_map
- )
- @util.memoized_property
- def type_compiler(self):
- return self.dialect.type_compiler_instance
- def construct_params(
- self,
- params: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None,
- extracted_parameters: Optional[Sequence[BindParameter[Any]]] = None,
- escape_names: bool = True,
- ) -> Optional[_MutableCoreSingleExecuteParams]:
- return None
- def visit_ddl(self, ddl, **kwargs):
- # table events can substitute table and schema name
- context = ddl.context
- if isinstance(, schema.Table):
- context = context.copy()
- preparer = self.preparer
- path = preparer.format_table_seq(
- if len(path) == 1:
- table, sch = path[0], ""
- else:
- table, sch = path[-1], path[0]
- context.setdefault("table", table)
- context.setdefault("schema", sch)
- context.setdefault("fullname", preparer.format_table(
- return self.sql_compiler.post_process_text(ddl.statement % context)
- def visit_create_schema(self, create, **kw):
- text = "CREATE SCHEMA "
- if create.if_not_exists:
- text += "IF NOT EXISTS "
- return text + self.preparer.format_schema(create.element)
- def visit_drop_schema(self, drop, **kw):
- text = "DROP SCHEMA "
- if drop.if_exists:
- text += "IF EXISTS "
- text += self.preparer.format_schema(drop.element)
- if drop.cascade:
- text += " CASCADE"
- return text
- def visit_create_table(self, create, **kw):
- table = create.element
- preparer = self.preparer
- text = "\nCREATE "
- if table._prefixes:
- text += " ".join(table._prefixes) + " "
- text += "TABLE "
- if create.if_not_exists:
- text += "IF NOT EXISTS "
- text += preparer.format_table(table) + " "
- create_table_suffix = self.create_table_suffix(table)
- if create_table_suffix:
- text += create_table_suffix + " "
- text += "("
- separator = "\n"
- # if only one primary key, specify it along with the column
- first_pk = False
- for create_column in create.columns:
- column = create_column.element
- try:
- processed = self.process(
- create_column, first_pk=column.primary_key and not first_pk
- )
- if processed is not None:
- text += separator
- separator = ", \n"
- text += "\t" + processed
- if column.primary_key:
- first_pk = True
- except exc.CompileError as ce:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "(in table '%s', column '%s'): %s"
- % (table.description,, ce.args[0])
- ) from ce
- const = self.create_table_constraints(
- table,
- _include_foreign_key_constraints=create.include_foreign_key_constraints, # noqa
- )
- if const:
- text += separator + "\t" + const
- text += "\n)%s\n\n" % self.post_create_table(table)
- return text
- def visit_create_column(self, create, first_pk=False, **kw):
- column = create.element
- if column.system:
- return None
- text = self.get_column_specification(column, first_pk=first_pk)
- const = " ".join(
- self.process(constraint) for constraint in column.constraints
- )
- if const:
- text += " " + const
- return text
- def create_table_constraints(
- self, table, _include_foreign_key_constraints=None, **kw
- ):
- # On some DB order is significant: visit PK first, then the
- # other constraints (engine.ReflectionTest.testbasic failed on FB2)
- constraints = []
- if table.primary_key:
- constraints.append(table.primary_key)
- all_fkcs = table.foreign_key_constraints
- if _include_foreign_key_constraints is not None:
- omit_fkcs = all_fkcs.difference(_include_foreign_key_constraints)
- else:
- omit_fkcs = set()
- constraints.extend(
- [
- c
- for c in table._sorted_constraints
- if c is not table.primary_key and c not in omit_fkcs
- ]
- )
- return ", \n\t".join(
- p
- for p in (
- self.process(constraint)
- for constraint in constraints
- if (constraint._should_create_for_compiler(self))
- and (
- not self.dialect.supports_alter
- or not getattr(constraint, "use_alter", False)
- )
- )
- if p is not None
- )
- def visit_drop_table(self, drop, **kw):
- text = "\nDROP TABLE "
- if drop.if_exists:
- text += "IF EXISTS "
- return text + self.preparer.format_table(drop.element)
- def visit_drop_view(self, drop, **kw):
- return "\nDROP VIEW " + self.preparer.format_table(drop.element)
- def _verify_index_table(self, index):
- if index.table is None:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Index '%s' is not associated with any table." %
- )
- def visit_create_index(
