path: root/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/')
1 files changed, 796 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..313c889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rich/
@@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
+import sys
+from functools import lru_cache
+from marshal import dumps, loads
+from random import randint
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Type, Union, cast
+from . import errors
+from .color import Color, ColorParseError, ColorSystem, blend_rgb
+from .repr import Result, rich_repr
+from .terminal_theme import DEFAULT_TERMINAL_THEME, TerminalTheme
+# Style instances and style definitions are often interchangeable
+StyleType = Union[str, "Style"]
+class _Bit:
+ """A descriptor to get/set a style attribute bit."""
+ __slots__ = ["bit"]
+ def __init__(self, bit_no: int) -> None:
+ self.bit = 1 << bit_no
+ def __get__(self, obj: "Style", objtype: Type["Style"]) -> Optional[bool]:
+ if obj._set_attributes & self.bit:
+ return obj._attributes & self.bit != 0
+ return None
+class Style:
+ """A terminal style.
+ A terminal style consists of a color (`color`), a background color (`bgcolor`), and a number of attributes, such
+ as bold, italic etc. The attributes have 3 states: they can either be on
+ (``True``), off (``False``), or not set (``None``).
+ Args:
+ color (Union[Color, str], optional): Color of terminal text. Defaults to None.
+ bgcolor (Union[Color, str], optional): Color of terminal background. Defaults to None.
+ bold (bool, optional): Enable bold text. Defaults to None.
+ dim (bool, optional): Enable dim text. Defaults to None.
+ italic (bool, optional): Enable italic text. Defaults to None.
+ underline (bool, optional): Enable underlined text. Defaults to None.
+ blink (bool, optional): Enabled blinking text. Defaults to None.
+ blink2 (bool, optional): Enable fast blinking text. Defaults to None.
+ reverse (bool, optional): Enabled reverse text. Defaults to None.
+ conceal (bool, optional): Enable concealed text. Defaults to None.
+ strike (bool, optional): Enable strikethrough text. Defaults to None.
+ underline2 (bool, optional): Enable doubly underlined text. Defaults to None.
+ frame (bool, optional): Enable framed text. Defaults to None.
+ encircle (bool, optional): Enable encircled text. Defaults to None.
+ overline (bool, optional): Enable overlined text. Defaults to None.
+ link (str, link): Link URL. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ _color: Optional[Color]
+ _bgcolor: Optional[Color]
+ _attributes: int
+ _set_attributes: int
+ _hash: Optional[int]
+ _null: bool
+ _meta: Optional[bytes]
+ __slots__ = [
+ "_color",
+ "_bgcolor",
+ "_attributes",
+ "_set_attributes",
+ "_link",
+ "_link_id",
+ "_ansi",
+ "_style_definition",
+ "_hash",
+ "_null",
+ "_meta",
+ ]
+ # maps bits on to SGR parameter
+ _style_map = {
+ 0: "1",
+ 1: "2",
+ 2: "3",
+ 3: "4",
+ 4: "5",
+ 5: "6",
+ 6: "7",
+ 7: "8",
+ 8: "9",
+ 9: "21",
+ 10: "51",
+ 11: "52",
+ 12: "53",
+ }
+ "dim": "dim",
+ "d": "dim",
+ "bold": "bold",
+ "b": "bold",
+ "italic": "italic",
+ "i": "italic",
+ "underline": "underline",
+ "u": "underline",
+ "blink": "blink",
+ "blink2": "blink2",
+ "reverse": "reverse",
+ "r": "reverse",
+ "conceal": "conceal",
+ "c": "conceal",
+ "strike": "strike",
+ "s": "strike",
+ "underline2": "underline2",
+ "uu": "underline2",
+ "frame": "frame",
+ "encircle": "encircle",
+ "overline": "overline",
+ "o": "overline",
+ }
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ color: Optional[Union[Color, str]] = None,
+ bgcolor: Optional[Union[Color, str]] = None,
+ bold: Optional[bool] = None,
+ dim: Optional[bool] = None,
+ italic: Optional[bool] = None,
+ underline: Optional[bool] = None,
