path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/
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-# engine/
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
-# <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License:
-"""Defines :class:`_engine.Connection` and :class:`_engine.Engine`.
-from __future__ import annotations
-import contextlib
-import sys
-import typing
-from typing import Any
-from typing import Callable
-from typing import cast
-from typing import Iterable
-from typing import Iterator
-from typing import List
-from typing import Mapping
-from typing import NoReturn
-from typing import Optional
-from typing import overload
-from typing import Tuple
-from typing import Type
-from typing import TypeVar
-from typing import Union
-from .interfaces import BindTyping
-from .interfaces import ConnectionEventsTarget
-from .interfaces import DBAPICursor
-from .interfaces import ExceptionContext
-from .interfaces import ExecuteStyle
-from .interfaces import ExecutionContext
-from .interfaces import IsolationLevel
-from .util import _distill_params_20
-from .util import _distill_raw_params
-from .util import TransactionalContext
-from .. import exc
-from .. import inspection
-from .. import log
-from .. import util
-from ..sql import compiler
-from ..sql import util as sql_util
-if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
- from . import CursorResult
- from . import ScalarResult
- from .interfaces import _AnyExecuteParams
- from .interfaces import _AnyMultiExecuteParams
- from .interfaces import _CoreAnyExecuteParams
- from .interfaces import _CoreMultiExecuteParams
- from .interfaces import _CoreSingleExecuteParams
- from .interfaces import _DBAPIAnyExecuteParams
- from .interfaces import _DBAPISingleExecuteParams
- from .interfaces import _ExecuteOptions
- from .interfaces import CompiledCacheType
- from .interfaces import CoreExecuteOptionsParameter
- from .interfaces import Dialect
- from .interfaces import SchemaTranslateMapType
- from .reflection import Inspector # noqa
- from .url import URL
- from ..event import dispatcher
- from ..log import _EchoFlagType
- from ..pool import _ConnectionFairy
- from ..pool import Pool
- from ..pool import PoolProxiedConnection
- from ..sql import Executable
- from ..sql._typing import _InfoType
- from ..sql.compiler import Compiled
- from ..sql.ddl import ExecutableDDLElement
- from ..sql.ddl import SchemaDropper
- from ..sql.ddl import SchemaGenerator
- from ..sql.functions import FunctionElement
- from ..sql.schema import DefaultGenerator
- from ..sql.schema import HasSchemaAttr
- from ..sql.schema import SchemaItem
- from ..sql.selectable import TypedReturnsRows
-_T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Any)
-NO_OPTIONS: Mapping[str, Any] = util.EMPTY_DICT
-class Connection(ConnectionEventsTarget, inspection.Inspectable["Inspector"]):
- """Provides high-level functionality for a wrapped DB-API connection.
- The :class:`_engine.Connection` object is procured by calling the
- :meth:`_engine.Engine.connect` method of the :class:`_engine.Engine`
- object, and provides services for execution of SQL statements as well
- as transaction control.
- The Connection object is **not** thread-safe. While a Connection can be
- shared among threads using properly synchronized access, it is still
- possible that the underlying DBAPI connection may not support shared
- access between threads. Check the DBAPI documentation for details.
- The Connection object represents a single DBAPI connection checked out
- from the connection pool. In this state, the connection pool has no
- affect upon the connection, including its expiration or timeout state.
- For the connection pool to properly manage connections, connections
- should be returned to the connection pool (i.e. ``connection.close()``)
- whenever the connection is not in use.
- .. index::
- single: thread safety; Connection
- """
- dialect: Dialect
- dispatch: dispatcher[ConnectionEventsTarget]
- _sqla_logger_namespace = "sqlalchemy.engine.Connection"
- # used by sqlalchemy.engine.util.TransactionalContext
- _trans_context_manager: Optional[TransactionalContext] = None
- # legacy as of 2.0, should be eventually deprecated and
- # removed. was used in the "pre_ping" recipe that's been in the docs
- # a long time
- should_close_with_result = False
- _dbapi_connection: Optional[PoolProxiedConnection]
- _execution_options: _ExecuteOptions
- _transaction: Optional[RootTransaction]
- _nested_transaction: Optional[NestedTransaction]
- def __init__(
- self,
- engine: Engine,
- connection: Optional[PoolProxiedConnection] = None,
- _has_events: Optional[bool] = None,
- _allow_revalidate: bool = True,
- _allow_autobegin: bool = True,
- ):
- """Construct a new Connection."""
- self.engine = engine
- self.dialect = dialect = engine.dialect
- if connection is None:
- try:
- self._dbapi_connection = engine.raw_connection()
- except dialect.loaded_dbapi.Error as err:
- Connection._handle_dbapi_exception_noconnection(
- err, dialect, engine
- )
- raise
- else:
- self._dbapi_connection = connection
- self._transaction = self._nested_transaction = None
- self.__savepoint_seq = 0
- self.__in_begin = False
- self.__can_reconnect = _allow_revalidate
- self._allow_autobegin = _allow_autobegin
- self._echo = self.engine._should_log_info()
- if _has_events is None:
- # if _has_events is sent explicitly as False,
- # then don't join the dispatch of the engine; we don't
- # want to handle any of the engine's events in that case.
- self.dispatch = self.dispatch._join(engine.dispatch)
- self._has_events = _has_events or (
- _has_events is None and engine._has_events
- )
- self._execution_options = engine._execution_options
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.engine_connect(self)
- @util.memoized_property
- def _message_formatter(self) -> Any:
- if "logging_token" in self._execution_options:
- token = self._execution_options["logging_token"]
- return lambda msg: "[%s] %s" % (token, msg)
- else:
- return None
- def _log_info(self, message: str, *arg: Any, **kw: Any) -> None:
- fmt = self._message_formatter
- if fmt:
- message = fmt(message)
- if log.STACKLEVEL:
- kw["stacklevel"] = 1 + log.STACKLEVEL_OFFSET
-, *arg, **kw)
- def _log_debug(self, message: str, *arg: Any, **kw: Any) -> None:
- fmt = self._message_formatter
- if fmt:
- message = fmt(message)
- if log.STACKLEVEL:
- kw["stacklevel"] = 1 + log.STACKLEVEL_OFFSET
- self.engine.logger.debug(message, *arg, **kw)
- @property
- def _schema_translate_map(self) -> Optional[SchemaTranslateMapType]:
- schema_translate_map: Optional[SchemaTranslateMapType] = (
- self._execution_options.get("schema_translate_map", None)
- )
- return schema_translate_map
- def schema_for_object(self, obj: HasSchemaAttr) -> Optional[str]:
- """Return the schema name for the given schema item taking into
- account current schema translate map.
- """
- name = obj.schema
- schema_translate_map: Optional[SchemaTranslateMapType] = (
- self._execution_options.get("schema_translate_map", None)
- )
- if (
- schema_translate_map
- and name in schema_translate_map
- and obj._use_schema_map
- ):
- return schema_translate_map[name]
- else:
- return name
- def __enter__(self) -> Connection:
- return self
- def __exit__(self, type_: Any, value: Any, traceback: Any) -> None:
- self.close()
- @overload
- def execution_options(
- self,
- *,
- compiled_cache: Optional[CompiledCacheType] = ...,
- logging_token: str = ...,
- isolation_level: IsolationLevel = ...,
- no_parameters: bool = False,
- stream_results: bool = False,
- max_row_buffer: int = ...,
- yield_per: int = ...,
- insertmanyvalues_page_size: int = ...,
- schema_translate_map: Optional[SchemaTranslateMapType] = ...,
- preserve_rowcount: bool = False,
- **opt: Any,
- ) -> Connection: ...
- @overload
- def execution_options(self, **opt: Any) -> Connection: ...
- def execution_options(self, **opt: Any) -> Connection:
- r"""Set non-SQL options for the connection which take effect
- during execution.
- This method modifies this :class:`_engine.Connection` **in-place**;
- the return value is the same :class:`_engine.Connection` object
- upon which the method is called. Note that this is in contrast
- to the behavior of the ``execution_options`` methods on other
- objects such as :meth:`_engine.Engine.execution_options` and
- :meth:`_sql.Executable.execution_options`. The rationale is that many
- such execution options necessarily modify the state of the base
- DBAPI connection in any case so there is no feasible means of
- keeping the effect of such an option localized to a "sub" connection.
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0 The :meth:`_engine.Connection.execution_options`
- method, in contrast to other objects with this method, modifies
- the connection in-place without creating copy of it.
- As discussed elsewhere, the :meth:`_engine.Connection.execution_options`
- method accepts any arbitrary parameters including user defined names.
- All parameters given are consumable in a number of ways including
- by using the :meth:`_engine.Connection.get_execution_options` method.
- See the examples at :meth:`_sql.Executable.execution_options`
- and :meth:`_engine.Engine.execution_options`.
- The keywords that are currently recognized by SQLAlchemy itself
- include all those listed under :meth:`.Executable.execution_options`,
- as well as others that are specific to :class:`_engine.Connection`.
- :param compiled_cache: Available on: :class:`_engine.Connection`,
- :class:`_engine.Engine`.
- A dictionary where :class:`.Compiled` objects
- will be cached when the :class:`_engine.Connection`
- compiles a clause
- expression into a :class:`.Compiled` object. This dictionary will
- supersede the statement cache that may be configured on the
- :class:`_engine.Engine` itself. If set to None, caching
- is disabled, even if the engine has a configured cache size.
- Note that the ORM makes use of its own "compiled" caches for
- some operations, including flush operations. The caching
- used by the ORM internally supersedes a cache dictionary
- specified here.
- :param logging_token: Available on: :class:`_engine.Connection`,
- :class:`_engine.Engine`, :class:`_sql.Executable`.
- Adds the specified string token surrounded by brackets in log
- messages logged by the connection, i.e. the logging that's enabled
- either via the :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.echo` flag or via the
- ``logging.getLogger("sqlalchemy.engine")`` logger. This allows a
- per-connection or per-sub-engine token to be available which is
- useful for debugging concurrent connection scenarios.
- .. versionadded:: 1.4.0b2
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`dbengine_logging_tokens` - usage example
- :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.logging_name` - adds a name to the
- name used by the Python logger object itself.
- :param isolation_level: Available on: :class:`_engine.Connection`,
- :class:`_engine.Engine`.
- Set the transaction isolation level for the lifespan of this
- :class:`_engine.Connection` object.
- Valid values include those string
- values accepted by the :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.isolation_level`
- parameter passed to :func:`_sa.create_engine`. These levels are
- semi-database specific; see individual dialect documentation for
- valid levels.
- The isolation level option applies the isolation level by emitting
- statements on the DBAPI connection, and **necessarily affects the
- original Connection object overall**. The isolation level will remain
- at the given setting until explicitly changed, or when the DBAPI
- connection itself is :term:`released` to the connection pool, i.e. the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.close` method is called, at which time an
- event handler will emit additional statements on the DBAPI connection
- in order to revert the isolation level change.
- .. note:: The ``isolation_level`` execution option may only be
- established before the :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin` method is
- called, as well as before any SQL statements are emitted which
- would otherwise trigger "autobegin", or directly after a call to
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.commit` or
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.rollback`. A database cannot change the
- isolation level on a transaction in progress.