- self, create, include_schema=False, include_table_schema=True, **kw
- ):
- index = create.element
- self._verify_index_table(index)
- preparer = self.preparer
- text = "CREATE "
- if index.unique:
- text += "UNIQUE "
- if is None:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "CREATE INDEX requires that the index have a name"
- )
- text += "INDEX "
- if create.if_not_exists:
- text += "IF NOT EXISTS "
- text += "%s ON %s (%s)" % (
- self._prepared_index_name(index, include_schema=include_schema),
- preparer.format_table(
- index.table, use_schema=include_table_schema
- ),
- ", ".join(
- self.sql_compiler.process(
- expr, include_table=False, literal_binds=True
- )
- for expr in index.expressions
- ),
- )
- return text
- def visit_drop_index(self, drop, **kw):
- index = drop.element
- if is None:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "DROP INDEX requires that the index have a name"
- )
- text = "\nDROP INDEX "
- if drop.if_exists:
- text += "IF EXISTS "
- return text + self._prepared_index_name(index, include_schema=True)
- def _prepared_index_name(self, index, include_schema=False):
- if index.table is not None:
- effective_schema = self.preparer.schema_for_object(index.table)
- else:
- effective_schema = None
- if include_schema and effective_schema:
- schema_name = self.preparer.quote_schema(effective_schema)
- else:
- schema_name = None
- index_name = self.preparer.format_index(index)
- if schema_name:
- index_name = schema_name + "." + index_name
- return index_name
- def visit_add_constraint(self, create, **kw):
- return "ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s" % (
- self.preparer.format_table(create.element.table),
- self.process(create.element),
- )
- def visit_set_table_comment(self, create, **kw):
- return "COMMENT ON TABLE %s IS %s" % (
- self.preparer.format_table(create.element),
- self.sql_compiler.render_literal_value(
- create.element.comment, sqltypes.String()
- ),
- )
- def visit_drop_table_comment(self, drop, **kw):
- return "COMMENT ON TABLE %s IS NULL" % self.preparer.format_table(
- drop.element
- )
- def visit_set_column_comment(self, create, **kw):
- return "COMMENT ON COLUMN %s IS %s" % (
- self.preparer.format_column(
- create.element, use_table=True, use_schema=True
- ),
- self.sql_compiler.render_literal_value(
- create.element.comment, sqltypes.String()
- ),
- )
- def visit_drop_column_comment(self, drop, **kw):
- return "COMMENT ON COLUMN %s IS NULL" % self.preparer.format_column(
- drop.element, use_table=True
- )
- def visit_set_constraint_comment(self, create, **kw):
- raise exc.UnsupportedCompilationError(self, type(create))
- def visit_drop_constraint_comment(self, drop, **kw):
- raise exc.UnsupportedCompilationError(self, type(drop))
- def get_identity_options(self, identity_options):
- text = []
- if identity_options.increment is not None:
- text.append("INCREMENT BY %d" % identity_options.increment)
- if identity_options.start is not None:
- text.append("START WITH %d" % identity_options.start)
- if identity_options.minvalue is not None:
- text.append("MINVALUE %d" % identity_options.minvalue)
- if identity_options.maxvalue is not None:
- text.append("MAXVALUE %d" % identity_options.maxvalue)
- if identity_options.nominvalue is not None:
- text.append("NO MINVALUE")
- if identity_options.nomaxvalue is not None:
- text.append("NO MAXVALUE")
- if identity_options.cache is not None:
- text.append("CACHE %d" % identity_options.cache)
- if identity_options.cycle is not None:
- text.append("CYCLE" if identity_options.cycle else "NO CYCLE")
- return " ".join(text)
- def visit_create_sequence(self, create, prefix=None, **kw):
- if create.if_not_exists:
- text += "IF NOT EXISTS "
- text += self.preparer.format_sequence(create.element)
- if prefix:
- text += prefix
- options = self.get_identity_options(create.element)
- if options:
- text += " " + options
- return text
- def visit_drop_sequence(self, drop, **kw):
- text = "DROP SEQUENCE "
- if drop.if_exists:
- text += "IF EXISTS "
- return text + self.preparer.format_sequence(drop.element)
- def visit_drop_constraint(self, drop, **kw):
- constraint = drop.element
- if is not None:
- formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- else:
- formatted_name = None