+ blink: Optional[bool] = None,
+ blink2: Optional[bool] = None,
+ reverse: Optional[bool] = None,
+ conceal: Optional[bool] = None,
+ strike: Optional[bool] = None,
+ underline2: Optional[bool] = None,
+ frame: Optional[bool] = None,
+ encircle: Optional[bool] = None,
+ overline: Optional[bool] = None,
+ link: Optional[str] = None,
+ meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
+ ):
+ self._ansi: Optional[str] = None
+ self._style_definition: Optional[str] = None
+ def _make_color(color: Union[Color, str]) -> Color:
+ return color if isinstance(color, Color) else Color.parse(color)
+ self._color = None if color is None else _make_color(color)
+ self._bgcolor = None if bgcolor is None else _make_color(bgcolor)
+ self._set_attributes = sum(
+ (
+ bold is not None,
+ dim is not None and 2,
+ italic is not None and 4,
+ underline is not None and 8,
+ blink is not None and 16,
+ blink2 is not None and 32,
+ reverse is not None and 64,
+ conceal is not None and 128,
+ strike is not None and 256,
+ underline2 is not None and 512,
+ frame is not None and 1024,
+ encircle is not None and 2048,
+ overline is not None and 4096,
+ )
+ )
+ self._attributes = (
+ sum(
+ (
+ bold and 1 or 0,
+ dim and 2 or 0,
+ italic and 4 or 0,
+ underline and 8 or 0,
+ blink and 16 or 0,
+ blink2 and 32 or 0,
+ reverse and 64 or 0,
+ conceal and 128 or 0,
+ strike and 256 or 0,
+ underline2 and 512 or 0,
+ frame and 1024 or 0,
+ encircle and 2048 or 0,
+ overline and 4096 or 0,
+ )
+ )
+ if self._set_attributes
+ else 0
+ )
+ self._link = link
+ self._meta = None if meta is None else dumps(meta)
+ self._link_id = (
+ f"{randint(0, 999999)}{hash(self._meta)}" if (link or meta) else ""
+ )
+ self._hash: Optional[int] = None
+ self._null = not (self._set_attributes or color or bgcolor or link or meta)
+ @classmethod
+ def null(cls) -> "Style":
+ """Create an 'null' style, equivalent to Style(), but more performant."""
+ return NULL_STYLE
+ @classmethod
+ def from_color(
+ cls, color: Optional[Color] = None, bgcolor: Optional[Color] = None
+ ) -> "Style":
+ """Create a new style with colors and no attributes.
+ Returns:
+ color (Optional[Color]): A (foreground) color, or None for no color. Defaults to None.
+ bgcolor (Optional[Color]): A (background) color, or None for no color. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ style: Style = cls.__new__(Style)
+ style._ansi = None
+ style._style_definition = None
+ style._color = color
+ style._bgcolor = bgcolor
+ style._set_attributes = 0
+ style._attributes = 0
+ style._link = None
+ style._link_id = ""
+ style._meta = None
+ style._null = not (color or bgcolor)
+ style._hash = None
+ return style
+ @classmethod
+ def from_meta(cls, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> "Style":
+ """Create a new style with meta data.
+ Returns:
+ meta (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): A dictionary of meta data. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ style: Style = cls.__new__(Style)
+ style._ansi = None
+ style._style_definition = None
+ style._color = None
+ style._bgcolor = None
+ style._set_attributes = 0
+ style._attributes = 0
+ style._link = None
+ style._meta = dumps(meta)
+ style._link_id = f"{randint(0, 999999)}{hash(style._meta)}"
+ style._hash = None
+ style._null = not (meta)
+ return style
+ @classmethod
+ def on(cls, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **handlers: Any) -> "Style":
+ """Create a blank style with meta information.
+ Example:
+ style = Style.on(click=self.on_click)
+ Args:
+ meta (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): An optional dict of meta information.
+ **handlers (Any): Keyword arguments are translated in to handlers.