- .. note:: The ``isolation_level`` execution option is implicitly
- reset if the :class:`_engine.Connection` is invalidated, e.g. via
- the :meth:`_engine.Connection.invalidate` method, or if a
- disconnection error occurs. The new connection produced after the
- invalidation will **not** have the selected isolation level
- re-applied to it automatically.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`dbapi_autocommit`
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.get_isolation_level`
- - view current actual level
- :param no_parameters: Available on: :class:`_engine.Connection`,
- :class:`_sql.Executable`.
- When ``True``, if the final parameter
- list or dictionary is totally empty, will invoke the
- statement on the cursor as ``cursor.execute(statement)``,
- not passing the parameter collection at all.
- Some DBAPIs such as psycopg2 and mysql-python consider
- percent signs as significant only when parameters are
- present; this option allows code to generate SQL
- containing percent signs (and possibly other characters)
- that is neutral regarding whether it's executed by the DBAPI
- or piped into a script that's later invoked by
- command line tools.
- :param stream_results: Available on: :class:`_engine.Connection`,
- :class:`_sql.Executable`.
- Indicate to the dialect that results should be
- "streamed" and not pre-buffered, if possible. For backends
- such as PostgreSQL, MySQL and MariaDB, this indicates the use of
- a "server side cursor" as opposed to a client side cursor.
- Other backends such as that of Oracle may already use server
- side cursors by default.
- The usage of
- :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.stream_results` is
- usually combined with setting a fixed number of rows to to be fetched
- in batches, to allow for efficient iteration of database rows while
- at the same time not loading all result rows into memory at once;
- this can be configured on a :class:`_engine.Result` object using the
- :meth:`_engine.Result.yield_per` method, after execution has
- returned a new :class:`_engine.Result`. If
- :meth:`_engine.Result.yield_per` is not used,
- the :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.stream_results`
- mode of operation will instead use a dynamically sized buffer
- which buffers sets of rows at a time, growing on each batch
- based on a fixed growth size up until a limit which may
- be configured using the
- :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.max_row_buffer`
- parameter.
- When using the ORM to fetch ORM mapped objects from a result,
- :meth:`_engine.Result.yield_per` should always be used with
- :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.stream_results`,
- so that the ORM does not fetch all rows into new ORM objects at once.
- For typical use, the
- :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.yield_per` execution
- option should be preferred, which sets up both
- :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.stream_results` and
- :meth:`_engine.Result.yield_per` at once. This option is supported
- both at a core level by :class:`_engine.Connection` as well as by the
- ORM :class:`_engine.Session`; the latter is described at
- :ref:`orm_queryguide_yield_per`.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`engine_stream_results` - background on
- :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.stream_results`
- :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.max_row_buffer`
- :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.yield_per`
- :ref:`orm_queryguide_yield_per` - in the :ref:`queryguide_toplevel`
- describing the ORM version of ``yield_per``
- :param max_row_buffer: Available on: :class:`_engine.Connection`,
- :class:`_sql.Executable`. Sets a maximum
- buffer size to use when the
- :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.stream_results`
- execution option is used on a backend that supports server side
- cursors. The default value if not specified is 1000.
- .. seealso::
- :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.stream_results`
- :ref:`engine_stream_results`
- :param yield_per: Available on: :class:`_engine.Connection`,
- :class:`_sql.Executable`. Integer value applied which will
- set the :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.stream_results`
- execution option and invoke :meth:`_engine.Result.yield_per`
- automatically at once. Allows equivalent functionality as
- is present when using this parameter with the ORM.
- .. versionadded:: 1.4.40
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`engine_stream_results` - background and examples
- on using server side cursors with Core.
- :ref:`orm_queryguide_yield_per` - in the :ref:`queryguide_toplevel`
- describing the ORM version of ``yield_per``
- :param insertmanyvalues_page_size: Available on: :class:`_engine.Connection`,
- :class:`_engine.Engine`. Number of rows to format into an
- INSERT statement when the statement uses "insertmanyvalues" mode,
- which is a paged form of bulk insert that is used for many backends
- when using :term:`executemany` execution typically in conjunction
- with RETURNING. Defaults to 1000. May also be modified on a
- per-engine basis using the
- :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.insertmanyvalues_page_size` parameter.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`engine_insertmanyvalues`
- :param schema_translate_map: Available on: :class:`_engine.Connection`,
- :class:`_engine.Engine`, :class:`_sql.Executable`.
- A dictionary mapping schema names to schema names, that will be
- applied to the :paramref:`_schema.Table.schema` element of each
- :class:`_schema.Table`
- encountered when SQL or DDL expression elements
- are compiled into strings; the resulting schema name will be
- converted based on presence in the map of the original name.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`schema_translating`
- :param preserve_rowcount: Boolean; when True, the ``cursor.rowcount``
- attribute will be unconditionally memoized within the result and
- made available via the :attr:`.CursorResult.rowcount` attribute.
- Normally, this attribute is only preserved for UPDATE and DELETE
- statements. Using this option, the DBAPIs rowcount value can
- be accessed for other kinds of statements such as INSERT and SELECT,
- to the degree that the DBAPI supports these statements. See
- :attr:`.CursorResult.rowcount` for notes regarding the behavior
- of this attribute.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0.28
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Engine.execution_options`
- :meth:`.Executable.execution_options`
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.get_execution_options`
- :ref:`orm_queryguide_execution_options` - documentation on all
- ORM-specific execution options
- """ # noqa
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.set_connection_execution_options(self, opt)
- self._execution_options = self._execution_options.union(opt)
- self.dialect.set_connection_execution_options(self, opt)
- return self
- def get_execution_options(self) -> _ExecuteOptions:
- """Get the non-SQL options which will take effect during execution.
- .. versionadded:: 1.3
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.execution_options`
- """
- return self._execution_options
- @property
- def _still_open_and_dbapi_connection_is_valid(self) -> bool:
- pool_proxied_connection = self._dbapi_connection
- return (
- pool_proxied_connection is not None
- and pool_proxied_connection.is_valid
- )
- @property
- def closed(self) -> bool:
- """Return True if this connection is closed."""
- return self._dbapi_connection is None and not self.__can_reconnect
- @property
- def invalidated(self) -> bool:
- """Return True if this connection was invalidated.
- This does not indicate whether or not the connection was
- invalidated at the pool level, however
- """
- # prior to 1.4, "invalid" was stored as a state independent of
- # "closed", meaning an invalidated connection could be "closed",
- # the _dbapi_connection would be None and closed=True, yet the
- # "invalid" flag would stay True. This meant that there were
- # three separate states (open/valid, closed/valid, closed/invalid)
- # when there is really no reason for that; a connection that's
- # "closed" does not need to be "invalid". So the state is now
- # represented by the two facts alone.
- pool_proxied_connection = self._dbapi_connection
- return pool_proxied_connection is None and self.__can_reconnect
- @property
- def connection(self) -> PoolProxiedConnection:
- """The underlying DB-API connection managed by this Connection.
- This is a SQLAlchemy connection-pool proxied connection
- which then has the attribute
- :attr:`_pool._ConnectionFairy.dbapi_connection` that refers to the
- actual driver connection.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`dbapi_connections`
- """
- if self._dbapi_connection is None:
- try:
- return self._revalidate_connection()
- except (exc.PendingRollbackError, exc.ResourceClosedError):
- raise
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- else:
- return self._dbapi_connection
- def get_isolation_level(self) -> IsolationLevel:
- """Return the current **actual** isolation level that's present on
- the database within the scope of this connection.
- This attribute will perform a live SQL operation against the database
- in order to procure the current isolation level, so the value returned
- is the actual level on the underlying DBAPI connection regardless of
- how this state was set. This will be one of the four actual isolation
- ``SERIALIZABLE``. It will **not** include the ``AUTOCOMMIT`` isolation
- level setting. Third party dialects may also feature additional
- isolation level settings.
- .. note:: This method **will not report** on the ``AUTOCOMMIT``
- isolation level, which is a separate :term:`dbapi` setting that's
- independent of **actual** isolation level. When ``AUTOCOMMIT`` is
- in use, the database connection still has a "traditional" isolation
- mode in effect, that is typically one of the four values
- Compare to the :attr:`_engine.Connection.default_isolation_level`
- accessor which returns the isolation level that is present on the
- database at initial connection time.
- .. seealso::
- :attr:`_engine.Connection.default_isolation_level`
- - view default level
- :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.isolation_level`
- - set per :class:`_engine.Engine` isolation level
- :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level`
- - set per :class:`_engine.Connection` isolation level
- """
- dbapi_connection = self.connection.dbapi_connection
- assert dbapi_connection is not None
- try:
- return self.dialect.get_isolation_level(dbapi_connection)
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- @property
- def default_isolation_level(self) -> Optional[IsolationLevel]:
- """The initial-connection time isolation level associated with the
- :class:`_engine.Dialect` in use.
- This value is independent of the
- :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` and
- :paramref:`.Engine.execution_options.isolation_level` execution
- options, and is determined by the :class:`_engine.Dialect` when the
- first connection is created, by performing a SQL query against the
- database for the current isolation level before any additional commands
- have been emitted.
- Calling this accessor does not invoke any new SQL queries.
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.get_isolation_level`
- - view current actual isolation level
- :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.isolation_level`
- - set per :class:`_engine.Engine` isolation level
- :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level`
- - set per :class:`_engine.Connection` isolation level
- """
- return self.dialect.default_isolation_level
- def _invalid_transaction(self) -> NoReturn:
- raise exc.PendingRollbackError(
- "Can't reconnect until invalid %stransaction is rolled "
- "back. Please rollback() fully before proceeding"
- % ("savepoint " if self._nested_transaction is not None else ""),
- code="8s2b",
- )
- def _revalidate_connection(self) -> PoolProxiedConnection:
- if self.__can_reconnect and self.invalidated:
- if self._transaction is not None:
- self._invalid_transaction()
- self._dbapi_connection = self.engine.raw_connection()
- return self._dbapi_connection
- raise exc.ResourceClosedError("This Connection is closed")
- @property
- def info(self) -> _InfoType:
- """Info dictionary associated with the underlying DBAPI connection
- referred to by this :class:`_engine.Connection`, allowing user-defined
- data to be associated with the connection.
- The data here will follow along with the DBAPI connection including
- after it is returned to the connection pool and used again
- in subsequent instances of :class:`_engine.Connection`.
- """
- return
- def invalidate(self, exception: Optional[BaseException] = None) -> None:
- """Invalidate the underlying DBAPI connection associated with
- this :class:`_engine.Connection`.
- An attempt will be made to close the underlying DBAPI connection
- immediately; however if this operation fails, the error is logged
- but not raised. The connection is then discarded whether or not
- close() succeeded.
- Upon the next use (where "use" typically means using the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.execute` method or similar),
- this :class:`_engine.Connection` will attempt to
- procure a new DBAPI connection using the services of the
- :class:`_pool.Pool` as a source of connectivity (e.g.
- a "reconnection").
- If a transaction was in progress (e.g. the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin` method has been called) when
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.invalidate` method is called, at the DBAPI
- level all state associated with this transaction is lost, as
- the DBAPI connection is closed. The :class:`_engine.Connection`
- will not allow a reconnection to proceed until the
- :class:`.Transaction` object is ended, by calling the
- :meth:`.Transaction.rollback` method; until that point, any attempt at
- continuing to use the :class:`_engine.Connection` will raise an
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError`.
- This is to prevent applications from accidentally
- continuing an ongoing transactional operations despite the
- fact that the transaction has been lost due to an
- invalidation.