- if formatted_name is None:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Can't emit DROP CONSTRAINT for constraint %r; "
- "it has no name" % drop.element
- )
- return "ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s%s%s" % (
- self.preparer.format_table(drop.element.table),
- "IF EXISTS " if drop.if_exists else "",
- formatted_name,
- " CASCADE" if drop.cascade else "",
- )
- def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs):
- colspec = (
- self.preparer.format_column(column)
- + " "
- + self.dialect.type_compiler_instance.process(
- column.type, type_expression=column
- )
- )
- default = self.get_column_default_string(column)
- if default is not None:
- colspec += " DEFAULT " + default
- if column.computed is not None:
- colspec += " " + self.process(column.computed)
- if (
- column.identity is not None
- and self.dialect.supports_identity_columns
- ):
- colspec += " " + self.process(column.identity)
- if not column.nullable and (
- not column.identity or not self.dialect.supports_identity_columns
- ):
- colspec += " NOT NULL"
- return colspec
- def create_table_suffix(self, table):
- return ""
- def post_create_table(self, table):
- return ""
- def get_column_default_string(self, column):
- if isinstance(column.server_default, schema.DefaultClause):
- return self.render_default_string(column.server_default.arg)
- else:
- return None
- def render_default_string(self, default):
- if isinstance(default, str):
- return self.sql_compiler.render_literal_value(
- default, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE
- )
- else:
- return self.sql_compiler.process(default, literal_binds=True)
- def visit_table_or_column_check_constraint(self, constraint, **kw):
- if constraint.is_column_level:
- return self.visit_column_check_constraint(constraint)
- else:
- return self.visit_check_constraint(constraint)
- def visit_check_constraint(self, constraint, **kw):
- text = ""
- if is not None:
- formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- if formatted_name is not None:
- text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % formatted_name
- text += "CHECK (%s)" % self.sql_compiler.process(
- constraint.sqltext, include_table=False, literal_binds=True
- )
- text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint)
- return text
- def visit_column_check_constraint(self, constraint, **kw):
- text = ""
- if is not None:
- formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- if formatted_name is not None:
- text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % formatted_name
- text += "CHECK (%s)" % self.sql_compiler.process(
- constraint.sqltext, include_table=False, literal_binds=True
- )
- text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint)
- return text
- def visit_primary_key_constraint(self, constraint, **kw):
- if len(constraint) == 0:
- return ""
- text = ""
- if is not None:
- formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- if formatted_name is not None:
- text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % formatted_name
- text += "PRIMARY KEY "
- text += "(%s)" % ", ".join(
- self.preparer.quote(
- for c in (
- constraint.columns_autoinc_first
- if constraint._implicit_generated
- else constraint.columns
- )
- )
- text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint)
- return text
- def visit_foreign_key_constraint(self, constraint, **kw):
- preparer = self.preparer
- text = ""
- if is not None:
- formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- if formatted_name is not None:
- text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % formatted_name
- remote_table = list(constraint.elements)[0].column.table
- text += "FOREIGN KEY(%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)" % (
- ", ".join(
- preparer.quote( for f in constraint.elements
- ),
- self.define_constraint_remote_table(
- constraint, remote_table, preparer
- ),
- ", ".join(
- preparer.quote( for f in constraint.elements
- ),
- )
- text += self.define_constraint_match(constraint)
- text += self.define_constraint_cascades(constraint)
- text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint)
- return text
- def define_constraint_remote_table(self, constraint, table, preparer):
- """Format the remote table clause of a CREATE CONSTRAINT clause."""