+ Returns:
+ Style: A Style with meta information attached.
+ """
+ meta = {} if meta is None else meta
+ meta.update({f"@{key}": value for key, value in handlers.items()})
+ return cls.from_meta(meta)
+ bold = _Bit(0)
+ dim = _Bit(1)
+ italic = _Bit(2)
+ underline = _Bit(3)
+ blink = _Bit(4)
+ blink2 = _Bit(5)
+ reverse = _Bit(6)
+ conceal = _Bit(7)
+ strike = _Bit(8)
+ underline2 = _Bit(9)
+ frame = _Bit(10)
+ encircle = _Bit(11)
+ overline = _Bit(12)
+ @property
+ def link_id(self) -> str:
+ """Get a link id, used in ansi code for links."""
+ return self._link_id
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ """Re-generate style definition from attributes."""
+ if self._style_definition is None:
+ attributes: List[str] = []
+ append = attributes.append
+ bits = self._set_attributes
+ if bits & 0b0000000001111:
+ if bits & 1:
+ append("bold" if self.bold else "not bold")
+ if bits & (1 << 1):
+ append("dim" if self.dim else "not dim")
+ if bits & (1 << 2):
+ append("italic" if self.italic else "not italic")
+ if bits & (1 << 3):
+ append("underline" if self.underline else "not underline")
+ if bits & 0b0000111110000:
+ if bits & (1 << 4):
+ append("blink" if self.blink else "not blink")
+ if bits & (1 << 5):
+ append("blink2" if self.blink2 else "not blink2")
+ if bits & (1 << 6):
+ append("reverse" if self.reverse else "not reverse")
+ if bits & (1 << 7):
+ append("conceal" if self.conceal else "not conceal")
+ if bits & (1 << 8):
+ append("strike" if self.strike else "not strike")
+ if bits & 0b1111000000000:
+ if bits & (1 << 9):
+ append("underline2" if self.underline2 else "not underline2")
+ if bits & (1 << 10):
+ append("frame" if self.frame else "not frame")
+ if bits & (1 << 11):
+ append("encircle" if self.encircle else "not encircle")
+ if bits & (1 << 12):
+ append("overline" if self.overline else "not overline")
+ if self._color is not None:
+ append(
+ if self._bgcolor is not None:
+ append("on")
+ append(
+ if self._link:
+ append("link")
+ append(self._link)
+ self._style_definition = " ".join(attributes) or "none"
+ return self._style_definition
+ def __bool__(self) -> bool:
+ """A Style is false if it has no attributes, colors, or links."""
+ return not self._null
+ def _make_ansi_codes(self, color_system: ColorSystem) -> str:
+ """Generate ANSI codes for this style.
+ Args:
+ color_system (ColorSystem): Color system.
+ Returns:
+ str: String containing codes.
+ """
+ if self._ansi is None:
+ sgr: List[str] = []
+ append = sgr.append
+ _style_map = self._style_map
+ attributes = self._attributes & self._set_attributes
+ if attributes:
+ if attributes & 1:
+ append(_style_map[0])
+ if attributes & 2:
+ append(_style_map[1])
+ if attributes & 4:
+ append(_style_map[2])
+ if attributes & 8:
+ append(_style_map[3])
+ if attributes & 0b0000111110000:
+ for bit in range(4, 9):
+ if attributes & (1 << bit):
+ append(_style_map[bit])
+ if attributes & 0b1111000000000:
+ for bit in range(9, 13):
+ if attributes & (1 << bit):
+ append(_style_map[bit])
+ if self._color is not None:
+ sgr.extend(self._color.downgrade(color_system).get_ansi_codes())
+ if self._bgcolor is not None:
+ sgr.extend(
+ self._bgcolor.downgrade(color_system).get_ansi_codes(
+ foreground=False
+ )
+ )
+ self._ansi = ";".join(sgr)
+ return self._ansi
+ @classmethod
+ @lru_cache(maxsize=1024)
+ def normalize(cls, style: str) -> str:
+ """Normalize a style definition so that styles with the same effect have the same string
+ representation.