- The :meth:`_engine.Connection.invalidate` method,
- just like auto-invalidation,
- will at the connection pool level invoke the
- :meth:`_events.PoolEvents.invalidate` event.
- :param exception: an optional ``Exception`` instance that's the
- reason for the invalidation. is passed along to event handlers
- and logging functions.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`pool_connection_invalidation`
- """
- if self.invalidated:
- return
- if self.closed:
- raise exc.ResourceClosedError("This Connection is closed")
- if self._still_open_and_dbapi_connection_is_valid:
- pool_proxied_connection = self._dbapi_connection
- assert pool_proxied_connection is not None
- pool_proxied_connection.invalidate(exception)
- self._dbapi_connection = None
- def detach(self) -> None:
- """Detach the underlying DB-API connection from its connection pool.
- E.g.::
- with engine.connect() as conn:
- conn.detach()
- conn.execute(text("SET search_path TO schema1, schema2"))
- # work with connection
- # connection is fully closed (since we used "with:", can
- # also call .close())
- This :class:`_engine.Connection` instance will remain usable.
- When closed
- (or exited from a context manager context as above),
- the DB-API connection will be literally closed and not
- returned to its originating pool.
- This method can be used to insulate the rest of an application
- from a modified state on a connection (such as a transaction
- isolation level or similar).
- """
- if self.closed:
- raise exc.ResourceClosedError("This Connection is closed")
- pool_proxied_connection = self._dbapi_connection
- if pool_proxied_connection is None:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Can't detach an invalidated Connection"
- )
- pool_proxied_connection.detach()
- def _autobegin(self) -> None:
- if self._allow_autobegin and not self.__in_begin:
- self.begin()
- def begin(self) -> RootTransaction:
- """Begin a transaction prior to autobegin occurring.
- E.g.::
- with engine.connect() as conn:
- with conn.begin() as trans:
- conn.execute(table.insert(), {"username": "sandy"})
- The returned object is an instance of :class:`_engine.RootTransaction`.
- This object represents the "scope" of the transaction,
- which completes when either the :meth:`_engine.Transaction.rollback`
- or :meth:`_engine.Transaction.commit` method is called; the object
- also works as a context manager as illustrated above.
- The :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin` method begins a
- transaction that normally will be begun in any case when the connection
- is first used to execute a statement. The reason this method might be
- used would be to invoke the :meth:`_events.ConnectionEvents.begin`
- event at a specific time, or to organize code within the scope of a
- connection checkout in terms of context managed blocks, such as::
- with engine.connect() as conn:
- with conn.begin():
- conn.execute(...)
- conn.execute(...)
- with conn.begin():
- conn.execute(...)
- conn.execute(...)
- The above code is not fundamentally any different in its behavior than
- the following code which does not use
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin`; the below style is known
- as "commit as you go" style::
- with engine.connect() as conn:
- conn.execute(...)
- conn.execute(...)
- conn.commit()
- conn.execute(...)
- conn.execute(...)
- conn.commit()
- From a database point of view, the :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin`
- method does not emit any SQL or change the state of the underlying
- DBAPI connection in any way; the Python DBAPI does not have any
- concept of explicit transaction begin.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`tutorial_working_with_transactions` - in the
- :ref:`unified_tutorial`
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested` - use a SAVEPOINT
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_twophase` -
- use a two phase /XID transaction
- :meth:`_engine.Engine.begin` - context manager available from
- :class:`_engine.Engine`
- """
- if self._transaction is None:
- self._transaction = RootTransaction(self)
- return self._transaction
- else:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "This connection has already initialized a SQLAlchemy "
- "Transaction() object via begin() or autobegin; can't "
- "call begin() here unless rollback() or commit() "
- "is called first."
- )
- def begin_nested(self) -> NestedTransaction:
- """Begin a nested transaction (i.e. SAVEPOINT) and return a transaction
- handle that controls the scope of the SAVEPOINT.
- E.g.::
- with engine.begin() as connection:
- with connection.begin_nested():
- connection.execute(table.insert(), {"username": "sandy"})
- The returned object is an instance of
- :class:`_engine.NestedTransaction`, which includes transactional
- methods :meth:`_engine.NestedTransaction.commit` and
- :meth:`_engine.NestedTransaction.rollback`; for a nested transaction,
- these methods correspond to the operations "RELEASE SAVEPOINT <name>"
- and "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT <name>". The name of the savepoint is local
- to the :class:`_engine.NestedTransaction` object and is generated
- automatically. Like any other :class:`_engine.Transaction`, the
- :class:`_engine.NestedTransaction` may be used as a context manager as
- illustrated above which will "release" or "rollback" corresponding to
- if the operation within the block were successful or raised an
- exception.
- Nested transactions require SAVEPOINT support in the underlying
- database, else the behavior is undefined. SAVEPOINT is commonly used to
- run operations within a transaction that may fail, while continuing the
- outer transaction. E.g.::
- from sqlalchemy import exc
- with engine.begin() as connection:
- trans = connection.begin_nested()
- try:
- connection.execute(table.insert(), {"username": "sandy"})
- trans.commit()
- except exc.IntegrityError: # catch for duplicate username
- trans.rollback() # rollback to savepoint
- # outer transaction continues
- connection.execute( ... )
- If :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested` is called without first
- calling :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin` or
- :meth:`_engine.Engine.begin`, the :class:`_engine.Connection` object
- will "autobegin" the outer transaction first. This outer transaction
- may be committed using "commit-as-you-go" style, e.g.::
- with engine.connect() as connection: # begin() wasn't called
- with connection.begin_nested(): will auto-"begin()" first
- connection.execute( ... )
- # savepoint is released
- connection.execute( ... )
- # explicitly commit outer transaction
- connection.commit()
- # can continue working with connection here
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested` will now participate
- in the connection "autobegin" behavior that is new as of
- 2.0 / "future" style connections in 1.4.
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin`
- :ref:`session_begin_nested` - ORM support for SAVEPOINT
- """
- if self._transaction is None:
- self._autobegin()
- return NestedTransaction(self)
- def begin_twophase(self, xid: Optional[Any] = None) -> TwoPhaseTransaction:
- """Begin a two-phase or XA transaction and return a transaction
- handle.
- The returned object is an instance of :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction`,
- which in addition to the methods provided by
- :class:`.Transaction`, also provides a
- :meth:`~.TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare` method.
- :param xid: the two phase transaction id. If not supplied, a
- random id will be generated.
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin`
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_twophase`
- """
- if self._transaction is not None:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Cannot start a two phase transaction when a transaction "
- "is already in progress."
- )
- if xid is None:
- xid = self.engine.dialect.create_xid()
- return TwoPhaseTransaction(self, xid)
- def commit(self) -> None:
- """Commit the transaction that is currently in progress.
- This method commits the current transaction if one has been started.
- If no transaction was started, the method has no effect, assuming
- the connection is in a non-invalidated state.
- A transaction is begun on a :class:`_engine.Connection` automatically
- whenever a statement is first executed, or when the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin` method is called.
- .. note:: The :meth:`_engine.Connection.commit` method only acts upon
- the primary database transaction that is linked to the
- :class:`_engine.Connection` object. It does not operate upon a
- SAVEPOINT that would have been invoked from the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested` method; for control of a
- SAVEPOINT, call :meth:`_engine.NestedTransaction.commit` on the
- :class:`_engine.NestedTransaction` that is returned by the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested` method itself.
- """
- if self._transaction:
- self._transaction.commit()
- def rollback(self) -> None:
- """Roll back the transaction that is currently in progress.
- This method rolls back the current transaction if one has been started.
- If no transaction was started, the method has no effect. If a
- transaction was started and the connection is in an invalidated state,
- the transaction is cleared using this method.
- A transaction is begun on a :class:`_engine.Connection` automatically
- whenever a statement is first executed, or when the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin` method is called.
- .. note:: The :meth:`_engine.Connection.rollback` method only acts
- upon the primary database transaction that is linked to the
- :class:`_engine.Connection` object. It does not operate upon a
- SAVEPOINT that would have been invoked from the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested` method; for control of a
- SAVEPOINT, call :meth:`_engine.NestedTransaction.rollback` on the
- :class:`_engine.NestedTransaction` that is returned by the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested` method itself.
- """
- if self._transaction:
- self._transaction.rollback()
- def recover_twophase(self) -> List[Any]:
- return self.engine.dialect.do_recover_twophase(self)
- def rollback_prepared(self, xid: Any, recover: bool = False) -> None:
- self.engine.dialect.do_rollback_twophase(self, xid, recover=recover)
- def commit_prepared(self, xid: Any, recover: bool = False) -> None:
- self.engine.dialect.do_commit_twophase(self, xid, recover=recover)
- def in_transaction(self) -> bool:
- """Return True if a transaction is in progress."""
- return self._transaction is not None and self._transaction.is_active
- def in_nested_transaction(self) -> bool:
- """Return True if a transaction is in progress."""
- return (
- self._nested_transaction is not None
- and self._nested_transaction.is_active
- )
- def _is_autocommit_isolation(self) -> bool:
- opt_iso = self._execution_options.get("isolation_level", None)
- return bool(
- opt_iso == "AUTOCOMMIT"
- or (
- opt_iso is None
- and self.engine.dialect._on_connect_isolation_level
- )
- )
- def _get_required_transaction(self) -> RootTransaction:
- trans = self._transaction
- if trans is None:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError("connection is not in a transaction")
- return trans
- def _get_required_nested_transaction(self) -> NestedTransaction:
- trans = self._nested_transaction
- if trans is None:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "connection is not in a nested transaction"
- )
- return trans
- def get_transaction(self) -> Optional[RootTransaction]:
- """Return the current root transaction in progress, if any.
- .. versionadded:: 1.4
- """
- return self._transaction
- def get_nested_transaction(self) -> Optional[NestedTransaction]:
- """Return the current nested transaction in progress, if any.