- return preparer.format_table(table)
- def visit_unique_constraint(self, constraint, **kw):
- if len(constraint) == 0:
- return ""
- text = ""
- if is not None:
- formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- if formatted_name is not None:
- text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % formatted_name
- text += "UNIQUE %s(%s)" % (
- self.define_unique_constraint_distinct(constraint, **kw),
- ", ".join(self.preparer.quote( for c in constraint),
- )
- text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint)
- return text
- def define_unique_constraint_distinct(self, constraint, **kw):
- return ""
- def define_constraint_cascades(self, constraint):
- text = ""
- if constraint.ondelete is not None:
- text += " ON DELETE %s" % self.preparer.validate_sql_phrase(
- constraint.ondelete, FK_ON_DELETE
- )
- if constraint.onupdate is not None:
- text += " ON UPDATE %s" % self.preparer.validate_sql_phrase(
- constraint.onupdate, FK_ON_UPDATE
- )
- return text
- def define_constraint_deferrability(self, constraint):
- text = ""
- if constraint.deferrable is not None:
- if constraint.deferrable:
- text += " DEFERRABLE"
- else:
- text += " NOT DEFERRABLE"
- if constraint.initially is not None:
- text += " INITIALLY %s" % self.preparer.validate_sql_phrase(
- constraint.initially, FK_INITIALLY
- )
- return text
- def define_constraint_match(self, constraint):
- text = ""
- if constraint.match is not None:
- text += " MATCH %s" % constraint.match
- return text
- def visit_computed_column(self, generated, **kw):
- text = "GENERATED ALWAYS AS (%s)" % self.sql_compiler.process(
- generated.sqltext, include_table=False, literal_binds=True
- )
- if generated.persisted is True:
- text += " STORED"
- elif generated.persisted is False:
- text += " VIRTUAL"
- return text
- def visit_identity_column(self, identity, **kw):
- text = "GENERATED %s AS IDENTITY" % (
- "ALWAYS" if identity.always else "BY DEFAULT",
- )
- options = self.get_identity_options(identity)
- if options:
- text += " (%s)" % options
- return text
-class GenericTypeCompiler(TypeCompiler):
- def visit_FLOAT(self, type_, **kw):
- return "FLOAT"
- def visit_DOUBLE(self, type_, **kw):
- return "DOUBLE"
- def visit_DOUBLE_PRECISION(self, type_, **kw):
- def visit_REAL(self, type_, **kw):
- return "REAL"
- def visit_NUMERIC(self, type_, **kw):
- if type_.precision is None:
- return "NUMERIC"
- elif type_.scale is None:
- return "NUMERIC(%(precision)s)" % {"precision": type_.precision}
- else:
- return "NUMERIC(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" % {
- "precision": type_.precision,
- "scale": type_.scale,
- }
- def visit_DECIMAL(self, type_, **kw):
- if type_.precision is None:
- return "DECIMAL"
- elif type_.scale is None:
- return "DECIMAL(%(precision)s)" % {"precision": type_.precision}
- else:
- return "DECIMAL(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" % {
- "precision": type_.precision,
- "scale": type_.scale,
- }
- def visit_INTEGER(self, type_, **kw):
- return "INTEGER"
- def visit_SMALLINT(self, type_, **kw):
- return "SMALLINT"
- def visit_BIGINT(self, type_, **kw):
- return "BIGINT"
- def visit_TIMESTAMP(self, type_, **kw):
- return "TIMESTAMP"
- def visit_DATETIME(self, type_, **kw):
- return "DATETIME"
- def visit_DATE(self, type_, **kw):
- return "DATE"
- def visit_TIME(self, type_, **kw):
- return "TIME"
- def visit_CLOB(self, type_, **kw):
- return "CLOB"
- def visit_NCLOB(self, type_, **kw):
- return "NCLOB"
- def _render_string_type(self, type_, name, length_override=None):
- text = name
- if length_override:
- text += "(%d)" % length_override
- elif type_.length:
- text += "(%d)" % type_.length
- if type_.collation:
- text += ' COLLATE "%s"' % type_.collation
- return text
- def visit_CHAR(self, type_, **kw):
- return self._render_string_type(type_, "CHAR")
- def visit_NCHAR(self, type_, **kw):
- return self._render_string_type(type_, "NCHAR")
- def visit_VARCHAR(self, type_, **kw):
- return self._render_string_type(type_, "VARCHAR")
- def visit_NVARCHAR(self, type_, **kw):
- return self._render_string_type(type_, "NVARCHAR")
- def visit_TEXT(self, type_, **kw):
- return self._render_string_type(type_, "TEXT")
- def visit_UUID(self, type_, **kw):
- return "UUID"
- def visit_BLOB(self, type_, **kw):
- return "BLOB"
- def visit_BINARY(self, type_, **kw):
- return "BINARY" + (type_.length and "(%d)" % type_.length or "")