+ Args:
+ style (str): A style definition.
+ Returns:
+ str: Normal form of style definition.
+ """
+ try:
+ return str(cls.parse(style))
+ except errors.StyleSyntaxError:
+ return style.strip().lower()
+ @classmethod
+ def pick_first(cls, *values: Optional[StyleType]) -> StyleType:
+ """Pick first non-None style."""
+ for value in values:
+ if value is not None:
+ return value
+ raise ValueError("expected at least one non-None style")
+ def __rich_repr__(self) -> Result:
+ yield "color", self.color, None
+ yield "bgcolor", self.bgcolor, None
+ yield "bold", self.bold, None,
+ yield "dim", self.dim, None,
+ yield "italic", self.italic, None
+ yield "underline", self.underline, None,
+ yield "blink", self.blink, None
+ yield "blink2", self.blink2, None
+ yield "reverse", self.reverse, None
+ yield "conceal", self.conceal, None
+ yield "strike", self.strike, None
+ yield "underline2", self.underline2, None
+ yield "frame", self.frame, None
+ yield "encircle", self.encircle, None
+ yield "link",, None
+ if self._meta:
+ yield "meta", self.meta
+ def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
+ if not isinstance(other, Style):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
+ def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
+ if not isinstance(other, Style):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self.__hash__() != other.__hash__()
+ def __hash__(self) -> int:
+ if self._hash is not None:
+ return self._hash
+ self._hash = hash(
+ (
+ self._color,
+ self._bgcolor,
+ self._attributes,
+ self._set_attributes,
+ self._link,
+ self._meta,
+ )
+ )
+ return self._hash
+ @property
+ def color(self) -> Optional[Color]:
+ """The foreground color or None if it is not set."""
+ return self._color
+ @property
+ def bgcolor(self) -> Optional[Color]:
+ """The background color or None if it is not set."""
+ return self._bgcolor
+ @property
+ def link(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Link text, if set."""
+ return self._link
+ @property
+ def transparent_background(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if the style specified a transparent background."""
+ return self.bgcolor is None or self.bgcolor.is_default
+ @property
+ def background_style(self) -> "Style":
+ """A Style with background only."""
+ return Style(bgcolor=self.bgcolor)
+ @property
+ def meta(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Get meta information (can not be changed after construction)."""
+ return {} if self._meta is None else cast(Dict[str, Any], loads(self._meta))
+ @property
+ def without_color(self) -> "Style":
+ """Get a copy of the style with color removed."""
+ if self._null:
+ return NULL_STYLE
+ style: Style = self.__new__(Style)
+ style._ansi = None
+ style._style_definition = None
+ style._color = None
+ style._bgcolor = None
+ style._attributes = self._attributes
+ style._set_attributes = self._set_attributes
+ style._link = self._link
+ style._link_id = f"{randint(0, 999999)}" if self._link else ""
+ style._null = False
+ style._meta = None
+ style._hash = None
+ return style
+ @classmethod
+ @lru_cache(maxsize=4096)
+ def parse(cls, style_definition: str) -> "Style":
+ """Parse a style definition.
+ Args:
+ style_definition (str): A string containing a style.
+ Raises:
+ errors.StyleSyntaxError: If the style definition syntax is invalid.
+ Returns:
+ `Style`: A Style instance.