- .. versionadded:: 1.4
- """
- return self._nested_transaction
- def _begin_impl(self, transaction: RootTransaction) -> None:
- if self._echo:
- if self._is_autocommit_isolation():
- self._log_info(
- "BEGIN (implicit; DBAPI should not BEGIN due to "
- "autocommit mode)"
- )
- else:
- self._log_info("BEGIN (implicit)")
- self.__in_begin = True
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.begin(self)
- try:
- self.engine.dialect.do_begin(self.connection)
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- finally:
- self.__in_begin = False
- def _rollback_impl(self) -> None:
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.rollback(self)
- if self._still_open_and_dbapi_connection_is_valid:
- if self._echo:
- if self._is_autocommit_isolation():
- self._log_info(
- "ROLLBACK using DBAPI connection.rollback(), "
- "DBAPI should ignore due to autocommit mode"
- )
- else:
- self._log_info("ROLLBACK")
- try:
- self.engine.dialect.do_rollback(self.connection)
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- def _commit_impl(self) -> None:
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.commit(self)
- if self._echo:
- if self._is_autocommit_isolation():
- self._log_info(
- "COMMIT using DBAPI connection.commit(), "
- "DBAPI should ignore due to autocommit mode"
- )
- else:
- self._log_info("COMMIT")
- try:
- self.engine.dialect.do_commit(self.connection)
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- def _savepoint_impl(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.savepoint(self, name)
- if name is None:
- self.__savepoint_seq += 1
- name = "sa_savepoint_%s" % self.__savepoint_seq
- self.engine.dialect.do_savepoint(self, name)
- return name
- def _rollback_to_savepoint_impl(self, name: str) -> None:
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.rollback_savepoint(self, name, None)
- if self._still_open_and_dbapi_connection_is_valid:
- self.engine.dialect.do_rollback_to_savepoint(self, name)
- def _release_savepoint_impl(self, name: str) -> None:
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.release_savepoint(self, name, None)
- self.engine.dialect.do_release_savepoint(self, name)
- def _begin_twophase_impl(self, transaction: TwoPhaseTransaction) -> None:
- if self._echo:
- self._log_info("BEGIN TWOPHASE (implicit)")
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.begin_twophase(self, transaction.xid)
- self.__in_begin = True
- try:
- self.engine.dialect.do_begin_twophase(self, transaction.xid)
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- finally:
- self.__in_begin = False
- def _prepare_twophase_impl(self, xid: Any) -> None:
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.prepare_twophase(self, xid)
- assert isinstance(self._transaction, TwoPhaseTransaction)
- try:
- self.engine.dialect.do_prepare_twophase(self, xid)
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- def _rollback_twophase_impl(self, xid: Any, is_prepared: bool) -> None:
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.rollback_twophase(self, xid, is_prepared)
- if self._still_open_and_dbapi_connection_is_valid:
- assert isinstance(self._transaction, TwoPhaseTransaction)
- try:
- self.engine.dialect.do_rollback_twophase(
- self, xid, is_prepared
- )
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- def _commit_twophase_impl(self, xid: Any, is_prepared: bool) -> None:
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.commit_twophase(self, xid, is_prepared)
- assert isinstance(self._transaction, TwoPhaseTransaction)
- try:
- self.engine.dialect.do_commit_twophase(self, xid, is_prepared)
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- def close(self) -> None:
- """Close this :class:`_engine.Connection`.
- This results in a release of the underlying database
- resources, that is, the DBAPI connection referenced
- internally. The DBAPI connection is typically restored
- back to the connection-holding :class:`_pool.Pool` referenced
- by the :class:`_engine.Engine` that produced this
- :class:`_engine.Connection`. Any transactional state present on
- the DBAPI connection is also unconditionally released via
- the DBAPI connection's ``rollback()`` method, regardless
- of any :class:`.Transaction` object that may be
- outstanding with regards to this :class:`_engine.Connection`.
- This has the effect of also calling :meth:`_engine.Connection.rollback`
- if any transaction is in place.
- After :meth:`_engine.Connection.close` is called, the
- :class:`_engine.Connection` is permanently in a closed state,
- and will allow no further operations.
- """
- if self._transaction:
- self._transaction.close()
- skip_reset = True
- else:
- skip_reset = False
- if self._dbapi_connection is not None:
- conn = self._dbapi_connection
- # as we just closed the transaction, close the connection
- # pool connection without doing an additional reset
- if skip_reset:
- cast("_ConnectionFairy", conn)._close_special(
- transaction_reset=True
- )
- else:
- conn.close()
- # There is a slight chance that conn.close() may have
- # triggered an invalidation here in which case
- # _dbapi_connection would already be None, however usually
- # it will be non-None here and in a "closed" state.
- self._dbapi_connection = None
- self.__can_reconnect = False
- @overload
- def scalar(
- self,
- statement: TypedReturnsRows[Tuple[_T]],
- parameters: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None,
- *,
- execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None,
- ) -> Optional[_T]: ...
- @overload
- def scalar(
- self,
- statement: Executable,
- parameters: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None,
- *,
- execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None,
- ) -> Any: ...
- def scalar(
- self,
- statement: Executable,
- parameters: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None,
- *,
- execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None,
- ) -> Any:
- r"""Executes a SQL statement construct and returns a scalar object.
- This method is shorthand for invoking the
- :meth:`_engine.Result.scalar` method after invoking the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.execute` method. Parameters are equivalent.
- :return: a scalar Python value representing the first column of the
- first row returned.
- """
- distilled_parameters = _distill_params_20(parameters)
- try:
- meth = statement._execute_on_scalar
- except AttributeError as err:
- raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(statement) from err
- else:
- return meth(
- self,
- distilled_parameters,
- execution_options or NO_OPTIONS,
- )
- @overload
- def scalars(
- self,
- statement: TypedReturnsRows[Tuple[_T]],
- parameters: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None,
- *,
- execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None,
- ) -> ScalarResult[_T]: ...
- @overload
- def scalars(
- self,
- statement: Executable,
- parameters: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None,
- *,
- execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None,
- ) -> ScalarResult[Any]: ...
- def scalars(
- self,
- statement: Executable,
- parameters: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None,
- *,
- execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None,
- ) -> ScalarResult[Any]:
- """Executes and returns a scalar result set, which yields scalar values
- from the first column of each row.
- This method is equivalent to calling :meth:`_engine.Connection.execute`
- to receive a :class:`_result.Result` object, then invoking the
- :meth:`_result.Result.scalars` method to produce a
- :class:`_result.ScalarResult` instance.
- :return: a :class:`_result.ScalarResult`
- .. versionadded:: 1.4.24
- """
- return self.execute(
- statement, parameters, execution_options=execution_options
- ).scalars()
- @overload
- def execute(
- self,
- statement: TypedReturnsRows[_T],
- parameters: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None,
- *,
- execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None,
- ) -> CursorResult[_T]: ...
- @overload
- def execute(
- self,
- statement: Executable,
- parameters: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None,
- *,
- execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None,
- ) -> CursorResult[Any]: ...
- def execute(
- self,
- statement: Executable,
- parameters: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None,
- *,
- execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None,
- ) -> CursorResult[Any]:
- r"""Executes a SQL statement construct and returns a
- :class:`_engine.CursorResult`.
- :param statement: The statement to be executed. This is always
- an object that is in both the :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` and
- :class:`_expression.Executable` hierarchies, including:
- * :class:`_expression.Select`
- * :class:`_expression.Insert`, :class:`_expression.Update`,
- :class:`_expression.Delete`
- * :class:`_expression.TextClause` and
- :class:`_expression.TextualSelect`
- * :class:`_schema.DDL` and objects which inherit from
- :class:`_schema.ExecutableDDLElement`
- :param parameters: parameters which will be bound into the statement.
- This may be either a dictionary of parameter names to values,
- or a mutable sequence (e.g. a list) of dictionaries. When a
- list of dictionaries is passed, the underlying statement execution
- will make use of the DBAPI ``cursor.executemany()`` method.
- When a single dictionary is passed, the DBAPI ``cursor.execute()``
- method will be used.
- :param execution_options: optional dictionary of execution options,
- which will be associated with the statement execution. This
- dictionary can provide a subset of the options that are accepted
- by :meth:`_engine.Connection.execution_options`.
- :return: a :class:`_engine.Result` object.
- """
- distilled_parameters = _distill_params_20(parameters)
- try:
- meth = statement._execute_on_connection
- except AttributeError as err:
- raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(statement) from err
- else:
- return meth(
- self,
- distilled_parameters,
- execution_options or NO_OPTIONS,
- )
- def _execute_function(
- self,
- func: FunctionElement[Any],
- distilled_parameters: _CoreMultiExecuteParams,
- execution_options: CoreExecuteOptionsParameter,
- ) -> CursorResult[Any]:
- """Execute a sql.FunctionElement object."""
- return self._execute_clauseelement(
-, distilled_parameters, execution_options
- )
- def _execute_default(
- self,
- default: DefaultGenerator,
- distilled_parameters: _CoreMultiExecuteParams,
- execution_options: CoreExecuteOptionsParameter,
- ) -> Any:
- """Execute a schema.ColumnDefault object."""
- execution_options = self._execution_options.merge_with(
- execution_options
- )
- event_multiparams: Optional[_CoreMultiExecuteParams]
- event_params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams]
- # note for event handlers, the "distilled parameters" which is always
- # a list of dicts is broken out into separate "multiparams" and
- # "params" collections, which allows the handler to distinguish
- # between an executemany and execute style set of parameters.
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- (
- default,
- distilled_parameters,
- event_multiparams,
- event_params,
- ) = self._invoke_before_exec_event(
- default, distilled_parameters, execution_options
- )
- else:
- event_multiparams = event_params = None
- try:
- conn = self._dbapi_connection
- if conn is None:
- conn = self._revalidate_connection()
- dialect = self.dialect
- ctx = dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_default(
- dialect, self, conn, execution_options
- )
- except (exc.PendingRollbackError, exc.ResourceClosedError):
- raise
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- ret = ctx._exec_default(None, default, None)
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.after_execute(
- self,
- default,
- event_multiparams,
- event_params,
- execution_options,
- ret,
- )
- return ret
- def _execute_ddl(
- self,
- ddl: ExecutableDDLElement,
- distilled_parameters: _CoreMultiExecuteParams,
- execution_options: CoreExecuteOptionsParameter,
- ) -> CursorResult[Any]:
- """Execute a schema.DDL object."""
- exec_opts = ddl._execution_options.merge_with(
- self._execution_options, execution_options
- )
- event_multiparams: Optional[_CoreMultiExecuteParams]
- event_params: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams]
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- (
- ddl,
- distilled_parameters,
- event_multiparams,
- event_params,
- ) = self._invoke_before_exec_event(
- ddl, distilled_parameters, exec_opts
- )
- else:
- event_multiparams = event_params = None
- schema_translate_map = exec_opts.get("schema_translate_map", None)
- dialect = self.dialect
- compiled = ddl.compile(
- dialect=dialect, schema_translate_map=schema_translate_map
- )
- ret = self._execute_context(
- dialect,
- dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_ddl,
- compiled,
- None,
- exec_opts,
- compiled,
- )
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.after_execute(
- self,
- ddl,
- event_multiparams,
- event_params,
- exec_opts,
- ret,
- )
- return ret
- def _invoke_before_exec_event(
- self,
- elem: Any,
- distilled_params: _CoreMultiExecuteParams,
- execution_options: _ExecuteOptions,
- ) -> Tuple[
- Any,
- _CoreMultiExecuteParams,
- _CoreMultiExecuteParams,
- _CoreSingleExecuteParams,
- ]:
- event_multiparams: _CoreMultiExecuteParams
- event_params: _CoreSingleExecuteParams
- if len(distilled_params) == 1:
- event_multiparams, event_params = [], distilled_params[0]
- else:
- event_multiparams, event_params = distilled_params, {}
- for fn in self.dispatch.before_execute:
- elem, event_multiparams, event_params = fn(
- self,
- elem,
- event_multiparams,
- event_params,
- execution_options,
- )
- if event_multiparams:
- distilled_params = list(event_multiparams)
- if event_params:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Event handler can't return non-empty multiparams "
- "and params at the same time"
- )
- elif event_params:
- distilled_params = [event_params]
- else:
- distilled_params = []
- return elem, distilled_params, event_multiparams, event_params
- def _execute_clauseelement(
- self,
- elem: Executable,
- distilled_parameters: _CoreMultiExecuteParams,
- execution_options: CoreExecuteOptionsParameter,
- ) -> CursorResult[Any]:
- """Execute a sql.ClauseElement object."""