- def visit_VARBINARY(self, type_, **kw):
- return "VARBINARY" + (type_.length and "(%d)" % type_.length or "")
- def visit_BOOLEAN(self, type_, **kw):
- return "BOOLEAN"
- def visit_uuid(self, type_, **kw):
- if not type_.native_uuid or not self.dialect.supports_native_uuid:
- return self._render_string_type(type_, "CHAR", length_override=32)
- else:
- return self.visit_UUID(type_, **kw)
- def visit_large_binary(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_BLOB(type_, **kw)
- def visit_boolean(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_BOOLEAN(type_, **kw)
- def visit_time(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_TIME(type_, **kw)
- def visit_datetime(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_DATETIME(type_, **kw)
- def visit_date(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_DATE(type_, **kw)
- def visit_big_integer(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_BIGINT(type_, **kw)
- def visit_small_integer(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_SMALLINT(type_, **kw)
- def visit_integer(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_INTEGER(type_, **kw)
- def visit_real(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_REAL(type_, **kw)
- def visit_float(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_FLOAT(type_, **kw)
- def visit_double(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_DOUBLE(type_, **kw)
- def visit_numeric(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_NUMERIC(type_, **kw)
- def visit_string(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_VARCHAR(type_, **kw)
- def visit_unicode(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_VARCHAR(type_, **kw)
- def visit_text(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_TEXT(type_, **kw)
- def visit_unicode_text(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_TEXT(type_, **kw)
- def visit_enum(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.visit_VARCHAR(type_, **kw)
- def visit_null(self, type_, **kw):
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Can't generate DDL for %r; "
- "did you forget to specify a "
- "type on this Column?" % type_
- )
- def visit_type_decorator(self, type_, **kw):
- return self.process(type_.type_engine(self.dialect), **kw)
- def visit_user_defined(self, type_, **kw):
- return type_.get_col_spec(**kw)
-class StrSQLTypeCompiler(GenericTypeCompiler):
- def process(self, type_, **kw):
- try:
- _compiler_dispatch = type_._compiler_dispatch
- except AttributeError:
- return self._visit_unknown(type_, **kw)
- else:
- return _compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- def __getattr__(self, key):
- if key.startswith("visit_"):
- return self._visit_unknown
- else:
- raise AttributeError(key)
- def _visit_unknown(self, type_, **kw):
- if type_.__class__.__name__ == type_.__class__.__name__.upper():
- return type_.__class__.__name__
- else:
- return repr(type_)
- def visit_null(self, type_, **kw):
- return "NULL"
- def visit_user_defined(self, type_, **kw):
- try:
- get_col_spec = type_.get_col_spec
- except AttributeError:
- return repr(type_)
- else:
- return get_col_spec(**kw)
-class _SchemaForObjectCallable(Protocol):
- def __call__(self, obj: Any) -> str: ...
-class _BindNameForColProtocol(Protocol):
- def __call__(self, col: ColumnClause[Any]) -> str: ...
-class IdentifierPreparer:
- """Handle quoting and case-folding of identifiers based on options."""
- reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS
- legal_characters = LEGAL_CHARACTERS
- illegal_initial_characters = ILLEGAL_INITIAL_CHARACTERS
- initial_quote: str
- final_quote: str
- _strings: MutableMapping[str, str]
- schema_for_object: _SchemaForObjectCallable = operator.attrgetter("schema")
- """Return the .schema attribute for an object.
- For the default IdentifierPreparer, the schema for an object is always
- the value of the ".schema" attribute. if the preparer is replaced
- with one that has a non-empty schema_translate_map, the value of the
- ".schema" attribute is rendered a symbol that will be converted to a
- real schema name from the mapping post-compile.
- """
- _includes_none_schema_translate: bool = False
- def __init__(
- self,
- dialect,
- initial_quote='"',
- final_quote=None,
- escape_quote='"',
- quote_case_sensitive_collations=True,
- omit_schema=False,
- ):
- """Construct a new ``IdentifierPreparer`` object.