+ """
+ if style_definition.strip() == "none" or not style_definition:
+ return cls.null()
+ color: Optional[str] = None
+ bgcolor: Optional[str] = None
+ attributes: Dict[str, Optional[Any]] = {}
+ link: Optional[str] = None
+ words = iter(style_definition.split())
+ for original_word in words:
+ word = original_word.lower()
+ if word == "on":
+ word = next(words, "")
+ if not word:
+ raise errors.StyleSyntaxError("color expected after 'on'")
+ try:
+ Color.parse(word) is None
+ except ColorParseError as error:
+ raise errors.StyleSyntaxError(
+ f"unable to parse {word!r} as background color; {error}"
+ ) from None
+ bgcolor = word
+ elif word == "not":
+ word = next(words, "")
+ attribute = STYLE_ATTRIBUTES.get(word)
+ if attribute is None:
+ raise errors.StyleSyntaxError(
+ f"expected style attribute after 'not', found {word!r}"
+ )
+ attributes[attribute] = False
+ elif word == "link":
+ word = next(words, "")
+ if not word:
+ raise errors.StyleSyntaxError("URL expected after 'link'")
+ link = word
+ elif word in STYLE_ATTRIBUTES:
+ attributes[STYLE_ATTRIBUTES[word]] = True
+ else:
+ try:
+ Color.parse(word)
+ except ColorParseError as error:
+ raise errors.StyleSyntaxError(
+ f"unable to parse {word!r} as color; {error}"
+ ) from None
+ color = word
+ style = Style(color=color, bgcolor=bgcolor, link=link, **attributes)
+ return style
+ @lru_cache(maxsize=1024)
+ def get_html_style(self, theme: Optional[TerminalTheme] = None) -> str:
+ """Get a CSS style rule."""
+ theme = theme or DEFAULT_TERMINAL_THEME
+ css: List[str] = []
+ append = css.append
+ color = self.color
+ bgcolor = self.bgcolor
+ if self.reverse:
+ color, bgcolor = bgcolor, color
+ if self.dim:
+ foreground_color = (
+ theme.foreground_color if color is None else color.get_truecolor(theme)
+ )
+ color = Color.from_triplet(
+ blend_rgb(foreground_color, theme.background_color, 0.5)
+ )
+ if color is not None:
+ theme_color = color.get_truecolor(theme)
+ append(f"color: {theme_color.hex}")
+ append(f"text-decoration-color: {theme_color.hex}")
+ if bgcolor is not None:
+ theme_color = bgcolor.get_truecolor(theme, foreground=False)
+ append(f"background-color: {theme_color.hex}")
+ if self.bold:
+ append("font-weight: bold")
+ if self.italic:
+ append("font-style: italic")
+ if self.underline:
+ append("text-decoration: underline")
+ if self.strike:
+ append("text-decoration: line-through")
+ if self.overline:
+ append("text-decoration: overline")
+ return "; ".join(css)
+ @classmethod
+ def combine(cls, styles: Iterable["Style"]) -> "Style":
+ """Combine styles and get result.
+ Args:
+ styles (Iterable[Style]): Styles to combine.
+ Returns:
+ Style: A new style instance.
+ """
+ iter_styles = iter(styles)
+ return sum(iter_styles, next(iter_styles))
+ @classmethod
+ def chain(cls, *styles: "Style") -> "Style":
+ """Combine styles from positional argument in to a single style.
+ Args:
+ *styles (Iterable[Style]): Styles to combine.
+ Returns:
+ Style: A new style instance.
+ """
+ iter_styles = iter(styles)
+ return sum(iter_styles, next(iter_styles))
+ def copy(self) -> "Style":
+ """Get a copy of this style.
+ Returns:
+ Style: A new Style instance with identical attributes.
+ """
+ if self._null:
+ return NULL_STYLE
+ style: Style = self.__new__(Style)
+ style._ansi = self._ansi
+ style._style_definition = self._style_definition
+ style._color = self._color
+ style._bgcolor = self._bgcolor
+ style._attributes = self._attributes
+ style._set_attributes = self._set_attributes
+ style._link = self._link
+ style._link_id = f"{randint(0, 999999)}" if self._link else ""
+ style._hash = self._hash
+ style._null = False
+ style._meta = self._meta
+ return style
+ @lru_cache(maxsize=128)
+ def clear_meta_and_links(self) -> "Style":
+ """Get a copy of this style with link and meta information removed.
+ Returns:
+ Style: New style object.