- execution_options = elem._execution_options.merge_with(
- self._execution_options, execution_options
- )
- has_events = self._has_events or self.engine._has_events
- if has_events:
- (
- elem,
- distilled_parameters,
- event_multiparams,
- event_params,
- ) = self._invoke_before_exec_event(
- elem, distilled_parameters, execution_options
- )
- if distilled_parameters:
- # ensure we don't retain a link to the view object for keys()
- # which links to the values, which we don't want to cache
- keys = sorted(distilled_parameters[0])
- for_executemany = len(distilled_parameters) > 1
- else:
- keys = []
- for_executemany = False
- dialect = self.dialect
- schema_translate_map = execution_options.get(
- "schema_translate_map", None
- )
- compiled_cache: Optional[CompiledCacheType] = execution_options.get(
- "compiled_cache", self.engine._compiled_cache
- )
- compiled_sql, extracted_params, cache_hit = elem._compile_w_cache(
- dialect=dialect,
- compiled_cache=compiled_cache,
- column_keys=keys,
- for_executemany=for_executemany,
- schema_translate_map=schema_translate_map,
- linting=self.dialect.compiler_linting | compiler.WARN_LINTING,
- )
- ret = self._execute_context(
- dialect,
- dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_compiled,
- compiled_sql,
- distilled_parameters,
- execution_options,
- compiled_sql,
- distilled_parameters,
- elem,
- extracted_params,
- cache_hit=cache_hit,
- )
- if has_events:
- self.dispatch.after_execute(
- self,
- elem,
- event_multiparams,
- event_params,
- execution_options,
- ret,
- )
- return ret
- def _execute_compiled(
- self,
- compiled: Compiled,
- distilled_parameters: _CoreMultiExecuteParams,
- execution_options: CoreExecuteOptionsParameter = _EMPTY_EXECUTION_OPTS,
- ) -> CursorResult[Any]:
- """Execute a sql.Compiled object.
- TODO: why do we have this? likely deprecate or remove
- """
- execution_options = compiled.execution_options.merge_with(
- self._execution_options, execution_options
- )
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- (
- compiled,
- distilled_parameters,
- event_multiparams,
- event_params,
- ) = self._invoke_before_exec_event(
- compiled, distilled_parameters, execution_options
- )
- dialect = self.dialect
- ret = self._execute_context(
- dialect,
- dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_compiled,
- compiled,
- distilled_parameters,
- execution_options,
- compiled,
- distilled_parameters,
- None,
- None,
- )
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.after_execute(
- self,
- compiled,
- event_multiparams,
- event_params,
- execution_options,
- ret,
- )
- return ret
- def exec_driver_sql(
- self,
- statement: str,
- parameters: Optional[_DBAPIAnyExecuteParams] = None,
- execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None,
- ) -> CursorResult[Any]:
- r"""Executes a string SQL statement on the DBAPI cursor directly,
- without any SQL compilation steps.
- This can be used to pass any string directly to the
- ``cursor.execute()`` method of the DBAPI in use.
- :param statement: The statement str to be executed. Bound parameters
- must use the underlying DBAPI's paramstyle, such as "qmark",
- "pyformat", "format", etc.
- :param parameters: represent bound parameter values to be used in the
- execution. The format is one of: a dictionary of named parameters,
- a tuple of positional parameters, or a list containing either
- dictionaries or tuples for multiple-execute support.
- :return: a :class:`_engine.CursorResult`.
- E.g. multiple dictionaries::
- conn.exec_driver_sql(
- "INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (%(id)s, %(value)s)",
- [{"id":1, "value":"v1"}, {"id":2, "value":"v2"}]
- )
- Single dictionary::
- conn.exec_driver_sql(
- "INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (%(id)s, %(value)s)",
- dict(id=1, value="v1")
- )
- Single tuple::
- conn.exec_driver_sql(
- "INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (?, ?)",
- (1, 'v1')
- )
- .. note:: The :meth:`_engine.Connection.exec_driver_sql` method does
- not participate in the
- :meth:`_events.ConnectionEvents.before_execute` and
- :meth:`_events.ConnectionEvents.after_execute` events. To
- intercept calls to :meth:`_engine.Connection.exec_driver_sql`, use
- :meth:`_events.ConnectionEvents.before_cursor_execute` and
- :meth:`_events.ConnectionEvents.after_cursor_execute`.
- .. seealso::
- :pep:`249`
- """
- distilled_parameters = _distill_raw_params(parameters)
- execution_options = self._execution_options.merge_with(
- execution_options
- )
- dialect = self.dialect
- ret = self._execute_context(
- dialect,
- dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_statement,
- statement,
- None,
- execution_options,
- statement,
- distilled_parameters,
- )
- return ret
- def _execute_context(
- self,
- dialect: Dialect,
- constructor: Callable[..., ExecutionContext],
- statement: Union[str, Compiled],
- parameters: Optional[_AnyMultiExecuteParams],
- execution_options: _ExecuteOptions,
- *args: Any,
- **kw: Any,
- ) -> CursorResult[Any]:
- """Create an :class:`.ExecutionContext` and execute, returning
- a :class:`_engine.CursorResult`."""
- if execution_options:
- yp = execution_options.get("yield_per", None)
- if yp:
- execution_options = execution_options.union(
- {"stream_results": True, "max_row_buffer": yp}
- )
- try:
- conn = self._dbapi_connection
- if conn is None:
- conn = self._revalidate_connection()
- context = constructor(
- dialect, self, conn, execution_options, *args, **kw
- )
- except (exc.PendingRollbackError, exc.ResourceClosedError):
- raise
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(
- e, str(statement), parameters, None, None
- )
- if (
- self._transaction
- and not self._transaction.is_active
- or (
- self._nested_transaction
- and not self._nested_transaction.is_active
- )
- ):
- self._invalid_transaction()
- elif self._trans_context_manager:
- TransactionalContext._trans_ctx_check(self)
- if self._transaction is None:
- self._autobegin()
- context.pre_exec()
- if context.execute_style is ExecuteStyle.INSERTMANYVALUES:
- return self._exec_insertmany_context(dialect, context)
- else:
- return self._exec_single_context(
- dialect, context, statement, parameters
- )
- def _exec_single_context(
- self,
- dialect: Dialect,
- context: ExecutionContext,
- statement: Union[str, Compiled],
- parameters: Optional[_AnyMultiExecuteParams],
- ) -> CursorResult[Any]:
- """continue the _execute_context() method for a single DBAPI
- cursor.execute() or cursor.executemany() call.
- """
- if dialect.bind_typing is BindTyping.SETINPUTSIZES:
- generic_setinputsizes = context._prepare_set_input_sizes()
- if generic_setinputsizes:
- try:
- dialect.do_set_input_sizes(
- context.cursor, generic_setinputsizes, context
- )
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(
- e, str(statement), parameters, None, context
- )
- cursor, str_statement, parameters = (
- context.cursor,
- context.statement,
- context.parameters,
- )
- effective_parameters: Optional[_AnyExecuteParams]
- if not context.executemany:
- effective_parameters = parameters[0]
- else:
- effective_parameters = parameters
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- for fn in self.dispatch.before_cursor_execute:
- str_statement, effective_parameters = fn(
- self,
- cursor,
- str_statement,
- effective_parameters,
- context,
- context.executemany,
- )
- if self._echo:
- self._log_info(str_statement)
- stats = context._get_cache_stats()
- if not self.engine.hide_parameters:
- self._log_info(
- "[%s] %r",
- stats,
- sql_util._repr_params(
- effective_parameters,
- batches=10,
- ismulti=context.executemany,
- ),
- )
- else:
- self._log_info(
- "[%s] [SQL parameters hidden due to hide_parameters=True]",
- stats,
- )
- evt_handled: bool = False
- try:
- if context.execute_style is ExecuteStyle.EXECUTEMANY:
- effective_parameters = cast(
- "_CoreMultiExecuteParams", effective_parameters
- )
- if self.dialect._has_events:
- for fn in self.dialect.dispatch.do_executemany:
- if fn(
- cursor,
- str_statement,
- effective_parameters,
- context,
- ):
- evt_handled = True
- break
- if not evt_handled:
- self.dialect.do_executemany(
- cursor,
- str_statement,
- effective_parameters,
- context,
- )
- elif not effective_parameters and context.no_parameters:
- if self.dialect._has_events:
- for fn in self.dialect.dispatch.do_execute_no_params:
- if fn(cursor, str_statement, context):
- evt_handled = True
- break
- if not evt_handled:
- self.dialect.do_execute_no_params(
- cursor, str_statement, context
- )
- else:
- effective_parameters = cast(
- "_CoreSingleExecuteParams", effective_parameters
- )
- if self.dialect._has_events:
- for fn in self.dialect.dispatch.do_execute:
- if fn(
- cursor,
- str_statement,
- effective_parameters,
- context,
- ):
- evt_handled = True
- break
- if not evt_handled:
- self.dialect.do_execute(
- cursor, str_statement, effective_parameters, context
- )
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.after_cursor_execute(
- self,
- cursor,
- str_statement,
- effective_parameters,
- context,
- context.executemany,
- )
- context.post_exec()
- result = context._setup_result_proxy()
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(
- e, str_statement, effective_parameters, cursor, context
- )
- return result
- def _exec_insertmany_context(
- self,
- dialect: Dialect,
- context: ExecutionContext,
- ) -> CursorResult[Any]:
- """continue the _execute_context() method for an "insertmanyvalues"
- operation, which will invoke DBAPI
- cursor.execute() one or more times with individual log and
- event hook calls.
- """
- if dialect.bind_typing is BindTyping.SETINPUTSIZES:
- generic_setinputsizes = context._prepare_set_input_sizes()
- else:
- generic_setinputsizes = None
- cursor, str_statement, parameters = (
- context.cursor,
- context.statement,
- context.parameters,
- )
- effective_parameters = parameters
- engine_events = self._has_events or self.engine._has_events
- if self.dialect._has_events:
- do_execute_dispatch: Iterable[Any] = (
- self.dialect.dispatch.do_execute
- )
- else:
- do_execute_dispatch = ()
- if self._echo:
- stats = context._get_cache_stats() + " (insertmanyvalues)"
- preserve_rowcount = context.execution_options.get(
- "preserve_rowcount", False
- )
- rowcount = 0
- for imv_batch in dialect._deliver_insertmanyvalues_batches(
- cursor,
- str_statement,
- effective_parameters,
- generic_setinputsizes,
- context,
- ):
- if imv_batch.processed_setinputsizes:
- try:
- dialect.do_set_input_sizes(
- context.cursor,
- imv_batch.processed_setinputsizes,
- context,
- )
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(
- e,
- sql_util._long_statement(imv_batch.replaced_statement),
- imv_batch.replaced_parameters,
- None,
- context,
- )
- sub_stmt = imv_batch.replaced_statement
- sub_params = imv_batch.replaced_parameters
- if engine_events:
- for fn in self.dispatch.before_cursor_execute:
- sub_stmt, sub_params = fn(
- self,
- cursor,
- sub_stmt,
- sub_params,
- context,
- True,
- )
- if self._echo:
- self._log_info(sql_util._long_statement(sub_stmt))
- imv_stats = f""" {imv_batch.batchnum}/{
- imv_batch.total_batches
- } ({
- 'ordered'
- if imv_batch.rows_sorted else 'unordered'
- }{
- '; batch not supported'
- if imv_batch.is_downgraded
- else ''
- })"""
- if imv_batch.batchnum == 1:
- stats += imv_stats
- else:
- stats = f"insertmanyvalues{imv_stats}"
- if not self.engine.hide_parameters:
- self._log_info(
- "[%s] %r",
- stats,
- sql_util._repr_params(
- sub_params,
- batches=10,
- ismulti=False,
- ),
- )
- else:
- self._log_info(
- "[%s] [SQL parameters hidden due to "
- "hide_parameters=True]",
- stats,
- )
- try:
- for fn in do_execute_dispatch:
- if fn(
- cursor,
- sub_stmt,
- sub_params,
- context,
- ):
- break
- else:
- dialect.do_execute(
- cursor,
- sub_stmt,
- sub_params,
- context,
- )
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(
- e,
- sql_util._long_statement(sub_stmt),
- sub_params,
- cursor,
- context,
- is_sub_exec=True,
- )
- if engine_events:
- self.dispatch.after_cursor_execute(
- self,
- cursor,
- str_statement,
- effective_parameters,
- context,
- context.executemany,
- )
- if preserve_rowcount:
- rowcount += imv_batch.current_batch_size
- try:
- context.post_exec()
- if preserve_rowcount:
- context._rowcount = rowcount # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- result = context._setup_result_proxy()
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(
- e, str_statement, effective_parameters, cursor, context
- )
- return result
- def _cursor_execute(
- self,
- cursor: DBAPICursor,
- statement: str,
- parameters: _DBAPISingleExecuteParams,
- context: Optional[ExecutionContext] = None,
- ) -> None:
- """Execute a statement + params on the given cursor.