- initial_quote
- Character that begins a delimited identifier.
- final_quote
- Character that ends a delimited identifier. Defaults to
- `initial_quote`.
- omit_schema
- Prevent prepending schema name. Useful for databases that do
- not support schemae.
- """
- self.dialect = dialect
- self.initial_quote = initial_quote
- self.final_quote = final_quote or self.initial_quote
- self.escape_quote = escape_quote
- self.escape_to_quote = self.escape_quote * 2
- self.omit_schema = omit_schema
- self.quote_case_sensitive_collations = quote_case_sensitive_collations
- self._strings = {}
- self._double_percents = self.dialect.paramstyle in (
- "format",
- "pyformat",
- )
- def _with_schema_translate(self, schema_translate_map):
- prep = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
- prep.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
- includes_none = None in schema_translate_map
- def symbol_getter(obj):
- name = obj.schema
- if obj._use_schema_map and (name is not None or includes_none):
- if name is not None and ("[" in name or "]" in name):
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Square bracket characters ([]) not supported "
- "in schema translate name '%s'" % name
- )
- return quoted_name(
- "__[SCHEMA_%s]" % (name or "_none"), quote=False
- )
- else:
- return obj.schema
- prep.schema_for_object = symbol_getter
- prep._includes_none_schema_translate = includes_none
- return prep
- def _render_schema_translates(self, statement, schema_translate_map):
- d = schema_translate_map
- if None in d:
- if not self._includes_none_schema_translate:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "schema translate map which previously did not have "
- "`None` present as a key now has `None` present; compiled "
- "statement may lack adequate placeholders. Please use "
- "consistent keys in successive "
- "schema_translate_map dictionaries."
- )
- d["_none"] = d[None]
- def replace(m):
- name =
- if name in d:
- effective_schema = d[name]
- else:
- if name in (None, "_none"):
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "schema translate map which previously had `None` "
- "present as a key now no longer has it present; don't "
- "know how to apply schema for compiled statement. "
- "Please use consistent keys in successive "
- "schema_translate_map dictionaries."
- )
- effective_schema = name
- if not effective_schema:
- effective_schema = self.dialect.default_schema_name
- if not effective_schema:
- # TODO: no coverage here
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Dialect has no default schema name; can't "
- "use None as dynamic schema target."
- )
- return self.quote_schema(effective_schema)
- return re.sub(r"(__\[SCHEMA_([^\]]+)\])", replace, statement)
- def _escape_identifier(self, value: str) -> str:
- """Escape an identifier.
- Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent
- escaping behavior.
- """
- value = value.replace(self.escape_quote, self.escape_to_quote)
- if self._double_percents:
- value = value.replace("%", "%%")
- return value
- def _unescape_identifier(self, value: str) -> str:
- """Canonicalize an escaped identifier.
- Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent
- unescaping behavior that reverses _escape_identifier.
- """
- return value.replace(self.escape_to_quote, self.escape_quote)
- def validate_sql_phrase(self, element, reg):
- """keyword sequence filter.
- a filter for elements that are intended to represent keyword sequences,
- such as "INITIALLY", "INITIALLY DEFERRED", etc. no special characters
- should be present.
- .. versionadded:: 1.3
- """
- if element is not None and not reg.match(element):
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Unexpected SQL phrase: %r (matching against %r)"
- % (element, reg.pattern)
- )
- return element
- def quote_identifier(self, value: str) -> str:
- """Quote an identifier.
- Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent
- quoting behavior.
- """
- return (
- self.initial_quote
- + self._escape_identifier(value)
- + self.final_quote
- )
- def _requires_quotes(self, value: str) -> bool:
- """Return True if the given identifier requires quoting."""
- lc_value = value.lower()
- return (
- lc_value in self.reserved_words
- or value[0] in self.illegal_initial_characters
- or not self.legal_characters.match(str(value))
- or (lc_value != value)
- )
- def _requires_quotes_illegal_chars(self, value):
- """Return True if the given identifier requires quoting, but
- not taking case convention into account."""