+ """
+ if self._null:
+ return NULL_STYLE
+ style: Style = self.__new__(Style)
+ style._ansi = self._ansi
+ style._style_definition = self._style_definition
+ style._color = self._color
+ style._bgcolor = self._bgcolor
+ style._attributes = self._attributes
+ style._set_attributes = self._set_attributes
+ style._link = None
+ style._link_id = ""
+ style._hash = self._hash
+ style._null = False
+ style._meta = None
+ return style
+ def update_link(self, link: Optional[str] = None) -> "Style":
+ """Get a copy with a different value for link.
+ Args:
+ link (str, optional): New value for link. Defaults to None.
+ Returns:
+ Style: A new Style instance.
+ """
+ style: Style = self.__new__(Style)
+ style._ansi = self._ansi
+ style._style_definition = self._style_definition
+ style._color = self._color
+ style._bgcolor = self._bgcolor
+ style._attributes = self._attributes
+ style._set_attributes = self._set_attributes
+ style._link = link
+ style._link_id = f"{randint(0, 999999)}" if link else ""
+ style._hash = None
+ style._null = False
+ style._meta = self._meta
+ return style
+ def render(
+ self,
+ text: str = "",
+ *,
+ color_system: Optional[ColorSystem] = ColorSystem.TRUECOLOR,
+ legacy_windows: bool = False,
+ ) -> str:
+ """Render the ANSI codes for the style.
+ Args:
+ text (str, optional): A string to style. Defaults to "".
+ color_system (Optional[ColorSystem], optional): Color system to render to. Defaults to ColorSystem.TRUECOLOR.
+ Returns:
+ str: A string containing ANSI style codes.
+ """
+ if not text or color_system is None:
+ return text
+ attrs = self._ansi or self._make_ansi_codes(color_system)
+ rendered = f"\x1b[{attrs}m{text}\x1b[0m" if attrs else text
+ if self._link and not legacy_windows:
+ rendered = (
+ f"\x1b]8;id={self._link_id};{self._link}\x1b\\{rendered}\x1b]8;;\x1b\\"
+ )
+ return rendered
+ def test(self, text: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
+ """Write text with style directly to terminal.
+ This method is for testing purposes only.
+ Args:
+ text (Optional[str], optional): Text to style or None for style name.
+ """
+ text = text or str(self)
+ sys.stdout.write(f"{self.render(text)}\n")
+ @lru_cache(maxsize=1024)
+ def _add(self, style: Optional["Style"]) -> "Style":
+ if style is None or style._null:
+ return self
+ if self._null:
+ return style
+ new_style: Style = self.__new__(Style)
+ new_style._ansi = None
+ new_style._style_definition = None
+ new_style._color = style._color or self._color
+ new_style._bgcolor = style._bgcolor or self._bgcolor
+ new_style._attributes = (self._attributes & ~style._set_attributes) | (
+ style._attributes & style._set_attributes
+ )
+ new_style._set_attributes = self._set_attributes | style._set_attributes
+ new_style._link = style._link or self._link
+ new_style._link_id = style._link_id or self._link_id
+ new_style._null = style._null
+ if self._meta and style._meta:
+ new_style._meta = dumps({**self.meta, **style.meta})
+ else:
+ new_style._meta = self._meta or style._meta
+ new_style._hash = None
+ return new_style
+ def __add__(self, style: Optional["Style"]) -> "Style":
+ combined_style = self._add(style)
+ return combined_style.copy() if else combined_style
+NULL_STYLE = Style()
+class StyleStack:
+ """A stack of styles."""
+ __slots__ = ["_stack"]
+ def __init__(self, default_style: "Style") -> None:
+ self._stack: List[Style] = [default_style]
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"<stylestack {self._stack!r}>"
+ @property
+ def current(self) -> Style:
+ """Get the Style at the top of the stack."""
+ return self._stack[-1]
+ def push(self, style: Style) -> None:
+ """Push a new style on to the stack.
+ Args:
+ style (Style): New style to combine with current style.
+ """
+ self._stack.append(self._stack[-1] + style)
+ def pop(self) -> Style:
+ """Pop last style and discard.
+ Returns:
+ Style: New current style (also available as stack.current)
+ """
+ self._stack.pop()
+ return self._stack[-1]