- Adds appropriate logging and exception handling.
- This method is used by DefaultDialect for special-case
- executions, such as for sequences and column defaults.
- The path of statement execution in the majority of cases
- terminates at _execute_context().
- """
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- for fn in self.dispatch.before_cursor_execute:
- statement, parameters = fn(
- self, cursor, statement, parameters, context, False
- )
- if self._echo:
- self._log_info(statement)
- self._log_info("[raw sql] %r", parameters)
- try:
- for fn in (
- ()
- if not self.dialect._has_events
- else self.dialect.dispatch.do_execute
- ):
- if fn(cursor, statement, parameters, context):
- break
- else:
- self.dialect.do_execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context)
- except BaseException as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(
- e, statement, parameters, cursor, context
- )
- if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
- self.dispatch.after_cursor_execute(
- self, cursor, statement, parameters, context, False
- )
- def _safe_close_cursor(self, cursor: DBAPICursor) -> None:
- """Close the given cursor, catching exceptions
- and turning into log warnings.
- """
- try:
- cursor.close()
- except Exception:
- # log the error through the connection pool's logger.
- self.engine.pool.logger.error(
- "Error closing cursor", exc_info=True
- )
- _reentrant_error = False
- _is_disconnect = False
- def _handle_dbapi_exception(
- self,
- e: BaseException,
- statement: Optional[str],
- parameters: Optional[_AnyExecuteParams],
- cursor: Optional[DBAPICursor],
- context: Optional[ExecutionContext],
- is_sub_exec: bool = False,
- ) -> NoReturn:
- exc_info = sys.exc_info()
- is_exit_exception = util.is_exit_exception(e)
- if not self._is_disconnect:
- self._is_disconnect = (
- isinstance(e, self.dialect.loaded_dbapi.Error)
- and not self.closed
- and self.dialect.is_disconnect(
- e,
- self._dbapi_connection if not self.invalidated else None,
- cursor,
- )
- ) or (is_exit_exception and not self.closed)
- invalidate_pool_on_disconnect = not is_exit_exception
- ismulti: bool = (
- not is_sub_exec and context.executemany
- if context is not None
- else False
- )
- if self._reentrant_error:
- raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(
- statement,
- parameters,
- e,
- self.dialect.loaded_dbapi.Error,
- hide_parameters=self.engine.hide_parameters,
- dialect=self.dialect,
- ismulti=ismulti,
- ).with_traceback(exc_info[2]) from e
- self._reentrant_error = True
- try:
- # non-DBAPI error - if we already got a context,
- # or there's no string statement, don't wrap it
- should_wrap = isinstance(e, self.dialect.loaded_dbapi.Error) or (
- statement is not None
- and context is None
- and not is_exit_exception
- )
- if should_wrap:
- sqlalchemy_exception = exc.DBAPIError.instance(
- statement,
- parameters,
- cast(Exception, e),
- self.dialect.loaded_dbapi.Error,
- hide_parameters=self.engine.hide_parameters,
- connection_invalidated=self._is_disconnect,
- dialect=self.dialect,
- ismulti=ismulti,
- )
- else:
- sqlalchemy_exception = None
- newraise = None
- if (self.dialect._has_events) and not self._execution_options.get(
- "skip_user_error_events", False
- ):
- ctx = ExceptionContextImpl(
- e,
- sqlalchemy_exception,
- self.engine,
- self.dialect,
- self,
- cursor,
- statement,
- parameters,
- context,
- self._is_disconnect,
- invalidate_pool_on_disconnect,
- False,
- )
- for fn in self.dialect.dispatch.handle_error:
- try:
- # handler returns an exception;
- # call next handler in a chain
- per_fn = fn(ctx)
- if per_fn is not None:
- ctx.chained_exception = newraise = per_fn
- except Exception as _raised:
- # handler raises an exception - stop processing
- newraise = _raised
- break
- if self._is_disconnect != ctx.is_disconnect:
- self._is_disconnect = ctx.is_disconnect
- if sqlalchemy_exception:
- sqlalchemy_exception.connection_invalidated = (
- ctx.is_disconnect
- )
- # set up potentially user-defined value for
- # invalidate pool.
- invalidate_pool_on_disconnect = (
- ctx.invalidate_pool_on_disconnect
- )
- if should_wrap and context:
- context.handle_dbapi_exception(e)
- if not self._is_disconnect:
- if cursor:
- self._safe_close_cursor(cursor)
- # "autorollback" was mostly relevant in 1.x series.
- # It's very unlikely to reach here, as the connection
- # does autobegin so when we are here, we are usually
- # in an explicit / semi-explicit transaction.
- # however we have a test which manufactures this
- # scenario in any case using an event handler.
- # test/engine/> test_actual_autorollback
- if not self.in_transaction():
- self._rollback_impl()
- if newraise:
- raise newraise.with_traceback(exc_info[2]) from e
- elif should_wrap:
- assert sqlalchemy_exception is not None
- raise sqlalchemy_exception.with_traceback(exc_info[2]) from e
- else:
- assert exc_info[1] is not None
- raise exc_info[1].with_traceback(exc_info[2])
- finally:
- del self._reentrant_error
- if self._is_disconnect:
- del self._is_disconnect
- if not self.invalidated:
- dbapi_conn_wrapper = self._dbapi_connection
- assert dbapi_conn_wrapper is not None
- if invalidate_pool_on_disconnect:
- self.engine.pool._invalidate(dbapi_conn_wrapper, e)
- self.invalidate(e)
- @classmethod
- def _handle_dbapi_exception_noconnection(
- cls,
- e: BaseException,
- dialect: Dialect,
- engine: Optional[Engine] = None,
- is_disconnect: Optional[bool] = None,
- invalidate_pool_on_disconnect: bool = True,
- is_pre_ping: bool = False,
- ) -> NoReturn:
- exc_info = sys.exc_info()
- if is_disconnect is None:
- is_disconnect = isinstance(
- e, dialect.loaded_dbapi.Error
- ) and dialect.is_disconnect(e, None, None)
- should_wrap = isinstance(e, dialect.loaded_dbapi.Error)
- if should_wrap:
- sqlalchemy_exception = exc.DBAPIError.instance(
- None,
- None,
- cast(Exception, e),
- dialect.loaded_dbapi.Error,
- hide_parameters=(
- engine.hide_parameters if engine is not None else False
- ),
- connection_invalidated=is_disconnect,
- dialect=dialect,
- )
- else:
- sqlalchemy_exception = None
- newraise = None
- if dialect._has_events:
- ctx = ExceptionContextImpl(
- e,
- sqlalchemy_exception,
- engine,
- dialect,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- is_disconnect,
- invalidate_pool_on_disconnect,
- is_pre_ping,
- )
- for fn in dialect.dispatch.handle_error:
- try:
- # handler returns an exception;
- # call next handler in a chain
- per_fn = fn(ctx)
- if per_fn is not None:
- ctx.chained_exception = newraise = per_fn
- except Exception as _raised:
- # handler raises an exception - stop processing
- newraise = _raised
- break
- if sqlalchemy_exception and is_disconnect != ctx.is_disconnect:
- sqlalchemy_exception.connection_invalidated = is_disconnect = (
- ctx.is_disconnect
- )
- if newraise:
- raise newraise.with_traceback(exc_info[2]) from e
- elif should_wrap:
- assert sqlalchemy_exception is not None
- raise sqlalchemy_exception.with_traceback(exc_info[2]) from e
- else:
- assert exc_info[1] is not None
- raise exc_info[1].with_traceback(exc_info[2])
- def _run_ddl_visitor(
- self,
- visitorcallable: Type[Union[SchemaGenerator, SchemaDropper]],
- element: SchemaItem,
- **kwargs: Any,
- ) -> None:
- """run a DDL visitor.
- This method is only here so that the MockConnection can change the
- options given to the visitor so that "checkfirst" is skipped.
- """
- visitorcallable(self.dialect, self, **kwargs).traverse_single(element)
-class ExceptionContextImpl(ExceptionContext):
- """Implement the :class:`.ExceptionContext` interface."""
- __slots__ = (
- "connection",
- "engine",
- "dialect",
- "cursor",
- "statement",
- "parameters",
- "original_exception",
- "sqlalchemy_exception",
- "chained_exception",
- "execution_context",
- "is_disconnect",
- "invalidate_pool_on_disconnect",
- "is_pre_ping",
- )
- def __init__(
- self,
- exception: BaseException,
- sqlalchemy_exception: Optional[exc.StatementError],
- engine: Optional[Engine],
- dialect: Dialect,
- connection: Optional[Connection],
- cursor: Optional[DBAPICursor],
- statement: Optional[str],
- parameters: Optional[_DBAPIAnyExecuteParams],
- context: Optional[ExecutionContext],
- is_disconnect: bool,
- invalidate_pool_on_disconnect: bool,
- is_pre_ping: bool,
- ):
- self.engine = engine
- self.dialect = dialect
- self.connection = connection
- self.sqlalchemy_exception = sqlalchemy_exception
- self.original_exception = exception
- self.execution_context = context
- self.statement = statement
- self.parameters = parameters
- self.is_disconnect = is_disconnect
- self.invalidate_pool_on_disconnect = invalidate_pool_on_disconnect
- self.is_pre_ping = is_pre_ping
-class Transaction(TransactionalContext):
- """Represent a database transaction in progress.
- The :class:`.Transaction` object is procured by
- calling the :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin` method of
- :class:`_engine.Connection`::
- from sqlalchemy import create_engine
- engine = create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://scott:tiger@localhost/test")
- connection = engine.connect()
- trans = connection.begin()
- connection.execute(text("insert into x (a, b) values (1, 2)"))
- trans.commit()
- The object provides :meth:`.rollback` and :meth:`.commit`
- methods in order to control transaction boundaries. It
- also implements a context manager interface so that
- the Python ``with`` statement can be used with the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin` method::
- with connection.begin():
- connection.execute(text("insert into x (a, b) values (1, 2)"))
- The Transaction object is **not** threadsafe.