- return not self.legal_characters.match(str(value))
- def quote_schema(self, schema: str, force: Any = None) -> str:
- """Conditionally quote a schema name.
- The name is quoted if it is a reserved word, contains quote-necessary
- characters, or is an instance of :class:`.quoted_name` which includes
- ``quote`` set to ``True``.
- Subclasses can override this to provide database-dependent
- quoting behavior for schema names.
- :param schema: string schema name
- :param force: unused
- .. deprecated:: 0.9
- The :paramref:`.IdentifierPreparer.quote_schema.force`
- parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future
- release. This flag has no effect on the behavior of the
- :meth:`.IdentifierPreparer.quote` method; please refer to
- :class:`.quoted_name`.
- """
- if force is not None:
- # not using the util.deprecated_params() decorator in this
- # case because of the additional function call overhead on this
- # very performance-critical spot.
- util.warn_deprecated(
- "The IdentifierPreparer.quote_schema.force parameter is "
- "deprecated and will be removed in a future release. This "
- "flag has no effect on the behavior of the "
- "IdentifierPreparer.quote method; please refer to "
- "quoted_name().",
- # deprecated 0.9. warning from 1.3
- version="0.9",
- )
- return self.quote(schema)
- def quote(self, ident: str, force: Any = None) -> str:
- """Conditionally quote an identifier.
- The identifier is quoted if it is a reserved word, contains
- quote-necessary characters, or is an instance of
- :class:`.quoted_name` which includes ``quote`` set to ``True``.
- Subclasses can override this to provide database-dependent
- quoting behavior for identifier names.
- :param ident: string identifier
- :param force: unused
- .. deprecated:: 0.9
- The :paramref:`.IdentifierPreparer.quote.force`
- parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future
- release. This flag has no effect on the behavior of the
- :meth:`.IdentifierPreparer.quote` method; please refer to
- :class:`.quoted_name`.
- """
- if force is not None:
- # not using the util.deprecated_params() decorator in this
- # case because of the additional function call overhead on this
- # very performance-critical spot.
- util.warn_deprecated(
- "The IdentifierPreparer.quote.force parameter is "
- "deprecated and will be removed in a future release. This "
- "flag has no effect on the behavior of the "
- "IdentifierPreparer.quote method; please refer to "
- "quoted_name().",
- # deprecated 0.9. warning from 1.3
- version="0.9",
- )
- force = getattr(ident, "quote", None)
- if force is None:
- if ident in self._strings:
- return self._strings[ident]
- else:
- if self._requires_quotes(ident):
- self._strings[ident] = self.quote_identifier(ident)
- else:
- self._strings[ident] = ident
- return self._strings[ident]
- elif force:
- return self.quote_identifier(ident)
- else:
- return ident
- def format_collation(self, collation_name):
- if self.quote_case_sensitive_collations:
- return self.quote(collation_name)
- else:
- return collation_name
- def format_sequence(self, sequence, use_schema=True):
- name = self.quote(
- effective_schema = self.schema_for_object(sequence)
- if (
- not self.omit_schema
- and use_schema
- and effective_schema is not None
- ):
- name = self.quote_schema(effective_schema) + "." + name
- return name
- def format_label(
- self, label: Label[Any], name: Optional[str] = None
- ) -> str:
- return self.quote(name or
- def format_alias(
- self, alias: Optional[AliasedReturnsRows], name: Optional[str] = None
- ) -> str:
- if name is None:
- assert alias is not None
- return self.quote(
- else:
- return self.quote(name)
- def format_savepoint(self, savepoint, name=None):
- # Running the savepoint name through quoting is unnecessary
- # for all known dialects. This is here to support potential
- # third party use cases
- ident = name or savepoint.ident
- if self._requires_quotes(ident):
- ident = self.quote_identifier(ident)
- return ident
- @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.sql.naming")
- def format_constraint(self, constraint, _alembic_quote=True):
- naming = util.preloaded.sql_naming
- if is _NONE_NAME:
- name = naming._constraint_name_for_table(