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin`
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_twophase`
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested`
- .. index::
- single: thread safety; Transaction
- """ # noqa
- __slots__ = ()
- _is_root: bool = False
- is_active: bool
- connection: Connection
- def __init__(self, connection: Connection):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- @property
- def _deactivated_from_connection(self) -> bool:
- """True if this transaction is totally deactivated from the connection
- and therefore can no longer affect its state.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _do_close(self) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _do_rollback(self) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _do_commit(self) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- @property
- def is_valid(self) -> bool:
- return self.is_active and not self.connection.invalidated
- def close(self) -> None:
- """Close this :class:`.Transaction`.
- If this transaction is the base transaction in a begin/commit
- nesting, the transaction will rollback(). Otherwise, the
- method returns.
- This is used to cancel a Transaction without affecting the scope of
- an enclosing transaction.
- """
- try:
- self._do_close()
- finally:
- assert not self.is_active
- def rollback(self) -> None:
- """Roll back this :class:`.Transaction`.
- The implementation of this may vary based on the type of transaction in
- use:
- * For a simple database transaction (e.g. :class:`.RootTransaction`),
- it corresponds to a ROLLBACK.
- * For a :class:`.NestedTransaction`, it corresponds to a
- * For a :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction`, DBAPI-specific methods for two
- phase transactions may be used.
- """
- try:
- self._do_rollback()
- finally:
- assert not self.is_active
- def commit(self) -> None:
- """Commit this :class:`.Transaction`.
- The implementation of this may vary based on the type of transaction in
- use:
- * For a simple database transaction (e.g. :class:`.RootTransaction`),
- it corresponds to a COMMIT.
- * For a :class:`.NestedTransaction`, it corresponds to a
- "RELEASE SAVEPOINT" operation.
- * For a :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction`, DBAPI-specific methods for two
- phase transactions may be used.
- """
- try:
- self._do_commit()
- finally:
- assert not self.is_active
- def _get_subject(self) -> Connection:
- return self.connection
- def _transaction_is_active(self) -> bool:
- return self.is_active
- def _transaction_is_closed(self) -> bool:
- return not self._deactivated_from_connection
- def _rollback_can_be_called(self) -> bool:
- # for RootTransaction / NestedTransaction, it's safe to call
- # rollback() even if the transaction is deactive and no warnings
- # will be emitted. tested in
- # -> test_no_rollback_in_deactive(?:_savepoint)?
- return True
-class RootTransaction(Transaction):
- """Represent the "root" transaction on a :class:`_engine.Connection`.
- This corresponds to the current "BEGIN/COMMIT/ROLLBACK" that's occurring
- for the :class:`_engine.Connection`. The :class:`_engine.RootTransaction`
- is created by calling upon the :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin` method, and
- remains associated with the :class:`_engine.Connection` throughout its
- active span. The current :class:`_engine.RootTransaction` in use is
- accessible via the :attr:`_engine.Connection.get_transaction` method of
- :class:`_engine.Connection`.
- In :term:`2.0 style` use, the :class:`_engine.Connection` also employs
- "autobegin" behavior that will create a new
- :class:`_engine.RootTransaction` whenever a connection in a
- non-transactional state is used to emit commands on the DBAPI connection.
- The scope of the :class:`_engine.RootTransaction` in 2.0 style
- use can be controlled using the :meth:`_engine.Connection.commit` and
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.rollback` methods.
- """
- _is_root = True
- __slots__ = ("connection", "is_active")
- def __init__(self, connection: Connection):
- assert connection._transaction is None
- if connection._trans_context_manager:
- TransactionalContext._trans_ctx_check(connection)
- self.connection = connection
- self._connection_begin_impl()
- connection._transaction = self
- self.is_active = True
- def _deactivate_from_connection(self) -> None:
- if self.is_active:
- assert self.connection._transaction is self
- self.is_active = False
- elif self.connection._transaction is not self:
- util.warn("transaction already deassociated from connection")
- @property
- def _deactivated_from_connection(self) -> bool:
- return self.connection._transaction is not self
- def _connection_begin_impl(self) -> None:
- self.connection._begin_impl(self)
- def _connection_rollback_impl(self) -> None:
- self.connection._rollback_impl()
- def _connection_commit_impl(self) -> None:
- self.connection._commit_impl()
- def _close_impl(self, try_deactivate: bool = False) -> None:
- try:
- if self.is_active:
- self._connection_rollback_impl()
- if self.connection._nested_transaction:
- self.connection._nested_transaction._cancel()
- finally:
- if self.is_active or try_deactivate:
- self._deactivate_from_connection()
- if self.connection._transaction is self:
- self.connection._transaction = None
- assert not self.is_active
- assert self.connection._transaction is not self
- def _do_close(self) -> None:
- self._close_impl()
- def _do_rollback(self) -> None:
- self._close_impl(try_deactivate=True)
- def _do_commit(self) -> None:
- if self.is_active:
- assert self.connection._transaction is self
- try:
- self._connection_commit_impl()
- finally:
- # whether or not commit succeeds, cancel any
- # nested transactions, make this transaction "inactive"
- # and remove it as a reset agent
- if self.connection._nested_transaction:
- self.connection._nested_transaction._cancel()
- self._deactivate_from_connection()
- # ...however only remove as the connection's current transaction
- # if commit succeeded. otherwise it stays on so that a rollback
- # needs to occur.
- self.connection._transaction = None
- else:
- if self.connection._transaction is self:
- self.connection._invalid_transaction()
- else:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError("This transaction is inactive")
- assert not self.is_active
- assert self.connection._transaction is not self
-class NestedTransaction(Transaction):
- """Represent a 'nested', or SAVEPOINT transaction.
- The :class:`.NestedTransaction` object is created by calling the
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested` method of
- :class:`_engine.Connection`.
- When using :class:`.NestedTransaction`, the semantics of "begin" /
- "commit" / "rollback" are as follows:
- * the "begin" operation corresponds to the "BEGIN SAVEPOINT" command, where
- the savepoint is given an explicit name that is part of the state
- of this object.
- * The :meth:`.NestedTransaction.commit` method corresponds to a
- "RELEASE SAVEPOINT" operation, using the savepoint identifier associated
- with this :class:`.NestedTransaction`.
- * The :meth:`.NestedTransaction.rollback` method corresponds to a
- "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT" operation, using the savepoint identifier
- associated with this :class:`.NestedTransaction`.
- The rationale for mimicking the semantics of an outer transaction in
- terms of savepoints so that code may deal with a "savepoint" transaction
- and an "outer" transaction in an agnostic way.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`session_begin_nested` - ORM version of the SAVEPOINT API.
- """
- __slots__ = ("connection", "is_active", "_savepoint", "_previous_nested")
- _savepoint: str
- def __init__(self, connection: Connection):
- assert connection._transaction is not None
- if connection._trans_context_manager:
- TransactionalContext._trans_ctx_check(connection)
- self.connection = connection
- self._savepoint = self.connection._savepoint_impl()
- self.is_active = True
- self._previous_nested = connection._nested_transaction
- connection._nested_transaction = self
- def _deactivate_from_connection(self, warn: bool = True) -> None:
- if self.connection._nested_transaction is self:
- self.connection._nested_transaction = self._previous_nested
- elif warn:
- util.warn(
- "nested transaction already deassociated from connection"
- )
- @property
- def _deactivated_from_connection(self) -> bool:
- return self.connection._nested_transaction is not self
- def _cancel(self) -> None:
- # called by RootTransaction when the outer transaction is
- # committed, rolled back, or closed to cancel all savepoints
- # without any action being taken
- self.is_active = False
- self._deactivate_from_connection()
- if self._previous_nested:
- self._previous_nested._cancel()
- def _close_impl(
- self, deactivate_from_connection: bool, warn_already_deactive: bool
- ) -> None:
- try:
- if (
- self.is_active
- and self.connection._transaction
- and self.connection._transaction.is_active
- ):
- self.connection._rollback_to_savepoint_impl(self._savepoint)
- finally:
- self.is_active = False
- if deactivate_from_connection:
- self._deactivate_from_connection(warn=warn_already_deactive)
- assert not self.is_active
- if deactivate_from_connection:
- assert self.connection._nested_transaction is not self
- def _do_close(self) -> None:
- self._close_impl(True, False)
- def _do_rollback(self) -> None:
- self._close_impl(True, True)
- def _do_commit(self) -> None:
- if self.is_active:
- try:
- self.connection._release_savepoint_impl(self._savepoint)
- finally:
- # nested trans becomes inactive on failed release
- # unconditionally. this prevents it from trying to
- # emit SQL when it rolls back.
- self.is_active = False
- # but only de-associate from connection if it succeeded
- self._deactivate_from_connection()
- else:
- if self.connection._nested_transaction is self:
- self.connection._invalid_transaction()
- else:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "This nested transaction is inactive"
- )
-class TwoPhaseTransaction(RootTransaction):
- """Represent a two-phase transaction.
- A new :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction` object may be procured
- using the :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_twophase` method.
- The interface is the same as that of :class:`.Transaction`
- with the addition of the :meth:`prepare` method.
- """
- __slots__ = ("xid", "_is_prepared")
- xid: Any
- def __init__(self, connection: Connection, xid: Any):
- self._is_prepared = False
- self.xid = xid
- super().__init__(connection)
- def prepare(self) -> None:
- """Prepare this :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction`.
- After a PREPARE, the transaction can be committed.
- """
- if not self.is_active:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError("This transaction is inactive")
- self.connection._prepare_twophase_impl(self.xid)
- self._is_prepared = True
- def _connection_begin_impl(self) -> None:
- self.connection._begin_twophase_impl(self)
- def _connection_rollback_impl(self) -> None:
- self.connection._rollback_twophase_impl(self.xid, self._is_prepared)
- def _connection_commit_impl(self) -> None:
- self.connection._commit_twophase_impl(self.xid, self._is_prepared)
-class Engine(
- ConnectionEventsTarget, log.Identified, inspection.Inspectable["Inspector"]
- """
- Connects a :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.Pool` and
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Dialect` together to provide a
- source of database connectivity and behavior.
- An :class:`_engine.Engine` object is instantiated publicly using the
- :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine` function.
- .. seealso::
- :doc:`/core/engines`
- :ref:`connections_toplevel`
- """
- dispatch: dispatcher[ConnectionEventsTarget]
- _compiled_cache: Optional[CompiledCacheType]
- _execution_options: _ExecuteOptions = _EMPTY_EXECUTION_OPTS
- _has_events: bool = False
- _connection_cls: Type[Connection] = Connection
- _sqla_logger_namespace: str = "sqlalchemy.engine.Engine"
- _is_future: bool = False
- _schema_translate_map: Optional[SchemaTranslateMapType] = None
- _option_cls: Type[OptionEngine]
- dialect: Dialect
- pool: Pool
- url: URL
- hide_parameters: bool
- def __init__(
- self,
- pool: Pool,
- dialect: Dialect,
- url: URL,
- logging_name: Optional[str] = None,
- echo: Optional[_EchoFlagType] = None,
- query_cache_size: int = 500,
- execution_options: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
- hide_parameters: bool = False,
- ):
- self.pool = pool
- self.url = url
- self.dialect = dialect
- if logging_name:
- self.logging_name = logging_name
- self.echo = echo
- self.hide_parameters = hide_parameters
- if query_cache_size != 0:
- self._compiled_cache = util.LRUCache(
- query_cache_size, size_alert=self._lru_size_alert
- )
- else:
- self._compiled_cache = None
- log.instance_logger(self, echoflag=echo)
- if execution_options:
- self.update_execution_options(**execution_options)
- def _lru_size_alert(self, cache: util.LRUCache[Any, Any]) -> None:
- if self._should_log_info():
- "Compiled cache size pruning from %d items to %d. "
- "Increase cache size to reduce the frequency of pruning.",
- len(cache),
- cache.capacity,
- )
- @property
- def engine(self) -> Engine:
- """Returns this :class:`.Engine`.