- constraint, constraint.table
- )
- if name is None:
- return None
- else:
- name =
- if constraint.__visit_name__ == "index":
- return self.truncate_and_render_index_name(
- name, _alembic_quote=_alembic_quote
- )
- else:
- return self.truncate_and_render_constraint_name(
- name, _alembic_quote=_alembic_quote
- )
- def truncate_and_render_index_name(self, name, _alembic_quote=True):
- # calculate these at format time so that ad-hoc changes
- # to dialect.max_identifier_length etc. can be reflected
- # as IdentifierPreparer is long lived
- max_ = (
- self.dialect.max_index_name_length
- or self.dialect.max_identifier_length
- )
- return self._truncate_and_render_maxlen_name(
- name, max_, _alembic_quote
- )
- def truncate_and_render_constraint_name(self, name, _alembic_quote=True):
- # calculate these at format time so that ad-hoc changes
- # to dialect.max_identifier_length etc. can be reflected
- # as IdentifierPreparer is long lived
- max_ = (
- self.dialect.max_constraint_name_length
- or self.dialect.max_identifier_length
- )
- return self._truncate_and_render_maxlen_name(
- name, max_, _alembic_quote
- )
- def _truncate_and_render_maxlen_name(self, name, max_, _alembic_quote):
- if isinstance(name, elements._truncated_label):
- if len(name) > max_:
- name = name[0 : max_ - 8] + "_" + util.md5_hex(name)[-4:]
- else:
- self.dialect.validate_identifier(name)
- if not _alembic_quote:
- return name
- else:
- return self.quote(name)
- def format_index(self, index):
- return self.format_constraint(index)
- def format_table(self, table, use_schema=True, name=None):
- """Prepare a quoted table and schema name."""
- if name is None:
- name =
- result = self.quote(name)
- effective_schema = self.schema_for_object(table)
- if not self.omit_schema and use_schema and effective_schema:
- result = self.quote_schema(effective_schema) + "." + result
- return result
- def format_schema(self, name):
- """Prepare a quoted schema name."""
- return self.quote(name)
- def format_label_name(
- self,
- name,
- anon_map=None,
- ):
- """Prepare a quoted column name."""
- if anon_map is not None and isinstance(
- name, elements._truncated_label
- ):
- name = name.apply_map(anon_map)
- return self.quote(name)
- def format_column(
- self,
- column,
- use_table=False,
- name=None,
- table_name=None,
- use_schema=False,
- anon_map=None,
- ):
- """Prepare a quoted column name."""
- if name is None:
- name =
- if anon_map is not None and isinstance(
- name, elements._truncated_label
- ):
- name = name.apply_map(anon_map)
- if not getattr(column, "is_literal", False):
- if use_table:
- return (
- self.format_table(
- column.table, use_schema=use_schema, name=table_name
- )
- + "."
- + self.quote(name)
- )
- else:
- return self.quote(name)
- else:
- # literal textual elements get stuck into ColumnClause a lot,
- # which shouldn't get quoted
- if use_table:
- return (
- self.format_table(
- column.table, use_schema=use_schema, name=table_name
- )
- + "."
- + name
- )
- else:
- return name
- def format_table_seq(self, table, use_schema=True):
- """Format table name and schema as a tuple."""
- # Dialects with more levels in their fully qualified references
- # ('database', 'owner', etc.) could override this and return
- # a longer sequence.
- effective_schema = self.schema_for_object(table)
- if not self.omit_schema and use_schema and effective_schema:
- return (
- self.quote_schema(effective_schema),
- self.format_table(table, use_schema=False),
- )
- else:
- return (self.format_table(table, use_schema=False),)
- @util.memoized_property
- def _r_identifiers(self):
- initial, final, escaped_final = (
- re.escape(s)
- for s in (
- self.initial_quote,
- self.final_quote,
- self._escape_identifier(self.final_quote),
- )
- )
- r = re.compile(
- r"(?:"
- r"(?:%(initial)s((?:%(escaped)s|[^%(final)s])+)%(final)s"
- r"|([^\.]+))(?=\.|$))+"
- % {"initial": initial, "final": final, "escaped": escaped_final}
- )
- return r
- def unformat_identifiers(self, identifiers):
- """Unpack 'schema.table.column'-like strings into components."""
- r = self._r_identifiers
- return [
- self._unescape_identifier(i)
- for i in [a or b for a, b in r.findall(identifiers)]
- ]