- Used for legacy schemes that accept :class:`.Connection` /
- :class:`.Engine` objects within the same variable.
- """
- return self
- def clear_compiled_cache(self) -> None:
- """Clear the compiled cache associated with the dialect.
- This applies **only** to the built-in cache that is established
- via the :paramref:`_engine.create_engine.query_cache_size` parameter.
- It will not impact any dictionary caches that were passed via the
- :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.compiled_cache` parameter.
- .. versionadded:: 1.4
- """
- if self._compiled_cache:
- self._compiled_cache.clear()
- def update_execution_options(self, **opt: Any) -> None:
- r"""Update the default execution_options dictionary
- of this :class:`_engine.Engine`.
- The given keys/values in \**opt are added to the
- default execution options that will be used for
- all connections. The initial contents of this dictionary
- can be sent via the ``execution_options`` parameter
- to :func:`_sa.create_engine`.
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.execution_options`
- :meth:`_engine.Engine.execution_options`
- """
- self.dispatch.set_engine_execution_options(self, opt)
- self._execution_options = self._execution_options.union(opt)
- self.dialect.set_engine_execution_options(self, opt)
- @overload
- def execution_options(
- self,
- *,
- compiled_cache: Optional[CompiledCacheType] = ...,
- logging_token: str = ...,
- isolation_level: IsolationLevel = ...,
- insertmanyvalues_page_size: int = ...,
- schema_translate_map: Optional[SchemaTranslateMapType] = ...,
- **opt: Any,
- ) -> OptionEngine: ...
- @overload
- def execution_options(self, **opt: Any) -> OptionEngine: ...
- def execution_options(self, **opt: Any) -> OptionEngine:
- """Return a new :class:`_engine.Engine` that will provide
- :class:`_engine.Connection` objects with the given execution options.
- The returned :class:`_engine.Engine` remains related to the original
- :class:`_engine.Engine` in that it shares the same connection pool and
- other state:
- * The :class:`_pool.Pool` used by the new :class:`_engine.Engine`
- is the
- same instance. The :meth:`_engine.Engine.dispose`
- method will replace
- the connection pool instance for the parent engine as well
- as this one.
- * Event listeners are "cascaded" - meaning, the new
- :class:`_engine.Engine`
- inherits the events of the parent, and new events can be associated
- with the new :class:`_engine.Engine` individually.
- * The logging configuration and logging_name is copied from the parent
- :class:`_engine.Engine`.
- The intent of the :meth:`_engine.Engine.execution_options` method is
- to implement schemes where multiple :class:`_engine.Engine`
- objects refer to the same connection pool, but are differentiated
- by options that affect some execution-level behavior for each
- engine. One such example is breaking into separate "reader" and
- "writer" :class:`_engine.Engine` instances, where one
- :class:`_engine.Engine`
- has a lower :term:`isolation level` setting configured or is even
- transaction-disabled using "autocommit". An example of this
- configuration is at :ref:`dbapi_autocommit_multiple`.
- Another example is one that
- uses a custom option ``shard_id`` which is consumed by an event
- to change the current schema on a database connection::
- from sqlalchemy import event
- from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
- primary_engine = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://")
- shard1 = primary_engine.execution_options(shard_id="shard1")
- shard2 = primary_engine.execution_options(shard_id="shard2")
- shards = {"default": "base", "shard_1": "db1", "shard_2": "db2"}
- @event.listens_for(Engine, "before_cursor_execute")
- def _switch_shard(conn, cursor, stmt,
- params, context, executemany):
- shard_id = conn.get_execution_options().get('shard_id', "default")
- current_shard ="current_shard", None)
- if current_shard != shard_id:
- cursor.execute("use %s" % shards[shard_id])
-["current_shard"] = shard_id
- The above recipe illustrates two :class:`_engine.Engine` objects that
- will each serve as factories for :class:`_engine.Connection` objects
- that have pre-established "shard_id" execution options present. A
- :meth:`_events.ConnectionEvents.before_cursor_execute` event handler
- then interprets this execution option to emit a MySQL ``use`` statement
- to switch databases before a statement execution, while at the same
- time keeping track of which database we've established using the
- :attr:`` dictionary.
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.execution_options`
- - update execution options
- on a :class:`_engine.Connection` object.
- :meth:`_engine.Engine.update_execution_options`
- - update the execution
- options for a given :class:`_engine.Engine` in place.
- :meth:`_engine.Engine.get_execution_options`
- """ # noqa: E501
- return self._option_cls(self, opt)
- def get_execution_options(self) -> _ExecuteOptions:
- """Get the non-SQL options which will take effect during execution.
- .. versionadded: 1.3
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Engine.execution_options`
- """
- return self._execution_options
- @property
- def name(self) -> str:
- """String name of the :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Dialect`
- in use by this :class:`Engine`.
- """
- return
- @property
- def driver(self) -> str:
- """Driver name of the :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Dialect`
- in use by this :class:`Engine`.
- """
- return self.dialect.driver
- echo = log.echo_property()
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return "Engine(%r)" % (self.url,)
- def dispose(self, close: bool = True) -> None:
- """Dispose of the connection pool used by this
- :class:`_engine.Engine`.
- A new connection pool is created immediately after the old one has been
- disposed. The previous connection pool is disposed either actively, by
- closing out all currently checked-in connections in that pool, or
- passively, by losing references to it but otherwise not closing any
- connections. The latter strategy is more appropriate for an initializer
- in a forked Python process.
- :param close: if left at its default of ``True``, has the
- effect of fully closing all **currently checked in**
- database connections. Connections that are still checked out
- will **not** be closed, however they will no longer be associated
- with this :class:`_engine.Engine`,
- so when they are closed individually, eventually the
- :class:`_pool.Pool` which they are associated with will
- be garbage collected and they will be closed out fully, if
- not already closed on checkin.
- If set to ``False``, the previous connection pool is de-referenced,
- and otherwise not touched in any way.
- .. versionadded:: 1.4.33 Added the :paramref:`.Engine.dispose.close`
- parameter to allow the replacement of a connection pool in a child
- process without interfering with the connections used by the parent
- process.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`engine_disposal`
- :ref:`pooling_multiprocessing`
- """
- if close:
- self.pool.dispose()
- self.pool = self.pool.recreate()
- self.dispatch.engine_disposed(self)
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def _optional_conn_ctx_manager(
- self, connection: Optional[Connection] = None
- ) -> Iterator[Connection]:
- if connection is None:
- with self.connect() as conn:
- yield conn
- else:
- yield connection
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def begin(self) -> Iterator[Connection]:
- """Return a context manager delivering a :class:`_engine.Connection`
- with a :class:`.Transaction` established.
- E.g.::
- with engine.begin() as conn:
- conn.execute(
- text("insert into table (x, y, z) values (1, 2, 3)")
- )
- conn.execute(text("my_special_procedure(5)"))
- Upon successful operation, the :class:`.Transaction`
- is committed. If an error is raised, the :class:`.Transaction`
- is rolled back.
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Engine.connect` - procure a
- :class:`_engine.Connection` from
- an :class:`_engine.Engine`.
- :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin` - start a :class:`.Transaction`
- for a particular :class:`_engine.Connection`.
- """
- with self.connect() as conn:
- with conn.begin():
- yield conn
- def _run_ddl_visitor(
- self,
- visitorcallable: Type[Union[SchemaGenerator, SchemaDropper]],
- element: SchemaItem,
- **kwargs: Any,
- ) -> None:
- with self.begin() as conn:
- conn._run_ddl_visitor(visitorcallable, element, **kwargs)
- def connect(self) -> Connection:
- """Return a new :class:`_engine.Connection` object.
- The :class:`_engine.Connection` acts as a Python context manager, so
- the typical use of this method looks like::
- with engine.connect() as connection:
- connection.execute(text("insert into table values ('foo')"))
- connection.commit()
- Where above, after the block is completed, the connection is "closed"
- and its underlying DBAPI resources are returned to the connection pool.
- This also has the effect of rolling back any transaction that
- was explicitly begun or was begun via autobegin, and will
- emit the :meth:`_events.ConnectionEvents.rollback` event if one was
- started and is still in progress.
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`_engine.Engine.begin`
- """
- return self._connection_cls(self)
- def raw_connection(self) -> PoolProxiedConnection:
- """Return a "raw" DBAPI connection from the connection pool.
- The returned object is a proxied version of the DBAPI
- connection object used by the underlying driver in use.
- The object will have all the same behavior as the real DBAPI
- connection, except that its ``close()`` method will result in the
- connection being returned to the pool, rather than being closed
- for real.
- This method provides direct DBAPI connection access for
- special situations when the API provided by
- :class:`_engine.Connection`
- is not needed. When a :class:`_engine.Connection` object is already
- present, the DBAPI connection is available using
- the :attr:`_engine.Connection.connection` accessor.
- .. seealso::
- :ref:`dbapi_connections`
- """
- return self.pool.connect()
-class OptionEngineMixin(log.Identified):
- _sa_propagate_class_events = False
- dispatch: dispatcher[ConnectionEventsTarget]
- _compiled_cache: Optional[CompiledCacheType]
- dialect: Dialect
- pool: Pool
- url: URL
- hide_parameters: bool
- echo: log.echo_property
- def __init__(
- self, proxied: Engine, execution_options: CoreExecuteOptionsParameter
- ):
- self._proxied = proxied
- self.url = proxied.url
- self.dialect = proxied.dialect
- self.logging_name = proxied.logging_name
- self.echo = proxied.echo
- self._compiled_cache = proxied._compiled_cache
- self.hide_parameters = proxied.hide_parameters
- log.instance_logger(self, echoflag=self.echo)
- # note: this will propagate events that are assigned to the parent
- # engine after this OptionEngine is created. Since we share
- # the events of the parent we also disallow class-level events
- # to apply to the OptionEngine class directly.
- #
- # the other way this can work would be to transfer existing
- # events only, using:
- # self.dispatch._update(proxied.dispatch)
- #
- # that might be more appropriate however it would be a behavioral
- # change for logic that assigns events to the parent engine and
- # would like it to take effect for the already-created sub-engine.
- self.dispatch = self.dispatch._join(proxied.dispatch)
- self._execution_options = proxied._execution_options
- self.update_execution_options(**execution_options)
- def update_execution_options(self, **opt: Any) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- if not typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
- #
- @property
- def pool(self) -> Pool:
- return self._proxied.pool
- @pool.setter
- def pool(self, pool: Pool) -> None:
- self._proxied.pool = pool
- @property
- def _has_events(self) -> bool:
- return self._proxied._has_events or self.__dict__.get(
- "_has_events", False
- )
- @_has_events.setter
- def _has_events(self, value: bool) -> None:
- self.__dict__["_has_events"] = value
-class OptionEngine(OptionEngineMixin, Engine):
- def update_execution_options(self, **opt: Any) -> None:
- Engine.update_execution_options(self, **opt)
-Engine._option_cls = OptionEngine